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IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe

for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA)

Version 4.0

Reference Guide
July 28, 2016


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Appendix A, “Notices
and Trademarks,” on page 49.

Edition notice
This edition (SC27-5611-03) applies to version 4.0 of IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1,
V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA) and to all subsequent releases and notifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
This edition replaces SC27-5611-02.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2013, 2016.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
IBM Corp.

About this guide.................................................................................................... v

Document control page................................................................................................................................ v
Conventions used in this guide................................................................................................................... vi
Examples of log messages......................................................................................................................... vii

Chapter 1. Generic Probe for TMF814..................................................................... 1

Summary...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Installing probes.......................................................................................................................................... 2
Configuring the probe.................................................................................................................................. 3
Firewall considerations................................................................................................................................4
SSL-based connectivity................................................................................................................................5
Running the probe........................................................................................................................................6
Data acquisition........................................................................................................................................... 6
Connecting to the CORBA interface....................................................................................................... 7
Authentication...................................................................................................................................... 11
Alarm retrieval and synchronization.................................................................................................... 12
Reconnection and probe backoff strategy...........................................................................................12
Inactivity............................................................................................................................................... 13
Data stream capture.............................................................................................................................13
Support for Unicode and non-Unicode characters..............................................................................14
Peer-to-peer failover functionality...................................................................................................... 14
Command line interface............................................................................................................................ 15
Managing the probe over an HTTP/HTTPS connection....................................................................... 15
Properties and command line options...................................................................................................... 19
Properties and command line options provided by the Java Probe Integration Library (probe-sdk-
java) version 9.0....................................................................................................................................26
Elements.................................................................................................................................................... 28
Error messages.......................................................................................................................................... 35
ProbeWatch messages.............................................................................................................................. 37
Known issues............................................................................................................................................. 38

Chapter 2. Migrating from existing probes............................................................ 39

Comparison of probe features...................................................................................................................39
Common features................................................................................................................................. 39
Features specific to the Generic Probe for TMF814............................................................................40
Features not available in the Generic Probe for TMF814................................................................... 41
Migration procedure...................................................................................................................................41
Determining the features to use.......................................................................................................... 41
Installing the Generic Probe for TMF814............................................................................................ 41
Migrating properties............................................................................................................................. 41
Customizing the rules file.....................................................................................................................43
Running and testing the probe.............................................................................................................46
Optimizing property values and the rules file......................................................................................47

Appendix A. Notices and Trademarks................................................................... 49

Notices....................................................................................................................................................... 49
Trademarks................................................................................................................................................ 50

About this guide
The following sections contain important information about using this guide.

Document control page

Use this information to track changes between versions of this guide.
The IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA)
documentation is provided in softcopy format only. To obtain the most recent version, visit the IBM®
Tivoli® Information Center:!/SSSHTQ/omnibus/probes/common/

Table 1. Document modification history

Document Publication Comments

version date

SC27-5611-00 July 5, 2013 First IBM publication.

SC27-5611-01 November 1, Updated “Summary” on page 1 to include V2.1 of TMF814

2013 standard, and to show current version number of the probe.
Updated “Configuring the probe” on page 3: Updated information
on the CORBA connection method and the resynchronization policy.
Added entries for Heartbeat policy, Support for Unicode and non-
Unicode characters, Command Line Interface, and HTTP/HTTPS
command interface.
Added “Connecting to the CORBA interface” on page 7,
“Configuring the probe” on page 7, and “Connecting to the
CORBA interface” on page 7.
Added Resynchronization filters to “Alarm retrieval and
synchronization” on page 12.
Added “Heartbeat” on page 13“Support for Unicode and non-
Unicode characters” on page 14.
Added “Running the probe” on page 6.
Updated “Properties and command line options” on page 19:
added CommandPort, CommandPortLimit, EncodingStandard,
HeartbeatInterval, NamingContextPath, NamingServiceHost,
NamingServiceIORFile, NamingServicePort,
ResyncProbableCause, and ResyncSeverityFilter; updated
IORFile,ORBCharEncoding, ORBWCharDefault, and
Updated “Error messages” on page 35 and “Known issues” on
page 38.
Added Chapter 2, “Migrating from existing probes,” on page 39.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2016 v

Table 1. Document modification history (continued)

Document Publication Comments

version date

SC27-5611-02 March 10, Updated “Summary” on page 1 package version number to 3.0.
Added “SSL-based connectivity” on page 5.
Added “Properties and command line options provided by the Java
Probe Integration Library (probe-sdk-java) version 9.0” on page
Updated “Properties and command line options” on page 19.
Added descriptions for the following properties:
NotificationClientType, ORBDebug, ORBDebugFile, EnableSSL,
KeyStore, KeyStorePassword, and SecurityProtocol.
Updated “Known issues” on page 38 with new section on 32-bit
nonnative binary support.
Version 3 of the probe addresses the following enhancement
• RFE 53160: Support for processing a single StructuredEvent

SC27-5611-03 July 28, 2016 Updated “Summary” on page 1 package version number to 4.0.
Added description for the ResyncAlarmObject property to
“Properties and command line options” on page 19.
Descriptions for $route_cc, $SNCState,
$transmissionParameters, and $tpsToModify added to
“Elements” on page 28.
Version 4 of the probe addresses the following enhancement
• RFE 82307: Allow the user to configure the function calls for
retrieving active alarms from EMS/NMS.
• APAR IT14347: Provide support for the following object types:
Layered ParameterList, SNC State, Route, and Termination Point
Data List in incoming events.

Conventions used in this guide

All probe guides use standard conventions for operating system-dependent environment variables and
directory paths.

Operating system-dependent variables and paths

All probe guides use standard conventions for specifying environment variables and describing directory
paths, depending on what operating systems the probe is supported on.
For probes supported on UNIX and Linux operating systems, probe guides use the standard UNIX
conventions such as $variable for environment variables and forward slashes (/) in directory paths. For

vi IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
For probes supported only on Windows operating systems, probe guides use the standard Windows
conventions such as %variable% for environment variables and backward slashes (\) in directory paths.
For example:
For probes supported on UNIX, Linux, and Windows operating systems, probe guides use the standard
UNIX conventions for specifying environment variables and describing directory paths. When using the
Windows command line with these probes, replace the UNIX conventions used in the guide with Windows
conventions. If you are using the bash shell on a Windows system, you can use the UNIX conventions.
Note: The names of environment variables are not always the same in Windows and UNIX environments.
For example, %TEMP% in Windows environments is equivalent to $TMPDIR in UNIX and Linux
environments. Where such variables are described in the guide, both the UNIX and Windows conventions
will be used.

Operating system-specific directory names

Where Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus files are identified as located within an arch directory under NCHOME or
OMNIHOME, arch is a variable that represents your operating system directory. For example:
The following table lists the directory names used for each operating system.
Note: This probe may not support all of the operating systems specified in the table.

Table 2. Directory names for the arch variable

Operating system Directory name represented by arch

AIX® systems aix5

Red Hat Linux and SUSE systems linux2x86

Linux for System z linux2s390

Solaris systems solaris2

Windows systems win32

OMNIHOME location
Probes and older versions of Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus use the OMNIHOME environment variable in many
configuration files. Set the value of OMNIHOME as follows:
• On UNIX and Linux, set $OMNIHOME to $NCHOME/omnibus.
• On Windows, set %OMNIHOME% to %NCHOME%\omnibus.

Examples of log messages

This guide includes examples of messages that can appear in the probe's log files. These examples omit
the time and date stamp for clarity.

About this guide vii

viii IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Chapter 1. Generic Probe for TMF814

The IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA) acquires data
from network management systems (NMS) and element management systems (EMS) using a TMF814
(V2.1, V3.0 or V3.5) Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) interface.
This guide contains the following sections:
• “Summary” on page 1
• “Installing probes” on page 2
• “Configuring the probe” on page 3
• “Firewall considerations” on page 4
• “SSL-based connectivity” on page 5
• “Running the probe” on page 6
• “Data acquisition” on page 6
• “Properties and command line options” on page 19
• “Elements” on page 28
• “Error messages” on page 35
• “ProbeWatch messages” on page 37
• “Known issues” on page 38

Each probe works in a different way to acquire event data from its source, and therefore has specific
features, default values, and changeable properties. Use this summary information to learn about this
The following table summarizes the probe.

Table 3. Summary

Probe target Telecommunications network devices that comply with TMF814

V2.1, V3.0 or V3.5 standards.

Probe executable name nco_p_generic_tmf814

Package version 4.0

Probe supported on For details of supported operating systems, see the following
Release Notice on the IBM Software Support website:

Properties file $OMNIHOME/probes/arch/generic_tmf814.props

Rules file $OMNIHOME/probes/arch/generic_tmf814.rules

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2016 1

Table 3. Summary (continued)

Requirements For details of any additional software that this probe requires,
refer to the description.txt file that is supplied in its
download package.

Connection method CORBA

Multicultural support Available

Peer-to-peer failover functionality Available

IP environment IPv4 and IPv6

Federal Information Processing IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus uses the FIPS 140-2 approved
Standards (FIPS) cryptographic provider: IBM Crypto for C (ICC) certificate 384
for cryptography. This certificate is listed on the NIST website at
140-1/1401val2004.htm. For details about configuring Netcool/
OMNIbus for FIPS 140-2 mode, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/
OMNIbus Installation and Deployment Guide.

Installing probes
All probes are installed in a similar way. The process involves downloading the appropriate installation
package for your operating system, installing the appropriate files for the version of Netcool/OMNIbus
that you are running, and configuring the probe to suit your environment.
The installation process consists of the following steps:
1. Downloading the installation package for the probe from the Passport Advantage Online website.
Each probe has a single installation package for each operating system supported. For details about
how to locate and download the installation package for your operating system, visit the following page
on the IBM Tivoli Knowledge Center:
2. Installing the probe using the installation package.
The installation package contains the appropriate files for all supported versions of Netcool/OMNIbus.
For details about how to install the probe to run with your version of Netcool/OMNIbus, visit the
following page on the IBM Tivoli Knowledge Center:
3. Configuring the probe.
This guide contains details of the essential configuration required to run this probe. It combines topics
that are common to all probes and topics that are peculiar to this probe. For details about additional
configuration that is common to all probes, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway

2 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Configuring the probe
After installing the probe you need to make various configuration settings to suit your environment.
The following table outlines how to use the probe's properties to configure the product's features.
Configuration of some features is mandatory for all installations. For those features set the properties to
the correct values or verify that their default values are suitable for your environment. Further
configuration is optional depending on which features of the probe you want to use.

