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TIME: 2:00 Hours DATE: 25th November, 2013

This paper consists of sections A, and B.
Answer ALL questions in both sections.
ALL answers must be written in the question paper.
Write your name on every page of your question paper.

SECTION A (50 marks)

1. Read each of the following statements carefully and write the letter of the correct answer in the
space provided.

(i) The following are International Organization dealing with human rights EXCEPT
A. Amnesty International
B. Universal Declaration of Human rights
C. United Nations High Commission for Refugees
D. African Human Rights High Commission

(ii) A period when man and woman become friends for future marriage is
A. Cortship
B. Courtship
C. Caughtship
D. Curtship

(iii) The Elephant tusks shown on the Coat of Arms represent national:
A. Freedom
B. Unity
C. Prosperity
D. Resources

(iv) The following are main pillars of the stable family

A. Respect, love, peace and wealth
B. Wealth, good behavior, peace and proper morals
C. Proper morals, peace, love and respect
D. Proper morals, peace, respect and cooperation

(v) The ways that a person or a group deals with difficulties in the society is called
A. Social problem solving techniques
B. Problem solving technique
C. Life skills technique
D. Problem solving process
(vi) The unpleasant events which may occur on roads and sometimes can cause damage of
properties or and loss of human lives are known as
A. Road accidents
B. Road incidents
C. Road events
D. Road signs

(vii) The channel in which the message is transferred such as radio is known as
A. Medium
B. Media
C. Median
D. Mode

(viii) A person who was born in Tanzania but his or her parents are citizens of England this is
A. Citizenship by descent
B. Citizenship by birth
C. Citizenship by natural
D. Citizenship by naturalization

(ix) The following are good examples of mental work – related activities
A. Teaching, nursing, administration and other professions
B. Mining, administration, plumbing and other professions
C. Quarrying, nursing, teaching and other professions
D. Lumbering, teaching, farming and other professions.

(x) On 12th June in every year is marked as

A. International Day against FGM
B. International Day against child labour
C. International Day for Women
D. International HIV/AIDS day

(xi) Life skills play an important role in prevention of

A. Self esteem
B. Self awareness
C. Self confidence
D. Self worth

(xii) Patriotic citizens do the following except

A. Pay all taxes as fixed by the government
B. Comply with the national constitution
C. Boycott work due to low payments
D. Attending various political rallies

(xiii) Prevention of abuse of power in public services is the responsibility of

A. Every citizen
C. Police
D. Leaders

(xiv) Reduction of street children and social crimes in Tanzania can only be success if
A. Families are stable
B. Government establish good policies for street children
C. Education given to all
D. People live comfortable life.

(xv) Which of the following is not aspect of proper behavior

A. Arrogance
B. Honest
C. Respectful
D. Obedience

(xvi) A social group whereby a man leads the family is known as

A. Patrilinear
B. Bilateral
C. Matrilinear
D. Multilinear

(xvii) The organ which is responsible for supervising and organizing the general election in
A. National Electoral Commission
B. National Electoral Commission
C. National Electoral Committee
D. National Electoral Commissioner

(xviii) The road signs which are usually appear in Triangle shapes are referred to as
A. Informative road signs
B. Warning road signs
C. Prohibitory road signs
D. Order signs

(xix) The second phase president of the United Republic of Tanzania is

A. Hon. Abeid Amani Karume
B. Hon. Amani Abeid Karume
C. Hon. Ally Hassan Mwinyi
D. Hon. Benjamin William Mkapa

(xx) As Commander in Chief the President can

A. Pardon criminals convicted in the court
B. Appoints the chief of defense force
C. Represent Tanzania home and abroad
D. Appoints the Prime Minister

2. Match the items in LIST A against those in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response
against its number in LIST B.

(i) 1st December in every year.
(ii) Ballot.
(iii) MEWATA.
(iv) Mob Justice.
(v) Abuse of power.
(vi) Basic communication skills.
(vii) AIDS.
(viii) The fourth step for making proper decision.
(ix) Mei mosi.
(x) 1st September every year.

