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Tian Hong Guangedit this page

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Tian Hong Guang

Role Guest character
KO Rank 1st
Gender Male
Species demonic power-
Aura Green
Battle Level 30000
Strength, agility,
teleportation &
energy beam
Weapons Dragon Slicer
Status: Alive
The Gold
Home World
Alternate The Fire
counterpart Ambassador
(s) (World Unknown)
First Episode 12, KO
Appearance One
Wu Chun (吳尊)

Tian Hong Guang (田弘光) is Tian Xin's little brother and the legendary "KO One".

He was reported killed in a terrible car accident three years prior to the series, but in truth, he
was kidnapped and controlled by a dark force called the Martial Arts Syndicate.

He was once ordered to capture his sister, but when she talked to him spiritually, he managed
to pull his senses together and leave her alone.
After a close encounter with the three KO fighters, Da Dong recognized him as Tian Xin's
younger brother because he saw his picture while staying at his sister's place for recovery.

According to Ya Se, he and his sister were descended from a family of powerful martial


1 Revelation as KO One

2 Freedom

3 Titles

4 Specialty
← 4.1 Powers

← 4.2 Weapon

5 Alternate Counterpart
← 5.1 Fire Ambassador

6 Note

[edit] Revelation as KO One

No one knew about this until the KO fighters did some research, but he was in fact the top
fighter on the KO Ranking - KO 1, with the fighting points of over 30000.

Like Jiu Wu in The X-Family, he was a Meng Zhu (盟主 / ruler or leader) of the forces of good
before he was captured.

[edit] Freedom

After the final battle between the Martial Arts Syndicate and the most powerful KO fighters, he
was finally freed from Hei Long's control and returned to his life as a normal kid, but lost his
powers in the process.

[edit] Titles

Everyone addresses him as "KO One".

Tian Xin calls him "A Guang".

[edit] Specialty

Because the identity of KO. 1 had always been sealed from the public world, nothing was
known about him or his abilities.
[edit] Powers

He could easily break Xiao Yu's left hand when his power was far superior, however, he was
unable to surpass the power of Xiao Yu's right hand which was ten times stronger than his left

While under control by Hei Long, Ah Guang was bestowed the ability of teleportation.

[edit] Weapon

Dragon Slicer

His only shown specialty was a weapon called "Dragon Slicer" (龍斬).

[edit] Alternate Counterpart

[edit] Fire Ambassador

Fire Ambassador

In The X-Family (終極一家), his alternate counterpart is revealed to be a fire ambassador who
lives beyond time and space, and possesses limitless fire-powers.

He is the last antagonist to be fought by the residents of the Iron Dimension.

[edit] Note

← He is one of the only two KO fighters who do not return to retrieve his powers in The


Lei Ke Siedit this page

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Lei Ke Si

Main character,
KO Rank 2nd
Gender Male
Species demonic power-
Aura Green
Battle Level 10000
agility, inhuman
strength, energy
beams &
Special Demonic energy
abilities manifestation
Weapons Ares' Hand
Status: Alive
The Gold
Home World
Alternate Xia Yu/Gui Feng
counterpart (The Iron
(s) Dimension)
First Episode 3, KO
Appearance One
Portrayed Danson Tang (唐
by 禹哲)

Lei Ke Si (雷克斯) is Wang Da Dong's childhood friend whom Da Dong has absolute trust in.
He is one of the main characters of the first series: KO One.

1 Personality

2 Biography
← 2.1 History

← 2.2 KO One

← 2.3 Revelation

← 2.4 Return

← 2.5 The X-Family (終極一家)

3 Nicknames

4 Specialty
← 4.1 Powers

← 4.2 Weapon

← 4.2.1 Ares' Hand (阿瑞斯之手)

5 Alternate Counterpart
← 5.1 The Iron Dimension

6 Etymology

7 Note

[edit] Personality

At school, he is known as Da Dong's brain for his intelligence. He is also ambitious.

[edit] Biography

[edit] History

Lei Ke Si has liked An Qi since they were kids, but because she was in love with Da Dong, he
developed a strong anger and has been trying to take vengeance on his best friend for years.

Prior to the beginning of KO One, he traveled abroad for studies and returned to the Ultimate
Class one term later.

[edit] KO One

Because of his disguise as a weak kid with good intentions, nobody knows Lei Ke Si is actually
KO 2 - the second strongest fighter on the KO Rank, his battle index being 10000.

Wang Ya Se is the first to discover his identity after they "rescued" him from the Black Cat
Hotel. After then, Lei Ke Si frames him for many malicious tricks on their fellow students and
eventually turns him against his own friends, including Da Dong who refuses to believe what
he says about Lei Ke Si being KO 2.
[edit] Revelation

When An Qi tells him why she likes Da Dong, his anger grows to a maximum point and he
decides to take full action in taking out Da Dong, including hurting An Qi and revealing his true
identity to the world.

The two friends battle each other at that point, but Da Dong holds back to let him win. When
he asks why he did it, Da Dong replies that it is because he still considers him as his best
friend. After being reminded of how precious Da Dong's friendship to him really is , they solve
all of the anger and hatred he has had over the years and the two become friends again. Lei
Ke Si eventually decides to leave the Ultimate Class to start a new life.

[edit] Return

Some time after he left the class, he becomes captured by their mortal enemy Hei Long and
converted into a "Wu Shi" (武屍) named "Duo" (奪). He was sent on a mission to kill Da Dong.
However, Hei Long's control him on is subdued by a mysterious man midway through the
show, allowing him to fall into a semi-conscious state. As his mind becomes more stable, he
returns to Da Dong as a friend to help them figure out Hei Long's weakness. During the final
combat, he joins the others against Hei Long. They succeed in defeating him with a
combination of devilish power and an explosion that puts an end to the struggle, but Lei Ke Si
along with Da Dong, Ya Se and Xiao Yu lose their powers in the process.

[edit] The X-Family (終極一家)

Lei Ke Si does not appear in the sequel The X-Family (終極一家), but he has made an
appearance in the introduction theme, and in a flashback of their battle against Hei Long and
in a picture of the Top Ten KO Rankings Board.