Table 4. Configuring the probe

Feature Properties See

Mandatory features:

CORBA connection method IORFile “Connecting to the CORBA

NamingServiceHost interface” on page 7
The method that the probe
obtains the reference to the
object needed to connect to the
CORBA interface.

Authentication Password “Authentication” on page 11

Credentials for authenticating
with the TMF endpoint.

TMF release version in use ReleaseTMF814 “Properties and command line

options” on page 19

Optional features:

Resynchronization policy InitialResync “Alarm retrieval and

ResyncInterval synchronization” on page 12
Specifies whether the probe
resynchronizes with the TMF

Reconnection policy RetryCount “Reconnection and probe

RetryInterval backoff strategy” on page 12
Specifies whether the probe
attempts to reconnect to the
TMF endpoint following a
communications failure.

Inactivity policy Inactivity “Inactivity” on page 13

Specifies whether the probe
disconnects from the TMF
endpoint following a period of

Heartbeat policy HeartbeatInterval “Heartbeat” on page 13

Specifies whether the probe
periodically checks that the
connection to the TMF endpoint
is still operational.

Generic Probe for TMF814 3

Table 4. Configuring the probe (continued)
Feature Properties See

Support for Unicode and non- EncodingStandard “Support for Unicode and non-
Unicode characters ORBCharEncoding Unicode characters” on page
ORBWCharDefault 14
Enables the probe to process
alarms that contain characters
encoded in UTF-8, such as Asian

Peer-to-peer failover pair MessageFile “Peer-to-peer failover

Mode functionality” on page 14
Allows you to set up two probes
to act as a failover pair to
improve availability. If the
master probe should stop
working, the slave probes takes
over until the master is available
once more.

HTTP/HTTPS command NHttpd.EnableHTTP “Configuring the command

interface NHttpd.ListeningPort interface” on page 15
Enables the HTTP/HTTPS
command interface and defines
the port that it uses.

Running multiple instances of ORBLocalPort “Running the probe” on page

the probe Name 6
Allows you to run two or more
instances of the probe on a
single host machine.

Firewall considerations
When using CORBA probes in conjunction with a firewall, the firewall must be configured so that the probe
can connect to the target system.
Most CORBA probes can act as both a server (listening for connections from the target system) and a
client (connecting to the port on the target system to which the system writes events). If you are using the
probe in conjunction with a firewall, you must add the appropriate firewall rules to enable this dual
There are three possible firewall protection scenarios, for which you must determine port numbers before
adding firewall rules:
1. If the host on which the probe is running is behind a firewall, you must determine what remote host
and port number the probe will connect to.
2. If the host on which the target system is running is behind a firewall, you must determine the incoming
port on which the probe will listen and to which the target system will connect.
3. If each host is secured with its own firewall, you must determine the following four ports:
a. The outgoing port (or port range) for the probe.
b. The hostname and port of the target system.
c. The outgoing port on which the target system sends events if the probe is running as a client.

4 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
d. The incoming port on which the probe listens for incoming events.
Note: Most, but not all, CORBA probes listen on the port specified by the ORBLocalPort property. The
default value for this property is 0, which means that an available port is selected at random. If the probe
is behind a firewall, the value of the ORBLocalPort property must be specified as a fixed port number.
CORBA probes that use EventManager or NotificationManager objects may use different hosts and ports
from those that use NamingService and EntryPoint objects. If the probe is configured to get object
references from a NamingService or EntryPoint object, you must obtain the host and port information
from the system administrator of the target system. When you have this information, you can add the
appropriate firewall rules.

SSL-based connectivity
IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA) supports Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) connections. SSL connections provide additional security when the probe retrieves
alarms from the target systems.
To enable SSL connections, obtain the required SSL certificates and the Trusted Authority certificate from
the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA) server
administrator. Add the certificates to a local Java™ keystore so that they can be referenced by the
KeyStore property.

The following tools are available to create the keystore:
• The OpenSSL toolkit.
This is available from
• The IBM KeyMan utility.
This is available from
• The Keytool toolkit.
This is available in the JRE package.
The keytool can be found at example location:

Converting the key and certificate into PKCS12 format

If you have a key and a certificate from the server in separate files, you must combine them into a single
PKCS12 format file to load into a new keystore. To convert the server certificate into PKCS12 format, use
the following OpenSSL toolkit command:
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey key_file -in cert_file -out cert_pkcs12
key_file is the key file retrieved from the server.
cert_file is the certificate retrieved from the server.
cert_pkcs12 is the combined file in PKCS12 format for loading into the keystore.

Creating the SSL keystore

To create a Java keystore, use the following steps:
1. Convert the server certificate to PKCS12 format using the following OpenSSL toolkit command:
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey server_key.pem -in server_ca.cer -out

Generic Probe for TMF814 5

2. Create the keystore using the KeyMan utility:
a. Start the KeyMan utility.
b. Click Create New and select the Keystore token option.
c. Click File > Import and choose the server_ca.pkcs12 file that you created in step 1.
This imports the keyEntry into the keystore.
d. Click File > Import and choose the server_ca.cer certificate.
This imports the server certificate into the keystore.
e. Click File > Import and choose the client_ca.cer certificate.
This imports the client certificate into the keystore.
f. Click File > Save and enter a password and name for the keystore, for example

Enabling SSL connections

To enable SSL-based connections between the probe and the Element Management System (EMS) server,
make the following changes to the generic_tmf814.props file:
1. Set the EnableSSL property to true.
When the EnableSSL property is set to true, the following properties are enabled:
• KeyStore
• KeyStorePassword
• SecurityProtocol
2. Use the KeyStore property to specify the location and file name of the keystore file
3. Use the KeyStorePassword property to specify a password for the keystore.
4. Encrypt the keystore file password using the nco_g_crypt utility.

Running the probe

Probes can be run in a variety of ways. The way you chose depends on a number of factors, including your
operating system, your environment, and the any high availability considerations that you may have.
For details about how to run the probe, visit the following page on the IBM Tivoli Knowledge Center:

Data acquisition
Each probe uses a different method to acquire data. Which method the probe uses depends on the target
system from which it receives data.
The Generic Probe for TMF814 acquires data from network management systems (NMS) and element
management systems (EMS) that implement TMF814 and use a Common Object Request Broker
Architecture (CORBA) interface. The probe connects to the NMS or EMS through the CORBA interface and
receives events from the device. The probe then processes each event to create an alarm that it forwards
on to the ObjectServer.
Data acquisition is described in the following topics:
• “Connecting to the CORBA interface” on page 7
• “Authentication” on page 11

6 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
• “Alarm retrieval and synchronization” on page 12
• “Reconnection and probe backoff strategy” on page 12
• “Inactivity” on page 13
• “Heartbeat” on page 13
• “Data stream capture” on page 13
• “Support for Unicode and non-Unicode characters” on page 14
• “Peer-to-peer failover functionality” on page 14

Connecting to the CORBA interface

The probe connects to the target system through a CORBA interface.
To complete the connection, the probe needs a reference to the EmsSessionFactory_I object. The
following topics contain:
• A summary of the methods that the probe can use to obtain the reference to the
EmsSessionFactory_I object.
• Instructions on how to configure the probe for each of those methods.
• Advice on how to use the messages in the log file to help confirm that you have configured the probe
correctly or help you solve configuration problems.

Methods for obtaining a reference to the EmsSessionFactory_I object

The probe can obtain the object reference in one of two ways:
• Using an IOR file
• Using a Naming Service

Using an IOR file

When using Interoperable Object Reference (IOR) files, the probe obtains the reference to the
EmsSessionFactory_I CORBA object from the IOR file specified in the IORFile property.

Using a Naming Service

As an alternative to an IOR file, the probe can use a Naming Service to obtain the reference to the
EmsSessionFactory_I object. There are two ways that the probe can locate the Naming Service:
• By using the host name and port number of the Naming Service specified in the NamingServiceHost
and NamingServicePort properties.
• By using the IOR file specified in the NamingServiceIORFile property.
The Naming Service then uses the value specified in the NamingContextPath property to obtain the
reference to the EmsSessionFactory_I object.

Completing the connection sequence

Once the probe has obtained the reference to the EmsSessionFactory_I object, it logs in to the target
system. It then creates an EMS session and queries the Subscriber and EMS Manager objects. The probe
uses the Subscriber object to subscribe to real-time event notifications and the EMS Manager object to
perform resynchronization operations.

Configuring the probe

Use the following procedure to configure the probe:
1. Decide on the method you want to use to obtain the reference to the EmsSessionFactory_I object.

Generic Probe for TMF814 7

2. Define values for the properties listed in the section for your chosen method.

IOR file
Set the IORFile property to the path for the Interoperable Object Reference (IOR) file used to connect to
the target through CORBA. For example:

IORFile = "/opt/var/emssession.ior"

Locating the Naming Service using a specified host and port

Set the following properties:
• NamingServiceHost: Set this property to the name of the host server that provides the Naming Service.
• NamingServicePort: Set this property to the port on the host server to use to connect to the Naming
• NamingContextPath: Set this property to the full path of the EmsSessionFactory_I interface on the
target system.
The following article in the Service Management Connect (SMC) technical community on IBM
developerWorks shows how to construct the value of this property:
For example:

NamingServiceHost = "nshost1"
NamingServicePort = "8054"
NamingContextPath = "TMF_MTNM.Class/TejasNetworks.Vendor/TejasNetworks\\

Locating the Naming Service using an IOR file

Set the following properties:
• NamingServiceIORFile: Set this property to the path for the IOR file for the Naming Service.
• NamingContextpath: Set this property to the path of the EmsSessionFactory interface.
The following article in the Service Management Connect (SMC) technical community on IBM
developerWorks shows how to construct the value of this property:
For example:

NamingServiceIORFile = "/opt/var/ns.ior"
NamingContextPath = "TMF_MTNM.class/test/EmsSessionfactory_I"

Messages in the log file

Use the probe's log file to confirm that you configured the probe correctly or to help you solve
configuration errors. The following sections contain the messages that appear for various connection

8 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Successful connection
This example shows the messages that occur in the log file on successfully connecting to the target
system through a Naming Service running on a specified host and port:

Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Attempting to get reference for interface object

Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Attempting to get object reference via ORBInitialHost and
ORBInitialPort settings
Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Attempting to connect to Naming Service via host and
port settings
Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Sucessfully connected
Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Attempting to resolve Naming Context to object reference
Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Narrowing reference to NamingContext
Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Successfully narrowed reference to Naming Context
Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Resolving Object reference :
Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Resolved Object reference
Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Successfully found object reference
Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Narrowing object reference to interface object

No properties configured
The following example shows the messages that appear in the log file when none of the CORBA properties
are configured:

Warning: W-JPR-000-000: NamingContextPath is empty, please ensure you have set

this property if you want to connect to CORBA via Naming service
Error: E-JPR-000-000: IOR Object is null. Please check your probe settings.
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to get IOR Object : IOR Object is null.
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to connect:
ProbeException: IOR Object is null.