A. Killing a good number of theft at once.
B. A slip of paper used in voting.
C. Treat women with breast cancer.
D. International HIV/AIDS day.
E. Listening, reading and writing.
F. The use of public funds for personal benefits.
G. Pandemic disease.
H. Select the best alternative.
I. National public holiday in Tanzania only.
J. Stands for Media Women Association of Tanzania.
K. Epidemic treat.
L. Women’s day all over the world.
M. Effective communication technique.
N. Heroes day in Tanzania.
O. Workers day all over the world.
P. Implement the choosen alternative.

LIST A i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x

SECTION B: (50 marks)

3. Tanzania, before getting its independence in 1961 was under British Colonial rule. The education
system by that time was segregative in nature as few people had access to school. Few of them
were the sons of the Chiefs who mostly attended secondary schools and most of those schools
were under the Missionaries and Muslim Mission.
After Independence in 1961 education system in Tanzania changed so that it could cater for the
needs of Tanzanians and it was reflected in the Education Policy Act No 37. In this Act the
education system was to be free for all public Secondary schools with the aim of increasing the
enrolment of students. Education was to be provided in such a way that no racial and religious
discrimination hindered students to have opportunities to attend in any school.
Not only that but also, there was introduction of regional integration among the schools from
different regions so that students could know each other and establish friendship that brought
national unity. Academic performance at that time was somehow good due to the sense that
students gained classroom knowledge and life skills that enabled them to live independent life.
The situation started to the change after the government introduced word secondary schools all
over the country ;for example within three consecutive years from 2010-2012, ward schools had
proven failure to the extent that their dismal performance have triggered debates while research
has been conducted on viable steps and options to change the appalling situation but most of
them are giving out some reasons such as lack of enough qualified teachers and teaching
resources among the problems that hinder the students performance and forget to focus on style
of leadership.

(i) Suggest a suitable title for the passage.
(ii) How was colonial education segregative in nature.
(iii) What does the term ‘’Life Skills’’ mean according to the passage.
(iv) Why in previous years academic performance are used to be good compared to the
(v) On your own. Briefly explain on what government should do so as to increase the quality
education in word secondary schools in Tanzania.
4. The following statements are either correct or not correct. Write TRUE if the statement is correct
or FALSE if the statement is not correct
(i) Boxing day is a national festival ____________________
(ii) A single parent and children are example of extended family _______________
(iii) The female genital mutilation is a violation of basic human rights ________________
(iv) The song ‘’Tanzania Nakupenda’’ is also a symbol of Tanzania as a nation _____________
(v) Zebra cross allow both cars and people to cross the road ______________
(vi) Tanzanian can become an American at the same time _________________
(vii) National census is not important event for the development of a nation ______________

(viii) Civil and traditional marriage are legal ____________________
(ix) Cutting down trees is one of the cause of environment degradation __________________
(x) The government affairs in the Parliament are headed by speaker _____________________
5. Write short notes on the following terms and give one example and two importance of each item.

(a) Road safety ___________________________________________________________________

Example: _ ___________________________________________________________________
Importance (i)_________________________________________________________________
(b) National Symbols_______________________________________________________________
Example: _____________________________________________________________________
Importance (i)_________________________________________________________________
(c) Assertiveness__________________________________________________________________

Example: _ ___________________________________________________________________
Importance (i)_________________________________________________________________

(d) Dual citizenship________________________________________________________________

Example: _ ___________________________________________________________________
Importance (i)_________________________________________________________________
(e) Nuclear family_________________________________________________________________
Example: _____________________________________________________________________
Importance (i)_________________________________________________________________


(f) Traffic lights___________________________________________________________________

Example: _ ___________________________________________________________________
Importance (i)_________________________________________________________________

(g) Proper behaviour______________________________________________________________

Example: _ ___________________________________________________________________
Importance (i)_________________________________________________________________

(h) Special group__________________________________________________________________

Example: _ ___________________________________________________________________

Importance (i)_________________________________________________________________

(i) Ratification of human rights______________________________________________________


Example: _ ___________________________________________________________________
Importance (i)_________________________________________________________________

(j) Farming healthy relationship _____________________________________________________

Example: _ ___________________________________________________________________
Importance (i)_________________________________________________________________

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