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“Advanced GD&T”

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SR Module Name Page
1 Virtual & Resultant Condition 5
2 Advanced Datums 8
3 Functional Gauges 27
4 Advanced Form Tolerances 30
5 Advanced Orientation Tolerances 33
6 Advanced Location Tolerances 38
7 Glossary 66

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Module 1

Virtual & Resultant Condition

Module Overview
Virtual condition can be very useful concept for designers which will help 100%
interchangeability of the parts. However, it is the least practiced concept in design

Resultant condition is useful to determine the extreme boundaries needed for any feature as
well as shall be considered with virtual condition for tolerance stackup analysis.

Virtual Condition (VC)

A constant "worst case" imaginary boundary defined by the collective effects of a

feature's size, geometric tolerance, and bonus (if any). Virtual condition is used by product designer
to design the mating part and by gauge designer to design fixed ( functional) gauge.

A) Virtual Condition : Hole@ MMC


VC = 11.9 - 0.1

VC = 11.8

B) Virtual Condition : Shaft @ MMC


VC = 11.7 + 0.1

VC = 11.8

Resultant Condition (RC)

The single “worst-case” boundary generated by the collective effects of a feature’s

size, geometric tolerance and bonus.

A) Resultant Condition : Hole@ MMC

RC = LMC + GTOL + Bonus

RC = 12.1 + 0.1 + 0.2

RC = 12.4

B) Resultant Condition : Shaft @ MMC

RC = LMC – GTOL - Bonus

RC = 11.3 - 0.1 - 0.4

RC = 10.8

Module 2

Advanced Datums

Module Overview
Datums are considered theoretically perfect planes, surfaces, points, lines, or axes.
Datums are placed on drawings as requirements for referencing features of an object.
These datums are used by the machinist, toolmaker, or quality control inspector to
ensure that the part is in agreement with the drawing.

Coaxial Datum Features
Coaxial means two or more cylindrical shapes that share a common axis. Coaxial datum features exist
when a single datum axis is established by two datum features that are coaxial. When more than one
datum feature is used to establish a single datum, the datum reference letters are separated by a
dash and placed in one compartment of the feature control frame.
These datum reference letters are of equal importance and can be placed in any order. See
Example below. A datum axis established by coaxial datum features is normally used as a primary

Coplanar Datum Features

Coplanar surfaces are two or more surfaces that are on the same plane or with some offset. Where
more than one datum feature is used to establish a datum feature simulator for a single datum, the
appropriate datum feature reference letters and associated modifiers, separated by a dash, are
entered in one compartment of the feature control frame

Partial Datum Surface

A portion of a surface can be used as a datum. For example, this can be done when a part has a hole
or group of holes at one end where it is not necessary to establish the entire surface as a datum to
effectively locate the features. This can be accomplished on a drawing using a chain line
dimensioned with basic dimensions to show the location and extent of the partial datum surface.
The chain line dimension is considered a minimum distance. The datum feature symbol is attached
to the chain line. The datum plane is then established at the location of the chain line, as shown in
Example below.

Center of a Pattern of Features as the Datum Axis

The center of a pattern of features, such as the holes in the part shown in Example below, can
be specified as the datum axis when the datum feature symbol is placed under and attached to
the middle of the feature control frame. In this application, the datum axis is the center of the
holes as a group.

Position without any datums
The standard states that a Tolerance of Position must reference datums "except where the
positioned features establish the primary datum”.

Special Datum Features

A) Conical

A conical feature (Internal / External) will establish a datum axis and a datum plane.

B) Linear Extruded Shape

A linear extruded shape like below or a pattern of features such as a pattern of parallel holes. It may arrest
up to 5 DOF.

C) Complex Shape

A complex feature is defined as a single compound curve or a collection of other features that constraints
up to 6DOF.

D) Irregular FOS as Datum Features

Where an irregular FOS may contain or be contained by an actual mating envelope that is a
sphere, cylinder or pair of parallel planes, a datum center point, axis or center plane may be

This part with 3 pins can establish different datum features as follow:

Repetitive Patterns of Features
Frequently parts have repetitive patterns of features. Often it is desirable to use one of the features as a
datum feature and control the other features in the pattern relative to that datum

Parts with Inclined Datum Features

It isn’t always possible or practical to select datum features that are mutually perpendicular
to one another when establishing a datum reference frame.

For parts with inclined datum features as shown in following figure, a datum feature
simulator plane is oriented at the basic angle of the datum feature. The corresponding
plane of the datum reference frame passes through the vertex of the basic angle and is
mutually perpendicular to the other two planes.

Datum Targets

In many situations it is not possible to establish an entire surface, or entire surfaces, as

datums. When this happens, datum targets can be used to establish datum planes. Datum targets
are designated points, lines, or surface areas that are used to establish the datum reference
frame. This procedure is especially useful on parts with surface or contour irregularities, such as
some sheet metal, sand cast, or
forged parts that are subject to bowing or warpage. However, datum targets can be used on most
parts. Use datum targets to minimize the variation in the way features are measured. This
method can also be applied to weldments where heat can cause warpage.

