Created By: Fun and Learning in English and Spanish

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Created By: Fun and Learning in English and Spanish

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Table of Contents:
Every Monday – Measurement and Data
Every Tuesday –Geometry (2.G)
Every Wednesday –Numbers and Base Ten
Every Thursday – Operations and Algebraic
Thinking (2.OA)

When you purchase the entire packet, you get 9

weeks of homework for each quarter. I sell all 4
quarters separately, or you can save some $ when
you buy the Whole Year Bundle.
Please visit my store to purchase this product☺.
Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your free sample!
Table of Contents:
Every Monday –Measurement and Data (2.MD)
Every Tuesday –Geometry (2.G)
Every Wednesday –Numbers and Base Ten (2.NBT)
Every Thursday – Operations and Algebraic
Thinking (2.OA)
1st Quarter (9 weeks of homework)
2.MD 2.OA 2.G 2.NBT
• Draw and • Addition & • 2D and 3D • Write missing
interpret bar subtraction shape numbers to
graphs and fact fluency recognition 1000
picture to 20 and attributes • Skip count by
graphs • Determine if • Quadrilaterals 2, 5, 10, and
• Match clocks number • Fractions 100 to 100
to the hour sentence is (equal and 1000
and half hour true/false shares) • Compare 2
• Write time to • Addition and • Draw lines to digit #s and 3
the hour and subtraction make digit #s
half hour word fractions ½, • Write #
• Measure problems 1/3, ¼ shown in base
length in • 3 digit • Color ten blocks
inches addition to 20 fractions of • Draw and
• Measure • Make pairs to shapes shown match base
height in feet determine if • Draw lines to ten blocks to
• Estimate numbers are partition number
length in even or odd rectangle into • Write #
inches • Missing rows and shown in
• Estimate addends to columns hundreds/tens
height in feet 20 /ones
Name: ___________________
Monday 1. Josh eats at 12:30. Which is his clock?

Fill in a b c
bubble 2. Cruz goes to bed at 9:o0. Which is Cruz’s clock?
for the
correct a b c

3. Jerry goes to soccer practice at this time.
At what time does Jerry go to soccer practice?
a 1:30 b 2:30 c 4:00

4. Beth will go outside to play at this time.

At what time will Beth go outside to play?
a 5:00 b 3:30 c 4:00

Tuesday 1. Which shape has 0 corners and 0 sides?
a circle b square c triangle

Fill in the 2. Which shape has 4 corners and 4 sides?

bubble for a circle b rectangle c triangle
the correct
answer. 3. Which shape has 3 corners and 3 sides?
a triangle b circle c square

4. Which shape has 8 vertices and 6 flat surfaces?

a cone b cylinder c rectangular prism

5. Which shape has 0 vertices and 2 flat surfaces?

a cube b cylinder c rectangular prism
Use the
Wednesday Go this way to count forward number
line to help
2s 5s 10s you skip
2, ___, 6 5, ___, 15 20, ___, 40 forward
30, ___, 40 80, ___, 100 by 2s, 5s,
6, ___, 10
and 10s.
65, ___, 75 40, ___, 60
18, ___, 22
90, ___, 100 30, ___, 50
0, ___, 4
20, ___, ___ 70, ___, ___
68, ___, ___
0, ___, 10 0, ___, 20
94, ___, 98
55, ___, ___ 10, ___, ___
30, ___, ___

Thursday First, add the two numbers that make ten.
14 14
7 + 3 + 4 = ____ 3 + 4 + 7 = ____

Then, add the 3rd number.

2 + 6 + 8 = ____ 1 + 1 + 9 = ____

6 + 6 + 4 = ____ 3 + 6 + 4 = ____

5 + 5 + 7 = ____ 9 + 1 + 5 = ____

3 + 5 + 7 = ____ 8 + 6 + 2 = ____

9 + 9 + 1 = ____ 5 + 5 + 5 = ____
Name: ___________________

Jeff built a toy train Jeff’s Shapes Jeff’s Shapes

using 3 triangles, 2 triangles triangles
circles, and 6 squares.
Circle the graph that circles circles
shows the shapes that squares squares
Jeff used.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Kelly loves to buy shoes. Kelly’s Shoes Kelly’s Shoes

She went to the mall and
sneakers sneakers
bought 7 sneakers, 2
sandals, and 1 pair of sandals sandals
boots. Circle the graph boots boots
that shows the shoes that
Kelly bought. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

on each
27 36
Add more + 5 + 9
to the 32
ten frames
to help
you find 45 69
the sum. + 7 + 8

37 + 6 = 55 + 7 =

2.OA This one IS Find the sum or difference,

Thursday true because
then circle the true equation.
both sides
are equal. This one is This one is
NOT true. NOT true.
5+1=2+4 3+3=7 9 + 1 = 10 – 7

2 + 9 = 11 – 8 3+1=5–1 9=7+4
10 = 5 + 5 8 + 3 = 11 – 2 8+3=2+7
3=7–6 1–1=1+0 9–9=0+0
7 + 3 = 10 – 0 0+6=9–6 2–1=9–7
Hi! Thanks so much for buying this product. I really hope you find it
useful. I appreciate your business and would be more than happy to
respond to any questions, concerns, or comments you have regarding
this product. You can contact me via TPT. I’m also on pinterest:

Don’t forget to earn your TPT

credits by providing me
Follow my store for more ideas, products, and freebies!

A big thanks to the following for allowing me to use their clip
art, fonts, paper, and borders:, Breanna Price

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