[edit] Nicknames

War God (戰神) by legend.

[edit] Specialty

[edit] Powers

Like many characters, he displays abilities of super-speeding and advanced agility.

He possesses inhuman strength and can release offensive energy to attack his opponents.

[edit] Weapon

[edit] Ares' Hand (阿瑞斯之手)

Ares' Hand

Lei Ke Si's main weapon is the "Ares' Hand" (阿瑞斯之手); a metal glove reclaimed from the
realm of darkness. As soon as he found this weapon, it infested him with manipulative
thoughts that lured him down the path of evil, suggested from his jealousy of Da Dong for
gaining An Qi's love.

When Lei Ke Si leaves the class, he leaves behind the weapon and asks Jin Bao San to tell Da
Dong to keep it for him.

When he returns in the final episodes, he lends the weapon to Xiao Yu to improve their
battle against Hei Long.

[edit] Alternate Counterpart

Xia Yu

[edit] The Iron Dimension

Lei Ke Si's alternate counterpart in the Iron Dimension is Xia Yu. Like Lei Ke Si, he does a
good job in handling school and has revealed evil tendencies at some point.

In the Iron Dimension, Da Dong's alternate counterpart, Xia Tian is brothers with Xia Yu.

[edit] Etymology

His name is an Chinese translation of the English name "Lex".

[edit] Note
← He is one of the only two KO fighters who do not return to retrieve his powers in The


Wang Da Dongedit this page

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Wang Da Dong

Main character,
Role support character,
special guest
KO Rank 3rd
Gender Male
Species Power-user
Aura Red
9000 (later
Battle Level
Inhuman Strength
Power flow
Special Energy beams
abilities from the Dragon
Tattooed Pan
Dragon Tattooed
Status: Alive
The Gold
Home World
Xia Tian/Gui Long
Alternate & Sun Ce (The
counterpart Iron Dimension) &
(s) Zack (The Bronze
First Episode 1, KO
Appearance One
Portrayed Jiro Wang (汪東城)

Wang Da Dong (汪大東) is the ring leader of the "Ultimate Class" (終極一班) and one of the
protagonists in the first series, KO One.


1 Personality

2 Story
← 2.1 KO One

← 2.2 The X-Family

← 2.3 K.O.3an Guo

3 Aliases

4 Relationships
← 4.1 Friendships

← 4.2 Love Life

5 Specialty
← 5.1 Powers

← 5.1.1 Power Flow Manipulation (遇強則強,遇弱則弱)

← 5.2 Spellcasting

← 5.3 Weapon

← 5.3.1 Dragon Tattooed Pan (龍紋鏊)

6 Alternate Counterparts
← 6.1 The Iron Dimension

← 6.2 The Bronze Dimension

[edit] Personality

Confident and stubborn.

At home, he acts as an obedient kid in front of his parents, and has been keeping them in the
dark about his school life. Everybody in the Ultimate Class listens to him.

Although Da Dong seems harsh and cold, he is actually a good person at heart and will show
his caring side whenever his friends need help.

He is also very loyal and trustworthy, as he would do everything in his power to live up to a
promise. He is also known for his recklessness. He once promised his form teacher, Tian Xin to
make sure that everyone in the Ultimate Class could find a place in college.
Every night, he makes sure to come home for bed at 10 o'clock.

Da Dong likes to spend time singing with an underground music band named Dong Cheng Wei
(東城衛) to improve his powers using musical atmospheres. In episode 18, he takes best
friends Wang Ya Se and Ding Xiao Yu to the band to improve their powers.

[edit] Story

[edit] KO One

In KO One (终极一班), Da Dong is the leader of the class. He is the 3rd ranked on the KO Rank.
Da Dong has a underground music band called Dong Cheng Wei that helps him raise his
powers. In the end of the series he loses his power after being in a battle with Hei Long.

[edit] The X-Family

In The X-Family (終極一家), Da Dong becomes a secondary character. Because he has a hard
time adjusting a life with no powers and battles, he is desperate to have his powers restored.
Realizing his desperation, Xiu, the leader of Dong Cheng Wei tells him that he may have one
last chance to restore his powers: by finding his alternate counterpart in another dimension
and have him transfer some of his powers to him. In order to get his mind off of despair, Da
Dong spends more of time his time to reading, which improves his brain's skills.

[edit] K.O.3an Guo

Ya Se, Xiao Yu, Xiu and Da Dong meet Zhang Fei

In K.O.3an Guo (終極三國), after Da Dong's powers and the balance of the universe are
restored, he takes a trip to the Silver Dimension with his friends. While trying his cellphone's
camera, he accidentally drops a penny that causes a gigantic rock to fall on Xiu's alternate
counterpart, Liu Bei. He then takes Liu Bei back to his world for medical treatment while Xiu
assumes Liu Bei's identity until he recovers from his injuries.

[edit] Aliases

"Zi Da Kuang" (自大狂 / Egomaniac) by Ya Se for his confidence.

"Da Dong Ge" (大東哥) or "Dong Ge" (東哥) by his followers.

[edit] Relationships
[edit] Friendships

Da Dong, Ya Se, and Xiao Yu

Wang Ya Se (王亞瑟) and Ding Xiao Yu (丁小雨)

Da Dong did not get along with them initially, especially Ya Se because he would cause

trouble to make Da Dong declare a duel between them. However, after working together

to fend off a gang of triads, they began to get along. That same night, those gangsters

drugged them with sleeping pills and attempted to kidnap them, but they were saved by

Xiao Yu. After that, the three of them became best friends, doing everything together,

including fighting for one another.

Da Dong and Lei Ke Si

Lei Ke Si (雷克斯)

Da Dong has been Lei Ke Si's best friend since childhood. Though Da Dong thinks of him

as a friend, Lei Ke Si has been secretly sharpening his powers and disguising his identity

as a weak kid with good intentions, aiming to take him down someday. After his true

ambitions were revealed, Da Dong still considered him as his best friend, that became the

resolution to their rivalry and the two of them become friends again.

