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WE, heirs of _____________, namely:

__________, of legal age, married/single, resident of

_____________________; and

__________, of legal age, married/single, resident of


do hereby  NAME, APPOINT, AND CONSTITUTE ___________________,

heir of ______________, likewise of legal age, with postal address at
_________________, as our true and legal representative to act for and in our name
and stead and to perform the following acts:

a. Represent us during the mediation conference before the Philippine

Mediation Center (PMC) for Civil Case No. _______________
against ____________________ for Recovery of Ownership and
Possession now pending before the Municipal Circuit Trial Court. For
that purpose, we authorize her to enter into amicable settlement
with the defendants, to sign, submit, and execute all documents that
may be required to render effective the said authority.

b. To represent us during the Preliminary Conference/Pre-trial/Judicial

Dispute Resolution of Civil Case No. _______ against Spouses
______________ for Recovery of Ownership and Possession, to enter
into other alternative mode of dispute resolution, to admit facts and
documents, to name witnesses, and to perform such other actions
which will aid the court in the speedy disposition of the case, to sign,
submit, and execute all documents that may be required to render
effective the said authority.

HEREBY GIVING AND GRANTING unto our representative full power and
authority to execute and perform every act necessary to render effective the
foregoing authority as fully to all intents and purposes as though we ourselves,
have so performed it, and HEREBY APPROVING ALL that she may do or
cause to be done by virtue hereof.
THIS ____________AT ___________________.



Republic of the Philippines )

 _________________________) S.S

BEFORE ME, personally appeared:

Parties ID Date of Issue

Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
instrument and acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act
and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and place first above written.

Doc. No.______;
Page No. ______;
Book No.______;
Series of 20___.

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