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Good Fair Needs Improvement Poor

Excellent 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts
5 pts

Sentence Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement

Beginnings The writing has: sentences that The writing has: The writing has: The writing has:
are crafted skillfully and show an sentences that are crafted sentences where two sentences sentences where two sentences or more
Sentences have
exceptional awareness of sentence well with some awareness of begin the same way. in more than one paragraph begin the
unique beginnings. beginnings that capture interest unique beginnings. same way.
of the audience.

Sentence Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement

Variation The writing has: The writing has: The writing has: The writing has:
and sentences that show exceptional sentences that are skillfully sentences that are generally sentence formation errors and/or a
use of sentence variety and constructed with appropriate complete with sufficient variety lack of sentence variety.
Formation complexity of structure. variety in length and in length and structure.
Length and

Correct Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement

CUPS The writing has: The writing has: The writing has: The writing has: some errors in
exceptional capitalization, word consistently correct generally correct capitalization, capitalization,word usage,
usage, punctuation including capitalization, word usage, word usage, punctuation including punctuation including indention of
conventions, indention of paragraphs, and punctuation including indention of paragraphs , and paragraphs, and spelling.
capitalization, precise spelling. indention of paragraphs, and precise spelling.
usage, precise spelling.
punctuation, and
Word Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement
choice The writing has: The writing has: The writing has generally varied The writing has:
sentences that show exceptionally sentences that show and descriptive word choice that some general and repetitive words
Descriptive and
precise, specific, descriptive and consistently appropriate word are appropriate for the image that may be inappropriate or
varied word choice vivid word choice including choices that are generally being described. ineffective to the image or activity
alliterations or other literary precise, varied, and being described.
devices. descriptive.

Easy to Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement

follow and The writing has: The writing has: The writing has dialogue that is The writing has dialogue that is
understand dialogue that is consistently easy dialogue that is generally somewhat easy to follow and somewhat difficult to follow and
to follow and understand between easy to follow and understand between individuals understand between individuals yet
two individual participants. understandable. yet has errors that interfere has errors that interfere with
with understanding. understanding.


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