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LXII Edward Jackson Lecture: Open Angle

Glaucoma After Vitrectomy


● PURPOSE: To present data and an hypothesis for the medications ⴞ 1.2 vs 2.0 medications ⴞ 1.4; P ⴝ .0215;
late development of open angle glaucoma (OAG) after n ⴝ 14).
vitrectomy. ● CONCLUSION: There is an increased risk of OAG after
● DESIGN: A retrospective observational case series. vitrectomy. The presence of the lens may be protective.
● METHODS: The records of 453 eyes that had under- In established OAG before the operation, the number
gone vitrectomy were reviewed for postoperative OAG. of antiglaucoma medications may increase after sur-
Eyes with confounding factors were excluded. Sixty-eight gery. Oxidative stress is hypothesized to have a role in
eyes of 65 patients that underwent routine vitrectomy the pathogenesis. (Am J Ophthalmol 2006;141:
were followed for a mean of 56.9 months (range, seven to 1033–1043. © 2006 by Elsevier Inc. All rights re-
192 months). For the main outcome measures, patients served.)
were classified into three groups: patients with suspected

glaucoma, patients in whom glaucoma developed after the AM MOST GRATEFUL TO THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF
operation, and patients with pre-existing glaucoma. Ophthalmology and the American Journal of Ophthal-
● RESULTS: In glaucoma suspects, the mean intraocular mology for their invitation to give this lecture honoring
pressure was significantly higher in the operated eye the achievements of one of the “founding fathers” of Amer-
compared with the fellow eye (P ⴝ .0001). In eyes with ican Ophthalmology, Dr Edward Jackson. Joining ranks with
new onset glaucoma, 23 of 34 eyes (67.6%) had it in the 61 of the most prominent leaders in ophthalmology who have
vitrectomized eye only. In phakic eyes, the time interval given this lecture previously is a distinction that is both
between vitrectomy and the development of glaucoma absolutely incredible but also humbling.1 It has been exactly
(mean, 45.95 months) was significantly longer than eyes 40 years since the last Jackson Memorial Lecture was given
that were nonphakic at the time of vitrectomy (mean, by an ophthalmologist from New York, Dr Irving Leopold.
18.39 months; P ⴝ .0115). When the interval between At that time, Dr Leopold had a faculty appointment at
cataract surgery in phakic eyes to the development of Columbia University before taking the chair at Mount
glaucoma was compared with the interval from vitrec- Sinai School of Medicine the following year. Four other
tomy to glaucoma diagnosis in the nonphakic group, the Columbia faculty members have given this distinguished
difference was not statistically significant. In eyes with lecture: John Dunnington, Algernon Reese, Ludwig Von
glaucoma before the operation, the mean number of Sallman, and George Smelser. I am very pleased to share
antiglaucoma medications that were required to control this honor.
the intraocular pressure was significantly higher in the Dr Jackson exhibited leadership and excellence in many
vitrectomized eye, compared with the fellow eye (2.9 facets of ophthalmology (Figure 1).2,3 He was the quintes-
sential clinician who was analytical and precise in applying
his broad experience and knowledge to solving clinical
Accepted for publication Feb 6, 2006. problems. He was a prolific author who wrote ⬎600
From the Edward S. Harkness Eye Institute, Department of Ophthal-
mology, Columbia University, New York, New York. articles and many books on ophthalmology and refraction.
Supported, in part, by an unrestricted grant to the Department of He led the movement to elevate the standards for training
Ophthalmology from Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc, New York, New
York, the K.K. Tse and Ku Teh Ying Endowed Professorship, and the
ophthalmologists and medical students in eye disorders. He
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr, Clinical Research Center, Columbia University was greatly respected and admired by his peers and was a
Medical Center, New York, New York. founder and first leader of professional organizations such
I would like to thank Norihiko Yoshida, MD, and Paulo Escario, MD,
Columbia University, for their diligence and precision in the review and as the Western Ophthalmologic, Otological, Laryngologi-
statistical analysis of massive amounts of data and Michael Chiang, MD, cal, and Rhinological Association (later renamed the
and James Tsai, MD, Columbia University, for their constructive review American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngol-
of the study design and their statistical support.
Inquiries to Stanley Chang, MD, Edward S. Harkness Eye Institute, ogy), the American Board of Ophthalmology, and first
635 West 165th St, New York, NY 10032; e-mail: [email protected] Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Ophthalmology.

