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There's a new type of technology being tested on the farms in the area. It's not popular
and many protestors have set up camp near by. Some grown ups say the lead protestor is a
witch! Can you solve the mystery of magic vs science?


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This work contains material that is copyright Fria Ligan AB and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Millie Lavelle and published under the Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.

THE WITCH national joke of the ministry.

She’s used stealth tech to make the agribot testing fail,
“I was working in the barn, but I knew there were only four spoil crops, milk and so on. Each time she leaves a “witch
sacks of grain. When I turned around there were five. I knew sign” at the farm, typically big and obvious, but also in
something was wrong, so I stabbed it with my pitchfork! She places out of sight, a deception on her part to make the
leaped out at me, bleeding, and ran away!” whole charade look real. Meg has a growing number of
An account of the Fyle Witch, 1698 “hippies and weirdos” who believe she is doing witch-
craft, and they’re spreading these lies.
THERE’S A NEW STYLE of agribot being tested out at some of While there are a growing number of folks who
the farms in the area. It’s brought some protestors with believe that Meg is actually a witch, she has a number
it. They are campaigning for “real organic farming”, and of “coven members” who know the truth and have been
don’t like the removal of people from the workforce. They given their own stealth suit.
believe that the robots are taking people’s jobs and that the If Meg isn’t stopped she’s going to escalate her
foods produced on agribot farms won’t be as well cared “witchcraft” to actually destroying property and hurting
for and also that this “neglect” will mean the food is not as people. All while the rest of her “coven” get sicker from
nutritious as those on “organic” farms. the suit’s radiation and eventually die.
One particular protestor Meg Hilton has been
threatening the agribot farms with witchcraft to stop the
technology and return farms to the “old ways.” She has a
growing number of followers and there are at least two STORY HOOKS
farms thinking of stopping the work. Though for most
farms involved removal of the MAFF subsidiary would ■ One of the Kids' old-
mean they have to close their family business. er siblings, or their
The protest camp is out in the countryside, full of babysitter has joined
hippies, anarchists and other weird folk. The police are the “hippy camp” and be-
on the verge of drawing in the local Ministry of Defence lieves that Meg is really
Police to help disperse them, as the land around the loop a witch. They may eventu-
is technically government property. ally become a Coven mem-
It's turning The Loop into a national joke, science be- ber.
ing stopped by old magic. It’s “witches versus the MAFF”
■ The agribots are be-
and the management of The Loop facility are reaching the
end of their patience.
ing used at the family’s
farm, and the kids see Meg
break stealth.
THE TRUTH ■ Meg sneaks close to the
Meg Hilton does have a vendetta against the farms using kids hideout, and they
the agribots, and indeed the MAFF, but she’s not using spot the invisible move-
witchcraft, it’s just technology most folk haven’t seen yet. ment of the stealth tech
After her father left working at The Loop facility, as it pushes grass /
Meg became angry, and continued her father's projects plants out the way.
at home. Meg has actually developed a number of stealth
technologies and along with a few selected protesters
she is employing them in a campaign of terror against
MAFF. While she doesn't really care about how the
farms go about their business, this is her best opportuni-
ty to cause an injury and insult to the MAFF and make a


THE COUNTDOWN is less lethal. Meg’s frequent visits to her father’s lab in
her youth means, while not resistant, she has a higher
1. Meg “curses” a local farm and uses her stealth suit to tolerance for the radiation than most, and that’s good
make it come true. A local journalist publishes a story enough for her.
about this and names Meg as the Fyle Witch. If Meg isn’t stopped or convinced that her vendetta is
2. The authorities investigate the “hippy camp” but noth- wrong, she will go on to sabotage more MAFF and Loop
ing can be done as there’s no proof of bad deeds. projects. Although she may eventually succumb to the
3. Meg’s suit malfunctions and a farm worker sees her radiation her stealth suit creates.
appear from out of nowhere and run into the nearby If MAFF were to get their hands on Meg’s variation
woods. of the suits they may seek out Meg to work on them
4. Meg makes several more stealth suits, and hold a cere- further, she’s clearly inherited her father’s genius. Meg
mony to induct more teenagers into her “Coven” might see this as the recognition her father deserved, or
5. One of the teenagers in the coven collapses in town use it to sabotage the Loop and MAFF from within.
and is sent to hospital. It is radiation poisoning.
6. On a mission to make another “curse” come true, one
of the teenagers is spotted and attacked by a farm
worker. The teenager escapes but Meg won’t let them THINGS FROM THE FLOOD
leave the “Hippy Camp” to get medical attention in
case they tell everyone the truth. Things from the Flood is the older sibling to Tales
7. Meg and the remaining members of “The Coven” burn from the Loop,in this setting players are teenagers instead
down the barn and destroy the crops maintained by of younger kids, and death is a real possibility.
the agri bots. This mystery could easily be adapted to be part of
8. Meg uses the stealth suits to sabotage the brakes on Things from the Flood. These alternative mystery hooks
the car of “The MAFF Man” who is working with may help you get your Teens into trouble;
the farm, his car crashes on the country lanes and the
agribot program is finally shelved. ■ One of the Teens is part of the “Hippy Camp” and
could be selected to join Meg’s coven
■ The Teens know Meg from the Engineering club at
MEG HILTON school and can’t believe she’s involved with witchcraft.
■ As one of the Teens know Meg, a grown up appeals
Meg Hilton is the daughter of a scientist, Dr James to the Teens to go reason with Meg before the police
Hilton who worked at the Lancashire Loop. Dr Hilton go back to the “Hippy Camp” and try to break up the
was developing stealth suits, but the technology pro- camp and arrest her.
duced too many harmful side effects for it to be used
more than once per person.
Dr Hilton’s work was deemed next to useless by the
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (MAFF) and
he spiraled into drink and depression. The project was
cancelled and then her father became even more with-
drawn, finally Meg’s parents divorced. Meg blamed the
MAFF for the break up of her family and the breakdown
of her father.
While Meg has managed to make the stealth suits
more robust, she hasn’t changed that these suits will
eventually cause the wearers to suffer radiation poison-
ing and die. She has just lessened the effect to a level that

THE LANCASHIRE LOOP Track One - The Bhargast (Pay What You Want)
The Lancashire Loop is a "hometown hack" for the Bhargast--A-Tales-from-the-Loop-mystery
North West UK, but this mystery can be set in anwhere. Track Two - The Boggart
The mystery is based on some of the folklore from the
area. The-Boggart--A-Tales-from-the-Loop-mystery

The Lancashire Loop Mix Tape is 8 short mysteries

based around the area, and were each written to each be THANKS
played in a 3 - 5 hour session, including charater creation.
They're great for introduction games or to be ran at a con- Thank you to Graham and Mike for proof reading and
vention. They can also be worked together to form a Mys- editing.
tery Landscape for longer play.
The final thanks go to the folks who helped support
If you play this mystery with your friends, I’d love to me in writing this via the Role to Hit Patreon
know. You can find me via Twitter @MillieTheGM

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