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Student book.
Unit 1: Please call me Beth.
1. Conversation Where are you from?
2. Speaking Checking information
A. Match the questions with the responses. Listen and check then practice with a
partner. Give your own information.
1) I´m sorry. What´s your name again? Hi! I´m Yuriko Noguchi.
1) What do people call you? I´m sorry. What´s your last name again?
2) How do people spell your last name? Make a list of names for your group.
B. Group work. Introduce yourself with your full name. Use the expressions in part
A. Make a list of names for your group.
2) Hi! I´m Yuriko Noguchi.
3) I´m sorry. What´s your last name again?
3. Conversation what´s seoul like?
A. Listen and practice.
B. Listen to rest of the conversation. What city is David from? What´s it like?
David is from Mexico City. It´s big and very busy.
4. Pronunciation linked sounds
A. Listen and practice. Notice how final consonant sounds are often linked to the
vowels that follow them.
5. Grammar focus.
A. Complete these sentences. Then tell a partner about yourself.
a. My name is Mariko Kimura. I’m from Japan. My family is in Osaka. My
brother is a university student. And his name is kenji.
b. My name is Antonio. I’m from Buenos Aires. It’s a really nice city. My
sister is a student here, too. My parents are in Argentina right now.
c. I’m Katerine, but everyone calls me Katie. And my last name is Martin. I am
student at city College. My parents are on vacation this week. They´re in Los
B. Complete these questions. Then practice with a partner.
1. A: What 's that?
B: Oh, that's Miss West.
2. A: Where’s she from?
B: She’s from Miami.
3. A: How are her first name?
B: It’s Celia
4. A: Where are the two students over there?
B: Their names are Jeremy and Karen.
5. A: Where are they from?
B: they’re from vancouver, Canada.
6. A: How are they ?
B: they’re shy, but very friendly.
C. Group work Write five questions about your classmates. Then ask and
answer the questions.
a. What 's your name?
b. What’s your last name?
c. Where are from?
d. What do you like to do?
e. How old are you?

Which greetings are typical in your country? a handshake - a kiss on the cheek - a hug - a
fist bump. Can you the name of country for each greeting? In Europe it's kisses. What are
other ways to greet people? Through the eyebrows, or a "then" word or thumb up
7.Conversation: ¿Ho´s it going?
A. Listen and practice.
8.Grammar focus
A: Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner.
1. A: Is Ms. Gray from the United States?
B: Yes, she is from Chicago.
2. A: Is English class at 10:00?
B: No, it isn´t. It´s at 10:00.
3. A: Are you and Monique from France?
B: Yes, we are. We´re from Paris.
4. A: Are Mr. and Mrs. Tavares American?
B: No, they aren´t. They´re Brazilian.
B: Answer these questions. if you answer “no”, give the correct information. Then
ask your partner the questions.
1. Are you from the United States? Not
2. Is your teacher from Canada? Not
3. Is your English class in the morning? Not
4. Are you and your best friend the same age? Not
C. Group work Write five questions about your classmates. Then ask and answer
the questions.
9.Word power: Hello and good – bye.
A. Do you know these Expressions? Which Ones Are “hello” and which ones are
“good-bye”? Complete teacher. Add expressions of your own.
Hello Good – bye
Good morning Bye
Hey Good night
Hi Have a good day
How are you? See you later.

B. Match each expression with the best response.

1. Have a good day. b.Thank you. You, too.
2. Hi. How are you? d. Pretty good, thanks.
3. What 's up? a. Oh, not much.
4. Good morning c. Good morning
C. Class activity Practice saying hello. Then practice saying good-bye.
A. Hi, Aki. How's it going?
B. Pretty good, thanks. How are you?
10. Listening what´s your last name again?
A. Listen to the conversations. Complete the information about each person.
First name Last name Where from?
Chris Olsen The united state
Isabela Sanchez Mexico
Min - ho Kim South Korea
11. Interchange 1: Getting to know you. Find out about your classmates. Go interchange 1
on page 114.
