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Question Bank

Programme: I B.C.A./B.Sc. Computer Science Course Code: U14MAZ23



1. The formula to find the mean for a discrete data is

[a] Mean=Ʃx/Ʃn [b] mean=Ʃx-n

mean= [c] mean=Ʃx/n [d] none of these

2. The arithmetic mean of a discrete data with frequency

[a] Mean=Ʃfx/Ʃf [b] mean=Ʃfd/Ʃf

mean= [c] mean=Ʃfx-Ʃn/Ʃn [d] none of these

3. Arithmetic mean of a continuous data is

[a] A x Ʃfd/Ʃf Ʃfd/Ʃf x i

[b] A+Ʃfd/ [c] Ʃfd/N x A+i [d] none of thes

4. Calculate
te the mean for the following data

10, 11, 13, 67, 23, 78, 10, 65, 19 ,62

[a] 35.8 [b]34.8 [c] 35.7 [d] 34.

5. Mode is defined as the X value with

[a] Less frequency [b] highest frequency [c] highest x value [d] none of these

6. Mode for a continuous data is

[a] mode [b] mode=

[c] mode = [d] None of these

7. By empirical mode, mean- mode=

[a] 3(median-mean) [b] 3(mean-median)

3(mean [c] 2(mean-median) [d]none of these

8. Find thee mode for the following

91, 29 , 33, 47 ,22, 88, 54, 91, 29, 90, 89, 91 , 78


23 21

[a] 91 [b] 29 [c] 54 [d]

none of these 90 10

32 30

97 29

89 30

9. Find the mode of the given data

[a] 32 [b] 89 [c] both (a) and(b) [d] none of these

10. SD of a discrete data type is

[a] SD= [b] [c] SD= [d] none of these

11. SD of a discrete data with frequency is

[a] SD= [b] [c] SD= [d] none of these

12. SD of the continuous data with frequency is

[a] SD= [ b ] SD= xi

[c] SD= xi [d] none of these

13. Coefficient of variance is

[a] [b] [c [d] none of these

14. X and Y are two players, the coefficient of variation is 11 and 18 respectively. Then which

player is more consistent

[a] X [b] Y [c] both X and Y [d] none of these

15. A and B are two companies with coefficient of variation is 34 and 78 respectively , then which
company is with greater variability

[a] A [b] B [c] both A and B [d] none of these

16. Coefficient of range is

[a] [b [c] *100 [d] none of these

17. Mean Deviation for a discrete data type is

[a ] [b] [c ]
[d]none of these

18. Mean Deviation for a discrete data with frequency is

[a ] [b] [c ]
[d]none of these

19. Mean Deviation for a continuous data type is

[a ] [b] [c ]
[d]none of these

20. Q1 divides the values in the ratio

[a] 1:3 [b] 2:2 [c] 3:1 [d] none of these

21. Q2 divides the given values in the ratio

[a] 1:3 [b] 2:2 [c] 3:1 [d] none of these

22. Q3 divides the given values in the ratio

[a] 1:3 [b] 2:2 [c] 3:1 [d] none of these

23. The formula to find Q1 is

[a] [b] [c] [d] none of these

24. The formula to find Q3 is

[a] [b] [c] [d] none of these

25. The formula to find Q2 is

[a] [b
[b] [c] [d] none of these
26. Quartile Deviation [QD] is

[a] [b] [c] [d] none of these

27. Coefficient of quartile deviation [CQD]

[a [b] [c] [d]

