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Informatica Developers’ Handbook

Informatica Architecture
CommonLE Integration Design

Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................................... 2
1 BACKGROUND............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 PURPOSE................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 INTENDED AUDIENCE................................................................................................................................. 4
2 DETAILED ETL PROCEDURES................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 INFORMATICA ETL INTERFACE STRATEGIES............................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Interface Patterns............................................................................................................................ 5 Detailed Logical Architecture.......................................................................................................................5
2.2 INFORMATICA ERROR LOGGING AND EXCEPTION HANDLING........................................................................6
2.2.1 Informatica Standard Task Level Error Logging..............................................................................6
2.2.2 Informatica Row Level Error Logging...............................................................................................6
2.3 INFORMATICA FMS FILE TRANSFER........................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Informatica FMS Design.................................................................................................................. 7
2.3.2 FMS File Parameters....................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.3 FMS_FILE_PARAMETERS Table Structure.................................................................................10
2.3.4 FMS Mapping template.................................................................................................................. 11
3 INFORMATICA STANDARDS.................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 WORKFLOW DEVELOPMENT..................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 CODE NAMING STANDARDS..................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.1 Code Comments............................................................................................................................ 15
3.2.2 Transformation Naming Standards................................................................................................ 15
3.2.3 Informatica Code Object Naming Standards.................................................................................17
3.2.4 Port Variable Naming Standards................................................................................................... 18
3.3 CONNECTION CONFIGURATION STANDARDS............................................................................................. 18
3.4 GENERAL BEST PRACTICES..................................................................................................................... 19
3.4.1 Log File Names.............................................................................................................................. 19
3.4.2 Session Development Standards................................................................................................... 19
3.4.3 Lookup Transformations................................................................................................................ 19
3.5 INFORMATICA MIDDLEWARE ENVIRONMENT STANDARDS...........................................................................19
3.5.1 Infromatica Directory Structures.................................................................................................... 19
3.5.2 FMS Directory Structure on Informatica Server.............................................................................19
3.5.3 FMS Control File Names............................................................................................................... 19
3.5.4 Informatica Flat File Naming Standard.......................................................................................... 20
3.5.5 Informatica Middleware Staging Table Naming Standards............................................................20
3.6 CONTROL-M EXECUTION OF WORKFLOWS............................................................................................... 21
4 BUILD AND UNIT TEST ACTIVITIES......................................................................................................... 23
4.1 POWERCENTER DESIGNER TASKS........................................................................................................... 23
4.2 POWERCENTER WORKFLOW MANAGER TASKS......................................................................................... 23
4.3 MAPPING PARAMETERS FOR SESSIONS.................................................................................................... 26
4.4 BUILD COMPLETION AND NEXT STEPS..................................................................................................... 29
4.4.1 String / Assembly Testing.............................................................................................................. 29
4.4.2 Migration to QA, UAT, and PROD................................................................................................. 29
APPENDIX B: ACCESSING COMMONLE LOGS......................................................................................... 33

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Informatica Architecture
CommonLE Integration Design

Appendix E: Implementing Record-Level Audit Logging into Core Processes................................................42

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Informatica Architecture
CommonLE Integration Design

1 Background
1.1 Purpose
This document has been created to provide a more detailed understanding of the ETL patterns and the usage of
Informatica as it related to Project OneUP. This document should be leveraged during the technical design and build
phases of the development effort. This document is NOT static. As architecture patterns evolve and new best practices
are introduced and implemented, the pages that follow will be updated to reflect these changes.

1.2 Intended Audience

This documentation is geared towards Integration Solution Architects, Technical Designers, and Informatica conversion
and interface developers. Integration Solution Architects will gain a deeper knowledge of the technology being used to
extract and load data from one system to the next. With this knowledge, the ISAs will be prepared to ask better
questions of the business process teams to gain additional insight to improve the quality of data transfer as well as the
quality of the SID documentation. Technical designers will use this documentation to understand when to utilize various
extract and load strategies, what types of data conversion database objects need to be created, and how conversions
and interfaces differ as business processes as well as units of code. The code developers will use this as a guideline for
standards, conventions, and best practices as well as a first resource for answering questions relevant to development.

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2 Detailed ETL Procedures

2.1 Informatica ETL Interface Strategies
Within each of the patterns, a typical code design approach is outlined. In addition to this brief outline, the section on
Workflow Development will also delineate the constructs of the process flow and workflow details within Informatica.

2.1.1 Interface Patterns

Interfaces that are developed using Informatica as the middleware technology will typically be point to point batch
routines that are scheduled for source and target. The AI interface pattern document outlines each pattern identified for
Project One Up. Detailed Logical Architecture

Standard Batch Interface

Target Application
Source Application
Data Format


Integration Layer

Transform to End Audit Error

Begin Audit 2b Source
3 Target 5 Target Load Log Handling
Log Extraction

1 8a


Transformation Batch Data Store

Error Logging
Logging/ Exception Batching/
Sequencing XRef
Audit Handling De-Batching
ETL Common Components

EAI Common Services


MW Components
Common Components
Normal Processing
Optional Processing

1. Audit log is triggered to denote middleware will be receiving data.

2. Source data is extracted via the specific source extract strategy defined for the interface.

a. Source data is pulled directly from the source.

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b. Data is staged within the middleware database to support multiple requirements for the source data.