12. Reading:
A. Read the article. Then check the statements that are true.
a. Your name is part of your identity. TRUE
b. People often feel the same way about a particular name. TRUE
c. Boy’s names are more popular than girl’s names.
d. People are often named after family members. TRUE
e. Opinions about names can change. TRUE
B. According to the article, which names suggest positive things? which suggest
negative things? Complete the chart.
Positive names: Jacob, Emma, Michael, Nicole.
Negative names: George, Betty, Stanley, Jane.
C. Pair work What names are popular in your country? why are they popular?
The most popular names are daniela, valentina, maria, oscar, juan, pedro, luisa, it is
an endless name and they are popular because they combine with everything
Unit 2: What do you do?
Which jobs are easy? Which are difficult? Why?
What’s your opinion? Are these good jobs for students?
What are some other student jobs? 
2. Word power.
A. Complete the word map with jobs from the list.
Office work: Accountant, receptionist, website designer, secretary, sales manager.
Travel industry: Flight attendant, pilot, tour guide, travel agent, hotel manager, stewardess,
Food service: Cashier, chef, server, dishwasher, host/hostess, kitchen assistant, baker.
Entertainment business: Dancer, musician, singer, actor, disc jockey, clown, choreographer.
B.Add two more jobs to each category. Then compare with a partner.
3. Speaking work and workplaces.
A.Look at the picture. Match the information in columns A, B and C.
She´s a salesperson. She sells clothes. She works in a department store.
He´s a chef. He cooks food. He works in a restaurant.
He´s a mechanic. He fixes cars. He works in a garage.
He´s a carpenter. He builds houses. He works for a construction company.
He´s a reporter. He writes stores. He works for a newspaper.
She´s a nurse. She cares for patients. She works in a hospital.
4.Conversation: Where do you work?
A. Listen and practice.
B.Listen to the rest of the conversation. What does Jason do, exactly? How does he like his
job? He takes orders. He likes his job because it´s fun. He gets free hamburgers, too.
5.Grammar focus
A.Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner.
1. A: What do you do?
B: I'm a full-time student. I study the violin.
A: And where do you go to school?
B: 1 go to the New York School of Music.
A: Wow! How do you like your classes?
B: I like them a lot.
2. A: What does Tanya do?
B: She's a teacher. She teaches an art class at a school in Denver.
A: And what about Ryan? Where does he work?
B: He work for a big computer company in San Francisco
A: What does he do, exactly?
B: He´s a website designer. He designs fantastic websites.
B.Pair work: What do you know about these jobs? Complete the cart. Then write sentences
about each job.
A reporter A flight attendant A teacher
Works for a newspaper Works for an airline Works in a school
Interviews people Assists passengers Teaches classes
Writes stories Serves drinks Helps students
C.Pair work: Ask your partner questions like these about work and school. Take notes to
use in exercise 6.
A.Use your notes from exercise 5 to write a biography of your partner. Don´t user your
partner´s name. Use he or she instead.
She was born in a Roldanillo, lives on a farm, since she was little she liked to play with
children and is a very active and sociable person.
B.Class activity: Pass your biographies around the class. Guess each biography is about.
7.Conversation: I start work at five.
A.Listen and practice
B.Listen to rest of the conversation. What time does Kevin get up? Start work? Kevin gets
up around 6:00. He starts work at 11:00
8.Pronunciation: Syllable stress
A.Listen and practice. Notice which syllable has the main stress.
B.Which stress pattern do these words have? Add them to the columns in part A. Then
listen and check.
Dancer, server, tutor.
Salesperson, carpenter, caregiver.
Accountant, musician, reporter.
9.Grammar focus.
A. Circle the correct words.
1. I get up at six on weekdays.
2. I have lunch at 11:30 on Mondays.
3. I have a little snack around 10.00 at night.
4. On Fridays, I leave school early.
5. I stay up until 1:00 on weekends.
6. I sleep until noon on Sundays
B. Rewrite the sentences in part A so that they are true for you. Then compare with a
I get up at six on weekdays and I sleep until noon on Sundays
C. Pair work: Take turns asking and answering these questions.
1.Which days do you get up early? late? On Mondays I get up early, and on Sunday if it is
2.What´s something you do before 8:00 in the morning? Have breakfast
3.What´s something you do on Saturday evenings? Sleep and watch movies
4.What do you do only on Sundays? Sleep and watch movies.
