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When that which is perfect is come

The Word was restored in Its’ fullness by the ministry of William Branham. This was the
fulfillment of Malachi 4:5-6, Luke 17:30, and Rev 10:1-7. There are some who apply the
Scripture, “when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done
away” to mean: since we have the “Perfect Word” there is no need for any manifestation or
vindication of the Holy Spirit. A true believer will put away childish things such as fleshly
behavior and carnal habits. He will worship and serve God the way the prophet taught us; in
purity and Holiness. But does this mean we “deny the present day promise of the Word”?
Does this mean the apostolic age has ceased? Does this mean there is no “Pentecostal
experience” for the believer? Does this mean the gifts and callings of God are done away
with? There is a fine line between Truth and error. It is important to remember this prophet’s
message was that of restoration, not erosion.


1005-56 I Corinthians 13 says this: "When that which is perfect is come, that which is in part
shall be done away with." So all these little things of jumping up-and-down like a kid, trying to
talk in tongues, and all these other things, when that which is perfect... And we do have today, by
God's help, the perfect interpretation of the Word WITH DIVINE VINDICATION. Then
that which is in part is done away with. "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a
child; but when I become a man, I put away childish things."


109 "Where there is tongues, they shall cease; where there is prophecy, it shall fail; where there
is knowledge, it shall vanish. We know in part; we see in part; we prophesy in part. But when we
see face to face, then we'll know as we are known. And that which is perfect has come, then that
which is in part shall be done away with": perfect, redeeming, unadulterated love of the Holy
Ghost into a human soul that's passed from death unto Life.


188-128 Unless Christ has opened the door, and quickened it to your heart, and you become a
place where sin is dead, and desire, it's all gone... Then He taketh away your own self-
righteous, He may establish Himself in you. And it's Christ, the Son of God in you, the hope of
glory. "Let us go on to perfection." How can we be perfect? Through the death of Christ, not
through joining church, not through our good works, what we do (That's all all right), not because
we were baptized this a-way or that way, not because that we been healed by laying on of hands,
not because of any of these other things, "we believe in the death, burial, and resurrection." Paul
said, "I could speak with tongue like men and Angels (that's both the tongues that is understood
and the tongues that cannot be understood, has to be interpreted), I am nothing. Though I have the
gift of knowledge and understand all the wisdom of God (to explain the Bible from... tie her
together), I am nothing." Don't do much good to go to school then, does it? to learn the Bible?

When that which is perfect is come

"Though I have faith that I can move mountains..." Healing campaigns don't mean very much
then, does it? "I'm nothing, though I give my body to be burned as a sacrifice."
"Oh," they say, "that man's religious." "But he's nothing," Paul said, "never become nothing."
"For where there's tongues, they shall cease; where's prophecies, it shall fail; where there's all
these other things, will fail. But when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part will be
done away with." See, that's perfect. What is perfect? Love. What is love? God. Let us lay aside
all these little dead works and ordinance and go on to perfection. You see it? We're perfected
through Christ. How do we get into It? By Holy Spirit baptism. "All right, what happened?"
You've passed from death unto Life. "Well, do I shake? Jump? Do...?" You--you don't have to do
nothing. You've already done it. God brought you from death unto Life, and you're alive. Then
your fruits of your life show it. A lot of you Methodists and Nazarenes shouted just as hard as you
could shout, steal corn out of a man's patch (That's right.), and do everything that could be. A lot
of you Pentecostals spoke in tongues like pouring peas on a cowhide, sure, went right out and run
away with the next man's wife, done all kinds of things. That's not it, brother. Don't try to have
any sensation, anything to take the place of the Holy Spirit. When the new birth is come,
you are changed. You don't have to do anything to prove it; your life proves it. As you walk,
your love, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, patience, that's what you are. And the
whole world sees the reflection of Jesus Christ in you. Now, speaking in tongues, shouting there,
that's just attributes that follow this kind of a life. And you can take and impersonate those
attributes and never have that Life. We see it. How many knows that that's true? Sure you do;
certainly you do. I can you see it all around you. So, there's nothing you say that's the evidence of
the Holy Ghost, unless it's your life that you live. Now, if you want to speak with tongues, that's
perfectly all right if you live the life to back it up. That's right. And if you want to shout, fine,
that's good. I shout too, get so happy sometimes I can't hardly wear a pair of shoes; I like to jump
out of them. And that's wonderful. I believe it.
And I've seen visions, and the sick healed, the dead raised. When they laying out there and the
doctors walk away and say, "they're finished and gone," lay there a couple hours; and the Holy
Spirit come right down and show a vision, go down there and raise that person up. I've seen those
who are deaf, dumb, and blind, and crippled, walk. That doesn't... That's an attributes.
Brother, long time ago before the world was ever--had a foundation to it, God through His eternal
grace, He looked down, and by foreknowledge He seen you and I. He knew what age we'd live in;
He knew what we would be. Therefore, by election He chose us before the foundation of the
world to be with Him without spot. Now, if He chose us before the foundation of the world to be
in Him without spot, and we're borned all spotted and nothing else can--nothing can cleanse us,
how we going to be without--how we going to be without spot? He sent His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him should not have an end of life, but have Eternal Life; should
never perish, but have Eternal Life. Then when we come into Him, by faith, through grace are
we saved, by the Holy Spirit calling to us.

