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2020 – 2021

SYBBA – Semester III

GLS University Academic Calendar 2020-2021 .......................................................................................

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO SUBMIT ASSIGNMENTS AND PROJECTS ...................................................
Group Details for SEM III & IV .................................................................................................................
Cover Page to be attached with Assignments ........................................................................................
Business Research Methods-I ...............................................................................................................
Assignment -I ....................................................................................................................................
Assignment 2 .....................................................................................................................................
Project in BRM ..................................................................................................................................
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................................
Assignment 1 .....................................................................................................................................
Assignment 2 .....................................................................................................................................
Project in Financial Management .....................................................................................................
OB and People Management – 1 ..........................................................................................................
Assignment 1 .....................................................................................................................................
18 Assignment
2 ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Project in OB and People Management – 1 ......................................................................................
Marketing Management-I .....................................................................................................................
Assignment-1 ....................................................................................................................................
Assignment-2 ....................................................................................................................................
Project in Marketing Management I .................................................................................................
Corporate Accounting - I .......................................................................................................................

Assignment I (Group Assignment) ....................................................................................................
Assignment II ((Group Assignment) ............................................................................................. 25
Project in Corporate Accounting-1 ...................................................................................................
Managerial Economics I ........................................................................................................................
Assignment 1:....................................................................................................................................
Assignment II: Group Assignment .....................................................................................................
Project in Managerial Economics-I ...................................................................................................
Interpersonal Communication I ............................................................................................................
Assignment 1 .....................................................................................................................................
Assignment 2 .....................................................................................................................................
Project in Interpersonal Communication-1 ......................................................................................

GLS University Academic Calendar 2020-2021

Activities / Events / Functions Date Day
1 Classes for semester 5 June 25, 2020 Thursday

2 Holiday - Bakri Eid Aug 1, 2020 Saturday

3 Holiday - Rakshabandhan Aug 3, 2020 Monday

4 Holiday - Janmashtmi Aug 12, 2020 Wednesday

5 Holiday - Independence Day Aug 15, 2020 Saturday

August 17 - 20,
6 Prakalp (Webinars) 2020 Monday to Thursday

7 Holiday - Ganesh Choth / Samvatsari Aug 22, 2020 Saturday

August 24 - 27,
8 Quiz I (25 marks) 2020 Monday to Thursday

Submission of A1, and A2 (mail) and

9 Project worksheet (Google Form)- August 30 -31, 2020 Sunday and Monday
Sem V

10 Holiday - Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Oct 2, 2020 Friday

Quiz II (for Sems III and V) (25 marks) October 3 - 10,

11 2020 Saturday to Saturday

12 End Sem (for Sems III and V) Oct 13 - 20, 2020 Tuesday to Tuesday

13 Holiday - Dussehra October 25, 2020 Sunday

14 Holiday - Eid- E Milad Oct 30, 2020 Friday

15 Holiday- Saradar Patel's Birthday Oct 31, 2020 Saturday

Diwali Vacation for faculty and Nov 12, 2020 to

16 students Nov 16, 2020 Thursday to Monday

GLS University Winter Exam Phase I (

17 UG & PG Semester 3,5,7,9) Nov 19, 2020 Thursday

18 Holiday - Guru Nanak's Birthday Nov 30, 2020 Monday

Classes for Semester 4,6,8 & 10 begin

19 Dec 1, 2020 Tuesday

* Mode of classes will be decided as per Prevailing Situation (Online/Offline)


1. Please go through the attached Tentative Academic Calendar. Please note that this is
a tentative calendar and actual dates of University Examinations may change.
2. Students are expected to strictly adhere to submission deadlines for assignments 1, 2
and Project Worksheets.
3. Post the PRAKALP WEBINARS, currently scheduled between August 17 - 20, 2020,
each faculty will mail you links to work sheet in the form of Google Form. These
google Form worksheets will have to be filled out and submitted immediately.
4. Assignments 1 and 2 in all subjects have to be submitted via email, between
midnight of September 2, 2020 and midnight of September 4, 2020.
5. Assignments 1 and 2 are both group assignments and group details are also
6. Each group should nominate a co-ordinator for their group who will be responsible
for mailing 7 subject wise folders for that group.
7. Each folder should be named as: Sem III_(Name of subject)_Group
NumberXX_2020-2021. Incorrectly named folders will not be opened for
assessment. ( For e.g. Sem III_CA-I_Group-1_2020-2021)
8. Each subject folder should have A1 and A2 of that subject, each with its cover
9. The cover page is also attached. The co-ordinator of each group has to make sure
that the cover page is filled completely and all details are accurate.
10. If a student’s name is not in that table, marks for that assignment will not be given
to him unless he turns in his individual contribution.
11. All assignments should be typewritten.
12. Please follow the subject-wise instructions as well.

