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Monthly H07 30p


Legend of the
Werewolf (
mSHfOR ')

MWeMHHiHMli .mi ::<>»»

VINCENT Price shares his 27th May birthday with United States to complete his degree, before taking off once
another top horror-fantasy performer. Christopher Lee, more for England to take his Masters at the University of
although Price admits to arriving "a few years earlier". London. While at Yale, Price had enjoyed participating in
(191 1 . in St. Louis, Missouri). His father was president of a amateur theatricals, and visits to the West End re-awakened
large candy firm specialising in jelly babies, and his his interest in acting. After a walk-on as a policeman at the
grandfather was well-known as the inventor of Dr. Price's Gate Theatre Club, he won the role of Prince Albert in
Baking Powder. The family is descended from the first English "Victoria Regina" with his striking resemblance to the
child to be born in the colony of Massachusetts. The third of original, and his command of German He was to repeat the
four children, Vincent received his early education at the St. role on Broadway, with Helen Hayes as the Queen, in 1935,
Louis Day School. completing his MA the same year.
At 16, Price inherited 300 dollars from his grandmother, He continued to act in America, and married one of his
and embarked upon a two-month tour of the capitals of leading ladies, Edith Barrett, in New York, in 1938. (N.B. In
Europe, an experience which was to have some influence on "WOH" 4, we mistakenly stated that Price's current marriage,
his future, inspiring him with the great interest in art he has to Coral Browne was his second. It is his third.) Their son,
maintained to this day Vincent Barrett Price, is today an anthropologist and
He returned to Amerii a. and commenced the study of art University lecturer. In 1 938. Price also became a member of
history at Yale. He was < member of that university's famous Orson Welles' influential Mercury Theatre, in New York, before
choir,with which he
le re-visited
rt Europe, leaving the tour to leaving to make his first film, "Service de Luxe", a Hollywood
continue his art :arch in Munich. Again, he returned to the comedy starring Constance Bennett He was then placed
under contract with Universal Studios until 1940. He also
appeared on Broadway in "Outward Bound", a fantasy about
a group of people on a luxury liner, passing from this life to the
next. Then, he had a major "break" in Hollywood, portraying
Sir Walter Raleigh in "The Private Lives of Elizabeth and
nth Bene Davis and Erroll Flynn in the title roles.
After another period film "Tower of London", Price was
signed by 20th Century Fox, with whom he would make seven
films in the next twelve years, including "The Eve of St.
Mark", of which he commented, "I had to starve all the way
through it, so could look heroic", and which remains one of

his personal favourites.

and Crafts Board, and recenily published yet another book,
"The Vincent Price Treasury Of Great American Art", He
sometimes regrets the (act that his name is associated so
closely with fantasy films. (Like Cushing, Lee, and Karloff, he
dislikes the use of the term "horror" 10 describe his
efforts) but is grateful for the security his macabre roles have
given him, providing the money to indulge his passion for
collecting paintings and objets d'art, Price was given an
opportunrty to show his own artistic flair in 1963's "Diary Of
A Madman", for which he drew the sketches that are seen as
the protagonist prepares to execute a sculpture of the


When America entered the Second World War, Price was
drafted, then rejected,
when ii was discovered that he has a
form of colour-blindness, an affliction the art expert had
heretofore been unaware of.
In 1 943. he opened the Little Gallery in
Los Angeles, and
three years later became a founding member of the Modern
Of Art.
first "star" billingin a film was, prophetically
enough, in an opus called "Shock", playing a potty
psychiatrist In 1946, he recieved critical praise for his
villainous role in the Gothic
Romance "Dragonwyck", and, in
1948, he provided the voice of the Invisible Man in the
'Abboit & Costello Meets The Ghosts" spoof He played the
Devil in a touring production of Shaw's "Don Juan In Hell",
and in 1953 had a success that decided the course of his
future film career, essaying Ihe part of the scarred
proprietor in the 3D film "House Of Wax". This was followed
by a less distinguished 3D effort, "The Mad Magician", and
extensive stage and TV appearances. During the 50's, Price
surprised the public with his knowledge of art on the
American TV quiz, "The 64,000 Dollar Question", and found
himself in demand as a lecturer on the subject, a sideline he
has continued to the present. He has had some success with > ^^^^^^^^^^ "The Haunted Palace "

writing, as well "I Like What Know", a chatty autobiography

heroine. (For the record, Price's co-star in this film was Nancy
concentrating on his devotion to art, was a US best-seller in
Kovack, at that time the tallest actress in Hollywood, at six
1959, followed by The Book Of Joe", in 1961, a sentimental — how's that for trivia?)
tribute to a dog which had been in the family fourteen
years. To conclude the "gossip" aspects of this appreciation, Price
Price is known for the humorous touches he usually brings is 6 feet 4 inches, smokes, weighs 14 stone, and
is currently
to his melodramatic roles, and has confessed,
that unlike living in Los Angeles, with his actress wife Coral
some of his colleagues, he regards his work in horror films as Browne,
whom he met while filming "Theatre Of Blood" He maintains
something of a joke. His co-stars, particularly in such that London is his favourite city, has received the "This Is
outlandish films as "The Fly", have often found it very difficult Your Life" treatment in America, an ordeal he managed to
to keep a straight face when Price camps up a scene survive with some dignity intact, and is reported to have had
might find this attitude somewhat offensive,
but many several psychic experiences, (Including the rather peculiar one
viewers find Price's tongue-in-cheek approach irresistible. of "seeing" "Tyrone Power Dies" written in the clouds while
In 1949, after the dissolution of his first on board a plane bound for New York, where he saw the same
marriage. Price
married Mary Grant, a costume designer, and fellow gourmet- phrase on the newspaper headlines, upon disembarking.)
cooking enthusiast. They collaborated on two cookery
books, He takes great pleasure in his work, and has been quoted as
"A Treasury Of Great Recipes", and "A National Treasury Of saying "They'll have to bury me before quit, and my

Cookery", not to mention a daughter, Mary Victoria, now 1 3.

tombstone will read 'I'll be back.'" When asked about the
He holds several honorary degrees from American difficulty of leading a normal life in the entertainment world,
universities, is a chairman of the US Interior Dept. Indian Arts he has said "No-one would go into this business if he were

"The Mad Magician" had Price as a demented pres- Corman re-made "Tower Of London" (Price had portrayed
digitator given to eliminating his adversaries through deadly the ill-fated Clarence in the Universal version' with Price
"tricks".Also in the cast were Patrick O'Neal and Eva Gabor. playing poor Richard III as the stereotyped monster he has
"The Fly" (1958) is actually a much more literate and been to the general public, since Shakespeare's time. (While
worthwhile film than its rather bad reputation would lead one historians would no doubt like to see Richard III get a fair
to believe, although Price has confessed that he and Herbert shake for once, "Tower Of London" is another colourful,
Marshall were so overwhelmed with levity during the rumbustious Corman product, and Price is clearly enjoying his
climactic scene where the human-headed fly is discovered in villainy),

the spider's web, that they were unable to look each other in
"Tales Of Terror," scripted by Matheson was a fairly
the eyes during the filming of the sequence.
successful adaption of three Poe short stories, "Morella",
Later, Price was to make two films for low-budget horror
"The Black Cat" (The plot was combined with that of 'The
producer William Castle, whose gimmicky films have many
Cask Of Amontillado") and "The Facts In The Case Of M.
admirers. Firstly, he appeared in "House On Haunted Hill" as
Valdemar". the latter was especially noteworthy for Price's
a millionaire concocting a plot to eliminate his cheating wife
grisly disintegration. The all-star cast also included Peter
during a night in a supposedly haunted mansion. It was a
Lorre, Basil Rathbone and Debra Paget
rather trite, but effective thriller, and the moments of inten-
Corman obtained the services of Price, Lorre, Karloff for
tional humour did not fall as flat as they often do, in "horror"
"The Raven", a rather good send-up of the genre, with the
films. More original was "The Tingler," which proposed that three stars in fine fettle.
intense fear caused a lobster-like creature to materialise on
"Twice Told Tales" brought some of Nathaniel Hawthorne's
the spinal cord, and, if unchecked by a loud shriek, the mini-
stories to the screen, and featured Price in three menacing
monsters' activities could result in the victim's death As a
publicity stunt, many cinemas had the seats wired to pro-
Corman repeated the horror-comedy formula with even
duce a mild tingling effect, when the creature was on the
greater success in "The Comedy Of Terrors," this time with
loose. Absurd as it sounds, it's a most absorbing little
Price, Lorre, Rathbone, and Joe E Brown Sadly, Price is the
screamie. with a couple of genuinely frightening moments.
only survivor of the lead players in this 1963 outing, but it
Now well established as a purveyor of screen chills, Price remains one of the most delightful films of its kind.
began his collaboration with producer-director Roger
"The Haunted Palace" was a less impressive Corman
Corman, playing Roderick in "The Fall Of The House Of
thriller, taking its title from the Poe poem, but its theme from
Usher". It was a cheap film, but excellent colour photography
the works of H, P. Lovecraft, especially "The Case Of Charles
and careful attention to period detail make it an effective Dexter Ward " Lovecraft is a very difficult writer to deal with,
visual experience, and while it often wanders far from Poe's
and to date no film based on his work has been entirely
original, remains one of Corman's best efforts.
successful. This one is no exception, but it is certainly far from
"Master Of The World" a spectacular adaption of a Jules dull,with a thoroughly nasty ending.
Verne tale, had Price inventing a 19th-century aircraft, and, in Corman decided to film "Masque Of The Red Death" in
well-intentioned madness, doing a considerable amount of
London, and the result was a quite satisfactory combination of
damage to those who stood in his way.
the title story with "Hop-Frog". It is visually perfect (colour
"The Pit And The Pendulum" was Price's next film for photography by the brilliant Nicolas Roeg, who has since
Corman; a rather distasteful Poe pastiche, with much
turned to directing, with "Walkabout" and the fascinating
madness and mayhem, which gave Price plenty of leeway to "Don't Look Now") and Price resists his tendency to over-do
leer and lurk, and featured the mesmerising Barbara Steele as
his villainous frenzies, to give a varied and compelling portrait
of the decadent Prospero.
An Italian film of Matheson's "I am Legend" entitled "The
Last Man On Earth" cast price in the role of the last normal
survivor of a bizarre plague, and was not a great success, to
"The Tomb of Ligeia", also made here, was the last major
the disappointment of the novel's many fans.
film of the AIP Poe cycle and has not received much attention,
although it is by no means a failure, and Price's portrayal of
Verden Fell is definitely one of his kinkiest maniacs.
"Warlords Of The Deep", although directed by Tourneur, is
not helped by its slow script and the presence of such
luminaries asTabHunter.
In 1968, Price had the opportunity to do some serious
acting in "Witchfinder General"; Persuaded by director
Michael Reeves to tone down the eye-rolling antics that have
become his trade-mark, he gave a very convincing
performance as the power-crazed Matthew Hopkins. The
historic atmosphere is beautifully reproduced, and Reeves'
work with a distinguished cast and an intelligent script (wl "Ch
he co-authored) have made this psychological thriller one of
the modern classics.
"The Oblong Box", very loosely adapted from Poe, teamed
Price with Christopher Lee for the first time. There are some
pretty gruesome scenes, but on the whole, the film falls a bit
short of the mark. In "Scream And Scream Again", Lee and
Cushing had tiny guest roles, while Price starred as the doctor
obsessed with creating a race of cyborgs. Back in 1 970, this
plot was still fairly fresh, and made interesting viewing. "Cry
Of The Banshee" was a bit of a disappointment, as it failed to
make full use of the rich heritage of Celtic myth that inspired
it, but veteran actress Elizabeth Bergner was interesting as
the vengeance-minded high priestess, and Hilary Dwyer (who


Fan Club Corner We copped In February, we had the opportunity of attending th
into the Kennilworth Hotel lor a Theatres production ot The Picture o' Dorian
flying visit to the Christopher Lee Osborne s adaption puts the emphasis on Wilde's wit, rather than
International Club's ar the gruesome elements ot the fable The fated portrait itself was
meeting, and met a lot of never seen by the audience, but. in addition to the cynical humour,
people having a nice I
there were a few genuinely spooky moments The pace was
Regards to Elaine, Linda, Dorene leisurely, the performances of all concerned polished and
etc etc — We have heard from convincing, (The cast was headed by John McEnerv as Basil
several clubs which might be of Hallward. Anton Rogers as Lord Henry, and Michael Kitchen as
interest to "WOH" readers, all of Dorian, with "horror" film veteran Angharad Rees, as the
which seem to be well organised unfortunate Sybyl Vane Iand Bernard Culshaw s settings,
and to offer good value for money complimented beautiful y by the costumes and lighting, were most

Ifyou write to them, don't forget attractive While this production was certainly not mounted with
theS.A.E. horror-fantasy buffs m mind, it was a surprisingly effective revival
of the old warhorse, and an entertaining, thought-provoking
evening. Wilde's decadent Victorians seemed quite contemporary,
and as Osborne has pointed out, our obsession with maintaining
the illusion of youth and beauty, often at the neglect ol our
spiritual development, has never been greater than it is to-day

"Dr. Phibes Rises Again". AsProsperoin "Masque Of The Red Death

had also appeared in "Witchfinder General") was a heroine
with some personality in her prettiness; a refreshing change
from the conventional vapid dollies we so often have
endure in horror-fantasyfilms
More recently, Price
has contributed two performances as
the outrageously deranged Dr. Phibes. These creepily "camp"
adventures have met with a good deal of adverse criticism,
FILMOGRAPHY 1,0. Ssminnrv
46 V.nderbsro Av« .