Pentecost began without an ending


18-4 …you're putting on something that isn't real. Now, you can't get warm by a painted fire.
Like some of these churches try to paint Pentecost of something that happened a thousand years
ago or two thousand years ago. You can't get warmed by a painted fire. Pentecost is just as real
today as it was then. See? It is. The fire's still falling. It ain't a painted fire; it's a real fire.


65 I want you Pentecostal people to get this out of your heart. Pentecost is not a denomination.
Pentecost is an experience. It's the Holy Ghost. It's not a organization. You couldn't organize the
Holy Ghost. He won't stand for it. Now, you've got an organization that you call that, but the Holy
Ghost moves right out and let's you set right where you're at, and just keeps on going.


30 Pentecost is nothing but the vindication of a resurrected Lord Jesus, which is the same
yesterday, today, and forever. That's what it is. I know it's been misused. It's been misconstrued,
and so forth, and impersonated. But that only shows out the real Christ much better to me.


8-1 Jesus said that, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature."
"How far?" All the world. "Who to?" Every creature. They've never received it yet.
"And these signs shall follow them that believe." "How long?" All the world. "Who to?"
Every creature. "These signs shall follow them in all the world and in every creature. These signs
shall follow them. In My Name they shall cast out devils, speak with new tongues. If they taken
up a deadly thing or serpent, or drinking a deadly thing, will not harm them. They'll lay their
hands on the sick, and they shall recover." That was His last commission to the church: Mark the
16th chapter. Paul's, ordaining these gifts into the church thirty years later, and said in Galatians
1:8: "If an angel from heaven preaches to you any other Gospel than this which is already received
(See?), already been preached, let him be accursed." I believe that Pentecost began without an
ending. I believe it's to be to every creature, all times and all places. That Pentecost should
always remain. The Pentecostal blessings should be upon the people. And now, what is this
Pentecostal blessing? It's a confirmation of the resurrection.


122 So "Whosoever is ashamed of Me and My Word," and He and His Word are One, so
being ashamed of His Word in this sinful present generation, "I'll be ashamed of him." Now,
we notice today, if somebody says, "Are--are you a Christian?" It's very much a popular thing,
say, "Oh, I'm a Christian." See? "But do you believe the Word of God, where It said, `These
signs shall follow them that believe it'?" "Oh," Even ministers' faces will blush. See? "Are
you ashamed of, say, of Divine healing? Are you ashamed of the full Gospel? Are you
ashamed of your Pentecostal experience?" That's being ashamed of His Word. That's His
Word made flesh in you.

…the apostolic age ceased?


