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Government of India





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H'-Mm ^Hr\ India

Disaster Risk Management Programme

Repeated disasters threaten sustainable development. Disasters destroy decades of human

efforts and investments towards development, thereby placing heavy demands on society for
reconstruction and rehabilitation. Between the years 1991 to 2000,Asia has accounted for83%of
the population affected by disasters globally. Within Asia, 24% of deaths due to disasters occur in
India, on account of its size, population and vulnerability. The Indian sub-continent is highly
prone to natural disasters. Geographically floods affect 40 million hectares ofthe land, cyclones
affect particularly the east and west coastal areas and 59% of the land is vulnerable to
earthquakes. High level of risks combined with low levels of local capacity to cope with the
hazards result in major loss of lives, property and livelihood.

Disaster Risk Management Programme:

The Gol (Government of India) and UNDP (United Nations development Programme) Disaster
Risk Management programme provides support to the Government to set up an institutional
framework addressing issues of disaster preparedness, response, prevention and mitigation. In
addition, a sub-component ofthe programme focuses on earthquake vulnerability reduction in
38 cities falling in zones III to V(medium to high riskto Earthquakes) having a population of more
than half a million each.

The progarmme objectives are:

a. Capacity building to institutionalize systems for DRM in the government
b. Support preparation of participatory multi-hazard preparedness plans, through
preparation of response and mitigation plans for disaster risk management at state,
district, block, and village and ward level in 176 most multi-hazard prone districts of 17
selected states (roughly covering 30% of India's population).
c. Awareness generation and education programmes in disaster risk reduction and

d. Networking knowledge on effective approaches, methods and tools for disaster risk
management, developing and promoting policyframeworks at state and national levels.

The DRM programme is being funded under a multi donor framework of $ 41 million.Apart from
UNDP other donors such as the European Union (EU),the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), the Government of Japan, the Australian Agency for International
development (AUSAID), Department of International Development (DFID), the European
Commission Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) and United Nations International Strategy for
Disaster reduction (UNISDR) are part ofthis framework.

The use and sharing of information in this document is encouraged, with due acknowledgement of the source.

FrontCover:Villagedisaster management team members engaged in riskand vulnerability mapping in Bijnordistrict of

Utter Pradesh. © DPO Bijnor.

Foreword 5

Acknowledgments 7

Gender Mainstreaming Initiatives

1. Women leaders addressing differential needs 9

Bhadrakdistrict, Orissa

2. Women master trainers developing community preparedness 11

Barpeta district, Assam

3. Youth volunteers'network to institutionalize disaster preparedness 16

West district, Delhi

4. Interdepartmental coordination and media reaching out 19

Saharanpur district, Uttar Pradesh

5. Women volunteers shaping a gender equal tomorrow 24

Puri district, Orissa

6. Citizen leaders ensure sustainability 26

Sitapur district, Uttar Pradesh

7. Women in street theatre 31

North-west district, Delhi

8. Self help groups mainstreaming disaster management 33

Latur district, Maharastra

9. Acceredited Social Health Workers as role models 38

Nagaon district, Assam

10. Through the rise of sisterhood 40

Nagapattinam district, Tamilnadu

11. Women as essential change agents 45

Mayurbhanj district, Orissa

12. Developing gender sensitivity as a practice 48

Gujarat Experience

13. Aanganwadisupervisorsas an all women first aid team 54

Kolhapurdistrict, Maharastra

14. Catching them young through puppet show 57

Tiruvallur District,Tamil Nadu

The primaryobjective ofGOI-UNDP DisasterRisk Management (DRM) programme, whichisbeing

implemented across 176 multi hazard prone districts in 17 states, is sustainable reduction in
disaster risk. One of the critical indicators of disaster risk reduction is gender equity in disaster
preparedness.Therefore, in this programme strong emphasis has been laid on representation of
women in disaster management committees and teams to ensure their increased and sustained
involvement during different stages of disaster resulting in gender equitable community

"Women as Equal Partners" documents significant gender mainstreaming initiatives taken up

under the programme. These good practices attempt to capture ongoing gender equity
initiatives and activities involving different stakeholders. The rationale of bringing out a special
publication is to highlight gender dimensions of the programme and to record those initiatives
that promote women's participation in areas where women are traditionally not well

For better appreciation of gender equity in disaster risk reduction, UNDP with support from
Women Power Connect - a national level organization of women's groups and individuals
facilitated the compilation of "Women as Equal Partners".The document is a collection of various
experiences derived from the field as experienced by different departments of government, civil
society organizations, members of disaster management committees and teams, Disaster
Management functionaries, women volunteers, Health (ASHA) workers, Anganwadi workers,
Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan volunteers, Panchayati Raj Representatives and community
leaders.Their experiences inensuring women's participation illustrate varied strategiesadopted
to address differential needs and vulnerabilities of men and women.

We are pleased to bring in this document as it highlights the involvement of women in disaster
preparedness, creating new avenues for women to realizetheir inherent potential and empower
them to influence people and decisions in the paradigm shift from women's vulnerabilities
towards more comprehensive understanding of women's capacities.

We hope that this document will be effective in mainstreaming gender in to disaster risk
management as a knowledge product and an advocacy tool.


Rajeev Kumar PieterBult

Director NDM III &Deputy National Project Director Deputy Country Director (Programme)
Ministry of Home Affairs,Government of India

This document "Women as Equal Partners" is drawn from the experiences of women involved in
the Gol-UNDP Disaster Risk Management Programme (DRM) and was prepared by team led by
Mangathai Ramisetty. We thank all those women whose experiences have featured in this
document for their committed involvement in the programme. Special thanks to state
government functionaries who supported this initiative and Panchayt Raj Institution members,
SelfHelpGroup members, Anganwadi workers and other community members fortheir valuable

Special thanks goes to DRM Programme team especially Abha Mishra, Biranchi Rout,Tanushree
Verma, Aditi Umrao, Rakesh Kumar Bhatt, Rahul Pandit, Ravi Ranganathan, Raja Vimal kumar.V,
Kumar Sudhir, Sadashiv G.Thanke, Prasad Sankpal Vijay, Nandita Hazarika, Mukta Ram Deka,
Siddhartha S.Chaliha, Kalika Mohapatra, ParimitaRoutroy, Bibhuti BhushanDalei, Subodh Ranjan
Das, Purno Chandra Mohanty, B.R.Patel, Sarat Panda, Suneel Tiwari, Chetna Rajput, Himanshu
Trivedi, Hiren Thakkar, Priyanka Paramar, Kamlesh Patel, Kamlesh Oza, Dhananjay Goswami,
Mrugesh Raval, Kunjal Rao, Anugrah Abraham, Jacob John, Balaka Dey, Irene Stephen, Shafali
Rajora and SushilChaudhary fortheir technical Support inaccomplishing this initiative.

We acknowledge contribution of Women Power Connect (WPC) - a network of women's

organizations led by Kanta Singh for developing the case studies. We thank Nandini Oberoi for
editing this document and Eva van Beek (UNDP Communications team) for her valuable feed

The preparation of the document was facilitated by the enormous guidance received from the
senior officials of the Ministry of Home Affairs (the executing agency of the DRM programme at
the national level),and officers of UNDP country office, New Delhi.

Officer In Charge
Women Leaders Addressing
Differential Needs
Bhadrak district, Orissa

Sulochana Behra Pradhan of Moharampur in a meeting with Disaster

Management Programmefunctionariesand panchayatmembers.

Itis s veryimportant for women to be involved in training about DRM and decision
In a nutshell making, at the time ofthe disaster."

In Bhadrak district of -Jyotsnamoyi Pradhan, Kolha Panchayat

Orissa, promoting
women leaders under
the Disaster Risk On entering Moharampur panchayat office, women in huge numbers are seen
Management (DRM) attending training on first aid skills in the event of floods. Sulochana was busily
Programme has paved interacting with women responding to their queries along with her disaster
the way for greater management team members. Sulochana Behra and Jyotsnamoyee are the
women leaders whose example illustrates how women leaders can engender
inclusion of women at
community preparedness efforts.
the village level.
Women leaders have Sulochana Behra Pradhan of Moharampur panchayat was elected President of
emerged as role the panchayat in March 2007 and isthe coordinator for allwomen SHG groups
models for village in her village. Sulochana sounded confident and equipped with all the
women and the larger essential information about the village administration. The Disaster Risk
community. The Management programme functionaries had oriented her about the need and
importance of trainings, especially trainings for women. These interactions
community can now
have strengthened her interest in ensuring women's participation across all
visualize women in
community initiatives. Since she holds an influential position in the village,
new roles, surpassing she utilises public platforms like panchayat meetings and SHG group meetings
the traditional gender to address issues pertaining to women.
divide between men
and women and bring Since Sulochana is also an active Disaster Management Team member women
them to a common find it easy to approach her and get the needed information. She felt it was
necessary to equip women with ways of dealing with both minor and serious
platform that enables
accidents, since most of the women in village worked both at home and in the
them to participate in
agricultural fields. It was with this understanding that women were largely
decision making.
trained in first aid. Sulochana ensures that women are informed and aware
about training programmes, and encourages them to participate and build up
their life-saving skills. These training sessions incorporate information about
the basic health care of women; and provide a synergy between Disaster Risk
Management Programme (from here on reffred To as DRM) objectives and
women's needs in the village.

