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Experimental Exam


NorthStar-Level 1 Computer#.............................. Section……

Reading & Writing

‫ُذٍ ًسخت الختبار تجزيبي هع العلن بأى االختبار الفعلي يكوى على ًفس الٌوط إال أى الفعلي خياراث فقط ( لكل فقزة توجد عدة إحتواالث لإلجابت وعلى الطالبت أى تقوم‬
) َ‫بتضليل اإلجابت الصحيحت في ورقت اإلجابت باستخدام قلن رصاص هٌاسب للتصحيح اآللي حتى يتوكي الكوبيوتز هي التعزف علي‬


A.Complete the sentences with a word or phrase from the list below.

miracle energetic
competition members
discount antique
agreement expert

1)Mr. Brower knows a lot about art. He's an ______________________________________ .

2)This rocking chair is very old. It's a beautiful ____________________________________ .
3)It was a ___________because no one was hurt in the accident.
4)There are four new stores in town, so there's a lot of ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬for customers.
5)There are about 30 ___________________________________ in the new group. They meet
every Saturday.
6)The leader of the group is very active and __________________________________ .
7)The price of the computer is very cheap. There's a great sale going on so you get a big
_____________________on the price.

8)We talked for hours about the problem, but we didn't reach an ________ on a solution.

B. Match the words on the left with the definitions or similar expressions on the right.

a. easy to use 1. rare

b. willing to give money or help 2. famous
c. to divide into parts 3. upset
d. to give a gift 4. generous
e. answer to a problem 5. convenient
f. not common 6. solution
g. well-known 7. donate
h. worried 8. split

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Add punctuation: ? / ! / , / .
1) What's your name _
2) That's great news_
3) I was born on May 14 _ 1985.
4) We took a trip to Canada last month _

Circle the correct verb form.

5. Michael ________a good friend of mine.

a. IS b. are c. am

6. We _________in the same English class.

a. IS b. are c. am

7. I _________18 years old.

a. IS b. are c. am

8.Michael and Anna ________________________ _ not in school today.

a. is b. are c. am

Complete the sentences with there is or there are.

9)…………………a new restaurant in town.
10)………………..many people going there to eat.

Complete the sentences with the simple present tense forms of the verbs provided.
11)Michael ……………………….(work) in the restaurant on Saturday night.
12)He …………………………(study) in the afternoon.
13)On Fridays, he often ………………(go) out with his friend to the movies.

Circle the correct verb form.

14)Last night, we _____________________ very busy.
a. was b. were

15)Anna _______________________ in the library.

a. was b. were

Complete the sentences with the simple past tense forms of the verbs provided.
16)Yesterday, I ___________ (visit) my friends in the city.
17)I __________ (take) the bus at 8:30 in the morning.
18)We __________ (go) to the park.

Circle the correct form of the adjective.

19. The city of Rome is………….. than Boston.

c. more old b. older a. old

20. I think that Rome is ………than Boston, too.

c. more interesting b. interestinger a. interesting

21. Is Rome ………….. than Boston?

c. more bigger b. bigger a. big

Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun or possessive adjective.

22)Where are Mike and John? _____________ are in the library.
a. Them b. They c. Their
23)Is this John's notebook? No, _____________ notebook is in on the table.
a. he b. him c. his
24) Did the teacher give a new assignment to th.e students? Yes, he gave the
new assignment to ___________yesterday.
a. they b. them c. their
25)What's the name of the new student? ______________ name is Eva.
a. She b. Her c. Your

Complete the future predictions. Write the correct form of be going to and the verbs

26. Next year, I …………..a long vacation.


27. My best friend …………a new car.


28. We …………………around the country.


Complete the suggestions. Use should or shouldn't and the verbs

29)There's a big test tomorrow. You ____________ ( go ) to the movies tonight. .
30)You ________________ ( stay) home and study!

Read the paragraphs below. Write answers to the questions.

A Trip to Remember
Last summer, my sister and I had a wonderful trip. We went to ~ three weeks. It was very
interesting and exciting. We arrived at 10: evening, but it was still light. In the summer, the days
are longer nights are shorter in Alaska. The weather was beautiful, but it \'.-a~
than in California.
We rented a car and went to Seward. There were many tourist bO~_ fishing boats. We took a trip on
one of the boats. There were many -in the water. There was also snow and ice on the mountains. It
was ;?=We took a lot of photos.
We also visited another large park. We rode on a bus through the ~=There were beautiful
mountains and lakes. We saw many animals, :
had lunch by a large lake. It was very quiet and peaceful there. Later. walked around the lake. On
the way back, we stopped to see some
dogs were friendly. They pull sleds in the winter.
We were sad to leave. But we didn't want to stay in Alaska for the We enjoyed our trip, and we are
going to plan another trip there in --~ future.

1. Where did they go on their trip?

2. How long did they stay?
3. Why was it still light at 10:00 in the evening?
4. How did they go to Seward?
5.What was in the water?
6.Where did they have lunch in the park?
7.How did they feel when they left?

Answer Key
‫اإلجابات الصحيحة‬

1) expert
2) antique
3) miracle
4. competition

5) members
6) energetic
7) discount
8) agreement

1) f
2) g
3) h
4) b

5) a
6) e
7) d
8) c

3 ,
4 .
5) a
6) b
7) c
8) b
9) There is
10) There are
11) Works
12) Studies
13) Goes
14) b
15) a
16) visited
17) took
18) went
19) b
20) c
21) b
22) b
23) c
24) b
25) b
26) am going to take
27) is going to buy
28) are going to travel
29) shouldn't go
30) should stay
Reading Comprehension
1) They went to Alaska.

2) They stayed for three weeks.
3) It was still light because in the summer the days
are longer and the nights are shorter in Alaska.
4) They rented a car to go to Seward.
5) There were many animals in the water.
6) They had lunch by a large lake.
7) They were sad to leave.

Good Luck
Dr. Shahinaz Bukhary

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