45 A few nights ago, a certain minister, of Arizona, of a great, famous school here in this city,
came to me and said, "I--I want to straighten you out on something" (I said... ) "when you get a
chance." I said, "This is the best chance I know of. Come on over." And so he came over, he said,
"Mr. Branham, you are trying," said, "I believe you're sincere and you're honest, but you're trying
to introduce to a world an apostolic Doctrine." And said, "The apostolic age ceased with the
apostles." I said, "The first thing I'd like to ask you, my brother, do you believe that every Word
of God is inspired?" He said, "Yes, sir, I certainly do." I said, "Then, would you show me in the
Word where the apostolic age ceased? Now, you show me where it is, I'll believe with you."
And I said, "The writer of the apostolic, the one that had the keys to the Kingdom, on the day of
Pentecost when the apostolic age was introduced, they said, `Man and brethren, what can we do to
be saved?' He said, `Repent, every one of you, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the
remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the promise is unto you and
to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.' Now,
how can the Word contradict Itself?"
…Now, you tell me, is God still calling? If God's still calling, then the apostolic age is still in
existence. Certainly! As many as the Lord our God shall call, ever call, ever will call, as many as
He shall call, it will still be the apostolic age, for Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and
…Notice, He said, "In vain they do worship Me, teaching discrepancy for Doctrine. In vain do
they worship Me, teaching for Doctrine the discrepancy, doctrine of man, creeds of man, teaching
that to be the Word of God, when it has nothing to do with the Word of God." Look, each age
produce such a crop, every age has did it, and ours is no excuse. We have the same thing, and a
greater age of it than all the other ages put together, for this is the ending of world's history. This is
the great discrepancy that's ever been upon the earth, is on the face of the earth today. Discrepancy
in other ages pulled them away from the true and living God, to idols. Today, Jesus said in
Matthew 24:24 that it would be so close till it would deceive the very Elected if it was possible.
Talk about discrepancy! Oh, it's so cunning. Satan is among the people, and just such a
theologian, such a Doctor of Divinity, can teach that Word almost perfectly. Jesus said so.
But just watch him, there'll be somewhere. Said, "Well, now, that wasn't for this." Oh, yes, it
is too, see, because God said it was…
… Moses stood as a vindication of the interpretation of the Word. Don't forget that! Moses was
God's interpretation of His promise. He said He would do it; He was God's interpretation.
What happened? The church just got started out of Egypt, on its feet a few days, and what
happened? Satan come along with his discrepancy in the person, the second Cain, which was
Balaam, and he sowed discrepancy amongst them. We know that's right. That Balaam, the
teaching of Balaam, that "we're all the same, we serve the same God you do," fundamentally,
he was right, because he offered a sacrifice that God offered; seven rams, seven bullocks on seven
altars, and prayed to the same God just as perfect as Moses did down in the wilderness,

…the apostolic age ceased?

just exactly the same. But they were not the same! Foreshadowing to us what would come to pass.
There was, again, Cain manifested in the--the person of Balaam. And there was God manifested
in the person of Moses, interpreting His Words through a human being, making Hisself known,
His promise, through a human being. And the discrepancy raised up. So did it do it in the time of
Judas, there he come with his discrepancy. And, remember, this sin that those people believed,
that "we're all the same, we worship the same God, we should all belong to the same church, we
should be the same people," that sin was never forgiven Israel! Jesus said, Himself, "They all
are dead!" They perished, all but three of them, and that was the ones who held on and believed
the promise. When the weakling said, "We cannot take the land, and it's too much for us," and so
forth; Caleb and Joshua stilled the people, and said, "We're more than able to take it, because God
promised It to us! I don't care what the opposition is!" And we still can preach Divine healing, and
the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and still have the power of God to separate us from the things of
the world. God said so! The apostolic age has never ceased, and it will not cease, it goes on. So
we find the same old sower of discrepancy. And remember, that sin was never forgiven. Now,
brother, if it was never forgiven then, what about now when the--the real seed of all the ages is
coming together?


…just exactly like Balaam, on back, other false prophets... )... Having a form of godliness,...
(Anointed. See? Having a form, anointed, ordained ministers)... having a form of godliness, but
denying... That He's the same yesterday, today, and... denying His Word. How did they deny
Jesus in that day? Who did they deny when they denied Jesus? The Word. They were religious.
They taught from their Bible but denied the present day Word. What are they today? Same
thing, anointed, preaching the Gospel of Pentecost, but denying the present day promise of
the Word being vindicated: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.


29 Anything that'll add anything to the Word of God, is still the seed of discrepancy! I don't
care where it comes from, if it's from organization, if it's from military sources, if it's from
political powers, anything that's contrary to the Word of God, is the seed of discrepancy! When a
man stands and says he's a Gospel preacher, and says that the days of miracles is past, that's
the seed of discrepancy. When a man stands and says that he's a minister, a pastor of a church of
somewhere, and he does not believe that Jesus Christ is the same in every detail (except the
physical body), same yesterday, today, and forever, that's the seed of discrepancy. When he says
that miracles and apostolic age passed, that's seed of discrepancy. When they say, "There's no
such a thing as Divine healing," that's seed of discrepancy. And the world is full of it. IT


72 If there is no Divine healing then there's no resurrection, 'cause Divine healing is the
earnest of the resurrection. Amen!

