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The National Movement and

Mahatma Gandhi (1915 - 34)

The Nationalist Movement of India - An

In India, the rise of nationalism was intricately
linked with the opposition of colonialism. The
revolt or Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 was the first
war of Indian independence.

People realised that they were experiencing a

common suffering under the oppressive
British colonial rule. This understanding
brought the different groups together in their
anti-colonial struggle.

The event which proved instrumental in the

history of the Indian Freedom Struggle was
the First World War India was forced to
participate in the First World War in which the
British for increasing their defence
expenditure levied new taxes on Indians.
Common people were the forced to enrol in
the army to fight in the First World War.

During 1918 India was hit by crop failure and

shortage of food grains followed by famines
and outbreak of influenza.

This harsh social and political situation set the

stage for the beginning of the nationalist
struggle in India. The Indian freedom
movement gained momentum with the coming
of Mahatma Gandhi in 1915.

He had successfully tested novel ideas of non-

violence and anti-colonial struggle in South
Africa. He had fought for the civil He
motivated diverse social groups to rise above
petty differences of caste, creed, religion,
region and work single-mindedly towards the
common goal of freedom.
Satyagraha - Ideals and Implementation
Mahatma Gandhi infused a new life into the
Indian Freedom Movement and had
successfully used Satyagraha and non-
violence in South Africa.

Satyagraha literally means an appeal for truth

and is passive resistance used powerfully to
appeal to the conscience of the oppressor.

Mahatma Gandhi successfully organised

Satyagraha Movements in different parts of
India. Mahatma Gandhi used the concept of
Satyagraha for mass mobilisation and
political movements against the injustice of
the government.

In 1916, Mahatma Gandhi visited the poor

peasants of Champaran district in Bihar. The
British used to force the peasants of
Champaran to cultivate indigo instead of food

The villages in Champaran were very

unhygienic and affected by social evils like the
pardah system and untouchability. Mahatma
Gandhi started a drive to improve the
infrastructure of villages in Champaran. He
started a Satyagraha movement against the
oppression of peasants.

In 1917, Mahatma Gandhi visited the Kheda

district in Gujarat people of which were also
stricken with poverty and social evils.

Mahatma Gandhi along with Sardar Vallabh

Bhai Patel, garnered mass support and
organised a Satyagraha against the tax burden.

Another Satyagaraha movement was

organised by Mahatma Gandhi in Ahmedabad
in 1918 to support the demands of the cotton
mill workers.
Successful implementation of Satyagraha
motivated the Indians and also paved the way
for the other nationalist movements in future.

Rowlatt Act and Jallianwallah Bagh

The Satyagraha Movements by Mahatma
Gandhi achieved their desired objectives and
were a
great success.

To control such movements, the British

proposed the Rowlatt Act in 1919. The
Rowlatt Act aimed to curb the political
activities in the country and equipped the
courts with the power to detain political
prisoners without trial for two years.

Mahatma Gandhi opposed the Rowlatt Act by

starting a peaceful Satyagraha. He suggested a
Civil Disobedience beginning with a hartal on
6th April 1919.
The British were threatened that this mass
movement could break all lines of
communications in the country and so they
decided to suppress the nationalists. Several
local leaders were arrested and Mahatma
Gandhi was prohibited from entering Delhi.

On 13th April 1919 several villagers had

gathered at the Jallianwalla Bagh in Amritsar
to attend a cattle fair on the occasion of
Baisakhi. General Dyer blocked all the entry
points to the ground and without any prior
warning, opened fire on the hapless crowd.

The merciless firing continued for 10-15

minutes leaving hundreds of people including
women and children dead and wounded.

The Jallianwalla Bagh massacre triggered

many protests, strikes, and clashes with
policemen and attacks on Government
buildings, across North India. The British
Government suppressed these protests and
humiliated the Satyagrahis.

Launch of Non-Cooperation Movement

Mahatma Gandhi in his book Hind Swaraj
suggested that if Indians resolved not to
cooperate, the British rule would get
abolished. The fall off the British rule will
pave the way for Swaraj or self-governance.

In March 1919, the Ali brothers, Muhammad

Ali and Shaukat Ali formed the Khilafat
Committee in Bombay to garner support for
the Turkish Khalifa. Mahatma Gandhi realised
that Khilafat movement could be used to unite
Muslims and Hindus for the common cause of
a national movement.

He hence launched the Non-cooperation

Movement in support of Khilafat. To gain
maximum reach and success, Mahatma
Gandhi proposed a stage by stage strategy
implementation for the movement:
• The movement had to begin with a
surrender of titles, honours and honorary
posts by people.
• Planned to shun or boycott Civil Services,
Army, Police, British Courts and
Legislative Assemblies, School and
Colleges and British goods.
• The British goods were to be replaced by
domestic goods or Swadeshi to promote
the native cottage industries.
• In case of government suppression, Civil
Disobedience Movement will be launched.
• Mobilization of popular support.

