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Hydrodynamic Interaction (HI)
After successful completion, the participant will have
an improved understanding of the following:

1) The importance of Hydrodynamic Interaction for

safe navigation in different situations.
2) The basic principles that govern the vessel
3) The underlying principles of Hydrodynamic
4) Interaction in different conditions, action and
5) Shallow water effects
6) Squat as a Hydrodynamic Interaction and factors
that contributes towards squat.

Hydrodynamic Interaction
>>> Background
1) Wind, sea conditions and currents are the main external factors, which affect
maneuvering characteristics of a ship.

2) At the start and each of each voyage, ships are in shallow, restricted and congested
waters where greater difficulty is experienced in manoeuvring.

3) Certain types of vessels like tugs, pilot vessels etc., by nature of their duties, work
close to other ships as a routine and also maneuver in shallow and congested waters.

4) Operations like picking up a pilot, double banking, towing rescue, and replenishment
at sea involve working of two vessels close to each other.

5) A stationary ship moored in a river, at berth or at anchor is exposed to special effects

generated by strong tides or by ships passing at very closed ranges.

6) Over the years; Ship size has increased and vessels have become faster. Small ports
with narrow and shallow channels have come up and existing ports, under
commercial pressures to accommodate larger ships have gone for dredging channels
resulting in vessels navigating with very low under keel clearances.
>>>All these demands dictate the greater need for seafarers to
understand & prepare for phenomenon called interaction between vessels
& shallow waters.

7) In the analysis of marine casualties namely grounding or collision, hydrodynamic

interaction has been a major contributing factor.
Hydrodynamic Interaction
>>>Bernoulli’s Principle
For fluids flowing over an irregular surface, local velocity
of the fluid at two different points on the surface can be
different. For a dynamic system the total energy remains
constant at all points.

low (-) pressure areas

high (+) pressure areas. high (+) pressure areas.

Considering energy per unit mass at points, say 1 and 2,

the total energy is given by >
Kinetic Energy + Pressure Energy + Potential Energy =
Constant 4
Hydrodynamic Interaction
Bernoulli’s A2 < A1: V2 > V1
Principle decreasing area = increasing speed

V1 P

V2 > V1: P2 < P1
increasing speed = decreasing pressure

V2 P

A2 5
Hydrodynamic Interaction
v1 A2
Bernoulli's principle
v2 states that in fluid
flow, an increase in
A1 velocity occurs
simultaneously with
decrease in pressure
Bernoulli's theorem states that the pressure in a
fluid decreases as its velocity increases. In the
diagram above the same amount of fluid has to pass
through the constriction during any given time as
passes through the wider parts of the river, so the
fluid velocity v2 in the constriction is larger than the
velocity v1 outside it.
(This phenomenon is easy to observe in any creek or
river.) As a consequence the pressure P2 is smaller
than the pressure P1.
Hydrodynamic Interaction
>>> Hydrodynamic Forces
 On a stationary ship the pressures
acting on ship’s hull are of hydrostatic

 When the ship moves it displaces water and leaves a void

behind it. There is a build up of water ahead of the ship,
which returns along the sides and the bottom to fill up this
void. Vessel’s streamline body assists in returning the back

Hydrodynamic Interaction
If this void is not filled
up with backflow of
water, the ship will get
sucked backwards in the
partial vacuum. The
return flow or back flow
has a velocity.

Along the entire

length of the hull, there V1<V2
is no accumulation P1> P2
of water and hence a
negative or a low
pressure (P2) acts
on the hull length.
Aft experiences an accumulation of
water but of a lesser degree than at the bow.
The velocity (V2) of backflow at aft is lesser than at
length of ship but more velocity (V1) at bow. 8
Hydrodynamic Interaction
P1> P2

Thus there is a peak of positive pressure at the stern but of
a smaller magnitude in comparison to the positive pressure
at the bow.