37-1 …a glorious Bride, redeemed back, that will believe only in the Word of God and not swap
It, like Eve did, for intellectual conceptions of men. You see it? That's Christ's idea. That's God's
idea. The new birth reveals this. And if a man says he's borned again and try to place these
promises of Christ in this last day to some other age, making Him Christ yesterday, but not
today, then that man or that person has been in a--a delusion by Satan. And if that man says
that he believes that, and it doesn't manifest itself through him... Jesus said in Mark 16, "These
signs shall follow them that believe... into all the world and to every age." Casting out devils, and
speaking with tongues, and--and all of these great manifestations of gifts that would follow, that
they shall--not that they maybe, they ought to; they will. And heavens and earth will pass away,
but His Word won't.

…gifts and callings are predestinated of God


38-3 Whatever you are, you're servants of God. Whatever God wants you to do, where your
place is... God placed in the church some apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors. He placed that by
virtue of His own predestination. And you were that to begin with. 1


347-2 So gifts and callings are predestinated of God. They are--they are God's gifts and
callings, even without repentance, the Bible said. See? They were ordained before the
foundation of the world. See?


E-31 The Bible said there's five offices in the Church that is ordained of God and put in the
Church--office holders. First is apostles, prophet, teachers, evangelists, pastors. They're God's
foreordination. By predestination, by foreknowledge He saw it, placed it in the Church for
every age.

By doing away with the gifts and callings of God, you are doing away with predestination.
9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to
his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,

To do away with Divine healing, shall we do away with Calvary as well?

I PETER 2:24
24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live
unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

494-4 22. Would the Bride of Christ have a ministry before the rapture? Sure. That's
what's going on right now. See? The Bride of Christ... Certainly. It is the Message of the hour
(See?), the Bride of Christ. Sure, She's consist of apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and
pastors. Is that right? That's the Bride of Christ. Sure, She's got a ministry, great ministry; it's
the ministry of the hour; it'll be so humble...


E-50 You know, the religions today can explain it all away. "This happened, and that's
gone." And "This was for another age. And this..." But a man that's ever met God face-to-face
and talked to Him, there's no scientist, or no devil, or nothing else can come on that sacred ground,
He was there where he met God, and he knows what he's talking about.

…Malachi 4. It’s a restoring.


176 The end-time evangelist's message is from Malachi 4. It's a restoring. The message and
messenger both will have to be a restoration of the faith.** …What is it? It's a message that
goes forth, a message and messenger of the last days, that's not to bring them to a creed, but to jerk
them out of those creeds and bring them back to the original faith of the fathers, the Pentecostal
fathers, where the church is to be in the last days, not the Mosaic fathers, but the Pentecostal

** {Malachi 4:5-6 was to restore, not destroy, to bring back to the original, not do away with}


104 What did He say in Malachi 4? Would restore, restore back the original Pentecostal faith,
back to the people with the same Pentecostal message, the same Pentecostal sign, the same
Pentecostal evidence, the same God, the same power, the same teaching, everything exactly,
with the vindication of the same Pillar of Fire that struck Paul down on the road, down to
Damascus; among us today, doing the same things He did in that day.


132 Now, we believe that the hour has come that St. John 14:12 must be fulfilled. We--we
believe that Malachi 4 must be fulfilled. We believe that Luke 17:30 must be fulfilled. We believe
that all these prophecies that He said would come to pass in this day, we believe they must be
fulfilled. And we believe we're seeing them fulfilled right now. That’s exactly right!

…Malachi 4. It’s a restoring.


When we seen St. John 14:12, Hebrews 13:8, St. John 14:9, have we seen Luke 17:27-28, and all
these Scriptures as promised, Malachi 4, ALL OF THEM FULFILLED RIGHT HERE BEFORE
US? What has it done to our eyes? If it doesn't open them, it'll blind them eternally. It opens some,
blinds the others. See? It opens them to it these last days, what He's promised to do this, what
He said He would do it, restore back the faith.


Notice, same Pillar of Fire sent to Moses and to Paul that wrote the Bible, NOW SENT TO
REVEAL IT. The grace of God, the unchanging God FULFILLING the promises of Matthew 28,
"Lo, I am with you always," FULFILLING St. John 14:12, "The works that I do, you also,"
FULFILLING St. Luke 17:28-29, "In the last days the Son of man will be revealed," (See, see?)
Malachi 4, "Behold, I send to you Elijah the prophet, that will restore the faith of the people back
to the original Word." You see? See? How this... See? Oh, my.


