Highway Booster

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Competitive Exam: Quick Review (A-G)

(A) ESE Previous Years Cut off
(B) SSC-JE Previous Years Cut off
(C) GATE Previous Years Cut off
(D) SSC-JE Previous Years Appeared Condidate Details
(E) ESE & SSC-JE Previous Years Vacancy Details
(F) Today’s Increasing Competion Review
(G) CIVIL Engineering Facts

UNIT 1: Building Material Construction (1-82)

Analysis of ESE & SSC JE Previous Years 1-1
1. Important Indian Standard Codes 2-2
2. Cement 3-12
3. Concrete 13-30
4. Timber 31-40
5. Aggregates 41-45
6. Bricks 46-52
7. Brick Masonry 53-55
8. Mortar & Lime 56-58
9. STONE 59-63
10. Door & Window 64-68
11. Stair Case 69-70
12. Floors 71-71
13. Steel & Glass 72-75
14. Paint & Varnish 76-78
15. Building Maintenance Engineering 79-82

UNIT 2: Estimation-Costing (83-98)

Analysis of ESE, GATE & SSC JE Previous Years 83-83
1. Basic Measurement & Work 84-85
2. Valuation 86-90
3. Estimation and Area Types 91-94
4. Material Calculation & other miscellaneous topics 95-98
UNIT 3: Soil Mechanics (99-181)
Analysis of ESE, GATE & SSC JE Previous Years 99-99
1. Soil Origin & Its Properties 100-107
2. Index Properties of Soil 108-114
3. Classification of Soil 115-117
4. Clay Mineral & Soil Structure 118-119
5. Compaction of Soil 120-122
6. Compressibility and Consolidation 123-127
7. Effective Stress, Capillarity and Permeability 128-132
8. Seepage Through Soil 133-135
9. Shear Strength of Soil 136-142
10. Earth pressure and Retaining walls 143-150
11. Shallow Foundation 151-162
12. Deep Foundation 163-170
13. Vertical Stressess 171-173
14. Stability of slopes 174-176
15. Soil Exploration 177-179
16. Expansive Soil 180-181

UNIT 4: Solid Mechanics (182-243)

Analysis of ESE, GATE & SSC JE Previous Years 182-182
1. Properties of Material 183-198
2. Shear Force & Bending Moment 199-203
3. Deflection of Beams 204-209
4. Principal Stress & Principal Strain 210-213
5. Theories of Failure 214-217
6. Bending Stress 218-221
7. Shear Stress 221-226
8. Combined Stress 227-229
9. Columns 230-232
10. Springs 233-235
11. Torsion of Circular Shaft 236-239
12. Thick & Thin Cylinder/Sphere 240-243

UNIT 5: Navigation Channel Harbour Dock (244-253)

1. Navigation Channel 245-247
2. Harbour 248-249
3. Breakwaters 250-251
4. Dock 252-253

UNIT 6: Reinforcement Cement Concrete (254-317)

Analysis of ESE, GATE & SSC JE Previous Years 254-254
1. Basic of RCC 255-263
2. Limit State Method & Beam 264-271
3. Codal Provisions for Beam and Slab 272-278
4. Shear 279-284
5. Bond and Anchorage 285-288
6. Torsion 289-290
7. Column 291-296
8. Wall & Footing 297-302
9. Pre-Stressed Concrete Basic 303-305
10. Is Code Recommendations for Pre-Stressed Concrete 306-308
11. Analysis of Pre-Stress And Bending Stresses 309-311
12. Losses & Deflection in Pre-Stress Concrete 312-317

UNIT 7: Earthquake (318-326)

UNIT 8: Fluid Mechanics (327-389)

Analysis of ESE, GATE & SSC JE Previous Years 327-327
1. Properties of Fluid 328-335
2. Pressure and its Measurement 335-338
3. Hydrostatic–Forces 339-341
4. Buoyancy and Flotation 342-344
5. Liquid in Relative Equilibrium 345-347
6. Fluid Kinematics 348-352
7. Fluid Dynamics 353-358
8. Momentum Equation and Application 359-360
9. Weir and Notches 361-366
10. Laminar Flow 367-369
11. Turbulent Flow 370-373
12. Boundary Layer Thickness 374-378
13. Dimensional Analysis and Model Studies 379-382
14. Flow Through Pipes 383-389
UNIT 9: Hydraulic Machine (390-409)
1. Turbines (391-400)
2. Hydraulic Pumps (401-409)

UNIT 10: Open Channel Flow (410-423)

1. Introduction (411-413)
2. Uniform – Flow 414-417
3. Energy-Depth Relationship 418-419
4. Gradually Varied Flow 420-420
5. Hydraulic Jump 421-423

UNIT 11: Surveying (424-482)

