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Running head: ETHICAL ANALYSIS 1

Ethical Analysis

Lauren Herr

Grand Canyon University: NSG-324

January 18, 2020


Ethical Analysis

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality developed the idea of quality indicators

after reviewing the literature to help identify different areas in which researchers need to

complete further studies. Quality indicators are evidence-based practices in which data is tracked

over time to determine if the performance is appropriate or if they need to be altered for the

patient’s safety. The article chosen researches patient fall history and is conducted in pursuance

of discovering preventative measures. The purpose of this paper is to review an article that

involves the quality indicator of patient safety and to determine if the study was ethically sound.

Throughout hospitals and health organizations, patient’s safety and the event of patients

fall has been a major topic for concern because of the repercussions that follow it. It can cause

many patients to suffer from injury, increased times in hospital stays, worsening of procedures

and sometimes death. This study was conducted in a public university hospital in northern Brazil

which consisted of 1,408 patients. It was performed to analyze if the measures were adequate,

evaluate if changes needed to take place and establish proper preventative measures. The study

was able to reveal that “patients over 60 years old are at a higher risk of falls …related to the

inadequacy of the environment such as inadequate furniture, slippery floors and high beds”

(Midori Sakai, Rossaneis, Fernandez, & Willamowius, 2016, p. 4723). Those who were

confused, such as having dementia or acute confusion, were at a higher risk of falling due to their

inability to cope and adapt to the environment around them. The results from the study

supported using new evidence as a form of an effective strategy to prevent further falls from

occurring and ensure the safety (quality indicator) of the patients.

Through reviewing the methods that were used in the study, it was evident that this was

an ethical study. The basis for this study was founded on using evidence-based practice and

scales that were created to evaluate if the patients were at risk for falling. The study was

performed through a medical audit that was evaluating the quality indicator “safety”. This is a

systematic way of ensuring the highest quality of care for patients which shows that the

conductors had their patients’ interest at the core. Additionally, it stated that the sample consisted

of patients 18 years or older that were admitted into the ER, ICU or medical-surgical unit. This

demonstrates that the range of individuals was from a broad group of people showing that it

wasn’t biased and there wasn’t any unfair treatment happening. Justice, beneficence, and non-

maleficence, which were all included in the Belmont Report, were all demonstrated throughout

this study revealing appropriate and ethical behavior. Ensuring the safety of the patients and

reducing the risks of falls showed that the study was effective and ethical.

The patient’s rights were protected throughout this trial by adhering to consent and

valuing the patient’s safety. It is important and ethically right to give the choice to the patient to

determine if they want to be involved in the study or if they want their information to

confidential. Ensuring that the patient wanted their results to be involved in this study

demonstrated that their autonomy was preserved, and they were in control. Additionally,

respecting the individual and making sure the patient came into minimal adverse events showed

the study was ethical. Through the evidence of adopting new measures, such as changing the

furniture in the room to reduce falls, proved that the patients were receiving the best care. This

validates that the researchers were protecting the patient’s and their rights.

Overall, the study revealed that it was an ethical study since it incorporated ethical values

and ensured that the patient was receiving the best care possible. Justice was present in this study

through the fair treatment of individuals as well as beneficence through promoting the well-being

of the patients. All in all, the researchers were advocates for their patients through their desire to

decrease falls and injuries. Through their positive outcomes and discovering new ways to

decrease hospital stays, the study proved to be ethically sound.



Midori Sakai, A., Rossaneis, M., Fernandez, M., & Willamowius, D. (2016). Risk of bed falls in

adult patients and prevention measures. Journal of Nursing. Retrieved form

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