3. Data is transformed via the ETL tool into the target-specific format(s).

4. Cross reference lookups are performed during the source-to-target mapping.

5. Data is marked for insert/update/delete to the target application.

6. Data is loaded to the target application based upon the format specified.

7. Audit log is triggered to denote middleware has processed the data.

8. Error handling will be triggered based upon the status of preceding steps.

a. All-or-nothing error handler

b. Record-by-record error handler

This interface pattern does not require use of the middleware database. The middleware database (labeled “Batch Data
Store”) in Step 2 is utilized to accomplish any one of the following requirements of the business process:

 Multiple passes through each received data set (for example, if source data is sent only once and
multiple mappings will require this information, it is best to store the data within a database to facilitate
one process to receive data and multiple process to load data)

 Audit trail for logging purposes

 SOX compliance requirements

 Error handling

2.2 Informatica Error Logging and Exception Handling

2.2.1 Informatica Standard Task Level Error Logging
When logging audit and exception data to CommonLE either task level or row level error logging can be utilized. Task
level is required by all interfaces to track failure or success of all interface sessions within a workflow. The standard
implementation is outlined in the Appendix for Audit Log and Error Messaging (CommonLE).

2.2.2 Informatica Row Level Error Logging

Row level error logging is specified by business requirements and is either implemented through one of the exception
patterns described in the Informatica Error Handling Design document or by using informatica’s row level error logging
functionality (verbose logging).

As an alternative to the exception patterns, verbose logging within Infomatica can be utilized. Keep in mind verbose
logging within the Informatica session can greatly reduce performance of the session run. When configuring sessions, a
developer has multiple options for error handling, error logging, and traceability levels. When an error occurs at the
transformation level (per row/record), the PowerCenter Server logs error information that allows a support team to
determine the cause and source of the error. Row error logging may be captured within a database format or using flat
file structures. For Project OneUP, a decision has been made to use the database format option for row error logging

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purposes. The relational database structure will allow the Application Integration team to standardize the format and
content of the error logs and manage this portion of the application within one central location.

In addition to capturing error data based upon the row being processed within transformations, the PowerCenter Server
may also be able to capture the source data associated with the row in a transformation. However, Informatica will be
unable to create a link between the row level error in a transformation and the source record within the source qualifier if
the error occurs after an active source. An active source within Informatica is defined as an active transformation used to
generate rows. Here is a list of the following transformations that are classified as active:

- Aggregator
- Application Source Qualifier
- Custom, configured as an active transformation (It has been assumed that SAP custom
transformations fall into this category as well)
- Joiner
- MQ Source Qualifier
- Normalizer (VSAM or pipeline)
- Rank
- Sorter
- Source Qualifier
- XML Source Qualifier
- Mapplet, if it contains any of the above active transformations

By default, the PowerCenter Server will log all transformation errors within the session log file and all rejected target
records into the reject or bad file. When row error logging has been enabled, all such information is now filtered to the
error log database/flat file structures. If the architecture landscape determines that all errors should reside in the error
logging structures and the standard session log and reject/bad file, then the configuration should include enabling
Verbose Data Tracing. All of this additional logging may negatively impact the performance of sessions and workflows
being executed on the PowerCenter server, as data are being processed on a row-by-row basis instead of a block of
records at once.

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3 Informatica Standards

3.1 Workflow Development

For each business object, it is possible that multiple workflows exist to perform the full spectrum of interface activities
from legacy to SAP. A workflow is defined as a set of sessions and other tasks (commands calling shell scripts, decision
and control points, e-mail notifications, etc.) organized in concurrent and/or parallel processing streams. Each workflow
will execute a mapping or series of mappings that extract source data and load it into target systems. Working with the
AI team, each Solution Integration Design will need to be modularized into workflows that perform the required pre-
defined business functions. As a result, the interface programs built for a particular business object within the Solution
Integration Design documentation could span multiple workflows and thus multiple technical design documents (as each
technical design is at the workflow level).

3.2 Code Naming Standards

The following tables reflect the naming standards that have been outlined in Pepsico’s ETL-Informatica-Design-Best-
Practices document.

3.2.1 Code Comments

Within the Informatica code base, mappings, sessions, and workflows have a high-level description or comment field that
is displayed when editing any of these units of code. Within the mapping section, be sure to add text that defines the
author, date of comment, description of the mapping/session/workflow, and a version control section. Below is a sample
of the mapping description that should be inserted into each mapping built for QTG1.

Author: Developer Name

Date: 01/01/2005
Description: This mapping performs the core functionality for the XYZ interface.

Revision History:
1.0 – 01/01/2005 - Initial development

In addition to this comment, each of the transformations within a mapping should also have a brief explanation defining
its functionality within the mapping.

3.2.2 Transformation Naming Standards

Type of Naming Convention Description/Example
Source Definition [table_name] or The source definition should carry the same name as the
[flat_file_name] Flat File or Relational Table that it was imported from. If the
source was created from a shortcut, that should be indicated
in the name.
Target Definition [table_name] or The target definition should carry the same name as the
[flat_file_name]_ACTION Relational Table it was imported from. If the target was
created from a shortcut, that should be indicated in the
name. Flat File targets should have _FF at the end of the