Group Details for SEM III & IV

Group No. Roll Nos

1 1 - 10

2 11 - 20

3 21 - 30

4 31 - 40

5 41 - 50

6 51 - 60

7 61 - 70

8 71 - 80

9 81 - 90

10 91 - 100

11 101 - 110

12 111 - 120

13 121 -130

14 131 -140

15 141 -150

16 151 -160

17 161 - 170

18 171 - 180

19 181 - 190

20 191 - 200

21 201 - 210

22 211 - 220

23 221 -230

24 231 - 240

25 241 -250

26 251 - 260

27 261 -270

28 271 -280

29 281 - 290

30 291 - 300

31 301 - 310

32 311 - 320

33 321 - 330

34 331 - 340

35 341 - 350

36 351 - 360

37 361 – 370

38 371 - 383

Note: These groups created above will be for Assignments 1 and 2 in all subjects
Except Group 38, all groups will have only ten members as per group allotted

Cover Page to be attached with Assignments

GLS University’s Faculty of Business Administration
Formerly Known as
N R Institute of Business Administration
Semester III 2020-2021
Assignment 1
Title of the Assignment
Submitted to
Date of Submission
Group no.
Name of Student Submitting
Group details
7 Roll no. Name of student

GLS University’s Faculty of Business Administration

Formerly Known as
N R Institute of Business Administration
Semester III 2020-2021
Assignment 2
Title of the Assignment
Submitted to
Date of Submission
Group no.
Name of Student Submitting
Group details Roll no. Name of Student

Business Research Methods-I

Assignment -I
Testing of Hypothesis- Small sample test.

1) This is a group assignment.

2) Each group is assigned an unique state against their group number.
3) Gather the data of death rate of different states on a single specific date with respect
to the number of the COIVD19 CASES. (Please refer for obtaining the data ) .Group
wise information is given in the following table:

Group No. State

1 Maharashtra
2 Tamilnadu
3 Delhi
4 Gujarat
5 Uttar Pradesh
6 Karnataka
7 Telangana
8 West Bangladesh
9 Andhra Pradesh
10 Rajasthan
11 Haryana
12 Madhya Pradesh
13 Bihar
14 Odisha
15 Jammu Kashmir
16 Punjab
17 Kerala
18 Chhattisgarh
19 Jharkhand
20 Uttarakhand
21 Goa
22 Tripura
23 Manipur
24 Pondicherry
25 Himachal Pradesh
26 Ladakh
27 Nagaland

28 Chandigarh
29 Dadar, nagar and diu and Daman
30 Mizoram
31 Arunachal Pradesh
32 Andaman Nichobar
33 Lakshadweep
34 Mumbai
35 Pune
36 Solapur
37 Akola
38 Nagpur

Instructions for students:

1. Assignment should be given in A4 size paper. Name of those group members who
have not contributed in the assignment should be ignored.
2. One should mention following points in assignment as follows
a. Develop relevant hypothesis for the task given (for p-test)
b. Test the hypothesis using single population proportion method and Mention
result in bold letters.
c. Interpret result and mention the acceptance or rejection of hypothesis

Assignment 2
Instructions for students:
Assignment should be given in A4 size paper. Name of those group members who have not
contributed in the assignment should be ignored.

1. In a three variate multiple correlation, find R1.23, R2.13, R3.12, r1.23, r2.13, r3.12, r12 =
0.5, r13 = 0.7 r23 = 0.6

2. If S1 = 2. S2 = 3 = S3, r12 = 0.6, r23 = r13 = 0.5, find r12.3, R1.23 and b12.3.

3. On the basis of observations made on 30 cotton plants, the total correlation

of yield of cotton (x1), number of bolls, i.e. seed vessel (x2) and height (x3) are
found to be :
r12 = 0.8, r13 = 0.65 and r23 = 0.7
Computer the partial correlation between yield of cotton and the number of bolls,
eliminating the effect of height.