IORFile property refers to an incorrect or invalid IOR file

The following example shows the messages that appear in the log file when the IORFile property refers to
an incorrect or invalid IOR file:

Information: I-JPR-000-000: Read IOR file /home/netcool/sim/dist/var/ems.ior

Debug: D-JPR-000-000:
registerTarget ENTERING
Debug: D-JPR-000-000:
registerTarget EXITING
Information: I-JPR-000-000: Converting string IOR to object reference :
Information: I-JPR-000-000: Retrieveing EMS Session via IOR object...
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to get IOR Object :
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to connect: org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM: vmcid: 0x0
minor code: 0 completed: No

Cannot connect when using the IORFile property

The following example shows the messages that can appear in the log file in these circumstances:
• Invalid host, port, or host and port specified in he IOR file
• Firewall issues
• The target system is not online

Information: I-JPR-000-000: Read IOR file /home/netcool/sim/dist/var/

Information: I-JPR-000-000: Converting string IOR to object reference :

Generic Probe for TMF814 9

Information: I-JPR-000-000: Retrieveing EMS Session via IOR object...
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to get interface version information:
org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT: initial and forwarded IOR inaccessible vmcid: IBM
minor code: E07 completed: No
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to connect: org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT:
initial and forwarded IOR inaccessible vmcid: IBM minor code: E07
completed: No

Not all properties set when connecting through a Naming Service host and port
The following example shows the messages that can appear in the log file when connecting through a
Naming Service using a specified host and port. In this instance one of the NamingServiceHost,
NamingServicePort and NamingContextPath properties has no value:

Warning: W-JPR-000-000: NamingContextPath is empty, please ensure you have

set this property if you want to connect to CORBA via Naming service
Error: E-JPR-000-000: IOR Object is null. Please check your probe settings.
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to get IOR Object : IOR Object is null.
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to connect:
ProbeException: IOR Object is null.
Debug: D-JPR-000-000: IOR Object is null.

Properties have incorrect values when connecting through a Naming Service host and port
The following example shows the messages that can appear in the log file when connecting through a
Naming Service using a specified host and port. In this instance, one or more of the NamingServiceHost,
NamingServicePort and NamingContextPath properties has an incorrect value, or the host, port, or path
is inaccessible:

Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to resolve initial references to the NamingService :

NameService:org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: purge_calls:2004 Reason: CONN_ABORT (1),
State: ABORT (5) vmcid: IBM minor code: 306 completed: Maybe
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to get IOR Object :
org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName: NameService:org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:
purge_calls:2004 Reason: CONN_ABORT (1),
State: ABORT (5) vmcid: IBM minor code: 306 completed: Maybe
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to connect:
org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName: NameService:org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:
purge_calls:2004 Reason: CONN_ABORT (1), State: ABORT (5) vmcid: IBM
minor code: 306 completed: Maybe

Firewall configuration preventing connection to a Naming Server host or port

The following example shows the messages that can appear in the log file when configuration problems
with a firewall prevent connection to the host or server of a Naming Service:

Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Resolving initial references to NamingService

Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to resolve initial references to the NamingService :
Unable to connect:host=,port=9765 vmcid: IBM minor code: E02
completed: No
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to get IOR Object :
org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName: NameService:org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT: Unable to connect:host=,port=9765 vmcid: IBM
minor code: E02 completed: No
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to connect:
org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName: NameService:org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT: Unable to connect:host=,port=9765 vmcid: IBM
minor code: E02 completed: No

Incorrect NamingContextPath or the Naming Server is offline

The following example shows the messages that can appear in the log file in these circumstances:

10 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
• An incorrect value for the NamingContextPath property means the ORB is unable to narrow the
configured context path on the target system.
• The host server for the Naming Service is offline.

Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to get the System reference from the naming
service! :
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to resolved to Naming Context :
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to get IOR Object :
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to connect:

IORFile or NamingServiceIORFile specifies an incorrect path

The following example shows the messages that can appear in the log file when the path specified by the
IORFile or NamingServiceIORFile is incorrect and the probe cannot find the IOR file:

Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to get object from Naming Service IOR file:
Failed to find file /home/netcool/sim/dist/var/em.ior: /home/netcool/sim/dist/var/em.ior

NamingServiceIORFile specifies an incorrect IOR file or the IOR is incorrect

The following example shows the messages that appear in the log file when the value of the
NamingServiceIORFile property refers to an incorrect IOR file or to a file that specifies and incorrect IOR:

Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to connect to the NamingService :

Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to resolve to the naming context:
org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM: vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to get IOR Object :
org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM: vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No
Error: E-JPR-000-000: Failed to connect:

Once the probe has obtained a reference to the EmsSessionFactory_I object, it logs in to the target
using the values stored in the Username and Password properties. The value of the Password property
can be plain text or an AES encrypted password. To encrypt a password, use the nco_keygen utility to
create a key file and then use the nco_aes_crypt utility to encrypt the password using the key file.
Detailed instructions on how to encrypt a property value, such as Password are in the IBM Tivoli Netcool/
OMNIbus Installation and Deployment Guide. The following example shows how to encrypt the password:
1. Use nco_keygen to create a key file; for example:
$NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco_keygen -o $NCHOME/omnibus/probes/key_file
2. Set the value of the probe's ConfigKeyFile property to the file path of the key file; for example:
ConfigKeyFile: "$NCHOME/omnibus/probes/key_file"
3. Set the value of the probe's ConfigCryptoAlg property to AES:
ConfigCryptoAlg: "AES"
4. Use nco_aes_crypt to encrypt the password; for example:
$NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco_aes_crypt -c AES -k key_file password

Generic Probe for TMF814 11

5. Set the value of the probe's Password property to the encrypted string generated by
nco_aes_crypt; for example:
Password: "@44:U/ccVZ0K+ftc7gZTV33Yx2fODe5v46RZzEbvqpE=@"

Alarm retrieval and synchronization

On startup, the probe can retrieve active alarms from the EMS and do so regularly if required. The probe
uses the CORBA push model to receive new alarms as the EMS generates them.

Startup and initial synchronization

At startup, the probe retrieves a list of all active alarms from the EMS if the InitialResync property is set
to true. When the property is set to false, the probe does not receive the existing alarms.

Alarm retrieval
Once the probe has received any existing alarms, it connects to the Subscriber object and uses the
CORBA notification push model to receive new alarms from the EMS. The probe receives those alarms as
they are generated at the EMS.
The probe parses each alarm it receives and forwards it to the ObjectServer.

The probe can resynchronize with the EMS periodically. The frequency of any resynchronization is
determined by the value of the ResyncInterval property. When the property has a value of 0, which is the
default value, the probe never resynchronizes. Any other value of ResyncInterval defines the interval, in
seconds, between successive resynchronization operations. For each operation the probe receives a list of
all active alarms in the same way as it does at startup. The probe then resumes waiting for new alarms
from the EMS.
During resynchronization operations, the probe receives alarms in batches when the ResyncBatchSize
property has a positive value (the default value is 100). The minimum batch size is 1.

Resynchronization filters
You can apply filters during a resynchronization operation to limit the number of alarms returned from the
EMS. The probe provides two properties that enable you to define filters:
• ResyncProbableCauseFilter
• ResyncSeverityFilter
You can use either filter individually or both filters together.
The filters define values for alarms to exclude from a resynchronization operation when they contain a
particular value. For example, if you set ResyncSeverityFilter to the value PS_MINOR, all alarms with that
severity setting are excluded from the resynchronization operation.

Reconnection and probe backoff strategy

Use the RetryCount and RetryInterval properties to specify how the probe reacts if the connection to the
target system is lost or cannot be established.
Use the RetryCount property to specify whether the probe attempts to reconnect to the target system.
Setting the property to 0, the default value, means that the probe does not try to reconnect and simply
shuts down. Any other, positive value specifies the number of times the probe tries to reconnect before
shutting down.
Use the RetryInterval property to specify the number of seconds between each attempt to reconnect to
the target system. Setting the property to 0 means that the probe uses an exponentially increasing
interval between connection attempts. First the probe waits 1 second, then 2 seconds, then 4 seconds,

12 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
and so on up to a maximum of 4095 seconds. If this limit, or the number of connection attempts is
reached, the probe shuts down.

The probe can disconnect from the target system and shut down if there is no event activity for a
predefined amount of time.
You can use the Inactivity property to specify how long, in seconds, the probe waits before disconnecting
from the target system and shutting down. If the probe receives no events during that time, it disconnects
from the target system and shuts down. To ensure that the probe never disconnects from the target
system, set the value of the property to 0, which is the default value.

The probe can disconnect from the target system if the connection between them becomes unavailable.
You can use the HeartbeatInterval property to specify whether the probe periodically checks that the
connection to the target system is available and how often it performs that check. The probe shuts down if
it detects that the connection to the target system is unavailable.
When the HeartbeatInterval property has a value of 0 the probe does not check the availability of the
connection. Any other positive value defines the number of seconds between each check of the
connection's availability.
Note: Once the probe shuts down it may restart again, depending on the value set for the RetryCount
property. If the value set for RetryCount is 0, the probe does not restart. For any other positive value the
probe follows the reconnection policy. See “Reconnection and probe backoff strategy” on page 12 for
more information.
To check the connection to the target system, the probe sends a ping command (using the TMF standard
function EmsSession_I_ping) and waits for a response from the target system.
The probe also disconnects from the target system if it receives an endSession request from the NMS.
This may occur if the target system restarts or is shut down.