10.Listening: Daily schedules
A.Listen to greg, Megan, and Lori talk about their daily schedules. Complete the chart.
Job Gets up at.. Gets home at.. Goes to bed at..
Greg Mechanic 6:00 a.m 10:00 p.m
Megan Receptionist 7:00 a.m Midnight
Lori Nurse 4:00 p.m 8:30 a.m

B.Class activity: Who do you think has the best daily schedule? Why? the receptionist
works more but the work is little
11.Find out about your classmates´schedules. Go to interchange 2 on page 115.
A.Read the article. Why do these people need jobs? Check (X) the correct boxes.
Julia Denise Eddie
To save money X
To pay for college X
To go out on the X
To buy a house X
B.Pair work: Choose the best job for each person. Explain why. Eddie can work afternoons,
evenings, and weekends. Chef and server are good jobs for him.

Unit 3: Please call me Beth.

1. Snapshot
Which word5 have a positive meaning? Which have a negative meaning? Don't be
an animal! That girl is an animal studying.
What meaning s do these colors have for you? What does your favorite color make
you think of? Tranquility and anxiety, it makes me think of cakes
2. Conversation
A. Listen and practice.
B. Listen to the rest of the conversation. What else does the customer look at? Does
she buy it? She look jeans light blue and the backpack red, and not buy.
3. Grammar focus.
A. Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner
1) A. Excuse me. How much are those jeans?
B.Which ones? Do you mean that one?
A. No, the light blue ones.
B. Oh, those are $59.95.
A. Wow! That´s expensive.
2) A. How much is that backpack?
B.Which one?
A.The red one
B.It´s $36.99. But that green one is only $22.25
B. Pair work. Add prices to the items. Then ask and answer questions.
Glasses red: $48.00
Glassed black: $48.00
Phone black: $40.000
Phone red: $ 60.00
A: Do you have phones
B: Yes, there is. what do you need?
A: One red
B: Yes, look, I have this one that is worth $ 60.00
A: It is worth a lot, you have a cheaper one
B: Yes, I have a black one. Worth $ 40.00
A: aaaa well, we are coming
4. Pronunciation: Sentences stress
A. Listen and practice. Notice that the important words in a sentence have more
B. Pair work. Practice the conversations in exercise 3, part B again. Pay attention to
the sentence stress.
5. Role play: Can I help you?
A. Pair work: Put items “for sale” on your desk, such as notebooks, watches,
phones, or bags.
B. Change roles and try the role play again.
6. Listening: Look at this!
A. Listen to two friends shopping. Write the color and price for each item.
B. Listen again. Do they buy the items? Check (x) Yes or No.
Item Color Prince Do they buy it?
Phone Purple $399 No
Watch Black $9.95 Yes
Sunglasses Green $11.50 Yes
T-shirt Red and yellow $12 No

7. Interchange 3: Flea market

A. See what kinds of deals you can make as a buyer and a seller. Go to interchange
on pages 116 – 117.
8. Word power: Materials
A. What are these things made of? Label each one. Use the words from the list.
1) A silk tie.
2) A plastic bracelet
3) A gold ring
4) A cotton shirt
5) A leather jacket
6) Silver earrings
7) Rubber boots
8) Wool socks.
B. Pair work: What other materials are the things in part A sometimes made of?
Make a list.
Cotton, rubber, gold, silk, leather, silver, plastic.
C. Which materials can you find in your classroom? The water bottle is plastic
9. Conversation: I prefer the blue one
A. Listen and practice
B. Listen to the rest of the conversation. What does brett buy? What does Lisa
think of it? Brett buys a cotton shirt. Lisa likes it.
10. Grammar focus
A. Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner.
1. A: Which of these jackets do you like more?
B: I prefer the leather one. The design is nicer, and it looks more expensive
than the wool one.
2. A: These T-shirts are nice. Which one do you prefer?
B: I like the green and white one better. The colors are pettier. It's more
attractive than the gray and black one.