…the eternal One that came and redeemed us and taken us back, letting us recognize that we were
a part of this. Now, how do you know you're a part? Because that the Word of the hour, the
promise of the day. What is it? A restoration back to the first day, the first: "And he shall
restore the hearts of the children back to the fathers," bringing a restoration again of the
Pentecostal genuine, not sensations... and will manifest the Evening Light, the same sun that
showed in the Morning Light. That's promised for the day. Amen, amen.


That's what the church is in such a condition tonight, that it's in. It's because we have failed to
believe all that He said He would do. All the Scriptures that pertains to Him, WE FAIL TO
BELIEVE IT ALL. We bang it around, mix it up, and put something else to it. If we'd believe
the whole thing, there'd be a Spring of joy in our souls because we're raised with Him in the
likeness of his resurrection, now sitting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, with all principalities,
and powers, and darkness under our feet…


182 They take the spirit of one another instead of the Holy Spirit. That's the reason we got
so much perverted teaching of the Bible. Instead of coming back to the blueprint, they've
taken the spirit of some denomination. See? But the Word is just as foreign to them as It was in
the days when Jesus come forth, introducing the real true Gospel.


45-3 Watch God's great revelation unfolding. By lack of this revelation is why we have so
many different divisions among us and so much mockery, so much division among us, is
because the people lack that revelation. See, they lack that revelation: the teachers.

2 different words: to appear and then to come


E-95 Did you know that the Bible speaks of the appearing of the Lord, and also the
coming of the Lord, and it's two different works? SEARCH IT AND FIND OUT IF
THAT'S RIGHT.** The appearing and the coming is two different things. The
appearing of the Lord is now. He's appearing amongst His people. We see Him in His
same works, the appearing, His Holy Spirit. But His coming will be in a physical
being. It'll be to catch the church up.


174 This is the close of the royal Seed's waiting. He's here, the appearing of
Christ. Did you ever try to divide... THERE'S A PLACE IN THE BIBLE **, you know, I
ain't got time to go into it, says, the appearing of Christ, and then the coming of
Christ. That's two different things altogether, the appearing and the coming.
He's appearing now, working with us in the form of the Holy Spirit, making it just
perfect, the Church; It has to.

** {If “there’s a place in the Bible” that clearly defines these “two works” lets “search it
and find out if that’s right” ...see 1 JOHN 2:28}


E-31 Notice. There's a great big difference in the sign of Jesus appearing, and then
Jesus coming. There's two different words, means two different things: the
appearing of the Lord, and the coming of the Lord.
Now, the appearing of the Lord is now, when He's appearing in His people, His Spirit
working among them, proving that it's Him with them, getting them ready for the
rapture, for the coming of the Lord to catch away His--the Bride (See?): the appearing
and the coming. All right. Now.


E-81 Even the disciples said, "Why does the scribes say Elias must first come?"
Said, "Elias has already come and you didn't know it." Goes over your head and
you don't know it. Don't miss it. The Holy Spirit, Christ is here.
Now, remember these two words before I leave you: the appearing of Christ and the
coming of Christ is two different things. Christ is now appearing in the fullness of
His power. His coming will be afterwards: His appearing before His coming. God
be merciful.

2 different words: to appear and then to come


50 Same thing today, when you see His work. Now, we have already seen and
are witnessing the appearing of the Lord. Now remember, appearing and coming
is two different words: to appear and then to come. Now is the appearing; He's
already appeared in these last days, right here with us in the last few years. Now,
it's a sign of His coming. He's appearing in His Church in the form of the Holy
Spirit, showing that it's Him, 'cause people cannot do these things that you see the
Holy Spirit doing; so that's the appearing of the Lord. Now, you remember, it
spoke both places, "appearing" and "coming."


E-24 Jesus said, "When the Son of man is revealed from heaven." Let me close
by saying this: that the Son of man is now being revealed from heaven.
"Will it come after while, Brother Branham?"
It is now. And I hope I won't have to make this so personal of this own meeting,
but that your spirit within you that's give you by God, can read what I'm talking
about. The Son of man has already come from glory and is revealing Himself for
the past few years to His Church in mercy, showing them His great Presence,
doing the same things that He did when He was here on earth, revealing Himself
like He did to Abraham. Before the destruction, He has come now in mercy,
revealing Himself to the Church. It's being laughed at and scoffed at. The next
time He reveals Hisself, it'll be in judgment on the world and the nations that's
forgot God and sinned their way of grace--their day of grace, rather, away.


