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Atomic Power of Prayer – Dr Cindy Trimm

December 25, 2015  · by Ezrachimts

o Atomic Prayer By Dr. Cindy Trimm. Use this prayer or prayer points daily, or as often as possible, to
pray your way through difficult situations, learn how to pray dangerous prayers with power.
Powerful Atomic Prayer – Miracles will start to happen if we pray regularly with faith in Christ.
Father,  you are the great physician who promised that you will place none of these diseases upon us. You are
our healer, you are our deliverer, you are our way maker. You are our miracle worker.
You said in Isaiah 53:5 that you are wounded for our transgression, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement
of our peace was upon Him and with your stripe, we are healed. Father we decree and declare according to 3rd
John Chapter 1:2, ” Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy
soul prospers”. Father I know that You want me to be healthy. I know you want me to be happy, I know you
want me healed, I know you want me to prosper, I know you want me to succeed, I know you want me to walk
in optimum health. I know that you want me to live without pain, without hurt, without stress. I know that you
want me to live disease free, sickness free, stress free, and therefore I decree and declare according to your
Word I am healthy and physically fit. Sickness and disease are far from me. I declare that by Your stripes I am
I am healed from every physical, physiological, biochemical, bio-electrical malfunction, from emotional
wounds, psychological illnesses, from physical discomfort, from sickness and diseases. I speak Jeremiah 17:14-
15 over my life. Heal me O Lord and I shall be healed, save me and I shall be saved for thou art my praise.
Behold they say unto me, where is the word of the lord? Let it come near. You sent your word to heal us from
all our diseases. Your Word is established in me this day. According to Psalm 107:20, I declare that I am healed
by the Word of the Lord. I speak to every part of my body, be healed and restored fully in the Name of Jesus.
Spirit of infirmity, loose your hold over my life and the life of my loved ones. Let the fountains of infirmity,
affliction, discomfort and pain, dry up now! Let poison and and toxins dry up in every part of my body now.
Neutralize the negative effects of viruses and bacteria, drugs and medical treatment now! I decree and declare
that any and all physiological, biochemical, hormonal, neurological, organic, systemic, cellular or molecular
damage sustained from stress, exhaustion, medication, pharmaceuticals, drugs, medical treatment, X-ray,
chemo-radiation therapy, monoclonal antibodies, etc is reversed right now!  I speak health and healing over my
blood, my cells, my organs and systems. I speak healing to all my glands, I speak health and healing over my
mind and emotion. I speak health and healing over my body. I speak that my brain and thoughts are healed
right now!
I am non-responsive to demonic depression. I establish my superior authority over this region by the Blood of
Jesus, the Word of God, by the Spirit of God. The Son of God was made manifest for my life and that He would
destroy the works of the devil. I decree that the works of the devil are destroyed. It is destroyed over this
region, it is destroyed over my neighborhood, it is destroyed over my body, over my family, over my children,
over my loved ones, over my ministry, over my pastor, over my doctor and lawyer, and over my government.
The evil works of the devil is nullified and destroyed in Jesus’ name.
I declare and decree that the plans and the purposes of God shall prevail. The Word of God prevails.
Hallelujah! His Will shall prevail over my life. My prophetic purpose and destiny prevails. My vision prevails.
My business prevails. My ideas prevail. I prophesy to the four winds, that things that have died prematurely
and dried up because of satanic and demonic activities are quickened and come to life again. I speak life and
blessings into every situations.  I declare that the pieces of my destiny and financial ministerial relational
puzzle: it comes together for my good.
My life comes together. I decree, hallelujah, that my money and material resources are coming together. My
business is coming together. My relationships are coming together. My family is coming together. The body of
Christ is coming together. My ministry is coming together. My marriage and my family are coming together.
My budget is coming together. Our governments are coming together. Our leaderships are coming together.
Everything is working together according to Your Will. Father I thank You, with You, nothing is impossible.
So therefore, Father, I decree and declare, hallelujah, that the floodgates of heaven are opened. Let it rain
blessings abundantly. Spirit of God usher us into times of refreshing that You promised will come from the
presence of God.
I decree and declare that there shall be no more demonic droughts, no more demonic dryness, distress, disease,
depression, and no more demonic drama. We come in the volume of the Book, the written Word of God. It is
written of us and is for us as believers. We come in the power of God, hallelujah, the God of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, the God of Joshua, hallelujah, and we decree and declare that every impenetrable Jericho wall set
up by the enemy must come down in the name of Jesus and in the power of the most High God.