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Type of Naming Convention Description/Example

name. The ACTION will correspond to the DML being
performed on the target – INS, UPD, DEL.
Source Qualifier sq_[source_name] sq_name of Source or sqo_name of Source if SQL override
sqo_[source_name] is used.
Expression exp_[RelevantDescriptor] exp_RelevantDescriptionOfTheProcessBeingDone
Update Strategy upd_[target_name]_ACTION An update strategy should have a suffix appended to it
corresponding with the particular action (INS, UPD, DEL)
Router rtr_[RelevantDescriptor] rtr_ RelevantDescriptionOfTheProcessionBeingDone
Filter fltr_[RelevantDescriptor] fltr_ RelevantDescriptionOfTheProcessionBeingDone
Aggregator agg_[RelevantDescriptor] agg_ RelevantDescriptionOfTheProcessionBeingDone
Lookup lkp_[source_name] or If one table: lkp_LookupTableName; If multiple tables are
lkp_[RelevantDescriptor] or joined to bring back a result: lkp_
lkpo_[RelevantDescriptor] RelevantDescriptionOfTheProcessionBeingDone. If SQL
override is used lkpo_...
Sequence seq_[RelevantDescriptor] Typically the description is based upon the target table and
Generator the primary key column that the sequence will be
Stored Procedure sp_StoredProcedureName This is used when executing stored procedures from the
External ext_ProcedureName Used for external procedures
Advanced aep_ProcedureName Used for advanced external procedures
Joiner jnr_SourceTable/FileName1_ Used to join disparate source types: Oracle to Flat File for
SourceTable/FileName2 example.
Normalizer Nrm_[RelevantDescriptor] Used to create multiple records from the one record being
processed. For example: nrm_Create_Error_Messages
Rank rnk_[RelevantDescriptor] rnk_ RelevantDescriptionOfTheProcessionBeingDone
Mapplet Mplt_[RelevantDescriptor] mplt_ RelevantDescriptionOfTheProcessionBeingDone
Sorter srt_[RelevantDescriptor] srt_ RelevantDescriptionOfTheProcessionBeingDone
Transaction tc_[RelevantDescriptor] tc_RelevantDescriptionOfControl
Union un_[RelevantDescriptor] un_RelevantDescriptionOfUnion
XML Parser Xmp_[RelevantDescriptor] xmp_RelevantDescriptionOfXMLParser
XML Generator Xmg_[RelevantDescriptor] xmg_RelevantDescriptionOfGenerator
Custom ct_[RelevantDescriptor] ct_RelevantDescriptionOfCustomTransformation
IDoc Interpreter int_[RelevantDescriptor] int_idoc_RelevantDescriptionOfCustomTransformation

* Wherever possible, transformations should include the $PMRootDir/<release>/Temp and

$PMRootDir/<release>/Cache directories. Such transformations include but are not limited to:

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Transformation Directory
Sorter $PMRootDir/<release>/Temp
Joiner $PMRootDir/<release>/Cache
Aggregator $PMRootDir/<release>/Cache
Lookup $PMRootDir/<release>/Cache
Rank $PMRootDir/<release>/Cache

3.2.3 Informatica Code Object Naming Standards

Code Object Naming Convention Description/Example
Mapping m_ <RICEF_TYPE> _ The mapping is the main unit of code for Informatica. It will
<PROCESS_AREA> _ be important to include the RICEF type, typically it will be
<SOURCE> _ <TARGET> _ CONV for Conversions. The target is required and the
<Optional Information> source is typically used when trying to differentiate among
multiple mappings that affect the same target. Version
numbers will not be used for this implementation.
Session s_m_ <RICEF_TYPE> _ s_m_MappingName without the version number attached.
<PROCESS_AREA> _ The session is the wrapper for the mapping containing all
<SOURCE> _ <TARGET> _ connection information necessary to extract and load data.
<Optional Information>
Workflow Wf_ <RICEF_TYPE> _ The workflow is a job stream that strings all necessary
<PROCESS_AREA > _ tasks together to create a data flow from source to target

Worklets Wklt_description. Worklets are objects that represent a set of workflow tasks
that allow you to reuse a set of workflow logic in several
Reusable Session rs_description This is a session that may be shared among several
workflow and may execute while another instance of the
same session is running.
Cntrl Task Cntrl_description You can use the Control takes to stop, abort, or fail the top-
level workflow or the parent workflow based on an input
link condition.
Event Task Evnt_description Event-Raise task represents a user-defined event. When
the Informatica Server executes the Event-Raise task, the
Event-Raise task triggers the event. Use the Event-Raise
task with the Event-Wait task to define events.

The Event-Wait task waits for an event to occur. Once the

event triggers, the Informatica Server continues executing
the rest of the workflow.
Decision Task Dcsn_description The Decision task allows you to enter a condition that
determines the execution of the workflow, similar to a link

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Code Object Naming Convention Description/Example

Command Task Cmd_description The Command task allows you to specify one or more shell
commands to run during the workflow. For example, you
can specify shell commands in the Command task to
delete reject files, copy a file, or archive target files.
Email Task eml_description The Workflow Manager provides an Email task that allows
you to send email during a workflow. You can create
reusable Email tasks in the Task Developer for any type of
email. Or, you can create non-reusable Email tasks in the
Workflow and Worklet Designer.
Assignment Task asmt_description The Assignment task allows you to assign a value to a
user-defined workflow variable.
Timer Task tm_description The Timer task allows you to specify the period of time to
wait before the Informatica Server executes the next task in
the workflow. You can choose to start the next task in the
workflow at an exact time and date. You can also choose
to wait a period of time after the start time of another task,
workflow, or worklet before starting the next task.