Data stream capture

The probe can capture the stream of binary data from the TMF814 device and store it in a file. The data
can be used for debugging purposes, to develop new features for the probe, or to pass onto other
management systems that require the same data.
To capture the data stream in log files, use the following procedure:
1. Set the value of the StreamCapture property to 1.
2. Set the value of the StreamCaptureFilePath property to the full path of a directory to hold the files of
• Specify the full path of the directory. For example:
• You cannot include variables such as $OMNIHOME in the directory path.
• The directory must exist. The probe does not create the directory if it does not exist.
3. If the probe is running, restart the probe.
The probe now writes stream data to the specified directory. The probe creates two types of file: one
contains resynchronization data and the other contains notification data. The names for these files have
the following format:
• Resynchronization data file:
• Notification data file:

Generic Probe for TMF814 13

In both file names timestamp is the time of day when the file was created, in milliseconds and n is a
sequence number for the file. The number increases by one for each file that is created.
The probe creates a separate file for each event it receives from the endpoint.
Note: Capturing the data stream to a log file generates a lot of data, consuming a lot of disk space and
other system resources. So use this feature with caution. As soon as you no longer require the capture of
data, set the value of the StreamCapture property to 0 and restart the probe.

Support for Unicode and non-Unicode characters

The probe can process multibyte characters and so can display both Unicode and non-Unicode
Use the following procedure to set up the probe to process multibyte characters:
1. Ensure that the EMS is configured to send data in UTF-8 format.
2. Set the appropriate locale on the system that runs the probe by changing the values of the LANG and
LC_ALL environment variables. For example, to set the locale to simplified Chinese, use the following

export LANG=zh_CN.utf8
export LC_ALL=zh_CN.utf8

3. Set the following properties of the probe:

Property Value
EncodingStandard UTF-8
ORBCharEncoding UTF8
ORBWChardefault UTF16
4. Configure the ObjectServer to enable the insertion of data that uses UTF-8 encoding. The IBM Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Administration Guide shows how to create, configure, and run an ObjectServer in
UTF-8 mode.
5. Run the probe or restart it, if it is already running.

Peer-to-peer failover functionality

The probe supports failover configurations where two probes run simultaneously. One probe acts as the
master probe, sending events to the ObjectServer; the other acts as the slave probe on standby. If the
master probe fails, the slave probe activates.
While the slave probe receives heartbeats from the master probe, it does not forward events to the
ObjectServer. If the master probe shuts down, the slave probe stops receiving heartbeats from the master
and any events it receives thereafter are forwarded to the ObjectServer on behalf of the master probe.
When the master probe is running again, the slave probe continues to receive events, but no longer sends
them to the ObjectServer.

Example property file settings for peer-to-peer failover

You set the peer-to-peer failover mode in the properties files of the master and slave probes. The settings
differ for a master probe and slave probe.
Note: In the examples, make sure to use the full path for the property value. In other words replace
$OMNIHOME with the full path. For example: /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool.
The following example shows the peer-to-peer settings from the properties file of a master probe:

14 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Server : "NCOMS"
RulesFile : "master_rules_file"
MessageLog : "master_log_file"
PeerHost : "slave_hostname"
PeerPort : 6789 # [communication port between master and slave probe]
Mode : "master"
PidFile : "master_pid_file"

The following example shows the peer-to-peer settings from the properties file of the corresponding slave

Server : "NCOMS"
RulesFile : "slave_rules_file"
MessageLog : "slave_log_file"
PeerHost : "master_hostname"
PeerPort : 6789 # [communication port between master and slave probe]
Mode : "slave"
PidFile : "slave_pid_file"

Command line interface

The probe is supplied with a command line interface (CLI) that allows you to manage the probe while it is
You can also use the CLI to manage the probe over an HTTP/HTTPS connection.

Managing the probe over an HTTP/HTTPS connection

IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Version 7.4.0 (and later) includes a facility for managing the probe over an
HTTP/HTTPS connection. This facility uses the nco_http utility supplied with Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus.
The HTTP/HTTPS command interface replaces the Telnet-based command line interface used in previous
version of IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus.
The following sections show:
• How to configure the command interface.
• The format of the nco_http command line.
• The format of the individual probe commands.
• The messages that appear in the log files.
• How to store frequently-used commands in a properties file.
For more information on the HTTP/HTTPS command interface and the utilities it uses, see the chapter on
remotely administering probes in the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway Guide.

Configuring the command interface

To configure the HTTP/HTTPS command interface, set the following properties in the probe's property file:
NHttpd.EnableHTTP: Set this property to True.
NHttpd.ListeningPort: Set this property to the number of the port that the probe uses to listen for
HTTP commands.
Optionally, set a value for the following property as required:
NHttpd.ExpireTimeout: Set this property to the maximum elapsed time (in seconds) that and HTTP
connection remains idle before it is disconnected.
The IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway Guide contains a full description of these and all
properties for the HTTP/HTTPS command interface.

Generic Probe for TMF814 15

Format of the nco_http command line
The format of the nco_http command line to send a command to the probe is:
$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_http -uri probeuri:probeport/probes/generic_tmf814 -datatype
application/json -method post -data '{"command":"command-name","params":
• probeuri is the URI of the probe.
• probeport is the port that the probe uses to listen for HTTP/HTTPS commands. Specify the same value
as that set for the NHttp.ListeningPort.
• command-name is the name of the command to send to the probe. The following command names are
• command-parameters is a list of zero or more command parameters. For commands that have no
parameters, this component is empty. The command descriptions in the following section define the
parameters that each takes.

Commands supported by the probe over HTTP/HTTPS

The following sections define the structure of the JSON-formatted commands that you can send to the
probe. There is an example of each command.
All the examples use a probe URI of and a HTTP listening port of 6789.

Use the ackAlarm command to acknowledge an alarm.
The format of the -data option for the ackAlarm command is:
-data '{"command":"ackAlarm", "params":[{"alarmId":"alarmId", "emsId":"emsId",
"managedElementId":"managedElementId", "username":"username"}]}'
• alarmId is the identifier stored in the alarm's emsAlarmId field.
• emsId is the identifier stored in the alarm's EMS field.
• managedElementId is the identifier stored in the alarm's ManagedElement field.
• username is the user name of the user acknowledging the alarm (the default is root).
The following example acknowledges the alarm with the following characteristics:
Alarm Identifier: alarm1
EMS Identifier: EMS1
Managed Element Identifier: ME1
Username: root
$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_http -uri
-datatype application/JSON -method POST -data '{"command":"ackAlarm", "params":
[{"alarmId":"alarm1", "emsId":"EMS1", "managedElementId":"ME1",

Use the help command to receive help information about the HTTP/HTTPS command interface.

16 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
The format of the -data option for the help command is:
-data '{"command":"help","params":[]}'
The following command returns help information:
$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_http -uri
-datatype application/JSON -method POST -data '{"command":"help", "params":[]}'
The response from the probe includes the following message:
Information: I-UNK-104-002: {"response":"Available commands: ackAlarm(alarmId
String,emsId String,managedElementId String,username String),
unackAlarm(alarmId String,emsId String,managedElementId String,username
String), resync(), resyncFilter(excludeSeverity String,excludePbCause String),
stop() ","status":"200"}

Use the resync command to perform a resynchronization with the endpoint using the value specified by
the ResyncSeverityFilter and ResyncProbableCauseFilter properties.
The format of the -data option for the resync command is:
-data '{"command":"resync", "params":[]}'
The following example resynchronizes the probe:
$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_http -uri
-datatype application/JSON -method POST -data '{"command":"resync", "params":

Use the resyncFilter command to perform a resynchronization using a custom filter.
The format of the -data option for the resyncFilter command is:
-data '{"command":"resyncFilter","params":[{"excludeSeverity":"sev=severities",
• severities is a list of severities to exclude when the probe resynchronizes with the CORBA interface.
Separate each entry in the list with a semicolon.
• probable-causes is a list of probable causes to exclude when the probe resynchronizes with the CORBA
interface. Separate each entry in the list with a semicolon.
The following example resynchronizes the probe an excludes alarms with a severity of PS_CLEARED or
$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_http -uri
-datatype application/JSON -method POST -data '{"command":"resyncFilter",

Use the stop command to shut down the probe.
The format of the -data option for the stop command is:
-data '{"command":"stop", "params":[]}'
The following example stops the probe:
$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_http -uri
-datatype application/JSON -method POST -data '{"command":"stop", "params":[]}'

Generic Probe for TMF814 17

Use the unackAlarm command to clear an alarm.
The format of the -data option for the unackAlarm command is:
-data '{"command":"unackAlarm", "params":[{"alarmId":"alarmId",
"emsId":"emsId", "managedElementId":"managedElementId",
The parameters have the same meanings as they do for the “ackAlarm” on page 16 command.
The following example "unackanowledges" (clears) the alarm with the same characteristics as the
example of the “ackAlarm” on page 16 command:
$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_http -uri
-datatype application/JSON -method POST -data '{"command":"unackAlarm",
"params":[{"alarmId":"alarm1", "emsId":"EMS1", "managedElementId":"ME1",

Messages in the log file

The nco_http utility can make extensive entries in the probe's log file indicating the progress of each
operation. These messages can help isolate problems with a request, such as a syntax problem in a
To obtain the detailed log information, set the probe's MessageLevel property to debug. This enables the
logging of the additional information that tracks the progress of a command's execution. For example, the
following shows the progress of a resync command:

Information: I-UNK-000-000: NSProbeBidirCB: Thread id is 0x94d9008

Information: I-UNK-000-000: Probewatch: Starting the resynch of alarm list
Debug: D-UNK-000-000: Rules file processing took 28 usec.
Debug: D-UNK-000-000: Flushing events to object servers
Debug: D-UNK-000-000: Flushing events to object servers
Debug: D-JPR-000-000:
executeCommand ENTERING
Debug: D-JPR-000-000:
checkParams ENTERING
Debug: D-JPR-000-000:
checkParams EXITING
Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Send request for active alarms
Information: I-UNK-000-000: Probewatch: Finished the resynch of alarm list

These messages can also help to isolate problems with a command. For example, the following shows the
log messages for an unackAlarm command that contained an invalid alarm identifier.

Information: I-UNK-000-000: NSProbeBidirCB: Thread id is

0x9ec8b48 {"command":"unackAlarm","params":[{"alarmId":"abcd","emsId":"EMS1",
Debug: D-JPR-000-000:
bidi.CommandHandler.executeCommand ENTERING
Debug: D-JPR-000-000:
bidi.CommandHandler.checkParams ENTERING
Debug: D-JPR-000-000:
bidi.CommandHandler.checkParams EXITING
Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Unacknowledge alarm with alarm ID: abcd on EMS:
and ME: ME1, and username: root
Information: I-JPR-000-000: There are : 1 alarms that failed to be unacknowledged.

