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GRADE 1 to 12 School Bilaran National High School Grade Level 7/8

DAILY LESSON Teacher Learning T.L.E

Ms. Raquel M. Hernandez
LOG Area
Teaching Dates and 1 hour Quarter

A. Content Standard The use of tools, equipment, and paraphernalia in FOS
B. Performance Standard Independently use tools, equipment, and paraphernalia in FOS
C. Learning Competencies LO 2.Use FOS tools, equipment, and paraphernalia
1.1. Use equipment, tools, and paraphernalia based on the task requirements
1.2. Conduct a performance-based assessment for using tools, equipment, and paraphernalia
II. CONTENT Proper usage of tools, equipment, and paraphernalia
A. References
1. Curriculum Guide CG p. 2
2. Text Book pages

3. Additional Resources Chapter 7- Front Office Equipment p. 1-26

4. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous What are the tools, equipment, and paraphernalia in FOS? Types and uses?
lesson Activity 1.1 Guess me right
Given the pictures of different tools and equipment, write down its types and uses.

B. Establishing a purpose “Let’s Explore!"

for the lesson
Instruct the students to go into the TLE room wherein the different tools, equipment and paraphernalia in FOS may
found. Show these to your students and ask the following guide questions.
 Do you know how to use these tools?
 What are the proper precautions that we must take in performing a task?
C. Presenting The front office department of the hotel comprises of the sections like Reservation, Front desk, Bell desk, Travel Desk
examples/Instances of Concierge, etc. The front office is elegantly designed to accommodate the staff and for the smooth service to the guests.
the new lesson Number of front office equipment ensure an effective hospitality of the guests.
D. Discussing new concepts “Show Me the Way”
and practicing new skills Explaining/Showing the proper usage of tools, equipment, and paraphernalia in FOS. Give a particular instances that we
have to use this tool.
E. Discussing new concepts Strategy: The 4 A’s Activity
and practicing new skills
Group 1: Give a task that demonstrate the assigned situation observed in
Group 2: Produce a substitute tools use in FOS for better understanding
Group 3: Summarize the lesson/ reflection of the activity presented by other groups
Group 4: Have a short skit presenting the actual happening in front desk
F. Developing mastery Give the proper usage of tools, equipment, and paraphernalia in FOS.

G. Finding practical “It’s showtime!”

application of concepts Prefer you are a front desk assistant in a hotel, demonstrate the proper usage of different tools and equipment.
and skills in daily living
H. Making A. Based on the discussions and activities done, what are the proper usage of equipment, tools and paraphernalia in
generalizations and FOS?
abstractions about the B. Fill out this diagram based in our lesson


C. Evaluating learning Directions: Choose the letter with the best answer.
Tasks Tools Needed
1. Checking in
2. Checking out
3. Change of room assignment
4. Lost key
5. Need of room service

If you were a front desk officer, how can you ensure that your hotel offered good quality of services? (Completeness
and direct function of tools and equipment in FOS)

D. Additional activities Create a short video clip showing the different tools and its uses.
for application or

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