3.2.4 Port Variable Naming Standards

Port Type Naming Convention Description/Example
Variable v_ReleventName Used in expression transformations
Output o_RelevantName or Used in expression transformations to define the outgoing
out_RelevantName (only set port for use in subsequent transformations.
this for new output ports
created in an expression
Input i_Relevant_Name or Used in lookup and expression transformations to denote
in_RelevantName (only set ports that are used within the transformation and do not
this for input ports into a carry forward.
Lookup lk_RelevantName (only set this Used in expression transformations for unconnected
in transformations for ports that lookups.
originated in a lookup
Return r_RelevantName Return values are found in lookup transformations and are
typically the column from the source object being
referenced in the lookup code.

3.3 Connection Configuration Standards

Each session within the workflow is associated to a mapping. The mapping consists of source, target and transformation
objects. Within each of the source and target objects are connection parameters which are configured at the session
level in Workflow Manger. The connection strings are documented in the QTG2 Informatica Connections List.xls
spreadsheet. This document can be found under the following StarTeam directory: 1UP - Informatica\QTG2\Supplement.

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3.4 General Best Practices

3.4.1 Log File Names
Log File Names – Validate that all file names for logs match the unit of code.  When workflow names are changed from
wf_INT_LOAD to wf_INTFC_LOAD for example, the log file will remain wf_INT_LOAD.log until the developer changes
the log file name.  This is true of sessions as well.  Validate that all workflow and session log names match the name of
the corresponding unit of code.

3.4.2 Session Development Standards

All session parameters need to be set in the Task developer at session level and not overridden in the Workflow (in
Workflow manager)

3.4.3 Lookup Transformations

Lookups should be created to return a default value of -1 in case of a lookup failure.

3.5 Informatica Middleware Environment Standards

3.5.1 Infromatica Directory Structures

INF Dev - phgp0233: /etlapps/dev/71/qtg1/SrcFiles/
INF QA - phgp0232: /etlapps/fit/71/qtg1/SrcFiles/

INF Dev - phgp0233: /etlapps/dev/81/qtg2/SrcFiles/

INF QA - phgp0232: /etlapps/fit/81/qtg2/SrcFiles/


3.5.2 FMS Directory Structure on Informatica Server

INF Dev - phgp0233: /etlapps/dev/81/p1up_shared/fms/

INF QA - phgp0232: /etlapps/dev/81/p1up_shared/fms/

3.5.3 FMS Control File Names

(By default Informatica does not use control files to send files via FMS).

All FMS Control Files should use the following naming standard:

FMS_<Process Area>_<Src\Tgt>_<Business_Object>_<File_Description>. Xml

* For mainframe systems substitute the “_” for “.”

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3.5.4 Informatica Flat File Naming Standard

All files brought into or sent from the middleware layer should adhere to the below standard. (Note: This assumes that
FMS will be able to rename files from Source & to Target.)

<Process Area>_<Src\Tgt>_<Business_Object>_<File_Description>. yyyyMMddHHmmss.RDY (timestamp will be an

optional field - to be used when multiple files will appear before being processed.)

Example: The ItemSiteMaster file for the ISCP process area, business objects Transportaion Lanes for I2RP would be as


3.5.5 Informatica Middleware Staging Table Naming Standards

All source and target staging tables will consist of a common set of columns not including the data columns required for
each specific interface:

 Transaction ID – unique sequence number for each record per interface run.
 Timestamp – date\time stamp when the record was inserted into the staging table.
 Status – flag to indicate whether the record has been processed, completed failed, etc…
 Transaction Name – name of interface

The STATUS field can consist of the following values. Depending on the interface not all STATUS codes will be used.

 N – (New) flag indicating that the record has been successfully inserted into the staging DB.
 P – (Processing) flag indicating that the middleware application is processing the record.
 C – (Complete) flag indicating that the middleware application has successfully processed the record.
 F – (Failed) flag indicting that the middleware application has failed to process the record. (Assumption –
depending on interface business rules, failed records will remain in the staging table until successfully

Table Design:
Name Type Null

Table naming standards for a source system loading data into middleware staging are:

<Process Area>_SRC_<Src\Tgt>_<Business_Object>_<Table_Name>

Example: The ItemSiteMaster table for the ISCP process area, business objects Transportaion Lanes from BW would be
as follows:


The same applies to the middleware application needing to load data into the middleware staging before sending to the
target system.

<Process Area>_TGT_<Src\Tgt>_<Business_Object>_<Table_Name>

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Example: The ItemSiteMaster table for the ISCP process area, business objects Transportaion Lanes to I2RP would be
as follows:


3.6 Control-M Execution of Workflows

Most, if not all, of the interfaces built within Informatica will be executed using Pepsico’s global scheduling tool Control-M.
In most cases, Control-M will not only trigger Informatica workflows but also SAP and Legacy specific jobs. Each
Control-M job will be linked to other jobs within the group pertaining to a particular interface. These dependencies are
driven by the return codes of each of the individual jobs within the job group. To manage the execution of the workflows
and return codes to Control-M, each interface built within Informatica will be executed via a Unix shell script. Below is the
basic structure of the shell script:

## Variables used for commencement of the Project OneUP IDoc Listener Workflow
## Creating Variables for Execution ##
. //schedapps/p1up/
. //schedapps/p1up/ – for QTG2 and PCNA1 interfaces

## Used to start Project OneUP Informatica Workflow

The yellow highlighted section of the script provides the proper initialization of the environment variables for the script. User name, password, and Informatica port number are set within the

The core functionality of these scripts is highlighted in grey. There are two versions of this line, and In nearly all situations, the is used with a wait condition. The only Informatica
component that uses the is the IDoc Listener, which is started without a wait condition.