Analysis of ESE, GATE & SSC JE Previous Years 424-424
1. Fundamentals of Surveying 425-430
2. Linear Measurement 431-436
3. Compass- Surveying 437-441
4. Theodolite 442-444
5. Traversing 445-448
6. Levelling 449-453
7. Techeometry 454-456
8. Plane-Table Surveying 457-459
9. Contouring 460-461
10. Curves 462-464
11. Field Astronomy 465-468
12. Measurement of Area and Volume 469-472
13. Photogrammetry 473-478
14. Theory of Errors 479-482

UNIT 12: Hydrology (483-509)

1. Introduction 484-485
2. Precipitation and Measurement 486-491
3. Abstractions from Precipitation 492-494
4. Stream Flow Measurement 495-496
5. Runoff & Drought 497-500
6. Hydrograph 501-503
7. Floods & Flood Routing 504-509
UNIT 13: Irrigation (510-538)
Analysis of ESE, GATE & SSC JE Previous Years 510-510
1. Irrigation & Methods 511-514
2. Soil-moisture Plant Relationship 515-518
3. Water Requirement of Crops 519-523
4. Canal-Design 524-528
5. Earthen-Dams 529-529
6. Canal-Irrigation 530-530
7. Water-Logging 531-532
8. Gravity Dams 533-536
9. Spillway 537-538

UNIT 14: Environmental Engineering (539-624)

Analysis of ESE, GATE & SSC JE Previous Years 539-539
1. Water Demand, Source & Conveyance 540-546
2. Quality Parameters of Water 547-554
3. Treatment of Water 555-571
4. Distribution System 572-577
5. Waste Water Characteristics 578-582
6. Disposal of Sewage Waste 583-586
7. Design of Sewerage System and Sewer Appurtenances 587-593
8. Sewage Treatment 594-608
9. Solid Waste Management 609-611
10. Air Pollution 612-620
11. Noise Pollution 621-624

UNIT 15: Highway Engineering (625-691)

Analysis of ESE, GATE & SSC JE Previous Years 625-625
1. Introduction 626-628
2. Geometric Design 629-634
3. Horizontal Alignment 635-640
4. Vertical Alignment 641-643
5. Traffic Engineering Studies 644-651
6. Traffic Control Regulation 652-660
7. Highway Material 661-671
8. Pavement Design 672-676
9. Flexible Pavement Design 677-681
10. Design of Rigid Pavement 682-687
11. Highway Maintenance 688-691

UNIT 16: Airport engineering (692-703)

1. Introduction 693-695
2. Airport Planning 696-696
3. Runway Design 697-699
4. Airport Capacity 700-700
5. Taxiway Design 701-703

UNIT 17: Tunnel Engineering (704-716)

UNIT 18: Bridge Engineering (717-728)

UNIT 19: Railway Engineering (729-750)

1. Basic of Railway and Rail Joints 730-732
2. Sleepers and Track Fasteners 733-734
3. Ballast and Track Alignment 735-736
4. Track Stresses and Creep 737-738
5. Geometric Design of the track 739-743
6. Points and Cross 744-747
7. Railway Station and Station Yard 748-748
8. Signalling and control Systems 749-749
9. Traction and Tractive Resistance 750-750

UNIT 20: CPM & PERT (751-776)

Analysis of ESE & Previous Years 751-751
1. Project Management 752-754
2. Network Technique 755-756
3. Programme Evaluation Review Technique 757-760
4. Critical Path Method 761-763
5. CRASHING, Updating & Resource Allocation 764-766
6. Engineering Economy 767-769
7. Fundamental of Equipments 770-772
8. Excavation Equipment 773-776

UNIT 21: Applied Mechanics (777-796)

1. Basic Fundamental 778-781
2. Velocity & Projectile Motion 782-789
3. Friction 790-791
4. Force 792-794
5. Work, Power & Energy 795-796

UNIT 22: Structural Analysis (797-836)

Analysis of ESE, GATE & SSC JE Previous Years 797-797
1. Determinacy, Indeterminacy & Stability of Structure 798-801
2. Force Method Of Analysis 802-804
3. Slope-Deflection Method 805-808
4. Moment-Distribution Method 809-811
5. Arches 812-817
6. Trusses 818-822
7. Influence-Line Diagram 823-830
8. Matrix-Method Of Analysis 831-836

UNIT 23: Design of Steel Structure (837-885)

Analysis of ESE, GATE & SSC JE Previous Years 837-837
1. Rivets 838-844
2. Limit State Method of Design 845-846
3. Bolts 847-852
4. Welded Connections 853-857
5. Tension Member 858-862
6. Compression-Members 863-869
7. Column Bases and Caps 870-871
8. Beams (WSM) 872-875
9. Plate-Girders 876-878
10. Industrial Building 879-880
11. Plastic-Analysis 881-885
Highway Engineering 625
626 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)