I shatter barriers, blockages, barricades, and boulders. I declare that I am advancing  according to the
purposes, and the plan of God. The gospel of Jesus Christ is advancing in this region and in every region. I am
promoting and proclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, that the kingdom of God has
come. He is King over every region and His kingdom is at hand. We take authority over every demonic
stronghold and break the cords and bands of wickedness. We shake evil out of their illegal hiding places and
take our rightful seat of authority in Christ Jesus. We take authority over Satanic altars in the mountains and
every high places. We stand in the spirit of Elijah and we decree and declare that our God answers by fire
against our enemies—He is Almighty God. We decree that the fire of the Lord destroys every altar of demonic
and satanic forces.
We command that the powers of the enemy be broken off in our lives, be broken off of our ministry, be broken
off of our home, be broken off of our mind, and be broken off of our relationships. They are broken off of our
body, off of our life, off of our children, off of our marriage, off of our spouse, off of our business, and off of our
practices. We decree and declare, hallelujah, that evil has no control over our lives anymore. We break free of
evil control, hallelujah, of the enemy. We break free of evil patterns, fetishes, charms, amulets, good luck
pieces, talisman, chains, stocks, bondages, incantations, addictions, generational curses, spirits of inheritance,
death, poverty, apathy, hopelessness, abuse, helplessness, prayerlessness in the Name of Jesus.
We decree and declare-they are destroyed. Wherever and whatever the witches, the warlords, the sorcerers,
the sages, the religions manipulators are using as points of contacts to release curses via pictures, clothing,
strands of hair, personal items, garments, bowls, dust, blood, voodoo-dolls, altars, amulets, bowls, water,
brooms, mixes, whatever it is: I command it to be disintegrated and nullified in Jesus name. Hallelujah! We
interrupt lines of communication between familiar spirits and sever illegal activities designed to frustrate the
plans and purposes of God in our lives. We command every evil attachment to be broken. We command every
evil cords to be broken. We command every stronghold to be broken. We take authority over the spirits of
doubt, enmeshment, entanglement, fear, terror, confusion, unbelief, intimidation, sin, and iniquity.
We release ourselves from strongholds of the enemy and over dark spiritual forces which bombard our mind.
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, as we stand to pray and decree, we break through the strongholds of the
enemy by the hand of God, by the finger of God, the Word of God, the blood of Jesus Christ, the fire of the
Holy Spirit, the anointing of God, hallelujah, by apostolic interventions and angelic assistance. Father, we arise
in the spirit of Zerubbabel, hallelujah, and Elijah, and speak grace, grace to the mountains and their diabolical
altars. Father cause them to be destroyed by Your fire in Jesus Name.
Atomic power of prayer words transcribed:  (BREAKING TIES & CURSES)
According to Deuteronomy 32:13 and Job 29:6, make us to ride on the high places of the earth, to eat the
increase of the fields, to suck the honey out of the rocks, wash our steps with butter and cause oil to flow out of
the flinty rocks. We decree and declare that our past is past and we press toward the mark of the high calling
of God in Christ Jesus. Forgive us Father for our carnality; wash our minds of hidden agendas. We decree and
declare that our feet have been loosed from the snare of the enemy that causes bondages, immobility and
paralyses. Father we decree and declare that we are free to advance to fulfill our purpose and to maximize our
potential. We cannot be resisted, stopped, hindered or prevented.
Our territories are enlarged. We shall not be marginalized, ostracized, or held back in a cave. We shall not be
held back, tolerated, beat down, bruised in pain, chained in hurt, anchored in bitterness, trapped in disbelief or
depression. Hallelujah! We shall not be cheated of our inheritance in Christ, prevented from advancement and
ascension. Heavenly Father, Supernatural God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the covenant-making,
the covenant-keeping God, grant us the grace and courage and capacity to walk out of the old and into the new.
Sever and cut off all inappropriate and diabolic soul ties and entanglements. Grant us wisdom, insight and
instructions for renegotiating old covenant relationships. Reveal to us divinely open portals; reveal to us your
daily assignments and agendas and timetables, hallelujah, so that we can operate in a correct timing of the
Father we are saying that there will be no spirit, no individual that would cause us to move out of the timing of
the Lord. We are synchronized and syncopated to your divine timing and to your divine timetable. So Father,
in the name of Jesus and in the power and the authority of the Holy Ghost, we break every curses associated
with idle words and actions.