There are three parameters that are supplied to the and scripts: folder name
(highlighted in blue text), workflow name (highlighted in green text), and the wait condition (red text). The wait condition
should be used by most interfaces, as this will allow the workflow to complete prior to sending a return code to Control-M.
This is important because the return code is responsible for communicating success or failure to Control-M and Control-
M uses this return code to dictate execution of subsequent jobs in the group.

There will be a script implemented for each interface. The script name should conform to the following standard:

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p1up_qtqg2_<interface name>

The parameter values for each script will be interface specific.

To manually start the Informatica workflow with out Control-M, run the for that particular interface from
the /schedapps/p1up directory.

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4 Build and Unit Test Activities

During the development cycle, each developer should focus build and unit test activities on the sessions that perform the
extract and load procedures for the interface. All unit test scripts should be completed for these main components.
Upon successful completion of these unit test activities, a developer should work with the development lead to
incorporate the CommonLE components into an existing workflow. After walking through the following procedures with
the development leads, any developer working on multiple interfaces will have the basic understanding of the constructs
and organization of the standard interface “wrapper” to develop and test the wrapper for subsequent interfaces.

4.1 PowerCenter Designer Tasks

Each developer will need to create shortcuts to the following three SHARED mappings from SHARED_US_CORP_1UP

that each developer is referencing the latest version of the code. If the mapping changes within the Shared folder, those
changes will be propagated into the developer’s folder as well. Changes may impact the developer’s session and its
ability to execute, but this type of error should not be difficult to resolve with either a Validation of the session or a slight
configuration change.

Screenshot 7.1.1.a
This demonstrates the creation of a SHORTCUT into a developer folder. Notice the shortcut icon on each mapping that
was added.

4.2 PowerCenter Workflow Manager Tasks

After the mapping shortcuts have been created in the developer’s folder, the associated sessions can now be copied as
well. The following four sessions will be copied:

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To copy these sessions, follow these instructions:

1.) Connect to and open the desired developer folder.

2.) Connect to but do NOT open SHARED_US_CORP_1UP.
3.) Highlight all four sessions related to audit and error logging within this folder. Use the Edit menu to select

Screenshot 7.1.2.a

4.) Navigate to the developer’s folder that is currently open and Paste using the Edit menu.

Screenshot 7.1.2.b

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5.) Step #4 will generate a new window to emerge called “Copy Wizard”. The Copy Wizard is designed to help
eliminate any conflicts Workflow Manager detects when copying sessions or workflows from one folder to the
next. This wizard should determine that there is a conflict with regards to the session/mapping associations.
For each mapping/session combination, you will need to go through and select the mapping shortcut you
previously created. Screenshot 6.1.2.d demonstrates the resolution of the conflict.

Screenshot 7.1.2.c – Copy Wizard

Screenshot 7.1.2.d – Resolution

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6.) Click Next>> and Finish to complete this wizard.

7.) You should now have created copies of those sessions. You should now rename each of the sessions you
copied to align with the interface you are building. The following is the naming convention you should follow for
each reusable session:
s_m_INTFC_[interface acronym]_AUDIT_LOG_BEGIN
s_m_INTFC_[interface acronym]_AUDIT_LOG_END_SUCCESS
s_m_INTFC_[interface acronym]_AUDIT_LOG_END_FAILURE
s_m_INTFC_[interface acronym]_ERROR_MESSAGING
8.) Lastly, each of these sessions will require parameter file entries within the following text files on the Unix

9.) Refer to Section 6.1.3 for sample entries into the parameter files.

4.3 Mapping Parameters for Sessions

This table represents all of the parameters used for the CommonLE audit and error logging mappings and sessions. The
table specifies which units of code utilize the various parameters on the list. It is the developer’s responsibility to
determine the values for their work units and communicate that information to the development leads and the Informatica
architect so that all documentation and code can be kept up-to-date.

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Parameter Name Default Value Error Audit Audi Description

Messag Begin t
e End
$$INTERFACE_NAME DEFAULT_INTERFACE_NAM X X X This value will correspond with the
E value used to insert into
$$APPLICATION_ID DEFAULT_APPLICATION_ID X X X This parameter identifies the
Application from a CommonLE
$$SERVICE_NAME 0 X X X This parameter will correspond with
the numeric value of the Caliber ID
for the interface object.
$ DEFAULT_BUSINESS_OBJE X X X This parameter will correspond with
$TRANSACTION_DOMAI CT the name of the interface object and
N is directly related to the
SERVICE_NAME numeric value.
$ DEFAULT_TARGET_SYSTE X X X This parameter will correspond to the
$APPLICATION_DOMAIN M acronym for the target system or
$$SEVERITY_CODE 0 X The severity code will be managed
for the interface. Any error will be
assigned the severity code for the
entire interface.
$$WORKFLOW_NAME DEFAULT_WORKFLOW_NA X X X This matches the workflow name for
ME all sessions in the interface.
$$NEXT_SESSION DEFAULT_NEXT_SESSION X This parameter will be the name of
the subsequent session in the
$$AUDIT_STATUS DEFAULT_AUDIT_STATUS X This parameter will be different for
sessions that end the workflow
successfully versus a session that
ends the workflow with a failure.
Usually two sessions, one for
success and one for failure, exist
after a decision task in the workflow
which analyzes the status of the
workflow based upon its tasks.
$$PREVIOUS_SESSION DEFAULT_PREVIOUS_SESSI X This parameter will be the name of
ON the previously executed session in
the workflow.

Below are samples from each of the parameter files.