0002-9394/06/$32.00 © 2006 BY ELSEVIER INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1033

FIGURE 2. Preoperative fundus drawing of the right eye
(Patient 1) with large posterior retinal tears and retinal detach-
ment. The intraocular pressures were OD 17 mm Hg, OS 18
mm Hg.

tively few. In the phakic eye, the lens develops a progres-

sive increase in nuclear sclerosis, eventually requiring
cataract surgery.6 The pseudophakic eye that undergoes
FIGURE 1. Edward Jackson. vitrectomy is more likely to need a posterior capsulotomy
with YAG laser.7 In the posterior segment, there is a
potential for late retinal detachment, often in the areas of
the sclerotomy incisions, when tears develop in the vitre-
Above all, Edward Jackson was the ultimate teacher. He ous base from vitreous incarceration at the sclerotomy
organized the first postgraduate course in ophthalmology in sites.
the United States and was always sought out by his After vitrectomy, a rise in intraocular pressure (IOP) is
residents and associates with their interesting patients. He not an uncommon event in the immediate postoperative
was dedicated, kind, and generous with his time to his period.8 –12 Often the pressure rise is related to the use of
students. He is responsible for introducing the concept of viscoelastics, an expanding gas bubble,12 silicone oil tam-
instruction courses at the annual American Academy of ponade, hemorrhage, inflammation, or corticosteroid re-
Ophthalmology meeting, a program that started in 1921. sponse. Frequently, medical treatment is effective until the
Education is vital to the progress of ophthalmology. It is surgical healing response subsides. Infrequently, angle clo-
with this spirit that I would like to dedicate this lecture to sure glaucoma occurs, sometimes resulting in a permanent
the many teachers who have shared their knowledge, glaucoma. In eyes with silicone oil, late glaucoma may
transferred their skills, and given guidance professionally develop from emulsification of the oil or from the sudden
and personally throughout my career. Their interest and passage of oil into the anterior chamber that obstructs the
mentorship have made me successful. passage of fluid into the trabecular meshwork.13
Since the revolutionary introduction of vitrectomy in The development of new open angle glaucoma (OAG)
1971 by Machemer and associates,4,5 this procedure has as a late event after vitrectomy has had little attention.8,14
become the third most frequently performed ophthalmic In most case series studies of vitrectomy outcomes, there
surgical operation, after cataract and excimer laser refrac- are little data that indicate that OAG is a late complica-
tive surgery. It is estimated that approximately 225,000 tion. The clinical courses of the following three patients
vitrectomies are done in the United States each year. The illustrate the possibility that vitrectomy may predispose the
known long-term complications of vitrectomy are rela- eye to OAG.


FIGURE 4. Preoperative fundus drawing (Patient 2) with large
posterior horseshoe tear that caused a macular-sparing retinal
detachment. Vitrectomy, perfluorocarbon liquid, endolaser, and
gas tamponade were done without scleral buckling. The in-
traocular pressures were normal throughout the perioperative

FIGURE 3. Pre- and postoperative photographs (Patient 1).

(Top) A large posterior tear at 12 o’clock was treated with
vitrectomy, perfluorocarbon liquid, endolaser, and gas tampon-
ade. No scleral buckle was used. (Bottom) After the operation,
the visual acuity was 20/25.

