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The Biggest Snowball A BOOK ABOUT SIZES Do you know. . A library is a magic castle with many Word Windows in it? What is a Word Window? If you answered, “A book,” you're right A book is a Word Window because the words, and the pictures that tell about the words, let you look and see many things, Books are your windows to the wide, wide world around you © 1988 The Che's World, ne Mankato, Ma 6001 Al vights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. The Biggest Snowball of All by Jane Belk Moncure ilustrated by Joy Friedman Published by Mankato, Minnesota i/ | A Magic Castle \ TUL ii en | i iW nes aN my [oe ULNA i AWA 7 i Ye w tal il es Rows upon rows of Word Windows Line every single wall. They reach up high, As high as the sky, Z j And you want to open them all. at ray For every time you open one, A new adventure has begun. One day Little Bear made a tiny snowball. She put the snowball on her nose and “This snowball is so smaill, it will fit on the end of my nose,” she said. the snowy hill she went. But. . . the snowball did not stay on her nose As it rolled, it grew bigger... for long. It fell off... ie and bigger... —- nee and bigger. \ and rolled down the hill, “Stop,” cried Little Bear. But the snowball rolled on down the hill until... it bumped into Raccoon. “What a big snowball,” Raccoon said. “It will make a fine head for a snowbear.” “Good idea,” said Little Bear. The two friends went right to work. They made a bigger snowball for the middle of the snowbear... and another snowball for the bottom of the snowbear. It was the biggest snowball of the three. uf Then they snowk os 1en Rabbit came down the hill - ‘ cs € “What a fine snowbear,” they said. “Watch out!” she cried. Little Bear and Raccoon jumped away. But Rabbit bumped into the snowbear. — “Jump on my sled,” said Rabbit. “We will catch ih the smallest in front, and the biggest The three friends hopped on... in back, Away they went. When they came to the bottom of the hill, guess what they saw? — snowball - : aa ie of all, / It was so big that Little Bear said, “Let's build a snowball house.” i They went right to work. Little Bear made a wide door so they could get inside. Raccoon and Rabbit made two narrow windows so they could peek outside. 2 Then the three friends went inside to play. They played for a long time. While they were playing, iw <— - _—— — = The sun was hot, Guess what? The biggest snowball of all began to melt. and smaller... = and even lt grew smaller... smaller. Soon the biggest snowball ofall... xy was very, very small. It was so tiny... that Little Bear said, “It will fit on the end of my nose.” And it did. You can read these size words with Little Bear. a 7 = tet yer Ss tiny = f )} — small | 7 i 2." y < even biooe ae ( e\ ¢ bigger | \y = biggest of an \___Y smaller smallest Now you find more size words. mn 0-89565-682-5

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