Screenshot 7.1.3.a – US_CORP_1UP_QTG1_INTFC_begin_audit_parms.txt

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Screenshot 7.1.3.b – US_CORP_1UP_QTG1_INTFC_end_audit_parms.txt

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Screenshot 7.1.3.c – US_CORP_1UP_QTG1_INTFC_error_parms.txt

4.4 Build Completion and Next Steps

4.4.1 String / Assembly Testing

For string and assembly testing, all code will need to be moved into the project specific string/assembly test folder
(QTG1_INTFC). There are currently shortcuts for the shared mappings that exist in these folders. Therefore, the
development lead will only be responsible for migrating the sessions and workflows into the project folder. The
development lead will need to re-point each session to use the mapping shortcuts already created within the project
folder. In addition, the parameter files must be changed to reflect the new folder that all code is residing in. These
modifications should complete the migration into the project folders.

4.4.2 Migration to QA, UAT, and PROD

The parameter files and any scripts related to the interface workflows should be migrated from PHGP0233 to PHGP0232
and PHGP0234 accordingly. Unless environment-specific details are referenced in scripts, no additional modifications
would be necessary.

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Appendix A: Step-by-Step Application of Code Template to Core Processes

This following appendix will provide developers with a common architecture and code template for building interfaces that
publish messages for posting into the CommonLE. This documentation will also provide the development leads with a
sort of “checklist” to walk through each interface and determine if the code has been modified according to the necessary

1) Create a copy of the following mappings from the SHARED_US_CORP_1UP folder into your current folder:
2) Create a session using the mapping m_P1UP_SHARED_AUDIT_LOG_BEGIN. To save time, create a copy of the
3) Rename the session to comply with the following standards for interfaces.
i) s_m_INTFC_[interface_abbreviation]_AUDIT_LOG_BEGIN
4) Double-click the session and click on the Properties tab. Change the session log file name to
5) Click on the Properties Tab of your session. Use the following value for the parameter file setting:
6) Click on the Mapping Tab. For the target entitled shortcut_to_INFA_INTERFACE_LOG, change the reject file name
to your_session_name.bad.
7) Log into Unix command line for the Informatica server. Modify the parameter file for begin audit logs located in
the //etlapps/dev/71/qtg1/Scripts directory. The file name will be
US_CORP_1UP_AI_INTFC_begin_audit_parms.txt. To add the applicable data, copy and paste the following 8
lines into the parameter file and replace the parameter values with the values that pertain to your session.
$$SERVICE_NAME=12345 (Note: This is actually the caliber ID)
Please refer to Section 7.1.3 for mapping parameters and parameter files.
8) Create a session using the mapping m_P1UP_SHARED_AUDIT_LOG_END_FAILURE. To save time, you can
copy session s_m_P1UP_SHARED_AUDIT_LOG_END_FAILURE_SAMPLE from folder
9) Rename the session to comply with the following standards for interfaces.
i) s_m_INTFC_[interface_abbreviation]_AUDIT_LOG_END_FAILURE
10) Double-click the session and click on the Properties tab. Change the session log file name to
11) Click on the Properties Tab of your session. Use the following value for the parameter file setting:

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12) Create a session using the mapping m_P1UP_SHARED_AUDIT_LOG_END_SUCCESS. To save time, you can
copy session s_m_P1UP_SHARED_AUDIT_LOG_END_SUCCESS_SAMPLE from folder
13) Rename the session to comply with the following standards for interfaces.
i) s_m_INTFC_[interface_abbreviation]_AUDIT_LOG_END_SUCCESS
14) Double-click the session and click on the Properties tab. Change the session log file name to
15) Click on the Properties Tab of your session. Use the following value for the parameter file setting:
16) Log into Unix command line for the Informatica server. Modify the parameter file for begin audit logs located in
the //etlapps/dev/71/qtg1/Scripts directory. The file name will be US_CORP_1UP_AI_INTFC_end_audit_parms.txt.
To add the applicable data, copy and paste the following 18 lines into the parameter file and replace the parameter
values with the values that pertain to your session.

$$SERVICE_NAME=99999 (Note: This is actually the caliber ID)
$$SERVICE_NAME=99999 (Note: This is actually the caliber ID)

Please refer to Section 7.1.3 for mapping parameters and parameter files.
17) Create a session using the mapping m_P1UP_SHARED_SUMMARY_ERROR_MESSAGING. To save time, create
a copy of the session s_m_P1UP_SHARED_SUMMARY_ERROR_MESSAGING_SAMPLE from folder
18) Rename the session to comply with the following standards for interfaces.
i) s_m_INTFC_[interface_abbreviation]_SUMMARY_ERROR_MESSAGING
19) Double-click the session and click on the Properties tab. Change the session log file name to
20) Click on the Properties Tab of your session. Use the following value for the parameter file setting:
21) Log into Unix command line for the Informatica server. Modify the parameter file for exception logs located in the
//etlapps/dev/71/qtg1/Scripts directory. The file name will be US_CORP_1UP_AI_INTFC_error_parms.txt. To add
the applicable data, copy and paste the following 8 lines into the parameter file and replace the parameter values
with the values that pertain to your session.
$$SERVICE_NAME=12345 (Note: This is actually the caliber ID)