4.With the help of the following data determine of cotton and the equation of (i) x 1
on x2 and x3 (ii) x2 on x1 and x3.
S1 = 3. S2 = 4 = S3, r12 = 0.6, r23 = r13 = 0.5

Here x1, x2 & x3 are measured as deviations from their respective means, “a” will be

5. Calculate (a) R1.23 (b) R3.12 (c) R2.13 from the following data :
1 = 6.8 S1 = 1 r12 = 0.6
2=7 S2 =0.8 r13 = 0.7
3 = 74 S3 = 9 r23 = 0.65

6. x1, x2 & x3 are three variables measured from their means with n = 10,
x12 = 90, x22 = 160, x32 = 40, x1 . x2 = 60, x1 x3 = x2 x3 = 60
Calculate the partial correlation coefficient r31.2 and multiple correlation r1.23 , r12.3,
(ii) R1.23 , (iii) r12.3

7. In a trivariate distribution the following data were obtained: r 12 = 0.6, r13 =

0.8, r23 = 0.8, 1 = 3, 2 = 5, 3 = 5 Calculate:
(i) r12.3, (ii) R1.23 , (iii) r12.3

8. The mean and standard deviation is 10 and 2 respectively. Find P [8 ≤ x ≤ 13]

For the standard normal variable Z, if p( -< Z < z1)=0.9901 find the value ofz1.
9.The Mean and Standard deviation of the height of a group of 1000 persons are 110
cm and 10 cm respectively. The distribution of the heights of the person is assumed
to be normally distributed. How many persons of the group will have their heights
between 108 cm and 112 cm?
10.The distribution of the monthly wages of 1000 employees is normal with the
mean equal to Rs. 5000 and the variance equal to 62500 find the lower limit of the
monthly wages of the top 5 percent employees getting the highest monthly wages.
μ=5000 Rs. ; σ = 62,500 ; σ2 =250Rs.
11.In a normal distribution 31% of the observations are less than 45 and 8% are more than
64.Find mean and s.d. of the distribution.
12..x1, x2 & x3 are three variables measured from their means with n = 10, x12 = 90,
x22 = 160, x32 = 40, x1 . x2 = 60, x1 x3 = x2 x3 = 60
Calculate the partial correlation coefficient r31.2 and multiple correlation r1.23 ,
r12.3, (ii) R1.23 , (iii) r12.3
13.It is given that the average life of electric bulbs is 2040 hours and its s..d .is 60 hours. If
the life hours of the bulbs are normally distributed find
a. The % of bulb with life hours exceeding 2150 hours.
b. The % of bulbs with life hours less than 1900 hours.

c. If it is decided to accept the bulbs with life hours more than 1950 hours, how
many bulbs out of 50,000 bulbs are expected to be rejected?
d. After how many hours 10% of the bulbs will still be burning?
14.An instructor of mathematics wishes to determine the relationship of grades in the final
examination to grades on two quizzes’ given during the semester .Let x1, x2 and x3 be the
grades of the student on the first quiz, second quiz and final examination respectively. The
instructor made the following computations for a total of 120 students.
1 ̅ =6 S1 = 3 r12 = 0.63
̅ =7
2 S2 =0.8 r13 = 0.52
̅ =4
3 S3 = 9 r23 = 0.65

(a) Find the least square regression equation of x3 on x1 and x2.

(b) Estimate the final grades of two students who scored respectively 9 and 7 and 4
and 8 marks in the two quizzes.
15) It was found that the mean length of100 parts produced by a lathe was 20.05 mm with a
standard deviation of 0.02 mm. Find the probability that a part selected at random
would have a length
(a) between 20.03 mm and 20.08 mm
(b) between 20.06 mm and 20.07 mm
(c) less than 20.01 mm
(d) greater than 20.09 mm.
16) A company pays its employees an average wage of $3.25 an hour with a standard
deviation of 60 cents. If the wages are approximately normally distributed, determine
a. the proportion of the workers getting wages between $2.75 and $3.69 an hour;
b. the minimum wage of the highest 5%.
17) The average life of a certain type of motor is 10 years, with a standard deviation of 2
years. If the manufacturer is willing to replace only 3% of the motors because of
failures, how long a guarantee should she offer? Assume that the lives of the motors
follow a normal distribution.
18) Find the area under the standard normal curve for the following, using the z-table.
Sketch each one.
(a) between z = 0 and z = 0.78
(b) between z = −0.56 and z = 0
(c) between z = −0.43 and z = 0.78 (d) between z = 0.44 and z = 1.50 (e) to the right
of z = −1.33.
19) What is the probability that a male aged 60 has BMI between 30 and 35? Note that this
is the same as asking what proportion of men aged 60 have BMI between 30 and 35.
Specifically, we want P(30 < X < 35)? Try to formulate and answer on your own before
looking at the explanation below. where the mean is 24 and standard deviation is
12.Also find the probability that a female aged 60 has BMI exceeding 40? Specifically,
what is P(X > 40)?
20) A complete blood count (CBC) is a commonly performed test. One component of the
CBC is the white blood cell count. which may be indicative of infection if the count is