Storing commands in the nco_http properties file

You can use the nco_http utility's properties file ($OMNIHOME/etc/nco_http.props) to hold
frequently used command characteristics.
If you have a particular command that you send to the probe regularly, you can store characteristics of
that command in the nco_http properties file. Once you have done that, the format of the nco_http
command line is simplified.

18 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
You can use the one or more of the following nco_http properties to hold default values for the
equivalent options on the nco_http command line:
Specify the value of each property in the same way as you would on the command line. Once you have
these values in place you do not need to specify the corresponding command line switch unless you want
to override the value of the property.
The following is an example of the use of the properties file and the simplification of the nco_http
command that results. In this example, the nco_http properties file contains the following values (note
that line breaks appear for presentational purposes only; when editing the properties use one line for
each property value):

Data : '{"command":"ackAlarm", "params":[{"alarmId":"alarm1",

"emsId":"EMS1", "managedElementId":"ME1", "username":"root"}]}'
DataType : 'application/JSON'
Method : 'POST'

To use this set of values use the following nco_http command:

$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_http -uri

Properties and command line options

You use properties to specify how the probe interacts with the device. You can override the default values
by using the properties file or the command line options.
The following table describes the properties and command line options specific to this probe. For
information about common properties and command line options, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
Probe and Gateway Guide.

Table 5. Properties and command line options

Property name Command line option Description

EnableSSL string -noenablessl (This is Use this property to specify whether

equivalent to EnableSSL with SSL connectivity between the probe and
a value of false.) the EMS server is enabled or disabled.
This property takes the following
-enablessl (This is equivalent
to EnableSSL with a value of
true.) true: SSL connectivity between the
probe and the EMS server is enabled.
false: SSL connectivity between the
probe and the EMS server is disabled.
The default is false.

Generic Probe for TMF814 19

Table 5. Properties and command line options (continued)

Property name Command line option Description

EncodingStandard string -encodingstandard string Use this property to specify the

character encoding standard that the
probe uses. Possible values for this
property are:
ISO-8859-1: This sets the encoding
standard to Latin Alphabet 1.
UTF-8: This sets the encoding standard
to UTF-8.
The default is: ISO-8859-1

IORFile string -iorfile string Use this property to specify the path of
the Interoperable Object Reference
(IOR) file used to connect to the target
through the CORBA interface. If you do
not provide a value for this property,
use the NamingContextPath with the
NamingServiceHost and
NamingServicePort properties or the
NamingServiceIORFile property to
define the Naming Service to use
The default is "".

KeyStore string -keystore string Use this property to specify the location
of the keystore file that contains the
client certificate for SSL and the trusted
authority certificate.
The default is "".

KeyStorePassword string -keystorepasswordstring Use this property to specify the

password required to access the
certificate defined in the Keystore
The default is "".

NamingContextPath string -nspath string Use this property to specify the location
of the object in the Naming Service. If
using a Naming Service to connect to
the CORBA interface, always set this
The default is "".

20 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Table 5. Properties and command line options (continued)

Property name Command line option Description

NamingServiceHost string -nshost string Use this property to specify the name of
the host that runs the Naming Service.
If you do not use the IORFile property
define the location of the Naming
Service using this property, together
with the NamingServicePort and
NamingContextPathproperties, or the
NamingServiceIORFile and
NamingContextPath properties.
The default is: "".

NamingServiceIORFile string -nsiorfile string Use this property to specify the location
of the IOR file that contains the root
context of the Naming Service. If you do
not provide a value for the IORFile
property, use this property and the
NamingContextPath property or the
NamingServicePort, and
NamingContextPath properties to
define the Naming Service to use to
obtain the reference to the
EmsFactorySession_I object.
The default is: "".

NamingServicePort integer -nsport integer Use this property to specify the port on
the host defined by
NamingServiceHost through which to
connect to the Naming Service. If you
do not use the IORFile property, use
this property, together with the
NamingServiceHost property and
NamingContextPath property, or the
NamingServiceIORFile and
NamingContextPath properties.
The default is: 0.

NotificationClientType string -notificationclienttype string Use this property to define the probe
subscription for notification service.
SEQUENCE_EVENT: The probe will
receive a sequence of StructuredEvent.
STRUCTURED_EVENT: The probe will
receive a single StructuredEvent during
every notification cycle.
The default is: SEQUENCE_EVENT.

Generic Probe for TMF814 21

Table 5. Properties and command line options (continued)

Property name Command line option Description

ORBCharEncoding string -orncharencoding string Use this property to specify the native
character encoding set that the Oject
Request Broker (ORB) uses for
character data. Possible values for this
property are:
The default is: ISO8859_1.

ORBDebug string -orbdebug string Use this property to enable ORB

true: ORB debugging is enabled.
false: ORB debugging is disabled.
The default is false.

ORBDebugFile string -orbdebugfile string Use this property to specify the ORB
debugging log file.
The default is "".

ORBLocalHost string -orblocalhost string Use this property to specify the local
host used by the server-side ORB to
place the server's host name or IP
address into the IOR of a remote object.
The default is: "".

ORBLocalPort integer -orblocalport integer Use this property to specify the local
port that the ORB listens on for
connections from the probe.
The default is: 0 (the ORB selects a port
at random).

ORBWCharDefault string -orbwchardefault string Use this property to specify the wide
character (wchar) set that the IBM ORB
uses when communicating with other
ORBs that do not publish a wchar set.
Possible values for this property are:
The default is: UTF16.

22 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Table 5. Properties and command line options (continued)

Property name Command line option Description

Password string -password string Use this property to specify the

password of the account to use when
logging in to the target system. The
password can be in plain text or
encrypted using the AES algorithm.
Always define a value for this property
and the Username property.
The default is: "".

ReleaseTMF814 string -releasetmf814 string Use this property to specify the version
of TMF that the probe should
implement. Possible values for this
property are:
The default is: V3.0.

Generic Probe for TMF814 23

Table 5. Properties and command line options (continued)

Property name Command line option Description

ResyncAlarmObject string -resyncalarmobject string Use this property to specify the objects
against which the alarms retrieved
during resynchronization are raised.

Possible values for this property are:

AllEMSAndME : All active alarms for
EMS itself and all network elements
under the control of this EMS are
retrieved. This makes the probe request
all of the active alarms and threshold
crossing alerts (TCAs) that are under
the control of the EMS (both those
raised by the network elements and
those raised by the EMS itself).
AllEMSSystem: All active alarms for
EMS itself only are retrieved, excluding
alarms for all network elements
managed by this EMS. This makes the
probe request all of the active alarms
and TCAs for the EMS itself.
AllEMSAndME,AllEMSSystem: All active
alarms for EMS itself and all network
elements under the control of this EMS
are retrieved, but in a non-TMF-
standard way. In contrast to the
AllEMSAndME property value which is
to retrieve the same set of alarms, this
property makes probe override the
default standard-compliant way.
Note: This property value caters for
whichever EMS implementing
operation in a non-TMF-standard way
which returns no alarms for EMS itself,
but only alarms for network elements
being managed.
The default is: AllEMSAndME.

ResyncBatchSize integer -resyncbatchsize integer Use this property to specify the

maximum number of alarms contained
in each batch that the probe receives
during a resynchronization operation.
The minimum value of this property is
The default is: 100.

24 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Table 5. Properties and command line options (continued)

Property name Command line option Description

ResyncProbableCause Filter -resyncpbcausefilter string Use this property to specify a list of

string probable causes to exclude when the
probe resynchronizes with the CORBA
interface. Separate each entry in the list
with a semicolon. For example:
The default is: "".

ResyncSeverityFilter string -resyncseverityfilter string Use this property to specify a list of

severities that the probe excludes when
resynchronizing with the CORBA
interface. Separate each entry in the list
with a semicolon. The severity values
you can include are:
The default is: "".
Note: If the AlarmResyncObject
property is set to AllEMSSystem, the
ResyncSeverityFilter property is not
used by the probe.

SecurityProtocol string -securityprotocol string Use this property to specify the security
protocol used.
The default is TLSv1.2.

StreamCapture integer -streamcapture integer Use this property to specify whether the
stream capture feature is enabled. The
values this property can have are:
1: The probe uses the stream capture
0: The probe does not use the stream
capture feature.
The default is: 0.
Note: If you set the value of this
property to 1, define a value for the
StreamCaptureFilePath property as

Generic Probe for TMF814 25

Table 5. Properties and command line options (continued)

Property name Command line option Description

StreamCaptureFilePath -streamcapturefilepath string Use this property to specify the

string directory where the probe stores the
input data stream.
The default is: "".
See “Data stream capture” on page 13
for more information on how to use this

Username string -username string Use this property to specify the account
to use when logging in to the target
system. Always define a value for this
property and the Password property.
The default is: "".

Properties and command line options provided by the Java Probe

Integration Library (probe-sdk-java) version 9.0
All probes can be configured by a combination of generic properties and properties specific to the probe.
The following table describes the properties and command line options that are provided by the Java
Probe Integration Library (probe-sdk-java) version 9.0.
Note: Some of the properties listed may not be applicable to your probe.

Table 6. Properties and command line options

Property name Command line option Description

CommandPort integer -commandport integer Use this property to specify the port to
which users can Telnet to communicate
with the probe using the Command Line
Interface (CLI) supplied.
The default is 6970.

CommandPortLimit integer -commandportlimit integer Use this property to specify the

maximum number of Telnet
connections that can be made to the
The default is 10.

DataBackupFile string -databackupfile string Use this property to specify the path to
the file that stores data between probe
The default is "".
Note: Specify the path relative to

26 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Table 6. Properties and command line options (continued)

Property name Command line option Description

DisconnectionTimeout -disconnectiontimeout integer Use this property to specify the

integer maximum time, in seconds, for probe
disconnection before shutting down the
probe forcefully.
The default is 15.

HeartbeatInterval integer -heartbeatinterval integer Use this property to specify the

frequency (in seconds) with which the
probe checks the status of the host
The default is 1.

Inactivity integer -inactivity integer Use this property to specify the length
of time (in seconds) that the probe
allows the port to receive no incoming
data before disconnecting.
The default is 0 (which instructs the
probe to not disconnect during periods
of inactivity).

