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“Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great

and hidden things that you have not known.” – Jer. 33 v 3 (ESV).

Dr. Jane  just got a breakthrough job.

She says it is beyond her wildest dreams.

Before that could happen though, there were certain prayers she had been praying ever since she
landed on our websites at the beginning of the year.

Hear her:

“I got to know about your website when my neighbour sent me a copy of your free e-book.

I joined the “27 Minutes to Midnight” fasting beginning of this year and I have been believing
that this is my year and my testimonies will shock my enemies and surprise my friends and

Early this month I attended an interview and God has given me an International job which is far
beyond my wildest dreams.

These are some of the prayers that I prayed (and they may help anybody looking for a job):

1.    I command spirit of failure at the edge of breakthrough to die in the name of Jesus.

2.   Gates of employment whatever is holding you from real manifestation in my life, by the
unchallengeable power of God, crash and open in the name of Jesus.

3.    May divine harvest fall and fill my life in Jesus name

4.    Power and anointing to get the ???  job fall upon me in Jesus mighty name

5.    O Lord my Father, speak mercy and favor to my ??? job situation in Jesus name.

6.     O Lord roll-away every barrier to my ?? job in Jesus name.

7.     O Lord in Heaven, I plead the Blood of Jesus upon my job situation and ask for favor to
come upon me during the interview in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

8.     I reject the spirit of the tail in my employment and I claim the spirit of the head in the Name
of Jesus.

9.  I claim the power to overcome and to excel among all the ??? job competitors in the Name of

Brethren join me in thanking God who is able to do exceedingly above what we pray or think.
– Dr. Jane K.

Praise the LORD.

HE used these prayers to do 2 extraordinary things for her:

1. Destroy all satanic barriers hindering her blessings in the spirit.

2. “Magnetize” the miracle job to her as she kept firing the prayer bullets…

What Has This Got

To Do With You?

If you’d only learn to pray like she did, your prayers can unleash the POWER to destroy all
satanic barriers so you too can receive blessings both in the spiritual and physical realms…

… as you can see here.

What I’m talking about is the GREATEST POWER ever revealed to man.

The Bible constantly refers to this from Genesis right through to Revelation…

… and we take the time to explain this in great detail in the 7 Lessons of the Prayer Academy.

You can call this GREATEST POWER into action during prayer.

The same Power that Elisha the Prophet deployed  thousands of years ago to triumph over an
entire army when he prayed:

“O LORD, smite these people with blindness” - 2 Kings 6:18

… a classic example of prayer power triumphing over a massive horde of enemies.

TODAY I urge you to learn to use the Power given to YOU by our Lord Jesus Christ during your

… so you too can overcome virtually any form of handicap, including lack of education, natural
ability, and financial resources.

If you are already in the Prayer Academy, congratulations.

What you are learning is the ability to operate in the Power I’ve been speaking about.

My advice to you is that you take ALL the prayers and assignments seriously.

There are miracles and breakthroughs attached to every single prayer bullet in the Academy, as
you will see shortly, if you follow instructions and persist till the end.
For those who have ALREADY completed the Academy, please look out for an important
announcement during this upcoming Easter Dream Marathon (you will receive an email alert in
your inbox) soon.
For those who have NEVER joined the Academy, a golden opportunity has just opened up in
front of you.

Another session is about to kick off on the 25th.

See details here:

Click here to join the next PRAYER ACADEMY…

Be An Overcomer!


PS: To reserve your spot for the NEXT Prayer Marathon on the 25th, please click below (NEW


Sharing testimonies is a powerful weapon of the overcomers.

The Bible says:

“They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the

word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so
much as to shrink from death.”  – Rev 12:11 (NIV).

Notice it says “word of their testimony”.

You have to speak it out for the power to be unleashed.

That’s one of the reasons we share tons of them here… every day!

The LORD has been good to us.

Has HE been good to you?

Then step up and declare it boldly and put the enemy to shame.

And watch as the LORD puts many more praise reports in your mouth… in the days ahead

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