Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (Pan) : Historical Perspective

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Jeffrey S. Gaffney* and Nancy A. Marley

Environmental Research Division
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois

81st AMS Annual Meeting

A Millennium Symposium on Atmospheric Chemisty
Albuquerque, NM

January 14-19,2001

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Jeffrey S. Gaffney’ and Nancy A. Marley

Environmental Research Division
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois
1. INTRODUCTION connections to other key trace species, namely the
organic peracids, peroxides, and nitrates. ‘
But if any man undertake to write a histo~ that has to
be collected from materials gathered by observation 2. BACKGROUND - EARLY AIR POLLUTION
and the reading of works not easy to be got in all PIONEERS
places, nor written always in his own language, but
many of them foreign and dispersed in other hands, The South Coast Air Basin in southern California
for him, undoubtedly, it is in the first place and above was known for its “photochemical smog” during the
all things most necessa~ to reside in some city of early 1940s (Stephens 1987). [n the late 1940s and
good note, addicted to liberal arts, and populous; early 1950s, farmers began to note serious damage
where he may have plenty of all sorts of books, and to some crops, especially to romaine lettuce and
upon inqui~ may hear and inform himself of such parsley in the San Gabriel Valley. Rubber products
particulars as, having escaped the pens of writers, are were found to deteriorate at an accelerated rate.
more faithfully praerved in the memories of men, lest Various oxidants were suspected.
his work be dejlcient in many things, even those which
it can least dispense with. But for me, I live in a little John Middleton, a professor of plant pathology at
town, where I am willing to continue, lest it should the University of California, and his research group
grow less. first noted that S02 and HF were not the cause of the
damage, but that oxidation, not reduction, was at
- Plutarch (AD 46?-120) hand (Middleton et al., 1950a,b). As Edgar Stephens
pointed out in his paper on smog studies of the 1950s
Interestingly, the place Plutarch suggested is (Stephens 1987), “. . . the state of the art of
best for writing a history - a city or urban area - is analytical chemistry in 1945 was inadequate to deal
where photochemical smog and other associated air with the problem.” The problem was to identify the key
pollutants were first observed. oxidants causing the damage by using the analytical
tools available at that time.
Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) has an interesting
history: a story based on collaboration and A perfumery chemist at the California Institute of
discussion among biologists and chemists, which has Technology in Pasadena, Arie J. Haagen-Smit, noted
led to the identification of a unique set of molecules that smog smelled like his terpene laborato~. Ellis
that we are just now beginning to understand. Darley of the Citrus Experiment Station at the
University of California, Riverside (UCR), began to
This paper is an overview of the history of PAN’s expose plants with a fumigation system to a wide
discove~ and its connection to plant damage variety of chemicals, attempting, with little success,
observed in the South Coast Air Basin of southern to determine the cause of plant bronzing. In 1950,
California. The focus will be the work done by Haagen-Smit fumigated a test plant with-the-products
pioneers in this research area, particularly the long- from the ozonolysis of gasoline vapors and was able
path infrared spectroscopy and the chromatography to produce the plant pathology (Haagen-Smit 1950).
with electron capture detection that enabled further His theory was that partially ozonized hydrocarbons
exploration of PAN chemistry. The period from the were the cause.
1950s to the present will be highlighted. Advances
addressed include synthetic procedures, Haagen-Smit followed these studies with
measurement techniques, laboratory properties (rates photochemical investigations using nitrogen dioxide
of reaction, ultraviolet photolysis, aqueous and hydrocarbons (known to be emitted in vehicle