3. A: Which earrings do you like better?
B: I like the silver ones more. They're bigger than the gold ones. And they're
11. Writing: Comparing prices.
How much do these things cost in your country? Complete the chart. Then compare
the prices in your country with the prices in the U.S
Price in my country Price in the U.S
A cup of coffee 0.81 1.40
A movie ticket 2.17 12.50
A paperback novel 4.07 8.95
A video game 13.57 50.000
In Colombia everything is cheaper than in the US, only the economic model there
changes if it offers the possibility of buying, not here.
12. Reading.
A. Read the article. Answer these questions. Then write the number of the
paragraph where you find each answer.
4. a. Shopzilla and Google compare prices, give reviews,
find stores near you with the best bargains.
2. b. twitter users are called Twitters.
3. c. You can type in the item number and check prices.
4. d. Two social networking sites are Facebook and Twitter
B. According to the article, which shopping tools do these things? Check (x) the
correct boxes.
Facebook Twitter Smart-phone Google
1.Get X X
from friends
2.Find X X X X
3.Compare X X X
4.Find stores X X X X
with items
5.Buy items X
C.Pair work: Do you shop mostly in stores or online? How do you find good price?
On both sides, and I look at the quality and quantity of the product according to its price
Work book
Unit 1: Please call me beth
1. Please call me Beth
A. Write about yourself.
1) My first name is
2) My last name is
3) Please call me
4) I´m from Zarzal
2. Put the words in order to make questions. Then answer the questions.
1) Name what´s last her.
A: What´S her last name.
B: Her last name is.
2) Name her what´s first
A: What´s her first name?
B: Her first name is
3) From your teacher where is
A: Where is your teacher from?
B: My teacher is from Zarzal.
4) Class your how English is
A: Where is your English class?
B: My English class is Monday and Wednesday.
5) Classmates what your are like
A: What are your classmates like?
B: My classmates are developing.
3. Choose the correct responses.
1) A: Hi, i´m Nicole.
B: Oh. Hi, I´m Michael.
2) A: My name is Young – hoon Park.
B: Nice to meet you, Young – hoon.
3) A: Hello. I´m a new club member.
B: Welcome.
4) A: I´m sorry. What´s your name again?
B: Joe king.
5) A: How do you spell your first name?
B: A-N-T-O-N-I-O
6) A: What do people call you?
B: Everyone calls me Ken.
4. Look at he answers. What are the questions?
A. Look at the answer. What are the questions?
1) Jim: What´s your first name?
Bob: My first name´s Bob.
2) Jim: What´s your last name?
Bob: My last name´s Hayes.
3) Jim: Who´s that?
Bob: That´s my wife.
4) Jim: What´s her name?
Bob: Her name is Rosa.
5) Jim: Where´s she from?
Bob: She´s from Mexico
6) Jim: Who are they?
Bob: They´re my wife´s parents.
5. Choose the correct words.
1) They´re my classmates. Their names are Kate and Noriko.
2) We´re students. Our classroom number is 108 – C
3) Excuse me. What´s your last name again?
4) That´s Ji – Won he is in my class.
5) My name is Elizabeth. Please call me Liz.
6) This is Paul´s wife her name is Jennifer.
7) My parents are on vacation they are in South Korea.
8) I´m from Venice, Italy. It is a beautiful city.
6. Complete this conversation with am, are, or is.
Lisa. Who are the men over there, Amy?
Amy: Oh, They are on the volleyball team. Let me introduce you. Hi, Surachai, this
is Lisa Neil.
Surachai: Nice to meet you, Lisa.
Lisa: Nice to meet you, Where are you from?
Surachai: I am from Thailand.
Amy: And this is Mario. He is from Brazil.
Lisa: Hi, Mario.
7. Hello and welcome!
A. Read these four student biographies. Then complete the chart below.
Name Where from Languages Sports
Mario Cali Spanish and Volleyball
Charlotte Brussels, French and Dutch
Su – yin Wuhan, China Chinese and Volleyball
Ahmed Luxor, Egypt Arabic and Soccer

B. Write a short biography of a classmate.

Luisa was born in a Roldanillo, he is twenty years old, he turns February lives
on a farm, since she was little she liked to play with children and is a very active
and sociable person.