● PATIENT 1: A 57-year-old Caucasian man was referred
in September 2000 for large retinal tears in the right eye.
Four years earlier, he had had a 120-degree giant retinal
tear with three inferior horseshoe tears in the left eye that
FIGURE 5. Postoperative fundus montage of attached retina
were treated with laser photocoagulation. Three days
(Patient 2); laser photocoagulation was placed only around the
before my examination, he noted floaters in the right eye, retinal tears. The corrected visual acuity was 20/30.
and an inferior shadow developed two days later. The
visual acuity in the right eye was 20/20 with correction.
There was mild vitreous debris and hemorrhage. A bullous Because of the large posterior tears, the retinal detach-
retinal detachment was present from 10:30 to 2 o’clock, with ment in the right eye was managed by primary vitrectomy,
two large horseshoe tears at 12 and 1:30 o’clock (Figures 2 perfluorocarbon liquid tamponade, endophotocoagulation,
and 3, Top). Two additional horseshoe tears were located and perfluorocarbon gas injection. A scleral buckle was not
equatorially at 6:00 and at 7:30 o’clock. In the left eye the done. Postoperatively, one month later, the retina was
retina was attached, and the tears were surrounded by completely attached with reabsorption of the gas bubble
laser photocoagulation scars. The IOPs were OD 17 mm and corrected visual acuity of 20/25. One year later and
Hg, OS 18 mm Hg. receiving no ocular medications, his corrected visual acuity


FIGURE 6. Patient 2. Four years after vitrectomy, the intraoc-
ular pressure was OD 23 mm Hg, OS 17 mm Hg. The patient FIGURE 7. Graph of intraocular pressure (IOP) over the
was followed as a glaucoma suspect for 12 months until clinical course of 17 years (Patient 3). IOP was normal and
asymmetry of the optic cups was noted with enlargement in the symmetric for many years before vitrectomy for macular
right eye. Timolol 0.5% was started in the right eye only. pucker. The IOP increased in the vitrectomized left eye just
before cataract surgery but did not require treatment until six
years later. The IOP in the fellow eye was normal. BID ⴝ twice
was 20/40 in the right eye, and the IOP was normal. A
nuclear cataract was noted in the right eye. The patient
elected to proceed with uneventful phacoemulsification perfluorocarbon gas injection were done. The retina was
and intraocular lens implantation in the right eye in October reattached with a 20/30 corrected visual acuity (Figure 5).
2001, thirteen months after vitrectomy. His IOP remained In March 1998, nine months after vitrectomy, visual acuity
normal initially after the procedure, but eight months after decreased to 20/50, and the patient underwent uneventful
cataract surgery IOP had increased to 24 mm Hg. Gonioscopy phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation.
showed an open angle. Three months later, the IOP was The IOP remained normal in both eyes until March 2002,
29 mm Hg, and timolol 0.5% was started. In January 2003 when the IOP was elevated in the right eye (OD 23 mm
with timolol therapy, the IOP was 28 mm Hg, and Cosopt Hg, OS 17 mm Hg). She was followed as a glaucoma
was started twice daily. One year later, the IOP increased to suspect in the right eye for twelve months, when the cup
30 mm Hg while he was receiving Cosopt; twice daily in the right optic disk appeared enlarged compared with
latanoprost 0.005% was added daily. The IOP in the left eye the left and IOPs were OD 23 mm Hg, OS 17 mm Hg.
was normal throughout this period without any medications. Timolol 0.5% was started in the right eye only (Figure 6).
At the last visit 55 months after vitrectomy, the visual acuity On timolol therapy, five months later, the IOP increased
remains OD 20/25 ⫹ 2, OS 20/70 (Figure 3, Bottom). The to 24 mm Hg, and Cosopt twice daily was started. With
IOPs were OD 19 mm Hg, OS 15 mm Hg. The medica- Cosopt twice daily at last follow-up examination, 77
tions are Cosopt twice daily, latanoprost hs (at bedtime), months after vitrectomy, the IOPs ranged between OU 13
in the right eye only. to 14 mm Hg, with no medications in the left eye.