Women Leaders Addressing Differential Needs

Women inthe village havenowgained a platform to expresstheirconcerns, relating to both domesticand
social issues.Theyhave come together as a body with a representative who can negotiate on their behalf.
Theyfeel that they can now contribute beyond their individual families and be a vital part of community
activities.This level of participation entailed a long process, which began with orienting the panchayat
leader, who in turn influenced men and women in the village to support DRM activities and ensured
women's engagement in the trainings.Thus DRM programme began harnessing the potential of women
leaders in the community in order to ensure greater participation of women and to address the specific
needs of women in day-to-day life.

Replicablegood practice
Partnering with women leaders within localgovernance institutions may be considered a replicablegood
practice to address differential gender needs because:

• It provides an opportunity of partnering with the leader of the panchayat to put forth DRM
programme agenda, and builds up an influentialadvocate forwomen's issues.

• Besides having sensitivity to understand and focus on differential needs, she has at her disposal
tools to address the needs.

Lessons learnt

Highlighting the role and potential of women leaders empowers themselves and inspireswomen in the
community. It increases their credibility and entails increased trust from thecommunity.

Strong women leaders who exercise genuine influence in the community and can advocate the potential
role of women need to be identified, which isnot an easy taskas they aredifficult to find.


Careful identification and nurturing the capabilities of women who can be potential leaders within the
community will create a critical mass of able women leaders committed to address differential needs of
men and women in the broader development processes.

Jyotsnamoyi Pradhan ofKoIha Village who is taking special

interest in sensitising community on Disaster Risk
Management Programme

Women Leaders Addressing Differential Needs

Women master trainers developing
disaster preparedness
Barpeta District, Assam

Awoman trainer alongwith a medicalpractitioner imparting first aidskills during

a block levelDisasterManagementtraining andmockdrill

"Earlier we wouldguestion a woman's ability to do heavy work (search and rescue

operations); since wefelt that a woman isnotas strong asa man. Now wefeel that if
In a nutshell didi (sister) can learn and teach, then so can we."
When women were
- Kajol, woman Disaster Management Team member
inducted as master
trainers in Assam, they
contributed to change Government of Assam under the Gol-UNDP Disaster Risk Management
the traditional programme, sought to build the capacities of volunteers to act as trainers to
gendered roles of impart disaster preparedness skills in the community. The volunteers drawn
women as caregivers from the community with the help of civil society organizations underwent a
and nurturers. These Training of Trainers course at the block level. It was felt that women master
master trainers paved trainers would provide an enabling environment for other women to learn. In
addition, these trainers would act as facilitators in the process of developing a
the way for the greater
contingency plan at the village level and assist in the formation of Disaster
participation of
ManagementTeams (DMTs).
women in trainings for
first aid as well as in A meeting with the gaonbura (village headman) facilitated the process of
trainings for search reaching out to the community and the selection of members of the DMTs.
and rescue operations. Since the women were aware of the resources available within the community
Women were
and could identify the needs of the community in a disaster situation, they
played a central role in the discussions.
comfortable learning
from women trainers. Amapping exercise to analyse the vulnerability, resources and socialset-up in
Subsequently, their the village was carried out before preparing the disaster management plan.
candid participation in The presence of the women master trainers created a comfort level forwomen
the planning process and encouraged them to participate in the formulation of the Community
has resulted in Contingency Plan (CCP) and the selection of the Disaster Management team
broader, engendered
and more effective
In this block, trainings have been imparted in first aid and search and rescue
disaster preparedness. operations. However the participation ofwomen had been primarily inthe first
aid trainings.The woman master trainer, who leads the training in a particular
block, facilitated the involvement of women in the entire training process and

Women master trainers developing disaster preparedness

helped to enhance their capacities, by virtue of her own status and role in the project. Being a woman-
trainer, she had an advantage over her male colleagues, as she could talk to women individually, in their
homes and convince them of their potential and the contribution that they can maketowards prepared
community. The master trainers explained that women do not need to be at the periphery of such
programmes and impressed upon them that they should learn the skills that will equip them to take up an
active role while faced with a calamity. The training was imparted to a mixed group of men and women.
Since the team of trainers had a woman master trainer it was easy to demonstrate certain actions like
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), a technique which would have been uncomfortable for women to
learn from a male-trainer.

Although a number ofwomen tooktraininginsearchand rescuemethods,they refrained from becoming

members of the team. Nevertheless they feel confident and are wellequipped to save their families and
assistthe team inrescuing people when struckbya disaster. They aredispensingthe impression that they
are physically weaker than men and are unable to do tasks that need muscular strength.

The training given to the women by a woman-trainer has meant an alternate vision of a woman's role in
society, as the space that has always been occupied by men is now shared with women. These women
have also started taking an active part in other programmes run by the government and other

Replicable good practice

Women master trainers may be considered a replicable good practice to build the preparedness
capacities ofthe community because:

• Women as master trainers contribute to breaking prevalent gender stereotypes, since the task of
training on disaster preparedness has traditionally been seen as a male bastion.

• This hasledto an unprecedented participation ofwomeninsearchand rescuetraining.

• It has meant the involvement of women in resource mapping, planning and the constitution of
DMTs, which in turn has ensured engendered decision-making.

Lessons learnt

• Women's participation in 'search and rescue' is possible and beneficial. When efforts are made to
ensure a culturally sensitive environment for women to learn new skills, women are willing to
shed their inhibitions and come forward to learn.
• When women see a clear application of skills-learnt to building the resilienceoftheir families and
community,they take significantsteps towards overcoming social barriersto acquire those skills.
• Given the right environment, women can play a dynamic role in community mapping and
planning, as they are most aware of the available resources within the community and relate
better to the day-to-day realities, which ensue ina disaster.


• Even though women acquired specialised skills in'search and rescue', they remain hesitant to take
up responsibilitywithin the DMT.The gender barriers incarryingout these rolesstill prevail.

Women master trainers developing disaster preparedness


An understanding of the root causes that hinder women from becoming members of the search
and rescue DMTs is needed to overcome these barriers.

School Girlsin a sensitization rail) n the eve of

International Natural Disaster RiskReductionDay

Women mastertrainers developingdisasterpreparedness

Women DMTmembers during a community risk assessment exerc
in Surat dist. Gujarat

omen from Residents Welfare Association doing vulnerability and resource

mapping in West Delhidist. Delhi
Youth volunteers1 network to
institutionalize disaster preparedness
West Delhi district, Delhi

NYKS women volunteersduring a training programme in West Delhi

"Each time we perform in a slum colony, girls from that basti (cluster/smallvillage)
come to us and ask how they can get involvedin theplay.They also want to know our
In a nutshell telephone numbersso that theycan talkto us later. Ifeellikea starthere."
One of the key elements
of Disaster Risk
- Pooja, a NYKS volunteer
Management (DRM)
Programme is to
establish and sustain Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) is an autonomous body of the Ministry
partnership linkages of Youth Affairsand Sports, Government of India, and was set up in 1972. NYKS
with important organizes vocational trainings, adventure activities, sports events, youth
stakeholders. One such leadership camps and camps that create awareness on social and cultural
partnership with Nehru issues through its youth clubs, with the objective of involving youth in nation
Yuva Kendra Sangthan building. It is considered as a perfect platform that reaches out to the youth
(NYKS) of West Delhi and also to a larger segment of the population. Since NYKS has a significant
district highlights the number of women members, their involvement is sought as facilitators to
potential of partnering enhance women's participation in DRM activities. DRM has been integrated
with a youth volunteers' across the programmes of NYKS - in rallies, conventions and community
network in interactions.
institutionalizing the
DRM programme. Lalita Kumari, Youth Coordinator (NYKS) has played a catalytic role in
Women volunteers from integrating DRM into NYKS activities, since 2003.She has involved herself and
NYKS are striving to other women volunteers in all the disaster management activities conducted
enhance the by Office of Deputy CommissionerWestsince the initiation of the programme
participation of women in year 2003.
by supporting the
district administration. Today, around 61 registered NYKS clubs of male and female volunteers are
Their efforts have operational in this district. Around 140 women volunteers from NYKS had
succeeded in generating undergone Disaster Management Training in 2007. It has been noticed that
interest among women with the help of these trained women volunteers mainstreaming of women in
and persuaded them to Disaster management activities are taking place in much rapid way.
come forward and
contribute to building According to Lalita on one hand a lot of positive development has been seen in
the disaster these women volunteers like they are seen to be more confident in
preparedness of their coordinating and managing any programme and their mobilityhas increased
community. as most of them belong to conservative families in Delhi Haryana border.

buth volunteers' network to institutionalize disaster preparedness

Someof these women volunteers were placed in the DeputyCommissioner's office and are making an
outstanding contribution by providing support in the implementation of the District Disaster
ManagementPlan.These women volunteersalsoassistthe District Project Officer (DPO), DRM increating
awareness among women in different communities, resource mapping, plan formulation and in
conducting trainings. Following the training they received from Aradhya (an NGO specializing instreet
theatre) theyareenthusiastic about organizing street plays.They consider street plays to bevery effective
in creating awareness among the women, many ofwhom are illiterate.

Women volunteers have helped in reaching out to women, who hesitate to come out for
awareness camps and performances. They themselves have undergone a change as a
consequence of their involvement in the DRM Programme. I can see a very positive
development in termsoftheirability to organize and managethings. Their own mobility has
increased and they are considered role models in theirfamilies and communities. They also
motivate more girls to get involved as volunteers."
- Ms Lalita Kumari, Youth Coordinator, NYKS

Thefavourable orientation ofDPO West Delhi towards genderissues helped guidethe volunteers to bring
women on board. It has been noticed that participation of women has increased because of women
volunteers.They areabletocommunicate andfoster betteracceptance among women in the community.
The impact is evidentwhen these women volunteers conductprogrammes especially in villages andslum
clusters. Women volunteers have worked very hard to make a place for themselves in society. The
responseoftheirfamiliesand from the communitytowardstheirwork has been very positive.