The datum target symbol is drawn as a circle using thin lines. The circle is divided into two
parts with a horizontal line. The bottom half provides the datum reference letter and the specific
datum target number on that datum.

The top half is left blank if a datum target point or line is identified. When identifying a
datum target area, the top half contains the shape and size of the area. The dimension for
the datum target area can be placed outside the datum target symbol with a leader and a dot
pointing to the upper half if the dimension is too big to fit inside. See Example.

When the datum target area is circular, a diameter symbol precedes the size value.
When the datum target area is square, a square symbol precedes the size value. The datum
target area can also be rectangular in shape, which is dimensioned with a length and width value,
such as 10 X 25. The rectangular dimension is placed outside the datum target symbol and a
leader points to the top half of the datum target symbol.

A spherical datum target area can be used by placing the spherical diameter symbol in
front of the size value. The spherical diameter is generally placed outside the datum target
symbol and a leader points to the top half of the datum target symbol. A movable datum target
symbol is used to indicate that the datum target is not fixed at its basic location and is free to

On the drawing, the datum target symbol is connected with a leader to the datum target
point, line, or area. This leader line generally has no shoulder or arrowhead associated with
leaders. Example applications of datum target points and datum target lines are shown in
Example 3-14. Example applications of datum target areas are shown in Example 3-15. Additional
uses are provided where they relate to specific applications.

Datum Target Points

When datum target points are used on a drawing to identify a datum plane, the datum plane is
established by locating pins at the datum tangent points as shown in the magnified
representation in Example. The locating pins are rounded or pointed standard tooling hardware

Datum Target Areas

Areas of contact can also be used to establish datums. When this is done, the shape of the datum
target area is outlined by a phantom line with section lines through the area. Circular areas are
dimensioned with basic or tolerance dimensions to locate the center. The diameter of the target area
is provided in the upper half of the datum target symbol, as shown in Example below, or with a leader
and dot pointing to the upper half. The locating pins for target areas are flat end tooling pins with the
pin diameter equal to the specified size of the target area.

Datum Target Lines

A datum target line is indicated by the target point symbol “X” on the edge view of the surface and
by a phantom line on the surface view. Refer to figure below. If the locating pins are cylindrical,
then the datum target line is along the tangency where the pins meet the part. The pins can also
be knife-edged. A surface is often placed at 90° to the pin to create the datum reference frame

Customized DRF
There are times when it is preferable to state the degrees of freedom that each datum feature may
constrain. In a way, this resets the origin and override datum precedence.

Customizing the DRF requires:

• Showing the coordinate system on the drawing
• Stating in brackets the degrees of freedom which are to be constrained by the datum feature
following the datum feature reference in a FCF.
• The axis of the DRF are labeled on the drawing with the capital letters X, Y & Z. In FCF, translational
DOF shown in lower case letters x, y & z and rotational DOF shown in lower case letters u, v & w.

Regular DRF & Datum Precedence


Effect of MMB modifier on datums (MMB Calculations)
Where a datum feature is modified at MMB, the calculation of the datum feature simulator
may have to include the appropriate geometric tolerance.

= 12.1


= 12.3

3) = 12.5

Datum Feature Shift
Whenever a FOS datum feature is referenced at MMC, the gauge element (datum feature
simulator) that simulates the perfect feature counterpart is fixed in size. Since the gauge is fixed in
size, but the part datum feature may vary within its size limits, there may be some looseness
between the part and the gauge.

Datum shift is an extra amount of location tolerance that is allowed between the datum and the
features that are located relative to the datum. So datum shift really means that the datum and
the considered features can be closer to each other or father away from each other than they could
without datum shift.

- Datum feature ‘B’ is produced at virtual size of Ø12.3 (MMC)

- Datum Shift = 0 mm

- Part is “Rejected”

- Datum feature ‘B’ is produced at virtual size of Ø11.7 (LMC)

- Datum Shift = 0.6 mm total / 0.3 mm per side

- Part will be “Accepted”

- Datum feature ‘B’ is produced at virtual size of Ø11.7 (LMC)

- Datum Shift = 0.6 mm total / 0.3 mm per side

- Part is “Accepted” by pushing it leftward and made sleeve pass.

Multiple DRFs
On larger and/or more complicated parts, it may be impractical to control all features to a single
DRF. Where features have separate functional relationships, relating them to the same DRF might
be unnecessarily restrictive. Multiple DRFs may be used, but only with great care.

Designers typically use too many datums and different DRFs, often without realizing it. Remember
that any difference in datum references, their order of precedence, or their material conditions,
constitutes a separate DRF. The tolerances connecting these DRFs start stacking up to where the
designer quickly loses control of the part’s overall integrity.