none of these

28. Variance is

[a] [b] [c] [d] none of these

29. Find the Q1 value for the following data

20, 28, 39, 49, 53 , 67 , 71

[a] 20 [b] 39 [c] 28 [d] none of thes

30. Find the Q3 value for the following

44, 11, 92, 29, 34, 88, 50 , 77

[a] 88 [b]77 [c] 50 [d] none of these

31. Find the mode for the following data

10, 12 , 13 , 14 , 87 , 10 ,14, 13, 12, 10

[a] 10 [b] 12 [c] 13 [d] none of these

32. Find the median for the following

67, 79, 81, 82 , 83 , 93 , 95

[a] 81 [b] 82 [c]83 [d] none of these

33. Find the median for the following

4, 15 , 19 , 21 , 25 , 38

[a]19 [b] 21 [c]20 [d] none of the

34. Find the mode for the following


11 33

72 44

23 55

76 44
90 33

[a] 76 [b]90 [c]23 [d]none of these

35. Find the coefficient of variation, if mean=5.5 , SD=4.5

[a] 0.8181% [b] 81.81% [c]81.81 [d]none of these

36. Find the SD , if cv=1.6 , mean= 25

[a]0.4 [b] 4 [c]40 [d] none of these

37. Find the mean , if cv=10 , SD=1.708

[a] 17.08 [b] 1.708 [c]170.8 [d] none of these

38. Find the mode, if median=7.8 , mean=10.8

[a]8 [b] 18 [c] 1.8 [d] none of these

39. Find the mean, if mode=12 , median=8

[a] 12 [b] 6 [c] 13 [d] none of these

40. Find the median, if mean=10,mode=13

[a] 11 [b]12 [c]6 [d] none of these

41. Find the Q1 of the following


[a] 3 [b]4 [c] 8 [d] none of these

42. Find the Q2 of the following

67 , 29 , 50 , 44 , 33 ,71

[a]33 [b]44 [c]50 [d] none of these

43. Find the Q3 of the following

101 , 119 , 143 , 128 , 90, 178 , 159 , 145

[a] 178 [b] 143 [c] 145 [d] none of these

44. Find the mean for the following

10 , 20 , 30, 40 , 50 , 60, 70, 80, 90, 100

[a]550 [b]55 [c]5.5 [d]none of these

45. Find the Q2 for the following


[a]37 [b]28 [c] 45 [d] none of these

46. Find the mode type for the following

12 11

19 10

45 11

38 101

90 111

[a]bi modal [b]uni modal [c]multimodal [d]none of these

47. Find the mean of the following for a discrete data with frequency , if Ʃfd=250 , Ʃfx=750 , Ʃf=100

[a]7.5 [b] 2.5 [c]5 [d]none of these

48. Find the QD , if Q1=5 ,Q2=10 , Q3=15

[a]15 [b]10 [c] 5 [d] none of these

49. If Q1=10, Q2=11 , Q3=14 , find the CQD

[a] 7.7% [b]0.077 [c]0.097 [d]none of thes

50. If Q1=32 , Q2=78 ,Q3=116 ,find the QD

[a] 32 [b] 42 [c] 52 [d] none of these

Key for Unit-I

1 c 11 A 21 b 31 A 41 a
2 a 12 B 22 c 32 B 42 b
3 b 13 C 23 a 33 C 43 c
4 a 14 A 24 b 34 C 44 b
5 b 15 B 25 c 35 B 45 a
6 a 16 A 26 c 36 A 46 a
7 b 17 A 27 a 37 A 47 a
8 a 18 C 28 b 38 C 48 c
9 c 19 C 29 c 39 B 49 a
10 b 20 A 30 b 40 A 50 b


1. Two comparable characteristic that helps us to understand a distribution is --------.

a) karl pearson’s method b)moment c)skewness and kurtosis d)none of these

2. The two distribution may have the same mean and standard deviation but it differ widely in their -------.

a) mode b) median c)overall appearance d)none of these

3. Measures of skewness helps us to distinguish between different types of

a) moment b) distributions c) skewness d) none of these

4. When a series is not symmetrical it is said to be asymmetrical or skewed,the following statement is

given by

a) croxton & cowden b) morris c) garrett d) none

5. Skewness refers to the asymmetry or lack of symmetry in the shape of a frequency distribution,the
following statement is given by

a) croxton & cowden b)garrett c)morris hamburg d) none

6. Measures of skewness tells us the direction and the extent of skewness,the above statement is given by

a)croxton & cowden b)garrett c)simpson & kafka d)none

7. In symmetrical distribution -------, -------, -------- are identical.

a) mean,median,mode b)mean,mode,moment c)mode,median,moment d)none

8. A distribution is said to be skewed when the mean and the median at different point in the
distribution,the above statement is given by

a) garrett b)simpson & kafka c) morris d)none

9. When a distribution is not symmetrical it is called a

a)skewed distribution b)moment c) mode d) none

10. Statistical theory is often based upon the assumptions of the

a)discrete distribution b)normal distribution c)symmetrical distribution d)none

11. In symmetrical distribution the value of mean,median and mode

a)not coincide b)coincide c)either coincide or not coincide d)none

12. The spread of the frequencies is the same on the both sides of the center point of the curve in

a)asymmetrical distribution b)symmetrical distribution c)positively skewed distribution d)none

13. The concept of skewness is often based upon the assumption of the -------- distribution.

a) binomial b) bernouli c) normal d)none

14. Asymmetrical distribution could be

a)either positively or negatively skewed b)positively skewed c)negatively skewed d)none

15. In the positively skewed distribution the value of mean is -------- and the value of mode is --------.
. a)least, maximum b)maximum, least c)maximum, maximum d)none of these.

16. In negatively skewed distribution the value of mode is______ and the value of mean is .

a) maximum, least b) maximum, maximum c) least, least d)none

17. In -------- distribution the frequencies are spread over a greater range of values on the high value end of
the curve.

a) positively skewed b) negatively skewed c) both a) and b) d)none.

18. In -------- distribution the frequencies are spread over a greater range of values on the low value end of
the curve.

a) positively skewed b) negatively skewed c) both a) and b) d)none.

