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Name: Sebastian Pardo P 11°B Date:

READING (10 marks)

1 Read the article about an idea for predicting a tsunami. Match descriptions (1–5) to the correct paragraph (A–E).
1 mark for each correct answer.
1 A more complicated disaster. C
2 Considering a new early warning system. D
3 Animals seemed to be aware of what was going to happen. A
4 No proof is available. E
5 Animals may have an ability which we cannot yet understand. B
A When a devastating tsunami hit the island of Sri Lanka in December 2005, it caught people by surprise. An earthquake had
struck underneath the Indian Ocean, and no-one was able to predict the catastrophe in time. However, according to many
witnesses, animals somehow knew what was happening a long time before humans did. Elephants were seeing running away
from the sea, and birds such as flamingos were noticeably upset. And at Yala National Park on the southern Sri Lankan coast,
very few dead animals were found, despite the park being home to leopards, elephants, bears and hundreds of other large
B This has led some people to ask whether animals have some kind of sixth-sense – an ability to understand what is happening
without using the traditional senses of sound, sight and so on. It has also led some people to wonder whether animals might
be able to provide humans with an early warning that disasters are about to strike.
C Another catastrophic tsunami struck Japan in 2011. It, too, was also an unpredictable event, but its large-scale devastation
also forced the country to deal with a major environmental disaster, when the Fukushima nuclear plant was hit.
D Although there were no reports of animals running away from the sea before this tsunami, the Japanese city of Susaki has
debated whether or not to try out an early-warning system which involves animals. According to various reports, birds such
as chickens have been seen getting excited just before large earthquakes. Cats and dogs have also been observed behaving
unusually before such events. The mayor of Susaki has thought about asking residents to prepare themselves if they notice
animals suddenly behaving in a strange way.
E However, as yet, there is no reliable scientific evidence that animals really can sense a disaster is about to strike.
Because of this, the Japanese government cannot base important decisions on the way some animals might behave.

2 Find the words below (1–5) in the interview. Match them to the ideas they refer to (a–h). You will not need to
use all the ideas. 1 mark for each correct answer.
1 it C 4 they D
2 this G 5 Because of this A
3 its F

a It has not been proven that animals know when a tsunami is coming.
b The park is home to many large animals.
c a 2005 tsunami which caused a lot of damage
d d residents of Susaki
e e Japan.
f a second major tsunami

g Many animals seemed to have known the tsunami was about to occur.
h People were caught by surprise.

110 READING AND WRITING SKILLS 4 TEACHER’S BOOK photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2014

VOCABULARY (10 marks)

3 Complete the texts with words from the boxes. 1 mark for each correct answer.
large-scale severe major disaster barriers dams

The River Danube is one of Europe’s 1 Major rivers, and travels through ten
different countries. Floods are common along this river, but the flooding of June 2013 was especially 2
severe . After a long period of heavy rain, the river rose by up to two meters and caused 3 large-scale
damage to several towns. The centre of Passau in Germany was completely underwater
for several days, and the flooding destroyed several 4 dams along the way. Luckily, capital cities such
as Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest were safe from disaster , because of effective flood 6 barriers

built over 100 years ago.

seasonal hurricanes long-term devastating

Strong, violent winds known as 7hurricanes are common near the Atlantic Ocean. They are
seasonal and tend to occur between June and November. In October 2012, a
devastating storm struck the US, including cities such as New York City and Washington
in its path. Several parts of New York were flooded, and the New York Stock Exchange
closed for two days. The disaster caused 10 long-term damage
to New York State, as more than 100,000 homes were destroyed. In total, the storm
created an estimated US $68 billion in damage.


4 Complete the table by writing the verb phrases as noun phrases. 1 mark for each correct answer.
1 a report written by the government
2 mitigating a disaster
3 reducing risk
4 protecting against floods
5 manufacturing products
6 analyzing risks

- the government write a report

- disaster was mitigated
- a risk was reduced
- the against flood was protected
- products manufactured
- a risk was analised

5 Choose the best word (a–c) to complete the collocations. 1 mark for each correct answer.
1 The 2011 Japanese tsunami was a disaster which affected millions of people.
2 P assau, in Germany, experienced flooding when the River Danube burst its banks in
3 The new dam is project which involves engineers from four different countries.
4 drought has meant that this region has been unable to grow enough food this

1 a major b long-term c seasonal

2 a severe b natural c ambitious
3 a a severe b a terrible c an ambitious
4 a Natural b Prolonged c Major
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6 Complete each sentence using the prompts. 2 marks for each correct answer. 1
important / prepare / natural disasters
It is important to prepare for natural disasters
2 surprising / more people didn’t know / about the tsunami
It is surprising how more people didn’t know about the
3 worth / remember / earthquakes can happen at any time
It is worth it to remember that earthquakes can
happen at any time
4 good idea / prepare for emergencies
It is a good idea to prepare for emergencies
5 sad fact / many homes were destroyed in the hurricane
It is a sad fact that many homes were destroyed in the


7 Put the sentences (a–e) in order to make a paragraph. 1 mark for each correct answer.
a It was caused by an undersea earthquake approximately 70 km out to sea. b
b In March 2011, Eastern Japan was hit by a major tsunami. a
c All in all, it was one of the worst disasters ever to hit the country. e
d This was the fifth-most powerful earthquake ever recorded. d
e The earthquake caused waves of up to 40 metres to travel 10 km inland and caused large-scale damage. c

8 Match the functions 1–5 to the sentences (a–e) above. 1 mark for each correct answer.
1 final summary sentence c
2 topic sentence – introducing what happened b
3 illustrating what happened with examples d
4 explanation of why it happened a
5 further details of the explanation e

112 READING AND WRITING SKILLS 4 TEACHER’S BOOK photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2014

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