At the keel, so long as there is no constriction the

hydrodynamic pressure acting along vertical direction
remain unaffected. Transverse pressure zones are created
due to the difference in the local velocity of backflow when
the ship is making way over water. 9
Hydrodynamic Interaction
P1> P2

(V2) (V1)
(P2) (P1)
high (+) pressure areas low (-) pressure areas high (+) pressure areas

Virtually there is an accumulation of water at the bow and there is

greater resistance to the back flow at the bow than at any other
part of the ship’s hull. Thus velocity (V1) of the backflow at bow is
the least.
Compare to the static condition, the hydrodynamic pressure (P1)
acting on the bow is positive due to larger volume at the bow. The
major length of the ship’s hull, in comparison to static state,
experiences water running past it with a greater velocity (V2).
Hydrodynamic Interaction
>>> Hydrodynamic Forces
+ Positive pressure builds up forward of the pivot point (bow).
- Negative or low-pressure area builds up aft of the pivot point.
Magnitude of pressure field is proportional to the;

• Size of the ship

• Fullness of form (Cb)
• Velocity V2
• 1 / Distance from shipside

The hydrodynamic pressures are accompanied by the ship wave

system generated due to the build up of water being dispersed.

There is a very critical balance of hydrodynamic force in an

undisturbed state. In the presence of an external force (vertical
or horizontal), the ship will experience rolling, heaving,
slamming and other such effects.

External force could result be cause of bank, less depths,

stationary vessels close=by, moving vessel passing and others.

(Drawing) 11
Hydrodynamic Interaction
>>> Hydrodynamic Pressure
The figure below shows the dynamic forces along the hull of a
forward moving vessel. These are:
 The positive peak at the bow is due to build up of water and
reduced speed of water passing along the hull.
 Along the parallel hull as the speed of water increases, the
pressure decreases giving a suction effect.
 Peak of positive pressure close to aft is weaker as compared to
that near forward.

Pressure Pressure Decreases Pressure

Increase (Suction) Increase

Mean Pressure
Plot of local pressure over the mean hydrostatic pressure
>>> Hydrodynamic Pressure
When the vessel is moving forward, the hydrodynamic
forces come into play. This due to the changes in the local
water speed over the free stream speed. The graph below
shows the changes in the local water speed through the
longitudinal direction when the vessel is moving ahead.

high (+) pressure areas. low (-) pressure areas high (+) pressure areas.

higher speed

lower speed lower speed

Hydrodynamic Interaction
>>> Hydrodynamic Pressure




Plot of local water speeds relative to free

stream speed
Hydrodynamic Interaction
>>> Hydrodynamic Pressure
Axis Description Positive Scene
 Translation Along X Surge Forwards
Along Y Pitch To Starboard
Along Z Heave Downwards
 Rotation Along X Roll Starboard side down
Along Y Pitch Bow up
Along Z Heave Bow to starboard

Y Heave

Yaw Roll


Y Pitch
Hydrodynamic Interaction
>>> Hydrodynamic Pressure
The hull of the ship is subjugated to forces when she is in motion. The forces
acting on the hull may be along three axes.

Hydrodynamic forces when resolved along the 3 axes cause different effects.

Along the vertical axis a heave force is experienced thus causing mean rise
or sinkage and trimming of the vessel.

Along the Y axis running along the beam of the ship it acts as sway force or a
side force is experienced, thus causing repulsion or attraction of the
ship’s hull with some external body.

Along the X axis running along the length of the ship it acts as a surge force
or longitudinal force causing slowing down of the ships motion or

An imbalance of forces or change in Pivot Point of the Ship gives rise to

turning moments due to the above-mentioned forces.

Turning moment about vertical axis gives rise to yaw i.e. turning of ship’s
bow or stern to port or starboard.

Turning moment about the beam give rise to pitching i.e. change of trim.