Replicable good practice

Partnering with a network of youth volunteers' may be considered a replicable good practice to
institutionalize disaster preparedness because:
• Utilising existing networks institutionalizes the programme effectively and provides a wider
outreach and smoothercoordination.
• Youth networks like NYKS have a fair gender balance because they comprise ofa pool ofyoung
and dynamic women,who strive to bringgender equity incommunity activities.
• Since thesewomen volunteers arebudding leaders, theyact asaconstantreserve for programme

Lessons learnt
Women volunteers are more sensitive in theirinteractions with women from the community. They show
flexibility in adjusting the timings ofperformances or meetings to suit women, because they understand
the differential gender rolesand the constraints faced bywomen.

• While rural women respond well to awareness programmes, itis difficult to mobilize womenfrom
the slums as most of them work outside the home.
• Finding an appropriate venue inthe slums,where women volunteers feel comfortable and safe, is
often a challenge.

Youth volunteers'network to institutionalizedisasterpreparedness

• NYKS can play a role in motivating and training Self Help Groups to take up a more proactive role
in disaster preparedness.
• Using the visual medium to communicate awareness messages would help to reach women with
limited reading skills.

NYKS volunteers enacting a street play on disaster risk

management on the streets of West Delhi

Youth volunteers' network to institutionalize disaster preparedness

Interdepartmental coordination and
media reaching out to women and girls
Saharanpur District, Uttar Pradesh

* Training in Islamia Collegefor Girls underSarva SikhaAbhiyan ofSaharanpur

"Men get information from different sourceslike newspapers and from talking toeach
other. They nevershare the news with us.Firstly, wedo not have access to thepapers
In a nutshell andsecondly we arelaughedat even when we try to pick up thepaper. Most of the
women in the village are illiterate, so the only way we can learn something new is
In the Saharanpur district
throughTVor workshopslikethis."
of Uttar Pradesh,
- Shanti, one of the women trained
involvement of various
government departments
has helped the Disaster Saharanpur district is vulnerable to both natural as well as human- induced
Risk Management (DRM) disasters. The town has a number of small and medium sized industries. Since
programme reach out to safety norms are not followed, the industrial areas are particularlyvulnerable
women and girls in the to fire, gas leaks and electric shocks. Proprietors are reluctant to invest in
community. The training workers in industrial safety methods. In the rural areas LPG related
departments assumed the mishaps, snake bites and floods are common. In both these contexts, it is the
responsibility of women who face a higher degree of vulnerability, due to their greater
communicating the DRM exposure to risk combined with the lack of adequate knowledge on how to
messages through their
prevent and cope with emergency situations.
already active network of
women stakeholders. This
In order to reduce disaster risks, the involvement of women and girls has been
district has successfully
specifically advocated through
engaged with the media
government programmes and "Participation of women volunteers from
in creating mass NSS is a significant step and if all girls
awareness, with a special departments, like Sarva Siksha
become aware, then our society will
focus on the initiatives of Abhiyan, Integrated Child
change for the good and will progress."
women and girls. The local Development Scheme, Mahila
television channel and Samakhya, National Service Vimal Dubey, Upper Divisional
local newspapers cover Scheme and education ,health Commissioner, in a media report(Manav
most of the programme and industry departments . As a Jagat, 12January 2007)
activities like mock drills, result, these programmes and
first-aid training and departments have provided DisasterRisk Management inputs intheir women-
search and rescue specific trainings, workshops and rallies. As these functionaries are primary
demonstrations. The implementers of a spectrum of programmes in the district, their role has been
programme has been able critical in institutionalizing DRM with gender equity into government
to leverage media
processes. Thegood rapport ofDPO withother Project Officers has helpedthe
attention to effectively
DRM agenda reach various platforms.
reinforce the need to
prioritise DRM.
Since the programme makesa special attempt to reachout to students,regular
training activities are conducted that target boys and girls in schools and

Interdepartmental coordination and media reaching outtowomen and girls

colleges. Girls have been especially encouraged to participate. After the initial hesitation, a number of
these girls began to take lead roles inthe workshops.These interventionshave had anexcellent impacton
the target groups and have attracted media attention.

Iwill be very happy to make myown team in the village. Iam sure there are a lot of girls who want to do
good work but there are no opportunities like this. Once we start organizing young educated girls as
volunteers, others will follow us".
-Seema, a college student

The DPO has made a commendable effort in involving the media #^i-i«t IsTO - IX "3*vw-2fit
in DRM initiatives. Newspapers cover the different events
organized under the programme, which helps to popularize
Disaster Risk Management and makes it part of household
<*» am »»»» « b t " v{N >»*.#wi n 1
conversations. When girls or women make outstanding
contributions, their efforts are given special media coverage. tm Wm w »*— hm-vj i l» *»* mhvtti mm n mi

This generates further interest and acceptability. To allow a

broader reach, short films have also been made with the support
from local media agencies to train the semi-literate rural
population, inwhich women and girlsare lead actors.

Replicable good practices

Interdepartmental coordination and engaging the media is considered a replicable good practice to
reach out to women and girls because:
• It creates a platform to mainstream DRM in departmental activities, especially in programmes
with stakeholders like, the health, education and industry department and Mahila Samakhya ,
NSS and ICDS programmes. When these women, as agents of change, convey Disaster Risk
reduction messages to the community, the information is instinctively reached out to men and
women equally.
• Maintaining good relations with other district officials and fellow Project Officers helps in the
practical implementation of programmes.The use of print and electronic media attracts the
attention of different sections of the community and effectively reinforces the need to prioritize

Lessons learnt

Many young girls arebeing trainedto takeup the taskofeducating other women which empowers them,
helps indeveloping their personalitiesand increases women's participation.

Short films and media coverage of DRM training programmes featuring proactive women volunteers
have proved to be effective not only in motivating more women volunteers but also in creating
awareness amongst women and breaking many gender stereotypes.

Sustaining interdepartmental coordination mechanism is a challenge, since in the absence of an
institutional mechanism; the onus is on the initiativeof proactive officers.

nterdepartmental coordination andmedia reaching outtowomen andgirls


Asystematic and strategic partnership with the media can multiply these efforts. Workshops with local
media persons can be mobilized to generate awareness and highlight the role of women in DRM

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Media Coverage of women's involvement in

disaster riskmanagement in Saharanpur district

Interdepartmental coordination and media reaching outtowomen and girls


A7S5 volunteers at Ambaji fair preparing for emergency aid

in Banaskantha dist. Gujarat

men Volunteers enacting a street play in North West Delhi dist. Delhi

A woman being rescued by DMT members during flashflo

in Uttar Kasi dist. Uttarakhan,


men DMTmembers explaining a risk and vulnerability mapping

in Bijnor dist. Uttar Pradesh
Women volunteers shaping a gender
equal tomorrow
Puri district, Orissa

Demonstration of CPR technigue by Haripriya, a woman volunteer working in

puri district

The doctor's on the move!"

In a nutshell -Chinmoy Mohanty from Oriei village
The Disaster Risk
Management (DRM)
Programme in Puri
district of Orissa has
Haripriya, Girima and Manini are the doctors referred here, who started to work
engaged young women as field volunteers with Sampark, a local NGO that works in the area of disaster
as master trainers to preparedness. These young women are in the 21 to 23 year age-group and are
impart training on first actively involved in imparting training on first aid to both women and men.
aid techniques and other Haripriya Panda, Manini Raut and Girima are three women from Orei village
requisite skills. The who have been associated with the DRM programme since its inception, in
devastating super- 2003. During these years, these women have gone through a unique journey
cyclone that hit Orissa in and have discovered their capacities; fine tuned their skills and has inspired
other women to actively participate in a similar process. Ever since the three of
1999, led to a surge in
them joined Sampark, the participation of women has increased as expected.
community response and
Besides the increase in the number of women volunteers, which was a direct
participation in
result of their involvement, there were a number of other results which proved
to be very positive for the larger understanding of gender roles within the
interventions. In their
attempt to involve
women, the DRM Hari Priya is a DMT member and the president of a local women's group called
programme Mahila Swaasth Sangathan. In spite of being very busy, she has taken out time
functionaries decided to to train DMT members in first aid, in more than 150 villages. She says that
engage young women as though her family has been supportive of her engagement in the DRM
master trainers. These programme, she has often faced resistance from her community and people
master trainers would
from the villages near by. She rides to villages on her bicycle, challenging all
stereotypes that restrict the mobility of women. To her surprise, people
further facilitate in
including some women have passed remarks like "such girls will one day stain
preparing the
the face of womanhood!' She was initially a bit uncomfortable with mixed
communities in building
participation of men and women but as she used to conduct these trainings
a gender responsive she became more comfortable with the new environment and the initial
community disaster risk hesitation faded away.
reduction plan.
They were comfortable with the idea of giving Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

Women volunteers shaping a gender equal tomorrow

(artificial respiration) to anyone,(whethera man or a woman) inan emergency.Thecommunity might be
uncomfortable with the ideaofwomen giving CPR to men but the volunteersbelieve that life saving skills
cannot be wrong. They have also shared that nowwomen were more comfortable during the trainings
and manyofthemhavealsoappliedtheirlearning.

Hari Priya and her colleagues said that women who were sensitized acknowledge the fact that men and
women have different needs in situations of emergency like floods, however, they reiterate that
equipping both men and women, avoids absolute dependence on men. Theyfelt that men and women
both should learn all the skills that can help them face a disaster, as disasters do not differentiate on
gender! This has indeed been the underlying orientation inthe trainings done so far.