InactivityAction string -inactivityaction string Use this property to specify the action
the probe takes when inactivity timeout
is reached.
SHUTDOWN: Sends a ProbeWatch
message to notify user and shuts down
the probe.
CONTINUE: Sends a ProbeWatch
message to notify user and do not shut
down the probe.
The default is SHUTDOWN.

InitialResync string -initialresync string Use this property to specify whether the
probe requests all active alarms from
the host server on startup. This
property takes the following values:
false: The probe does not request
resynchronization on startup.
true: The probe requests
resynchronization on startup.
For most probes, the default value for
this property is false.
If you are running the JDBC Probe, the
default value for the InitialResync
property is true. This is because the
JDBC Probe only acquires data using
the resynchronization process.

Generic Probe for TMF814 27

Table 6. Properties and command line options (continued)

Property name Command line option Description

MaxEventQueueSize integer -maxeventqueue sizeinteger Use this property to specify the

maximum number of events that can be
queued between the non native process
and the ObjectServer.
The default is 0.
Note: You can increase this number to
increase the event throughput when a
large number of events is generated.

ResyncInterval integer -resyncinterval integer Use this property to specify the interval
(in seconds) at which the probe makes
successive resynchronization requests.
For most probes, the default value for
this property is 0 (which instructs the
probe to not make successive
resynchronization requests).
If you are running the JDBC Probe, the
default value for the ResyncInterval
property is 60. This is because the
JDBC Probe only acquires data using
the resynchronization process.

RetryCount integer -retrycount integer Use this property to specify how many
times the probe attempts to retry a
connection before shutting down.
The default is 0 (which instructs the
probe to not retry the connection).

RetryInterval integer -retryinterval integer Use this property to specify the length
of time (in seconds) that the probe
waits between successive connection
attempts to the target system.
The default is 0 (which instructs the
probe to use an exponentially
increasing period between successive
connection attempts, for example, the
probe will wait for 1 second, then 2
seconds, then 4 seconds, and so forth).

The probe breaks event data down into tokens and parses them into elements. Elements are used to
assign values to ObjectServer fields; the field values contain the event details in a form that the
ObjectServer understands.
The following tables describe the elements that the Generic Probe for TMF814 generates. Not all the
elements described are generated for each event; the elements that the probe generates depends upon
the event type. The data type and, where applicable, enumeration values for these elements are defined
in the TMF814 standard.

28 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Table 7. Elements specific to events

Element name Element description

$acknowledgeIndicaton This element indicates the acknowledgement status

of the alarm. The possible values are:

$attributeList A list of attrbiutes and their values associated with

the event.

$DomainName This element identifies the TMF specification that

defines the received event. For example:

$edgePointRelated This element indicates whether the event applies to a

termination point that is an edge point. The element
has the following possible values:
• true
• false

$emsTime This element indicates the time at which the alarm

was reported by the EMS.

$EventName This element indicates the name of the event.

$EventType This element indicates the type of the event.

$groupName This element indicates the name of the group for this

$isClearable This element indicates whether the alarm can be

cleared. The possible values are:

$layerRate This element indicates the layer to which the alarm


$nativeEMSName This element contains the name of the object

reporting the alarm, as displayed in the EMS user
Note: Object names must not contain brackets. If
brackets are passed to the $nativeEMSName
element as part of an object name, the node field in
the event list is not filled.

$neTime This elements indicates the time at which the error

occurred in the network element.

Generic Probe for TMF814 29

Table 7. Elements specific to events (continued)

Element name Element description

$notificationID This element contains the unique identifier of the

alarm. This is derived from the serial number of the
alarm as used by the EMS.

$objectName_AID This element contains the identifier of the alert

associated with this object.

$objectName_EMS This element contains the name of the EMS that the
alarm relates to.

$objectName_Equipment This element Contains the identification of the

equipment that the EMS is part of.

$objectName_EquipmentHolder This element contains the identification of the

equipment holder for the EMS.

$objectName_ManagedElement This element contains the identifier of the managed

element that the alert relates to.

$objectType This element contains the type of network object that

the alert relates to.

$perceivedSeverity This element contains the severity of the alert as

perceived by the EMS.

$route_cc This element holds the content of all the route_cc


$route_cc_count This element contains the number of cross-connect

entries in the specification of this route.

$route_ccentry number_active This element indicates whether the route is active.

This element can take one of the following values:

$route_ccentry number_direction This element indicates the direction of data flow. This
element can take one of the following values:
UNIdirectional: From the source termination point to
the sink termination point.
BIdirectional : A two-way communication from and to
both termination points.

30 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Table 7. Elements specific to events (continued)

Element name Element description

$route_ccentry number_ccType This element indicates the type of connection. This

element can take the following values:

$route_ccentry number_additionalInfo This element contains a comma-separated list of the

route parameters.

$SNCState This element contains the SNC state of the event. This
element can take the following values:
SNCS_PENDING: The SNC has been created by an
NMS and has not been activated by any NMS; or the
SNC has been successfully deactivated by an NMS.
SNCS_ACTIVE: The SNC is not in pending state, a
route has been assigned to the SNC and all cross-
connects for the SNC are active in the network.
SNCS_PARTIAL: The SNC is not in pending state, and
either a route has not been assigned to the SNC, or
not all of the cross-connects of the SNC are active in
the network.
SNCS_NONEXISTENT: This is used in to report SNCs
that have been deleted.

$tpsToModify This element holds the content of all the

tpsToModify elements.

$tpsToModify_tpd_count This element contains the total number of termination

point data items in this termination point data list.

$tpsToModify_tpdindex_tpName This element contains the name of the termination

point in the form of comma separated of name-value

$tpsToModify_tpdindex_tpMappingMode This element contains mapping mode for the

termination point. one of below values:

Generic Probe for TMF814 31

Table 7. Elements specific to events (continued)

Element name Element description

$tpsToModify_tpdindex This element contains total number of layers with

_transmissionParamsLayersCount different rates for the current termination point data.

$tpsToModify_tpdindex This element contains number of transmission

_transmissionParamsLayersRateindex parameters for the current termination point data and
rate number_paramsCount this named layer.

$tpsToModify_tpdindex This element contains the value of this parameter.


$tpsToModify_tpdindex This element contains an ingress (incoming) traffic

_ingressTrafficDescriptorName descriptor or transmission descriptor in the form of
comma separated name-value pairs.

$tpsToModify_tpdindex This element contains an egress (outgoing) traffic

_egressTrafficDescriptorName descriptor or transmission descriptor in the form of
comma separated name-value pairs.

$transmissionParameters This element holds the content of all the

transmissionParameters elements.

$transmissionParameters_layersCount This element contains the total number of layers with

different rates.

$transmissionParameters_layerRaterat This element contains number of transmission

e number_paramsCount parameters for this named layer.

$transmissionParameters_layerRaterat This element contains the value of the transmission

e number_param name parameter for the named layer and the named

Table 8. Elements specific to protection switch events

Element name Element description

$protectedE This identifies the protected equipment when the switch

is made.

$protectedTP This element identifies the protected termination point

when the switch occurred.

$ProtectionType This element identifies the type of the protection switch

$switchAwayFromE This element identifies the source equipment where the

switch is being made.

$switchAwayFromTP This element identifies the source termination point

where the switch is being made

32 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Table 8. Elements specific to protection switch events (continued)

Element name Element description

$switchReason This element indicates why the switch occurred.

$switchToE This element identifies the destination equipment where

the switch is being made.

$switchToTP This element identifies the destination termination point

where the switch is being made.

Table 9. Elements specific to alarms

Element name Element description

$additionalInfo This element contains additional information about the


$additionalText This element contains a brief description of the problem

being reported by the alarm.

$affectedTPList This element identifies list of termination points affected

by the problem being reported.

$affectedPTPs This element displays the list of termination points

affected by the problem being reported.

$nativeProbableCause This element indicates the probable cause as given in the

EMS user interface.

$probableCause This element contains the probable cause of the alarm.

$probableCauseQualifier This element contains the qualifier used to classify the

alarm type.

$rcaIndication This element indicates whether an alarm is a root alarm.

This alarm has the following possible values:
True (The alarm is a root alarm)
False (The alarm is a common alarm)

$serviceAffecting This element indicates whether the alarm has affected

the service.

$X.733::AdditionalInformation This element indicates the ITU-T X733 additional

information of the event. This consists of a list of up to
five elements:
• $X733::AdditonalInfo_AlarmNO
• $X733::AdditionalInfo_DEVICE_LABEL
• $X733::AdditionalInfo_DeviceIP
• $X733::AdditionalInfo_Label
• $X733::AdditionalInfo_UserLabel

Generic Probe for TMF814 33

Table 9. Elements specific to alarms (continued)

Element name Element description

$X.733::BackUpObject This element identifies the object that provides back-up

services for the object that is the subject of an event.

$X.733::BackedUpStatus This element indicates whether the object that is the

subject of an event has been backed-up. It has the
following possible values:
When the attribute has the value BACKED_UP, the value
of the $X.733::BackUpObject identifies the back-up

$X.733::CorrelatedNotifications This element contains a list of root alarms that cause

correlative alarms. This alarm has the following possible
• soSource (This field is always empty)
• notifIDs (For correlative alarms this field displays the
serial number of the root alarm. For example, if alarm A
causes alarm B, and alarm B causes alarm C this field
will display alarm C along with the serial numbers of
alarm A and alarm B.)

$X.733::EventType This element contains the alarms classified into the

following six basic types according to the ITU-T X.733:
• communicationsAlarm
• qualityofServiceAlarm
• equipmentAlarm
• processingErrorAlarm
• securityAlarm
• environmentalAlarm

$X.733::MonitoredAttributes This element displays identifies one or more attributes of

the managed object and their corresponding values at
the time of the event.

$X.733::ProposedRepairActions This element contains one or more proposed repair

actions suggested by the EMS when it knows the
probable cause and can suggest solutions to the event.

$X.733::SpecificProblems This element identifies further refinements of the

probable cause of an event.

$X.733::TrendIndication This element compares the severity of the current alarm

with that of all outstanding alarms raised for the object
and indicates whether the severity has increased,
decreased, or stayed the same.

34 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Table 10. Elements specific to threshold crossing alerts

Element name Element description

$granularity This element contains the details of the threshold that

has been crossed.

$pmLocation This element indicates the pmLocation where the

threshold has been crossed

$pmParameterName This element contains the pmParameter that has crossed

the threshold.

$thresholdType This element indicates whether a threshold was set for

the log report.