TroyN. Y. 12180. U. S A
but we crazed perverts here at "WOH" found them so enter-
taining, that we've devoted a photo feature to them, (see issue

1972 s "Theatre Of Blood" arguably Price's best film,

is Asa follow up (we're great Follower-uppers) lo the "Skulls-
with Price supported by an awe-tnspinng cast, playing an Symbols of the Sinister" article in issue d. these two rather
unhinged thespian, who decides to murder the critics who macabre postage stamps have been brought to oui
have denied recognition 10 his talents Assisted by his
daughter (Diana Rigg] he subjects his victims to sundry gory SSI "Comlctiei#-n
SSI 'nwfQI ItnOon-
Shakespearean deaths.
"Madhouse", Price's latest film, is a let-down after 'Theatre
Of Blood". It's quite a conventional murder mystery, but does
serve to unite Price with Peter Cushmg (in a change-of
role) and any film with these two pros can't be
dull.That brings us just about up to the present, and here we
must end this look at Vincent Price's life and career, we hope
that Mr Price will be delighting us with his unique
pretations of "horror" anti-heroes for many
years more.
987 HovstOIATI
Films which are of particular interest to horror-fantasy
are marked by an asterisk' We
have included a few costume
thrillers like "Tower Of London" and "Dragonwyck" in this
category. We thought this filmography would be of particular
interest, as the many titles give some indication of the
versatility of Price's acting skill Although we thrive on thrills HORROR ENTERS THE SNACK MARKET: wii new snaCK I

and chills, we think it is a pity that performers like Price, foods under, the name "Horror Hays" rum- been bundled b\
Cushing and Lee are often known to fans only for fantasy Smiths", the London based crisp people. Called "Fang? & Bones."
films that often restrict them, somewhat, with the
conventional stock characters they are required to portray, s ihe\ I .ng
and the uninspired dialogue (or lack of it) they are given ,ell.

14 15
cared-for when die
like some aging bloodhound's. "So, cheer
. .
"What's wrong, Chincho?" Lady Elvira Blake asked the Pekinese as she cradled the beast
to her volumninous breasts. The dog's prominent eyes sparkled strangely, made her start
for no logical reason. "Come, told you, I've just today made my will you'll be well

." And the loose folds of flesh about her jowls and throat wobbled

mm —

ky Pfayten Syder
words were choked-off
as the small dog's
sharp teeth
be a spate of similar incidents,
accidents etc. Fires, for example You
such a short space
at the distance apart
of time And look
they are: Luton,
. .

sank into her old flesh can have one massive fire, bad safety Manchester, Portsmouth,Glasgow,
Unintelligibly, she
squealed, tried precautions, a lot of deaths No sooner Cardiff . , ,
Even docile spaniels and
warding the animal off, but the snarling have the embers died than the Pekinese have turned on their
Pekinese just clamped its jaws lighter nationals are reporting other fires, owners!"
onto her throat, the skin tearing. Within front-page with
terror-banners "Yes, it is quite a hefty coincidence,
seconds, both Chincho and his mistress pictures. It doesn't mean there's been a I'll grant you, but

were covered in the spasms of blood sudden upsurge of fires they've just — "You don't seem very impressed,
from severed veins. latched onto topical news It happens Brian."
Wordlessly. Lady Elvira fell all the time .
He shrugged noncommittally "It's
screaming to the Persian carpel, Daldry nodded. "Thai's true enough unusual ." Maybe Jack Daldry was
incapable of defending herself any — though a trifle cynical, I think going a bit crackpot, judging by this
longer, paralysed with fear The winged "You forget, Jack, that's why I'm not latest hairbrained idea But Pointer . .

chair toppled with her; their combined working in Fleet Street now my — still had faith in him he'd been a—
weight was too great, crushing the dog cynicism didn't appeal. It makes me damned good editor, who had
beneath Chincho let out one almighty
sick sometimes, tool" increased his paper's circulation when
yelp, his neck -cracked resoundingly, Clasping his pudgy hands round a others were dwindling or folding. If he
and then he was still, jaws gripping his number of newspaper cuttings, hadn't been so stupid as to dally with
mistress's flesh even in death Daldry's penetrating water-blue eyes that press lord's wife and subsequently
"Come in, Brian, sit down, sit down," held his; "Brian, bearing in mind what get thrown out on his ear, he'd be a rich
said Jack Daldry, Brian Pointer's editor we've just said, don't think theseI man and retired by now, instead, he
Gathering up the various unsolicited incidents come under that heading." was in this backwater town, mooning
manuscripts and back-issues, from the He handed Pointer the clippings over some outlandish theory of
chair indicated, the journalist piled Each was a report, some featuring ferocious dogs with Hitchcockian
them on the threadbare carpet by the alarming, snarling, pictures, terror-tendencies. "Yes, think it's I

waste-basket and sat down. "You've concerning vicious attacks by dogs. worth looking into. Jack."
got a nasty assignment again,' Pointer "Mad, starving guard-dogs?" He eyed "I was hoping you'd say that."
declared. Daldry sceptically "What's nasty abou't "I'll get onto it right away "He closed

Squinting over hornrimmed glasses, that —

apart from their keepers the door; the hammered glass pane
Daldry looked chary: "What makes you needing some of their own treatment?" rattled. Pointer paused thoughtful. The
say that?" "You sympathise with the dogs, poor blighter ... Still, why not get a
"You don't offer me a seat unless — then?" story on the front page for a change?
the job's so bad need to hear it sitting
"You forget, I'm biased. — I've had He'd been so wound up with the
down, that's why," he grinned. Rik my Alsatian for four years — and seamier side of things, producing
may be right.
Daldry shrugged. "You I
he's as gentle as a nurse with both centre-page exposes, that he hadn't
don'tknow on this one But do , ,
Judyar>tfMichael . . had a front-page headliner in over
know my nose seldom lets me down, "Oh, of course a lovely brute — — three months . . .

and I think we're onto something rather how on earth did you train him .?" . .
I'm slipping, he thought, stuffing the
weird. .
"With time, patience and kindness — cuttings into his jacket pocket.
"Do need to take notes?" Pointer
I .
Judy'd get jealous at times," Pointer
. . "What are all those cuttings for,
asked, fishing in his tatty suit for his laughed. Brian?" Judy asked after their meal,
dog-eared pad. Howold's Michael now?" Michael was getting ready for bed,
"No, my idea's too way-out even for "Four." saying goodnight to all his toy soldiers
that — yetl" "Well. Brian, bias or not, bear with Rik cocked an ear at the tone of Judy's
"Go on, then, Jack. I'm intrigued,
me on this. Look at the dates of the voice but didn't move, just lay with
Appetite whetted . . reports, The variety Of course. we've muzzle flat on the rug, wolf-like
"As an ex Fleet Street man yourself, I had postmen attacked before. But not features relaxed
take it you're well aware of trends in on this scale. To my knowledge, there "Been through my pockets again,
newspapers'" has never been an incidence of so love?" Pointerjoked
"Naturally . . There always seems to many vicious dogs attacking people in Continued on page 41

™ :

Paul Toombes (VINCENT PRICE), veteran Hollywood horror film star, is making
a comeback in a TV series in London, party becomes a nightmare for Paul when Carol is found brutally murdered.
based on the old "Dr. Death" movies which first made him world famous.
The trouble with Paul is his past. Back in the early fifties, a beautiful young actress, Ellen (JULIE He is unsteadied again when a heavy canopy over a bed on which he is about to enact a scene crashes down on Blount
CROSTHWAITE), (BARRY DENNEN), the director of the TV apparently killing him.
to whom he was engaged to be married, was found murdered in strange circumstances. Although
acquitted after standing

trial for the killing, Paul's career was shattered, and the complete breakdown he suffered Strong suspicion is cast on Paul when Mr. and Mrs. Peters (ELLIS DALE and CATHERINE W1LLMER), foster parents
left him an unbalanced wreck.
Now, after twenty years of the murdered Elizabeth who had attempted to blackmail the actor are found murdered.
in the cold, his old Hollywood actor-friend. Herbert Flay (PETER CUSHING) welcomes
him back to the role.
Julia, the publicity girl, discovers the first piece of concrete evidence, but iever gets the chance to reveal it. Her
murdered body is found by Paul in his dressing room at the TV studios.
Paul's feelings of insecurity are revived when the murdered body of Elizabeth Peters (LINDA HAYDEN), an attractive
Shattered by the crime, Paul begins to wonder if he is in the grip of impulses totally beyond his control. Picking up the
but bitchy young actress with whom he'd had an affair on the voyage to England, is found floating in a rowboat on the
River Thames. dead Julia in his arms, he staggers, like a man insane, to the sound stage where he has been filming, and there, after placing
Pressure now builds up on Paul with a routine visit from the police who now know the girl's body in a chair, he deliberately sets the whole place ablaze as the cameras turn. Paul, however, escapes the flames.
of his association with the dead
girl. And then his professionalism is assaulted by the unprofessional behavior Thinking Paul dead, Herbert Flay now wins the leading role in the series from Oliver Quayle. He goes down to the set
of his associates on the TV series- by his
incompeteni, trouble-making co-star, Carol (JENNY LEE WRIGHT), and and turns on the videotape which contains the scene of the fire. Just as the screen flares with flames, he is grabbed by Paul
by the producer. Oliver Quayle (ROBERT
QUARRY), whom Paul had once known-and disliked-as a maker of cheap Hollywood quickie pictures. who had not been burned by the flames after all. Herbert admits having perpetrated the murders to drive Paul mad before
At a party to inaugurate the TV series, Paul nerves himself to go through with the project mainly Paul kills him.
because he has
found a good friend and supporter in Julia (NATASHA PYNE), the studio publicity girl working on the show, Paul goes to his makeup kit and soon he bears the face of Herbert and is prepared to fill out Herbert's new starring
But the


the shade of apollyon had been expecting Updike all night, and expecting him with a feeling of

disquiet. As soon as heard his car pull up in the rising fog outside, the

characteristic slamming of its door, and his heavy footfalls along the asphalt
path towards my house, this disquiet gave way to the irritation had been I

trying hopelessly to subdue.

b/dcrid rile/

obviously what he intended and room at the books "You could

show me
Upi although

being manipulated
could not see any

any way by
every book in the world
that has ever been written about
spooks and hobgoblins and
in I self-s lisfied and
him cast my mind back over the
I would still say to you. as already I overblov
last few months and the bitter reveal to him the Shade of
purpose some might say. though course of our protracted argu- He tapped h Apollyon, the terrible Angel of
ment in the Open Mind Started :antly, iling. ThHl Death
by attacks upon an article of t In U sin,) ,r I thai
mine in the magazine on the Spooks I had been ere
This latter riefin r r'li'H f
stone images of Paasch Eyland it anywhere else but a nodded my head, saying: "Very

well, I will prove to you that s

stepped in, his glassy >. vehemence into a veritable feud things as demons exist."
eyes gliding w wherein stood — or so I it would replied "thenicily, Updike s eyes opened wide in
of contempt across the packed seem from his remarks — for the hardly have bothered disbelief, half mocking me even
bookshelves that covered most blind acceptance of every super- all know that such

of the walls of the room in which stition and myth that the fevered demons exist. And al slightestshadowofdoubt "You'll
I showed him minds of men had ever formed casm in the world invoke some thing?" he asked
"Still hanging on to the same and Updike for tht lijniJtMl nind,"
Id gibberish, see," he I
Of I Updike i Iling n
remarked, withdrawing one of lad refered to that you know they exist All
Its pages crackled
;. right, prove to me that they do if i that
beneath his rough fingers as he Looking down at a shrivelled that d

flicked his way through it, "Three Hand of Glory Updike said: "I However, it will be an arduous
hundred years old" he asked, thought that now. once and for task and could do with some

smiling faintly "The Tract of t before start I

Calvanicus," he continued, not dispute Neither of us has given Would some coffee be fine with
iting for my reply. "You know, much ground and it hasn't done you?" asked, stepping towards

le were alive today, he'd be our standing much good to bicker "Don't be stupid If you knew the hallway door.
like a pair of guttersnipes in the of thedanger such a thing world tally, as had hoped, I

n the select press involve you wouldn't even make feeling the more unpleasant
that after effects of too much alcohol
U ,d
Thi> med t Updike sa.d that he would. "Bui
fh<s anged and typically in-
lull that .
sincere speech of his to me, and I

trying to looked at him sceptically. "Do things as spooks.' he called as I

felt boiling inside inside n you really think that we can made my way towards the
my research
invaluable in

settle anything between us my sanity and on my soul thi kitchen t smiled to myself,
Updike chuckled "You'l tonight?" asked And what, in
' you obviously do on your ov beginning to enjoy in propect the
any case, would be the point? We and would not
I risk them with i
h.irri'li-ss Inil satisfying rr'vt!rli|f I

day they'll be putting you have no common ground on matter how gre
tsylum which to argue any further than petrate upon him for his ill-man-
md that a we have already As far as I'm 's coffee I

concerned we could discuss the added a few grains of sleeping

subject from now until daybreak powder which my doctor had
if o 3 far mplaie doing such a prescribed for me months before
'You know very well that it the Open Mind haven' for the insomnia suffer from I

an. And is." anything can't see how any I

Within ten minutes of myi
"I wish that I did, Some- further discussion now will help i
the study Updik<
mes." he said "But never I It would be a complete waste of ;ious. his drained cup lying
ould blinker myself that well time Why you even bothered to beside Mm on the floor
The truth will out, as they say Or contact me about this don't I Quickly I dragged him
astIt does for some of us.