The Iron Dimension

Xiu (脩)

Xiu is the leader of Dong Cheng Wei, an underground music band. Da Dong occasionally
visits them to enhance his powers with their music. After Da Dong lost his powers, along

with Ya Se and Xiao Yu's, Xiu is the one who helps them come up with a way to have them


[edit] Love Life

Da Dong and An Qi

Huang An Qi (黃安琪)

Da Dong has been in love with a girl named An Qi since he was a kid, but was too shy to

reveal it. During her time in America, she's written over 500 letters to him, and though he

did not respond to any of the letters, he has been secretly collecting and memorizing

them. They were a couple at a point in the storyline, but eventually broke up due to Da

Dong's crush on his teacher and his best friend Xiao Yu's crush on An Qi. And the fact that

they were being targeted by a powerful enemy.

Tian Xin (田欣)

Although Da Dong's heart has a special place for An Qi, he also landed a place for his

homeroom teacher though he doesn't seem to notice it. When he found out that she was

dating another guy, he became so jealous that he caused trouble around the school again.
But when he finds out how good the guy really is, he decides to let go.

[edit] Specialty

[edit] Powers

Like many characters, he displays abilities of super-speeding, advanced agility and telepathic

[edit] Power Flow Manipulation (遇強則強,遇弱則弱)

His specialty is to vary his power level according to the opponent's battle index; allowing him
to become stronger when he faces strong opponents and remain normal when he faces
weaker ones (遇強則強、遇弱則弱).
[edit] Spellcasting

In K.O.3an Guo, he demonstrates the ability to cast spells. It is believed that he learned this
skill from Xiu sometime before the beginning of K.O.3an Guo.

[edit] Weapon

Dragon Tattooed Pan (龍紋鏊)

[edit] Dragon Tattooed Pan (龍紋鏊)

Since Da Dong possesses the power to manipulate his power level, he can master the "Dragon
Tattooed Pan" (龍紋鏊) as his primary weapon. It has the power to produce offensive energy
and regenerating ability, but only applies to those with this specific body structure. He once
borrowed this weapon to his alternate counterpart, Xia Tian, in The X-Family, but almost as
soon as he lost it, his strength began to lower rapidly, along with his durability and possibly
his lifespan.

Before revealing his main weapon, he was seen using an ordinary cooking pan to fight
ordinary gangsters.

[edit] Alternate Counterparts

[edit] The Iron Dimension

Xia Tian

During Xiu's search, he finds out that Da Dong has an alternate counterpart in the Iron

Dimension called Xia Tian. Xia Tian shares his ability to vary the flow of his power according to

the opponent's power level.

At one point, his Dragon Tattooed Pan was borrowed to Xia Tian when he needed a weapon to
fight Lan Ling Wang: Ya Se's alternate counterpart in the Iron Dimension.
He was the one that restored Da Dong's powers after the end of The X-Family.

Sun Ce

Da Dong has a second alternate counterpart named Sun Ce, who is older brother to Sun

Shang Xiang. He was born in the Silver Dimension, but his parents come from the Iron

Dimension, which makes him a denizen of the Iron Dimension.

Though Da Dong had travelled to the Silver Dimension, he never encountered his alternate


[edit] The Bronze Dimension

Da Dong has an evil alternate counterpart named Zack in the Bronze Dimension , who was
sent to the Iron Dimension as a threat to Xia Tian. Whenever Xia Tian came near to Zack he
would faint and not remember anything during that time.

Wang Ya Seedit this page

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Wang Ya Se
Main character,
Role support character,
special guest
KO Rank 3rd
Gender Male
Species Power-user
Aura Blue
9000 (later
Battle Level
Inhuman Strength
Abilities Telepathic
Energy beams
Special Advanced super-
abilities speed
Formerly Sword in
the Stone
Status: Alive
The Gold
Home World
Alternate Lan Ling Wang
counterpart (The Iron
(s) Dimension)
First Episode 1, KO
Appearance One
Portrayed Calvin Chen (辰亦
by 儒)

Wang Ya Se (王亞瑟) is the son of the gangster leader Wang Tu Long, who has control over
"Tu Long Bang" (土龍幫) - a powerful organization of gangsters. He is one of the protagonists
of KO One.


1 Personality

2 Biography
← 2.1 KO One

← 2.1.1 Lei Ke Si's Identity

← 2.1.2 Key of Evil

← 2.1.3 Key of Solution

← 2.2 The X-Family

← 2.3 K.O.3an Guo

3 Aliases

4 Relationships
← 4.1 Friendships

← 4.2 Love Life

5 Specialty
← 5.1 Powers

← 5.2 Weapon

← 5.2.1 Sword in the Stone (石中劍)

6 Alternate Counterpart
← 6.1 The Iron Dimension

7 Etymology

[edit] Personality

Rich, powerful, self-centered, and his concerns are his looks. Although he has an insightful
personality, often has opinions on certain touchable subjects.

Ya Se's most notable habit is to quote authors like Shakespeare. His favorite quote being "To
be or not to be, that is a question".

[edit] Biography

[edit] KO One

Ya Se transferred from the western schools to the Ultimate Class after he was kicked out for
beating up a supervisor.

[edit] Lei Ke Si's Identity

He is the first person to find out that Lei Ke Si is KO 2, although nobody seems to believe him.
He has been framed by Lei Ke Si for an assortment of malicious attacks on fellow classmates,
and has left the class at a point in the storyline to prove his innocence. When Lei Ke Si finally
reveals his identity, he exonerates his name and returns to school.
[edit] Key of Evil

Sometime in March 2006, Ya Se's weapon's power runs amok after the stone that contains the
demon inside it runs out of power. He tries to shove away the sword demon by repressing it,
but it only endures until he loses control. At first, he only attacks those who anger him, but as
its power increases, he begins to attack people randomly. Later, he finds out that Hei Long,
the final antagonist, is waiting for Ya Se to become one with his Sword in the Stone so he
could use their power to become the king of evil.

He gains control over the sword when a girl named Cai Wu Xiong transfers the magical Bear
Pearl into his body to help him suppress the sword demon. But when he finds out that Wu
Xiong is aging rapidly by the loss of the pearl, he decides to return it to her, which allows the
sword demon to take over his body once again.