$unit This element contains the faulty program unit.

$value This element contains the threshold value.

Error messages
Error messages provide information about problems that occur while running the probe. You can use the
information that they contain to resolve such problems.
The following table describes the error messages specific to this probe. For information about generic
error messages, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway Guide.

Table 11. Error messages

Error Description Action

Alarm alarmID Error in The probe could not acknowledge Check that the you have specified
acknowledge. the alarm specified in the the parameters for the command
ackAlarm command to the HTTP/ correctly, in particular the alarm
HTTPS command interface. identifier.

Error in filtered An error occurred while Check that you have specified the
resynchronization processing the resyncFilter command correctly, in particular
command to the HTTP/HTTPS the attributes of the filter.
command interface.

Error in An error occurred while Check that you have specified the
resynchronization processing the resync command command correctly. Also check
to the HTTP/HTTPS command that the values of the
interface. ResyncProbableCause and
ResynchSeverityFilter are
correctly specified.

Failed to convert IOR The probe failed to convert an IOR Check that the value of the
to object into an object reference. IORFile property is correct and up
to date. Also, make sure that the
target system is running correctly.

Generic Probe for TMF814 35

Table 11. Error messages (continued)

Error Description Action

Failed to get active The probe received an exception Check the properties related to
alarms while trying to retrieve active resynchronization, in particular
alarms from the EMS manager. the filter properties. Check that
the target system is running
correctly and that there is not an
IDL type mismatch.

Failed to get EMS The probe is unable to retrieve an Check that the target system is
Manager reference EMS Manager reference from the running and that there is not an
target system. IDL file mismatch.

Failed to get next The probe is unable to retrieve the Check there is not an IDL file
iterated alarm batch next batch of active alarms. mismatch or contact IBM Support.

Failed to narrow The probe is unable to narrow the Check that the target system is
manager reference EMS Manager reference from the running correctly and that there is
target system. not an IDL file mismatch.

Failed to retrieve The probe was unable to retrieve The probe could not retrieve the
TMF814 Release the TMF814 release. value of the TMF814 release.
Check the value of the
ReleaseTMF814 property and
adjust as necessary. In addition,
make sure that the properties file
has not become corrupted.
Failed to start The probe is unable to start due to Check that all properties have the
an environment problem or an correct, and valid, values as
unsupported TMF814 release. defined in “Properties and
command line options” on page

Cannot parse attribute The probe cannot parse the Check that the attribute is a
attribute-name with attribute named in the error supported type and is compliant
type [type] message. with the TMF814 standard. Refer
to the elements that the probe
supports. You can also contact
IBM Software Support for

Failed to close file The probe failed to close the Check that the IOR file is in the
ior_file specified IOR file. correct place, defined by the
NamingServiceIORFile property
or the IORFile property. In
addition, check that the directory
that holds the file is not set to read

Loading TMF814 jar The ReleaseTMF814 property has Ensure the property has one of the
release: UNKNOWN from an incorrect, unrecognized value. values defined in “Properties and
path file-path This message may occur with command line options” on page
Failed to start. 19.

36 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Table 11. Error messages (continued)

Error Description Action

Stream capture fails The probe was not able to capture Check that the value of the
raw event data. StreamCaptureFilePath property
is a valid file path and tat the path

Unsupported TMF814 The ReleaseTMF814 property has Ensure the property has one of the
release an incorrect, unrecognized value. values defined in “Properties and
command line options” on page

Unable to get EMS The probe is unable to connect to Check that the Username and
session the target EMS session. Password properties contain the
correct values for accessing the
target system. In addition, check
that the target system is running

Unable to ping the EMS The probe is unable to poll the Check that the target system is
session target system during heartbeat running correctly.

ProbeWatch messages
During normal operations, the probe generates ProbeWatch messages and sends them to the
ObjectServer. These messages tell the ObjectServer how the probe is running.
The following table describes the ProbeWatch error messages that the probe generates. For information
about generic ProbeWatch messages, see the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe and Gateway Guide.

Table 12. ProbeWatch messages

ProbeWatch message Description Triggers/causes

ClientSession event The EMS has failed to push one or The EMS indicated that events are
loss occurred more events to the probe. As a being lost and that it is not able to
result the probe is now out of provide the relevant notifications.
synchronzation with the EMS.

ClientSession event The EMS has restored service and The EMS indicated that the event
loss cleared can now provide the relevant loss period is over and that it is
events to the probe. On reception able to provide the relevant
of this notification the probe can notifications once more.
now resynchronize with the EMS.

Starting the resynch of The probe has begun to The occurrence of a

the alarm list resynchronize the alarm list. resynchronization operation.

Finished resynch of the The probe has completed Completion of the

alarm list resynchronizing the alarm list. resynchronization of the alarm list.

Generic Probe for TMF814 37

Table 12. ProbeWatch messages (continued)

ProbeWatch message Description Triggers/causes

SHUTDOWN. No events The probe has shut down due to The probe has not received any
received for n seconds inactivity. events for n seconds and so is
shutting down. The value of the
Inactivity property determines
the value of n.

Known issues

Limitation in the HTTP/HTTPS command interface for TMF814 V2.1 devices

The ackAlarm and unackAlarm commands of the HTTP/HTTPS command interface are not available for
devices that implement TMF814 V2.1. This is due to a limitation in the IDL for that version of TMF814.

Error messages from HTTP/HTTPS command interface

When you use nco_http to send commands, it returns a number of messages. These messages include the

Warning: W-UNK-103-001: HTTP Server returned an error: 0 Internal Server Error

You can ignore this message because the command completes successfully as subsequent messages

Misleading response to incorrect HTTP/HTTPS commands

When there are errors in a command sent over the HTTP/HTTPS command interface, a misleading error
message is returned. If the command contains the wrong number of parameters, the following message
appears in the log file:

Information: I-UNK-104-002: {"response":"Parameter set [alarmId] may not be

used with 'unackAlarm", "status":"400"}

If a command is missing a single quotation mark (') or a double quotation mark ("), the following
messages appear in the log file:

Warning: W-ETC-004-060: Undefined argument: params[]

Fatal: F-UNK-102-002: Failed to process arguments (-52: Undefined argument)

Null properties
The probe's properties file allows you to set values for the following properties. However, those properties
have no effect as the features they correspond to are not implemented in this release of the probe.

38 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Chapter 2. Migrating from existing probes

There are a number of IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus probes that monitor TMF-814 compliant systems:
• Probe for Alcatel-Lucent NaviScore 9.1
• Probe for Huawei T2000 (CORBA)
• Probe for Nokia-Siemens TNMS (CORBA)
• Probe for ECI Lightsoft (CORBA)
The Generic Probe for TMF814 can also monitor the same systems. This chapter contains guidance on
how to migrate from one of the existing probes to the generic probe. The migration procedure has the
following stages:
1. Ensure the generic probe contains all the features of the existing probe that you need.
2. Determine any additional features of the generic probe that you want to use.
3. Install the generic probe.
4. Migrate the properties file.
5. Customize the rules file.
6. Run and test the generic probe.
7. Optimize property values and the rules file.
Note: Where possible, carry out the migration in a test environment or a simulation of the production
environment so that the work does not interfere with the production environment. Change over to using
the Generic Probe for TMF814 in production once you are sure that it behaves in the same way as the
probe it is replacing.

Comparison of probe features

All probes have some features in common, others are specific to the generic probe or to one of the
existing, product-specific probes.

Common features
The following features are common to all the TMF814 probes:

Table 13. Features common to all TMF814 probes

Functional category Features

Connecting to the CORBA Connect through an IOR file.

Connect through a Naming Service host and port.
Connect through a Naming Service IOR file.

Resynchronization Retrieve alarms from the system on startup before receiving new
Retrieve alarms using a severity filter.
Retrieve alarms in batches.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2013, 2016 39

Table 13. Features common to all TMF814 probes (continued)
Functional category Features

Data acquisition Authentication with the NMS or EMS using a username and
Ability to receive alarms and notifications.
Heartbeat status check.
Inactivity timeout.
Reconnection and probe backoff.
Support for Unicode and non-Unicode characters.

Features specific to the Generic Probe for TMF814

The Generic Probe for TMF814 has the following additional features that are not present in one or more of
the product-specific probes:
• “Resynchronization with a probable cause filter” on page 40
• “Resynchronization at intervals” on page 40
• “Data stream capture” on page 40
• “HTTP/HTTPS command interface” on page 40

Resynchronization with a probable cause filter

All TMF814 probes provide a means of resynchronizing with the NMS or EMS using a severity filter. In
addition, the generic probe can use a probable cause filter when retrieving alarms, specified by the
ResyncProbableCauseFilter. “Alarm retrieval and synchronization” on page 12 has more information on
resynchronization and the use of filters.

Resynchronization at intervals
In addition to the initial resynchronization with the NMS or EMS, the generic probe also has the ability to
resynchronize at regular intervals, specified by the ResyncInterval property. “Alarm retrieval and
synchronization” on page 12 has more information on resynchronization at intervals.

Data stream capture

The generic probe can capture the stream of binary data and store it in a file specified by the
StreamCapture and StreamCaptureFilePath properties. The data can then be used for debugging
purposes, to develop new features, or to pass on to other management systems that require the same
data. “Data stream capture” on page 13 has more information on data stream capture.

HTTP/HTTPS command interface

For sites that use Netcool/OMNIbus 7.4 and later, the generic probe has a HTTP/HTTPS command
interface. This enables you to send commands to the probe in JSON over a HTTP or HTTPS connection.
Commands are available to acknowledge and clear alarms, and perform a resynchronization. “Managing
the probe over an HTTP/HTTPS connection” on page 15 has more information on the interface, how to
configure it, and the format of the commands. There are also examples of each command.

40 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Features not available in the Generic Probe for TMF814
The Probe for Huawei T2000 (CORBA) has a number of features that are not currently available in the
generic probe:
• Event synchronization with the ObjectServer
• EMS Server failover
• Persistence notification
Before deploying the Generic Probe for TMF814 ensure that you do not require any of these features.

Migration procedure
Use this procedure to replace a system-specific probe with the generic probe.
• “Determining the features to use” on page 41
• “Installing the Generic Probe for TMF814” on page 41
• “Migrating properties” on page 41
• “Customizing the rules file” on page 43
• “Running and testing the probe” on page 46
• “Optimizing property values and the rules file” on page 47

Determining the features to use

Determine which features of the Generic Probe for TMF814 you require to adequately replace the system-
specific probe.
Use the information in Chapter 1, “Generic Probe for TMF814,” on page 1 and in “Comparison of probe
features” on page 39 to determine the features that you want to implement in the generic probe. Start by
determining the features that provide the functionality that the system-specific probe gives you. Then,
decide which of the new features specific to the generic probe you want to use, if any. Take careful note of
the requirements of each feature and the information you need to implement them.