Development of Highway
Roman Roads  Treasguet construction  Metcalf construction  Telford
constructions  Macadam construction.
John Macadam (1756-1836) was the first person to put forward a
concept in which he suggested that heavy foundation stones are not required
at all at the bottom layer.
Important year’s of highway development
Nov. 1927  Jayankar committee formed.
Feb. 1928  Recommendations by Jayankar committee
1929  central road fund
1934  Indian road congress
1939  motor vehicle act
1943 – 1963  Nagpur road plan (finished in 1961)
1952  Central Road Research Institute (But some books
recommended 1950)
8. 1956 National highway act
9. 1961 – 1981  Bombay road plan
10. 1981 – 2001  Lucknow road plan
Some More Information
 National Highway Authority of India Act was passed in 1988
 Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna was started in december, 2000
 The main feature of Tresaguet road was thickness was only 30 cm
 Road foundation for modern highway construction was developed by
telford and mecadam
 The longest National Highway of India is NH -44
 The shortest National Highway of India is NH - 47-A
Highway Engineering 627

Nagpur Plan Bombay Plan Lucknow Plan

 1943–1963 1961–1981 1981–2001
 Road density Road density Road density
16 km/100 km2 32 km/100 km2 82 km/100 km2
 Recommended  Construction of
star & grid 1600 km of
pattern Expressway

Special Points:
 The most accessible road is village road.
 Approximate length of National Highway in India is 50000 Km.

Highway Development & Planning

1. Total length of Road
L = 4.74 × (No. of Towns & villages) or Road Density × Area
(whichever is maximum)
2. Length of NH & SH :

 Total of state Area(in km 2 ) 

(1) Length of NH =  
 50 

Total of state Area (in km 2 )

(2) Length of SH =
 62.5  No.of Towns in state  length of NH
Which ever is maximum
3. Major Distict Road :-

Area of State(Km 2 )
Length of MDR 
= 90 × Numbers of towns in state
Which ever is maximum
628 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)

Road Patterns

Radial roads
Built up
area Radial radius

road Central
business area
area Built up area
(a) Radial or star & circular pattern. (b) Radial or star & block pattern.

Central Radial
business roads
Built up

(c) Rectangular or block pattern (d)Radial or star and grid pattern

(e) Hexagonal pattern (f) Minimum travel pattern

Special Points:
Chandigarh  Rectangular and block pattern
Nagpur road plan formulated star and grid pattern.
New Delhi  Radial and circular pattern at connaught place.
Highway Engineering 629

Geometric Design 2
 The total time requirement for Perception, Intellection, Emotion and
Volition (PIEV) that is from the instant the object comes in the line of
sight of the driver to the instant he arrives at a final decision under normal
circumstances is called reaction time. As per IRC, it is 2.5 sec. for SSD
(90th percentile reaction time).
 Total reaction time of a Driver does not depend upon speed of Vehicle.
 Light reflecting devices used to guide the driver along the proper alignment
are called Delineators.
 The Max. speed at which vehicles can continuously travel safely under
favourable conditions is called design speed.
 Design Vehicles are those whose dimensions and weight are adopted for
determining the elements of highway design. Max permissible width of
vehicle is 2.44 m.
 Design speed is the basic parameter which determines all other geometric
design features.
 Where site conditions, cost etc. do not permit ruling design speed, then
the speed is decreased to minimum design speed.
 Topography of the land, through which the road passes is known as
Terrain % Cross-slope
Plain 0-10
Rolling 10-25
Mountainous 25-60
Steep > 60
Cross-sectional elements
1. Friction: Lack of adequate friction causes slipping or skidding.
Slipping: Wheel revolves more than corresponding longitudinal
Skidding: When longitudinal movement on road is more than wheels
630 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)

Lateral coefficient of the friction f = 0.15 & lateral friction is useful

in horizontal curve design.
Longitudinal coefficient of the friction f = 0.35–0.4 & The longitudinal
friction is useful in sight distance calculation
2. Unevenness: It is the cumulative measure of vertical undulation of
the pavement surface recorded per unit horizontal length of the road.
 Pavement surface condition is measured by Bump-Indicator in terms
of unevenness index.
 A value less than 1500 mm per km is considered good.
3. Drainage:
4. Light reflection: Concrete roads have better visibility and less glare.
Chamber or cross fall: It is the rising of the middle of the road surface
in the transverse direction to drain off rain water from road surface.
 The cross slope for shoulder should be 0.5% steeper than cross slope
of Adjoining pavement, subject to a minimum of 3%.
 Camber is measured in 1 in n or n%
 For cement concrete pavement, Camber is in straight line otherwise
Type of surface Range of camber
in areas of rainfall range
Heavy to Light
1. Cement concrete and high 1 in 50 (2.0%) to 1 in 60 (1.7%)
type bituminous surface
2. Thin bituminous surface 1 in 40 (2.5%) to 1 in 50 (2.0%)
3. Water bound macadam 1 in 33 (3.0%) to 1 in 40 (2.5%)
and gravel pavement
4. Earthen 1in 25(4.0%) to 1 in 33(3.0%)
Width of Carriage way: It is decided on the basis of capacity which
depend on traffic lane and number of lanes.
IRC Specification for Carriage way width (m)
Single lane 3.75
Two lane, no kerbs 7.0
Two lane, raised kerbs 7.5
Intermediate carriage 5.5
Multi-lane 3.5 per lane
Median or Traffic Separators:
 On long bridges, the width of the median may be reduced upto (1.2 –
1.5) m.
Highway Engineering 631

