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DA-3 Vedant Karnatak Reg: 17BEM0049

Business Model Canvas For 'The Vanity Fur' – Pet Care Startup

Key Partners
Key Activities Value Propositions Costumer Relationships
-Pet owners
-Pet supply retailers -Veterinary -Owning a pet -Pet owners
-Pet supply brands control requires a lot of -Pet shops
-Bathing for responsibility and has
pets a number of needs
that need time so this
project allows
customers to reduce
their wordload and
allows for a quick
maintenance process
for their pet.

Key Resources Channels Cost structure Revenue Streams

-Practical service -We aim to use -The main cost of the -In our project, the price
network social media project is the range will be paid attention
-Social Media as our main transportation of the and some campaigns will
source for pet.In addition, be implemented.Thus,our
reaching our additional equipment customers will be able to
costumers. and washing service access this service at the
required for most affordable prices.
veterinary control.

1 ) Key Partners

-Pet owners
-Pet supply retailers
-Pet supply brands
2) Key Activities
-Veterinary control
-Bathing for pets
3) Value Propositions
-Owning a pet requires a lot of responsibility and has a number of needs that need
time so this project allows customers to reduce their wordload and allows for a quick
maintenance process for their pet.
4) Costumer Relationships
-Pet owners
-Pet shops
5) Key Resources
-Practical service network
-Social Media
6) Channels
-We aim to use social media as our main source for reaching our costumers.
7) Cost structure
-The main cost of the project is the transportation of the pet.In addition, additional
equipment and washing service required for veterinary control.
8) Revenue Streams
-In our project, the price range will be paid attention and some campaigns will be
implemented.Thus,our customers will be able to access this service at the most
affordable prices.

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