Installing the Generic Probe for TMF814

Follow the advice in “Installing probes” on page 2 to download and install the generic probe in to a test

Migrating properties
Determine the values required for the properties file of the generic probe. As shown in “Configuring the
probe” on page 3 there are two groups of properties:
• Required settings that all installations of the probe must have.
• Optional settings that related to features that are not mandatory.
Use the properties file for the system-specific probe to set the correct values in the generic probe.

Required settings
The required settings relate to the following:
• CORBA connection method
• Authentication
• TMF release version in use
There are two ways of connecting to the CORBA interface, as shown in “Connecting to the CORBA
interface” on page 7. From the implementation in the system specific probe, determine which you want to

Migrating from existing probes 41

use on the generic probe and set the properties accordingly. Note that the names of properties for using a
Naming Service to establish the connection differ in the generic probe, as the following table shows:

Table 14. CORBA connection properties

System-specific probe Generic probe
ORBInitialHost NamingServiceHost
ORBInitialPort NamingServicePort
NamingContextIORFile NamingServiceIORFile

Copy the values for the authentication properties from the system-specific properties file to the file for the
generic probe.
The ReleaseTMF814 property is found only in the generic probe. Set this property to the version of the
TMF814 standard that the NMS or EMS implements.

Optional settings
Optional settings relate to features of the probe that a site may decide to use or not, as their business
• Resynchronization policy
• Reconnection policy
• Inactivity policy
• Heartbeat policy
• Support for Unicode and non-Unicode characters
• Peer-to-peer failover pair
• HTTP/HTTPS command interface
• Running multiple instances of the probe
The table in “Configuring the probe” on page 3 lists the properties associated with each feature. For
features that you use in the system-specific probe, set the values of the generic probe properties to
appropriate values. For features that you do not use in the system-specific probe, or that the system-
specific probe does not provide, decide on the values to use and set the generic properties file
accordingly. Follow the advice in the sections referenced in the configuration table for details of how to
set the properties.
Note that the generic probe uses different names for some properties to those used in the system-
specific probes, as the following table shows:

Table 15. Properties with different names in the generic probe

System-specific property Generic property
AgentHeartbeat HeatbeatInterval
ExcludeSeverityCleared ResyncSeverityFilter
Resynch InitialResync

42 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Table 15. Properties with different names in the generic probe (continued)
System-specific property Generic property
ResynchBatchSize ResyncBatchSize
Retry RetryCount
Timeout Inactivity

In particular notice that there is no direct correspondence between the properties that filter alarms by
severity. From the system-specific probe's properties file, determine the severities that you want to filter
and then construct the appropriate value for the ResyncSeverityFilter property of the generic probe.
“Properties and command line options” on page 19 defines the format for the value of the
ResyncSeverityFilter property.

Customizing the rules file

Edit the rules file for the generic probe to:
• Apply any vendor-specific enrichment or filtering that the generic rules file does not provide.
• Migrate custom rules from the system-specific rules file to the generic rules file.
• Apply changes to the @ClassID, @Manager, and lookup tables as required.
Note: The generic probe may not be able to parse certain attributes if the vendor does not follow the
TMF814 standard or has implemented their own types that are not TMF814 compliant.

There are some differences in the names or values of attributes between the system-specific probes and
the generic probe. The following table indicates where there are differences, and shows the element that
the TMF814 standard defines. Be sure to make the necessary changes if you copy over rules from the
system-specific rules file.

Table 16. Differences in rules file attributes

TMF814 element name System-specific probes Generic probe
event_name $event_name $EventName
event_type.domain_name $domain_name $DomainName
objectName $name $objectName_name
For example: $AID, $EMS, For example: $objectName_AID
$ManagedElement. $objectName_EMS

groupName $name $groupName_name

acknowledgeIndication Not available in the system- $acknowledgeIndication
specific probes.

Migrating from existing probes 43

Table 16. Differences in rules file attributes (continued)
TMF814 element name System-specific probes Generic probe
attributeList $attributeList= $attributeList_name=
"attributes;" "value"
Here, attributes is a list of For example:
attribute/value pairs with a attributeList_a="1"
comma separating each pair. For attributeList_b="2"
example: attributeList_c="3"
$attributeList="a=1, b=2,

protectedTP $protectedTP= $protectedTP_name="value"

For example:
Here, terminationpoints is a list of $protetectedTP_a="1"
termination points and their $protectedTP_b="2"
values separated by commas. For $protectedTP_c="3"
$protectedTP="a=1, b=2,

switchToTP $switchToTP= $switchToTP_name="value"

For example:
Here, terminationpoints is a list of $switchToTP_a="1"
termination points and their $switchToTP_b="2"
values separated by commas. For $switchToTP_c="3"
example: $switchToTP="a=1,
b=2, c=3;"

switchAwayFromTP $switchAwayFromTP= $switchAwayFromTP_name=

"terminationpoints;" "value"
Here, terminationpoints is a list of For example:
termination points and their $switchAwayFromTP_a="1"
values separated by commas. For $switchAwayFromTP_b="2"
example: $switchAwayFromTP_c="3"
b=2, c=3;"

switchAwayFromE $switchAwayFromE= $switchAwayFromE_name=

"equipmentlist;" "value"
Here, equipmentlist is a list of For example:
equipment attributes and their $switchAwayFromE_a="1"
values separated by commas. For $switchAwayFromE_b="2"
example: $switchAwayFromE_c="3"
b=2, c=3;"

switchToE $switchToE= $switchToE_name="value"

For example:
Here, equipmentlist is a list of $switchToE_a="1"
equipment attributes and their $switchToE_b="2"
values separated by commas. For $switchToE_c="3"
example: $switchToE="a=1,
b=2, c=3;"

44 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Table 16. Differences in rules file attributes (continued)
TMF814 element name System-specific probes Generic probe
protectedE $protectedE= $protectedE_name="value"
For example:
Here, equipmentlist is a list of $protectedE_a="1"
equipment attributes and their $protectedE_b="2"
values separated by commas. For $protectedE_c="3"
example: $protectedE="a=1,
b=2, c=3;"

performanceValue Not available in the system- $performanceValue_

specific probes. pmParameter
thresholdValue Not available in the system- $thresholdValue_
specific probes. pmParameter
affectedTPList $affectedTPList= $affectedTPList_name=
"terminationpoints;" "value"
Here, terminationpoints is a list of For example:
termination point names and $affectedTPList_a="1"
their values separated by $affectedTPList_b="2"
commas. For example: $affectedTPList_c="3"
b=2, c=3;"

additionalInfo $name $additionalInfo_

X.733::SpecificProblems $X.733::SpecificProblemsn $X.733::SpecificProblems_
Here, n is an integer greater than
or equal to zero.

X.733::BackUpObject $name $X.733::BackUpObject_name

X.733::Correlated $X.733::Correlated $X.733::Correlated
Notifications Notificationsn= "Sources: Notifications_n=
source_namen= "Sources: source_namen=
source_valuen,...; source_valuen,...;
NotificationIds: NotificationIds:
notifIdn,...;" notifIfn,...;"
Here, n is an integer greater than
or equal to zero.

Migrating from existing probes 45

Table 16. Differences in rules file attributes (continued)
TMF814 element name System-specific probes Generic probe
X.733::MonitoredAttribute $name $X.733::Monitored
s Attributes_name
X.733::ProposedRepair $X.733::ProposedRepair $X.733::ProposedRepair
Actions Actionsn Actions_n
X.733::AdditionalInfo $name $X.733::AdditionalInfo_

Running and testing the probe

Run the probe and ensure it is communicating with the NMS or EMS correctly.
To run and test the probe:
1. Start the probe from the command line, specifying the minimum message level of debug and that an
initial resynchronization is to occur. For example:
$OMNIHOME/probes/nco_p_generic_tmf814 -messagelog stdout -messagelevel debug
-initialresync true
2. Ensure that the probe connects to the target system successfully. Look for the following message in
the probe's log file:

Information: I-JPR-000-000: Probe connected

If the probe fails to connect:

• Check and adjust the properties related to setting up a connection. See “Connecting to the CORBA
interface” on page 7 for information on the connection properties and how to set them.
• Ensure that any firewall between the probe host and the NMS or EMS is configured to allow traffic to
pass from one end to the other in both directions.
3. Check that the probe successfully synchronizes with the NMS or EMS. Look for messages similar to the
following in the probe's log file:

Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Send request for active alarms

Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Successfully retrieved batch of 100 resync alarms.
Information: I-JPR-000-000: Parsing alarm
Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Resync alarms will be returned in batches, using iterator
Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Fetching batch of alarms

Troubleshoot any synchronization errors, including the values of the synchronization properties. See
“Alarm retrieval and synchronization” on page 12 for information on synchronization.
4. Check that the probe correctly parses alarms with the Event Processor. Check for any unsupported
types for event parsing. For example:

Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] nativeProbableCause: HP_REI

Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] neTime: 20120626071005.0Z
Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] EventName:
Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] notificationId:
Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] perceivedSeverity: 1
Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] DomainName: tmf_mtnm
Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] probableCauseQualifier: 1-79
Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] objectTypeQualifier:
Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] layerRate: 15

5. Check the log file for errors that occur from parsing unsupported types of event. For example:

Cannot parse event attribute 'X.733:CorrelatedNotifications' with type [19]

and content description: Sequence

Check also for attributes having a null value or one that shows as 'UNKNOWN'.

46 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
6. Check that events appear in the Event List and that they contain the expected elements and values.
Modify the rules file if the values in the Event List do not meet your requirements.

Optimizing property values and the rules file

As a result of testing the probe, make any changes and optimizations necessary to the properties file and
the rules file. Then test the probe again. Repeat this process until the probe behaves correctly and the
Event List contains all the expected events with all the required elements and values.

Migrating from existing probes 47

48 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide
Appendix A. Notices and Trademarks
This appendix contains the following sections:
• Notices
• Trademarks

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Notices and Trademarks 51

52 IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus Generic Probe for TMF814 (V2.1, V3.0 and V3.5) (CORBA): Reference Guide


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