Photos Name Count Penalty Notes 1 2 3 4: Indicted

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The 24 accused were, with respect to each charge, either indicted but not convicted (I), indicted and

found guilty (G), or not charged (—), as listed below by defendant, charge, and eventual outcome:

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Martin I — G G Death (in Successor to Hess as

Bormann absentia) Nazi Party Secretary.
Sentenced to death in
absentia.[avalon 2] Remains
found in Berlin in
1972 and eventually dated
to 2 May 1945 (per Artur
Axmann's account);
thought to have been
killed trying to flee Berlin
in the last few days of the

Karl Dönitz I G G — 10 years Leader of

the Kriegsmarine from
1943, succeeded Raeder.
Initiator of the U-
boat campaign. Briefly
became President of
Germany following Hitler's
death.[avalon 3] Convicted of
carrying out unrestricted
submarine warfare in
breach of the
1936 Second London
Naval Treaty, but was not
punished for that charge
because the United States
committed the same
breach.[28] Released 1
October 1956. Died 24
December 1980. Defense
attorney: Otto Kranzbühler
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Hans Frank I — G G Death Reich Law Leader 1933–

45 and Governor-General
of the General
Government in occupied
Poland 1939–45.
Expressed repentance.
[avalon 4]
 Hanged 16 October

Wilhelm Frick I G G G Death Hitler's Minister of the

Interior 1933–43
and Reich
Protector of Bohemia and
Moravia 1943–45. Co-
authored the Nuremberg
Race Laws.[avalon 5] Hanged
16 October 1946.

Hans I - I I Acquitted Popular radio

Fritzsche commentator; head of the
news division of the Nazi
Propaganda Ministry.[avalon
 Released early in 1950.
 Fritzsche had made
himself a career within
German radio, because
his voice was similar to
Goebbels's.[30] Died 27
September 1953.

Walther Funk I G G G Life Hitler's Minister of

imprisonmen Economics; succeeded
t Schacht as head of
the Reichsbank. Released
because of ill health on 16
May 1957.[avalon 7] Died 31
May 1960.
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Hermann G G G G Death Reichsmarschall,

Göring Commander of
the Luftwaffe 1935–45,
Chief of the 4-Year Plan
1936–45, and original
head of
the Gestapo before
turning it over to the SS in
April 1934. Originally the
member of the Nazi Party
and Hitler's designated
successor, he fell out of
favor with Hitler in April
1945. Highest ranking
Nazi official to be tried at
Nuremberg.[31] Committed
suicide the night before
his scheduled execution.
[avalon 8]

Rudolf Hess G G I I Life Hitler's Deputy Führer

imprisonmen until he flew to Scotland in
t 1941 in an attempt to
broker peace with the
United Kingdom. Had
been imprisoned since
then. After trial,
incarcerated at Spandau
Prison, where he
committed suicide in
1987.[avalon 9]
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Alfred Jodl G G G G Death Wehrmacht Generalobers

t, Keitel's subordinate and
Chief of the OKW's
Operations Division 1938–
45. Signed orders for the
summary execution of
Allied commandos and
Soviet commissars [avalon
 Signed the instruments
of surrender on 7 May
1945 in Reims as the
representative of Karl
Dönitz. Hanged 16
October 1946.
rehabilitated in 1953,
which was later reversed.

Ernst I — G G Death Highest-ranking SS leader

Kaltenbrunne to be tried at Nuremberg.
r Chief of RSHA 1943–45,
the Nazi organ comprising
the intelligence service
(SD), Secret State Police
(Gestapo) and Criminal
Police (Kripo) and having
overall command over
the Einsatzgruppen.[avalon
 Hanged 16 October

Wilhelm G G G G Death Head of Oberkommando

Keitel der Wehrmacht (OKW)
and de facto defence
minister 1938–45. Known
for his unquestioning
loyalty to Hitler.[32] Signed
numerous orders calling
for soldiers and political
prisoners to be executed.
Expressed repentance.
[avalon 12]
 Hanged 16 October
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Gustav Krupp I - I I No decision Major industrialist. C.E.O.

von Bohlen of Friedrich Krupp
und Halbach AG 1912–45. Medically
unfit for trial; he had been
partially paralyzed since
1941. Due to an error,
Gustav, instead of his
son Alfried (who ran
Krupp for his father during
most of the war), was
selected for indictment.
 The prosecutors
attempted to substitute his
son in the indictment, but
the judges rejected this
due to proximity to trial.
However, the charges
against him remained on
record in the event he
should recover (he died in
February 1950).[34] Alfried
was tried in a separate
Nuremberg trial
(the Krupp Trial) for the
use of slave labour,
thereby escaping worse
charges and possible

Robert Ley I - I I No decision Head of DAF, German

Labour Front. Committed
suicide on 25 October
1945, before the trial
began. Indicted but
neither acquitted nor
found guilty as trial did not

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