aughed Quietly, passing his "Perhaps because, unlike with leather belts Then I

yourself. I don't like to leave an

though he was obviously only argument unsettled," Updike straight ^way I

taking a superficial interest in began to swing a ring before

cold, humourless laugh Even as i

By sor
ignored the sarci Of SCUM, I had spent a gre II ol
remarks, stepping to the cur-
tains and drawing them Alreadv "That
street lamps were twinkling like
cannot afford to waste time in
"In your letter you stated thai trying to persuade you that there
you wished in talk with me aboul are sue tilings as demons."

something," said, more as s I "There's no need to try and in some way He wanted proof
challenge than as a reminder persuade me by argument," he
Even courtesy was beginning tc said, his eyes glinting with thought. I would prove thai they
m beyond all tolerance, mud" did, and in a way that would not
though detested being vi
I bly "What do you mean?" asked I bring even the merest risk to
innoyed by his attitude, this Continued on page 48

HE SOLD his soul for rock and roll"
iefls the story Of "Phantom of the
Paradise" in a nutshell. In the form
of a horror-rock musical comedy, writer-
director Brian De Pa ma traces the tale of

meek and mild-mannered rock composer

"Window Leach" (William Finleyland his
fateful encounter with evil record tycoon
"Swan" (Paul Williams) who long ago has
sold his soul lo the devil.
The story begins when Swan's right-
hand thug "Philhin" (George Memmoli)
promises to take Winslow's epic rock
cantata to Swan. True to his unscrupul-
ous ways. Swan steals Winslow's cantata
with the intention of using it as the
opening event for his new Paradise
Theatre. When the naive Winslow
attempts to invade Swan's opulent
mansion, the composer discovers that
auditions for his piece arc taking place.
One of the singers is "Phoenix" (Jessica
Harper) whose stunning voice thrills
Winslow. Philhin quickly has Winslow
thrown out of the mansion. Trying to
summon aid from police officers, Winslow
finds that he has had drugs planted on
him. He is busted and sent to prison where
he plots his revenge against Swan. After a
Crazy escape from the prison laundry.
Winslow breaks into Swan's recording
plant. There his head gets caught in a
record pressing machine and horribly
BRAZIL is a 95%Catholic
country, but still mors than
90% of all Brazilians are more
or less directly involved in
Macumba rites. For some of them it is
a simple matter of offering candles to
one of the Macumba divinities from
time to time. However, all Brazilians
have respect for the Macumba; more
than respect, in fact, they are afraid.
For the foreigner who arrives in
Brazil, his first contact with the
Macumba will be, perhaps, a visit to a
special shop which sells incense to
drive bad spirits out, incense to attract
good spirits, candles of all kinds, pearl
necklaces (each having a special
meaning) and statues of the Catholic
Saints. This rather odd mixture of
wares can be explained by the fact that
Macumba is a mixture of African and
Catholic rites which bears a
resemblance to "Voodoo".
Macumba is, in fact, just one of the
many cults on the same or similar
theme. There is, for example, the
Umbanda cult which is less violent in these retain their symbolic re-
that its blood sacrifices do not take presentation. For example, Olorum is
place in public, or the Kimbanda cult God, Oxala is Jesus, Xango is Saint
which relies on the help of the bad George, and lemanja is Saint Maria
spirits and Satan in particular. The (occasionally known as Barbara). The
origins of all, however, are the same. Catholic calendar of feasts is also used
The cull was
introduced to Brazil by the Macumbeiros (adepts) and the
from Nigeria and other African slates Saints are celebrated the same way
by the African slaves who were brought Nevertheless, sometimes these feasts
over by the Portugese during their take on a special significance. To Saint
colonising period, Caiholics them- Cosme's and Saint Damien's feast ihev
selves, they assimilated the African have added a third person in the shape
rites into those of their own religion. of Saint Daum, whose feast is
Thus the cult of ihe Macumba was dedicated to the children of Brazil.
created (also known as "Candomble" in Sweets are distributed in the streets
the region of Bahia). The rites call upon and on the beaches, because Cosme
Ihe souls of the dead, of Saints and and Damien were doctors of the poor
devils alike, most of which correspond who attended children free of charge
to the Catholic hierarchy. Only the In the churches, spirit centres or
names ha' been chai d, but even "candombles" where the cult meets
Piscean will become "lemanja's son" the water and crossed themselves to leaves its imprint on the daily news- son's how to pay for a bag of flour: or
as that orixa relates to that sign. If a ask permission of the people of the sea papers, television and radio; and on the how to heal a child's wound, for, as the
follower does not want to accept a to enter their territory. Then, after the other hand, it must be noted that many Saints are incarnate, the answers are
Saint in him, at his initiation, he may third wave they place their presents on world-popular songs which are provided by the man in whom a
refuse to accept the presence so that the water, of flowers, rice, perfumes excellent sambas were originally particular Saint is lodged, a fellow
his body stays free for another Saint to and Brazilian champagne, all of which Macumba canticles. country
In a human-being who tries to relieve the
condescend to enter him later on. have been put into small boats. If the where, still, many children die before other's misery
goddess receives the presents kindly, they are a year old and others die of
To anyone who is not initiated into
then the following year will be full of starvation, the role of the religion as a The real practical value of the religion
the cult, the ceremonies are impossible
Left: Reaching the climax of the feast of promise for the adept, if she does not, moral and tangible support is con- is brought out in the words of the Chief
to understand. The meanings of the
Under: Musicians at rhe feast of lemanja songs, the tom-tom that accompanies
the adept returns to the beach but is siderable, for many find it easier to of Macumba, who admitted that, "Of
Below: Every Monday and Friday, candles careful to show his face to the
not believe in divinities who will provide course, everything is not true, and
them, the gestures and the group
waves. ceremony ends with
The bread tomorrow rather than wait for sometimes we make use of artifice to
hysteria can have no significance, and
singing the dawn, by which time the
till Paradise after death. Where once the impress the people, This in itself is not
although the lengths to which it is
carried can lead to doubts through them
adepts are purified and happy, as well cult was the only hope of the slaves, so important. What is, is the fact that
as drunk with fatigue and alcohol. now it is the over-riding hope of the the people retain their faith strongly,
being so spectacular, there is no doubt
Considering the folk-lore and the majority of the population which, too for the near future, which provides
of the sincerity of the adepts Their faith
in the rites reaches the depths of super- spectacular nature of the rites, one may often, finds itself deceived by its fellow them with the strength to go on, and
wonder what is the real value of these man. To them, Exu and Xango are real carry on living in a world which is often
stition, which is generally true of all
cults. On the one hand, one cannot beings (because they incarnate into the too hard for the majority. Is this really
deny the continuing importance to the faithful) but as Saints they can be so different from any religion in
On Friday, for example, the adepts trusted. So, on Monday evenings one Europe? Perhaps in the form, but not in
Brazilian people, nor their influence, for
give presents to Exu who will serve as a the substance."
the Macumba, like the Catholic religion, can see the adepts asking the "Saints
messenger to give human petitions to
the divinities. Exu is supposed to live at
the crossing of the streets, so that at
every cross-shaped place in every
city, candles, cigarettes,
and black cocks (recently
slaughtered) can be seen in the middle
of the street, which motorists are wary FRANKENSTEIN: THE GHOSTS OF LONDON
not to touch. Even the poorest will not TRUE STORY Bv Jack Hallam (Wolfe £4 50)
touch these gifts, only the cleaners who Teleplay by Christopher
Isherwood and Don Bachardy considered
de, is often
have the right to remove the presents
in the early hours of the morning.
from Mary W
Shelley's novel. the mos haunted area in the
nd this carefully-re-
Avon paperback, 70p (Available
Surprisingly, the cult no longer is re- from the Cinema Bookshop. 13- volume certainly lends
stricted to the black people in Brazil, for 14GreatRussellStreet,W 1) to that hackneyed
more and more of the whites are Centra
joining in with the rituals. And it is and quite a
bit of outlying area is
have' mn'^antemsfeto The
ironic that those who were once the True Story ", which is lamentable covered. complete with maps for
masters of the slaves are now the as it was a particularly beautiful eager ghosthuniers. black and
servants of the religion of their own film visually, featured major
the lailest good photos by Chris Thornton of
slaves. haunted locales, and in two
(although it might be argued that
Quite often it is very difficult for a Leonard Whiting was not quite cases [Jeremy Bentham and
up to handling the part of Victor "Jimmy Garlickhythe") rhe
foreigner to be present at one of these remains of the
Frankenstein) and, as a read haunters Unfor-
ceremonies, except for one which, through this paperback should tunately, the no-nonsense style
since 1945. has become public. This is anyone, boasted of the book becomes rather dull.
the feast of lemanja which takes place PRACTICAL STAGE provoking observalions on how the tally I vi ng

on the beaches, for lemanja is Queen of MAKE-UP: Philippe inner nature is reflected in the Thar

features and expression of the face story" as originally recorded by spoi

the Sea and symbol of fecundity. It Perrottet, Studio Vista
There is a very handsome section of describing particularly horrible
Shelley, but this version has the
takes place on December 31st and ends £3.75 photos of well-known p erforrners, most appeal to intellect and spectres like "Springheel Jack"
with the dawn of the new year. It is so including Edith Evans, Redgrave and emotions of any we have seen in and "Heme The Hunter ", both
Olivier transformed by various make- recent years We were fortunate very famous for their nastiness,
important now in Brazil that it is second
We get many letters from readers ups, and the diagrams accompanying enough to see the original of Mr Hallam's ghosts
only to Rio's own yearly festival. who are interested in horrific make rthy . i for
ups, and wish to study the subject in for even a beginner to go too far over three hours in length, historical significance than their
Queen temanja is worshipped under
wrong. The chapters on stylised and appeal to readers interested
depth to perfect their techniques broadcast over two consecutive in
several names; Sanaina and Wlnl. 3-Up fantastic character make-ups will be evenings It was cut to half this chills. Still, this is certainly a
Dandaluna for example, although her different matter, Perrottet's absorbing of particular interest to aspiring time for cineme
worthwhile effort, especially for
once or twice a week, the faithful sit on State, for the "orixas". or Saints, are most popular one is lemanja. Anyone manual provides the reader with all Chaneys, but as Perrottet remarks, differently publicised, and only those with a scholarly interest in
chairs as in usual churches However, the mediums between God and man he or she needs to know to create you must have a command of the lasted a few weeks in the West the subject (Youngsters and
who wants her favour must avoid casual readers may find the
the ceremonies last for about four and when they accept a body of one of most make-ups for theatrical use, and basics of "straight" make-up before End Even in mangled condi
sexual relations on December 31 st until you start indulging those fantasies, if going a trifle tedious) It is more
provides a good foundation for
hours and are often known to last the faithful to live in, the one chosen midnight, when the Queen requires a anyone curious about the subject It is the final product is to have the desired enjoyable to read a few a
throughout the night. Sometimes they becomes a "Saint's son" or a "Saint's present. Her sons and daughters dress also a handy book, even for experi- effect again, to giv d set tl

take place outdoors as is the case with daughter", which gives them first in white and wash in a bath of white enced actors and make-up artists, as Mr Perrottet, who writes from fans who
Baptisms or the feast of "lemanja", but degree status in the Macumba Perrottet disagrees with many of the many years of theatrical experience, char through, for the reports do tend
roses in preparation for a ceremony as dancer and make-up artist, is to be to blend together after a while.
that fre paper of
more of that later hierarchy As there is a symbol which that begins at ten o'clock at night. All days of gaslight, congratulated for this entertaining