solubilities), and field measurements. exhaust), which produced ozone and the observed
damage to the plants and also replicated rubber
The work summarized here has led to the damage (Haagen-Smit et al., 1952a,b). Other key
determination that PAN and its analogs play key roles aspects of photochemical smog included eye irritation
in urban, regional, and global tropospheric chemistry. and aerosol production leading to the characteristic
The phytotoxicity of PAN is discussed, along with its brown haze observed in the boundary layer of the
South Coast Air Basin. The demonstration that olefins
are more reactive than other hydrocarbons in
●Corresponding author address: Jeffrey S. Gaffney, producing smog symptoms led to the pursuit of the
Environmental Research Division, Argonne National sources of these emissions. The two likely
Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439; email: candidates were automobiles and oil refineries.
[email protected]
The real question that arose from the Haagen- problems and to demonstrate the value of and need
Smit studies was the identities of the actual products for this approach.
and which ones triggered smog production. Was
ozone the cause, or were other reactive gases 4. PANS - SYNTHESIS, PROPERTIES, AND
responsible for the plant damage and eye irritation MEASUREMENT
The first routine method for synthesis and
3. PEROXYACETYL NITRATE - ITS DISCOVERY isolation of PAN was developed by Edgar Stephens
and colleagues at UCR (Stephens and Price, 1973).
Edgar Stephens, Philip Hanst, Robert Doerr, and Ethyl nitrite was photolyzed in air to produce PAN.
William Scott from the Franklin Institute Laboratories This chemist~ represented the following processes:
in Philadelphia used the first long-path infrared gas
cell to identify some of the products. This instrument, CH3CH20N0 + hv+ CH3CH20 + NO (1)
constructed in 1954, enabled probing of the infrared
spectrum of olefin-NOx photolyzed mixtures CH3CH20 + 02 + H02 + cH3cH0 (2)
(Stephens et al., 1956a, b).
HOZ+ NO + N02 + OH (3)
A very interesting, unexpected set of infrared
bands observed in chemical reactions with OH+ CH3CHO+ CH3C0 + H20 (4)
3-methlypentane was very strong when biacetyl was
studied (Stephens et al., 1956b). The strong bands at CH3C0 + OZ+ NOZ + CH&O-O@NOz (PAN) (5)
1740 cm-l and 1841 cm-l were quite unique, and the
molecule responsible was labeled “Compound X“ by The reaction products were gas chromatographed
the Franklin Institute research team. These workers on preparatory-sized columns to separate and collect
attempted to isolate Compound X from the biacetyl the PAN with cryogenic trapping. The PAN was placed
reaction, but a two-drop sample trap exploded in large air canisters, diluted in zero air, and stored in
violently before they were able to obtain a mass a cold room for use in fumigation and chemistry
spectrum, The five structures suggested all proved to studies. This approach was quite successful, and a
be incorrect. The correct structure, CH3C0-00-N02, number of publications on PAN’s toxicity and its
was not really determined until the leading candidate, chemical and physical properties resulted from use of
acetyl nitrate, was synthesized by Edward Schuck this photoreactor system (Gaffney et al., 1989;
and George Doyle and their results were presented in Roberts, 1990).
1959 (Schuck and Doyle, 1959). This work showed
similarities with the nitrate but also proved that acetyl Explosions reported with use of this system
nitrate was not identical to Compound X. (Gaffney et al., 1989) usually were associated with
the condensation of the explosive peroxyacyl nitrates
In 1961, Philip Leighton’s classic textbook, (PANs) in a vacuum or pressure gauge system. Other
Photochemistry of Air Po//ution (Leighton, 1961), did a photochemical production methods employed folIowed
wonderful job of laying out the series of events that the general photochemical reaction scheme using
finally led Edgar Stephens to produce the correct halogens, where X is Cl or BK
structure for Compound X. peroxyacetyl nitrate
(PAN). This structure was accepted as correct and X2+ hv+ 2X (6)
finally confirmed by use of isotonically labeled PAN in
infrared studies in 1974 (Varetti and Pimentel, 1974). X +CH3CH0 + CH3C0 + HX (7)