19. In a moderately symmetrical distribution the interval between the mean and median is approximately
one-third of the interval between ----- and ------.

a) mean, standard deviation b) mean, mode c) mean and variance d)none

20. Statistic is the relationship which provides a mean of measuring the degree of -------.

a)kurtosis b)skewness c)moment d)none

21. ___________ is the abosulte measure of dispersion.

a)mean b)mode c)range d)none

22. ------ is concerned with the amount of variation rather than with its direction.

a)amount of variation b)dispersion c)measure of skewness d)none

23. -------- tells us about the direction of the variation or the departure from symmetry.
a)skewness b)dispersion c)moment d)none

24. Measures of skewness are dependant upon the .

a)positively skewed b)negatively skewed c)amount of dispersion d)none

25. Skewness is rarely calculated in -------- and -------.

a)economic and finance series b)business and finance series c)business and economic series d)none

26. Skewness is present if the values of mean, mode and median are

a) coincide b) do not coincide c) [a] & [b] d)none

27. Skewness is present if the sum of positive deviations from the median is ------ to the sum of negative

a)equal to b) not equal c)greater than d) less than

28. Skewness is present if the quartiles are ------ from the median.

a)not equidistant b)equidistant c)equal d)none

29. In case of the skewness is present if the sum of the positive deviations from the median is ------- to the
sum of the negative deviations.

a)equal b)not equal c)less than d)greater than

30. Skewness is absent if the values of mean, mode and median are

a) coincide b) do not coincide c) [a] & [b] d)none

31. Absolute measure of skewness is

a) x-mode b)X-mode c) x-X d)none

32. When skewness is based on quartile,absolute skewness is given by the formula for absolute measure of
skewness is

a)Sk=Q3+Q1-2 median b)Sk=Q3-Q1+2 median c)Sk=Q3-Q2+2 median d)none.

33. If the value of mean is greater than mode then the skewness will be

a)negative b)positive c)equal d)none

34. If the value of mode is greater than mean then the skewness will be

a)negative b)positive c)equal d)none.

35. Karl pearson is otherwise know as

a)bowley’s coefficient b)pearson’s coefficient c)kelly’s coefficient d)none.

36. Karl pearson’s coefficient of skewness is based upon the

a)mean and mode b)mean and standard deviation c) standard deviation and mode d)none

37. Karl Pearson’s coefficient is

a) [mean - standard deviation] /mode b) [mean - mode] / standard deviation

c) [mode- standard deviation ]/mean d) none.

38. Which distribution the value of mean,mode and median are coincides

a) symmetrical b) asymmetrical c) positively skewed d) negatively skewed

39. In the case of symmetrical the value of mean,mode and median coincides the coefficient of skewness
will be

a) one b) zero c) two d) three

40. The degree of skewness shall be obtained by the numerical value say

a) 0.8 or 0.1 b) 0.8 or 0.2 c) 0.2 or 0.5 d) none

41. Karl pearson’s coefficient of skewness lies between ------.

a) ±4 b) ±2 c) ±1 d)none

42. In moderately skewed distribution the averages have the formula is

a)mode=3mean-2median b) mode=3median-2mean

c) mode=3mean-standard deviation d)none

43. Bowleys measure is based on

a) quartiles b) mean c) standard deviation d) none

44. In symmetrical distribution ------- and ------- quartiles are equidistant from the median.

a) first and second b) first and third c) second and third d) none

45. In a symmetrical distribution the third quartile is the same distance over the median as the first quartile

a) Q3=median- Q1 b) Q1=median- Q3 c) Q3-median=median- Q1 d) Q3+median=median+Q1

46. Bowley’s coefficient of skewness is

a) Q3+ Q2-2median/ Q3- Q1 b) Q3+ Q2+2median/ Q3- Q1

c) Q3+ Q2-2median/ Q3+ Q1 d)none

47. Bowley’s coefficient of skewness lies between the value is -----.

a) 0 to +2 b) +2 to-2 c) +1 to -1 d)none

48. Kelly’s coefficient of skewness is

a) P90- P10\ P10+ P90-2 median b) P10+ P90-2 median\ P90- P10

c) Q3+ Q2-2median/ Q3+ Q1 d) none

49. -------- is a familiar mechanical term which refers to the measure of a force.
a) kurtosis b)skewness c) moment d)none

50. The arithmetic mean is also called -------moment about the origin.

a) first b) second c) third d) fourth

51. The arithmetic mean of the various powers of these deviations in any distribution is called the

a) measure of skewness b) moment of the distribution c)abosulute measure of skewness d)none

52. The mean of the squares of the deviations gives us the ------ about the mean.

a)first moment b)second moment c)third moment d)none

53. The mean of the cubes of the deviations gives us the ------- about the mean.

a) first moment b) second moment c) third moment d)none

54. The moment about the mean is called ------ .

a)kurtosis b)central moment c)arbitrary origin d)none.

55. Sum of deviation of items from arithmetic mean is always _____.

a)one b)zero c)two d)none

56. In symmetrical distribution the odd moments are always

a)zero b)one c)two d) three

57. β1 is defined as

a) β 1 =µ 2/ µ 1 b) β1= µ 3/ µ 2² c) β1=µ 3²/µ 2² d)none.

58. β2 is defined as

a) β 2 =µ 2/ µ 1 b) β2= µ 4/ µ 2² c) β2=µ 3²/µ 2² d)none.