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$$SEVERITY_CODE=3 (NOTE: This will be dependent upon the SID definition for the interface)
Please refer to Section 7.1.3 for mapping parameters and parameter files.
22) Create a session using the mapping m_P1UP_SHARED_INTFC_ERR_LOG_MESSAGING. To save time, create a
copy of the session s_m_P1UP_SHARED_INTFC_ERR_LOG_MESSAGING_SAMPLE from folder
23) Rename the session to comply with the following standards for interfaces.
i) s_m_INTFC_[interface_abbreviation]_INTFC_ERR_LOG_MESSAGING
24) Double-click the session and click on the Properties tab. Change the session log file name to
25) Click on the Mapping Tab. For the target entitled INFA_INTERFACE_ERR_LOG1, change the reject file name to
26) Click on the Properties Tab of your session. Use the following value for the parameter file setting:
“$PMRootDir/ai/Scripts/US_CORP_1UP_AI_INTFC_error_parms.txt”. The same error parameter file will be
leveraged throughout the record-level exception handling components. Copy the lines used for the summary
exception messaging session and reference this new session. Keep these entries close together in case a change
is required.
27) Create a session using the mapping m_P1UP_SHARED_INTFC_AUDIT_LOG_MESSAGING. To save time, create
a copy of the session s_m_P1UP_SHARED_INTFC_AUDIT_LOG_MESSAGING_SAMPLE from folder
28) Rename the session to comply with the following standards for interfaces.
i) s_m_INTFC_[interface_abbreviation]_INTFC_AUDIT_LOG_MESSAGING
29) Double-click the session and click on the Properties tab. Change the session log file name to
30) Click on the Mapping Tab. For the target entitled INFA_INTERFACE_AUDIT_LOG, change the reject file name to
31) Click on the Properties Tab of your session. Use the following value for the parameter file setting:
“$PMRootDir/ai/Scripts/US_CORP_1UP_AI_INTFC_begin_audit_parms.txt”. The same audit begin parameters will
be leveraged throughout the record-level audit logging components for this session. Copy the lines used for the
begin audit messaging session and reference this new session. Keep these entries close together in case a change
is required.
32) Within the core processing sessions, add the following entries to the workflow parameter file located at:

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Appendix B: Accessing CommonLE Logs

The following steps outline the process to login to the CommonLE front-end application to view Informatica log entries.

1) The logs and errors are viewed via a web browser, Use the following link for the development environment:

2) Enter the User Name and Password and click ‘Submit’

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3) The Welcome screen appears. Click Logs & Errors

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4) Click View Logs and choose Application. You may use the other fields to narrow the search. Click the Submit button.

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5) To view the details of a specific log click the Application link.

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6) The details of that specific log will be displayed at the bottom of the page.


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Appendix C: Implementing Record-Level Exception Logging into Core Processes

Within the SID documentation associated with a given interface, an exception or error pattern will be selected by the
Integration Solution Architect. These patterns identify how the business is required to track the data through an
interface. Each pattern tracks exceptions at differing levels and completion alerts will also vary across the patterns. For
those patterns that require record-level exception logging (Transmit with Workflow Success & Report Exceptions,
Transmit with Workflow Failure & Report Exceptions, and Restrict with Workflow Failure & Report Exceptions), each
developer will need to implement this mapplet into the core process of the interface workflow. For a design of the
mapplet, please refer to the Informatica Error Handling Design documentation located in the same StarTeam directory.

Identifying Possible Error Locations

One of the outputs from the SID process is the identification of the error pattern for the interface and all potential
exceptions within the business logic of the code. Throughout the core mappings for an interface, there will be several
instances where errors can be captured and logged. Most frequently these locations will be directly after lookup
procedure transformations or just prior to a target instance. Errors prior to target instances will contain target-specific
load requirements that must be proactively enforced. For example, if field 4 is NOT NULLABLE in the target application,
an expression or router must avoid sending all records with no value in field 4 to the target and instead send this
information as an alert to the CommonLE.

Add Evaluation Transformations

Within a mapping, routers will be the most frequent tool for evaluating record sets and choosing success or exception
paths. Routers will contain the necessary groups to send appropriate data to the successful target instances and other
groups to direct data to the mapplet for logging to the exception table in middleware.

Implementing the Mapplet

When an exception is encountered within the code, the mapplet will be utilized to insert that data into the exception table
(INFA_INTERFACE_ERR_LOG) in a standard format.

Mapplet Input Port Port Description Input Value from

in_INTERFACE_NAME This is the name of the interface $$INTERFACE_NAME from
currently being executed. This the workflow parameter file
parameter should be consistent
across all of the parameter files
for a given interface.
in_MAPPING_NAME This parameter should be local to $$MAPPING_NAME from the
the mapping itself and have the workflow parameter file
full name of the mapping being
in_TRANSFORMATION_NAME This value will be defined as a Constant defined within the
constant within a transformation in mapplet-calling mapping
the mapping and will correspond
to the name of the transformation
where the exception occurred.
in_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE This value will be the Constant defined within the
transformation type for the mapplet-calling mapping
location of the exception.
in_TRANS_INPUT_DATA An expression should be used to Concatenated value defined

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concatenate the input values for a within the mapplet-calling

given failed transformation. This mapping
is most useful/vital for lookup
in_TRANS_OUTPUT_DATA All output values from a failed Concatenated value defined
transformation should be within the mapplet-calling
concatenated and mapped to this mapping.
port of the mapplet.
in_ERR_CODE This provides a standard Constant value matching the
exception code for a given error in exact type and case from the
an interface. The error message table below
is derived from this value.
in_ERR_BUSINESS_ID This identifies each source record Concatenated value defined
as a unique occurrence. It is very within the mapplet-calling
possible that more than one field mapping
is required for a unique business
id. Each SID document should
articulate in detail the exact
business id for a given interface.
in_ERR_TIMESTAMP The time of occurrence for an SYSDATE defined within the
exception mapplet-calling mapping.