WBC counts are approximately normally distributed in healthy people with a mean of 7550
WBC per mm3 (i.e., per microliter) and a standard deviation of 1085. What proportion of
subjects have WBC counts exceeding 9000?
21) the life times of certain kinds of electronics devices have a mean of 300 hours and
standard deviation of 25 hours . Assuming that the distribution of these lifetimes, which
are measured to the nearest hour, can be approximated closely with a normal curve
(a) find the probability that any one of theses electronic devices will have a normal
curve more than 350 hours.
(b) What percentage will have lifetimes of 300 hours or less?
( c) What percentage will have life times from 220 or 260 hours.
22) An instructor of mathematics wishes to determine the relationship of grades in the final
examination to grades on two quizzes’ given during the semester. Let x1, x2 and x3 be
the grades of the student on the first quiz, second quiz and final examination
respectively. The instructor made the following computations for a total of 120 students.
Find the least square regression equation of x1 on x2 and x3.
̅ =6
1 S1 = 3 r12 = 0.63
̅ =7
2 S2 =0.8 r13 = 0.52
3̅ =4 S3 = 9 r23 = 0.65
23) An instructor of mathematics wishes to determine the relationship of grades in the final
examination to grades on two quizzes’ given during the semester. Let x1, x2 and x3 be
the grades of the student on the first quiz, second quiz and final examination
respectively. The instructor made the following computations for a total of 120 students.
Find the least square regression equation of x2 on x1 and x3.
̅1 = 7 S1 = 3.5 r12 = 0.63
2̅ =4 S2 =0.8 r13 = 0.52
̅3 = 5 S3 = 9 r23 = 0.65
24) In a certain examination the percentage of students who passes with distribution were
46 and 9 respectively. Estimate the average marks obtained by the candidates the
minimum pass and distinction marks being 40 and 75 respectively. Also determine what
would been the minimum qualifying marks for admission to a re-examination of the
failed candidates, had it been desired that the best 25 per cent of them should be given
another opportunity of being examined.
25)In a normal distribution 31 per cent of the items are under 45 and 8 per cent are over 64.
Find the mean and standard deviation of the distribution.
26) the results of particular examination are given below in a summary form:
Result Percent of Candidates
Passed with distinction 10
Passed without distinction 60
Failed 30
It is known that a candidate fails in the examination if he obtains less than 40 marks (out of
100) which he must obtain at least 75 marks in order to pass with distinction. Determine the
mean and standard deviation of the distribution of marks, assuming this to be normal. 27)
Assume that on a average one telephone number out of fifteen is busy. What is the

probability that if six randomly selected telephone numbers are called (a) not more than
three will be busy?
(b) at least three of them will be busy?
28) Assume the mean height of soldiers to be 68.22 inches with a variance of 10.8 inches.
How many soldiers in a regiment of 1000 would you expect to be over six feet tall?
29) On the basis of observations made on 30 cotton plants, the total correlation of yield of
cotton (x2), number of bolls, i.e. seed vessel (x1) and height (x3) are found to be :
r12 = 0.67, r13 = 0.55 and r23 = 0.80
Computer the partial correlation between yield of cotton and the number of bolls,
eliminating the effect of height
30) On the basis of observations made on 30 cotton plants, the total correlation of yield of
cotton (x3), number of bolls, i.e. seed vessel (x2) and height (x1) are found to be :
r12 = 0.83, r13 = 0.65 and r23 = 0.71
Computer the partial correlation between yield of cotton and the number of bolls,
eliminating the effect of height.
31) x1, x2 & x3 are three variables measured from their means with n = 10, x12 = 92, x22 =
160, x32 = 40, x1 . x2 = 60, x1 x3 = x2 x3 = 62
Calculate the partial correlation coefficient r31.2 and multiple correlation r12.3 , r31.2,
R1.23 , r13.2
32) With the help of the following data determine of cotton and the equation of (i) x 1 on x2
and x3 (ii) x2 on x1 and x3.
S1 = 3. S2 = 4, S3 = 2, r12 = 0.6, r23 = r13 = 0.52

