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Business Meeting: Marketing Department Group-7

Scene 1: *Ms. Tao-on, the chief marketing director together with Mr. Ledesma the head
marketing manager, and Ms. Tapuro, a marketing analyst are already in the conference room
waiting for Ms. Bringas and Mr. Buyan, both head officers from Information and Technology
(IT) department for a business proposal meeting*


*Mr. Ledesma, the person who calls the meeting introduces Ms. Bringas and Mr. Buyan *

Mr. Ledesma: Good morning Ms. Bringas and Mr. Buyan, let me introduce to you our chief
executive director Ms. Tao-on, and our marketing analyst Ms. Tapuro.

Ms. Bringas: It’s nice to meet you Ma’am. I’m Angela Bringas, an IT business analyst.

Mr. Buyan: Good morning, I’m Vincent Buyan, the company’s network engineer. It’s a
pleasure meeting you both.

Ms. Tao-on: The pleasure is mine. Please take a seat.

*proceeding to the business meeting*

Mr. Ledesma: Okay, shall we proceed?

Ms. Tapuro: Yes, please do.

Mr. Buyan: Okay. This is a copy of our proposal regarding to the E-business improvised
process and its possible effect on the supply chain of products in the company.

Ms. Bringas: As you can see, we are proposing a method of convenience to improve the supply
chain through the aid of Electronic business. More and more customers are
turning to the Internet to find and purchase the items they need. Shopping online
becomes convenient, cost-effective and less consuming as purchases can be
possibly made with a click of a button. E-commerce/E-business and
supply chain management which is under your supervision can work hand-in-
hand to help the company from these increasingly popular customer online
Ms. Tapuro: So, you mean to imply that we need to improve our efficiency in manufacturing
and supplying products through the use of this improvised E-commerce/business?

Mr. Ledesma: Yes, that is why when I heard about their research about E-business, I
immediately made a recommendation in our department. I thinks it’s a good idea.

Mr. Buyan: E-commerce in the fulfillment process allows transportation companies to exchange
documents electronically. Through improving our digital market growth, we need
to ride every technological advances possible. To ensure that our supply
management has a strong chain foundation in planning, sourcing,
making, delivering, returning and processing using electronic
business process as an improved managerial action.

Ms. Tao-on: Basing on general knowledge, electronic business is any kind of business or
commercial transaction that includes sharing information via Internet or
the administration of conducting business via Internet. I get your point that we
need to improve electronic connectivity across boundaries and integrating
different organizational resources and capabilities for a convenient supply chain,
and we are currently doing it now and it’s already efficient. My point is, how will it
improve an already efficient operation. Does it make a huge difference that
is worth the risk?

Ms. Tapuro: Yes, considering the cost and budget. Is it worth to open another room of

Mr. Ledesma: Yes Ma’am you do have a point. However we all know that the core of
producing products efficiently is through our supply chain management’s way of fast
communication. Basically we need to improve handling the entire
production flow of goods or services.

Ms. Tapuro: Well, yes. Starting from raw components to its final product, it’s a long process.
Every manufacturing resources and organizations we deal with are mostly
imported products from foreign countries, faster electronic communication can be of
Ms. Bringas: Exactly. In this paper, e-business process is a form of business process that
represents Internet-enabled information flow across organizational
boundaries and links supply chain partners to support digital operation activities,
which we divided into three components for an entire operation.

Mr. Buyan: First is the resources, the field of production which is the technical component. A
digital platform architecture that supports information and knowledge
sharing using open standard applications in E-business that will allow focal firm and its
partner to achieve flexible link to improve synchronize production and

Ms. Bringas: Next is the relational component which involves in the supply chain as upstream
suppliers, downstream distributors and ofcourse end customers. The
process of selling and buying of products can highly improve.

Mr. Buyan: Lastly, the business component which enables a firm to pursue transaction,
collaboration and service processes to achieve business goals. With the aid
of this improvised E-business process, we can’t just improve our internal
transactions but as well as our external transaction all over the world.

Ms. Tao-on: Okay, I would like to think about this and go through the research process. Assure
that you will get a positive feedback about this.

Ms Tapuro: Yes, I would like to go through the proposal and do consider that I might visit your
management for further clarifications if we possibly apply this in our
marketing management.

Mr. Ledesma: I’ll remain you updated from our department to your department.

Mr Buyan: Well, I think we can call it a day. Thank you for your time Sir, Ma’am. It was a
good conversation.

Ms. Bringas: Certainly. Thank you, it was a wonderful meeting.

Vincent Buyan
Angela Bringas
Rembrand Ledesma
Roshenna Tao-on
Dexeal Tapuro

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