8. Choose the correct sentences to complete this conversation.
Sarah: Hello, I´m Sarah.
Rich: Hi, Sarah. I´m Rich. How are you?
Sarah: Pretty good, thanks. Are you a student here?
Rich: No, I´m not. I´m on vacation. Are you a student?
Sarah: Yes, I am.
Rich: What are your classmates like?
Sarah: They´re really interesting.
Rich: Oh, really? Is Susan Miller in your class?
Sarah: Yes, she is. Is she your friend?
Rich: No, she´s not. She´s my sister!
9. Complete this conversation. Use contractions where possible.
Alex: Hello. I´m Alex Lam. And this is my sister Amy.
Tina: Hi. I´m Tina Fernandez.
Amy: Are you from South America, Tina?
Tina: Yes, I´am. I´m from Argentina. Where are you and your sister from, Alex?
Alex: We´re from Taiwan.
Tina: Are you from Taipei?
Alex: No, we´re not. We´re from Tainan. Say, are you in English 101?
Tina: No, I´m not. I´m in English 102.
10. Look at the answers. What are the questions?
1) A: Are you on vacation here?
B: No, i´m not on vacation. I´m a student here.
2) A: Are you free?
B: No, I'm not. I'm very busy.
3) A: Are you from Spain?
B: No, we're not from Spain. We're from Mexico.
4) A: Is your teacher Mr. Brown?
B: No, my teacher isn't Mr. Brown. I'm in Ms. West's class.
5) A: Are Natalie and Mika in your class?
B: Yes, Natalie and Mika are in my class.
6) A: is it an interesting class?
B: Yes. it's an interesting class.
7) A: Are they on the same baseball team?
B: No, they're not on the same baseball team. They're on the same volleyball
11. Read the expressions in the box. Which ones say “hello” and which ones say “good-
Hello Good – bye
How are you? X
See you tomorrow X
Good night X
Good morning X
Talk to you later X
How´s it going? X
Have a good day X
What´s up? X
12. Answer these questions about yourself. Use contractions where possible.
1) Are you from South America? Yes, i am from south America
2) Are you on vacation? Not.
3) Are you a student at a university? Yes i am a social work student
4) Is your English class in the morning? No my class is in the afternoon
5) Is your teacher from England? no, my teacher is from Colombia
6) Is your first name popular? Barto.
Unit 2: What do you?
1. Match the words in columns A and B. Write the names of the jobs.
1) English teacher.
2) Fitness instructor.
3) Flight attendant.
4) Newspaper reporter
5) Tour guide
6) Website designer.
2. Write sentences using He or She.
1) I´m a website designer. I work in an office. I like computers a lot – He´s a
website designer. He works in an office. He likes computers a lot.
2) She works in a gym. She´s a fitness instructor. She teaches aerobics.
3) He´s a tour guide. He takes people on tours. He travels a lot.
4) She works for an airline. She assists passengers. She´s a flight attendant.
3. Write a or an in the correct places.
1) He´s a carpenter. He works for a construction. Company. He builds schools
and houses.
2) She works for a travel company. She arranges tours. She´s a travel agent.
3) He has a difficult job. He´s a cashies. He works in a supermarket.
4) She´s an architect. She works for a large company. She designs houses. It´s
an interesting job.
5) He works with cars in a garage. He´s a mechanic. He´s also a part – time
student. He takes a business class in the evening.
4. Choose someone in your family. Write about his or her job.
My mom is a housewife at the moment she is unemployed, my dad works in
colombina and my little brother studies in the sacred heart of jesus school
5. Complete this conversation with the correct words.
Tom: What does your husband do exactly?
Liz: He works for a department store. He´s a store manager.
Tom: How does he like it?
Liz: It´s an interesting job. He likes it very much. But he works long hours. And
what do you do?
Tom: I´m a student. I study architecture.
Liz: Oh, really? Where do you go to school?
Tom: I go to Lincoln University. My girlfriend goes there, too
Liz: Really? And what does she study?
Tom: She studies hotel management
Liz: That sounds interesting.
6. Complete the questions in this conversation.
Mark: Where do you work?