Further studies initiated in 1958 identified PAN as CH3C0 + Oz + NOZ + PAN (8)
a key compound causing the bronzing of leaves of
petunias and other susceptible plants. These studies, Similarly, NOS radical has been used to produce PAN,
done with O. Clifton Taylor at the UCR Horticulture with NOS being generated by dark reaction of nitrogen
Department (Taylor et al., 1960), led to the use of gas dioxide and ozone (Gaffney et al., 1989).
chromatographic separation of PAN from the
photochemica! reaction mixture. Further These methods require photochemical apparatus
characterization showed that PAN is a potent eye and chromatographic or distillation equipment to
irritant. This collaboration between chemists and plant separate the PAN for instrument calibration or
pathologists led to the observation that PAN and laboratory study. The fact that PAN can considered a
some of its analogs are 10-50 times more toxic than mixed anhydride of peracetic acid and nitric acid
ozone to plants. Indeed, PAN, hydrogen peroxide, (Roberts, 1990) led Hendry and co-workers to use the
and nitrogen dioxide were identified in the first air strong acid nitration of peroxyacetic acid in aqueous
pollution criteria documents, but they were later solution to synthesize PAN, followed by the
omitted from the Clean Air Act of 1970 because of extraction into a normal alkane solvent (Gaffney
dit7iculties in measuring and synthesizing standards et al., 1989). Gaffney and co-workers modified the
at that time. This important collaboration at the UCR procedure to overcome potential safety hazards of
Statewide Air Pollution Research Center was one of working with PAN dissolved in a high-volatility solvent
the first to begin interdisciplinary work on air quality and recommended that n-tridecane be used for high-
purity PAN and derivative synthesis (Gaffney etal., found in the Los Angeles air shed (Tuazon et al.,
1984), 1978; Hanst et al., 1982). However, the infrared
instruments of the early 1960s were clearly not
Over the years, advances in the synthesis of capable of routine monitoring of PAN. With the
PANs have led to improvements in analytical invention of the electron capture detector (ECD) by
procedures and in determinations of the chemical and James Lovelock, Ellis Darley and co-workers in 1963
physical properties of PANs. Noteworthy are studies developed a method for PAN analysis that has been
of Karen Darnall and James N. Pitts, Jr., who used used since then quite successfully (Darley et al.,
PAN canister samples obtained from Edgar Stephens 1963). Many others have used a similar approach that
to produce high-concentration PAN samples in employs a nonpolar column to separate PANs from
deuterated chloroform and methylene chloride. These the various other ECD-sensitive gases (oxygen,
studies led to the understanding that PAN is highly Freons, organic nitrates, etc.) (Roberts, 1990). Used
soluble in nonpolar solvents. These researchers used in the 1960s and 1970s to monitor PAN in the air in
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to study the the Riverside area, this method found very high
liquid-phase ‘reactions of this novel oxidant with values of the phytotoxin (20-50 ppb). In 1974, James
olefins; studies examining alcohols etc. followed Lovelock and Stewart Penkett used a similar analysis
(Gaffney et al., 1989: Roberts, 1990). system to measure PAN off the coast of England,
observing a level of 2 ppb and alerting the community
Key structural information was obtained by to PAN’s ubiquity (Lovelock and Penkett, 1974).
Stephens and by Nicksic and colleagues, who
observed products of base hydrolysis that helped to Calibration of the above instruments was usually
confirm the PAN structure (Nicksic et al., 1966). Later accomplished by using base hydrolysis to yield
studies with ammonia and amines that showed the acetate and nitrite. These methods had some
formation of oxygen, HONO, and acetamides difficulties, and thermal decomposition to NOZ and
supported these observations (Wendschuh et al., direct measurement with a chemiluminescent nitrogen
1973), oxides monitor have seen more use in recent years
(Roberts, 1990).
The very simple ultraviolet absorption spectrum
of PAN observed by Stephens was confirmed by Other approaches were examined in the mid-
Senum, Lee, and Gaffney at Brookhaven National 1980s, when Iuminol chemiluminescence was
Laboratory in the early 1980s (Gaffney et al., 1989; observed to occur with PAN, as well as with NOZ. Two
Roberts, 1990). Recent reexamination of the data led groups, Gaffney’s at Los Alamos and Stedman’s at
to the conclusion that the PAN molecule is not readily the University of Denver, demonstrated in 1986 that
photolyzed at altitudes below 5-7 km. In 1984, Tim chromatography works for this application. Stedman
Wellington, Roger Atkinson, and Arthur Wirier at UCR published the method in 1988, documenting a five-
showed the reaction rates with OH to be quite slow. minute analysis for PAN with a packed column
The aqueous-phase solubilities of PAN were examined (Burkhardt et al., 1988). Gaffney and Marley reported
by Yin-Nan Lee of Brookhaven and found to be 3-5 M a modification of this method that employs fast
atm”l; these results were confirmed by Chester capillary chromatography to obtain 30-second time
Spicer’s group at Battelle Columbus Laboratory resolution for PAN and its analogs and also gives
(Gaffney et al., 1989; Roberts, 1990). measurements of NOZ (Gaffney et al., 1998).