[edit] Key of Solution

In the final episode of KO One, Ya Se becomes one with the sword demon in hopes rescue his
father, Da Dong's parents and Duan Chang Ren, who were all captured some time by the
Martial Arts Syndicate. But at the same time, Da Dong, Xiao Yu and Lei Ke Si find a solution to
win the battle, and arrive just in time to join forces with Ya Se to infuse themselves with dark

The battle ends with a powerful explosion generated by Wu Xiong's Bear Pearl and strips all
fighters off of their powers, thus preventing Hei Long from fulfilling his plan. However, Ya Se
and his friends are also rendered powerless.

[edit] The X-Family

In The X-Family (終極一家), he becomes a secondary character who only appears when Xiu,
the leader of Dong Cheng Wei, pays them a visit. Picking where the first series left off, Ya Se
has lost his powers since the last battle and is waiting to have them restored. The main reason
behind Xiu's help to restore their powers is because he is hoping to use their powers to turn
against the darkness that is enveloping the universe, which has already inhabited most

Though he desires the return of his powers, he admits that being powerless has its good sides.

[edit] K.O.3an Guo

Ya Se, Xiao Yu, Xiu and Da Dong meet Zhang Fei

In K.O.3an Guo (終極三國), Ya Se travels to the Silver Dimension with his friends after his
powers were finally returned. While trying his cellphone's camera, Da Dong accidentally drops
a penny that causes a gigantic rock to fall on Xiu's alternate counterpart, Liu Bei. He takes Liu
Bei back to his world for medical treatment while Xiu takes his identity until he recovers from
his injuries.

[edit] Aliases

"Ya Se Wang" (亞瑟王 / King Arthur) by most people; his last name switching positions

with his first name.

"Zi Lian Kuang" (自戀狂 / Narcissist) by Da Dong.

[edit] Relationships

[edit] Friendships

Wang Da Dong (汪大東) and Ding Xiao Yu (丁小雨)

Like Da Dong, he has a 3rd position on the KO Rank, his fighting count being 9000.

Because he and Da Dong shared the third position, he joined Zhong Ji Yi Ban intending to

challenge him, but before they could fight, they became best buddies. And later, Ding Xiao


The Iron Dimension

Xiu (脩)

He is also good friends with Xiu, often keeping in touch after Ya Se lost his powers.

Even after they were restored, they kept in touch with each other.

[edit] Love Life

Ya Se and Wu Xiong

Cai Wu Xiong (蔡五熊)

Although Ya Se only loves himself, he eventually learns to love others when a girl

named Cai Wu Xiong who risks her own life to save him from under evil's control by
transferring the Bear Pearl into his body. When he finds out that Wu Xiong is aging to

death because of the lack of the pearl, he forces himself to fall in love with her in

order to save her, which he succeeds and learns the true meaning of love - the most

precious thing of all.

Their standards after KO One remains unknown.

[edit] Specialty

[edit] Powers

Like many characters, he displays abilities of super-speeding and telepathic

communication. He can also send offensive energy from both his weapon and hands to
attack his enemies.

He on one occasion produced a force field to protect his gang from harm. (Episode 3)

His other special ability is his super-speed (a regular ability that most people are capable
of), which he indicates is well-known, probably meaning that he can run faster than most
people. He has also been seen producing a protective shield around those who stand
closely behind him.

[edit] Weapon

[edit] Sword in the Stone (石中劍)

Sword in the Stone

In KO One, Ya Se mainly utilizes a small sword called the Sword in the Stone (石中劍) - a
spiritual dagger created by the wizard Merlin and used by King Arthur (only in legends).
When he removes the stone from the dagger, the sword demon will possess Ya Se,
allowing him to instantly gain evil powers at the expense of losing control over his own

The sword runs amok after the stone that contains the demon inside it runs out of power.
As the sword demon inhabits his body slowly, he begins to attack people randomly.

During the final battle, Ya Se becomes one with the sword demon just as Da Dong, Xiao
Yu and Lei Ke Si arrive to infuse themselves with dark powers. In the midst of the battle
between Hei Long's army and the KO fighters, Cai Wu Xiong releases the power of the
Bear Pearl inside her which generates a powerful explosion that strips away all dark
energy and the sword demon is finally vanquished.
In K.O.3an Guo, Ya Se manifests energy through his hand instead of drawing out his
sword, which indicates the sword is definitely gone after its power core was removed.

[edit] Alternate Counterpart

Lan Ling Wang

[edit] The Iron Dimension

Wang Ya Se has an alternate counterpart in the Iron Dimension called Lan Ling Wang.
Both of them carry a sword reclaimed from the spiritual realm as primary weapons that
come with instruction manuals.

[edit] Etymology

His name is a Chinese translation of the English name "Arthur". When his name and
surname switch positions, it reads "Ya Se Wang", meaning "King Arthur".

Ding Xiao Yuedit this page

From Zhongji

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Ding Xiao Yu

Main character,
Role support character,
special guest
KO Rank 4th
Gender Male
Species Power-user
Aura Gold
8500 (later
Battle Level
Inhuman Strength
Abilities Agility
Special Explosive Fists
abilities Healing factor
Weapons N/A
Status: Alive
The Gold
Home World
Jiu Wu (The Iron
First Episode 1, KO
Appearance One
Portrayed Aaron Yan (炎亞
by 綸)

Ding Xiao Yu (丁小雨) is an exchange student from "Kuo Nan High School" (拓南高中). He is
one of the protagonists from the first series: KO One.

He is the 4th ranked fighter on the KO Ranking Record, his fighting count being eight-
thousand five-hundred, which later advances to over ten thousand. He is prone to giving
others cold looks if they are not willing to leave him alone.



edit Personality

Xiao Yu has dislike to violence, but if anyone hits his head, he will definitely fight back. This is
a trait that he developed from a traumatizing childhood.

Unlike everybody else, he lives in a tent instead of a real home and has no family of his own.