59. The moments about the mean is called______ moment.

a) raw b)central c) both a) and b) d) none

60. The moments about arbitrary origin is called______ moment.

a) raw b)central c) both a) and b) d) none

61. What is the measure of the first moment about origin is _____.

a) mode b) median c) mean d) variance

62. What is the measure of the second moment about the mean is _____.

a) mode b) median c) mean d) variance

63. What is the measure of the third moment about the mean is _____.

a) kurtosis b) origin c) skewness d) variance

64. What is the measure of the fourth moment about the mean is _____.
a) kurtosis b) origin c) skewness d) variance

65. The assumption introduce some errors known as

a) calculating error b) grouping error c) conversion error d) none

66. Moments that are not corrected by Sheppard’s process are called

a) normal moments b) crude moments c) continuous moments d) none.

67. According to Sheppard’s corrections, which of the following is not correct?

a) The observations should not relate to a continuous variable.

b) The correction is not applicable to J or U-shaped distribution.

c) Frequencies should tapper off to zero in both directions.

d) none of the above.

68. In Greek,kurtosis means

a) bulginess b)flatness c)peakedness d)none.

69. Kurtosis refers to the degree of flatness or peakedness in the region about the mode of a ______.

a) parabola b)frequency curve c)hyperbola d)none.

70. The degree of kurtosis of a distribution is measured relative to the _______of the normal curve

a)peakedness b)flatness c)distribution d)none.

71. If a curve is more peaked than the normal curve,it is called _____.

a) platykurtic b) mesokurtic c) leptokurtic d) none.

72. If a curve is more flat-topped than the normal curve,it is called

a)platykurtic b)mesokurtic c)leptokurtic d)none.

73. The normal curve itself is known as

a)platykurtic b)mesokurtic c)leptokurtic d)none

74. The condition of peakedness or flat-toppedness itself is known as

a)kurtosis of excess b)distribution of kurtosis c)sign of skewness d)none.

75. The coefficient of kurtosis is defined by

a) β 2 =µ 2/ µ 1 b) β2= µ 4/ µ 2² c) β2=µ 3²/µ 2² d)none.

76. For a normal curve, the value of β2 is

a) 0 b) 1 c) 3 d) none.

77. Which of the following statement is correct?

a) if β2>3, curve is platykurtic b) if β2=3, curve is mesokurtic

c) if β2<3, curve is leptokurtic d) none.

78. For a normal distribution, the value of ɣ2 is

a) 0 b)1 c) 3 d) none.

79. A normal distribution ɣ2 is defined as

a) ɣ2= β2+3 b) ɣ2= β2-3 c) ɣ2=β1+ β2-3 d) none.

80. For a normal distribution, which of the statement is correct?

a) ɣ2=0 b) ɣ2 is positive then the curve is leptokurtic

c) ɣ2 is negative then the curve is platykurtic d) all the above

Key for Unit-II

1 C 21 c 41 c 61 C
2 C 22 b 42 b 62 D
3 B 23 a 43 a 63 C
4 A 24 c 44 b 64 A
5 C 25 c 45 c 65 B
6 C 26 b 46 a 66 B
7 A 27 b 47 c 67 A
8 A 28 a 48 b 68 A
9 A 29 b 49 c 69 B
10 B 30 a 50 a 70 A
11 B 31 b 51 b 71 C
12 B 32 a 52 b 72 A
13 C 33 b 53 c 73 B
14 A 34 a 54 b 74 A
15 B 35 b 55 b 75 B
16 A 36 a 56 a 76 C
17 A 37 b 57 c 77 B
18 B 38 a 58 b 78 A
19 B 39 b 59 b 79 B
20 B 40 b 60 a 80 D

1) Correlation analysis deals with the association between_______ variables.

a)two b) one c)two or more variables d) none of above

2) Correlation analysis deals with the association between two or more variables, the following statement
is given by
a) simpson and kafka b)L.R.conner c) croxton and cowden d)yalunchou

3) If two or more quantities vary in sympathy so that movements in that tend to be accompanied by
corresponding movements in the other then they are said to be correlated,the following statement is
given by

a) simpson and kafka b) L.R. conner c) croxton and cowden d) yalunchou

4) Correlation analysis attempts to determine the ‘degree of relationship’ between variables, the following
statement is given by

a) simpson&kafka b) L.R. Connerc) croxton and cowden d) yalunchou

5) When the relationship is of a quantitative nature the appropriate statistical tool for discovering and
measuring it in brief formula is known as correlation, the following statement is given by

a) simpson and kafka b)L.R.conner c)croxton and cowden d) yalunchou

6) “Correlation is an analysis of the covariation between two or more variables, the following statement is
given by

a) L.R. conner b) croxton and cowden c) yalunchou d) A.M. Tuttle

7) σ x is denoted by

a) Standard deviation of series Y b) Standard deviation of series X

c) Standard deviation of series Z d) none

8. σ y is denoted by
a) Standard deviation of series Y b) Standard deviation of series X
c) Standard deviation of series Z d) none