"Ghosts of London" is fairly

play (no illustrations, unfor
During the ceremonies, smoking and ;orresponds with each orixa (for night long they will gather on the and useful book, which we recorn- tunatelvl is a very good re, pricey at £4.50. and although it
the drinking of alcohol is encouraged a (Jesus) is the symbol vincing effect, and are often easier to nyone with a strong inter- is very valuable as a reference
beaches and invoke the goddess with
achieve, in the bargain For theatre esl in things night
for it is believed that, in seeking mg of life, and Xango for their songs and cries, encouraged by
purification these allow the "onxas" to
buffs' with minimal interest in mak»- this quality o fortunates who missed, or were
drink and cigarettes until the hour of up, this is still a fascinating little book, up would be
incarnate in the bodies of the faithful midnight when they enter the sea after as the author has a lively, intelligent writing on th
After initiation this is the permanent firsthaving placed their right hands in style, and makes some thought-

30 31
The boogie
man will get you if
you don't

3 Porno rocks, temporarily entombing

Flesh and Jerkoff Armed with the Power Pasties they blast their way
through to rescue our still unliberated heroine Their efforts are aided
by e gay toxopholite who introduces himself as Prince Precious,
rightful heir to the throne of Porno.
Precious and his gay followers had been exiled to the Forest
Kingdom by the wicked Wang Thev give sanctuary to the Earth
people while Jerkoff perfects a Destructo Beam with the aid of Queen
Amoras pasties.
Setting out in a ladybird spacecraft to destroy the Sex Ray machine,
they are unaware that there is a traitor on board. Wang's spy steals
one of the Pasties and escapes by parachute, and the ship is drawn
inexorably into the gigantic metal jaws situated on Wang's perverted

Our fearless foursome also decide to escape by parachute, sword-

fighting their way through the palace in pursuit of the missing pasty
Unfortunately they make a wrong turn and become trapped in a
gigantic lavatory bowl Swimming strongly through the swirling
waters they find the way to the Gents, and safety
Meanwhile Wang is celebrating the death of the Earth people and
pops his newly acquired Power Pasty into a nearby nymph Bursting
on the scene. Flesh and the others manage to shake the pasty free,
blow the circuits of Wang's dreaded rapist robots which are turned on
them, and run towards the patace tower to destroy the Sex Ray

In desperati Idol of All Perversion, ;

king The
aroused when Dale trips, enabling him to capture her He clnr
the top of the Sex Ray tower, peeling back Dale's dress to gaze on her
shapely bosoms Flesh meanwhile has commandeered one of
Wang's ships and is desperately firing rockets at the monster's hind-
quarters Using a rope ladder, Flesh descends from the hovering ship
and rescues Dale As they make their escape, the monster trips over
the edge of the tower, falling on Wang and the Sex Ray machine
below From the space ship Flesh and the others watch as Wang's
perverted palace is destroyed by a series of massive explosions
Prince Precious escorts our heroes back to Jerkoff s golden phallus
and waves a friendly goodbye as they lake off for good old planet
Earth, where they and their fellow earth creatures will once more be
le good old-fashioned way, without

Make sure of your copy each month

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Even before [hen around 1950 - David 1952); drawings lor television programi

PAVID HARDY had began painting his ideal of the planets as

landscapes, noi as mere discs of ligh! in a
telescope. At their First meeting in 1954. lie and
Moore decided to do a book to he called
would show how -pace travel could be achieved
and the places to visit. Much of his spare lime in


worked on
and the London

anything which would help ID project to ihe

honk jackets;
factual scries for a children's 'comic'; in short,

public an atruratr picture of space and space

travel, from the time when man> dismissed even

the R A F. was spent painting spider-like the idea of an artificial satellite as 'pure fantasy'

SPACE ARTIST rockets and delta-winged 'ferry-ships' which to the day when men stepped on to the Moon
now prove to bear a strong family resemblance and his early work was vindicated.
own careen
to today's lunar modules and NASA designs for Ihe breakthrough in his

ihe 'Shuttle'. .The book was not published at


that time, but Hardy continued his spare-time Irom publishers and other commissions still

done in evenings and weekends building up

illustration of astronomical and scientific
subjects after demob., working during the day until he was no stranger to an IH-hour day. the
time had come to make a break, and a 'phone
Bom in l'H'> inHour milk, Hinuiiicluni. Hard) lias, si mi' his schooldays, combined in a large design office near his home.

mi interest In both Vrt ./n./Scimcc. litis lod him to lake Mi lirsi fob in brbwatorj wMfe During this period he worked on many
k lor Patrick Moore, in i'>54 —
books, from technical line drawings' to
working part-lhtw fee it s. then illustrating his Krai
.. i
imaginative subjects. IK- produced a series of
five day* before joining Ihe K \
. l for National Service-
large exhibition paintings lor the British Continued overleaf
Interplanetary Society (which he had joined in

call from M.G M asking ii tic could work on a
new dim 10 be called 2001: A SPACE
ODYSSEY, provided the extra impetus
(although Tor various reasons he never actuallv
worked on the film). In October 1965 he threw
up his steady studio job to go freelance - a
decision he has never regretted.
In 1968 he held his mil One-man exhibition,
at the London Planetarium. This led to the
publication of his first fine-art print,
STELLAR RADIANCE (an imaginary planet Yet, although his keynote has always been
f a red super-giant star), which became a best
accuracy, it is perhaps hardly surprising thai
seller. No. 6 in the Top Ten Prints list - during
there is now a demand for Hardy's work in
1969-70. It has now gone into us 6th edition.
fields far from pure astronomy and space
The exhibition also created widespread ir research. For instance, the musical group
and proved that as an art-form Hardy's work Haw kw ind project slides of his paintings as pari
would be accepted on several planes: house of their incredible 'Space Riiual' light show,
owners bought them as unusual decor, while
and other modern musicians who own, use or
others went as far afield as a U.S. have expressed interest are; the Moody Blues,
planetarium n Pink Floyd. Fair Weather. 'Big' Jim Sullivan,
David Hardy has gone on to become and ihe late Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones,
accepted as one of the world's leading space Interestingly, whereas in his early days he often
The 36 painting- he produced lor his had to object to his work being described as
major book to dale with Patrick Moore, 'Science Fiction' it is now in demand for just
CHALLENGE OF THE STARS (Mitchell that. His cover- appe.ii rcuularh on the L'.S.
Bea/ley U.K.. Rand McNally C.S.A.) -
same title as their early attempt at FICTION and GALAXY WORLDS OF IF,
collaboration, anil which Hardy also co-wrote
and also on British papa-hacks and hard-cover
were fully checked and commended for their S.F. He was 'featured a nisi' in ihe April 1974
accuracy by NASA scientists His originals are edition of SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY.
now owned bv world authorities such as Dr. To gel the 'feci' of U.S. space hardware al
Wernhcr von Braun. Arthur C Clarke and Dr. first hand and lo watch the launch o( Apollo 15.
Carl Sagan: and their 'homes' include the David Hardy visited Cape Kennedy in 1971
National Air and Space inforgcttahlc experience" His work is al
Smithsonian Institution. Washington D.C.. and - wcll-k
the Marshall Space Flight Center. Huntsville,
other c slide
Alabama, as well as many private and public
collections around planet Fanh. Typical and plan !. Them
on his work are: "so remarkable in -lidc-si • prin
under the registered trade name

including a HIK - documeutar I

has written a number ol article

and Science magazines and
produced hundred- ot drawing-
on space, geology, (light cue- :

-,11,1-t. ling his

The first - The Solar (Woi
I. id. | appears in autumn 1974
followed h> Rocket- and Satclhh
also fulfilled an ambition h\ illusti
sleeve lor Hoist's 'The I'lanci-' si;
1974). His largest commission in
thiiugh. was 10 painl a 24 ft,,
mural al Askcr- Mote!
In 1973 he contributed tow art

Hardy ha- a large-election

Road. Hall Green. Birminghar

phunc 02 1-777-1802,
She'd need a leg amputated But .
The remarkable sensation faded, only
what stuck in Talbot's mind, what seconds in reality, and he kicked the
impelled him to order numerous stiff dog in its ribs, twice. Tail between legs,
drinks, was the sight of the heads the brute whimpered and cowered
through the shattered windscreen — away from its victim.
mother's, father's and the dog's his— Ears flopping back where they had
teeth still sunk into the father's jaw . . been, the Labrador looked at its

This was the shock-photo featured in handiwork and seemed to comprehend

the Standard what it had done. Head bowed, the dog
And as Pointer tucked in his son he fledthrough the crowds, crying and
thought of Rik, of the times he'd rolled howling.
on the carpet, playing, his forearm Women
passersby shrieked: probably
lightly gripped in Rik's formidable jaws. they had been doing so before, but
For fleeting seconds, as the dog's hot Pointer only noticed now He was
breath warmed his face, he'd wondered shaking from head to toe, cold with
Continued from page 1
about the animal ferocity behind all that fear. Leadenly, he removed his jacket,
muscle and bone, but only fleetingly. covered the dead child just as the
After all, Rik was well-trained: Mac, a mother rushed her changing face
"This is from the Standard — it's
police dog-handler, had said as much as swiftly as a chameleon's from rouge

atrocious ... If you worked for them "

himself: "No worries there, Brian to white. He hadn't seen such a look of
He switched out the lad's bedroom unadulterated horror for many a year.
He picked up the crumpled paper ball light: bloody scaremongersl he thought As the police arrived, he wanted
from where she'd flung glanced it,
Sun streamed down onto the desperately to offer some crumb of
down. Yes, he'd heard about this
shopping precinct's white paving flags. comfort, but he couldn't stay. Barging
particular story. The Standard, a rival Prams and push-carts jostled amidst through the shop into the back room
paper, had been pursuing the dog- the crowds. Babies wailed and the rare without apology, he became violently
terror campaign with irresponsible street-sellers tried eking out a living. Sick.
fervour. Most papers fell into the trap, The stomach-turning smell of hot-dogs Old Ronald and his guide-dog had
wafted up his nostrils, onion-strong. crossed this particular section of the
with some newsworthy sensational Pointer felt rather foolish wandering High Street everyday, barring Sundays,
the streets, seeking evidence of insane for over five years. And almost as
"Why'd they print such pictures for dogs. There were certainly enough religiously for those years, Mrs James
children to see? she almost shrieked. dogs around, if the soiled pavements from the Sweete Shoppe had chatted to
Pointer rose from the table. "It's were anything to go by: pet poodles him as they crossed.
shock tactics, love —
and sometimes it cuddled up against vast quantities ot This time was like any other; the
works ... If people treated dogs more mammary glands and fox furs: the two elderly couple exchanged pleasantries
carefully, more gently —
" he sighed.
guide-dogs leading blind masters he'd at the kerb. Then the guide-dog rose
"I'll tuck Michael in, while you do the
seen before turning into the main from his haunches and led his master
dishes .

— precinct; a stray mongrel scurrying across the road —

Judy's anger subsided. "All right through the milling crowd, tail "Ronald/" called Mrs James,
Talbot, his opposite number on the
wagging, on the scent of a friend or grabbing the old man's arm. "Wait!"
Standard, had covered the story. He'd female. But not one of them appeared The dog instantly turned on her, bit
told Pointer ail about it over a couple of
in the least sinister. into her ankle. To the accompaniment
stiff drinks, hands shaking at the He did not know why exactly he of tortured brakes, the No. 322 bus
memory: and Talbot had been a veteran stopped by the black Labrador sitting wailed to a halt. But, face blood-
war correspondent in Malaysia and the docilely next to a baby's push-chair, its drained, the driver realised he had bean
Middle Eastl The story had been pieced leash loosely tied to the chair's tubular too late. Afterwards, he was relieved
together by eye-witness accounts. framework. before the bus continued its journey; he
The Raegan family, mother, father. The dog's red-circled eyes looked didn't sleep for many a night, reliving
Grannie and young Amie had been weary. The blonde child in the chair the tragic accident. He just couldn't
motoring along the M6 together with reached out with his chocolate-covered understand why
guide-dog should the
their pet golden retriever, Paddy. fingers and tugged the animal's nearest have led his master into the bus's path
Grannie was feeding both Amie and ear. The Labrador turned slowly, a . nor why they found the dog's teeth
. .