Turning moment about the longitudinal axis gives rise to roll i.e. heeling of
the ship to one side.
Hydrodynamic Interaction
is the linear vertical (up/down) motion

is the linear lateral (side-to-side) motion

is the linear longitudinal (front/back) motion

Hydrodynamic Interaction
There are three special axes in any ship, called vertical, lateral and longitudinal
axes. The movements around them are known as roll, pitch and yaw.

is when the vessel rotates about the
longitudinal (front/back) axis

is when the vessel rotates about the transverse (side-to-
side) axis

is when the vessel rotates about the vertical (up-down) axis

Hydrodynamic Interaction
Interactions >>> Two Ships
1) Behavior of ships in close proximity of another ship(s) or
obstruction(s) is called interaction.
2) It happens due to hydrodynamics based Bernoulli’s theorem.
3) Interaction takes place between one ship and another body due
to complex distribution of dynamic pressures acting on the ship’s
4) When the pressure fields around the hull change in any way due
to presence of another vessel, transverse/vertical obstruction
and imbalance of pressures results in net forces (interactive
>>> These can be resolved into forces and turning moments
- Longitudinally > resulting in surge and roll
- Transversely > resulting in swaying and pitching
- Vertically > resulting in heaving and yawing
5) Examples of interaction effects on land are:
a) Sway is felt when a large vehicle passes at great speed
b) Suction created by a high-speed train passing a railway
c) Ground effect experienced when an aircraft lands or takes
off. 19
Hydrodynamic Interaction
Interactions >>> Two Ships
We will consider an interaction between two ships in a narrow channel and
head-on to each other.
1) Back flow around a vessel is restricted due presence of another ship.
2) Restriction increases velocity of backflow on the side of the restriction.
This results in a drop of pressure towards the side of the obstruction.
3) The difference in the magnitude of pressure fields in the transverse
direction causes sway forces and yaw.

 Faster the ship - Stronger the interaction (Relative

 Greater the UKC - Smaller interaction lateral separation
 Smaller the UKC - Bigger the effect
Hydrodynamic Interaction
Interactions >>> Two Ships
We shall consider the interactive forces influence in
three (3) distinctive phases:

Predetermined “safe passing distance”

Phase 1: Vessel in head on situation in a narrow

channel will first move towards starboard side of
the channel, deciding on the safe passing distance.

Hydrodynamic Interaction
Interactions >>> Two Ships
We shall consider the interactive forces influence in
three (3) distinctive phases:


Phase 2: Respective bows turn away from

each other due to positive pressure at the
bow. This is called “bow out” phenomena. It
is not very dangerous phase but gives
warning of strong interactive forces in play.
Hydrodynamic Interaction
Interactions >>> Two Ships
We shall consider the interactive forces influence in
three (3) distinctive phases:

Phase 3: The “back flow” of each vessel feels constriction

due to presence of other vessel. Thus, an increase in
velocity of backflow is experienced. This results in creation
of a suction pressure between the two hulls giving a lateral
attraction. Bow of each ship (positive pressure area) is
attracted to the stern of other vessel (the relatively negative
pressure area). 23
Hydrodynamic Interaction
Interactions >>> Two Ships
As sterns pass each other, the velocity of back flow is maximum as
1. The constriction at the sterns is very high. 2. the hulls of the two
vessels had come closer in earlier two phases.


This results in very strong attraction forces at the

sterns and hence very strong “bow out” tendency. This
phase is by far the most dangerous phase because….
A>>> The distance between vessels has already
reduced in phase2. B>>> The navigators’ attention may
be diverted as the other vessel has passed her bridge.
Hydrodynamic Interaction
Interactions >>> Two Ships
1) Either vessel can experience bank effect due to
navigating too close to the starboard bank and
sheer in the way of the other vessel.


2) Bow out in phase 1 can throw the vessel towards

the bank.
3) Either bow movement can be over corrected.
4) Bow out in phase 3 can result in a sheer towards
the bank and / or a collision of the sterns.
Hydrodynamic Interaction
Interactions >>> Two Ships
1) The vessel should maintain safe distance from banks
while moving towards starboard side of the channel.
2) Anticipate / Decide passing distance, which should be
sufficient to minimize effects of interaction.
3) Be ready to correct any sudden swing in ship’s head.