Here x1, x2 & x3 are measured as deviations from their respective means, “a” will be
33) With the help of the following data determine of cotton and the equation of (i) x 3 on x1
and x2 (ii) x2 on x1 and x3.
S1 = 3. S2 = 6, S3 = 2, r12 = 0.6, r23 = r13 = 0.52
34) With the help of the following data determine of cotton and the equation of (i) x 3 on x1
and x2 (ii) x2 on x1 and x3.
S1 = 3. S2 = 6, S3 = 4 ,r12 = 0.6, r23 = r13 = 0.22
35) on the basis of past experience , automobile inspectors in Mumbai have noticed that 5
percent of all cars coming in for their annual inspection fail to pass. Using the normal
approximation to the binomial , find the probability that between 7 and 18 of the next
200 cars to enter the city inspection station will fail the inspection.

36) On the basis of observations made on 30 cotton plants, the total correlation of yield of
cotton (x2), number of bolls, i.e. seed vessel (x1) and height (x3) are found to be :
r12 = 0.72, r13 = 0.55 and r23 = 0.54
Computer the partial correlation between yield of cotton and the number of bolls,
eliminating the effect of height
37) On the basis of observations made on 30 cotton plants, the total correlation of yield of
cotton (x2), number of bolls, i.e. seed vessel (x1) and height (x3) are found to be :

r12 = 0.43, r13 = 0.32 and r23 = 0.23
Computer the partial correlation between yield of cotton and the number of bolls,
eliminating the effect of height.
38) The manager of a small postal substation is trying to quantify the variation in the weekly
demand for mailing tubes. She has decided to assume that this demand is normally
distributed. She knows that on average 100 tubes are purchased weekly and that 90
percent of the time., weekly demand is below 115. (a) What is the standard deviation of
this distribution.
(b) The manager wants to stock enough mailing tubes each week so that the
probability of running out of tubes is no higher than 0.05 . What is the lowest stock
Project in BRM
This project is based on a application of units through excel which will be conducted in the
college Students must attend this lectures and later on exam will be conducted for the
All submissions on , 2020.
(Note: For any queries, please contact Ms Minal Joshi)

Assignment 1

Identify two companies falling under Nifty 50 and prepare its history (right from
incorporation, vision, mission and value statement) and give diagrammatic representation of
organisational structure of that company and also explain functions of treasurer and
controller in the organisation.

Assignment 2
Analyse the annual reports of 5 companies falling under BSE 30.
1. List out types of long term financial sources used by these companies.
2. Prepare comparative statement of long term financial sources using last two years data of
these two companies.
3. Describe share holding pattern of these companies.

Project in Financial Management

Topic: To be declared later

This project is based on a webinar which will be conducted under Prakalp. Students will be
informed about the date of this webinar well in advance. Students must attend this webinar
and the output produced at the end of the same, will be the individual project. This project
will have to be submitted individually on that day itself.

Note: For any queries, please contact Dr. Priyanka Zala and Dr. Seema Pandit.

OB and People Management – 1

Assignment 1
Topic: Abilities
This is a group assignment. In groups of ten (10), students should submit a write-up for
“Abilities required of employees for certain jobs” using the theoretical background discussed
in class related to abilities. For this, students should speak to an individual who is an
employee of any sort of an organization. The following questions may be asked:
1. Describe the tasks you perform on any given day.
2. What are the tools/machines/equipment you handle on a daily basis?
3. Is your job individual or team based or at an assembly line?
4. How frequently does your job require you to interact with people?
5. List out the abilities you possess
6. How helpful do you find these abilities at your current job?

The write-up need not be more than 2-3 pages long and should include the following over
and above the matter for points 1 to 6:
1. Name of the individual spoken to.
2. Nature of activity conducted by the organization in which he/she is employed. The name
of the organization need not be disclosed.
3. Job title of the person spoken to.