632 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)

 The Absolute minimum width of median in urban is 1.2 m and desirable

minimum is 5 m.
Special Points:
1. The parking lane should have a minimum of 3.0 m width in the case of
parallel parking.
2. Minimum width of cycle Track is 2m.
3. Right of way/land width is the width of land required for the road
along its alignment.
 Maximum No. of vehicles can be parked with 90° Angle parking.
 In Highway construction, Rolling start from sides and proceed to

Sight Distance: It is the distance from which any types of obstruction

on the road length could be visible to the driver from some distance ahead.

Stopping Sight Distance Intermediate Overtaking Sight Head Light

Absolute minimum Sight Distance Sight
SSD Distance (OSD) Distance
(i) Stopping Sight Distance: It is the minimum sight distance available
on a highway having sufficient length to enable the driver to stop a
vehicle travelling at a design speed safely without collision with any
obstruction at any spot.
 Lag distance is the distance by the vehicle, travelled during reac-
tion time.
 Braking distance is the distance travelled by the vehicle during
braking operation.
S.S.D = lag distance + Braking distance
v = design speed, m/sec2
f = coefficient of longitudinal friction (0.35)
t = reaction time (2.5 sec.)
g = acceleration due to gravity (m/sec2)_
S.S.D = vt 
2 gf
Speed (km/hr) <30 40 50 60 >80
f 0.40 0.38 0.37 0.36 0.35
Highway Engineering 637
Is e1 < 0.07

Provide e = e1 Find f1   0.07. If f1  0.15

e = 0.07 Put e = 0.07 f = 0.15 the
safe allowable speed Va  0.22 gR
Special Points:
(a) Max super elevation for plain and rolling terrain, hilly terrain bound
by snow = 0.07
(b) For Urban roads is = 0.04
(c) Minimum super elevation for drainage purpose = 2 – 4%.
(d) For hilly terrain not bound by snow its = 0.10
Attainment of super-elevation

Elimination of crown of chambered section Rotation of pavement

Rotation of Shifting crown About the About the

outer edge outwards centre line inner edge
Leel of
edge Outer
Inner edge
Outer edge

(a) Outer edge rotated about Method (1), rotating about centre line.
the crown.
Position of crown
Inner edge
Outer edge

(b) Crown shifted outwards Method (2), rotating about the inner edge.
(diagonal crown method).
Special Points:
(a) In rotating the pavement about the inner edge leads to no drainage
problem as well as centre of the pavement is raised resulting in altered
vertical alignment.
(b) In rotating the pavement about the centre line, the vertical profile
remains unchanged & there is advantage in balancing the earth work.
656 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)

Loop Ramp
Minor Road

Partial Cloverleaf
Full Cloverleaf
Minor road
Elevated Rotatry
Major road

Rotary Interchange
 Rotary interchange is useful when a number of roads intersect at the
interchange & sufficient land is available.
 Directional interchange requires more than one structure or a 3 level
structure. These are operationallry more efficient but very costly.

Unit Purpose
Cloverleaf Interchange Grade Separation
Traffic Studies Traffic flow
Rotary Island Traffic Control device
Road Junction Informatory Sign

Traffic Control Devices

Classification of traffic signs

Mandatory/ Cautionary/ Informatory

Regulatory Warning

 Give way, stop  Men at work, major road  Petrol pump, hospital
compulsory left, ahead, Hair pin bend direction sign.
speed limit
 Violation is a  Existence of  For guiding the road user
legal offence hazardous conditions.
Highway Engineering 657

Classification of sings

Mandatroy/Regulatory: Circular
These inform the road users of laws end regulations; violation is a legal
 Dead slow is a regulatory sign.

900 330

90 WAY

STOP R45 900


470 750
600 900
Compulsory Speed Horn
keep Left Limit Prohibited

 As per IRC : 67–2001, a Traffic sign indicating the speed limit on a road
should be of circular shape with white background and red border.
Exception: Stop and Give way sign


Cautionary/Warning– Triangular

 Shape of the stop sign according to IRC : 67-2001 is Octogonal.

For information & guidance or road users
658 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)


Bridge Bridge
carrying carrying
railway below railway above
the road the road

Level Crossing

Cautionary/warning- Triangular Warm road users or the existence of

certain hazardous conditions
 The length of side of warning sign board of roads is 45 cm.

