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Jeddah SWRO Phase 4

Project # 186045

No traffic shall be permitted on the completed base in excess on the minimum

required to place the overlying construction.
Testing of Bitumen Macadam
Unless otherwise specified the sampling and testing of bitumen macadam
shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of BS 598. (ASTM
2172 for bitumen content).
Frequent testing of the mix and of the compacted macadam shall be carried
out to ensure that the design requirements will be achieved. Aggregate
gradings shall be checked frequently to ensure that they comply with those
used in determining the mixes. The bitumen metering equipment, the bitumen
temperature and the temperature of the aggregate at the exit from the dryer
shall be regularly tested.
Samples for analysis shall be taken from the final mix as it leaves the mixer
and from around the augers of and/or behind the paver. Marshall cylindrical
test specimens shall be made from the mix and tested. Cored samples shall
be taken after placing and shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D 1188.
The entire operation of mixing and compacting bitumen macadam shall be
performed under close control. Frequent testing of the mix and of the
compacted pavement will be required as the work proceeds to ensure that the
design requirements will be maintained. The Engineer may check the
aggregate grading in the various stock-piles to ensure that they comply with
those used in determining the mixes. The Engineer may test the bitumen
metering equipment, the bitumen temperature and the temperature of the
aggregate at the exit from the dryer.
The Engineer may take samples for analysis from the final mixture both as it
leaves the mixer and after it is laid. In particular, Marshall cylindrical test
specimens shall be made from the mix and shall be tested to ensure the
continuing suitability of the job mix in relation to the design criteria specified
The preparation and testing of Marshall cylindrical specimens shall be carried
out as specified herein.
Specified gravity of the mixed material shall be measured by the ASTM D2041
Standard test and cored samples taken from the compacted pavement to
measure in-situ density.
The frequency of testing shall be as directed by the Engineer. In general,
routine testing of the mix, which shall include at least, Marshall type tests.
Bitumen extraction, and grading tests, shall be carried out at least 4 times a
day during full production or at the rate of one sample for every 100 tons
produced whichever is the more frequent.

Black & Veatch International Limited Page-651

Jeddah SWRO Phase 4
Project # 186045

Cores shall be cut and tested at the rate of 1 per 500 m2. As soon as possible
after cutting, core holes shall be painted on their sides with a thin coating of
hot bitumen and refilled with bitumen macadam of the appropriate mix.
Compaction shall be carried out with a Marshall hammer or other approved
If tests show that the specified requirements are not achieved, the whole
process of mixing and laying bitumen macadam shall be stopped and shall not
recommence until corrections have been made to the methods adopted for
mixing and laying that will ensure that the minimum requirements are
Sampling and Testing of Materials Used in the Construction of Roads
Samples shall be taken in accordance with the relevant British Standard where
applicable. Materials subsequently supplied shall at least equal the approved
sample in all respects. No source of supply shall be changed without prior
written approval from the Engineer. Any samples not approved or materials
failing to comply with the approved samples shall immediately be removed
from the site of the Works.
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer copies of all orders for materials
to be incorporated in the Permanent Works if required to do so.
All materials to be used in the permanent Works shall be subject to inspection
and tests as the work proceeds. The Contractor will be responsible for carrying
out all tests required under the Contract or as instructed by the Engineer from
time to time and will provide the necessary laboratory facilities, apparatus,
equipment, skilled laboratory staff and labour required for this purpose. The
Engineer and his staff shall have access at all reasonable times to the
laboratories, laboratory staff and equipment required for the testing of the
Works. The results of control tests shall be furnished to the Engineer.

5.32.8 Acceptance
All acceptance tests and related activities shall be in accordance with clause
5.1.8 of this specification.

5.32.9 Parking
Dedicated parking bays shall be covered as follows:

PCV/PVDF cover material (roof) to accommodate temperatures of +70/-30oC

and minimum guarantee of 10 years on all materials and workmanship for UV,
IR and colour.

All structural membranes to be CHS galvanised (55 microns minimum


Black & Veatch International Limited Page-652

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