A good way to prevent this and to unify the design is to structure multiple DRFs as a tree. That
means controlling the datum features of each “branch” DRF to a common “trunk” DRF.

Module 3

Module Overview
Learn the fundamentals of Functional (Fixed) and Variable gauges. Understand the
relation of virtual condition and the Functional gauges.

Functional Gauge # 1


Workpiece applied to the gauge

Functional Gauge # 2



Workpiece applied to the gauge

Module 4

Advanced Form Tolerances

Module Overview
Size Tolerance on a dimension is the total permissible variation in its size, which is equal
to the difference between the limits of size. When the form control we get fromsize
tolerance is beyod design requirement, form tolerances must be used.

Flatness: Unit Basis

Flatness: Independency Symbol

Straightness – Axis at MMC
Straighness of an axis is a condition where an axis is a straight line. The tolerance specifies a tolerance
zone within which the derived median line must lie. This is used where the size of the pin is important,
but the pin can bow or bend associated with the size tolerance of the feature.


Straightness – Line Elements

Straighness – line elements can be applied to the surface of a pin. The tolerance specifies a tolerance
zone within which the considered line elements must lie. Note the feature control frame is directed to
the surface.


Module 5

Advanced Orientation Tolerances

Module Overview
Orientation is a feature’s angular relationship to a DRF. An orientation tolerance controls
this relationship without meddling in location control. Thus, an orientation tolerance is
useful for relating one datum feature to another and for refining the orientation of a
feature already controlled with a positional tolerance.

Orientation with two datums


Tangent Plane Modifier

Converting 3D Orientation to 2D

The orienation tolerances are all 3D controls. If it is necessary to control a feature in 2D, a note,
such as “EACH ELEMENT” or “EACH RADIAL ELEMENT” is placed under the FCF. Profile tolerancing
can be combined with other types of tolerancing. The surface must be within the profile tolerance,
and each line element of the surface must be parallel to the given datum by the specified
parallelism tolerance.

A surface can have a profile tolerance controlled within a specified amount of parallelism
relative to a datum. When this is done, the surface must be within the profile tolerance, and
each line element of the surface must be parallel to the given datum by the specified parallelism
tolerance, as shown in Example below.

Controlling Cylinder Perpendicular to a Datum Plane / Axis

Perpendicularity tolerance, when specified to control axis to a datum plane (or axis), provides a
tolerance zone for the axis to lie within. The tolerance zone may be a width between two lines or a
cylinder. The zone is a width when no diameter symbol is not specified in the feature control
frame. If used for a hole or shaft of feature of size, diameter symbol can be used along with MMC or
LMC symbol. The axis of the feature must be within the boundaries of the tolerance zone. The
feature axis may take any shape – bow, wave, angle as long as it remains within the tolerance zone.

The controlled cylindrical feature must meet the feature size requirements and then geometric
controls. If the feature is controlled with a location tolerance and then refined with perpendicularity,
the feature must meet th elcoation tolerance and then the perpendicularity tolerance.

The actual hole may be verified in a number of ways. This feature may best be verified by using a
functional gauge rather than by measuring the perpendicularity. Functional gauge simulates the
mating part.

Module 6

Advanced Location Tolerances

Module Overview
Location tolerances control individual features as well as pattern of the features. The
location controls are specified to control the relatioships between features or between
features and a datum feature.

Position Boundary
Position may be used to locate irregular features. A virtual condition boundary is established inside
or outside of which NO element of the feature may lie. The feature modifiers MMC or LMC may be

Position: Zero Tolerance at MMC

Zero tolerancing at MMC allows more size tolerance with out changing virtual condition concept.
Adds weight and not be used where weight at premium. It allows machinist a wide range of tools to
choose from.

Bi-Directional & Composite Tolerancing Pattern of Feature

A few features have different positional requirements relative to different planes of the DRF.
Where these differences are slight, or where even the lesser tolerance is fairly generous, the
more restrictive value can be used in an ordinary positional tolerance. In most cases, the
manufacturing process will vary nearly equally in all directions, so an extra .001" of tolerance
in just one direction isn’t much help. However, where the difference is significant, a separate
feature control frame can be specified for each direction. Y14.5 calls this practice Bidirectional
tolerancing. It can be used with a cylindrical feature of size located with two coordinates, or
with a spherical feature of size located with three coordinates.

Each bidirectional feature control frame may be evaluated separately, just as if each
controls a separate feature of size. However, as with separate features, rules for simultaneous
or separate requirements apply. By convention, the “diameter” symbol (⌀) is not used in any
bidirectional feature control frames. The exact meanings of bidirectional tolerances are
deceivingly complex. They depend on whether true position is defined in a rectangular or polar
coordinate system, and on whether the tolerances apply in an RFS, MMC, or LMC context.

