Zimbabwe School Examinations Council: General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level

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General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level



SPECIMEN PAPER 2 hours 30 minutes

Allow candidates 5 minutes to count pages before the examination.

TIME: 2 hours 30 minutes

Check that all the pages are in the booklet and ask the invigilator for a replacement if there are duplicate
or missing pages.

Write your name, (Surname and Forename(s)), centre number and candidate number in the spaces
provided at the top of this page and your centre number and candidate number in the box at the top right
corner of every page of this paper.
Answer all questions.
Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper.

Use black or blue ball-point pen only.

All calculations must be shown adjacent to the answer.

Calculators may be used.


The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

Amounts used in this Question Paper are for calculation purposes only.

The businesses described in this paper are entirely fictitious.

This question paper consists of 22 printed pages and 2 blank pages.
Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, Specimen paper.
©ZIMSEC Specimen paper [Turn over

Answer all questions.

1 The following trial balance was recorded in the books of R. Sithole after drawing up a
Trading Account.

Trial Balance as at 31 December 2015

$ $
Gross profit 96 800
Wages and salaries 67 200
Carriage on sales 300
Provision for bad debts, 1 January 2015 1 300
Rent received 27 500
Land and buildings, at cost 169 000
Office equipment, at cost 40 000
Delivery van, at cost 80 000
Provisions for depreciation (1 January 2015):
Office equipment 8 000
Delivery Van 15 200
Sundry expenses 25 500
Drawings 14 000
Capital 298 000
Trade receivables 18 000
Trade payables 12 700
Loan from International Bank (payable 2020) 50 000
Cash at bank 47 500
Inventory (31 December 2015) 48 000 _______
509 500 509 500

Additional information on 31 December 2015:

1. Wages and salaries owing amounted to $6 000.
2. Rent receivable outstanding was $2 500.
3. Sundry expenses figure includes an amount of $100 used by the owner, to pay for his private
telephone bill.
4. Provision for bad debts is to be 5% of trade receivables.
5. Depreciation is to be provided as follows:
Office equipment at 10% per annum on cost,
Delivery van at 20% per annum using reducing balance method.
6. The loan from international bank was acquired on 31 December 2015.

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You are required to prepare:

(a) An Income Statement/Profit and Loss Account for the year ended
31 December 2015




















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(b) A statement of financial Position as at 31 December 2015.






















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2 (a) The following balance was taken from the books of Jude Enterprises
on 1 December 2015.

T. White $4 260 Dr
The following transactions took place during the month of December 2015:

December 2 T. White paid $4 200 by cheque in full settlement of the

amount owing on 1 December.

5 Sold goods on credit to T. White for $20 000 less 25% trade

9 Sent a credit note to T. White of $200 net in respect of

damaged goods delivered to him on 5 December 2015.

15 Accepted an old computer worth $6 800 as part payment of

White’s debt.

31 T. White was declared insolvent. He managed to pay 50 cents

cash for every dollar of the amount owing. The balance was
written off as a bad debt.

You are required to prepare T. White’s Account.











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(b) Kushinga Manufacturing Company makes and sells school uniforms. The following
balances were extracted from the company’s books on 31 December 2014.

Inventories (1 January 2014):
Raw materials 7 500
Finished goods 600
Work in progress 200

Inventories (31 December 2014):

Raw materials 800
Finished goods 1 300
Work in progress 400

Sales of finished goods 60 300

Purchases of raw materials 12 000
Railage inwards on raw materials 150
Factory rent and rates 2 400
Factory general expenses 1 100
Patent fees 900
Depreciation on sewing machines 350

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You are required to prepare:

(i) A Manufacturing Account for the year ended 31 December 2014.





















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(ii) A Trading Account for the year ended 31 December 2014.





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3 (a) A bookkeeper recorded the following Appropriation Account in the

Partnership books of Thembelani and Buhle.

Appropriation Account for the year ended 31 December 2014.