Replicable good practices

Bringing inwomen as master trainers may be considered a replicablegood practice because:
• Women being cast in the roleof the forerunners of knowledge leads to a positive change in the
understanding of gender at the community level.
• Women beingtrainerscanfacilitate greater participation bywomeninthe trainings, which inturn
enhances their life skills.
• The involvement of women master trainers boosts their confidence and self esteem and
increases their exposure to the world

Lessons learnt

• Involving women as master trainers can ensure involvement of the entire community in the
trainings, easing out the hesitationof men and women comingtogether to share the same space
and learn the same skills.

• Traditional perspective towards women's gender roles and allowances still hampers their
• Too much emphasis on women training women infirst aidmight result intypifying the skill being
imparted as useful only to women.


• Women SHGs maybe approached inthese villages to initiatetraining programmes with women
through the existing trainers.

Haripriya, FirstAid Trainer on showing first aid

techniques in Gop village ofPuri district.

Women volunteers shapinga genderequal tomorrow

Citizen Leaders ensure sustainability
Sitapur district, Uttar Pradesh

Archana,an active Citizen Leader displaying IEC material on the Disaster

Management Programme

Igo and talk tothe village Pradhans to seek their support in organizing events in the
villages. Initially otherwomen laughed at me butnowthey envymyposition. Iget to
In a nutshell travelto differentblocksfortrainingand meet many importantpeople."
To ensure the
- Archana, a Citizen Leader, Sitapur
sustainability of its
programmes, the
Disaster Risk
Sitapur is one of those districts, where in spite of a large number of
Management (DRM)
development programmes, the desired change or development has not
programme proposed occurred.Oneofthe majorreasonsforthis is the lack ofcommunity leadership
interventions aimed at
and initiative. During field visits and after a close observation of the local
developing the
dynamics, the idea of Citizen Leaders came intoexistence. In orderto attain
capacities of institutions
these desired outcomes it was necessary to develop the idea of citizen
and individuals so that
they can play a lead role
beyond the programme. In this context, the DPO organised a three-day training session in each block
In Sitapur district, of and encouraged voluntary participation by providing a direct link between
Uttar Pradesh, a the programme and their daily lives. It was encouraging to see eight
promising initiative has enthusiastic young people come forward to volunteer their time and effort
prepared a large team of towards this endeavour. In addition to them, few volunteers from Self Help
responsible women and Groups (SHGs) have come forward along with local NGOs.Together this pool of
men as Citizen Leaders. volunteers is referred to as 'Citizen Leaders'.
These Citizen Leaders
are playing a direct role Citizen Leaders were different from the Master Trainers. Master trainers were
in increasing local usually selected on the basis oftheirtraining skills, their enthusiasm towards
resilience and the programme and their desire to contribute and takethe messageforward,
addressing the root while Citizen Leaderswere people who were not only were committed to the
causes of vulnerability. Disaster Management Program but have also been associated with all the
Since most of these communitydevelopment activities insociety. Significant factabout the citizen
Citizen Leaders are leaders was that they were not chosen by anyone, but volunteered. Now
women, their unique Disaster Management was no longer district programme functionaries'
role in effectively agenda alone, it becamecitizen leader's agenda and they were taking DRM
mobilizing the whole functionaries help to take the programmeforward and to makeit sustainable
community is worth inthecommunity.
As a consequence of regular inputs, trainings and mutual interactions, their

Citizen Leaders ensure sustainability

capacities have developed. As citizen leaders assumed ownership of the DRM programme, their potential
was revealed as active agents of change in the community. Out of 21 Citizen Leaders of the district, 60
percent are women. Thiscomplements the efforts of the DPO as these volunteers are well prepared and
trained to make the impact of this programme sustainable. Some of these Citizen Leaders are illiterate but
they conduct regular mock drillsand training programmes.

Archana isa Citizen Leader. She isan agricultural labourer and lives in Machreta, Sitapur. She has studied
up to class 12and was very keen to do something special in her life but was not getting the right platform.
When DRM training programmes were organized in her block, she participated as a trainee. She also took
part in the five-day Master Trainers' training. Her outgoing personality and immense interest in the
ongoing activities made her very popular and useful for various activities. Volunteers like Anita are
involved inorganizing follow-up meetings with villagewomen to improvetheir abilityand confidence to
share their experiences, needs and concerns about disasters.

Women leaderscontributed significantly inenhancing the qualityof inputs and helped in increasing the
participation of women in community-based disaster management. In the blocks where women Citizen
Leaders were involved, women's participation in trainings and other events wasfound to be higherthan
in other areas. The DPO is confident that these Citizen Leaders will ensure sustainability of this

Replicable good practices

Developing citizen leaders to ensure sustainability may
beconsidered a replicable good practice because:
• A team of committed volunteers that model "We try to look beyond the programme mandate.
citizenship in the community isa critical resource There are man-made disasters taking place
that also provides sustained follow-up to the everyday in our home (in the form of female
programme activities. foeticide) and on the road (sexual harassment of
• Young people coming forward on their own women). Our group is also trying to sensitize
accord leads to long term community ownership students in schools and colleges on these issues.
and sustainability. The potential of these Citizen Ofcourse our major responsibility isto equip them
Leaders may be utilised for a broad range of to help themselves and others during and after
social development initiatives. natural disasters."
- Deependra Saini, woman CitizenLeader

"I am trying to add value to the existing systems by

investing my time in developing these human Lessons Learnt
resources. I am confident that my team members
will not only be responsible citizens themselves, Women citizen leaders in this case study began with
but will lead towards holistic development." enthusiasm but showed a lackof confidence possiblydue to
their social conditioning.
- Aditi Umrao, DPO (Sitapur)
Regular motivation and inputs has changed their orientation
and they have realised their potential as agents ofchange.

Finding a leader is a challenge and the migration of Citizen Leaders is a loss to the ongoing efforts and
leavesa vacuum till new leaders are built up.

Citizen Leadersensure sustainability


Incentives in the form of long term training in a good training academy, scholarships, honorariums,
insurance, etc. may beconsidered toencourage more young peopletocomeforward asCitizen Leaders.

Women Participants attending a DRM sensitization

Programme in Sitapur District

Citizen Leaders ensure sustainability


Women involved in analysing PRA map for developing Village Disa

management plan in Jajpur dist. Oris



June 2008



CCP Community Contingency Plan

CPR Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
DMT Disaster ManagementTeam
DPO District Project Officer
DRM Disaster RiskManagement
GOI Governmentoflndia

ICDS Integrated Child Development Scheme

IEC Information, Education Communication

NCC National Cadet Corps

NGO Non Government Organisation
NYKS Nehru Yuva Kendra Sanghatan
PA Programme Associate
PO Project Officer
PSO Project Support officer
SHG SelfHelpGroup
UEVRP Urban EarthquakeVulnerability Reduction Programme
UNV United Nations Volunteer

VDMC Village Disaster Management Committee

VDMP Village Disaster Management Plan
VDMT Village Disaster ManagementTeam
WEDC Women's Economic Development Corporation
Women in street theatre
North-west district, Delhi

Astreetplay beingperformed byan all-womancast to show disaster

preparednessplay at a school in North West Delhi

Iwillgo home and tellmy mother not to throw water on electricalitems and switches
at the time offire. Idid not know that we could use sand to extinguish fire. My father
In a nutshell also has to becareful about where hedrops his beedi after smoking. It could be very
The Gol-UNDP Disaster
Risk Management Puneeta -a student of class IV after watching a street play
(DRM) programme
seeks to develop Awareness generation is one of the key components of the School Safety
awareness among Initiative under the DRM programme. Within this, street plays have been
school children on chosen as a medium because they can effectively engage the attention ofthe
disaster preparedness. children, and can retain their interest in the training, planning process and in
Street theatre has the mock drill that follows. These plays spread awareness about disasters, list
proved to be an basic dos anddon'ts, highlight the need for community planning andthe role
effective tool in these and responsibilities of community volunteers before, during and after a
awareness campaigns.
However, prior
Since most ofthe theatre troupes consisted largely of men, girl students were
experience has shown
seen to be reluctant to participate inthese interactions. Further, the absence of
that street theatre
women from the street plays reinforced the negative gender stereotype that
troupes consist largely women playa limited role indisaster management.
of men and girl
students were not To address these challenges, District Project Officer north-west Delhi,
forthcoming in encouraged Aradhya (an NGO which specialises in communicating social
participating and messages through street theatre) to set up an all women's theatre troupe to
interacting with these take the message ofdisaster preparedness to everyone in the community, in
troupes. To address 2004. This theatre troupe consisted ofseven young women in the20-25 year-
this, an all-women's
age-group, who were students in Aradhya's vocational training centre. Since
women's participation in theatre groups is not socially acceptable in Indian
theatre troupe was
society, these young women have succeeded breaking two gender
formed in north-west
stereotypes,first that women canact and educate through theatre and second
district of Delhi that they have helped to change thedominant mindset thatdisaster preparedness
succeeded in breaking and information dissemination are tasks thatare tobedone only by men.
down gender barriers
effectively. For the past three years, this troupe has performed throughout north-west
Delhi covering schools, slums, resettlement colonies, villages, etc.Their efforts
have been widely appreciated.Theplays are scripted, plannedand customized

Women in street theatre

according to the audience. If the audience consists ofyoung children, the play will be made humorous
andfast paced andwill reiterate the main messages repeatedly. Besides enacting the play, the women's
team also helps the teachers in initiating and updating school disaster management plans, assists in the
formation oftaskforces, inevacuationdrills, indrop-cover-hold drills and indistributing IEC material.