Error Codes
This section will contain a table of all of the acceptable error messages to be logged into the
INFA_INTERFACE_ERR_LOG table. Emphasis must be placed upon using the proper messages when logging to this

Error Code Value Error Code Description Example Usage

LOOKUP_PROCEDURE_ERROR Whenever a cross reference When

lookup procedure returns a default lkp_PAYMENT_TERMS
value due to mismatch of returns -1, log this error along
incoming values, this error should with the incoming data values
be logged into the exception log for the transformation.
table within the middleware
SAPEAI database schema.
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR SID documentation may outline When
business data validation exp_CHECK_DEBIT_CREDI
procedures. These validations T_MATCH detects a
must be checked within mappings difference between
and errors logged, processes AMT_DEBIT and
suspended, etc. AMT_CREDIT, route this
information to the exception
COMPUTATION_ERROR This error message value should When in_denominator = 0
be used when computation errors then route record to exception
are detected within expressions, mapplet with a divide by zero
aggregators, etc. error using this message
DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR This value will be used when When in_oldValue is not in (1,
conversions or substitutions are 2, 3, 4, 5) then mark this as
used within expressions and no an error.

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possible matches are found.

RECORD_COUNT_ERROR This error message is reserved for When number of source
source/target record count records does not equal the
analysis. number of target records, log
this value.
TARGET_LOAD_ERROR This error message is reserved for When target load conditions
target load errors. are not met, this error should
be sent to the CommonLE to
identify the record as not
being loaded into the target.
Where applicable, this error
can be used in conjunction
with another error code.

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Appendix D: Implementing Record-Level Audit Logging into Core Processes

Within the Solution Integration Design for a given interface, a Business ID or unique identifier for a record in the source
system is documented. This Business ID subsequently becomes the unique identifier for each record transmitted
through the interface code. This unique identifier will be logged to the Audit Logging portion of the CommonLE as a
requirement of all QTG2 interfaces using Informatica. The components that perform audit logging may be turned off by
production support personnel. This switching functionality is controlled at the interface /workflow level; therefore large
interface volume can be removed by production support when it no longer is needed.

Creating the Business ID

Within the Solution Integration Design documentation, there is a section for the creation of a Business ID for the
interface. This identifier will be either one field or the concatenation of multiple fields that combine to create the natural
key for the incoming data record. This Business ID should be created within the first one or two transformations
downstream of the source qualifier transformation. If a SQL Override is used within the mapping, it may be advisable to
create the Business ID within the SQL statement. For example, if the source table is DM_ACCOUNT and the Business
ID is ACCT_ID, your SQL statement could read: select ACCT_ID as INTFC_BUSINESS_ID, ACCT_ID as ACCT_ID,
STRT_DT as START_DATE from DM_ACCOUNT. Because there are multiple ways of processing data through a
mapping, the developer may choose to have only one ACCT_ID value returned by the SQL statement and then connect
it to multiple transformation paths. When using SQL Overrides to meet other requirements, the architecture team
recommends this strategy for implementation.

Inserting the Audit Logging Mapplet & Target

The majority of functionality for inserting into the interface audit log table within the middleware database resides within a
reusable mapplet transformation in the shared Informatica folder. This mapplet, mplt_Process_Audit_Logs, contains a
router transformation that controls the usage of audit logging within an interface. The router’s main grouping evaluates
the value of the AUDIT_LOGGING_SWITCH parameter within the core workflow parameter file on the Unix server. Each
developer will need to provide the following inputs to the mapplet transformation:


The outputs of this transformation will link directly to the target table, INFA_INTERFACE_AUDIT_LOG. Using the
AutoLink feature of Informatica, the output from the mapplet transformation will automatically link or port to the target
table’s columns. During session creation, assign SAPEAI as the connection for this target table.

Setting Up Mapping Parameters and Parameter File

For interface core processes, there is one parameter file used across the various interfaces for a given release. The
parameter file, US_CORP_1UP_AI_INTFC_workflow_parms.txt, will contain the specific parameters used by core
process sessions. The most frequently used parameter, $$INTERFACE_NAME, should be present in this parameter file
as it is present in all other parameter files. As a developer, please make certain that the INTERFACE_NAME value
matches across all of these separate files. The common architecture components require this synchronization.

Within each mapping, there are two main parameters that need to be defined: $$INTERFACE_NAME set via the
parameter file and $$MAPPING_NAME that can be defaulted within the mapping itself. There is no need to maintain this

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value within the parameter file itself. In addition, the mapplet contains a parameter that must be fed from the parameter
file for core processes. This parameter, $$AUDIT_LOGGING_SWITCH, will provide the functionality of controlling audit
logging to the Common Services reporting components. When not configured to the value of ‘ON’, the interface will not
log Business IDs to the INFA_INTERFACE_AUDIT_LOG table and subsequently no messages will be delivered to the
AUDIT queue for Common Services.

For assembly testing purposes, audit logging should always be enabled. The general rule for system test cycles should
be that the AUDIT_LOGGING_SWITCH is set to ‘ON’ unless performance becomes a major issue for successful
completion of the testing phases. Performance of the common components should be thoroughly investigated during
these test intervals. Application Integration architects will assist with any performance issues that emerge from these
common mapplets, mappings, and sessions. Data volumes within the INFA_INTERFACE_AUDIT_LOG table may
become the single largest contributor of performance issues for this reusable component.

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