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This Agreement of Subdivision is made and executed by and between:





That the FIRST PARTY is the registered owner of the parcel of land under
Original Certificate of Title (OCT) No. 0-------- designated as ----------- with an area
of ------------- square meters situated at --------------------;

That the SECOND PARTY by virtue of Deed of Donation executed by both

parties on ------------ acquired --------------------------- SQUARE METERS of
undivided southeastern portion of land covered under OCT No. ---------------
including all the buildings and facilities therein;

That both parties have cause the subdivision of said lot and agreed to
subdivide into the following manner to wit:

--------------- with an area of ------------- square meters to


------------- with an area of ----------- square meters to


That both parties confirmed as to the measurement of each lot and in

accordance with the approved subdivision plan under Psd ----------------- duly
approved by the Bureau of Lands.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their

signatures this ___ day of _________ ---------------, in ---------------------,

Agreement of Subdivision
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For the For the
--------------------------------- ------------------------
By By

------------------------------ ---------------------------------


------------------------------- ____________________

Agreement of Subdivision
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____________________, ============== ) S.S


BEFORE ME, a notary Public for and in the ---------------- of ______________,

----------------- personally appeared the following:

NAME ID No. Place/Date of Issue

Both known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the
foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they are duly authorized by the
agency which they represent and that the same is their own voluntary act and deed.

This instrument consists of two pages ___ pages including this page wherein
the acknowledgement is written and is signed by the parties and their individual
witnesses on each and every page hereof.

WITNESS MY HAND SEAL, this ____ of ______________,

2------------in ---------------------.

Doc. No. _________ ___________________________

Page No. _________ NOTARY PUBLIC
Book No. _________
Series of 2019.

Agreement of Subdivision
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