70 70



Special Points:
 Trip is defined as the one way movement having single purpose and
mole of Travel blue a point of origin and a point of destination.
 Colour of light used for visibility during fog is yellow.
 Road delineators used to provide visual Assistance to drivers about
alignment of the road ahead, especially at Night.
 Indian High ways have coloured milestones:
(a) Yellow and white milestones – National highway
(b) Green and white mildstones – State highway
(c) Blue/Black and White mildstones – City/Main District road
(d) Orange and White Milestones – Village road.
Traffic signal: These control devices alternately direct the traffic to
stop & process at intersection using red & green traffic lights signals
Highway Engineering 659
Co-ordination of Traffic Signal System

Simultaneous Simple Alternate Flexible

System Progressive System Progressive
All the System Alternate signal or System
signals along A time schedule group of signals show
is so permitted Automatically
a given road opposite indications vary the length of
show same that a continuous in a route at
operation of cycle or cycle division
indication at same time with the computer
the same time groups of vehicle
along the main road is possible most efficient system
operated by a
single controller

 Total lost time is a combination of

(a) Start-up lost time
(b) Clearance lost time.
 There are two types of Interval
(a) Change Interval
(b) Clearance Interval.
 Effective Green time is the actual time available for vehicle to cross the
gi = Gi + yi – tL
where Gi  Actual Green time
yi  Yellow time
 tL Start up loss time & loss time due to falling of discharge rate during
Amber period.
Various methods of signals design
(a) Trial cycle method
(b) Approximate method
(c) Webster method
(d) IRC method
Webster Method: It is the most rotational design method.
Optimum cycle time (Sec)
C0 = 1  Y

L = ntL + R R = All red time, tL = Start up loss time, n = No. of phase

Y=  Si Si = Saturation flow for that phase
i 1 i

Si =
time-head way (secs)
660 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)

Special Point: Y should be less than 1.

 IRC method is an approximate method, where optimum cycle time
is checked by Webster method.
 Minimum green time for vehicular traffic as taken as 16 secs.
 Cycle time should be in multiple of 5 secs.
 Pedestrian walking speed taken as 1.2 m/sec with initial walk period
of 7 secs.
Highway Engineering 665
Test for Road Aggregate
Machine Base Course Surface Course

1. Aggregate abrasion Los Angeles > 50% >30%

Abrasion Test

2. Aggregate crushing UTH > 45% >30%


3. Aggregate Impact Impact Testing > 40% (for Bitumen >30%

value Machine road)
& >35% (for WBM)

loss of weight in grams

Special Point: Coefficient of hardness = 20 
(d) Soundness test: It gives resistance of aggregate to weathering
action (Durability)
 Aggregates of specified size are subjected to cycle of alternate
wetting in a saturated solution of sodium sulphate/magnesium
sulphate for 16–18 hours & then dried in oven at temperature
105–110°C to a constant weight. After 5 cycles, loss in weight is
determined by serving out under sized particles.
 Loss in weight should be less than 12% when sodium sulphate &
18% when magnesium sulphate is used.
(e) Shape test: Gives idea of workability & stability of mix.
 Flakiness Index test followed by elongation Index test on Non-
flaky Aggregates.
Flakiness Index: Percentage by weight of aggregate particles whose
least dimension is less than 0.6 times their mean dimension.
Elongation Index: Percentage by weight of aggregate particles whose
greatest dimensions is 1.8 times their mean dimension.

(f) Angularity Number: It represent degree of packing.

Measures the voids in excess of 33%.
 It varies from 0 to 11.
Angularity Number = 67 – % Solid volume.
 Higher the angularity no, more angular is the aggregate.
666 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)

Special Point: The specific gravity of aggregates is normally between

2.5 to 2.9 & water absorption values range from 0.1 – 2.0 percent.
(h) Bitumen adhesion test: It gives stripping value of aggregates.
 As per IRC, static immersion test is quite simple. In this test an
aggregate fully coated with binder is immersed in water
maintained at 40°C temperature for 24 hours.
 Adhesion problem occurs only when the aggregate is wet or cold.

Indicator Respective
Test Results
1. Flakiness Index >15%
2. Elongation >15%
3. Angularity Number 0-11
4. Soundness Index >18%
5. Water absorption >0.6%
6. Stipping value >25%

3. Pavement Material Bitumen: Most common source of bitumen is

through Petroleum crude.
Properties Type of test Remark
of Bitumen
1. Viscosity Viscometer test (i) RC-2, MC-2, SC- 2 having same viscos-
ity but RC-3 is more viscous than
2. Specific Pycnometer test Specific gravity of pure bitumen is in
gravity range of 0.97 to 1.02 but for tar having 1.10
to 1.25
3. Grade of Penetration test The unit of
bitumen penetration is
(hardness of 1/10 mm.
4. Softening Ring & ball test It is the temperature at which bitumen at-
tains a particular degree of softness under
point standardised test condition.
5. Ductility standard Bitumen should be capable of being
briquette of stretched without breaking (ductility)
Highway Engineering 667

6. Purity of measured by A minimum value of

Bitumen solubility test 99% is generally suitable

7. Consistency Float test It is a modified viscosity test

of bitumens

Penetration test: It is the resistance to flow or measurement of hardness

of bitumen.
 Distance penetrate in sample by a standard pointed needle at 27°C
when a 100 gm of load is applied for 5 secs.