In the meantime, PAN was observed by Stephens Mass spectrometry of PAN was first reported by
and others to decompose thermally to form methyl Ron Steer,--Karen-Damall, and James N. Pitts, Jr., in
nitrate, carbon dioxide, and other minor products. electron impact mode in 1969. The chemical ionization
What has been determined is that PAN is in thermal spectrum was reported in 1976 by Chris Pate, Jerry
equilibfiunlwith NOZ and the peroxyacetyl radical and Sprung, and Pitts, who used one of the first Finnigan
that this equilibrium is strongly temperature gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer systems
dependent (Gaffney et al., 1989; Robetis, 1990; equipped with this capability. Because of its very
Finlayson-Pitis and Pitts, 2000). At the cold large ECD cross section, the negative-ion mass
temperatures found at higher altitudes and in spectrometric sensitivity for PAN is quite high. This
wintertime PAN is quite stable, while at lower altitudes was predicted in 1989 to be a reasonable approach
in the summertime PAN has a fairly short lifetime that (Gaffney et al., 1989), and it has been pursued in
depends on the ratio of NO to NOZ and the recent years by Chester Spicer of Battelle Columbus
abundance of HOZ radicals, which can remove the and by Hiroshi Tanimoto and Hajime Akimoto in
peroxyacetyl radical. Hanwant Singh was the first to Japan.
point out that PAN could act as a means of
transporting NOZ over very long distances and Because of its rather undistinctive ultraviolet
therefore was a globally important molecule and not spectrum, direct ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy
just an urban air pollutant (Singh, 1987). has not been used for PAN analyses. NMR has been
used for laboratory studies of PAN, and that method,
The first measurements of PAN were made in the along with circular internal reflectance infrared
laboratory by using long-path infrared techniques that spectroscopes, may be important in future studies of
worked reasonably well at the higher concentrations PANs in solution.
5. FUTURE NEEDS - PANS, PERACIDS, chemical toxicity and radiative behavior of these
PEROXIDES, NITRATES compounds needs to be evaluated. A number of
research groups, notably Paul Shepson’s at Purdue
Since the initial work at the Franklin Institute in University (Roberts, 1990), are beginning to explore
Philadelphia and the original observation of PANs in the organic nitrates in detail by using methods
Los Angeles photochemical smog, PANs have been mentioned above.
measured in every corner of the world (Gaffney et al.,
1989; Roberts, 1990). Measured PANs include the Peroxy nitrates might play important roles in the
commonest (PAN), as well as peroxypropionyl nitrate transport of NOZ under cold conditions:
(PPN) and peroxybutyryl nitrate (PBN). Other PANs
deemed important include those derived from isoprene ROZ+ N02 e R02N02 (11)
oxidation (MPAN) and aromatics (PBzN) (Gaffney
et al., 1989; Roberts, 1990). These species were first examined by Edward Edney,
John Spence, and Philip Hanst at the
PANs are strongly connected with peracids by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency laboratories.
the following reactions in low-NO conditions: Because of their short lifetimes at room temperature,
the compounds were assumed not to act as key
PAN + RCO-00 + NOZ (9) storage modes in the lower atmosphere (Edney et al.,
1979). However, at middle latitudes in the wintertime
RCO-00 + H02 + RCO-OOH + 02 (lo) they may have lifetimes that approach days, and, like
PAN (depending upon NO, HOZ and NOZ levels), they
The peracids are known to be produced in rural might be reformed to actively transport NOZ and also
air masses, where NO levels allow the buildup of HOZ tie up peroxy radicals that would lead to ozone
However, methods for measurement of these species, formation.
along with other organic peroxides, need to be given
serious examination, especially as we begin to control The PANs are known to be quite sensitive to
NO. emission levels to reduce the urban and regional walls in laboratory studies and therefore are likely to
ozone problems. react on aerosol surfaces. PANs are very soluble in
nonpolar organics and indeed may undergo important
The PAN levels in urban U.S. regions like the Los oxidation reactions on soot surfaces, leading to the
Angeles air basin and surrounding air shed have formation of oxidized and nitrated polynuclear
dropped significantly in recent years. Levels are aromatic hydrocarbons potentially having high
rarely observed above 5 ppb, a tenfold reduction mutagenicity (Finlayson-Pitis and Pitts, 2000).
compared to the 1960s and 1970s. However, in other
areas of the world, PANs can also be produced in We have known about these fascinating
large quantities if NO. levels and the reactive molecules for over 40 years, but our fundamental
hydrocarbon species leading to PAN and ozone understanding and ability to measure PANs is just
formation are not controlled. Indeed, in Mexico City now beginning to expand. Interestingly, many
we recently measured total PANs of 40 ppb by gas physical chemists are beginning to explore the
chromatography with ECD (Gaffney et al., 1999). unusual properties of these highly energetic
Another concern is that the production of PANs
from aldehydes is a direct process, as noted in the The future of PAN chemistry, opened to us by
early synthetic procedures. The use of oxygenated Edgar Stephens and his colleagues, looks bright, and
fuels that lead to increased emissions of aldehydes its further exploration should lead us to a much better
or aldehyde precursors such as ethanol or methyl-f- understanding of the key oxidation reactions
butyl ether should continue to be accompanied by occurring in the troposphere.
assessment for PANs and other oxidants (Gaffney
et al,, 1997; Gaffney et al., 1999). In addition, the 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
potential for long-range transport of PANs on
continental scales and for PANs to function as a This work was supported by the U.S. Department
source of regional ozone should not be forgotten of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and
\S$~_I, 1987; Gaffney et al., 1993; Gaffney et al., Environmental Research, Atmospheric Chemistv
. Program. We wish to dedicate this paper to the late
Dr. Edgar Stephens and to Dr. James Lovelock,
The PANs are indicators of peroxy radical activity whose pioneering work on PANs continues to serve
and are indicative of the potential importance of as an inspiration to workers in the field who are
organic nitrates. PAN decomposition is known to lead developing new, faster methods for analysis of this
to methyl nitrate formation, which is fairly stable in important class of pollutants. Realizing that this is a
the atmosphere. The nighttime thermal decomposition brief document, by necessity we will certainly not give
of methyl nitrate may be an important source of credit to all who are deserving. Our apologies to any
radicals for the oxidation of NO to NOZ and for the pioneers in the measurement and study of PANs
formation of HONO. Our understanding of the whom we have not mentioned in this work.
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