Xiao Yu is more likely to be found spending time in the music room because he likes to play
the piano. His music is so touching that anyone who hears it can be reminded of what it's like
to love others.

edit Biography

[edit] KO One

At the beginning of the series, he appeared to be a very quiet and mysterious kid, but after
befriending Ya Se and Da Dong, he becomes more open and even starts to smile.
The boys' power restoration experiment

[edit] The X-Family

In The X-Family (終極一家), he becomes a secondary character, only appearing when Xiu pays
them a visit. Picking up from where KO One left off, Xiao Yu is powerless throughout most of
the series and is waiting for Xiu to find his alternate counterpart in the Iron Dimension so he
could have his powers restored.

[edit] K.O.3an Guo

Ya Se, Xiao Yu, Xiu and Da Dong meet Zhang Fei

In K.O.3an Guo (終極三國), Xiao Yu travels to the Silver Dimension with his friends after his
powers were restored. While trying his cellphone's camera, Da Dong accidentally drops a
penny that causes a gigantic rock to fall on Xiu's alternate counterpart, Liu Bei. He then takes
Liu Bei back to his world for medical treatment while Xiu assumes his identity until he recovers
from his injuries.

edit Aliases
 King of Endurance (耐打王)
 Xiao Yu Who Takes Lives (要命的小雨)

edit Relationships

[edit] Friendships

 Wang Da Dong (汪大東) and Wang Ya Se (王亞瑟)

Xiao Yu became best friends with Ya Se and Da Dong after he saved them from a gang
of gangsters. After that night, Da Dong proclaimed him as one of his best friends
because he saved them without looking for profit. It was via this friendship that made
he begin to smile. When he fell in love with Da Dong's girlfriend, An Qi, he chose to
rather pay the price than putting up a fight for her heart. After they solved their
problem, they returned to their relationship as best friends.
The Iron Dimension
 Xiu (脩)
Xiao Yu and Xiu become good friends after they spend time with each other for
training. After Xiao Yu lost his powers, Xiu promises to help him, Da Dong and Ya Se
find their alternate counterparts in hopes to restore their powers via them. Even after
Xiao Yu's powers were restored, the two of them remain as really good friends.

[edit] Love life

 Huang An Qi (黃安琪)
Xiao Yu carries a cellphone with him, but never gives his number to anyone - including
Da Dong and Ya Se. But when he falls in love with Da Dong's girlfriend, An Qi, he
gives it to her and tells her to call him whenever she's in need of help. Da Dong
eventually finds out that he is in love with An Qi and the three of them become odd
against each other, and prefer to rather not talk about their relationship. Their
relationship ends with An Qi deciding to return to America. After this, Da Dong and
Xiao Yu solve their problem and become friends again. At one point, Xiao Yu declares
that An Qi belongs with Da Dong and not him.

edit Specialty

[edit] Powers

Xiao Yu uses his full power on Da Dong

Like many other characters, he displays the abilities of super-speeding and telepathic

[edit] Explosive Fists

Unlike Da Dong and Ya Se, who use weapons in action, he utilizes his powers through his
fists: Xiao Yu's left fist is said to have the power of an atom bomb, while his right fist has ten
times the power of his left fist. However, if he uses his right hand, he will use up all of his
energy and become rendered powerless for three hours and risks losing his own life.

Xiao Yu can also produce healing factor to speed up the healing process of his injuries, and
produce a protective force field around those behind him.

[edit] Ares' Hand

In the final episode, Xiao Yu borrows Lei Ke Si's primary weapon, Ares' Hand, to increase the
power on his right hand. As soon as he puts it on, his power becomes stained with demonic
energy allowing him to shoot energy beams from his right hand endlessly without using up his
power. After their combat against Hei Long, he gives it away, seemingly giving it back to Lei
Ke Si.

edit Alternate Counterpart

Jiu Wu

[edit] The Iron Dimension

Xiao Yu has an alternate counterpart in the Iron Dimension called Jiu Wu, who runs the Iron
Dimension's magical society. While Xiao Yu is quiet and turned inward, Jiu Wu is more open
and playful.

Cai Yun Hanedit this page

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Cai Yun Han

Role character/cameo
KO Rank 7th
Gender Female
Species Power-user
Aura Lavender
Battle Level 7000
Inhuman Strength
Abilities Agility
Pain Killing Truth
Status: Alive
The Gold
Home World
Alternate Han, Bing Xin
(The Iron
counterpart Dimension) & Da
(s) Qiao (The Silver
First Episode 16, KO
Appearance One
Portrayed Cai Han Cen (蔡函
by 岑)

A character who came into the show during the later half.

Cai Yun Han (蔡雲寒) is the elder sister of Cai Wu Xiong and the 7th ranked KO fighter. Since
she is the only person who can understand her sister's gorilla language, she serves as
interpreter for the rest of the class. They transferred to the Ultimate Class about a year after
her sister returned to the family.


1 Biography

← 1.1 Early Life

← 1.2 KO One

2 Aliases

3 Relationships
← 3.1 Friendships

← 3.2 Love life

4 Specialty
← 4.1 Powers

← 4.2 Weapon

← 4.2.1 Pain Killing Truth Whip (痛不欲生实话鞭)

5 Alternate Counterparts
← 5.1 The Iron Dimension

← 5.2 The Silver Dimension

6 Notes

[edit] Biography

[edit] Early Life

Because her parents died when she was young, she has been independent and does her best
to take care of her sister, whom she is also very protective of.
Before she transferred to the Ultimate Class, she was a reputable character in the southern
school world. She is also cold and rarely smiles.

[edit] KO One

Coming soon...

[edit] Aliases

Because of her sister's gorilla-like appearance and behavior, Yun Han is nicknamed "Jin Gang
Jie Jie" (金剛姊姊 / Big King Kong Sister) or Jin Gang Jie (金剛姊 / Big King Kong Sister) based
on their bond as sisters.

[edit] Relationships

[edit] Friendships

Wang Da Dong and Ding Xiao Yu

They share a mutual friendship and pay respect with each other.

Wang Ya Se

Yun Han disliked Wang Ya Se at first, because of his rude attitude towards her sister and

nicknamed him "Chou Pi Ya Se Wang" (臭屁亚瑟王 / Stinking King Arthur). But that

changes when he tries to save Wu Xiong from aging to death by forcing himself to fall in

love with her, and that grants him her respect.