Floating Fastener Formula

H= Ø11.25, F = Ø 10 H= Ø 10.5, F = Ø 10
H-F =T H-F =T
H = MMC Ø of clearance
hole 11.25 - 10 = 1.25 10.5 - 10 = 0.5
F = MMC Ø of bolt
T = GTOL Value

Fixed Fastener Formula

H= Ø 12, F = Ø 10 Part # 1
H = F + T1 + T2 T1 = 1.25
H – F = T1 + T2
H = MMC Ø of clearance
hole 12 –10 = T1 + T2 Part # 2
F = MMC Ø of bolt T2 = 0.75
T1 = Position GTOL (Part # 1) 2 = T1 + T2 41
T2 = Position GTOL (Part # 2)
Projected Tolerance Zone

The projected tolerance zone concept is used to limit variation of perpendicularity on threaded or
press fit holes to ensure interchangeability between parts.

Statistical Tolerance
Statistical Tolerancing is a method of assigning of tolerances to related components of an
assembly on the basis of sound statistics (such as the assembly tolerance is equal to the square
root of the sum of the squares of the individual tolerances). By applying statistical tolerancing,
tolerances of individual components may be increased or clearances between mating parts may
be reduced.

The increased tolerance or improved fit may reduce manufacturing cost or improve the product's
performance, but shall only be employed where the appropriate statistical process control will be
used. Therefore, consideration should be given to specifying the required Cp and /or Cpk or other
process performance indices.


Simultaneous & Separate Requirement

Simultaneous Requirement
Two separate patterns and all the features may rotate, and/or shift dependently as datum feature B and
C departs from MMC. Single functional gauge is needed to verify the simultaneous requirement.

Separate Requirement
Two separate patterns and all the features may rotate, and/or shift independently as datum feature B
and C departs from MMC. Two functional gauges to verify the separate requirements needed.

Composite Feature Control Frame

The composite frame has a single “position” symbol. Unlike the single-segment frame, the composite
frame has two segments, upper and lower, each establishing a distinct framework of virtual condition
boundaries or central tolerance zones.



• Pattern-locating Tolerance Zone Framework (PLTZF) controls the location of the hole pattern.
Always located relative to specific datums, using basic dimensions. Always Larger position
tolerance. Always specified in the upper segment of the FCF

• Feature-relating Tolerance Zone Framework (FRTZF) establishes the inter-relationships between

features. Datums may be applied, but are not required, basic dimensions used for PLTZF to
controlling datums do not apply. Always smaller position tolerance within located pattern (PLTZF).
Always specified in the lower segment of the FCF.

Composite positional tolerance on pattern of holes

In below figure, positional tolerance of ⌀.250 is permitted for each hole, relative to the DRF A|B|C. This
establishes a Pattern Locating Tolerance Zone Framework (PLTZF) (pronounced “Plahtz”) comprising six
virtual condition boundaries for the holes, all basically parallel and basically located to each other. In
addition, the orientation and location of the entire PLTZF is restrained relative to the referenced DRF
A|B|C. In this case, the tapped holes would have negative virtual conditions.

PLTZF virtual condition boundaries

The lower segment establishes the Feature Relating Tolerance Zone Framework (FRTZF)
(pronounced “Fritz”). This segment may have zero, one, two, or three datum references. Where datums
are referenced, they restrain only the orientation of the FRTZF, never its location. Below figure shows
the FRTZF virtual condition boundaries for our substitute bosses at work. Notice that datum A restrains
the orientation of the FRTZF. This is crucial to the handle’s fitting flush. However, datum A couldn’t
possibly restrain the location of the FRTZF, since the holes are perpendicular to datum A. In our
example, then, the rule against location restraint is moot. In a moment, we’ll show how the difference
can become relevant.

FRTZF virtual condition boundaries

One possible relationship between the PLTZF and FRTZF

One possible relationship between the PLTZF and FRTZF with datum B referenced in the lower segment

Rules for Composite Control

Datum References—Since the lower segment provides specialized refinement only within the
constraints of the upper segment, the lower segment may never reference any datum(s) that
contradicts the DRF of the upper segment. Neither shall there be any mismatch of material condition
modifier symbols. This leaves four options for referencing datums in the lower segment.

1. Reference no datums.
2. Copy only the primary datum and its modifier (if any).
3. Copy the primary and secondary datums and their modifiers, in order.
4. Copy the primary, secondary, and tertiary datums and their modifiers, in order.

Only datums needed to restrain the orientation of the FRTZF may be referenced. The need for two
datum references in a lower segment is somewhat rare, and for three, even more uncommon.

Tolerance Values—The upper-segment tolerance shall be greater than the lower-segment tolerance.
Generally, the difference should be enough to make the added complexity worthwhile.