100 G
100 G

Bitumen 25ºC Bitumen after 5 sec.

 Unit of penetration is 1/10 mm.

 80/100 means penetration of 8–10 mm.

Type of Bitumen Use

Penetration grade 30/40 Roads with high volume of traffic.
Penetration grade 60/70 Superior type of roads with high traffic in normal
summer temperature.
Cutback bitumen Premix & surface dressing in cold weather condition.
Emulsion Wet conditions (Rainy season) maintenance work
Emulsion is a two phase system consisting of two immiscible liquids.
The bitumen/tar content in emulsion range from 40 to 60% & the remaining
portion is water.
Cut back Bitumen: Bitumen whose viscosity is reduced by adding
volatile diluents.
The cutbacks are also designated by numbers. The bigger the number,
the thicker or viscous it will be.
668 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)

Types of cutback

Slow curing (SC) Medium curing (MC) Rapid curing (RC)

Blending bitumen Good wetting property Penetration value
with high boiling Ex: Kerosene, light die- 80/120
point gas or oil. sel oil Ex: Petroleum

 RT-1 is lowest viscosity used for surface painting but RT-4 may be
used for premix in macadam.
 RT-5 is used for grouting which has highest viscosity.
 MC – 2 will be thicker than MC – 1 but RC –5 & SC – 5 will have
same viscosity.
Tar: It can be produced in 3 stages.
(a) Refining or distillation of crude tar
(b) Carbonization of coal to produce crude tar.
(c) Blending of distillation residue with distillate oil fraction to give desired
road tar.

Comparison between Tar & Bitumen

Properties Bitumen Tar
1. Colour black to dark brown Colour same as bitumen.
2. Production petroleum product produced by the destructive distil-
lation of coal or wood
3. Temperature less temperature more temperature susceptible
susceptibility susceptible. resulting in greater variation in vis-
cosity with temperature.
4. Ductility less ductile more ductile
5. Solubility souluble in (CS2) & (CCl4) soluble only in a Toluene (C7H8)
6. Carbon content less free carbon content. more free carbon content

Asphalt: It is black or brownsish black in colour

 Asphalt is a native mixture of hydrocarbon- a product of decomposition
of animal & vegetable substance.
 At temperature betwen 50–100ºC it is liquid state but at temperature
less than this it remain in solid state.
1. Refined Asphalt: It is obtained by heating pitch to drive off the water
& to draw off the mineral matter by segregating the impurities:
Bitumen  52%
Inorganic matter  38%
Organic matter  10%
672 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)

Pavement Design 8
Pavement: It is the loda bearing & load distributing component of a road.

Flexible Semi-rigid Rigid Composite

 In flexible pavement compressive stresses are transmitted to the lower
layer by grain to grain transfer through the point of contact.
Surface course
Cement concrete slab

course Base-course
Soil-subgrade Soil subgrade

Flexible pavement Rigid-pavement

Functions of Pavement components

Soil subgrade Sub base & base course Wearing course

 Load is ultimately  To provide a smooth
taken by soil- riding surface. Also
subgrade. In flexible pavement In rigid pavement offer water tightness
it improves load it prevents pumping
 Top 50 cm layer carrying capacity. & protects subgrade
should be against frost action.
compacted at
 Load corrying capacity of flexible pavement is derived from Load
distribution property & not from its flexural/Bending strength.
 The flexible pavement, layers reflect the deformation of the lower layer.
 Major Pavement failure as per IRC is fatigue, cracking & rutting for
flexible pavement but in Rigid pavement, it is fatigue, cracking & Pumping.
 Bituminous concrete is one of the best flexible layer materials.
Highway Engineering 689
(e) Loss of aggregate: Some portion of aggregate remains intact,
while from other places it is lost.
4. Deformation:
(a) Slippage: Relative movement between surface layer and layer
(b) Corrugation: Regular undulations.
(c) Shoving: Localised bulging due to plastic movement with in layer.
(d) Rutting: Longitudinal depressions on the surface.
(e) Shallow depressions: Its size nearly 25 mm.
Special Topics:
 Rolling should begin from the outer edge of the placed material and
gradually progress towards the centre.·
 On superelevated curves, the rolling should begin at the low side and
progress towards a high side.