Predetermined “safe passing distance”

4) Reduce speed in good time before the interaction forces

may be expected.
5) The change in bow movements in three phases should be
6) The engine RPM and “Bold Helm” should be used to arrest
the sheer developed.
Hydrodynamic Interaction
Interactions >>> Two Ships


Overtaking In Narrow Channels

 Interaction forces in overtaking situations
are more dangerous than any other
situation as the interaction forces act for a
longer time due to smaller relative velocity
between the two vessels. 27
Hydrodynamic Interaction
Interactions >>> Two Ships
Overtaking In Narrow Channels
 We will consider interaction forces for two ships,
involved in an overtaking situation, in three phases,
as both the ships experience different interaction
effects in 3 phases or stages.

Hydrodynamic Interaction
Interactions >>> Two Ships
Overtaking In Narrow Channels

Phase 1: Overtaking “A ship” approaching the stern of

ship to be overtaken the “B ship”.
A Ship: Experiences reduction in speed. Bow turns
towards “B ship”.
B Ship: Experiences increase in speed. Bow may
sheer into the path of “A ship”. As an outcome the >>>
“A ship” may ram the “B ship”.
Hydrodynamic Interaction
Interactions >>> Two Ships
Overtaking In Narrow Channels

Phase 2: Ships abeam of each other.

Bow of both ships turn away from each other.
Hull of both ships are drawn towards each other.
“B ship” speed continues to increase, as if being
pulled by the “A ship”.
Interactions >>> Two Ships
Overtaking In Narrow Channels

Phase 3: Stern of overtaking “A ship” passes the bow

of overtaken “B ship”
Bow of “B ship” turns towards the “A ship”.
Bow of “A ship” turn towards the path of “B ship”.
“B ship” experiences decrease in speed.
Hydrodynamic Interaction
There is a positive pressure field at the bow of “A ship”.
This positive pressure field will put pressure on the rudder of
“B ship”. Of the two faces of rudder of “B ship”, the port face of
the rudder experiences the water being pushed ahead by
“A ship”. Thus the rudder of “A ship” has additional water
hitting this face and going past. This results in tendency of the
vessel being overtaken (“B ship”) to move towards the path of
the overtaking “A ship”.

“B ship”. “A ship”.

Hydrodynamic Interaction
>>> is the reduction of the vessels under-keel clearance
caused by its relative movement. A vessel tends to squat
when making way through the water or riding with the

Speed through the water

Squat is a serious problem for vessels, which have to operate

with small under-keel clearances, particularly when in a
shallow channel confined by sandbanks or by the sides of a
canal or river.
Hydrodynamic Interaction
 Under Keel Clearance Theory
>>> Gross Under Keel Clearance is found by subtracting
the vessel draft from the water available (dept + tide)

Hydrodynamic Interaction
>>> How does a ship squat occurs?
A ship, while making way through the water tends to
push a mass of water in or on her bow or stern. This
water flows back the under and the side of the ship.
Thus Ship Squat will cause the vessel to either trim on
the bow while moving ahead, or by the aft when moving

Hydrodynamic Interaction
>>> How does a ship squat occurs?
This causes a drop in pressure, resulting in the ship
dropping vertically in the water. Ship squat thus is
made up of two components, namely mean bodily
sinkage plus a trimming effect. If the ship is on even
keel when static, the trimming effect depends on the
ship type and C B being considered.

Hydrodynamic Interaction
How does a ship squat occurs?
 In case of a very small ship’s under-keel clearance
as featured let’s say 1.0 or 1.5 meters. Ship Squat
should be monitored carefully.
At certain speed,
trim too much aft
ship squat could
cause the vessel to
trim too much either
forward or aft
depending on the
speed of the ship.
Which would later on trim too much forward
could cause the ship
to ground.
There are various
ways to calculate a
ship squat.
Hydrodynamic Interaction (HI)
>>> In shallow waters, following effects may
be evident: Sluggish movement…..
As the hull moves along the water, the water which is displaced is
not instantly replaced by surrounding water.
A partial vacuum is created.
The vessel takes longer to answer helm.
Response to engine movement becomes sluggish.
Speed reduces.