9. The coefficient of correlation lies between ______ and ______.

a)-1 and +1 b) 0 and 1 c) 0 and -1 d) none.
10. Thecoefficient of correction is said to be a measure of ______ between two series.
a) variance b) covariance c) standard deviation d) none
11. Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation is to be applied only where deviations of items
are taken from _______ mean.
a)actual b) assumed c) both a) and b) d) none
12. When r=+1, it means there is perfect ______ correlation between the variables.
a) negative b) positive c) both a) and b) d) none
13. When r=-1, it means there is perfect ______ correlation between the variables.
a) negative b) positive c) both a) and b) d) none
14. Whether correlation is ______ or _______ would depend upon the direction of change of the variables.
a) simple or partial b) positive or negative c) linear or non-linear d) none
15. When only two variables are studied it is a problem of ______ correlation.
a) simple b) positive c) linear d) none
16. When three or more variables are studied it is a problem of either _______ or ______ correlation.
a) simple or partial b) positive or negative c) multiple or partial d) none
17. In a ______ correlation three or more variables are studied simultaneously.
a) partial b) negative c) positive d) multiple
18. The distinction between ______ and ______ correlation is based upon the constancy of
the ratio of change between the variables.
a) simple or partial b) positive or negative c) linear or non-linear d) none
19. Correlation would be called ______ or ______ if the amount of change in one variable does not bear a
constant ratio to the amount of change in the other variable.
a) simple or partial b) non-linear or curvilinear c) multiple or partial d) none
20. The simplest device for ascertaining whether two variables are related to prepare a dot chart is
a) bar chart b) pie chart c) scatter diagram d) graphic method
21. Which method is a simple and non-mathematical method for studying correlation between the variables.
a) bar chart b) pie chart c) graphic method d) scatter diagram
22. Which method is used the individual values of the two variables are plotted on the graph.
a) bar chart method b) pie chart method
c) scatter diagram method d) graphic method
23. In a graphic method if the both the curves drawn on the graph are moving in the same direction
correlation is said to be ______.
a) partial b) negative c) positive d) multiple
24. In a graphic method if the both the curves are moving in the opposite directions correlation is said to be
a) partial b) negative c) positive d) multiple
25. The sum of the differences of ranks between two variables is ______.
a) zero b) one c) two d) three
26. The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient is defined as

a) R= 1- ∑
6 D2 6 ∑ D2 6 ∑ D2
b) R= c) R= 1+ d) none
N3 − N N3 − N N3 + N
27. The rank correlation coefficient is denoted by ______.
a) r b) R c) D d) N
28. The value of r is said to be strong, whenever the value of r lies in the interval is ______.
a) [0,1] b) [0.85, 1] c) [ 0.5, 1] d) none
29. The two variables X and Y are said to be independent if
a) r> 0 b) r < 0 c) r = 0 d) none
30. The correlation between the two variables X and Y is strictly positive means
a) X and Y are behaving similarly b) X and Y are behaving oppositely
c) both a)and b) d) none
31. If the average relationship between two variables in terms of the original units of the data is said to be
a) correlation b) regression c) rank correlation d) none
32. Regression analysis attempts to establish the ‘nature of the relationship’ between variables, the
following statement is given by
a) Morris Hamburg b) Taro Yamane c) Ya-Lun Chou d) none
33. One of the most frequently used techniques in economics and business research, to find a relation
between two or more variables,the following statement is given by
a) Morris Hamburg b) Taro Yamane c) Ya-Lun Chou d) none
34. In regression analysis the variable which is used to predict the variable of interest is called ______
a) independent b) dependent c) both a) and b) d) none
35. In regression analysis the variable we are trying to predict is called ______ variable.
a) independent b) dependent c) both a) and b) d) none
36. The term linear means that an equation of a straight line of the form is _____.
a) Y = a-bX b) Y = a-X c) Y=a+bX d)Y=a-b
37. _______ describes the average relationship existing between X and Y variables.
a) Regression b) Correlation c) Rank correlation d) Regression line
38. In correlation analysis, the measure of directions rxyand ryx(rxy=ryx) are _____.
a) symmetric b) not symmetric c) independent d) dependent
39. In regression analysis, the regression coefficients bxyand byx (bxy≠byx) are _____.
a) symmetric b) not symmetric c) independent d) dependent

40. Estimating equations or algebraic expressions of the regression lines is known as

a) correlation b) regression equations c) rank correlation d) none
41. The regression equation of Y on X is expressed as _____.
a) Y = a-bX b) Y = a-X c) Y=a+bX d)Y=a-b
42. The regression equation of X on Y is expressed as _____.
a) X = a+bY b) X = a-Y c) X=a-bY d)X=a-b
43. To estimate the value of X for a given Y, one should use
a)regression equation X depends on Y b) regression equation Y depends on X
c) regression equation depends X only d) regression equation depends Y only
44. To estimate the value of Y for a given X, one should use
a)regression equation X depends on Y b) regression equation Y depends on X
c) regression equation depends X only d) regression equation depends Y only
45. In regression analysis, the value of byx is
a)r (σx / σy) b) r (σy / σx) c) r (σxσy) d) none
46. In regression analysis, the value of bxy is
a)r (σx / σy) b) r (σy / σx) c) r (σxσy) d) none
47. In regression analysis, the value of r is
a)byxbxy b) [byxbxy] [1/2] c) a) or b) d) none
48. When deviations taken from assumed mean, the two regression equation of X on Y is___.
   
