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Main Astro Articles Activating Talismans

Activating Talismans
Easy Ways to Find, Cleanse, and Activate Your Talisman

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Got a shiny piece of jewelry or just a pendant you especially like? Before putting it on,
turn them into something more than just a piece of jewelry! Read on to find out how to
create talismans: activate them, purify them, and make them beneficial for you and your




What is a talisman?
A talisman is defined as an object that is thought to have magic powers and to bring
good luck. Common examples of talismans may be an engagement ring, a pendant, or a
bracelet. A jewelry piece gets an additional meaning and is thought to protect the
relationship it symbolizes.

But in fact, every object can be a talisman. Even your cellphone, or your hairpin. After all,
your phone is a shiny object where you probably store all the photos of your loved ones
and all those apps that help you connect with them. In a sense, your cellphone also
offers some protection from ‘bad’ forces because many of us feel less safe if they
accidentally leave our house without our phone!

How to find your talisman

If you want to use ‘classic’ talismans, choose some of the most common stones that
offer protection (amber, amethyst, Apache tears, black tourmaline, jet, malachite, or
gems that are associated with your Zodiac sign) but you can also use stones that you
feel are talking to you on the emotional level. Ask your grandma or mom if there are
some interesting jewelry pieces in the history of your family you can start wearing.

Another way to find your talisman is to pick a card. Any Tarot card can become your
talisman if you start feeling it and talking to it on a deeper level. Pick one at random or
select the one that resonates with you spiritually. Place it in your purse or just keep it
somewhere you can see it!

How to activate your talisman

Activating your talisman is a way to boost its spiritual resonance and attract the
attention of benevolent forces. To make your talisman work, you don’t need to read any
long and confusing spells. Just light a candle (it will set the right mood), hold your
talisman in your hands, close your eyes, and try to connect your mind with its energies.
Feel it!

How to purify your talisman

What’s the point of purifying it? It’s simple: objects can pick up energetic impressions of
their makers (or previous owners), or their environments. You don’t want your talisman
to be full of negative energies, do you?

To make your talisman blank (this way, the energies you fill it with won’t be at odds with
the energies it contains), you need to hold it under running water (preferably from a
creek or fountain) or leave it in a bowl of salt overnight. Imagine that the object is being
purified, feel it. You can also purify it with your visualization, or your thoughts: just hold
it in your hands, close your eyes, and imagine that all the negative energies are going

How to charge your talisman

Charging your talisman means making it even stronger than it already is. Before you
start, spend at least a few moments meditating with the object in your hands. Visualize
the thing or the feeling you want your talisman to help you achieve. Do you want to be
lucky? Or maybe feel protected? Or even to find love? Visualize it (but try being more
specific than “I want money”). List the traits of your ideal job, or describe the feelings you
want to feel in detail. The most important thing when charging your talisman is to stop
worrying. - Fanci Jewelry | The Boutiques of
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Learn more

Don’t let any negative thoughts enter your mind or your talisman! Phrase your
intentions in a positive way: “My business is thriving”, or “I am healthy”, for example. Say
your intentions aloud! After that, formulate your thoughts into POSITIVE images and
fantasies. Don’t think about why you need protection, imagine yourself already being
No matter what you choose for your talisman, no matter what you want to achieve, just
be positive when “talking” to your special object, and it will respond very soon! Tap to
find out how your Zodiac sign can become more successful!

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