E-98 Now, when that Angel of the Lord came to Abraham, there in the time
before the destruction, now, that was God appearing in human flesh. And Jesus
said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man."
As it was in the days of Lot... He give the morals of what they were doing in the
days of Noah.
In the days of Lot, watch that Messenger to Abraham. Watch the messengers to
Lot and the nominal church. Just, "Come out, come out," and Abraham pleading
for them. Notice, the Angel, God, Elohim, appearing in a form of human flesh
shows that Elohim in the last days will appear, not the coming of Christ, but
the appearing of Christ in human flesh in His church, making His same signs
and things that He did, and hasn't done it in the church for two thousand years
(See?): the appearing of the Lord.

2 different words: to appear and then to come

1 JOHN 2:28
28 And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, 5319 we may
have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. 3952


5319 phaneroo {fan-er-o'-o} from 5318; STRONG'S NUMBER
AV -- make manifest (19) 3952 parousia {par-oo-see'-ah}
-- appear (12) from the present participle of 3918;
-- manifest (9) AV -- coming (22)
-- show (3) -- presence (2) [24]
-- be manifest (2) 1) presence
-- show (one's) self (2) 2) the coming, arrival, advent; esp. the
-- manifestly declare (1) future visible return from heaven of
-- manifest forth (1) [49] Jesus, to raise the dead, hold the last
1) to make manifest or visible or known what judgment, and set up formally and
has been hidden or unknown, to manifest, gloriously the kingdom of God
whether by words, or deeds, or in any other
way ~~~~~~~~~~
1a) make actual and visible, realized; to
Brother Branham taught the “appearing” was
make known by teaching; to become
manifest, be made known; of a person, “the revealing” of the Word for this age; (LK
expose to view, make manifest, to show 17:30) and the “coming” as the literal,
one's self, appear; to become known, to be physical return or Advent of Christ. Note: he
plainly recognized, thoroughly understood: defined “appearing” as “His presence” not the
who and what one is word “parousia.” According to the prophet,
the word 3952 “parousia,” in 1 JOHN 2:28,
means “the coming.”

The distinction between the “appearing” and the “coming” is also specified in the two Greek
definitions of the word “appearing.” Notice on the following page: the “appearing,” 602 or “the
revealing;” and “appearing” 2015 the “brightness of His coming.” One meaning the revealing of
the “son of man”…Christ, the Word, and the other meaning an event; the literal physical return of
the Lord Jesus Christ, and the resurrection.
76 If we could only do that tonight, people! If we could only realize that He is
appearing to us in these meetings, for one purpose, that's, to release our desires
that we have in Him, to us. But we've got to recognize His Presence. And now how
you recognize His Presence, is when the promised Word for this age is made
manifest, not the promised Word of Moses' age or any other age. Is the promise of
the Word for this age!

2 different words: to appear and then to come

1 PETER 1:7-8
7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though
it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing 602 of
Jesus Christ:
8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye
rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:


602 apokalupsis {ap-ok-al'-oop-sis} 601 apokalupto {ap-ok-al-oop'-to}
 from 601; TDNT from 575 and 2572; TDNT
AV -- revelation (12)
-- be revealed (2) AV -- reveal (26)
-- to lighten + 1519 (1) 1) to uncover, lay open what has been
-- manifestation (1) veiled or covered up;
-- coming (1) disclose, make bare
-- appearing (1) [18] 2) to make known, make manifest,
1) a laying bear, making naked disclose what before was unknown
1a) a disclosure of truth, instruction,
concerning things before unknown
LUKE 17:30
1b) used of events by which things or
states or persons hitherto withdrawn from 30 Even thus shall it be in the day
view are made visible to all manifestation, when the Son of man is revealed. 601
appearance (see LUKE 10:21-23)

TITUS 2:13 13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious
appearing 2015 of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ

2 THESSALONIANS 2:8 (see DANIEL 12:2-3)

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of
his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness 2015 of his coming:


2015 epiphaneia {ep-if-an'-i-ah} from 2016; TDNT
AV -- appearing (5)
-- brightness (1) [6]
1) an appearing, appearance; in the NT the advent of Christ, -- not only
that which has already taken place and by which his presence and power appear
in the saving light he has shed upon mankind, but also that illustrious return
from heaven to earth to occur in the future.


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