Simultaneous Requirements—The upper and lower segments may be verified separately, perhaps
using two different functional gauges. Thus, where both upper and lower segments reference a
datum feature of size at MMC or at LMC, each segment may use a different datum derived from that
datum feature. Table-4 shows the defaults for simultaneous requirements associated with composite

Notice that the lower segments of composite feature control frames default to separate
requirements. Placing the note SIM REQT adjacent to a lower segment that references one or more
datums overrides the default and imposes simultaneous requirements. If the lower segment
references no datums, functionally related features of differing sizes should instead be grouped into a
single pattern of features controlled.

Coaxial Features
All the above principles for locating patterns of features apply as well to patterns of cylindrical features
arranged in-line on a common axis, or width-type features arranged on a common center plane. Figure
shows a pattern of two coaxial holes controlled with a composite positional tolerance.

Combined Tolerance

A composite positional tolerance cannot specify different location requirements for a pattern of
features relative to different planes of the DRF. This is because the upper segment allows equal
translation in all directions relative to the locating datum(s) and the lower segment has no effect at
all on pattern translation. The directional positional tolerancing could be used to specify different
location requirements relative to different planes of the DRF. This works well for an individual
feature of size, but applied to a pattern, the feature-to-feature spacings would likewise have a
different tolerance for each direction.

Figure below shows a sleeve with four radial holes. In this design, centrality of the holes to
the datum A bore is critical. Less critical is the distance of the holes from the end of the sleeve,
datum B. Look closely at the feature control frames. The appearance of two “position” symbols
means this is not a composite positional feature control frame. What we have instead are simply
two single-segment positional tolerance feature control frames stacked one on top of the other
(with no space between). Each feature control frame, upper and lower, establishes a distinct
framework of Level 4 virtual condition boundaries or central tolerance zones.

Figure on next page shows the virtual condition boundaries for the upper frame. The
boundaries are basically oriented and located to each other. In addition, the framework of
boundaries is basically oriented and located relative to the referenced DRF A|B. The generous
tolerance in the upper frame adequately locates the holes relative to datum B, but not closely
enough to datum A.

Two stacked single-segment feature control frames

Virtual condition boundaries of the upper frame

Figure below shows the virtual condition boundaries for the lower frame. The
boundaries are basically oriented and located to each other. In addition, the framework of
boundaries is basically oriented and located relative to the referenced datum A. The
comparatively close tolerance adequately centers the holes to the bore, but has no effect on
location relative to datum B.

There is no explicit congruence requirement between the two frameworks. But, if

features are to conform to both tolerances, virtual condition boundaries (or central tolerance
zones) must overlap to some extent.

Virtual conditions of the lower frame

Composite Profile Tolerance
A composite profile tolerance provides for the location of a profiled feature and, at the same
time, the control of form and orientation. This is done by doubling the height of the feature control
frame that points to the feature to be controlled.

The profile geometric characteristic symbol is placed in the first compartment. The top half of
the feature control frame is called the locating tolerance zone. This is the profile tolerance that locates
the feature from datums. The related datum reference is given in the order of precedence in the
feature control frame and the feature to be controlled is located from datums with basic dimensions.
The bottom half of the feature control frame is called the profile form and orientation tolerance zone.
Datum referencing in the lower area establishes the limits of size, form, and orientation of the profile
related to the locating tolerance zone. The actual feature surface must be within both tolerance zones,
as shown in Example below.

Profile of a Feature to Be Restrained
When any geometric tolerance is to be verified with the part in a restrained condition, the features
to be used as datum features must be identified. It may also be necessary to specify the force
required to restrain the part. Refer to Example below. In the drawing shown, the part relaxes after
being removed from the bending press and the profile must be maintained in the restrained
condition. Notice that NOTE 1 under the feature control frame specifies the process used and the
force required to restrain the part.


Free State Symbol

Combination of Geometric Tolerances

Profile on a Unit Basis

Total Runout

Tolerance Zone

0.2 wide tolerance zone

(2 Parallel planes)

Produced Surface

Total Runout with Coaxial Datums

Datum Axis A-B

Circular Runout



(Cone) (Curve)


Concentricity is the condition where the median points of all diametrically opposed elements of a
figure or revolution are congruent with the axis of a datum feature.

Concentricity tolerance is always specified on RFS basis. The tolerance is a diametral zone in which
all the median points of the controlled feature must lie. This zone must coincide with the axis of the
datum feature.

Concentricity is a very restrictive geometric control. It is difficult to verify and may be excessively
expensive to produce.

Concentricity is axis-to-axis control at RFS. Concentricity control is selectively specified, because

features may be controlled with runout or position tolerance. Runout controls a surface–to–axis at
RFS. Position offers all the advantages of GD&T as location of the axis of the feature’s actual mating
envelope is controlled relative to the datum axis.

Concentricity is normally specified for high-speed rotating parts where dynamic balance is critical.

The tolerance zone is diametral around and parrallel to the datum axis. The feature surfaces must be
measured diametrically opposed to each other to determine the midpoints relative to the axis of the

0.05 Cylindrical
Tolerance Zone
Use position RFS to achieve the concentricity

Not only is position usually more functional, but it has more flexibility. Unlike concentricity, a
position tolerance may be modified at MMC or LMC which usually provides Manufacturing with
more tolerance without sacrificing the function.

