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(On Non-judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.



This INDENTURE made at …..…….this ……. day of ………………… between

* i) Mr. /Mrs. ……………………………………. S/o / W/o ……………………………………..

resident of …………………………………………. hereinafter called the " Party of the First Part "
(which term so far as the context will admit shall include his / their heirs, executors and
administrators) and ……………….. (mention the relationship with the deceased)

** ii) Mr. /Mrs. …………………………. S/o / W/o ………………………………… resident of

…………………….and Mr./ Mrs. ………….…………S/o / W/o …………………………. resident of
…………………………………………………………………………………… hereinafter called the
"Party of the Second Part" (which term so far as the context will admit shall include their heirs,
executors and administrators) and

iii) Mr. ………………………. S/o……..……………… resident of ……………………………….. and

Mr. …………………… S/o. …………………resident of ……………………………………
……………… hereinafter called the "Sureties' (which term so far as the context will admit shall
include their heirs, executors and administrators), all parties (i), (ii), (iii) above jointly and
severally of the FIRST PART

NHC FOODS LIMITED, a Public Company governed by the provisions of Indian Companies Act
1956 and having its Registered Office at Mumbai hereinafter called "The Company" (which term
so far as the context will admit shall include its successors and assigns) of the SECOND PART

1. WHEREAS …………………. Shares/Bonds/Deb. bearing Nos. …………….. of the value of

Rs. ……………… are standing in the name of ………………………………….

2. AND WHEREAS the said Shri / Smt. …………………………………………………….. died

intestate at ………………………………………………… leaving behind him/her, Party of the
First Part and the Party of the Second Part as his/her next of kin. 
3. AND WHEREAS at the request of the party of the First Part, Party of the Second Part and
the Sureties, the Company agreed to transmit the said Shares / Bonds / Deb. / to the name
of Party of the First Part, without insisting upon the production of a Probate / Succession
Certificate or a Letter of Administration from a Competent Court but on the party of the First
Part, Party of the Second Part and the Surety agreeing to execute these presents.
         Now THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in consideration of the Company transmitting
the …………… Shares bearing distinctive nos. ……………………………………… of the value of
………………………………………in the name of Mr. / Mrs. ……………………………………….
i.e. the party of the First Part i.e. (i) and paying to him / her the Dividend due thereon without
production of a Probate, Succession Certificate or a Letter of Administration from a Competent
Court, the Parties of the First Part, Second Part and the Surety jointly and each of them
severally on behalf of themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, hereby agree to
save, defend and keep harmless and indemnify the Company its successors and assigns
against all actions, suits, proceedings, claims whatsoever either at law or equity or otherwise
that may be made against the Company by any person in respect of the said Shares and
Dividend or any Part thereof and also from and against all damages, costs, charges and
expenses that the Company may incur or be put by reason of the Company having agreed to
transmit the said Shares and making payment of the outstanding Dividend aggregating to
Rs.…………………………………. to the Party of the First Part without any legal representation
to the Estate of the said ……………………………… having been obtained.

IN WITNESS WHERE OF the Parties of the First and Second part and the Surety have
hereunto set their hands and seals on the day and year first hereinabove written.

Signed, sealed and delivered by Signature of the Party of the First Part.
above named in the presence of

Name, address & signature of Witnesses Signature of the Party of the Second Part.

2. Address
Name, Address & Signature of Surety



* 1. Names of the legal heirs in whose names Shares/Bonds/Deb. are to be transmitted.

** 2. Name of the other legal heirs. 

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