a) X + X = r  σ x (Y + Y ) b) X − X = r  σ x (Y − Y )
 σ y   σ y 

c) X + X = r (Y + Y ) d) X − X = r (Y − Y )
49. When deviations taken from assumed mean, the two regression equation of Y on X is___.
   
a) Y + Y = r  σ x ( X + X ) b) Y − Y = r  σ x ( X − X )
 σ y   σ y

c) X + X = r (Y + Y ) d) X − X = r (Y − Y )
50. The term ‘regression analysis’ refers to the methods by which estimates are made of the values of a
variable from a knowledge of the values of one or more than other variables, the following statement is
given by
a) Morris Hamburg b) Taro Yamane c) Ya-Lun Chou d) none

Key for Unit-III

1 c 11 a 21 D 31 b 41 c
2 a 12 b 22 D 32 c 42 a
3 b 13 a 23 C 33 b 43 a
4 d 14 b 24 B 34 a 44 b
5 c 15 a 25 A 35 b 45 b
6 d 16 c 26 A 36 c 46 a
7 b 17 d 27 D 37 d 47 a
8 a 18 c 28 B 38 a 48 b
9 a 19 b 29 C 39 b 49 b
10 b 20 c 30 A 40 b 50 a


1. The ______________ of a given event is an expression of likelihood or chance of occurrence of an event.

a)statistics b)probability c)sample d)experiment

2. A probability is a number which ranges from _______________ .

a) -1 to 1 b) 0 to 1 c) 1 to 2 d) 10 to 0

3. If a coin is tossed , the probability of a head is ____________.

a) ¼ b)1/2 c)1/5 d)2/3

4. If a coin is tossed ,the probability of a tail is ____________.

a) ½ b) ¼ c) 2/3 d) 1

5. The probability of the entire sample space is P(S) =_______________.

a) 0 b) 1 c) 10 d) ∞

6. If A and B are mutually exclusive events then the probability of occurrence of either A or B denoted by

a)P(A)+P(B) b) P(A).P(B) c) P(A)/P(B) d)none

7. The term _____________refers to describe an act which can be repeated under some given conditions.

a)probability b)sample c)experiment d) none

8. The results of a random experiment are called ____________.

a)sample b)experiment c)outcomes d) none

9. If any of the event cannot take place then its probability shall be _____________.

a) 2 b) 0 c) 1 d) -1
10. If an event is certain then its probability shall be _________.

a) 0 b) 1 c) -1 d) 2

11.If two events A and B are independent the probability that they both will occur is equal to the
__________ of their individual probability .

a) sum b) product c)difference d) none of the above

12. If two events A and B are independent then P(A and B) =_________________.

a)P(A)+P(B) b)P(A)×P(B) c)P(A)-P(B) d)P(A)/P(B)

13. An event which may or maynot occur while performing a certain random experiment is known as

a) impossible event b) random event c) simple event d)none of the above

14. An event whose occurrence is inevitable when a certain random experiment is performed is called a

a)sure event b)chance event c)random event d)dependent event

15. Two events are said to be __________when both event cannot happen simultaneously in a single trial.

a)mutually exclusive b)not mutually exclusive c)sure events d) none.

16. If two events A and B are mutually exclusive events , then P(AB)=___________.

a) 1 b) -1 c) 0 d) none

17.________ events can always be connected by the words ‘either ------or’.

a)sure events b)random events c)mutually exclusive events d)simple events

18. If in two or more events,the outcome of one event does not affect the other,then those events are said to
be _________events.

a)independent b) dependent c)complementary d) simple

19.________events are those in which the occurrence or non-occurrence of one event in any one trail affects
the probability of the other events in other trail.

a)independent b) dependent c) equally likely d) none

20. Events are said to be __________when one does not occur more often than the others.

a)dependent b) equally likely c)independent d) none

21. In _________ events we consider the probability of happening or not happening of single events.

a) compound b)simple c)dependent d) independent

22. In_________events we consider the joint occurrence of two or more events.

a) simple b)compound c) dependent d) independent

23. Events are said to be ____________when their totality includes all the possible outcomes of a random

a)exhaustive events b)equally likely events c) both (a) &(b) d)none.

24. While throwing a dice, the exhaustive number of outcomes is_____________.

a) 1 b) 2 c) 6 d) 4

25.While throwing n dice, the exhaustive number of outcome is________________.

a) 6n b) 6n c)n6 d) 2n

26. If two events A and B are mutually exclusive and exhaustive then A is called _________ of B.

a) simple event b) dependent event c) complementary event d) none

27.If two events A and B are mutually exclusive ,then P(A or B) =_________.

a) P(A)+P(B) b)P(A).P(B) c)P(A)-P(B) d)P(A)/P(B).

