Learning Activity 2 1. PART A. Evidence: Giving Advice:: Aspects To Consider

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Learning Activity 2

1. PART A. Evidence: Giving Advice: These people are facing changes in their life. Read their situations below:
I am Gary. I work for an ONG called
My name is Amanda. I am a hairdresser. I work in a
White Hands. I support projects in
beauty shop in the north of the city. I am a single mother and have two
rural areas from my office. I really
beautiful sons. Mike is nine and Steve is two. While I work, my mother
enjoy my job. Now my organization is implementing a new system
takes care of my sons. She has always supported me. But now my mom is
called "home-office". Twice a week I will have to stay home and work
really sick. The doctor recommended her moving to a quieter place. So, she
from my computer, or telecommute. My boss says it will be a good
is moving in with my brother who lives in a small town. If my mother
change as we will be able to work from home. I find it rather
moves, I will probably have to quit my job as I don’t have anybody to take
awkward. I live alone and have nobody to talk with. Besides, all my
care of my kids. I wouldn’t leave them with a stranger, especially the little
friends are at the office. I will really miss the social interaction on
one. I have some savings and I have considered opening my own beauty
those days. What if I can't find a file and I need assistance from a co-
shop in my neighborhood so I can be near my kids. But what if the business
worker? What if I need to talk to my boss but he is not online? I don’t
does not turn out well? I could lose all my savings. I don’t really know what
really feel comfortable with this new idea of telecommuting. I wish I
to do. I am afraid of the change.
could come to the office every day I have done for the past 5 years.
Select one of the cases and write a 150-word letter to Gary or Amanda. This sample will help you write your letter. It also has useful expressions you
In your letter offer support and advice for the person you choose to try can use when writing your letter. Good luck!
to solve the specific problem this person is facing.
Aspects to consider:
 Include ideas and vocabulary related to flexibility and adaptability
learned in the study material. In the letter, underline the ideas
included. Include at least 3 ideas.
 Use the idioms learned in the study material. Use at least 3 idioms.
 Use connectors and punctuation.

Here is an example of an informal letter. Look at the parts your letter

must have:
(Puede usar los encabezados del ejemplo que se le presenta pero debe
terminar la carta usando sus propias palabras y las estructuras
estudiadas en esta UNIDAD.
Cuando dice: in my personal opinion…)

Donde hay puntos suspensivos es lo que usted debe escribir con sus
propias palabras

Escriba su carta dando click Julio 26, 2020 Dean Gary My name is Oscar Sanchez, I am a member of the SENA community. In my personal
opinión I think the best thing is to be patient and adapt to the changes, keep going and let´s see the positive side. I suggest you enjoy being at
home, resting and when you need the help of a mate, you call him and ask him about your doubt. Also you can sometimes make video calls with
your colleagues to interact with them in conclusión, I think you can save time to do your homework because You don´t have to leave home, stay
positive to deal with changes. Me think your boos is a good person and want the best for your employees, Relax, you will cross that
bridge¡ Sincerity. OSCAR SANCHEZ
2. 1. Learning Activity 2
2. Part B. Evidence “Life from a wheelchair”. Watch a video and then answer the questions using the missed conditionals.

“Life from a wheelchair” What does Ashley do for a living?

WRITE YOUR ANSWER She is a Singer at the University where she studies general
About 1 in every 100 people is handicapped and uses a wheelchair. communication.
Therefore, there are about 80 million people in wheelchairs in the world.
That is twice the population of Colombia! But what is it like to live in a
How does her condition affect her daily activities and how does she deal with it?
WRITE YOUR ANSWER It affects being on time to general communication clases
because it is a Little time but, it´s more difficult for her to drive in her wheelchair,
so she can´t drive thet fast She tries to be in college fifteen minutes before starting
her general communication clases.

What is her attitude towards life? Does she feel disabled from certain activities?
WRITE YOUR ANSWER His attitude is positive towards life. You feel able to swim
Fuente: Sena and see the leaves, tall and dry people, because many people believe that she can
do it. She feels able to move to his room and raise his bed. If she didn´t have that
Watch the video “Perfectly abled life on campus with a disability” in the next link: positive attitude towars life, she would have failed in all the situations that arise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kr5hHmZbQHwA daily. She feels unable to perform certain activies such as running, She have a
After you watch the video answer the following questions. Use any voice recording never felt what this feeling is, She would what to know what it feels like to
software to record your answers and send the file as evidence. walk or run. If she hadn´t been lucky enough to have her perents by her side, she
Use mixed conditional sentences (at least 4 examples), the idioms, vocabulary and wouldn´t have been able to learn to do many other things.
ideas about flexibility and adaptability studied in this learning activity (at least 8
words from the vocabulary). Remember to use connectors and punctuation.
How would your life be different if you were handicapped and had to use a wheelchair?
Record your answers. Please watch this tutorial to use vocaroo What would be different for you? (Use mixed conditionals in the answer)
WRITE YOUR ANSWER If i was disabled and had to use a weelchair, my life would
be different in aspects like: there could be an emotional change because it is
something unexpected si I would get depressed because it may be something what
I´m not used to because there would be many different things like I can´t walk, jog,
exercise, ride the bike, dance and don´t able to do my daily activies as I usually do
because I couldn´t move whithout help from one place to another.

How do you react when you have to interact with a handicapped person?
WRITE YOUR ANSWER When I interact whit a handicapped person I react in a way
friendly. I try to be very nice with thet person so that it have a great time and it
can feel very happy-

How can you contribute to improve the life of handicapped people?

WRITE YOUR ANSWER I can help improve the lives of people with desabilities be
helping them feel happy I would like to be able to pay music for them in this way
to make them happy, I have fun giving them advice to make them feel good and
very happy I would like to be very friendly whit them and offer them a sincere
friendship of support.

COPIE EL LINK DE SU AUDIO https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Criterios de evaluación
 Expresa ideas sobre flexibilidad y adaptabilidad en diferentes contextos de la vida, usando el vocabulario requerido.
 Usa expresiones idiomáticas teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y contexto requerido.
Criterios de evaluación
 Combina diferentes condicionales para expresar ideas en el contexto requerido.
 Expresa ideas sobre flexibilidad y adaptabilidad en diferentes contextos de la vida, usando el vocabulario requerido

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