Victor: I work for Cybotics Industries.
Mark: And what do you do there?
Victor: I'm in management.
Mark: How do you like it?
Victor: lt1s a great job. And what do you do?
Mark: I'm a salesperson.
Victor: Really? What do you do? _
Mark: I sell computers. Do you want to buy one?
7. Read these two interviews. Answer the questions.
1) What does Felix do? He´s a chef.
2) What does he do at home? He practices cooking new things, and then he
writes cookbooks.
3) What does he do in Southeast Asia? He makes TV programs about thai
4) What does Keisha do? She´s a lifeguard.
5) Where does she work? She work at the city pool.
6) When does she finish work? She finishes work at noon.
8. Meet pat. Write questions about him using what, where, when, and how.
1) What does he do?
2) Where does he work?
3) When does he start work?
4) How does he like his job?
9. How does Pat spend his weekends? Complete this paragraph with the words
from the list.
Everyone knows Pat at the hospital. Pat is a part- time nurse. He works at night
on weekends. On Saturdays and Sundays, Pat sleeps most of the day and wakes
up a little before nine in the evening, usually at 8:45 or 8:50. He has breakfast
very late, around 9:30 or 10:00 P.M.! He watches television until eleven o'clock,
and then starts work at midnight. Earl y in the morning. usually around 5:00
A.M., he leaves work, has a little snack goes home, goe to bed, and sleeps late.
It's a perfect schedule for Pat. He's a premed student on weekdays at a local
10. Use these words to complete the crossword puzzle.

11. Choose the sentences in the box that have the same meaning as the sentences
1) He teaches dance. He´s a dance teacher.
2) What's his job? What does he do?
3) She's a mechanic. She fixes cars.
4) He's a student. He goes to the university.
5) She goes to bed at midnight. She stays up late.
6) He works four hours every day. He works part time.
12. Fill in the missing words or phrases from these job advertisements.
1) New York Hospital needs nurses. Work during the day or at night, weekdays
or weekends, full time or part time. Call 614-555-1191.
2) Interesting job for a language student. Mornings only. Take people on tours.
Need good English and Spanish kills. Email Dave at davel [email protected].
3) No need to work long hours! Only work from 6:00 until 11 :00 four
evenings a week. Our restaurant serves great food! Work as our manager.
Call 308-555-6845.
Unit 3: How much is it?
1. Choose the correct sentences to complete this conversation.
Sam: Look at those pants, Rebecca.
Rebecca: Which ones?
Sam: The light blue ones over there. They're nice.
Rebecca: Yes, But I don´t really like light blue.
Sam: Hmm. Well, what about that sweater? It's perfect for you.
Rebecca: Which one?
Sam: This red one.
Rebecca: Well, I like it, but it´s expensive.
Sam: Hey, let me buy it for you. It's a present!
Rebecca: Oh, Sam. Thank you very much.
2. Complete these conversations with how much is/ are …? And this, that, these, or
1) A: How much is this backpack?
B: It´s $31.99
2) A: How much are those bracelets?
B: They're $29.
3) A: How much are these shoes?
B: They're $64.
4) A: How much is that cat?
B: That's my cat, and he' not for sale!
3. Write the plurals of these words.
1) Backpack – Backpacks
2) Box - Boxes
3) Company - Companies
4) Day - Days
5) Dress - Dresses
6) Glove - Gloves
7) Hairbrush - Hairbrushes
8) Necklace - Necklaces
9) Ring - Rings
10) Scarf - Scarves
11) Sweater - Sweaters
12) Tie – Ties
4. What do you think of these process? Write a response.
1) $90 for a wool tie.
That´s pretty expensive!
2) $150 for gold earrings
That's cheap
3) $500 for a silk dress
That´s pretty expensive!
4) $40 for leather gloves
That's reasonable
5) $2,000 for a computer
That's not bad.
6) $5 for two plastic hairbrushes
That's cheap.
7) $15 for a silver necklace
That's not bad.
5. Choose the correct words to complete the conversations.
1) Clerk: Good afternoon.
Luis: Oh, hi. How much is this watch?
Clerk: It's $195.