Paddy pieces of milk chocolate in the pleading look in its eyes. Pointer deeply imbedded in the old woman's
back when the dog suddenly went sympathised. Being on guard-duty — leg . For Christ's sake, they're
berserk and bit into Amie's wrist. The even for loved ones —
wasn't much supposed to be trained dogsl
father, distracted by the screams, fun, he mused. "The attacks seem to be on the
accidentally slewed the car into a lef- Pointer went suddenly very chill, increase, Jack,'' Pointer said, purple-
hand lane, barely missing an immobile with some unfathomable ringed eyes betraying sleepless nights.
approaching Renault. Paddy let go as paralysis. Time seemed suspended. The He watched the editor scowling over
the father decelerated and regained animal's hackles were upl In horrible his latest report. It was uncanny, the
control of the car. Behind, the Renault's
slow-motion, the dog's ears pricked up way Daldry had a nose for the unusual,
horn blared. Then, Paddy leapt over the and its jowls peeled back from the extraordinary, long before anyone
seat, savaged father's ear; the car gleaming yellow-white teeth else Yet, he was no sensationalist.
. . .

squealed as he instinctively jammed on The child screamed, tried warding off The paper had reported on the various
the brakes. They veered right, into the the brute, without success. attacks, some of which Pointer had
fast lane —
and collided with a Pointer felt his feet move, heard .the covered, but apart from issuing a plea to
speeding unattached lorry cab. drumming of his heart, and moved local governments to do something, he
Talbot arrived on the scene at the towards the savage beast, opening his
same time as the firemen. They had to mouth to yell and scare the creature Continuedoverleaf
cut the only survivor. Grannie, out. But his voice had lost itself somewhere.

. .. . .

refrained from going out stronger. He "Good." Heading for the door. earnest, hands wringing. "What you're
had no wish to alarm the people. Pointer slapped Dan Pontiferi on the asking me to do must think it — I

Meanwhile, other papers were back with affection. "Keep your camera over.
featuring horror-pictures of mutilations loaded, Dan this'll —
be a grisly "Agreed. Doctor As you must
caused by these deranged dogs. They one. realise, what I'm proposing would
were running a weighty crusado, Daldry watched them go and rubbed mean you couldn't work here anyway.
particularly against the neglected guard his bloodshot eyes. He sighed, threw So, if you will excuse me, we'll see
dogs, usually the much-maligned the savagely into the
latest edition about more suitable surroundings."
Alsatians . . overbrimming wicker waste-basket. "Your dossier packs quite a theory,
"MOTHER REFUSES TO HAVE DOG The news-paragraph, "HOUSING Mr Pointer," said Sir Mark Stevens. "I
KILLED — and that's after the animal ESTATE TERROR DOGS," was on page pride myself on having an open mind.
mutilated her little girl," Daldry read, three. Mostly in packs, some sixty-odd Indeed, would not be where am today

extracting from some clippings in the stray dogs had reportedly prowled a were my approach to change not an
dossier Pointer had compiled. "Twenty Newcastle housing estate, scavenging enlightened one," he chuckled, more to
stitches, she had, 8rian. Twenty!" and attacking people. The Post Office himself than anyone else, "I would
"STEERCLEAR OF ALSATIANS, had called off the regular delivery men. suspect that what you suggest we do —
THEY CANT BE TRUSTED' — SAYS "It's too dangerous," a spokesman had with your mysterious vet's assistance
EXPERT." Now, is that sensible said. There was talk of using firearms. — is, er, highly irregular But must . . . I

reporting, I ask you? We have a "Page three!" Daldry seethed. "One agree it seems necessary too."
madman loose, do they then say, 'Stay damned paragraphl" His rival news- "Then you'll give us full use of your
men, they can't be trusted?"
clear of editorswere already tiring of the terror- Theatre and equipment?"
"Some folk never learn, you know. dog story. In another week or so — "Indeed. And some of my more
Jack. How many people walk up to a short of the dismembering of an infant trustful staff, to help with the EEG and
complete Stranger's dog and — the incidents wouldn't get any what have you . .

immediately stroke it? A damned lot of coverage at all Or, just possibly, two "You've hardly eaten, love, "Judy
them! Even with Alsatians. suppose I lines alongside ads for peekaboo berated softly. "You sure you're not
approaching someone's Alsatian and brassieres and Kung Fu toilet paper . . heading for something?"
stroking it is a kind of personal dare, The dogs' home was a noisy, "No, it's just well. I'm tired —
This . .

bravado, to show off to friends. Then depressing place. Rather like a string of Story's a tough one ... No bloody breaks
they go up in arms when the poor mutt wash-houses The four surrounding at all. This is the third day we've " He

barks or growlsl Maybe only brick walls had been whitewashed, the stopped. "Well, I'm whacked . .

sensational, shock tactics will get concrete yard scrubbed. Dedicated girls Judy, knowing better than to
throughl" in sweaters, jeans and scuffed boots question him further about a "live"
"There's plenty of public outcry, struggled with meal sacks for the strays story, said, "Why don't you take Rik out
certainly. At the moment. But what's later that day. for awalk in the park he's pining, you —
the root cause, I'd like to know ," . .
Inside the surgery. Doctor Wallace, know —it's almost a week since you've
"Welt, a chap was speaking to the I the female Veterinary surgeon, greeted taken him And can't seem to get
. .
. I

other day told me some of the reasons Pointer. the time, what with the washing,
... He left the British Security Industry "It must shake your girls pretty badly, Michael, shop—"
Association two years back. He says to put down so many of these waifs and "All right, I'll pop into the Anchor,
there's no legislation; they want a strays," he began as Cheryl jotted have a pint . .
." Reluctantly, he rose,
licensing scheme to control all guard notes. Dan stayed outside, taking fetched Rik's lead. The handsome beast
dog operators ..." photos. started panting and brushing his sleek
"Seems like a good idea Unconsciously, as Doctor Wallace hide against Pointer's trouser-legs as
"Except that the Home Secretary replied. Pointer peered through the he buckled on the lead and collar. He
turned it down flat. Quoted figures at wire-mesh window into the courtyard. felt a trifle guilty about neglecting Rik. It
them. It seems, of the 4,000-odd cases A girl had about twelve hounds of hadn't been altogether because he was
of dogs biting people reported in one various shapes and shades on a too busy or too tired. He hardly dared
year, only 81 involved guard dogs." multiple lead, shepherding them into a admit it to himself: but of late he had
"So, are we wasting our time square building in the yard's centre. become wary, -a little afraid of Rik. He
compiling this dossier?" There was a Whether mere puppies or fully- only hoped Rik hadn't scented it.
steely glint in Daldry's eye now. matured, they all seemed to have that Later that night he felt ashamed, as
Pointer shook his head, lips pursed. knowing look, that arcane instinct, though he had betrayed a trust: Rik
"No, we carry on. Jack It's not just . . .
aware that they were going to be done (rusted him as master; and loved him
brutal handlers turning guard-dogs to death. Mercifully painless, but death and his family without reservation.
vicious —
the backstreet security all the same. He detected no anguish Could he be as honest? He wondered.
firms— no. it's a damned sight worse on the girl's face; but he doubted if such Stray dogs were caught and tranquil-
than that!" a procession could ever be dismissed as lised and vivisected. The docile ones
The editor smiled, pressed his just part of the job; inside, she cared. were compared with the more vicious
dilapidated intercom's buzzer: "Cheryl, He switched back to the vet as the door breeds, the savage waifs. The
Dan, come you?" He turned.
in, will outside slammed shut and the bolt encephalograph showed little dif-
"Brian, want you three exclusively, on
I crashed secure. Under his breath, he ference at all in their wave-patterns.
this, night and day. don't care how you I cursed all those people who bought Both types dreamed under sedation;
go about it. but want results." I dogs and then neglected them, let them certain stimuli affected them much the
"Carte blanche?" stray, put them out at night, like the same.
"Yes." poor cat; those who found they couldn't They took cornea tissue from the
Fresh-skinned and slim, chestnut afford them, once their puppyhood had accreditted wild dogs, to test for rabies.
hair loose and long. Cheryl rushed in gone . "Negative."
and pecked Pointer on his raspy cheek. ". . . I've operated on many many Test after test proved the same:
"Jack's already briefed us. Brian. We're dogs, it's my life's work, after all,"
Continued on page 46
ready when you are." Doctor Wallace was saying in great

42 43

wmmm 3

Italian production,
"Time Out" pointed
seldom been used
heighten the mood
low-budget shocker
definitely a love-it or hate-it film. It's an
shot in this country, (as
out, the countryside has
to better advantage, to
unrelieved desolation)
and featuring Arthur Kennedy as an oddly

cadenced rural constable. The very Latin

appearance of most c
Kennedy's accent serve
bizarre EC-comic quality of the film. Cheap
and seedy as it is, and despite the ludicrous
explanation for the return of the corpses to
"life", the picture achieves its goal of
unsettling the audience with its gruesome
action and despairing outlook. This is
probably the most depressing film we've
seen since "The Mutations", and we do not
recommend it for anyone seeking an
evening's light entertainment; but for those
with a serious interest in the "horror" film
and the way it reflects the attitudes of
society, this little effort is definitely worth a

SYNOPSIS:Edna meets George in a quiet town, and they

become friendly She invites him to visit her family, but when
they arrive, they find that Edna's husband has been

murdered, and her sister, Kathy, is the, chief suspect. Unable

to accept this, George and Edna begin their own
into the crime Their progress is impeded by
apparitions of zombie-like creatures.
George discovers that these are indeed corpses which have
been brought back to life, and now roam about searching out
living victims for sustenance He reports his findings to
officer in charge of investigating the murder of
husband. Sgt. McCormick (Arthur Kennedy) naturally finds
this a bit difficult to believe. George must continue on his

He have been brought

finds that the horrible ressurections
~>Of about by an experimental crop-spraying machine The
invention has been destroying all insect life, and in their
struggle to survive, they have invaded the nervous systems of
the dead, thus re-animating them as ravening
George attempts to destroy the machine, but is arrested for
his pains.
More and more hideous murders are committed. When
George and Edna vanish, McCormick is certain he has found
policeman accosted by a
EE Suddenly, the
solution. is
horrible and murderous .

Credits: A Miracle Films presentation, Producer:

Amati, Director: George Grau
Camera: ranciscoSempere, Script: SandroConti
Cast: Arthur Kennedy, Raymond Lovelock, Christ
William Lyton, Paul Benson
Cert "X".
negative "Yes, random ,
" the Minister the commotion On entering the dining-
Pointer began 10 despair Doubts smiled, "I can't possibly read all this room she stopped dead. "Oh, no!" It
crept in Could the theories be wrong, now . . . What does it say, briefly?" was an absolute shambles their three-
after all? "It covers — first-hand and piece suite was ripped open, the
Then, thev got a break on the fifih otherwise every reported dog-biting. — standing-lamp lay smashed. Michael's
day It highlights the increasing number of toys were strewn all over the place The
One of the violent dogs actually went stray dogs roaming
the cities and towns table-cloth had been torn away,
berserk whilst under the electro- — each listed in the Annex. which, — spilling a bowl of fruit; curtains hung
encephalograph In some quite as you know, will ultimately lead to a askew; chairs were overturned. And
indefinable way. it seemed to resemble health-risk, not to mention the then she heard Rik's low guttural growl
all the others Pointer had seen. The savagery many of these beasts have and saw his tail whipping back and
snarl, the lack of mucus in the gnashing resorted to already." forth: the rest of him was concealed by
mouth. The beast was heavily sedared, "I'm aware of most of these the sofa. Already in tears over the
yet the jaws snapped and the creature problems I've issued directives to the damage, she wailed, "Rikl Get out! Get
barked and growled, writhing until the localgovern — out of here!" Incensed, she ran over,
EEG contacts were almost torn off "You've done damn-all to correlate brandishing her garden-broom
But they had what they wanted. all thisl" Daldry snapped, first- But Rik ignored her, just continued
Testing a violent dog, proved to be so. pounding the file Pointer was enjoying growling.
from previous scrutiny, they discovered this;it was a pleasant change to watch Then she saw Michael's blood-
that this one was similarly affected, someone else endure a classic Daldry spattered shoe, his toeless foot
though to a lesser degree roasting Instead of leaping onto the protruding
As though some outside stimulus defensive, Minister was looking the She went cold throughout her frame.
were affecting ihe brains quite unsettled "Read the figures, the Seconds seemed like hours asshe
Doctor Wallace indicated the marked dates, the places, the facts, and you'll forced herself to get closer, the blood
differences on the electro-encephalo- see something's very peculiar pounding in her temples. At the full
gram printout "These are normal alpha indeed sight of her son she collapsed to her
waves. See, they occur with a 10 per The Minister's face dropped. "In knees, pummelling the torn sofa in
second frequency Now, look here what way?" futileanguish
Notice the difference? These are delta
. . .