Assignment should have a cover page, clearly indicating the:

1. Title of the assignment
2. SYBBA Semester 3
3. Name of the Subject
4. Name of the faculty
5. Names and roll number of the student

Assignment 2
Topic: Stereotyping

This is a group assignment. In groups of ten (10), students should prepare and submit in
handwritten form, their understanding of stereotypes seen in Indian society. A newspaper
article, an article from a magazine, a blog, an advertisement should be used to support the
analysis. Evidence of the support material should be attached to this assignment.

The assignment should have a cover page, clearly indicating the:

1. Title of the assignment
2. SYBBA Semester 3
3. Name of the Subject
4. Name of the faculty

Project in OB and People Management – 1

Topic: To be declared later
This project is based on a webinar which will be conducted under Prakalp. Students will be
informed about the date of this webinar well in advance. Students must attend this webinar
and the output produced at the end of the same, will be the individual project. This project
will have to be submitted individually on that day itself.

Note: For any queries, please contact Ms Dipalee Atre at [email protected].

Please see the Tentative Academic Calendar attached at the beginning of this pamphlet,
for the submission date .

Marketing Management-I

You need to prepare a Product Mix of one product which is assigned to you. This is group
assignment. This assignment is required to be submitted in Power Point Presentation. One can
use graph, chart, figure and cutting of advertisement also. Product mix should be presented as
follows. Maximum number of slides should not be more than 10. Each slide should be
Slide No Detail Topic to be included

Name of Brand or Product allotted, Name of Student, Group Number,

College Roll No. and University Enrollment Number

2 Over view of Company (who is owner of brand)

3 Time line of development of brand

4 Chart of Product Mix

5 Detailing about Product Lines in Product Mix

Detailing of Product line length, Product Mix width, Product item and
Product Item Variant. (One should give numbers for each aspects of
7 Product Management)

Flagship Brand or most leading brand/product in market and its reason

for such.

Suggestion to the existing brand or product mix as if you are Product

Manager of the company

10 Conclusion
List of Group and list of Industry
Group No Name of Brand


2 Lifebuoy

3 Mi

4 Kissan

5 Ujala, Henko and Pril

6 Mahindra Tractors

7 Amul (Milk Only)

8 Cadbury’s Chocolates only

9 Milton

10 Cello (Plastic Furniture only)

11 Samsung TV and Refrigerator only

12 L G (Washing Machine and Oven)

13 Cinthol


15 Sunfeast

16 Prestige

17 Maruti Suzuki

18 Usha

19 VIP

20 Mapped (Stationary Brand)

21 Crompton (House Hold Appliances)

22 Wipro lighting

23 Futura

24 Maggie

25 Vicco

26 Bata

27 Savlon and shower to shower

28 Borolin and Suthol

29 Nyle and Spinz

30 Navneet Stationary

31 Scrotch Bright

32 Pond’s

33 Dabur Vatika and Gulab Hari

34 Nivea (Male Segment)

35 Hero (Two Wheeler)

36 Woodland

37 Colgate

38 Vermora Plastic were

39 Rasna
You need to prepare a presentation on the Distribution System of the allotted product. This is a
group assignment. This assignment is required to be submitted in PowerPoint Presentation. One
can use graph, chart, figure. Distribution system should be presented as follows. Maximum
number of slides should not be more than 10. Each slide should be numbered.
Slide No Detail Topic to be included
1 Name of Brand or Product allotted, Name of Student, Group Number,
College Roll No. and University Enrollment Number

2 Over view of Company (who is owner of brand)

Brief Idea about number of brands or product distributing by

4 Chart Showing Over all distribution system of company

5 Detailing about Stock Keeping Units or Distributors in Gujarat State

Detailing about distribution of goods from wholesalers and stock
keeping units to retailers. One should explain entire re-distribution
7 system

8 Detailing about policy of margin, return, refund and payment

Suggestion to the existing distribution system adopted by respective
brand or product allotted.