 Bird Baths: These are localised pavement surface areas with slightly
lower elevation than surrounding pavements. It is due to subgrade
 Subsidence: It is a localised/Abrupt lowering of the road surface. It
may result from poorly compacted bad fill, poor local drainage.
 Distortion: Irregular deformation of pavement. It may be the result
of differential traffic induced permanent deformation of a pavement
 Depression: Bird baths are localised pavement surface areas with
slightly lower elevation than surrounding pavements. It is due to
subgrade failure.
690 Civil Booster (Civil Ki Goli Publication 9255624029)
Repairing of defects

Seal coat Patching

Sand bituminous
Liquid seal Slurry seal Fog seal Dense graded
(Liquid bitumen Fine aggregate, Emulsified premix
+ mineral filler bitumen without Open graded
covering with & emulsified a cover aggregates premix
aggregates) bitumen with water

Defects of rigid pavements

1. Scaling of cement concrete.
2. Shrinkage Cracks
3. Warping cracks
4. Mud pumping
5. Spalling of joints
6. Structural cracks.
Overlay: Strengthening may be done by providing additional thickness
of the pavement, which is called overlay.

Flexible overlay Rigid overlay over Flexible overlay Rigid overlay

over flexible flexible pavement over rigid pavement over rigid
pavement pavement
1. Flexible Overlay over flexible pavement
h 0 = hd – he
h e = Total thickness of existing pavement (cm)
h o = overlay thickness required (cm)
h d = Design thickness required (cm)
Benkelman Beam Deflection method:
Characteristic deflection (DC)  DC = D + t
Where  = Standard deflection
D = design deflection
t = depends on % of deflection values to be
covered in design.
Over lay thickness design.
R Dc
h 0 = 0.434 log10 D Ruiz’s Equation.

R = Deflection reduction factor depending on the overlay mate-

Highway Engineering 691

h 0 = thickness of Bituminous overlay in cm.

h o = 550log10 D As per 1 RC

h o = Thickness of granular or WBM overlay in mm.

D c = D  6 , after applying the corrections for pavement tem-
perature & subgrade moisture,
D a = 1.00, 1.25 & 1.50 mm if the projected design traffic A is
1500 to 4500, 450 to 1500 and 150 to 450 respectively.
2. Rigid overlay over rigid pavement
h o = (hdn  heb ) n
h d = Design thickness
h o = Rigid overlay thickness
h e = existing pavement thickness.
3. Flexible overlay over rigid pavement
h f = 2.5 (fhd – he)
h b = 1.66 (fhd – he)
h e = Existing rigid pavement thickness
h f = flexible overlay thickness
h b = Thickness of bituminous overlay.
h d = Design thickness of rigid pavement
f = factor which depend upon modulus of existing pavement.

Wall Features
Parapet wall To give protection to the motorists
Check Wall To add the overall stability to the hill face.
Breast wall To buttress the upfill slopes of the road cross
Gabion Wall Constructed with dry stone masonry encased in wire


2011 125 121 107 - -

2012 149 146 105 87 87

2013 165 153 102 113 101

2014 202 186 100 90 101

2015 262 228 187 91 114

2016 229 214 183 83 76

2017 202 177 151 102 68

2018 207 194 188 114 87

2019 188 185 159 88 52



2011 283 239 221 125 159

2012 342 296 255 126 126

2013 352 301 252 159 -

2014 391 373 293 158 158

2015 516 470 411 197 225

2016 464 418 395 223 143

2017 520 459 439 315 145

2018 546 502 513 308 161

2019 541 500 482 252 145



2011 451 427 387 216 251

2012 512 484 422 274 393

2013 500 475 419 299 -

2014 572 540 453 329 263

2015 674 630 552 380 323

2016 623 588 539 414 217

2017 69 650 578 437 311

2018 710 679 671 476 423

2019 702 668 640 466 241

CIVIL BOOSTER 9255624029


(Out of
2017 500)
244.75 244.75 220.75 228 231.25 152
(Out of
2016 220.5 186 164 163.75 139.5 87.5

2015 131 62 50 50 50 40
2014 136 100 80 79 79 30
2013 83 69 62 56 59 32
2012 84 54 62 40 40 45



2016 238.25-264.75 236-252.25 205.25-225 228.25-245

2015 235.5-284.75 236.25-276.25 213.5-289.75 236.25-267.75

2014 285-353 287.75-334.5 265.25-307.75 250-392.75

2013 199.75-280.75 226-291.5 213.25-245.5 205-232.25

2012 184-276.75 190-258.5 168-238.75 144.25-237.25



2011 25 22.5
2012 33.03 29.73
2013 27.13 24.42
2014 26.57 23.91
2015 27.52 24.77
2016 25 22.5
2017 28.7 25.8
2018 26.9 24.2
2019 28.2 25.4