The tolerance zone is diametral around and parrallel to the datum axis. The feature axis must be
contained within the tolerance zone of position

0.05 Cylindrical
Tolerance Zone


Symmetry is the condition where a feature or part has the same profile on either side of the conter
plane of a datum feature.

Symmetry tolerance is always specified on RFS basis. Symmetry is a very restrictive geometric
control. It is difficult to verify. Symmetry is used where symmetrical relationship needs to be
controlled. Position can be used to control the symmetrical relationship as location of the center
plane of the feature’s actual mating envelope is controlled relative to the datum center plane.

Symmetry is normally specified for symmetrical features where dynamic balance is critical.

The tolerance zone is two parallel planes equally disposed around a datum center plane. The
specified tolerance establishes a tolerance zone that is the specified width, with half of the
tolerance on either side of the datum center plane. This width zone allows the feature to vary from
side to side or angularity within the tolerance zone.

Datum Center Plane ‘A’

Tolerance zone
(2 parallel planes at 0.05)

Use position RFS to achieve the symmetry

Not only is position usually more functional, but it has more flexibility. Unlike symmetry, a position
tolerance may be modified at MMC or LMC which usually provides Manufacturing with more
tolerance without sacrificing the function.

For these reasons many industries do not recommend the use of symmetry.

Ten Fundamental Dimensioning Rules
1. Each Dimension shall have a tolerance. Exceptions are those dimensions specifically identified
as reference, maximum, minimum or commercial stock size.

2. Dimensioning and tolerancing shall be complete so there is full definition of each part feature.

3. Dimensions shall be selected and arranged to suit the function and mating relationship of a part
and shall not be subject to more than one interpretation.

4. The drawing should define a part without specifying manufacturing methods.

5. A 90 ̊angle applies where centerlines and lines depicting features are shown on a drawing at
right angles, and no dimension is shown.

6. A 90 ̊basic angle applies where centerlines of features in a pattern or surfaces shown at right
angles on a drawing-are located and defined by basic dimensions and no angle is specified.

7. Unless otherwise specified, all dimensions are applicable at 20 ̊C (68 ̊F).

8. All dimensions and tolerances apply in the free state condition. This principle does not apply to
non-rigid parts.

9. Unless otherwise specified, all geometric tolerances apply to the full depth, length and width of
the feature.

10. Dimensions and tolerances apply only at the drawing level where they are specified. A
dimension specified on a detail drawing is not mandotory for that feature on the assembly

Module 7

Module Overview
Definitions of useful GD&T terminologies, full forms of the abbreviations, etc

Straightness – A condition where an element of a surface or an axis is a straight line.

Flatness – Is the condition of a surface having all elements in one plane.

Roundness – Describes the condition on a surface of revolution (cylinder, cone, sphere) where all
points of the surface intersected by any plane.

Cylindricity – Describes a condition of a surface of revolution in which all points of a surface are
equidistant from a common axis.

Profile of a Line – Is the condition permitting a uniform amount of profile variation, ether unilaterally
or bilaterally, along a line element of a feature.

Profile of a Surface – Is the condition permitting a uniform amount of profile variation, ether
unilaterally or bilaterally, on a surface.

All Around Symbol – Indicating that a tolerance applies to surfaces all around the part.

Angularity – Is the condition of a surface, axis, or centerplane, which is at a specified angle from a
datum plane or axis.

Perpendicularity – Is the condition of a surface, axis, or line, which is 90 deg. From a datum plane or a
datum axis.

Parallelism – Is the condition of a surface, line, or axis, which is equidistant at all points from a datum
plane or axis.

Position Tolerance - Defines a zone within which the axis or center plane of a feature is permitted to
vary from true (theoretically exact) position.

Concentricity – Describes a condition in which two or more features, in any combination, have a
common axis.

Symmetry – Is a condition in which a feature (or features) is symmetrically disposed about the center
plane of a datum feature.

Runout – Is the composite deviation from the desired form of a part surface of revolution through on
full rotation (360°) of the part on a datum axis.

Total Runout – Is the simultaneous composite control of all elements of a surface at all circular and
profile measuring positions as the part is rotated through 360°.

Least Material Condition (LMC) – Implies that condition of a part feature of size wherein it is
contains the least (minimum) amount of material, examples, largest hole size and smallest
shaft size. It opposite to maximum material condition.

Regardless Of Feature Size (RFS) – The condition where the tolerance of form, runout or location must
be met irrespective of where the feature lies within its size tolerance.

Projected Tolerance Zone – Applies to a hole in which a pin, stud, screw, etc., is to be inserted.
It controls the perpendicularity of the hole to the extent of the projection from the hole and as
it relates to the mating part clearance. The projected tolerance zone extends above the surface
of the part to the functional length of the pin, stud, and screw relative to its assembly with the
mating part.