[edit] Love life

Ji An

Ever since Yun Han found out that Ji An is a demon fighter, she has been falling for him,

but because of his cold behavior, the two of them are put in an awkward stage of


[edit] Specialty

[edit] Powers

Like many characters, she displays the ability of super-speeding.

Though she displays powerful abilities, she is not powerful enough to cross dimensions like Da
Dong and the others can, since the power level to cross dimensions is basically 8000 and up,
and her power level is no more than 7000.
[edit] Weapon

[edit] Pain Killing Truth Whip (痛不欲生实话鞭)

Pain Killing Truth Whip

Yun Han's main weapon is a mysterious whip called "Pain Killing Truth Whip" (痛不欲生实话鞭)
that causes people who get whipped to reveal their lies and secrets to reduce the pain.

[edit] Alternate Counterparts


Bing Xin

[edit] The Iron Dimension

Yun Han has two alternate counterparts in the Iron Dimension called Han and Bing Xin, both of
which are far more powerful than Yun Han.

Han and Bing Xin were originally the same person divided in two by an evil experiment.
Da Qiao

[edit] The Silver Dimension

Yun Han's alternate counterpart in the Silver Dimension is Da Qiao; the most beautiful girl at
Jiang Dong High School. In that dimension, she and Wu Xiong's alternate counterparts are
also sisters.

[edit] Notes

The actresses of Cai Yun Han and Cai Wu Xiong are sisters in real life.

Cai Yi Lingedit this page

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Cai Yi Ling

蔡一 0
Role Cameo
KO Rank 9th
Gender Male
Species Power-user
Aura N/A
Battle Level 5000
Abilities Super-speed
Weapons N/A
Status: Alive
The Gold
Home World
counterpart N/A
KO One
Portrayed Alien Huang (黃鴻
by 升)

Da Li Junedit this page

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Da Li Jun
Chinese Name 大力俊
Role Minor character
KO Rank 11th
Gender Male
Species Power-user
Aura N/A
Battle Level N/A
Abilities N/A
Weapons N/A
Status: Alive
The Gold
Home World
First Episode 11, KO
Appearance One
Cai Ming Xun
Portrayed by

Sha Jieedit this page

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Sha Jie

Role Main character
KO Rank 13th
Gender Female
Species Power-user
Aura N/A
Battle Level N/A
Abilities Agility
Weapons N/A
Status: Alive
The Gold
Home World
Alternate Xia Mei/Gui Wa
counterpart (The Iron
(s) Dimension)
KO One
Portrayed Sunnie Huang (黄
by 小柔)

Sha Jie (煞姊) is the leader in the girl-gang of the Ultimate Class and the 13th KO fighter.

For a girl, she is extremely fierce and cunning.

She leaves KO One in episode 9, after Da Dong and An Qi became a couple.

Although she never reappears again, she is sometimes mentioned by Jin Bao San. Because of
her fondness of Da Dong, she often shows dislike to Wang Ya Se and An Qi.



edit Titles

Ultimate Class Flower (終極班花)

Little Sister Sha (煞妹妹)

edit Relationships

[edit] Love Life

Wang Da Dong

Sha Jie has been in love with Da Dong since before the start of the series, but he hasn't

shown any sign of liking her back. Seeing Da Dong and An Qi together makes her angry

and she leaves the school along with the show and is never seen again.

edit Specialty

Her real capabilities are unknown, but her strength and agility appears to be above human.

edit Sequel

[edit] The X-Family

Like Lei Ke Si, she appears only in the introduction theme of The X-Family (終極一家).

edit Alternate Counterpart

Xia Mei

[edit] The Iron Dimension

Her alternate counterpart in the Iron Dimension is Xia Mei. They both share the same
personality, only Sha Jie is more devoted than Xia Mei, who is rather obsessive around
handsome guys.

In the Iron Dimension, Da Dong's alternate counterpart Xia Tian and Xia Mei are siblings.

Tao Zi and Bai Lindaedit this page

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Tao Zi / Bai Linda

Chinese Name 桃子 & 白琳達

Role Minor characters
KO Rank 14th / 15th
Gender Females
Species Power-users
Aura N/A
Battle Level N/A
Abilities N/A
Special abilities N/A
Weapons N/A
Status: Alive
Home World The Gold Dimension
Episode 1, KO One
Wang Huai Xuan (王懷
Portrayed by 萱) & Ke Tian Bei (柯天

Zhong Quanedit this page

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Zhong Quan
Chinese Name 忠犬
Role {{{role}}}
KO Rank 19th
Gender {{{gender}}}
Species {{{type}}}
Aura N/A
Battle Level N/A
Abilities N/A
Weapons N/A
Status: {{{status}}}
The Gold
Home World
Portrayed by {{{actor}}}

Jin Bao Sanedit this page

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Jin Bao San

Role Support character
KO Rank 135th
Gender Male
Species Power-user
Aura N/A
Battle Level 500
Eavesdropping, Pi
Ren Jiu Zhan
Weapons N/A
Status: Alive
The Gold
Home World
Ren Chen Wen
Alternate (The Iron
counterpart Dimension)
(s) Jiang Gan (The
Silver Dimension)
First Episode 1, KO
Appearance One
Portrayed Zhang Hao Ming
by (張皓明)

Jin Bao San (金寶三) is the class president of the Ultimate Class, and the 135th KO fighter. He
is usually in charge with the boys in the class (or rather make them followers).

His performance and involvement in the class was part of what made the show interesting.

Jin Bao San often thinks he is better than most people and repeatedly attempts to dethrone
Da Dong to be the leader of the Ultimate Class again.