28. Probability of getting a king from a standard pack of 52 is _________.

a)1/52 b)4/52 c)1/4 d)0

29. Probability of getting a diamond card from a standard pack of 52 is ___________.

a)4/52 b)13/52 c)1/52 d) 1

30.When two events A and B are not mutually exclusive ,then P(A or B) = ________.

a)P(A)+P(B) b)P(A)+P(B) - P(A and B) c) P(A)+P(B)-P(C) d)none

31.When three events A,B and C are mutually exclusive ,then P(A or B or C)=_________.

a)P(A)+P(B)+P(C) b)P(A)+P(B)-P(C) c)P(A)-P(B)-P(C) d)none

32.When three events A,B ,C are not mutually exclusive , then P(A or B or C)=_______.

a)P(A)+P(B)+P(C) b) P(A)+P(B)+P(C)-P(AB)-P(AC)-P(BC)+P(ABC)

c)P(A)+P(B)+P(C)-P(AB)-P(AC) d) none

33. Two events A and B are said to be _______ when B can occur only when A is known to have occurred .
a) independent b) dependent c) equally likely events d) none
34. The probability of a particular event A, given information about the occurrence of another event B, this
probability is referred to as _______ probability.
a) joint b) marginal c) conditional d) classical

35. Conditional probability is denoted by _______ when probability of A given that B has occurred.
a) P(A/B) b) P(B/A) c) P(A) d) P(B)
36. If two events A and B are dependent, then the conditional probability of B given A is ______.
a) P(B/A) = P(AB)/P(A) b) P(B/A) = P(AB)/P(B) c) P(B/A) = P(B) d) none
37. If three events A,B and C are dependent, then P(ABC) is given by
a) P(A) x P(B/A) b) P(A) x P(A/B) c) P(A) x P(B/A) x P(C/AB) d) none
38. A bag contains 5 white and 3 black balls. One ball is drawn at random. What is the probability that one
ball drawn is black?
a) 2/7 b) 3/8 c) 3/28 d) 1/7
39. Find the probability of drawing a queen from a pack of cards?
a) 1/50 b) 4/10 c) 4/52 d) 1/52
40. In world war II, a considerable body of knowledge has developed known as ______.
a) Bayesian theory b) Bayesian decision theory c) decision theory d)none
41. The purpose of _______ theory, the solution of problems involving decision-making under uncertainty.
a) Bayesian b) decision c) Bayesian decision d)none

42. The British mathematician _______ has published in 1763 in a short paper has become one of the most
famous memoirs in the history of science.
a) Croxton&cowden b) Garrett c) Thomas Bayes d) none

43. If A1 , A2, …….., An be a set of n mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive events and B is another
event such that P(B) is not zero, then P(A1/B) =_______.
P ( B / A1 ) P ( A1 ) P ( A / B1 ) P ( B1 )
a) k b) k c) P(AB)/P(B) d) none
∑ P( B / A1 ) P( A1 )
i =1
∑ P( A / B1 ) P( B1 )
i =1

44. Probabilities before revision by Bayes rule are called a _______ probability.
a) simple b) compound c) conditional d) priori
45. A probability which has undergone revision in the light of sample information is called a ______
a) priori b) posterior c) simple d) none
46. _______ probabilities are also called revised probabilities.
a) priori b) posterior c) simple d) none
47. The term ______ implies the type of information which a statistician or a decision-maker has on an
inferential problem before any sampling is conducted.
a) posterior information b) priori information c) bayes rule d) none
48. A priori probability which is unconditional probability becomes a ______ probability.
a) simple b) compound c) priori d) posterior
49. The mathematical expectation of a random variable is also called ______ .
a) expected value b) median c) mode d) none
50. The mathematical expectation of a random variable is the weighted ______ of the varible.
a) mean b) median c) mode d) none
51. The mathematical expectation is denoted by ______.
a) E(x2) b) V(x) c) E(x) d) none
52. The sum of each particular value within the set (X) multiplied by the probability that X equals that
particular value is called _____.
a) expected value b) median c) mode d) none
53. A variable whose value is determined by the outcome of a random experiment is called a ______
a) chance b) stochastic c) random d) none
54. A random variable is also known as ______ variable .
a) chance b) random c) simple d) none
55. If the random variable takes on the integer values such as 0, 1, 2,….., then it is called a ______ random
a) continuous b) discrete c) compound d) none
56. If the random variable takes all the values, within a certain interval then the random variable is called a
______ variable.
a) continuous b) discrete c) compound d) none
57. The function P(X) which has the respective values p1, p2,…… for X = X1, X2, ….., Xk is called the
_______ function.

a) probability b) frequency c) both a) and b) d) none

Key for Unit-IV

1 b 11 b 21 b 31 a 41 c 51 c
2 b 12 b 22 b 32 b 42 c 52 a
3 b 13 b 23 a 33 b 43 a 53 c
4 a 14 a 24 c 34 c 44 d 54 a
5 b 15 a 25 b 35 a 45 b 55 b
6 a 16 c 26 c 36 b 46 b 56 a
7 c 17 c 27 a 37 c 47 a 57 c
8 c 18 a 28 b 38 b 48 d
9 b 19 b 29 b 39 c 49 a
10 b 20 b 30 b 40 b 50 a