After a lot of debates the Non-Cooperation

Movement was adopted by the Congress
during the Nagpur conference in December
1920. Under Mahatma Gandhi’s leadership
Non- cooperation-Khilafat Movement began
in full force.
Simon Commission and the Civil
Disobedience Movement
In 1922, the Chauri Chaura incident is
considered as an Act of Violence and
completely shook Mahatma Gandhi and other
Congress leaders.

In Chauri Chaura, a peace demonstration to

picket a liquor shop turned violent when
policemen opened fire, killed and injured
some satyagrahis. In reaction, the police
station was set on fire where the policemen
had locked themselves burning many of them

In February 1922, Mahatma Gandhi took back

the Non-Cooperation Movement owing to the
widespread of violence. Moti Lal Nehru and
Chittaranjan Das formed the The Swaraj Party
within the Congress in 1922. Jawaharlal Nehru
and Subhash Chandra Bose opposed this
formation and stressed on full independence
based on socialist ideas.

The growth of the National Movement was

influenced by two factors;
• The worldwide Economic Depression and
• The formulation of the Simon Commission
under Sir John Simon.

The Simon Commission was a statutory

commission aimed at looking into the
constitutional system of India and suggest
changes. It was an all-white commission
without any Indian representation.

In 1928, when Simon Commission came to

India all parties protested against it. To pacify
the leaders, Lord Irwin the Viceroy gave a
vague offer of Dominion status to India and
also proposed a round table conference.

In the Lahore session of the Congress, in 1929

Jawaharlal Nehru declared the demand for
Purna Swaraj. The call of Purna Swaraj did
not create much enthusiasm among people.

Mahatma Gandhi discovered salt was a

common ingredient in the food of both rich
and poor. He viewed the tax on salt and the
monopoly of the Government on its
production as downright oppressive.

On 31st January 1930, he sent a letter to Lord

Irwin stating eleven wide ranging demands of
various classes of India. The launch of Civil
Disobedience was also stated.

On refusal to negotiate by the British,

Mahatma Gandhi launched a salt March from
Sabarmati Ashram to the coastal town of
Dandi in Gujarat.

On 6th April Mahatma Gandhi broke the salt

law manufactured salt by boiling sea water.
This marked the beginning of the Civil
Disobedience Movement.
The Non- cooperation movement aimed at
bringing the British Government to a stand-
still by refusing to cooperate with them. The
Civil disobedience movement was more
assertive and aimed at non-cooperation with
the British as well as an open violation of
oppressive British laws.

Important National Events Between

1922 – 1939
On the 4th February, 1922, the peasants of
Chauri Chaura, set fire to a police station,
killing 22 policemen. Gandhiji, saddened by
this incident, called off the Non-Cooperation
Movement as this was against his ideals of
non-violence and satyagraha.

With the end of the Non-Cooperation

Movement, the Congress called upon its
supporters to take up constructive work in
villages. A group of radical leaders like Chitta
Ranjan Das and Motilal Nehru wanted to fight
the elections and make their presence known
to the government.

Gandhi’s managed to gather huge support of

the masses in the mid-1920s. Two prominent
organizations, the Communist Party of India
(CPI) and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
(RSS) were formed during this period.

Bhagat Singh and his comrades formed the

Hindustan Socialist Republican Association
(HSRA) in 1928 to fight against the colonial
rule. In 1929, the Congress, under Jawaharlal
Nehru, vowed to fight for complete
independence or Purna Swaraj, and observed
26th January, 1930, as Independence Day.

On the 12th March, 1930, Gandhiji led a non-

violent march from the Sabarmati Ashram to
Dandi to protest against the salt tax imposed
by the colonial government. On reaching
Dandi, Gandhiji collected sea water and boiled
it to produce salt, thereby breaking the salt

The government declared provincial autonomy

in many provinces and declared elections in
these provinces in 1937. The Congress formed
governments in 7 out of the 11 provinces.

Two years after the Congress formed the

government, the Second World War broke out
in 1939. The Congress was ready to support
the colonial government in the war in return
for complete independence at the end of the
war. The British government didn’t give in,
leading many Congress leaders to resign from
the ministries in protest.

Gandhi-Irwin Pact and Round Table

Under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, the
Civil Disobedience Movement spread across
the country like wildfire. The British got
worried by the growing popularity of the
movement, and so arrested all prominent
Congress leaders.

In April 1930, Abdul Gaffar Khan, a political

and spiritual leader and follower of Gandhiji
was arrested. Demonstrations and protests
followed to oppose Gaffar Khan’s arrest
which was suppressed by the British.

The British government dealt with the

protestors with an iron hand. Around
10,000 Satyagrahis were arrested and small
children and women were thrashed by the

Mahatma Gandhi decided to call off the Civil

Disobedience movement in 1931. On 5thMarch
1931, Mahatma Gandhi entered into a pact
with Lord Irwin the viceroy of India known as
the Gandhi-Irwin Pact. He agreed to
participate in the Round Table Conference to
be held in London.

In December 1931, Mahatma Gandhi visited

London but came back disheartened as the
negotiations did not reach any final decision.

On his arrival in India, he found that several

Congress leaders had been arrested the
Congress was declared an illegal
party. Mahatma Gandhi hence re-launched the
Civil Disobedience Movement but it lost its
momentum by 1934.

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