$ $
Net Profit b/d 25 750
Add Interest on drawings: Thembelani 100
Buhle 150
26 000
Less Interest on capitals: Thembelani 4 000
Buhle 3 000
Salary – Buhle 12 000
19 000
7 000

Share of profits: Thembelani 3 500

Buhle 3 500 _____
7 000
Additional information extracted from the books.
1. Capitals (1 January 2014): Thembelani $40 000
Buhle $30 000

2. Drawings for the year: Thembelani $ 2 000

Buhle $ 3 000

3. Current Accounts (1 January 2014): Thembelani $ 1 400 Cr

Buhle $ 800 Dr

4. Salary paid to Buhle during the year amounted to $8 000.

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Show the Current Accounts of Thembelani and Buhle on 31 December 2014 in the ledger,
in columnar form as shown below:

Ledger Book of Thembelani and Buhle

DR Current Accounts CR
Thembelani Buhle Thembelani Buhle
$ $ $ $

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(b) The following information was taken from the books of Saungweme Limited.

Authorised Share Capital $

600 000 Ordinary shares of $1 each 600 000

500 000 10% Preference shares of $1 each 500 000

Issued Share Capital

500 000 Ordinary shares of $1 each 500 000

400 000 10% preference shares of $1 each 400 000

8% Debentures 100 000

General Reserves 60 000
Profit and Loss Accounts (1 January 2013) 45 000

During the year 2013, an interim ordinary dividend of $25 000 was paid.
The net operating profit for the year 2013 was $208 000 before charging debenture

On 31 December 2013, the directors recommended that:

(i) the general reserves be increased to $80 000.

(ii) a full year’s dividend be paid on preference shares
(iii) a final dividend of 12% on ordinary shares be paid

(i) a Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the year ended
31 December 2013








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(ii) a Statement of Financial Position extract as at 31 December 2013,

showing the details and total of the shareholders’ equity.











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4 (a) K. Thomas prepared a Trial Balance on 31 October 2015 whose

totals disagreed, debits being less than credits by $1 700.

The following errors were discovered after the preparation of the final accounts.
1. The Sales Day Book was undercast by $600.
2. The Purchases Journal was overcast by $900.
3. The total of discount allowed of $1 600 was credited in the Discount Received


(i) Journal entries to correct the errors. (Narrations are not required)






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(ii) The Suspense Account.








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(b) The following balances appeared in the books of Tanatswa Social Club on 1
January 2012.
Equipment, at cost 12 000
Rent outstanding 500
Subscriptions in arrears 800
Subscriptions prepaid 280

A summary of the receipts and payments for the year ended 31 December 2012 is as

Receipts $ Payments $
Balance b/d (1 January 2012) 7 500 Equipment 3 400
Subscriptions 9 000 General expenses 4 100
Income from competitions 3 900 Rent 6 000
_____ Balance c/d 6 900
20 400 20 400
Balance b/d 6 900

Additional information

1. On 31 December 2012 subscriptions received in advance amounted to

$1 100 and subscriptions in arrears amounted to $620.
2. Depreciation is charged at 5% on cost of equipment at the end of the year.

Prepare the Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended
31 December 2012.








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5 (a) The following information relates to the business of S. Mbewe who

runs a departmental store consisting of Grocery and Hardware departments.
Sales: Grocery 90 000
Hardware 120 000
Purchases: Grocery 56 000
Hardware 80 000
Inventory, (1 January 2017): Grocery 16 000
Hardware 20 000
Inventory, (31 December 2017): Grocery 14 000
Hardware 29 000
Customs duty: Hardware 3 000
Carriage inwards: Grocery 2 000
Hardware 6 000

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(i) prepare a Departmental Trading Account for the year ended

31 December 2017 [10]






















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(ii) calculate mark up for the Grocery Department





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(iii) calculate margin for the Hardware Department





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(iv) calculate the rate of turnover for the Grocery Department





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(b) The following transactions took place in the business of E. Maunze,

a vehicles trader, during the year ended 31 December 2014.

(i) Motor vehicles worth $200 000 were brought for resale.
(ii) Paid $4 500 cash for repairs to a damaged vehicle showroom.
(iii) Purchased a new van for $7 000 for use in the business.
(iv) The business paid $4 000 insurance costs for the vehicles showroom.

Classify the above transactions into capital expenditure and revenue







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