According to himself, he was one of the top ten KO fighters before Da Dong wounded
him in a duel and turned off his powers. However, his stupidity and arrogance seem to be



[edit] Biggest Secret

When Cai Yun Han whipped him with her weapon, he was forced to reveal his biggest secret to
reduce the pain: he was in love with Da Dong once.

edit Later Life

[edit] The X-Family

In The X-Family (終極一家), Ya Se mentions that Jin Bao San has become Da Dong's
bodyguard, much to Da Dong's displeasure.

edit Nicknames
Nei Shang Wang (內傷王)

Bao San Ge (寶三哥)

edit Specialty

His only known capability so far is eavesdropping from afar using a large eavesdropping

edit Alternate Counterparts

Ren Chen Wen

[edit] The Iron Dimension

His alternate counterpart in the Iron Dimension is Ren Chen Wen - they both share the same
personality and follow the same alternate counterparts: Wang Da Dong and Xia Tian.

Jiang Gan

[edit] The Silver Dimension

Jin Bao San's alternate counterpart in the Silver Dimension is Jiang Gan, who is also class
monitor of his class.

Huang An Qiedit this page

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Huang An Qi
Role Main character
KO Rank N/A
Gender Female
Species Muggle
Aura N/A
Battle Level N/A
Abilities N/A
Weapons N/A
Status: Alive
The Gold
Home World
counterpart N/A
First Episode 6, KO
Appearance One
Portrayed Stephanie Lee (李
by 姝妍)

Huang An Qi (黃安琪) is the daughter of a foreign exchange minister, and a childhood friend
of Da Dong and Lei Ke Si. An Qi is one of the main characters of KO One and the last departed
before the end of the show.

She has been in love with Da Dong for a long time, but never knew how he felt, nor the
fact that Lei Ke Si was in love with her. Her love for Da Dong is the reason to why Lei
Ke Si holds such anger against Da Dong.


1 Early Life

2 Return

3 Lei Ke Si's Ambitions

4 Unstable Love

5 Leave

[edit] Early Life

An Qi moved to America five years ago. During that time she has written over five hundred
letters to Da Dong - two letters per week. She never got any response from Da Dong for any
of her letters, but he has secretly been collecting and memorizing them. Da Dong never wrote
a letter back to her because he never knew what to write and how to write it.

[edit] Return

An Qi came back five years later to be with Da Dong, though he keeps avoiding her (only
because he is too shy to be around her).

[edit] Lei Ke Si's Ambitions

When Lei Ke Si finally reveals his identity as KO 2 and gets Da Dong into a hospital, she
decides to return to America in order to forget about everything she feels about Da Dong,
because she believes it is her love that has caused the rivalry between him and his best friend.

[edit] Unstable Love

Da Dong doesn't want her to leave, and with a little nudge from Xiao Yu, he finally finds the
courage to reveal how he truly feels about her. They become a couple since then, but when
Tian Xin, their homeroom teacher, begins to date a college student, Da Dong starts acting
weird and making trouble with the gang. Ever since then, their relationship becomes unstable
and unclear, because she can tell that he is in love with their teacher as well and his new best
friend Xiao Yu being in love with her.

[edit] Leave

After causing another rivalry between Xiao Yu and Da Dong and knowing that there is
something strange going on between the KO fighters and a mysterious evil force, she returns
to America and resumes to writing letters to Da Dong. And though she may never see Da
Dong or Xiao Yu again, she is glad to have been with both of them because the memories are
enough for her to have for the rest of her life to think about

Tian Xinedit this page

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Tian Xin

Role Main character
KO Rank N/A
Gender Female
Species Power-user
Aura Pink (potentially)
Battle Level 1000000
Abilities N/A
Weapons N/A
Status: Alive
The Gold
Home World
counterpart N/A
First Episode 1, KO
Appearance One
Melody (殷悦)

Tian Xin (田欣) is a main character from KO One (終極一班). Her little brother, Tian Hong
Guang is the legendary KO 1.

She became the homeroom teacher of the Ultimate Class in hopes to be their light of
As a person, she is kindhearted, fun-loving and likes to babble a lot when she gets upset.



[edit] Early Life

According to Hei Long, she comes from a family of powerful warriors, but she was
acknowledged of that.

Because of her little brothers 'incident', she went to college to become a teacher in hopes to
get bad students back on the right track and make them good again.

[edit] Becoming Da Dong's Teacher

When she first began working at Ba Le High School, Da Dong did not like her at all because of
her status as a teacher, but he was eventually touched by her kindness and decided to let her
become their homeroom teacher and help them get into college.

[edit] Departure

When the Ultimate Class finds out that the Martial Arts Syndicate was targeting her because of
her potential, they attempt to protect her from the warriors of the syndicate. Later, Da Dong's
parents take her to safety. Despite her absence, Da Dong decides to keep his promise and
makes sure to get his gang into college.

edit Later Life

Although she is not seen again after her departure, it would seem that she has returned to
school to continue her teaching and is reunited with her supposed-to-be-dead brother after
the final battle.

edit Nicknames

"Melody" by Shao Zong.

"Ban Dao" (班導 / Form Teacher) by the Ultimate Class.

"Tian Lao Shi" (田老师 / Teacher Tian) by the staff in the school.

edit Specialty
Tian Xin's potential power

Tian Xin doesn't have any battle skills, but she is born with great potential to become a

powerful warrior, possibly the most powerful one in the world since her kind of potential is

quite rare.

Her potential is what motivates the Martial Arts Syndicate to come after her.

edit Relationships

[edit] Love life

← Ceng Shao Zong

Tian Xin's love life is the least interesting, but nevertheless complicated. In episode 9, she

starts a relationship with a young 17 year old boy named Ceng Shao Zong, and

unwittingly makes Da Dong so jealous that he starts causing trouble again. Later, she

finds out that her boyfriend has a complicated relationship with his birth mother but Da

Dong mistook him to be cheating behind her back. After everything that happened, Shao

Zhong decides to return to America with his mother and the two separate for the time

being, but promise to meet again.

edit Episode List

Image Title Original Airdate Episode

Episode 1 November 26, 2005 1.01

This story begins with Wang Ya Se (KO 3) and Ding Xiao Yu

(KO 4) joining the Ultimate Class led by Wang Da Dong (KO 3),
and trouble begins from here.

Episode 2 December 3, 2005 1.02

After a day of overcoming troubles together, Da Dong, Ya Se

and Xiao Yu become best friends. Da Dong promises his
homeroom teacher to avoid getting into fights and make sure
to get the rest of the class into college.