Replicable good practice

Women in street theatre may be considered a replicable good practice because of the following
• Having women in the theatre troupe, nurtured Doing this has changed me as a person... I feel
an environment conducive for students satisfied that I am spreading knowledge about
(especially girls) and teachers to participate something everybody needs to know today. Imay
freelyin the event which led to greater clarityon leave my job eventually if I go for higher studies,
disaster preparedness. but I will never leave acting like this, as it is both
• The composition of the cast of the play allowed informative and fun."
young women a space in the mainstream, and .... Poonam, actor in theatre troupe
highlighted a gendered understanding of the
potential role ofwomen.
• Encouragement ofthe role that women can play in disaster preparedness through anall-women
theatre group contributed to a gender sensitive IEC campaign.

Lessons learnt

• Significant involvement of women in IEC teams leads to more effective and gender sensitive
communication of DRMmessages.
• Sustained, appropriate and gender sensitive IEC interventions do contribute to a broader
understanding of disaster preparedness among children.

Social barriers faced by all-women theatre groups in terms of acceptability have been a persistent

The IEC campaign would be able to generate further interest among small children if troupes such as this
one were to utilizeother methods like pantomime and films.

A Woman performer inthestreetplaysexplaining disaster

preparedness to school children
Self help groups linking disaster
management to development
Latur district, Maharastra

WomenSHG members during an awareness campaign in Killari village

Women belonging to SHGs all over Maharashtra are very forward thinkingand are
eager participants in group activities for the benefit of the entirecommunity.In fact, I
In a nutshell would go so faras to say that it is the spirit of these women more than men that has
made theprogramme sucha success in Killari."
Latur district in
- District Project Officer Latur
Maharashtra is a region
that is no stranger to
disaster. Although the Killari village, the epicentre of the Latur quake is one of the villages where the
people of Killari (a UNDP-Gol led DRM programme has been launched. Previous experience at
village in Latur), the village level revealed a general difficulty in convincing women to come out
welcomed the Disaster of their homes to join the programme. Apart from agriculture related work, the
Risk Management only other significant activity women engaged in was in Self Help Groups
(SHGs). Therefore DRM programme functionaries found that SHGs were an
(DRM)Programme, a
effective launch-pad to encourage women's participation in disaster risk
low response from
reduction activities.
women was

experienced especially The formation of SHGs in Killari was initiated by the Women's Economic
in the rural areas, as Development Corporation (WEDC) and their representative provides
they are more reticent guidance to the SHGs. The groups are visited regularly by representative from
in participating in the Corporation. All the SHGsin Killari have been functioning for at least a year.
public. In order to Over time, they have grown to become closely-knit collectives of women, with
address this challenge, a well developed sense of group consciousness. Since they are involved in
other group activities, the members of these groups are already oriented to
an initiative to train
working collectively in the community interest, and almost all the adult
Self Help Groups
women of the village are involved.
(SHGs) was
undertaken. This It was with the help ofWEDC representative, the District Project Officer of Latur
initiative has and the trainer from Maitreyi Foundation (a non-governmental organisation
successfully ensured involved in the training of DMTs in Latur) that the DRM programme was
increased participation introduced to women. As the women were approached by a familiar agent
of women in (WEDC field worker), they were more receptive to the idea of disaster
orientation meetings, preparedness. As many of these women had a first hand experience of the 1993
earthquake, they could instantly relate to the need for disaster preparedness
participatory activities
Those women who had moved to the region after the earthquake and had no
and trainings.
prior experienceof a large scale disaster revealed that they were initiallydrawn
in by the discussions relating to issues like how to deal with commonplace

Self help groups linking disaster management to development

accidents and they gradually became appreciative oftheDRM programme, asit was explained tothem.
The experience ofthe awareness generation andtraining sessions in Killari reflect the joint participation
of both men and women from the stageofthe Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) to the formation and
training ofthe first aidteam and the 'search and rescue' team. However, eventhough the trainings were
conducted jointly for men and women, men and women were separated into different groups for the
mockdrills, asthe women were uncomfortable performing the activities in front ofthe menofthe village.

"Itwas essential to conduct the mock drillsseparately for men and women, so as to allowthe
women to let go oftheir inhibitions."
- Mr. Dhananjay Gaekwad, Founder Chairperson, Maitreyi Foundation

SHG membership in Killari reveals a widespread network which offers the additional benefit of an
effective channel ofcommunication. Itis precisely byroping inthese groups that the DRM programmein
Killari has benefited from the active participation of women.

Replicable good practice:

Partnering with SHGs is a replicable good practice for successful mainstreaming ofgender because:
• SHGs form an unparalleled channel of communication, taking the message of disaster
preparedness to eventhosewhoarenotdirectly associated with the programme.
• These areclosely-knit collectives ofwomen with a well-developed sense ofgroup consciousness
and advocacywiththis groupensures sustainableimpactinthe community.
• Women's groups are good campaigners ofcommunity activities not only among women, butalso
with their families and intheir neighbourhoods.

Lessons learnt:

• Partnering with already existing forum ofcommunities like SHGs facilitates the mobilization of
womento participateinactivitiesfor community-preparedness.
• Duration andtimingsofthe programmeto befinalized tosuittheconvenienceofthewomen.

"We work inthe fields from 10am to 6pm everyday and attend to housework when we return
home. Itis notpossible for us toattendtraining sessions continuously for two tothree days, as
itmeans letting go ofour bread and butter. It would better if thetraining is organized for a
single day, but about twice or thrice in ayear, so that we can refresh what we have learnt and
reassess its relevancefromtimetotime."
-Ratna PresidentofanSHGinKillari

• The conduct of mock drills separately for men and women may serve the immediate purpose of
ensuring thatwomen's participation butits long-term utility is questionable, as itdoes nothing to
address gender relations and popular stereotypes.
• There is a need for thetraining sessions to becontinued over a sustained period oftime, asafter
sometime, the trainees reportadisconnect with the activities theyhave beentrained in.

Selfhelp groupslinkingdisastermanagement to development


• Ifthis programme is to be truly inclusive from the point of view of gender, it is essential that the
trainers systematically wean themselves away from the practice of conducting separate mock
drills for men and women.
• It is essential to make each individual find a connection with the programme, to identify with the
need for disaster risk management, in order to ascertain their wholehearted commitment to the

SHGwomen in a sensitization workshop on

community preparedness

Selfhelp groups linking disastermanagement to development


Chair person of VDMC explaining vulnerability mapping to civ,

defence volunteers & VDMT members in Manipu


Fire dept officers interface with Women DMT memberson emergen

community response in Kannya Kumari dist Tamil Nadu


SHG and DMTmembers meeting along with one of the consultants

in Nagapattinam dist. Tamil Nadu
Accredited Social Health Activists
as role models
Nagaon district, Assam

n ASHAworker explaining village mapping exercise to DMT members

"We feel very useful and are filled with pride, when we see ourselves fulfilling our
responsibilities towards thefamily andcommunity"
In a nutshell
- MitaliGoswamyASHA worker Nagoan
Assam is prone to natural
disasters like earthquakes,
floods, landslides,
cyclones and occasionally
even droughts. The
The women in this district constrained by their traditional gender roles were
Disaster Risk Management
notparticipating actively in any programmes andwere tied to their household
programme was launched tasks. The ASHA workers managed to rope in a large number of women to
to reduce the vulnerability participate in the awareness campaigns, in the designing of Community
of the communities to Contingency Plans and other DRM programme activities. ASHA workers who
natural disasters in this assistthe health department in preparingthe village health plan,proved to be
multi-hazard disaster resourceful in formulating the DRM plan. The ASHA workers share a rapport
prone area. In Nagaon with everyone in thecommunity andarelooked upto by women, asthey have
district, the programme gone beyond the conventional boundaries oftheir gender. It was perceived
was launched in 2004, that the gendered status of women could be challenged and changed by
with the help of women reaching them through ASHA workers. Through them information about the
'Accredited Social Health programme was disseminated and women were motivated to attend the
Activists' (ASHA workers) meetings/orientation programmes.
who are a link between
the public health centres ASHA workers became members of the Disaster Management Teams (DMTs)
and the villagers. They are andinspired otherwomen tojoin in the DMTs aswell. As aresult ten DMTs were
drawn from the
constituted and there wasadequate representationofwomenineachofthem.
community where they
ASHA workers also facilitated first aid and search and rescue training for a large
serve and are therefore
number of people. The women never thought that they could balance the
conscious of the needs
and available resources. It
responsibilities of their families with the membership of a team, are now
is these women who have
surprised thatthey can take on additional tasks.The DRM trainings especially
dared to step out of their search and rescue trainings have enhancedtheirconfidence andtheyfeel that
houses to take up they are capable of handling any situation during a calamity. The realization
community thatthey can contribute to the community life qualitatively and still keep up
responsibilities and act as with their domestic tasks, has given them a new confidence to explore new
powerful change-agents dimensions of their own personalities and reassess their position vis-a-vis
to influence women in the men. The young girls in the community were also encouraged to undertake
village. the training infirst aidand insearchand rescuemethods.

Accredited Social Health Activists as role models

The ASHA workers were aware of the available formal mechanisms and played the lead role in these
womens' groups and ensured that their needs wereaddressed.Thegroups havecome together to form a
gender advocacygroup and a networkforsocial actionthat works to meet the mostpressing needs ofthe
community. This networking has brought to the fore their common needs, concerns and the views of the

Replicable good practices

Partnering with ASHA workers may be considered a replicable good practice to address differential needs
• Capitalizing on the existing structures has resulted in
achieving the desired results. "!t is beneficial t0 teach V°^9 girls
. They are an effective link between the community and other beca,use *hey furth,er educate tw0
stakeholders families; the parental and that oftheir
... in-laws."
• Using awoman as an entry point to reach out to other women -Haricharan Deka villager
has helped gain maximum participation.