Luis: And how much is that one?
Clerk: lt' s $255.
Luis: Oh, really? Well, thanks. anyway.
2) Meg: Excuse me. How much are this jeans?
Clerk: They 're only $59.
Mega: And how much is this sweater?
Clerk: Which one? They're all different.
Meg: This green one.
Clerk: It's $34
3) Sonia: I like those sunglasses over there.
Clerk: Which one?
Sonia: The small brown ones.
Clerk: They´re $199.
Sonia: Oh, they're expensive!
6. What do you make out of these materials? Complete the chart using words from
the list.
Cotton: gloves, pants, shirt, jacket
Gold: bracelet, ring, necklace
Leather: boots, pants, gloves, jacket
Plastic: boots, bracelet, ring, necklace
Silk: pants, gloves, shirt, jacket
Woo: Pants, gloves, shirt, jacket
7. Make comparisons using the words given. Add than if necessary.
1) A: These cotton gloves are nice.
B: Yes, but the leather ones are nicer.
B: They´re also nicer.
A: They're also more expensive.
2) A: Those silk. jackets look more attractive than the wool ones.
B: Yes, but the wool ones are warmer.
3) A: This purple shirt is an interesting color!
B: Yes, but the color is prettier than the design.
A: The design isn't bad.
B: I think the pattern on that red shirt is better than the pattern on this
purple one.
4) A: Hey, look at this silver ring! It's nice. And it ' cheaper than that gold ring
B: But it´s smaller than the gold one.
A: Well, yeah. The gold one is bigger than the silver one. But look at the
price tag. One thousand dollars is a lot of money!
8. Complete the chart. Use the words from the list.
Clothing: Boots, cap, dress, T - shirt
Electronics: DVD player, MP3 player, television, video camera.
Jewelry: Bracelet, earrings, necklace, ring.
9. Answer these questions. Give your own information.
1) Which sunglass do you prefer, the black ones or the white ones?
I prefer the black ones.
2) Which cap do you like more, the wool one or the leather one?
I like the wool one more.
3) Which ones do you like more, the high-tops or the sandals?
I like the high-tops more.
4) Which one do you prefer, the laptop computer or the desktop computer?
I prefer the desktop computer.
5) Which necklace do you like better, the silver one or the gold one?
I like the gold one better.
10. Great gadgets.
A. Read these ads. Match the pictures and descriptions.
a. Warning! This knife is very, very sharp! And it stays sharp forever
because it's made of ceramic - hard like a diamond! What can it do? It
can cut anything and everything. Only $34.49! PHOTO 3
b. This machine cuts your house-cleaning time by 50%! Why? It's a very
light vacuum cleaner. So it's easy to move from room to room. And it
cleans everything in your home - even the air! Only $159.99. In dark
gray or light blue. PHOTO 4
c. Are you always late in the morning? Are you tired of waiting at home
while your phone charges? You need a solar backpack. The solar panels
recharge mobile phones and other electrical devices. You can
leave the house for school or work and charge while you go! No more
lateness! And help the environment. Only S 125. PHOTO 2
d. Thirsty? Need to make your own fresh juice? You need a juicer. In
seconds, it can blend fruits and vegetables for juice. In no time, you can
prepare healthy juice drinks from apples, carrots, and other favorite
foods. $85. PHOTO 1
B. Check (x) True or false
1) The knife is made of diamonds. FALSE
2) The vacuum cleaner comes in two colors. TRUE
3) The solar backpack is more than $ 120. TRUE
4) The juicer con makes fruit pies. FALSE
C. What´s special about a gadget you have? Write a paragraph about it.
A gadget is a device that has a specific purpose and function, generally of
small proportions, practical and at the same time novel. Gadgets tend to be
more ingenious in design than current technology.
Many technological devices of reduced size can be considered gadgets, such
as mobile phones, remote controls, iPods, PDAs, calculators, watches, etc.
Also Google has its sidebar with many (virtual) gadgets that can be used
with the Windows XP, Windows Vista, Mac and GNU Linux operating
systems. The pen (mechanical pencil), the wrench, the comb, the fork,
among many others, also fit within the less technological definition.

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