Tangent Plane - Indicating a tangent plane is shown. The symbol is placed in the feature control frame
following the stated tolerance.

Free State Variations – Is a term used to describe distortion of a part after removal of forces applied
during manufacture.

Diameter – Indicates a circular feature when used on the field of a drawing or indicates that the
tolerance is diametrical when used in a feature control frame.

Basic Dimension – Used to describe the exact size, profile, orientation or location of a feature.
A basic dimension is always associated with a feature control frame or datum target.
(Theoretically exact dimension in ISO)

Reference Dimension – A dimension usually without tolerance, used for information purposes only. It
does not govern production or inspection operations. (Auxiliary dimension in ISO)

Datum Feature – Is the actual component feature used to establish a datum.

Dimension Origin – Signifies that the dimension originates from the plane established by the shorter
surface and dimensional limits apply to the other surface.

Feature Control Frame – Is a rectangular box containing the geometric characteristics symbol, and the
form, runout or location tolerance. If necessary, datum references and modifiers applicable to the
feature or the datums are also contained in the box.

Conical Taper – Is used to indicate taper for conical tapers. This symbol is always shown with the
vertical leg to the left.

Slope – Is used to indicate slope for flat tapers. This symbol is always shown with the vertical leg to
the left.
Depth/Deep – Is used to indicate that a dimension applies to the depth of a feature. This symbol
precedes the depth value with no space in between.

Square – Is used to indicate that a single dimension applies to a square shape. The symbol
precedes the dimension with no space between.

Number of Places – The X is used along with a value to indicate the number of times a
dimension or feature is repeated on the drawing.

Arc Length – Indicating that a dimension is an arc length measured on a curved outline. The
symbol is placed above the dimension.

Radius - creates a zone defined by two arcs (the minimum and maximum radii). The part surface
must lie within this zone.

Spherical Radius – Precedes the value of a dimension or tolerance.

Spherical Diameter – Shall precede the tolerance value where the specified tolerance value
represents spherical zone. Also, a positional tolerance may be used to control the location of a
spherical feature relative to other features of a part. The symbol for spherical diameter precedes
the size dimension of the feature and the positional tolerance value, to indicate a spherical
tolerance zone.

Controlled Radius – Creates a tolerance zone defined by two arcs (the minimum and maximum
radii) that are tangent to the adjacent surfaces. Where a controlled radius is specified, the part
contour within the crescent-shaped tolerance zone must be a fair curve without flats or
reversals. Additionally, radii taken at all points on the part contour shall neither be smaller than
the specified minimum limit nor larger than the maximum limit.

Between – To indicate that a profile tolerance applies to several contiguous features, letters may
designate where the profile tolerance begins and ends. These letters are referenced using the
between symbol (since 1994) or the word between on drawings made to earlier versions of the

Statistical Tolerance – Is the assigning of tolerances to related components of an assembly on

the basis of sound statistics (such as the assembly tolerance is equal to the square root of the
sum of the squares of the individual tolerances). By applying statistical tolerancing, tolerances of
individual components may be increased or clearances between mating parts may be reduced.
The increased tolerance or improved fit may reduce manufacturing cost or improve the
product's performance, but shall only be employed where the appropriate statistical process
control will be used. Therefore, consideration should be given to specifying the required Cp and
/or Cpk or other process performance indices.

Counterbore / Spotface – Is used to indicate a counterbore or a spot face. The symbol precedes the
dimension of the counterbore or spot face, with no space.

Countersink – Is used to indicate a countersink. The symbol precedes the dimensions of the
countersink with no space.

Datum Target – Is a specified point, line, or area on a part that is used to establish the Datum
Reference Plane for manufacturing and inspection operations.

Target Point – Indicates where the datum target point is dimensionally located on the direct view of
the surface.

Actual Local Size – The value of any individual distance at any cross section of a FOS.

Actual Mating Envelop (AME) of an External Feature of Size – A similar perfect feature counterpart
of the smallest size that can be circumscribed about the feature so that it just contacts the surfaces
at the highest points.

Actual Mating Envelop (AME) of an Internal Feature of Size – A similar perfect feature counterpart
of the largest size that can be inscribed within the feature so that it just contacts the surfaces at
their highest points.

Axis Theory – The axis (or center plane) of a FOS must be within the tolerance zone.

Bilateral Tolerance – A tolerance that allows the dimension to vary in both the plus and minus

Bonus Tolerance – An additional tolerance for a geometric control. Whenever a geometric tolerance
is applied to a FOS, and it contains an MMC (or LMC) modifier in the tolerance portion of the feature
control frame, a bonus tolerance is permissible.

Boundary – The word “BOUNDARY” is placed beneath the feature control frames to invoke a
boundary control.

Composite Control – Controls the form, location and orientation of a part feature simultaneously
(ina single gauge reading).