1. Binomial distribution was discovered by ________.

(a) James Bernoulli (b) John Bernoulli (c) Karl Bernoulli (d) none
2. Each Bernoulli trial has __________ possible outcomes.
(a) One (b) two (c) n-1 (d) n
3. An experiment consisting of a ________ number of Bernoulli trials is called Binomial experiment.
(a) random (b) repeated (c) finite (d) infinite
4. In a Binomial experiment each trial must be ________ of each other.
(a) not mutually exclusive (b) dependent (c) independent (d) none
5. The probability of Success P is _____ for each trial.
(a) constant (b) variable (c) zero (d) none
6. The Binomial distribution is defined as P( r ) = __________.
(a) nCr q n −r p r (b) nC r q n p r (c) nCr q n p r −n (d) nC1 q n−r p r
7. The first term in the expansion of ( q + p ) nis _________.
(a) pn (b) qn (c) qn-1 (d) pn-1
8. In a Binomial distribution ‘p’ represents the ________.
(a) probability of success in a single trial (b) both (a) and (b)

(c) probability of success in n trial (d) None of these

9. The shape and location of Binomial distribution changes as p changes for a given _______.
(a) Q (b) n (c) r (d) none
10. In a Binomial distribution mean and mode are equal if ______ is an integer.
(a) np (b) npq (c) np (d) none
11. The mean of the Binomial distribution is _______.
(a) np (b) np (c) npq (d) npq
12. The Standard deviation of the Binomial distribution is ________.
(a) np (b) np (c) npq (d) npq
13. The poisson distribution is defined as p ( r ) = __________.
e −m mr em mr e −m m −r e m m −r
(a) (b) (c) (d)
r! r! r! r!
14. Poisson distribution is used to describe the behavior of __________ events.
(a) rare (b) regular (c) discrete (d) continuous
15. The mean of the Poisson distribution is _________.

(a) r (b) m (c) mr (d) none

16. The standard deviation of the Poisson distribution is ______.

(a) r (b) mr (c) m (d) mr

17. In Poisson distribution the value of β 1 = _________.

1 1
(a) m (b) (c) (d) none
m m2

18. In Poisson distribution the value of β 2 = _________.

1 1 1
(a) m (b) (c) 1 + (d) 3 +
m m m

19. If n is small we use _________.

(a) Binomial distribution (b) normal distribution (c) Poisson distribution (d) none

20. If n is large close to zero we use________.

(a) Binomial distribution (b) normal distribution (c) Poisson distribution (d) none

21. The poisson distribution is characterized by a single parameter ________.

(a) m (b) r (c) m (d) none

22. The poisson distribution was introduced by a _______mathematician S.D. Poisson in 1837.

(a) American (b) French (c) German (d) none

23. In a poisson distribution µ 4 = _______.

(a) m + 2m 3 (b) m + 3m (c) m + 3m 2 (d) m + 3m 3

24. When the number of trials very large and neither the probability of success nor the

probability of failure is very small, then the binomial distribution becomes

a)Poisson b) Normal c) Bernoulli d) none of these

Ans : b) Normal

25. The height of the normal curve is maximum at its

a) Mean b) Median c) Mode d) all the above

26. The point(s) of inflexion of the normal curve is

a) X + σ b) X − σ c) X ± σ d)

27. When the number of trials is very large and the probability of success is very small, then the

binomial distribution becomes

a)Poisson b) Normal c) Bernoulli d) none of these

28. Which of the following is a continuous distribution?

a) Bernoulli b) Binomial c) Poisson d) normal

29. For a normal distribution coefficient of Kurtosis will be

a) 3 b) greater than 3 c) less than 3 d) cannot be determined

30. The probability density function of normal distribution is

 X −µ   X −µ 
1 − 2
 1 − 
 2σ 2 
a) P ( X ) = e  2σ  b) P ( X ) = e
σ 2π σ π
 X −µ   X −µ 
2 −  1 − 
 2σ 2  σ2 
c) P ( X ) = e d) P ( X ) = e
σ π σ 2π

31. The curve of a normal distribution is

a) Positively skewed b) Negatively skewed c) Symmetric d) none of these

32. Which of the following is/are discrete distribution

a) Binomial b) Poisson c) Bernoulli d) all the above

33. The mean and standard deviation of a standard normal distribution are _____ and _____


a) 0 and 1 b) 1 and 0 c) 1 and 1 d) 0 and 0

Key for Unit-V

1 a 11 b 21 a 31 c
2 b 12 d 22 b 32 d
3 b 13 a 23 c 33 a
4 c 14 a 24 b
5 a 15 b 25 d
6 a 16 c 26 c
7 b 17 b 27 a
8 c 18 d 28 d
9 b 19 a 29 a
10 c 20 c 30 a

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