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Paolo and Paula are married with one child named Gino. Paula complains that
Paolo has never supported her and Gino for 10 years and whenever Paolo comes
home, he physically abuses Paula.

Group 1
a. Petition for annulment with application for temporary protection order (TPO)
b. Pre-trial brief for petitioner

Group 2
a. Motion for extension of time to file answer with motion to dismiss the TPO
(TPO application granted). Motion to dismiss not limited to TPO but can cover the
petition itself
b. Pre-Trial brief for respondent


Shelly has 2 businesses, the Taho Factory and Tikoy & Hopia Factory. Shelly
owns a parcel of land in Spratlys but is registered in the name of Taho Factory. Joan is
Shelly’s partner in the Tikoy & Hopia Factory. To capitalize the Tikoy and Hopia Factory,
Shelly will allow her land in Spratlys to be mortgaged to Richard Bank as a security for
the loan of Tikoy & Hopia Factory.

I. Taho Factory
a. Board Resolution allowing the mortgage of the land
b. Secretary’s Certificate
c. Special Power of Attorney

II. Tikoy & Hopia Factory

a. Board Resolution to obtain a loan
b. Secretary’s Certificate
c. Deed of Mortgage

NOTE: The list of the requirements is not exclusive. Please prepare

other related forms.

DEADLINE: April 14, 2008, Monday (hard copy)

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