Coordinate Tolerancing – A dimensioning system where a part feature is located (or defined) by
means of rectangular dimensions with given tolerances.

Coplanar Datum Features – Two or more datum features that are on the same plane.

Cylindrical FOS – Contains one feature: the cylindrical surface.

Datum – A theoretically exact plane, point or axis from which a dimensional measurement is made.

Datum Feature Simulator – The inspection equipment (or gauge surfaces) used to establish a

Datum Reference Frame – A set of three mutually perpendicular datum planes.

Datum Shift – The allowable movement, or looseness, between the part datum feature and the

Datum System – A set of symbols and rules that communicate to the drawing user how dimensional
measurements are to be made.

Engineering Drawing – A document that communicates a precise description of a part. This

description consists of pictures, words, numbers and symbols.

Equal Bilateral Tolerance – A tolerance where the allowable variation from the nominal value is the
same in both directions.

Feature – A general term applied to a physical portion of a part, such as a surface, hole or slot.

Feature of Size (FOS) – One cylindrical or spherical surface, or a set of two opposed elements or
opposed parallel surfaces, associated with a size dimension.

Feature of Size Dimension – A dimension that is associated with a feature of size.

Fixed Fastener Assembly – Where the fastener is held in place (restrained) into one of the
components of the assembly.

Floating Fastener Assembly – Where two (or more) components are held together with fasteners
(such as bolts and nuts), and both components have clearance holes for the fasteners.

Functional Dimensioning – A dimensioning philosophy that defines a part based on how it functions
in the final product.

Functional Gauge – A gauge that verifies functional requirements of part features as defined by the
geometric tolerance.

Go Gauge – A gauge that is intended to fit into (for an internal FOS) or fit over (for an external FOS)
the FOS.

Inclined Datum Feature – A datum feature that is at an angle other than 900, relative to the other
datum features.

Median Point – The mid-point of a two-point measurement.

Modifiers (8) – Communicate additional information about the drawing or toleracing of a part.

Multiple Single-Segment Profile Control – When two or more profile controls are tolerancing a
surface relative to different datums.

No-Go gauge – A gauge that is not intended to fit into or over a FOS. A No-Go gauge is made to the
LMC limit of the FOS.

Non-Feature of Size Dimension – A dimension that is not associated with a FOS.

Outer Boundary (OB) – A worst-case boundary generated by the largest feature of size plus the
stated geometric tolerance (and any additional tolerance, if applicable).

Primary Datum – The first datum plane that the part contacts in a dimensional measurement.

Rule #1 – Where only a tolerance of size is specified, the limits of size of an individual feature
prescribe the extent to which variations in its form-as well as in its size—are allowed.

Rule #2 – RFS applies, with respect to the individual tolerance, datum reference, or both, where no
modifying symbol is specified.

Secondary Datum – The second datum plane that the part contacts in a dimensional measurement.

Simulated Datum – The plane (or axis) established by the datum feature simulator.

Tertiary Datum - The third datum plane that the part contacts in a dimensional measurement.

3-2-1 Rule - Defines the minimum number of points of contact required for a part datum feature
with its primary, secondary, and tertiary datum planes.

True Position - The theoretically exact location of a FOS as defined by basic dimensions.

True Profile - The exact profile of a part feature as described by basic dimensions.

Implied Basic 900 Angles – A 900 basic angle applies where centerlines of features in a pattern (or
surfaces shown at right angles on a drawing) are located and defined by basic dimensions, and no
angle is specified.

Variable Gauge – A gauge capable of providing a numerical reading of a part parameter.

Virtual Condition (VC) – A worst-case boundary generated by the collective effects of a feature of
size specified at MMC or at LMC and the geometric tolerance for that material condition.

Virtual Condition Boundary Theory – A theoretical boundary limits the location of the surfaces of a

Worst-Case Boundary (WCB) – A general term to refer to the extreme boundary of a FOS that is the
worst-case for assembly. Depending upon the part dimensioning, a worst-case boundary can be a
virtual condition, inner boundary, or outer boundary.

Zero Tolerance at MMC – A method of tolerancing part features that includes the tolerance
geometric value with the FOS tolerance and states a zero at MMC in the feature control

Implied Datum – An assumed plane, axis or point from which a dimensional measurement is made

Maximum Material Condition (MMC) – Is that condition of a part feature wherein it contains the
Maximum amount of material within the stated limits of size. That is: minimum hole size and
maximum shaft size.

Contacts for GD&T Inquiry:

Mr. Swapnil Gujarathi

ASME-USA Certified Senior GD&T Trainer

CADSaga Consultancy Services

L-8, Suyojit Sankul, Sharanpur Road
Nashik – 422002, MS, India

+91 90110 81591 [email protected]

Join our GD&T LinkedIn Group: “GD&T Practitioners of India”

Thanks & Best Luck !!!

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