Suction effect Cushion effect

Hydrodynamic Interaction (HI)
>>> In shallow waters, following effects may
be evident:

 In shallow water vibrations set up.
 It becomes very difficult to correct a yaw or sheer
with any degree of rapidity.

 Steering becomes erratic.
 Rate of turning is reduced.
 Turning circle becomes larger.
 Loss of speed due to turning is less in shallow
Hydrodynamic Interaction (HI)
>>> In shallow waters, following effects may
be evident:
Smelling the ground:
Occurs when a ship is
nearing an extremely
shallow depth of water,
such as a shoal.
The ship likely to take
a sudden sheer.
The sheer is first
towards the shallow,
then violently away
from it.
The movements of a sluggish ship may suddenly
become astonishingly lively.
These effects are called smelling the ground.
Hydrodynamic Interaction (HI)
>>> Factors governing squat:
 Squat varies on the following factors:

Ship's speed: Squat is directly proportional to

the square of speed.
Squat µ V2 (V=speed in knots)

Block co-efficient:
Squat directly varies with CB.
Squat µ CB

Blockage factor (S): It is the ratio between

cross section of the vessel and cross
section of the canal or river.
Hydrodynamic Interaction (HI)
>>> In shallow waters, following effects may
be evident:

So, in confined water, squat is more than in open


Squat may be calculated by the following simplified


 Squat = (CB x V2 ) / 100 (In open waters)

 Squat = 2 X (CB x V2 ) / 100 (In confined


Hydrodynamic Interaction (HI)
>>> In shallow waters, following effects may
be evident:
<< Precaution >>

 Squat may cause grounding in spite of

enough UKC.

 Squat to be calculated beforehand.

 Speed to be reduced to reduce squat.

 While determining UKC, squat for the

speed to be taken into consideration.

Hydrodynamic Interaction (HI)
 Bow cushion and bank suction effects:

Occurs in narrow
channels near fast
proximities of banks. water
There is a tendency effect
for the bow of a ship Bank
to be pushed away
from the bank, maximum
called bow cushion. onshore

The ship moves bodily towards suction

the bank, which appears at the effect
stern, called bank suction.

Hydrodynamic Interaction (HI)
 Bow cushion and bank suction effect:
Caused by the
restricted flow of
water on the bank's
side, velocity of
water to the bank
increases and
pressure reduces.
Results in drop of
water level towards
the bank.
As a result, a thrust
is set up towards
A vessel approaching to the bank will have to apply
helm to the bank and reduce speed to prevent the
sheer from developing.
Hydrodynamic Interaction (HI)
Interactions don't only occur between the vessels
themselves, but also between the vessel and the
river or sea bank. If the vessel is sailing
eccentrically in a channel, the hydrodynamic
pressure field differs between starboard and port.
 As a result of this,
a lateral force and a
bow out moment act
on the vessel,
usually sucking it to
the nearest bank.
Smaller under keel
clearances still
reinforce this

Hydrodynamic Interaction (HI)
>>> Canal effect:
 Vessel heels towards bank to displace
constant volume.
 Water level drops towards a bank.

bow out

Varies as the square of speed.

Corrective helm to be applied.
Hydrodynamic Interaction
SHIP SQUAT - How to prevent SQUAT ?
::: As previously mentioned, main factors of SQUAT
 Existing water depth
 Vessel’s speed through the water
 Vessel’s block coefficient (Cb)
 Steaming in shallow and restricted or unrestricted
>>> The only effective measure by the ship’s
command to minimize or eliminate commencing
SQUAT is the immediate reduction of speed.
Squat-values changes about the square of the ship’s
speed through the water.
By reducing the speed through the water by about a
HALF, the SQUAT reduces to about a QUARTER.
End of

Thank you !

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