Lessons learnt

• Decision making at the grass-roots level facilitates empowerment. By involving themselvesinthe

decision-making processes related to the community, members have increased their self-
confidence in making decisions about their personal livesas well.

• Informal support networks encourage peer counselling. ASHA workers help other women to
cope with daily lifethrough sharing of insights and new ideas

• Astrategy isneeded that can sustain the community's interest inthis programme.


• There isa need fora refresher course for ASHA workers to sustain the interest of stakeholders.
• The DRM programme should not beexecuted in isolation but integrated with other programmes
of the government.

Amock drillin progress with women's participation

in Naogoan district

Accredited Social Health Activists as role models

Through the rise of sisterhood
Nagapattinam district, Tamilnadu

Womenself help group members practicing in a Searchand Rescueskills in


IfIwere not a part of the DRM, Iwould have thought that thereare certainthings that
In a nutshell only men can do duringa disaster, butnot now."
- Poorna, SHG and DMT member
GOI and UNDP Disaster
Management Programme
intervened in the district of
Nagapattinam, with an
initiative that sought to Abandoning the traditional way of approaching the community, the DRM
create disaster
team in Nagapattinam led by District Project Officer began by harnessing the
preparedness among the
influence of the SHGs in the villages. Recognizing the strong hold that the all-
communities. All women
Self Help Groups have women SHGs had on the community, they were chosen as a medium to reach
emerged as an effective the people. Ever since, these women have been central in carrying out the
medium to reach the processes involved like mobilizing the community for attending the trainings,
communities and have led arranging trainings and the constitution of the taskforces. They also conduct
to successful review meetings for the trainings held, and they utilize the platform of their
implementation of the
group meetings and hold discussions among their members for this purpose.
programme. It was through
these village level SHGs,
running since the year
When these SHGs were formed in the year 2002, nobody imagined that they
2002, that the local will develop into such a useful resource. SHGs started disseminating
implementation team could information about the programme through their informal networks in the
break the ice and attract villages. Due to a long presence of SHG operations in the area, men and
the attention from the women could talk to each other freely in public spaces and exchange
communities of various
information. Such informal discussions led to mass mobilization of the
villages and urban
community and brought the desired attention and participation to the
settlements in the district.
The Kilvelur Panchayat level training programmes. Since the SHG members enjoyed a better status in their
SHG federation is one body, homes and villages now, they could exert influence on their husbands and
where the women members other family members to understand the importance of the programme and
of the SHGs are also the facilitate it as a community initiative.
taskforce members of the
village Oisaster Men in the community, who have been categorically against the idea of a
Management Teams. The
public forum for women in the villages, now agree that these SHGshave been a
support and facilitation
provided by these women central point of communication for the DRM programme, and have helped to
has been exemplary and of equip the community with essential knowledge and skill to face disasters.
immense significance in the

Through the rise ofsisterhood

"The SHGs covers the limitations ofilliteracy ofa large number of people in the community,
now in spite of being illiterate they can access all the information concerned with their
-. Jiva, a taskforce member

The role oftheSHGs is significant atall thelevels ofthe program. Many women aftergetting trained in first
aid and search and rescue methods now have taken up the roleof volunteers, trainersand facilitators to
conduct awareness sessions and trainings. Discussions and reviews aboutthe programmes progress in
the area are held during the monthly meetings of the SHGs. The minutes of these meetings are then
discussed in the panchayat assemblies, where the entire village can then contribute in suggestion
building and support the smooth working of the programme in the village. These suggestions and
reviews areshared withthe area DPO, whothen facilitates the necessarychanges and amendments inthe

If there were no all-women SHG groups, our village will go back 15-20 years intime; all the
women will be behind the doors and social problems will prevail."
- Mumtaaz.SHG and DMTmember

The women members themselves feel much more equipped with all theinformation and skills imparted
to them during the trainings. They realize thatthesetrainings arerequired and very informative. Being a
crucial part ofthe entire processgivesthem a sense ofadequacy and contentment.

The women notice a positive change in their domestic relationships with men and their presence and
visibility in the community. Their identity as a strong group at the community level makes them feel
empowered both emotionally and financially. They too are now trained in something from which
everybody can benefit and the community at large acknowledges this.These women take pride in their
newly acquired status, as they can now intervene in community level decisions and get socially involved
with each other's problems, whether domestic or otherwise. They agree that theiractivities are smooth
and fruitful because all of them have acquired a level of mental compatibility in all these years of

Replicable good practices:

• Harnessing the strength and reach ofan existing local institution to introduce the programme
facilitated theprocess and saved theeffort ofcreating an alternate structure and then gaining the
required acceptability bythe community.
• Involvement of women as communicators and facilitators in the processes promises a holistic
approach to the assessment ofcommunity needs.

Lessons learnt:

• SHGs can be used asa medium for introducing new initiatives to the community. This initiative
utilizes anexisting resource andatthesame time addsto its capabilities andscope.
• Outside agencies contacting women groups for initiative introduction adds to their visibility and
perceived credibility, henceelevating theirpresentstatusin the community.
• Any community programme will be incomplete without the much required participation of

Through the rise ofsisterhood

Since the community is not aware aboutthe natural processes that lead to a disaster, their involvement
remains restricted to preparedness.

Women can be trained formally in life skills, communication methods and processes of natural disasters.
An introduction to the processes and environmental issues in general will equip them better to
understand what leads toa disaster and can also help inthe prevention of localdisasters.

Women and men learning shifting techniques in a search and

rescue training of Nagapattinam District

Through the rise ofsisterhood


Women DMT members in a Water Rescue mock

in Surat district Gujan


..'omen DMTmembers making a make shift stretcher with local resources

in Barpeta dist.Assam

An NSS volunteer learning rope rescue technique for high rise building
in Vadodara dist. Gujarat


omen Trainer in rescue in a mock drill in Angul Dist. Orissa

Women volunteers as essential
change agents
Mayurbhanj district, Orissa.

Bhasvati, a woman volunteer teaching differentbandages as part of first aid

trainingin Debasthal village ofMayurbhanj District

"At best, we could have saved few lives from the flood waters but would have left them
to starve.Onlywomen could thinkof mobilizingfood materialsand the setting upof a
In a nutshell kitchen from anganwadi stock and ran a free kitchen, collect medicines from the
Public HealthCentre (PHC) and could checktheoutbreakofepidemics!"
In Mayurbhanj district,
women's role in
- RajuMohanty Unchewali
development initiatives
has traditionally been
When the programme for Community Based Disaster Preparedness was
restricted to the so
launched the activities involved mostly men, as the traditional understanding
called 'women related
of the community alluded to men only. Later the need for women's
activities' because of
involvement was realized. The DRM programme was perhaps the first in the
gender bias and gram panchayats of Salgaol and Unchewali that stressed on immediate
resistance by the participation of both men and women for disaster preparedness in the
community to accept villages.
w o m e n as

changeagents. In this The mainstreaming strategy was that women can be reached through a new
background, the DRM resource pool of active women volunteers, drawn from within the community.
programme's Introduction and inclusion of women volunteers brought about a whole new
interventions promoted perspective to women's work at the community level, focusing on the
and encouraged women indispensable contribution women make in disaster risk reduction at the grass
volunteers to spearhead root level.
preparedness for Bhashvati Dixit, is one such woman volunteer from the Debasthal village. She
hazards/disasters. The has been keenly involved with women's development since her college days.
programme initiatives in She understands how the gender stereotypes often keep women away from
the community not only the mainstream, resulting in their non-participation in decision-making at the
involved these women
village level. She is now a DMT member, for both the first aid and the search
as the entry points for and rescue team. She has been associated with the DRM programme for the
reaching out to the past one year and feels that this programme has proved extremely beneficial
women in the area, as they no longer feel helpless nor do they have to relyon
other women in the
men during a disaster.
villages; but also
mainstreamed their
efforts and

Women volunteers as essential change agents

".A mother doesn't feed her child till the time it cries. So, until we women come forward and
demand for our rights, people and the government will not make that happen!"
-Bhashvati Dixit,volunteer and DMT member, Debasthal village.

Bhashvati who is now in her mid thirties does not intend to get married as she believes that social
institutions likemarriage always hinder women from achieving the goals intheir lives.

Savita Dixit,is another such volunteer from Unchewali Grampanchayat, who has always been proactive in
dealing with issues that affect women and in community service, ever since her husband died some 25
years back. She received trainings in the year 2005 and since then she has been engaged in motivating
the community people for better disaster preparedness. Her proactive role during floods inOctober 2007
was highly appreciated. She was in constant touch with the Emergency Operations Center that is
operational at the District Collector's office, forweather updates during heavy downpours which lastfor
three-four days continuously. Anticipating heavy floods,she mobilizedother DMT members and initiated
evacuation from the low-lying areas ofthe village.Together, they even initiated a free kitchen to feed the
flood victims. The well-timed response and intiative taken by Savita and her team members, has been
acknowledged by the men in the village and they recognize the importance of women's participation in
community based initiatives.

Shefeels that the trainings on First Aid and Search and Rescuetechniques have facilitated a smooth entry
of women into the mainstream community space and given to them an acceptance by the men, which
was extremely difficult to acquire.