"i can't describe it

— " He fleetingly Sitting in the back of Daldry s car
waves, with a frequency of 5 seconds, turned to his reporting team "None of with the others. Pointer looked out the
usually indicative of cerebral tumours us can But we feel something's , . . rear window as the Environment
or epilepsy tampering with the brains of these dogs Minister descended the Ministry's
Pointer looked up from the analysis . We've |Otted down a few theories -
steps towards the Rolls The chauffeur
Her steady grey eyes met his, all pretty agree. But hair-raising, I'M opened the door
"Needless to say. these dogs were one could the Army, for instance, be testing Dimly glimpsed through the tinted
hundred per cent A1 - and are again, a new sonic invention? Or maybe glass, Pointer noticed two beautifully
right now .
another country's trying out a weapon, marked Dalmatians in the back seat
"Could it be some form of radiation experimenting . i know it sounds with the Minister, licking his hands He
poisoning? Or high-frequency sound, crazy. Minister It could be the new was smiling A freak of light caught the
perhaps? Could it be that? The new jets, lets It coutd be a lot of things We gleam of sharp canine teeth, white and
the Jumbo Concordes .?" .
recommend that all loose dogs should well-honed.
"I honestly don't know. Brian But . be killed on sight at least till it s — Pointer couldn't move. He stared,
there's enough statistical fact with discovered what's disturbing them, transfixed, as an unnameable chill
these here and Dan's photo-file to back making them insane killers . . walked his spine: Dozens ol the world's
up your demand lor a more compre- "Rabies a new form, perhaps?" — most powerful people possess dogs
hensive investigation by the "Tests have eliminated all organic "Now that you've been provided with
Government Of that I'm certain!" forms of disturbance," interjected the Funds required for your pro/ect's
"I hope you're right,'' he said with Doctor Wallace. "When it comes, the improvement, Aldebaran-Pyrrhon,
feeling interference affects their brains, boomed the All-Liege. "I trust the
There was no respite for Pointer and Minister ." . results wilt be forthcoming?"
his dog-tired team With Daldry, they The Minister went very quiet, "Certainly. My -Liege "Aldebaran- .

strode into the Minister for the Environ- knuckles on lips in rumination. "I will Pyrrhon bowed backwards as was his
ment's office, unannounced. Though he have to get in touch with the Defence planet's custom. "Perchance you would
hadn't been in London since his Minister to see if there's any validity to answer a single Query, My -Liege?"
dismissal, Daldry was Still well-known your theories re the Armed Forces ,
as an eccentric who said what he And III consult the Aerospace "Why are we colonising Earth?"
thought. He was also a man known to Minister . "Obvious, physicist. Because it is
speak only when there was something "All we ask is that something be there!" The All-Liege grew stern of
worth saying: a rare breed. The done—" countenance. "Now. how long before
Minister chased away his petulant agree." He sighed. "But I'm
"Yes, I the beams can function as desired?"
secretaries and offered Daldry and his afraid cannot see the PM acceding to
I "Oh. I'd estimate about one Earth-
party chairs, which they hastily drew up your recommendations. You know how year —
possibly less Then we'll be
. . .

round the impressive ministerial desk. dog-loving the British people are able to control the human minds, make
"Here are the facts, Minister," Daldry They'd never accept killing all loose them kill each other without
began "The last time spoke to you I
— dogs on sight Never Only in . . . . , ,

when had but an inkling — you said, times of Emergency, in extremis ... If it "And we'll meet no resistance
were rabies, heaven forbid — " 'He

obtain scientific proof Well, here it afterwards?"

is!" he barked, heavily lowering the file shrugged. "You see, it's so difficult an "None whatsoever, My-Liege
onto the already cluttered desk "You area .

run a similarfihng system to me. see." I Judy had been sweeping autumn
he added in a whimsical aside. leaves in the garden when she heard
Slowly with no show nl haste, (Japping hs face 8i.t
baskets And then the people: mind with disgust now ascertain whetner wnat ho felt told mm
of low the q'otesque Jid could bring turn out o' me

Thus by appealing to his tie had seen happening really

do- stood up. forwards

that hao engulfed

ever-clicking cameras and sun had told him to peer at it
across the chest of drawers
glasses, and then the arabs. purchasing of the damnable closely suggested that he

towards nun And as it did so it
brown and rugged like the hark thing acceptable to Aral he mm should loo* at those strange grew large' larger its wings
of old trees, each iabbering began to smile in p'ide Despite scratches about us slab-like beating faster faste' its mouth
volubly in their alien tongue And ny anger too smiled at seeing
I bise Or are they merely moving, was as tnough
then the oppressive heat and
i its twinkling eyes aw' it in
scratches'' asked, for certainly I
glaring at him. glowing redly ta.mpe'ings hao d.s
fatigue that were slowly pleasurahly at the empty air in they looked as though someone,

crushing his body

As I


he coulc- actually feel the sun s

him of this Updike s
to sweat as though
front of
him then of his leaving

the shop, bidding farewell to the

bowing shopkeeper, then
naif frantically,

perhaps m rage
Updike's brows
had scrawled

or fear

deep beneatn its bulging

perspiration coateri
face Mt eves staring
before him in terror, mounds


of delusion?
Sheer un-
I, PC ike s

What was
blistering heat beating unmerci- hurrying back up the crowded furrowed with concentration and
whilst gloated Yes, gloated so frightfully being enacted be- if you want any
fully upon him He began to look street towards his hotel at the perplexity told him to look

fore me was my was


Gloated at seeing him look so fault indis-

haggard and tired Success top of the shallow hill, its blank
staring back at me from every but new walls thrusting proudly
closer at the marks Were they
letters? Were they? He bent
afraid, be so terrified by nothing putable. If not for having been back numbers
his Stung by his taunts if not for
weary aspect of his face e dreadful of dangerous than .

against the shimmering blue


I head down, narrowing his eyes that Imp of the Perverse that
continued, telling him of how he eiqvmse of the sky What did they spell out'What'
own imagination. How I

pushed his way through the gloated, almost laughing out loud had conquered what humanity I

Without pause he entered, "A" Ves, yes. he could

bustling crowds, finally breaking t every drop of sweat that fell possessed with the growlings of
passing the reception desk on make out an "A", even though it cam Guilt choked me as

away from them to enter a small, his way towards

from Ins face, at every un- I

the stairs, was faded by age and wear to an watched him writhe and kick on
darkly shaded bazaar It was a controllable shudder that passed
hurrying up tham to his floor He extreme And then a P ", and an '

through Ins tensely held body chair, horribly agonised
curious shop in many ways looked along the closed while "0", and an "L", two "L"s.
Around its matted waits were croakmgs and groans coming
doors, the blank white walls, the Slowly spelt out the dreadful at should have let

hung its various wares, the

from Ins twisted mouth
varnished floor Room number 7 name should
swords and daggers in their
slowly slowly "A-P- it this, that
have woken him then with the

On an impulse for which — I

8 9 10 Yes, this was it 0-L-LY-O-N" Apollyonl At now plainly admit owe my life
lealher scabbards scimitars and 1 1
once he knew that this was what memory of this, just this But I

and what sanity still have left

feel even more
khfindiis i-incl the deadly kris, to him of his opening the
the statue was called. But what 3
I ran from the room, half-
carven bones of finely grained door and entering his room and did mean' What was it' A God? afraid to feel the terror of the
thoughts of phoning for a doctor
wood, baskets piled up into placing the statuette upon the A demon? Neither? Both? Was inknown. the unmentionable, of
his chest as spoke to him CareI it flitting through my mind But as I

insane pyramids about the floor chest of drawers opposite his a fallen angel? But yes, that was
sepulchral horrors to the full
fully led him down imo the dark
I reached the open door a sound
between the shop door and the bed. standing back a moment to Apollyon, the Angel of Death, not satisfied told
recesses of his sleeping mind ill Still fully slabbed through my bewilder-


dingy, unvarnished table that admire his prize to admire its the Plague Scourge, ihe Grim ii of how the idol rose from the
Within but a few more minutes ment stopping me at once What
served boih as a counter and as a monetary value, of course Then Reaper, the Devil! drawers, its wings spread out in
Updike was helpless, a slave to I
feelings it inspired within me
epository for books that lay like told him of the swift approach of told him to be careful "Make constant motion behind it us

my every whispered command 1

cannot describe in their full
ancient mummies in a withered dust as the sky became tinged sure that it is just a block of cui obese body swelling into greater
His lace stared blankly before entirety, of what terror and
him, his eyes unblinking, his
semi -preservation amongst the with mauve and shadows stone " But he was unwilling. He proportions, doubling, trebling its
despair, of what shattered dis-
breathing shallow and uniform,
his body rigidly still Carefully
told Updike of how he called
lengthened and merged together
into a dull, nigrecent mass that
felt afraid
Noticing this told him to put
former size Of how its hate-
filled, strangely phosphorescent
belief and such awful sickness We have a few issues of 1 to 6

for service, and of how a bent old

I it verging on veritable nausea For,
prepared the way for the "proof" seeped over everything, blurring back on the drawers. He did so eyes stared at him as us tang- before ran. echoing throughoul available at 45p for each copy
man. as insubstantial and frail as all like a vapour filled mouth gnawed hungrily in

I had promised to give him told I

cobwebs, scuttered out servilely

gladly The thing troubled him the whole house came an insane required. Including P&P. Send
him that he would and must As it darkened so Updike lit the abominably, more so than it dreadful anticipation Of how its tittering, a mocking crescendo of
believe every word that said to I
to wards; him from the cave-like gas lamps over the drawers and might have affected most people wesome chant became audible demoniacal mirth as felt the
postal order and issue required
doorway. at the back on the wall beside his bed. Black

him, that everything said would i

Then Updike — because of the utter strange- i him, low and deeply sonorous.
cold wet touch of a tendril to: Dallruth Publishing, World of Division,
be the clear, indisputable truth by my shadows flickered, undulating in ness of such doubts and fears as
whispered commands and sug-
n-.ii lung out across my hand. For
asked him it he would do this. the numerous niches and were now assailing him. nd echoing distances Of how 344 South Lambeth Rd,, London S.W.8
He nodded
gestions —
decided to buy a crannies around him And the s pulpy fingers grasped the bed
(sorry about the price rise, but new postal
his head I decided told him of his getting ready
before it could enfold me tore
Statuette of jade, carved finely statuette, by subtle suggestions, sheets, slowly drawing them

that now I could begin I to retire, of his climbing into the myself free and fled with ihe
would teach him that his
the shape of a squatting began to appear more frighten- great,' well-sprung bed What from him Of the icy drafts that speed of purest panic, Updike's rates have made it a necessary evil).
It was a most inordin- ingly spectral as the pulsating was that made it seem so like a lapped his panic-stilled body unspeakably
it ironical words
ately object: bulbous shadows gave a stange sub- tomb? And way the idol.
and entwined tentacles
of his drawing back shrieking through my skull
animation, a vague, unhealthy the mosquito nets. Apollyon, hovered in the air
ridiculous but potentially danger-
circled about its onyx base. It
What was It "Thai's it In the mind Spooks
ous as well would teach him I
semblance life. of that made tham seem so like above him. slowly settling on the
was an evil object, its grotesque Of course, even though lawed feet biting deep
also that he could not trick his funeral drapes, darkling in the where else bur a pussessi'ii
face embossed with purest hate. mesmerised, Updike scoffed at "
way Into my house to insult me gloom? mind Yes. from the mind
with Ins drunken ramblings and
All of these features Updike saw the uncanny fears settling in his
As the night progressed told
that his mind — of whose crystal fangs, the shimmering scales
mind, dissipating them. But was I

him that he was unnable to


breath came over him and he

clarity he was so naively proud insistent. Perspiration glistened could feet the heat from its Helt-
and the grossly elongated, pri- sleep, feeling restless though
— could be as putty in my hands
mordial, claw-tipped wings that
on his broad forehead Becoming
tired In the half light of the glim-
fired husk Of the stench of death
when chose it to be would pale, he drew his lips tight and necrosis And of the feeling

curved thinly like feathery

mering gas lamps he stared at
against his teeth But still he of horror that its darkly loath
pennants from the monstrous the wall opposite. Slowly his
insanity, to the outermost edges scoffed And still was insistent, I
some face inspired within him,
statue's square set shoulders to eyes descended towards the
of Hell' describing for him the ohnoxious Abruptly Updike began to
its bulgmgly corpulent hips. cross-legged idol, looking un-
Initially began to dis-
and suspicious changes that tremble Unlike before these