2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

569930 339379 3,08,852 2,64,945 1,65,661 1,02, 145

4433 5892 6788 8852 4809 5025

1422 2440 1801 2135 1980 1986

1280 2765 3291 3567 1980 2680

319 1177 836 850 842 1083

256 918 1242 1718 844 1407

85 356 330 398 376 563

CIVIL BOOSTER 9255624029






CIVIL BOOSTER 9255624029
1. John Smeaton is known as the Father of CIVIL Engineering.
2. Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya is the first INDIAN CIVIL Engineer.
3. India celebrates Engineer's Day on 15 September every year as a tribute to
the greatest Indian Engineer Bharat Ratna Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya.
4. Shakuntala A. Bhagat is the first INDIAN Woman CIVIL Engineer.
5. Elattuvalapil Sreedharan is known as "Metro Man" of India.
6. George Stephenson, an English Civil engineer and mechanical engineer, is
known as Father of Railway Engineering.
7. Elmina Wilson was the first woman to receive a Bachelor of civil engineering
degree at Iowa State College, and the first one to complete her master's
degree in the field. She was known as the "first lady of structural
engineering", she collaborated with Marston to build the 168-foot-tall Ames,
Iowa, water tower, the first raised steel tower west of the Mississippi.
8. Karl Von Terzaghi, Austrian Civil Engineer,Geotechnical Engineer and
Geologist known as "Father of Soil Mechanics"
9. Ludwig Prandtl changed the field of the fluid mechanics and is called the
modern father of fluid mechanics because
10. Stepan Prokopovych Timoshenko is consider to be the father of modern
engineering mechanics.
11. The survey of India is central engineering agency in-charge of mapping
and surveying, set up in 1767.
12. George Everest was surveyor-general of India, under whom great
Trigonometrical survey (1802-1852) was completed and Mount Everest was
named in his honour by Andrew Scott Waugh.
13. Qutub Minar, is the tallest minaret in the world made up of Bricks. Qutub
Minar is 73-metre (239.5 feet) tall tapering tower of five storeys, with a
14.3 metres (47 feet) base diameter, reducing to 2.7 metres (9 feet) at the
top of the peak. It is having a spiral staircase of 379 steps. It's design is
thought to have been based on the minaret of Jam, in western Afghanistan.
14. Golden Quadrilateral is the largest highway project in India and the fifth
longest in the world. The project was launched in 2001 by Atal Bihari
Vajpayee and was completed in 2012. It consists of 5,846 km (3,633 mile)
four/six lane express highways.
15. Taj Mahal is an ivory white marble on the south bank of the Yamuna river
in the in Agra (UP). It was built for Mumtaz Mahal by Shah Jahan.
16. Indira Gandhi Canal is the longest canal in india and largest irrigation project
in the world. It is 649 km long and runs through Haryana, Punjab and

17. Tehri Dam is located on the Bhagirathi river, Uttarakhand. It is the highest
dam (261 meters) in India and 8th tallest dam in the world. It is a Earth and
rock-fill type dam.
18. Bhakra Nangal Dam is a concrete gravity dam across the Sutlej river,
Himachal Pradesh.
19. Hirakund dam is a composite dam built across the Mahanadi River in Orissa.
It is one of the longest dams in the world about 26 km in length.
20. Nagarjuna Sagar dam is the world's largest Masonry dam with a height of
124 meters, built accross krishna River in Andhra Pradesh.
21. Kizhi Pogost situated on Kizhi island in north-west Russia stands as the
worlds largest-standing structure built entirely from Wood.
22. India is the world's 2nd largest cement producer and consumer.
23. The Great wall of China is wall built in 220-206 BC by Qin Shi Huang. It is
made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood and other materials.
24. The Cantilever railway bridge is the second longest sea bridge in India (after
Bandra-Worli Sea Link) with a total length of nearly 2.065 km. The Pamban
Bridge is India's first sea bridge and third longest rail bridge of India. It is
build across the Palk Strait water body.
25. Pir Panjal Tunnel is the India's longest (10.96 km) railway tunnel in Jammu
& Kashmir.
26. Bandra Worli Sea Link is a cable Stayed bridge with pre-stressed concrete-
steel viaducts on either side that links Bandra in the Western Suburbs of
Mumbai with Worli in South Mumbai.
27. John smeaton pioneered The use of 'hydraulic lime', which led to discovery
of modern cement.
28. An Indian company erected a 10-storey structure in 48 hours in Mohali,
Chandigarh. The man responsible, Harpal Singh, chairman and managing
director of Synergy Thrislington, says he made Instacon - short for "instant
construction" -to show the world that it could be done in India.
29. The Delhi Metro is the world's 10th longest metro system in length and
16th largest in ridership.
30. The Godavari Bridge also known as Kovvur Rajahmundry bridge over river
Godavari in Rajahmundry is Asia's second longest road-cum-rail bridge
crossing a water body. The 2.7 kilometres long bridge has two lanes of road
single railway line.
31. The Kathipara Junction of Chennai is the largest cloverleaf interchanges in
India and largest cloverleaf flyover in the whole of Asia. Kathipara cloverleaf
grade separator is located at the intersection of Grand Southern Trunk Road,
Inner Ring Road, Poonamallee road and Anna Salai.

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