Extinguish satanic firebrands, reverse diabolical cycles, and release us from unprofitable bewitching
relationships. Reverse all evil arrangements. We resist and reject manipulations and manipulators. We reverse
sabotage in the name of Jesus. Father free us from the things, conditions, behaviors, mindsets, activities and
people that have lassoed us, restricted us, bound us, soiled us, derailed us, distracted us, controlled us. Deliver
our souls from the mouth of the lion and the venom (poison) of the snake. Destroy the serpentine spirit with
your holy fire even as you let the children of Israel through hat great and terrible wilderness where fiery
serpents and scorpions and drought—where there was no water.
According to Luke 10:19, Hallelujah! I take my place of authority and impose it over serpentines and scorpions
and declare and decree we shall not suffer any hurt Hallelujah! We shake off demonic attachments. Father by
your fire, draw out the serpentine spirit from its inconspicuous rocks and hiding places. Hallelujah! Cause
your fire to utterly destroy it in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!
Father we declare that we are free and that you are causing the anti-venomous power of the blood of Jesus
Christ to protect us from the venomous activities of the serpentine spirit. Cause its venomous activities to be
make impotent in lives, the lives of our loved-ones, associates, employees, ministerial colleagues, etc. Put a hook
in the mouth of the leviathan. We know we cannot fight this power on our own. You are Jehovah Gibbor; and
in the name of Jesus call on You to destroy the effects that satan has had on our lives, our communities, our
countries and nations. We cry out for every institution. Father we prevail in prayer for the family, for
marriage, for the church, for school and for government. Free us from bondages and strongholds as we decree
and declare our economies are free from recession and litigation.
In the name of Jesus, we decree and declare our families, societies and communities are delivered and set free
from violence, unemployment, illiteracy, poverty, homelessness, rape, domestic violence, lawlessness, incest,
alcoholism, drug-abuse, perversion, witchcraft, occultic activities, satanic technologies, bewitchment, drought,
economic hardship, communicable social disease, anti-Semitism, abortion crimes of hate and racism, ethnic
cleansing, indifferences, and satanic stupors.
Father we decree and declare that families are free from demonic domestic violence, Hallelujah!, Incest,
dysfunction, hunger, lack, shame, child-abuse, and abandonment. Our marriages are free from cheating,
adultery, spousal abuse, the breaking of covenants, emotional physical, financial abandonment. Our businesses
are free from white-collar crime, bankruptcy, loss of customers and clients in the  name of Jesus.

Atomic power of prayer words: (Seal the Prayer & Closing Declarations).
I declare according to Psalm 92:8 and 14, that the Lord is the most high forever. All thy enemies, O Lord, shall
perish and be utterly destroyed. All workers of iniquity shall be scattered. But my horn shall thou exalt like the
horn of the unicorn. I shall be anointed with fresh anointing oil. The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree;
he shall grow like a cedar of Lebanon. All those that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the
courts of our God. They shall bring forth good fruits in old age and they shall be fat and flourished.
I declare that my times are in your Sovereign Hand therefore I am released from demonic cycle, seasons,
calendars, timetables. I am in sync, in season, in sequence with Your time. I activate good times and blessed
moments and destroy every spirit which controls bad times, hard times and struggling times. Since my times
are in Your hand, I decree and declare that this year and the years to come shall be filled with mind-blowing
supernatural occurrences and restorations that will bring me great joy and prosperity. I dislodge every
demonic anchors that keep me in cycles—cycles of poverty, hardship, lack, struggle, chronic sickness and
diseases. I destroy these anchors now by the Word, by the Blood and by the Spirit of God. I am anchored in the
Lord Jesus Christ.
I declare and decree that my struggles are over in the Name of Jesus. I declare sudden good surprises,
supernatural increase, supreme delight in the Lord, sustainable glory, favor, health, wealth, riches, power and
influence. I am anointed and blessed from my Heavenly Father in Christ Jesus.. All things are passed away and
behold all things have become new. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. With this anointing I enter into a new
season and declare a new season of strength, peace, joy, wholeness, focus, prosperity in family, ministry and
I declare that my head with never lack fresh anointing oil. I increase in density, consistency, and potency in the
name of Jesus. I decree that this oil of anointing acts as a seal of approval upon my life. It endorses me, equips
me, empowers me, makes ample rooms for me. Cause me to live in the overflow, usher me into prophetic
destiny and prominence through Jesus Christ whom I have obtained a glorious inheritance.
Being predestined, according to the purpose of Him works all things according to counsel of His will. I seal this
prophetic prayer in name of Jesus Christ and by the power of His Blood, the Word and the Holy Spirit. Now
unto Him that is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I could ask or think according to the power
that works in me.
Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus Christ, I shall end this year and every year strong and start every New Year
empowered. Amen. Amen…and Amen.
In Jesus Mighty Name I pray. Amen!

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