Updike's face twisted with seemed to be ravaging that wholesomely green and trans-
associate him from his usual
undisguised digust He abhorred squatting statuette, the peculiar
lucent on top of the drawers. In
shudders did not pass but,
instead, became even more
surroundings Being a matter-of- the darkness and shadows bor- pro-
the statue, detesting it com- way in which its gnarled face
fact, down-to type of earth dering and nounced
pletely.From now on knew that seemed to change expression, sometimes "No, not" he cried, suddenly
ttjSw wonJIrVul fSwJSc&S"
person is all thought, very well, I

mgressing the glow of the lamps

would "have to act with utmost the way its sharp-toothed mouth
as long as one is in one's cus-

care. To make nim react too it seemed to sway stighty from

trying toleap to his feet Sur- "T the price!
tomary Surroundings, whece seemed to move, opening wider prised, drew back away from

favourably towards the unctous Side to side, rhythmically, OR ACUL A, FRANKENSTEIN,

one's values, further-more, are and leeruig hideously at him, the Screaming, Updike clawed
object could break the mesmeric steadily From one side to the

alltaken for granted and where ways its fingers seemed to crawl
other, back and forth, back
ineffectuallyat the air before CREATURE.WOLFMAN.
chams within festooned
his about the onyx base like worms, and
there >S nothing to shake them forth Silently Constantly.
inbelween pounding his
So. with a few choice words,
mind, awakening him back into wriggling repulsively, and the Its
head "No, no, go awayl Help'" MUMMY. HUNCHBACK.
hands moved, caressing the
transported him from our cosy
reality way its sagging chest seemed sd. stumbling DR. JEKYLL. PHANTOM. &
onyx. Its frail wings beat softly,
land to the Middle Instead to swell and shrink, almost as backwards to bump against the
East, told him that wasI
soothingly Its squat head
describing for him the strangely valuable, worth many times though it were breathing, but :hair I'd strapped him to. Be- THE PRISONER. 57 .ea.
carefully so as not to be noticed.
bobbed back and forth, its tiny p
cramped streets that wormed more than the trifle he had payed wildered, filled with panic and
And he saw these things though mouth moving as though it were KING KONG.
their ways untidily between tall, forit told him that the old man
speaking, or possibly chanting pam from the self-inflicted blows
sun-bleached nouses of da/; was he did not understand them. But that he'd delivered to his skull, GODZILLA.* WITCH. 75 p .ea
he did not know
a fool, that Its actions grew bolder There
he feared them Against his will, he collapsed
lingly white plaster, the divers
stalls of fruits and spices,
its true value That he would
a great deal of money out
against all logic, .he felt afraidl
Beads of perspiration threaded
came a humming as its wings
beat faster and faster and faster
in the chair,
screaming and writhing horribly Post.23p. We also have.
describing for him their various of it later on That despite its
his brows as he strained his eyes
until they were a grey-green blur
As he tore at the air his body
was contorted by spasms seem-
wares, the bright coloured behind sinewy back
into the lamplight
itsarms Its
ingly caused by agony, foam
rose higher, its paw-like hands
obscurely shaped pots, the antique, a find that would fill his I told him to pick up the statu- dapping together The humming speckling his croaking mouth. I

glittering daggers and wicker pockets later, just as filled his ette, to study rushed to him, shaking him.
it it carefully, to oscillated musically

male Creature, in particular)
One could go on mocking and deriding this film, but as Mr. Remarkably, we are shown amazingly convincing and grisly
Compton the doleful young mancastasthe (in colour, of course) of a man being shot in the
SAW !lns film at the Casino, on Old St., in
When they open their mouths, though, forget it.
Abominable .Varhol has often declared his opinion that boring films are sequences
I London in 3D. With fond memories of being
awed bv than ever 3-tistically the most valid, "Flesh For Frankenstein" is, by this head, a woman having one of her breasts hacked off, a
acting another Warhol trademark, and it's worse
attempted to put on my
I "House of Wax as a toddler, endless standard, a triumph Also, the print saw was so obviously hanged man's carcass being disembowelled, an eyeball being
the course of events, we are treated to
' I

here In
"special viewing glasses" (The manufacturers of these items butchered by censorship, that it makes criticism invalid, slowly pierced by a spike (Homage to "Chem Andalou"
photographic studies of the bum of one Joe Dallesandro,

did no! lake in to consideration that many prople

are blessed anyway This is not the film as the makers intended it to be suppose, and considerably worse, if you can imagine that) and
which provide some of the more horrific moments, but

with big noses, alas, and had to keep ad|usting them). It takes very >een Every time itlooked as though something really horrific a man falling from a great height to be struck by a car, and
suppose we must be grateful that Mr Dallesandro (a

a few minutM lo get used to the effect At first, it makes you a man) • nd or perverse was about to be enacted, the screen would finally burnt up. see no way "Flesh For Frankenstein's"
handsome, but somehow completely unappealing young

bit giddy but it does become rather interesting

Unfortunately, jst go blank for a second, leaving one to imagine far viler nastiness could have been any more graphic, yet the censors
over his
doesn't quite work properly in many instances, and the no longer has spots in this region, an improvement
Mornssey. who scenes of carnage and necrophilia than probably transpired in have decided adults may view the Violence In The Cinema"
one of double vision (And believe me, one previous appearances as a "superstar" Paul
effect is
but the absurd tie original Curiously enough, "Flesh For Frankenstein " is short without cuts, but must be protected from the more
is also credited with writing a script,
Monique Van Mooren is more than enough for the directed,
other Warhol ureceeded by two short films, on the Casino programme; the gruesome moments of "Flesh For Frankenstein" From the
average person) It's only fully successful in one brief scene ot dialogue has the "improvised" quality ot the
complaining about first, "Our Cissy" is very old-fashioned in its (ale of an recent decision, it looks as though we must continue to
the depraved Frankenstein kiddies encountering a small
army products with the Baroness wearily inocent Northern girl who finds only degradation and death
servant endure film censorship for a while longer, but the
and here, it's reully fun
of bats, "trash" and "low-lives", Dallesandro as a rustic i the big city, and is depressing and BORING The second film
perfect inconsistency displayed in the case of these two films serves,
The cast is composed of the usual Warhol "Factory" folk, droning "I can't figger you out" and "He's crazy" in
the s called "Violence In The Cinema' and is a fairly witty satire of think, to illustrate nicely the idiocy of the present policy.
Kier. at times, seeming to lose control of

and in all fairness, some of them have very fascinating, Bronx tones, and ? bombastic psychiatrist discussing media bloodshed L.K.
phologenicfaceslUdo Kier as the Baron, and Srdian Zelenovic. English one suspects he does not entirely understand.

unusually large, strong specirr
amazing growth rate, dark, hypnotic
eyes, and very fair hair of a type which has
never before been recorded. It soon
becomes apparent that they share a
prodigious intelligence, and an increasing
power to compel others to their collective
ibined with a complete lack of the
They become
indifferent to their families, and band
together, displaying total ruthlessness
when thwarted or angered. Innestigation
by the authorities reveals that several
groups of similar children were born at the
same time in different areas of the world,
but only the Midwich children and a group
in Russia survived. The quickly maturing
band is determined to achieve the greatest
VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED: MGM, 1 960. Director: knowledge and power as rapidly as
Wolf Rilla, Screenplay: Stirling Silliphant, Wolf Rilla, and possible, so they can complete their
mission of breeding their own kind until
George Barclay, from John Wyndham's novel "The they dominate earthly civilisation. They
Midwich Cuckoos." trust Gordon Zellaby IGeorge Sandersl,
husband of one of the mothers, to a
greater degree than most of the towns-
people, and because they need the
learning he can impart, reveal some of
their powers and plans to him. Zellaby is
reluctantly convinced that the children are
— ust
destroyed, as they I ing thei
hypnotic gaie even more ci
eliminate their enemies. He pla
them, knowing it will mean his o* n death,
by carrying a case of explosives
school building where he regulai
them, and resisting their mental telepathy
until the charge detonates. He succeeds,
but the strange eyes of the unearthly
children are glimpsed flickering amidst the
wreckage. They have been physically
annihilated, but the alien intelligence that
spawned them survives

"Village Of The Damned" is an excellent
example of a relatively low-budget fantasy
film, with little bloodshed and no
spectacular special effects, that manages
to produce high audience involvement,
and genuine chills. The plot, adapted from
Wyndham's original and engrossing novel
was very ingenious in 1960, and retains its
interest, although it has since been the
inspiration for several similar tales. Wolf
Riila's direction is nicely paced, except for
a few extremely dopey scenes depicting
the bourgeois domestic joys of th*
Zellabys (George Sanders and Barbara
Shelley), effectively communicating the
appeal as well as the malice of tho]
children.The acting is generally on a high
level,the script above average, and the:
monochrome photography lends tha
spooky proceedings a nice documentary

"""The children, headed by Mart

Stephens, are coached into creepih.
ryim a r :
£'r."-t Jrt
; inXPTMAw! «.!»'•
anotho twist

£For information J
Jon this Official |

£Fan Club send a J SPIRAL

^stamped addressed*
^envelope to: * STAIRCASE Tow"!
Towering looks at fANZIHES
* Dorene i'azell, J INFERNO
J/10 Thalasfia Road.*
*t, » *
* orthing. Sussex.*


fig 8
SNCE our
famines, the
first column on
editor's visit to
intended as a quarterly, with a
heavy sci-fi emphasis It hasn't
submit scribbles produced during
Could develop
dull lectures, etc.,
hiMutifiiiiy drawn

^fK, VwTTH SfT* CrtlUGSOLMJS the London Comic Mart developed a real "personality" of into something quite inter-
i with quite a few esting This is an excellent zine,
esting efforts from good first issue, with artwork by and should appeal to most < Recommended
dedicated fantasv buffs We've Guy Lawley. mostly in the sword
also received the first two issues & sorcery vein, and it's pleasant "Comic Media" is only
of an American line "Crypt of -Sll.Hf-.l- published twice a year, but it is a
Horrors" put out by a young film- edi idson at 102 Valley very slick zine, with a pro look
THE DFRCIRL maker currently visiting the UK.
Gary Heilman, (whose name
id, Rickmansworth. Herts (20p from Comic Media Publi-

fans ) So, we'll begin by discus- still
;e for postage)
(as of
is quite chaotic.
6} sloppily put
London Wl
10 Ladbroke Walk,

addition to

sing Gary's

The End
efforts briefly.
together but a very attrac- Jordan and a study of Italy's
"COH" 1 is not too thrilling,
live glossy "Diabolik". an interesting comic
as Gary is the first to admit,
reading, incli ling fi

THERO^Kr thpr
inly 23 pages long, but
iting the ins'de. (messy
and synopses of "Dracula handle as the pages
difficult to
AD '72", "Vampire Circus" and
keep coming aparti Technical
"Asylum", book reviews, and an
amusing news item about the
'Texas Blob". Number 2 is 34
problems aside its a nice zine,
and a good buy at TOp Available
from Planet Morphious. (along
KINGS ROAD THEATRE pages, with a much improved with a load of other comic &
279 KINGS ROAD. S.W.3.
BOX OFFICE: 01 352 M8B
glossy cover, better layout, and
some nice illos There's coverage
fantasv material
editors run a shop)

29 Chaddock
it seems the ... or MOONSCAPES/
of a horror film festival in Spain,
Lane. Boothstown Worsley,
"Soylent Green" other famines Lanes,
currently available, a discussron
of TV censorship in the U &.. and
"The Panelologist. " 5p from P
andromcda plenty of reviews and news At Barrett, 3 Coleford Sndge Road.
Go Gothic with . . .
book co ltd 30 cents, U S wampum, it's not
Mychett, Camberley. Surrey,
cheap GU16 6DH is a 4-page,
THE DRACULA j zine. but entertaining.
We are looking forward to issue ... PERSONALLY DESIGNED ORIGINAL
SOCIETY 'INTERNATIONAL three later this year "COH" is —
ARTWORK, of a II descriptions tor Greetings Cards,
Fiction, Films, FILM COLLECTOR'' published "irregularly", and Letterheads, Advertising, T-Shirts, Prints, Slides, etc.
fSKt IRCs should be sent to Gary
etc., by leading Space/SF Artist DAVID HARDY and
MARVEL COMICS Folklore, Foreign " m
1322 Sunset Blvd
useful for the collector Anthony NaylorfDHAN), at very reasonable prices,
North Dakota 58701
mail order Travel, Scockiicu of WORLD OF USA for details. contact:
s.a.e. The Dracula HORROR; MONSTER MAG "Alpha" is a promising produci live and worthy fanzine rs(takea

Society, 31 Cambridge FAMOUS MONSTERS OF y a young r deep breath) "A Short Stop At ASTRO ART
Gardens, London W.10
FANTASTIQUE; MONSTER plenty of comic new_ and Surgery" (20p from 3 Coleford BIRMINGHAM, B28 0AB
TIMES; etc. reviews, a bit of fiction and film Bridge Road, Mytchett,
commentary, and many Camberley, Surrey GU16 6DH (Telephone: (021 ) 777 1 802)
illos It's )

Tales of Terror in the a very lively little zine, and Number 2 featured a good article A few of our "off the peg" items by Hardy:
StSad fly improving. on Tolkien, record reviews.
The Penguin book
thai inspired the film
(Available from Darryl Bird,
Michaelmas House, Main Rd
3 Slide Sets, as used by the rock band HAWKWIND
1 2 35mm (2" x 2") slides per set: AFTER APOLLO


Planet of the Apes riveting subject which Rochester Kent ME3
"Comic Media News (16p) serial, "The Adventures Of
£2.45 per set, or only £6.95 for all 36.
EUROPE'S MOST WIPELY- Count Dracula. Baron 3 Full-colour Art Prints: STELLAR RADIANCE;
QEAO MAGAZINE; OP ITS MONKEY PLANET 1 Frankenstein, mad laintains its high standard of Superbear", a letters column,
— GALAXY; and NEW —
RED DESERT a weird scene —
KIWP -- INTECVIEvVS reporting,and has undergone a advertising where to get the
Pierre Boulle mutants, gruesome ladv most becoming face-lift. 1 comics you seek, fiction, a Kung- on Mars. All about 20" x 36". £2.95 each or only
DOZENS Of PAGES OP vampiresandmuchmore pages, packed with comic com- Fu feature, for those so inclined, £5.75 for any 2.
APS FOC OOWCS.iWJnSTEB ethe Master 40 colour illustrations mentary and information, avail- poetry, and a great deal of art:

cAfjzimES ETC, £TC.