Thus the DRM programme functionaries in consultation with the local leaders and representatives
identified active women volunteers and sensitized them on disaster risk prevention and reduction.These
women volunteers were mandated to mainstream gender equity through increasing women's
involvement in community disaster preparedness activities and their support was solicited in bringing
women to the orientation and training programmes on disaster preparedness and its management. Asa
result ofthe efforts of volunteers, there was increase in women's participation in the meetings and they
shared a common space with men, in the decision-making process. It was initially difficult to get women
to be articulate; however continuous follow-up and support from the women volunteers gave them the
confidence to put their viewsforward inthe orientation and planning drives inthe villages.

Replicable good practices

Forming a resource pool of women volunteers and using them as to mobilize the community may be
adopted as a replicable best practice because;
• Women volunteers are a strong influence among the women in the community. This potential
could be harnessed to rope them into long-termcommunity initiatives, thus mainstreaming their
presence and contribution.
• It is necessary to sensitize the larger community about the wider role that women can play and
theresponsibilities thatthey candischarge in time ofacrisis.The perceptions ofsociety regarding
the traditional notions on women's abilities need to be changed.
• The Uchenwali experience has proved that women can be involved in the mobilization of the
community, andin anevacuation andemergency response aseffectively as men, once they have
the appropriate orientation and training.

Women volunteers as essential change agents

Lessons learnt

• Balanced and sustained participationfrom the community can be achieved through long-term
planning and involvement of both men and women.
• Men and women can be involved in different activities that demand necessary participation of
both and ensure long-term and positive results.

• Challenges from cultural rigidities remains a challenge for women that limits their level of
• It was noticed that though women were trained in search and rescue methods, they did not take
the lead indemonstrating rescue methods.


• The initiatives of the women volunteers in the community should be documented and widely
showcased. This will not only encourage their efforts at the village level but also add to the
popularity and desirability oftheir involvement inthe communityactivities, and helpto taketheir
participation to the next level.

Bhashvati during a highrise building rescue training

in Debasthal Village

Women volunteers as essential change agents

Developing gender sensitivity
as a practice
Gujarat Experience

Disaster Management team women members during a Search andRescue

trainingin Vadodara district

"One ofthe villages in my area ispopulated with a community that maintains strict
segregation ofmen and women in public. When the men and women refused to attend
In a nutshell the meeting together, Iconvened separate meetings for them, but spent a lot oftime
discussing the need for joint participation before addressing the need for disaster
The DRM programme preparedness."
-UN Volunteer, Rajkot
in Gujarat covers a total
of 14 districts in the
State. Apart from the
State programme staff, Gujarat enjoys the distinction ofbeingone ofthe States covered bythe DRM
programme inthe first phaseofitsimplementation. In the course oftime, the
there are 30 National
Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority(GSDMA) has developed intoa
United Nations role model for other State Disaster Management Authorities, by taking the
Volunteers (NUNVs) initiative to adopt the DRM programme and making a special plan outlay for it
working at the block in the State budget. Also, the programme staff in the State has been very
successful in mainstreaming gender issues in their practices.
level. This study is a
documentation ofthe Beginning with the awareness generation stage itself, special attention is
various innovative given to ensuring that women are drawn into the programme. The NUNVs
practices employed to report the need for agood deal ofpersuasion to convince women in most rural
areasto attendthese meetings, andthismay even involve orienting the menof
ensure equal
the village to the necessity of women participating in a programme of this
participation of men nature.
and women in the
Disaster Risk
While fixing the timing for meetings at the cluster level and the village level,
care istaken to avoid a clash with the timings ofthe dailychores ofthe women
Management (DRM
or even their leisure time activities, in order to make it convenient for them to
(Programme in various participate. Once themeeting is convened, attempts are made tosustain their
districts of Gujarat. participation by including in the discussion issues thatthey can immediately
relate to. Issuessuch as how to treat small and common injuriesthat children
incur during play orthat one could incur during daily activities, and means to
prevent the samearewhatwomen tend to respond to.

Developinggendersensitivityas a practii
"We engage all means we can find to get the women to participate in the DRM programme.
Sometimes we even make emotional appeals to them, telling them that what they learn could
probably help them save the lifeof their husband or children or other family members."

They can contribute meaningfully to appraisals/ vulnerability and resource mapping as they spend more
time in the village than at work in the fields, and therefore are more aware ofthe activities that occur in the
village including different areas where people are concentrated at during a particular time ofthe day etc.
Sometimes, the women who participate in the PRAbecome reticent when it comes to participating in the
training for a particular team. In fact, there are instances where they send their male relatives to join the
teams on their behalf. In such cases, the UNVs make use ofthe social networks ofthe women in the villages
to address them and explain to them the fact that their participation is essential if the programme is to
make any impact on the disaster preparedness ofthe village.

The UNVs also reveal that they have developed greater awareness ofthe need to promote partnership
between men and women, after they attended the workshop on mainstreaming gender issues within the
DRM programme. While they always encouraged women's participation, the workshop oriented them to
the need for the joint cooperation of men and women in any community-based activity. Earlier they saw
women's participation as something that could be an additional benefit, but after attending the
workshop, they realized that women's participation alongside men is a pre-requisiteforthe success ofthe

"Even before the workshop we used to encourage women to participate. However, it was
without understanding of the specific benefits of their participation, and of the positive
impact that their involvement in the programme could have upon their personal lives. Now
we try our best to draw them in by convincing them of the way that the activities would be
beneficial to them personally and to the village as a whole."
- UN Volunteer, Baroda

When such an understanding established itself in the minds of the UNVs, they began to seek different
ways of integrating women into the practice of DRM. They sought out the various forums where they
could address women, such as in the Gram Sabha meetings, Self Help Group (SHG) meetings, Mahila
Mandal meetings etc. They spoke to all-woman audiences about the need for them to contribute to the
process, in order to make the mitigation of riskfeasible. In several places, meetings were organized with
the help ofthe aanganwadi workers and the health workers, who shared a very close rapport with the
women, and were also respected by the men due to the nature of their profession.

"The workshop was extremely beneficial in terms of making us all view women as being not just as a
vulnerable group during disasters but as having the potential to be the strength ofthe programme."
-ProgrammeAssociate Gujarat

Thewomen UNVs reported some difficulties arising in their work owing to their sex.Amajorconcern they
all share isthat of safety. Sincethe GramSabha meetings in most villagesare held after the day's work in
the evening, it becomes difficult forthem to travel to these meetings and they have to ensure that they are
accompanied by reliable and locally respected men. Their mobility as individuals is therefore restricted
unless they make proper arrangements for their safety. This issue is particularly amplified in the case of
areas dominated bytribals,as the villagers here are usuallyintoxicated in the evenings, and makes it very

Developing gender sensitivity as a practice

difficult forthe women to carryout the programmeas intended. Anothercommon problemfaced bythe
women isthat male villagers do not converse with them openly, and sometimes view the programme as
being an initiative for women alone. They find it difficult to accept the leadership of a woman UNV.
Another point brought forward by the women in that they are inconvenienced by the lack of safe and
secluded toilets inthevillages.

UNVs tackle these problems byensuring that the talatti (Village Revenue anddevelopment Officer) orany
male government representative travels with them to visit the villages, and it is through this that they
draw inthe men as well. They also say that they enjoy certain advantages of being women, such as the
ability to talk to inhibited women individually, in the privacy oftheir homes, and convince them oftheir
potential to contribute towards making the villagemore secure.

Replicable good practices:

• Taking the help of the aanganwadi women is an extremely beneficial practice, as they share a
close bond with the local women and are ina good position to encourage them to participate.
• Coordinating with other popular non-governmental organizations working in close association
with the local communities can be used as an effective stepping-stone to establish an element of
credibilityofthe programme inthe mindsofthe men and women.

Lessons learnt:

• It is important to gatherthe support of the prominent members of the community, especially

those who hold a position of influence among the local women, so as to capitalize on their
position and rapport to draw women into active participation.
• People place greater faith in a programme that is run by the government than in a non
governmental initiative, asgovernment support and the presence ofofficers such as thetalatti,
the Block Development Officer etc. lends to the programme a level of sustainability and

• Acommon limitation that arises from the experiences of all the UNVs is the lack of time and
energies to devote to resolving larger issues that run through the programme, such as those of
gender inequality, caste segregation, religious andcultural differences.
• Women UNVs sometimes face serious problems in villages owing to their sex, and this often
hampers their efficiency.

"If the focus is more on equality, the main objective gets lost. Since this is a time-bound
programme, we are compelled to pay more attention to the immediate need, which is to
collect people and impart training to them. As far as possible we try to ensure thatmen and
women work in partnership, but where this does not happen, we must find other ways
around the problem, suchasconvening separate meetings andtrainings."
-Project Officer UEVRP,Ahmedabad

• While the UNVs appearto beemploying several strategies to bridge the gender gap, their efforts
need to be fortified with regular workshops that could bring to them information about
innovative practices that have beentried in different parts ofthe country. Regular workshops on

Developing gendersensitivityas a practii

the progress of gender mainstreaming in the DRM programme with representatives from each
district at the State level, and each State at the national level could prove beneficial by helping the
programme staff share experiences and learn from them.
Appropriate support structures such as safe transport facilities for women UNVs are essential in
order to help them combat the combat the hazards that they face in their work.