Episode 3 December 10, 2005 1.03

The homeroom teacher gets kidnapped by her little brother's
former teacher, who's become a total psycho. The class now
works together to find their teacher. Da Dong's childhood best
friend, Lei Ke Si, returns.

Episode 4 December 17, 2005 1.04

The class find out that Lei Ke Si has gone poor and is working
in a pub, and they all decide to help get him out. However, Ya
Se suspects something strange from Lei Ke Si and decides to
go on a private investigation afterward.

Episode 5 December 24, 2005 1.05

Ya Se finds out that Lei Ke Si is actually the owner of the pub

he was presumably working at and revealed himself as KO 2 -
the second strongest fighter on the KO Rank. Lei Ke Si plays
mischievous tricks on Ya Se and almost gets him and Da Dong
into a fight. Though they stop, their friendship is broken. Ya Se
leaves the school the promise "I'll be back."

Episode 6 December 31, 2005 1.06

Huang An Qi, a girl from Da Dong and Lei Ke Si's past returns
to Taiwan and joins their class. Xiao Yu believes Ya Se's
innocence and decides to keep on eye on Lei Ke Si to find a
way to prove his innocence.

Episode 7 January 7, 2006 1.07

Lei Ke Si tries to steal An Qi's heart by attacking their

homeroom teacher and letting Da Dong think that An Qi is
responsible. However, the teacher proves her innocence. When
An Qi reveals the reason to why she likes Da Dong so much, Lei
Ke Si decides to take on full action - to kill both Da Dong and
An Qi.

Episode 8 January 14, 2006 1.08

Lei Ke Si's identity as KO 2 is finally revealed to everyone. After

he leaves, An Qi feels responsible for causing the rivalry
between Lei Ke Si and Da Dong and decides to leave.
Meanwhile, Lei Ke Si's revelation proves Ya Se's innocence and
he returns to school. Da Dong, with some help from Ya Se and
Xiao Yu, works up his courage to tell An Qi his true feelings for

Episode 9 January 21, 2006 1.09

There's something going on with Xiao Yu; he is extremely

interested in matters about An Qi. Also, the homeroom teacher
is dating a seventeen year old college student. This episode is
filled with love blooming.

Episode 10 January 28, 2006 1.10

The teacher's relationship with her boyfriend makes Da Dong

jealous and starts causing trouble in the class to upset her.
Though everyone tries to reason with him, he refuses to listen.

Episode 11 February 4, 2006 1.11

An Qi feels upset over Da Dong's mixed-up feelings with Miss

Tian and runs to Xiao Yu for comfort. Meanwhile, Da Dong finds
out that his teacher's boyfriend is trying to reconnect with his
birth mother and decides to help with the entire class.

Episode 12 February 11, 2006 1.12

After Da Dong find out that Xiao Yu has given his cellphone
number to An Qi, he finds out that Xiao Yu is also in love with
her. This causes a serious relationship problem between the
two best friends. Meanwhile, a new mystical force appears.

Episode 13 February 18, 2006 1.13

The trio work together to protect everyone from the mysterious

force. Xiao Yu breaks his left hand in battle. The team figures
out that one of the enemies they encounter is their teacher's
supposedly dead little brother, who is also KO 1 - the strongest
fighter on the KO Rank.
Episode 14 February 25, 2006 1.14

The three boys realize that their enemy's target is really their
teacher because she has potential to become a very powerful
warrior. Da Dong's parents' team take her to safety.
Meanwhile, Da Dong gets attacked. Da Dong's parents manage
to store a device to protect him from the needle was injected
within him by the enemy. An Qi returns to America. Da Dong
finds out about her leaving a week after she left and runs out
to question Xiao Yu and the needle reacts immediately.

Episode 15 March 4, 2006 1.15

Da Dong's parents manage to save him on time and take him

to a secret hospital for safety. Da Dong's parents and Ya Se
and Xiao Yu figure out a way to remove the needle stored
inside of Da Dong. Xiao Yu and Da Dong put the past behind
them and become friends again.

Episode 16 March 11, 2006 1.16

Two sisters arrive at the school: Cai Yun Han (KO 7) and Cai
Wu Xiong, who is extremely interested in Ya Se. Meanwhile,
their friend Duan Chang Ren becomes their homeroom teacher.

Episode 17 March 18, 2006 1.17

Duan Chang Ren presents to the Ultimate Class the legendary

comic series: The Golden Pen Touches the Dragon. In the
meantime, the Sword-Locking Stone on Ya Se's sword breaks
for no apparent reason. Duan Chang Ren discovers something
strange about the principal.

Episode 18 March 25, 2006 1.18

Ya Se's sword is starting to take him over, and Wu Xiong claims

that she is the only person who can help him. But in exchange,
he must to become her man. And his answer to this news is
"I'd rather die than let you save me".

Episode 19 April 1, 2006 1.19

Ya Se throws away his weapon as his last resort to free him

from the sword's control, but it returns and almost takes over
him. Ji An reveals his identity as the Demon Fighter and
attempts to vanquish Ya Se, but the other warriors arrive on
time to stop him. At the last moment, Wu Xiong gives him her
most valuable possession - the Bear Pearl.

Episode 20 April 8, 2006 1.20

Ya Se learns that Wu Xiong is aging to death by the loss of the

Bear Pearl, and confirms that she is his girlfriend in order to
make him fall in love with her and able to return the pearl. Lei
Ke Si returns just as Duan Chang Ren and Da Dong's parents
are captured by their ultimate enemy, Hei Long - leader of the
Martial Arts Syndicate.

Episode 21 April 15, 2006 1.21

Lei Ke Si gives them information to defeat their enemy, Hei

Long. Ya Se finally returns the Bear Pearl to Wu Xiong and the
sword's essence takes over him again. Hei Long uses Ya Se as
a pawn to become the evil lord of the world. But Da Dong, Ya
Se, Xiao Yu and Lei Ke Si work together and finally defeat him.
But at expense of their powers.

edit Trailer

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