Race were apes. f\ and200 in black and able from 22 Woodhaw, Egharn much of it good. There was also
Please send P.O. /cheque with order Send SAE
"0 £1.95 Surrey TW20 9AP promise of a regular "doodles
for list.
SAMPL6 COPy30ploe* Apes that dressed, white
Tradeenquiries invited
ISSUES' ^1 ) F20M ; as men and feature, inviting readers to
PEBEk: 6. SKiNhJ , 116, ONLV 36p ,„mp
MvezteRN eoAc, soots,
nth. Mjsnseeciee £>*/» see.
OGER Dicken. a native of Ports-

2TD3TI3 JAID3R2 R mouth, Hampshire, is still in his

thirties,and very much in
demand as a special -effects technician,
with a fine flair for monster-making.
Like most horror-fantasy devotees,
Dicken became fascinated with film in
his early youth, admiring the effects in
vintage films like Whale's
"Frankenstein", and "King Kong". His
early efforts included something called
'The Dr. Lugani Horror Show", a
collection of home-made mon-
strosities, with which he toured the
clubs in Portsmouth.
The "Lugani" period ended as Dicken
fell under the spell of Ray
Harryhausen's work. and began
devoting more time to experiments
with film and animation. He was invited
(o visit Shepperton when Harryhausen
was working on "Mysterious Island",
and found the experience so inspiring
that he resolved to make his career in
In 1962, Dicken had his first "pro"
assignment, as Property Master at the
Royal Court Theatre, then obtained
work as a scenic artist for the BBC,
finally entering films by doing model
work and assisting on special effects
for "Thunderbirds Are Go", (the feature

breathing flock Snakes outstanding in

2T33TO JAI33S2 the film.

Dicken then spent a fascinating year
helping on "2001 ", building ice cliffs
and lunar landscapes, followed by the
complicated job of taking charge of
special effects for "Blood Beast
iting the moth-woman, and
handling the various conflagrations,
explosions, and disintegrations
involved "Witchfinder General" poised
a difficult problem; the "hanging" of an
actress, which Dicken solved con-
vincingly with a special harness
All the while, Dicken was indulging
his interest in animation in his spare
worked with Jim
Danforth on the Hammer project,
"When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth".
They were nominated for an Academy
Award for their efforts, only to be
Oxygen is supplied to make normal living
conditions possible in the base From time to
time, the characters are seen in their living
quarters, in which, within limits, they can
pursue their normal earth-bound leisure
interests These represent a cross-section of
the international group and reflect their
personalities. They have a restaurant, gym-
nasium, artificial sun-ray solarium. As
near as possible, therefore, their Moonbase
life is as near as can be to normal
adventures which befall them are notl

The principal setting is the Main Mission
a large, futuristic science laboratory
dominated by a huge computer and scient
•»¥¥¥»¥¥*¥-» ********

material from
and anything about the Collisan
and all allied

m********* *************

only £2.00. Each


of 7

ific instruments of every kind, operators at Twins except cinema front of

I glossy finish, price i

work the whole time house stills! contact Robert L PO or cheque to Pi

The Computer is one of the stars of the Oak Dale Rd Londoi
Bartram. 116 Turners Hilt. ,

series, able to work out the most obtuse of

mathematical problems, estimate distances
and time, forwarn of obstacles, contact other
planets, decree what actions can be taken
and which should not be attempted, answer
almost any question put to it.
Heme/ Hempstead.

Wanted: Anything on Roddy

Horror Film & Comic books for sale.
Wanted: Horror Mags. Paperbacks,
books. Photos etc etc. Good price
paid. Send lists with SAE lo Joseph
McDowall. will purchase or trade. Current of I'.S. Famous
i the basic pren And it speaks Ms voice belongs to one of edition!,
Dosh, 4 Kentchesler Road, Downhill
colony slranded on the runaway mot people on the best-known Canadian actresses living in Have "The House of Horror" Monsters of Filmland. Castle of
become duplicated Another
Estate, Sunderland. C o. Durham.
without any means of controlling its moi time, a member of Moonbase personnel is England She wishes to remain anonymous: (Hammer) and "The Pictorial His- r rsnkenstein.Creepy, F.erie and
Because it would destroy the illusion. Movies," Wrile: Vamperellu. also buy horror & comic Marvel hlack & white horror
merits, Obviously, there was a limit to t gripped by a strange and terrifying power tory of Horror I

dramas that could take place on the mo Anyway. doubt if people would recognize material send SAE for details & prices:
from outer space which robs him of all heat I
Christine Pugh. 16 Owen Close, magazines
itself and was only as the writing of
it Everything he touches turns to ice and, in his my voice It's completely changed by using Paul Burton, 8 Adelaide Rd., Gillinfiham
series developed that ever widening pole

echo chambersl" But she won't deny her Rowner. Gosport

desperate search for heat, he becomes a
dl til'spresented hem selves
I lethal weapon of destruction.
"Gerry Anderson's own description is tl They reach other planets, with eerie From Central Control, probes are For Sale
3 rogue planet wandering results They face disaster because launched, contact is kept with everyone in
unmanned spaceship, launched from earth
of an
the Base It is the heart-beat of Moonbase WANTED
1 and s fifteen years earlier, has developed a fault
e possibility of f which has brought destruction to every- All sections have colour codes for identifi-
h gravity and a natural supply thing coming close io it. polluting space with cation purposes, and the personnel in the U.S.A. editions of Marvel
:h could
offer fresh life for the results that have destroyed life on whole various sections are also identified by these Comics, DRACULA LIVES.
planets colours The only person with an exclusive will pay up to £3.00 for
Space colour to himself is the Commander of the
Wanted. Monster Mag numbers 2-t
is full of unexpected objects There each of issue 3-4 or 5, must be in good condition Will pay

we realized more and more that there are

is always the risk of collision
and other planets Every day brings new and
frightening danger
And there is drama on the moon itself,
with asteroids base, John Koenig, played hy Marnn
Landau, whose identification is black
Mam Mission is flame The reconnais-
contact David Yelding, 42
Kellett Rd., Brixton, S.W.2.
for all 3 send offers with SAE to G
Salt No 40 18th Ave Roundthori
Oldham, Lanes
American copies of Dracula
mysteries in outer space which are beyond between the people on it, with the birth of is yellow, the technical section is rust, the
man's understanding and that we could the first baby in space and the human medical section is white and the security Lives, Monsters I nlcashed, Vampire
relationships These are real people, not section is yellow For viewers of colour For Sale: U S and British Horror Mags, Tales etc. Send lists with SAL and I
puppets there simply television sets, these distinctive colours will Send SAE to The House of Usher. 1 48
reasonable prices. Matlhew
to provide the ele- will offer
ments gripping science-fiction adven-
for help considerably in recognising Bilford Rd Worcester WR3 for lists.

Also wanted famous Monsters of PegE. Galley House. Croft Lane,

tures The
relationships between the immediately which section is being seen . .

mental developments millions of years older characters have an impelling appeal Filmland. Number 1 .
state your price. Gailey, Stafford ST 19 SPY.
than on earth The possibilities are as relationships sharpened by the remarkable
limitless as space itself.
situation m which they find themselves, all Magic "Key"
"Space 1999' therefore swings right out communications with earth severed and
of any conventional sci-ft dimensions, at the never knowing from day to day what will All members of Moonbase Alpha carry
same time taking advantage of all the what is known as a "commlock".
scientific facts that are known, such as the It is a remarkable device, carrying a photo

existence of a phenomenon known as a Moonbase Alpha graph of its possessor for identification,
"Black Sun", n mass of gaseous substnnce each programmed to answer when called
developing into an impenetrable ball from a Moonbase Alpha is no small complex It is An array of press buttons brings into play its
burned out asteroid, with such tremendous a colony of its own. consisting of some three
many operations It needs pressure on one
gravitation that it pulls everything into it, hundred men and women who have been button to open doors, another to contact the
even light Anything near it simply working on the scientific tasks various departments, another to bring into
disappears It upsets all theories of exist- This provides a deep well of characters play a two-way television system, the
ence, even time This provides the back- who need be seen only in one episode It is
ground to one episode Time ceases to have thus possible for famous guest-stars to
commlock li provides an
any meaning The players find themselves in appear, and among those to be seen, either
eternity, with the sudden conviction that the from the base itself or on or from other
whole universe is a living thought planets, are Richard Johnson, Christopher

Lee, Peter Cushing. Margaret Leighton, Roy
Dotrice, Cyd

Jeremy Kemp
Hayman, Ian McShane,
Catherine Schell, Michael Culver and
ider Koenig s commlock is also
p "
secret of decomposing And there are beautiful girls by the score
Dart instructions from him to the A. TomboftheUndead
atoms, reducing objects to their atomical to fulfil the various tasks from nursing to telling it to shut down if

elements which can be transported through B Peter Boyle ("Young Frankenstein"!

control opera
space and then reassembled. Appro tely h f of tl
C. William Hartnell, the first "Dr Who"
In another story they encounter members after the v
of a dying planet who have been sent out in ark half The remaining part
D. "Zardo/"
spaceships in search of a planet which contains a vast, ultra-modern laboratory
might sustain its kind of life One, planned to
NEXT MONTH, IN PART II, E. JohnAgarl "The Hand of Death ")
with living quarters. It is a pressurized
reach Earth, has a crew of six in a state of existence. Personnel can leave the base only WE WILL BE TAKING A
suspended animation for three-and-a-half in space
suits or in one of the spaceships
centuries before crash-lands on the moon
it known as Eagles, entered through travel
Another story finds the stars living simul- tubes resembling ultra-modern under- STARS OF "SPACE 1999"
ground tram compartments and completely
future. with schizophrenia taking on a

DR. WHO We hope you enjoy these "Dr. Who" monsters from our
continuing crusade to bring you as many creatures from

PARTS the series as possible.

As this is our last "Dr. Who" photo gallery for a while, we've decided to wrap up
with a quick look at the current series. Logically enough, by "WOH" standards,
none of the illustrated creatures are from thisyear's shows, but they should bring
back some horrible happy memories. In addition to the familiar Cyberman (vintage

PiN '66), we have two alien astronauts from the 70 tale, "Ambassadors Of Death,"
herd of hopping mad Exxilons, from "Death To The Daleks"('73), Linx, and those
cuddly Ogrons.
We are pleased to report that the latest "Who" series is an immense success, with
Tom Baker giving the Dr. a most appealing new personality. So far, we especially
liked the "Genesis Of The Daleks" story, a thoroughly grim, pessimistic and nasty
opus penned by Terry Nation. (We're sure Mary Whitehouse loved it, too —


Finishing up, Younger "Who" freaks will probably find Tom Baker's regular
column in "New Reveille" entertaining, between TV episodes, and, for the

UPS geographically minded, here's a list of some of the far-flung countries currently
enthralled by the Dr.'s adventures. Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore,
Australia, Gibraltar, Zambia, and the U.S.A.
That's all for now; Although this is the last in the present "Many Monsters Of
Dr. Who" series, we do plan to continue reporting on this excellent programme
future issue:

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