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Sanskrit Grammar Basic Notes


• बालकः प्रातःकाले उत्तिष्ठतत|

• बालकः स्नानं करोतत|

• बालकः पाठशालां गछतत| सः (He)

• बालकः पठतत|
• बालकः गह
ृ म ् आगछतत|

Pronouns Person
तद्, यद्, एतद्, किम ् 3rd
यष्ु मद् 2nd
अस्मद् 1st

Pronouns have – different genders (masculine, feminine, neuter)

- different numbers (singular, dual, plural)
- different cases (nominative to locative)

• These pronouns are used to replace nouns in a sentence – Your Best Source to Learn Sanskrit, Hindi and Other Indian Languages!
Sanskrit Grammar Basic Notes

I. Forms of तद्
1. तद् – Third person pronoun – masculine (He)

2. तद् – Third person pronoun – feminine (She)

3. तद् – Third person pronoun – neuter (It)

• These are the standard forms. Other pronouns are similar to these
forms only – Your Best Source to Learn Sanskrit, Hindi and Other Indian Languages!
Sanskrit Grammar Basic Notes

II. Forms of एतद्

1. एतद् – Third person pronoun – masculine (He)

2. एतद् – Third person pronoun – feminine (She)

3. एतद् – Third person pronoun – neuter (It) – Your Best Source to Learn Sanskrit, Hindi and Other Indian Languages!
Sanskrit Grammar Basic Notes

What is the difference between तद् and एतद्?

Masculine – Your Best Source to Learn Sanskrit, Hindi and Other Indian Languages!
Sanskrit Grammar Basic Notes

What is the difference between तद् and एतद्?

Feminine – Your Best Source to Learn Sanskrit, Hindi and Other Indian Languages!
Sanskrit Grammar Basic Notes

What is the difference between तद् and एतद्?

Neuter – Your Best Source to Learn Sanskrit, Hindi and Other Indian Languages!
Sanskrit Grammar Basic Notes

III.Forms of यद् (who, whatever)

लिङ्गम ् एिवचनम ् द्विवचनम ् बहुवचनम ् ववभक्तः
पुल्लिङ्गम ् यः यौ ये प्रथमा
स्त्रीलिङ्गम ् या ये यः प्रथमा
नपुुंसिलिङ्गम ् यद् – यत ् ये यातन प्रथमा

IV.Forms of किम ् (Interrogative pronoun)

लिङ्गम ् एिवचनम ् द्विवचनम ् बहुवचनम ् ववभक्तः
पुल्लिङ्गम ् कः कौ के प्रथमा
स्त्रीलिङ्गम ् का के काः प्रथमा
नपुुंसिलिङ्गम ् ककम ् के कातन प्रथमा

• अस्मद् and युष्मद् (First person and second person respectively) do not
have different forms in three genders
• They only have forms in different numbers and in different cases

Usage of किम ् pronoun

1. कः त्वम ्? (Who are you?) (M/Sing)
2. का त्वम ्? (Who are you?) (F/Sing)
3. के एते? (Who are these?) (M/Plu)
4. ककं तव नामधेयम ्? (What is your name?)
5. त्वं केन सह ललखलस? (With what are you writing?)
6. त्वं कस्स्मन ् नगरे वसलस? (In which city do you live?) – Your Best Source to Learn Sanskrit, Hindi and Other Indian Languages!
Sanskrit Grammar Basic Notes

Other interrogative words

1. कथम ् अस्स्त? How are you?
2. कथं तव अभ्यासः? How is your study going?
3. ककं तव नामधेयम ्? What is your name?
4. ककम ् अस्स्त? What is it?
5. कीदृशः चित्रपटः अस्स्त? What type of movie is it?
6. कीदृशं नाटकम ् अस्स्त? What type of play is it?
7. कदा गह
ृ म ् आगच्छलस? When will you come home?
8. कदा रत्तववासरः? When is Sunday?
9. ककमथथम ् आपणं गच्छलस? Why/for what are you going to the market?
10. कुत्र अस्स्त तव गह
ृ म ्? Where is your home?
11. क्व अस्स्त मस्ददरम ्? Where is the temple?

Usage of interrogative pronouns

• Identify the gender of the noun (M/F/N)

• Identify its number (Sing/Dual/Plu)
• Identify its case (Nom to Loc)
• Accordingly, the same case, number and gender of the ककम ् pronoun is
to be used
• Some examples
1. बाििाः पठस्दत| िे पठस्दत? (Who study? Answer-Boys study?
2. पाठशािायाः क्रीडाङ्गणम ् अस्स्त| िस्याः क्रीडाङ्गणम ् अस्स्त? (What has a
playground? Answer-The school has a playground)
3. पुस्तिानन सस्दत| िानन सस्दत? (What are there? Answer-Books are

• Suffixes like चित ्, िन ् and अत्तप are added to this pronoun ककम ् to form
words having common meaning – Your Best Source to Learn Sanskrit, Hindi and Other Indian Languages!
Sanskrit Grammar Basic Notes

• E.g. कस्ित ् काचित ्

किन ् someone(M) कािन ् someone(F)
कोऽत्तप कात्तप

कस्चित ्, कचिन, ककमत्तप – something(N)

युष्मद् – second person pronoun (you)

- त्वं कुत्र गछलस? Where are you going?

- तव नाम ककम ्? What is your name?
- अहं त्वया सह खेलालम| I am playing with you.
- यय
ू ं चित्रपटं पश्यथ| You all see the movie.
- जनकः यव
ु ाभ्यां धनं ददातत| Father gives money for you both. – Your Best Source to Learn Sanskrit, Hindi and Other Indian Languages!
Sanskrit Grammar Basic Notes

अस्मद् – First person pronoun (me)

- अहम ् आम्रं खादालम| I eat a mango.

- वयं सवे मानवाः| We all are human beings.
- भारतः अस्माकं दे शः| India is our country. (we all)
- सा आवयोः पुत्री| She is our daughter. (we both)
- एषः मम कतथव्यः| This is my duty. – Your Best Source to Learn Sanskrit, Hindi and Other Indian Languages!

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