10 Conclusion
List of Group and list of Industry
Group No Name of Brand

1 Ceiling Fans

2 Health Drinks

3 Dietary Supplements

4 Talcum Powders

5 Ball Pens

6 Mixer Grinders

7 CFL and Tube Lights

8 Sports Shoes

9 Premium Bran Wrist Watch

10 Edible Oil

11 Salt

12 Biscuits

13 Air Conditioners

14 Crockery

15 Two Wheeler

16 Tricycles

17 Battery Bikes

18 Sanitizers

19 Bakery Products

20 Soap, Shampoos and Conditioners

21 Stationary

22 Spices

23 Ghee

24 Car Tyres

25 Induction Stoves

26 Shabbats

27 Cement

28 Plastic Furniture

29 Home Decor Paints

30 Pencil Cell

31 Tooth Paste

32 Mineral Water

33 Instant Food

34 Ice-creams

35 Branded Jeans

36 International Luggage

37 Pat Foods

38 Baby Products

39 Wagh Bakari Tea

Project in Marketing Management I

Topic: To be declared later

This project is based on a webinar which will be conducted under Prakalp. Students will be
informed about the date of this webinar well in advance. Students must attend this webinar
and the output produced at the end of the same, will be the individual project. This project
will have to be submitted individually on that day itself.

Note: For any queries, please contact Dr. Belur Baxi and Prof. Rikita Thakkar.

Corporate Accounting - I
Assignment I (Group Assignment)
Topic: Recent developments in Accounting

1. Meaning and utility of Economic Value Added. Identify five companies which report EVA in
its published annual report. Describe the EVA Reports of these companies
2. Meaning and utility of XBRL. List out the countries which prepare their financial statement as
per XBRL.
3. What is Forensic Accounting? Identify one financial scam that happened during the past five
years and discuss the same. (500 – 800 words)

Assignment II ((Group Assignment)

Topic: Issue of Bonus Shares & Buyback of Shares

1. Meaning and SEBI Guidelines for the Issue of Bonus Shares.

2. Meaning and conditions of Buyback of shares.
3. Identify 10 companies which have issued bonus shares during the 2019-20, the market price
of share before and after the bonus issue. Also give details about bonus issue –
Announcement, Record date, bonus ratio.
4. Identify 10 companies which have given the buyback option during the 2019-20. Also give
details about the buyback. Announcement, Record date, buyback price

Project in Corporate Accounting-1

Topic: To be declared later
This project is based on a webinar which will be conducted under Prakalp. Students will be
informed about the date of this webinar well in advance. Students must attend this webinar
and the output produced at the end of the same, will be the individual project. This project
will have to be submitted individually on that day itself.

Note: For any queries, please mail Dr. Seema Pandit or Dr. Priyanka Zala

Managerial Economics I
Assignment 1: - Group
Topic: Demand Forecasting Technique: Trend projection method Steps:
1. Find out the sales data for four wheelers (Compact cars or luxurious cars). Students
are required to find the data for the automobile industry of last four years (Yearly or
Quarterly) from the selected manufacturer (e.g. Honda, Maruti, Hundai etc.).
2. With the help of excel, plot the data on time series.
3. Insert the trend line and find out the forecast (demand/sales) for next 2 years
(quarterly/annually) in total and for the manufacturer.
4. Mention how the usage of this method and its conclusions will help the industry and
the company in terms of demand forecasting for that particular car.
Assignment II: Group Assignment
Topic: Describe Indian Railways as a case of Discriminating Monopoly.
Assignment should cover following:
• Features of Monopoly by keeping in mind Indian Railways.
• Reasons why price discrimination is possible and socially desirable in Indian Railways.
 Conclusion

Project in Managerial Economics-I

Topic: To be declared later
This project is based on a webinar which will be conducted under Prakalp. Students will be
informed about the date of this webinar well in advance. Students must attend this webinar
and the output produced at the end of the same, will be the individual project. This project
will have to be submitted individually on that day itself.

(Note: For any queries, please contact Dr. Geetanjali Chauhan and Dr. Bharat Bhati)

Interpersonal Communication I

Assignment 1
Draft a list of 20 questions that you believe you will asked based on your resume. Also write
the possible answers that you deem fit for these questions.

Assignment 2
Collect 5 screenshots of social media posts related to employment from the groups like Put
Me in Touch (PMIT) with Ahmedabad or Start-ups Ahmedabad. Analyze the posts as well as
responses to such posts and give your views on the effectiveness of social media in getting
employment as against other traditional sources.

Project in Interpersonal Communication-1

Workshop on Resume Building Skills Project:
Draft your resume.


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