Women DMTmembers learning emergency lifting of

injured in Junagadh district

Developing gender sensitivity as a practice


Mizo master trainer explaining First Aid techniques to

Young Mizo Association and DMT members in Aizwal


omen Master Trainers learning special water rescue skills

ina TOT on Searchand Rescue in Angul Dist, Orissa
Aanganwadi supervisors as an
all-women first aid team
Kolhapur District, Maharastra

Demonstration byAll Woman First Aid Team ofAanganwadi supervisors in


"It is essential to involve women in this programme because it is the women of the
household who spend most ofthetime athome. When herhusband isouttowork, she
In a nutshell remainsat home with thechildren and theelders. Inthe eventualityof a disaster, itfalls
upon the woman to safely evacuate her family members from the household and
Kolhapur district in attend to theinjured."
Maharashtra has been - Chitraan aanganwadi supervisor
experiencing severe
floods every year since
2005. Realizing the Aanganwadi supervisors have a considerable role in the development
need for women's activities of local communitiesbyvirtueoftheir profession, as they coordinate
involvement in and guide aanganwadi workers of different villages/ habitations. Their
association with any programme lends to it an element of credibility in the
eyesofthe local people, especially the women. Realizing this District Project
communities for
Officer of Kolhapur district collaborated with the Integrated Child
disaster risk
Development Scheme (ICDS) toform all-women first aid team with anganwadi
management and to supervisors. The result of this was that fifty aanganwadi supervisors were
ensure that women selected from across the twelve talukas ofthe district, for specialized training
take a leadership role in first aid at Kolhapur city.
in the programme, an
all-woman First Aid
To begin with, the aanganwadi women were given anorientation ondisaster
preparedness, in thelight oftheir personal experiences ofdisasters / accidents,
Team has been formed,
and highlighting the need to learn from past experiences. Being educated
at the district level. This (each of these women possesses the minimum qualification of a graduate
has been an innovative degree), they took little time to grasp the need for and the importance of
initiative, being the disaster and risk reduction related information shared with them. As Kolhapur
only group at the district has experienced severe floods every year since 2005, women revealed
district level in the adeep interest in learning not just techniques offirst aid and search and rescue
entire country
at the time of the disaster, but also in learning preventive and remedial
measures to deal with problems arisingin the post-disaster situation.
comprising exclusively
of women. Involving women has had a very positive influence on the participation of
otherwomen in this programme at the taluka and village levels.The fact that
the aanganwadi women have taken lead in training on first aid also inspires
community women tobemore than mere observers orpassive supporters due
to the comfort levelcreated by women functionary / trainer.

Aanganwadi supervisors asanall-women first aidteam

"I have observed that it is much easier to gather women ofthe villages for meetings with the
help ofthe aanganwadi workers. An aanganwadi worker shares a strong bond with people in
her villages, as she interacts with them on a regular basis. Also, people, especially the women,
respect her opinion a lot as they view her as an independent, educated member of society.
She is a symbol of progress to them."
- District Project Officer, Kolhapur

This partnership has ensured effective interweaving of disaster preparedness with the ICDS programme
by drawing in aanganwadi supervisors from the taluka level through their network, who in turn mobilize
their participation in community preparedness. This is being achieved through organizing meetings and
conducting awareness generation programmes with women in all the talukas.

The inclusion of the aanganwadi supervisors has also strengthened DRM Programme with a well-
organized and motivated team. These women are already part of a strong network of professionals that
work across the district, and have the valuable experience and knowledge of working in a group. Several
women have taken inspiration from their example and discovered their own ability to learn and
contribute to the process of disaster riskmanagement.

Replicable good practices:

Formation of all women first aid team with aanganwadi workers may be considered a replicable good
practice to reach out to women and girls because:
• Aanganwadi supervisors are found to be well suited as master trainers in this programme, as they
can utilizetheir skills and rapport with various ICDS officials and at taluka and village level with
relative ease to galvanise them into action.
• Women associated with aanganwadis are welloriented to the practice of mobilising communities
for participation as they are usually the first ones to get inducted into implementation of any
grass-root level government or non-government initiative.
• Aanganwadi supervisors reveal an appreciable level of sensitivity and understanding ofthe need
to make men and women equal partners in any programmefordisaster preparedness.

"When we go to conduct meetings in the village, we make sure that as many women as
possible come out of their homes. Since we enjoy a comfortable rapport with the women, we
do not hesitate to enter their homes and convince them to come and join us."
-Savitri an aanganwadisupervisor

Lessons learnt:

• The presence of a woman trainer who is closely involved with the community is of irrefutable
value in encouraging greater women's participation in training programmes thus sending a
strong message about the spirit and capability of women.
• The integration of existing networks and structures into new programmes can increase their
efficiency, effectiveness and enhance their sustainability.

• Forming an all-woman first aid team maynot be able to address gender relations byconsidering
one sex alone.
• Formation of an all-woman first aid team and the absence of a similar search and rescue team
(apartfrom the NCC girls team)reinforces gender stereotypes.

Aanganwadi supervisors as an all-women first aid team


It would be more appropriate to set up combined teams of men and women for First Aid as well as Search
and Rescue to effectively address gender issues. Exhibiting the complementary roles that men and
women can play in disaster situations would be a good illustration of gender equality.

Demonstration making and use ofstretcher during times disaster

by All Woman FirstAid team of Aanganwadi supervisors in
Kolhapur district

Aanganwadi supervisors as an all-women firstaid team

Catching them young through
puppet show
Tiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu

Puppet show ondisaster risk reduction in Progress in a girl's high school.

Ata certain pointof time inplayIt isshownthat one ofthe woman characters, who
lives on the banksofariver, takes morepreventivemeasures byinsuring herhousehold
In a nutshell things to safeguard from any kind of hydro-meteorological disasters. The same
In Recent past, India has characters also talks elaborately about the uses ofinsurance, which is one ofthe key
preparatorymeasures ofany disasterand enables the male characterto understand
encountered various about thepreventivemeasures.
kinds of disasters and
- Scenes from the puppet show
has experienced few
disasters' impact on
After seeing this puppet show the audience understood that a woman can
school like the Gujarat
play major role insafeguarding the lives and property ofthe households andin
Earthquake (2001) and
turn the society. It was also illustrated in this show that Indian women who
Kumbakonam Fire
were hitherto marginalized are becoming more resourceful in sharing
Accident (2003). information regarding hazard and risks through different awareness
Responding to this Programmes. District Project Officer Thiruvallur along with his district team
Disaster Risk evolved a unique and entertaining method for dissemination and awareness
Management building with the schools in the area. Ateam of Professional Puppeteers was
Programme of chosen to carry out the activity. Kalai Trust, a development communication
Thiruvallur district has organization, which caters to versatile needs of communication to different
undertaken awareness groups of stakeholders, was roped in for the purpose of addressing school
generation campaign in students. A specially designed and crafted puppet show for the school
the form of Puppet students of 45 minute duration was prepared for information dissemination
on disasters.
show, in the schools. A
well educated and
Itwas observed in this initiative that a puppetshow could immediately catch
sensitized girls and boys attention and send across the right messages in an interesting way and was
will take the disaster thus suitable asa medium with students ofall ages. The content and script of
preparedness the puppet show has been adequately designed to reach out to a child's
knowledge to his family curiosity and answerquestions asthey riseeventually.
and community thus
enabling community The activity was also planned toaddress gender mainstreaming concerns with
preparedness and special focus on sensitization programmes in girls' schools. The objective of
safety. this initiative is to mainstream information among both boys and girls ofthe
schools without discrimination against the girl students.The Puppet Show was
carried out in the various Schools of the District, covering nearly 75,000

Catchingthem young throughpuppet show

Students of41 Schools.The Programme was carried in many ofthegirls' schools ofthedistrict; ofthese 41
schools, 31 schools were girls' schools.The Spectators were both boys and girls oftheschools along with

Gender sensitive script was made with different characters where both male and female is given equal
chances toplay and narrate different information regarding disasters.The other social issues like literacy,
health and hygiene are also included in the script, to give awareness upon the society to the pillars of our
society, the children. Special emphasis was given to woman character to illustrate the essence of
womanhood and gender mainstreaming. In order to thatthefemale characters were shown to bemore
responsible upon the family and community and also woman being more aware upon the issues and
preventive measures ofthe disasters.

After the puppet show atthe schools, the DRM programme had afurther follow up activity of planning a
"safe evacuation route" in the school developed by the Emergency Response committee formed by
students. This route plan would help the students to identify the safe route. Following, a "mock drill"
activity is planned to be carried out to help the students envisage the practical session ofsafe evacuation.

Replicable good practice:

Puppet shows as a sensitization tool in the schools is a replicable good practice to address successful
mainstreaming of gender because
• This is an interactive teaching and learning method with the children
• It helps thestudents togain averyclear pictureabout disasters and its implications
• Gender sensitive script orients the children towards ideals ofsocial equity

Lessons Learnt:
Schools have a DRM module in their curriculum which was rather outmoded now. Introduction ofunique
medium of instruction has helped teachers employ better methods like student presentations in the
classrooms to teach the module.

• The puppet show should have follow up activities for the students to nurture preparedness
among the school children


• School administration, teachers and students suggested to carry the same activity in all the
schools ofthe district
• Keeping in mind of gender mainstreaming, the girl students oftheschools are to beincluded in
the committees ofthe co-education schools

Applause of children enjoying puppetshow

in girl's high school Tiruvallur

Catching themyoung through puppetshow



MT Training UEVRP Vadodara


DRM Practitioners working Gender Action Plan

in Konark gender consultation

omen's participation in training of-NCC-Master trainers, Manipur



For more information contact:

National Disaster Management Division III United Nations Development Programme
Ministry of Home Affairs Government Of India 55 Lodi estate, P.O. Box: 3059
North Block, New Delhi -110011 New Delhi-110003 INDIA

For any queries please email:

Australian CJovcramcnl
From AmAID
Ml. Pwp4* ot J.0MI International Strategyfor DisasterReduction

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