● PATIENT 2: A 43-year-old African-American woman ● PATIENT 3: A 61-year-old Caucasian woman was seen in
was first examined in January 1991 with symptoms of June 1988 with metamorphopsia in the left eye of one month
floaters in the right eye and was found to have visual acuity duration. Her corrected visual acuity was OD 20/25, OS
of 20/20. An operculated retinal hole was found at 8 20/20. Cellophane maculopathy was noted in the left eye. In
o’clock at the equator with paravascular lattice degenera- September 1994, the visual acuity in the left eye was reduced
tion from 11 to 12 o’clock. Both areas were surrounded to 20/60-2, and the macular pucker was diagnosed. The IOPs
with laser photocoagulation. In July 1997, the patient were 19 mm Hg OU. Vitrectomy with membrane peeling was
suddenly noted a visual field defect and dimming of vision recommended, but the patient decided to wait until July 1995
in the right eye; a retinal detachment was found (Figure 4). to undergo surgery when the vision worsened slightly. Vit-
The detachment was bullous from 10 o’clock clockwise to rectomy was uncomplicated, and the recuperation was unre-
5 o’clock and extended posteriorly close to the macula. markable. The IOPs were OD 18 mm Hg and OS 20 mm Hg.
The tears superiorly had coalesced into one large poste- The patient was followed regularly, and a brunescent nuclear
quatorial retinal tear at 12 o’clock. A primary vitrectomy cataract developed in the operated left eye. In July 1998, the
with perfluorocarbon liquid, endophotocoagulation, and IOPs were measured at OD 20 mm Hg and OS 22 mm Hg at


TABLE 1. Clinical Characteristics Potentially Confounding TABLE 2. Mean Age of the Patients with Postoperative
the Diagnosis of Open Angle Glaucoma After Vitrectomy Open Angle Glaucoma at the Time of Vitrectomy
and Excluded From the Study
Group Years N
Patients with more than two vitrectomy operations
1 Suspect 57.7 ⫾ 22.35 (range, 6–78) 10
Previous history of anterior inflammation (eg, uveitis,
2 New onset 62.3 ⫾ 11.96 (range, 26–88) 40
3 Preoperative open
Rubeosis irides or proliferative diabetic retinopathy with
angle glaucoma 67.3 ⫾ 5.44 (range, 59–77) 15
severe ischemia or other retinal vascular disease associated
with iris neovascularization
Use of silicone oil, with or without emulsification
Severe penetrating trauma with corneal opacification or ciliary Harkness Eye Institute since 1995. Approval for this
body loss review was obtained from the Columbia University Med-
Angle closure glaucoma ical Center Institutional Review Board, with exemption of
Patients receiving intravitreal triamcinolone
Informed Consent because of its retrospective nature. The
Patients chronically using topical or periocular steroids
study was compliant with Health Insurance Portability and
Vitrectomy combined with a glaucoma surgical procedure (eg,
Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations.
endocyclophotocoagulation or pars plana tube shunt)
Nine eyes (13.2%) had one previous vitrectomy. All
patients underwent conventional pars plana vitrectomy
one month before cataract surgery. After phacoemulsification with a 20-gauge, three-port system in conjunction with a
and intraocular lens implantation, the visual acuity improved retrobulbar anesthetic block with a lidocaine 2% and
from 20/60 to 20/30. The patient was followed regularly, and bupivacaine 0.75% mixture with 1/200,000 epinephrine.
macular drusen were found in both eyes in September 2000. Intraoperatively, perfluoro-n-octane (Perfluoron) was used
From the years 2000 to 2005, the IOPs were frequently higher as an adjunct in 12 eyes (17.6%), in 11 eyes for the
by 3 to 4 mm Hg in the vitrectomized left eye. In March management of retinal detachment, and in one eye to float
2005, the IOP in that eye was found to be 26 mm Hg and a dislocated intraocular lens anteriorly. At the end of the
later 34 mm Hg on repeat testing by her local ophthalmolo- surgical procedure, 35 eyes (51.5%) received an air tam-
gist. Gonioscopy revealed an open angle. Latanoprost was ponade, and 26 eyes (38.2%) received a nonexpanding
started in the left eye only, and two weeks later the IOPs were concentration of fluorinated intraocular gas:air mixture
OD 14 mm Hg, OS 22 mm Hg. (sulfur hexafluoride, perfluorohexane, perfluoropropane).
This patient had unilateral OAG in the vitrectomized Seven eyes (10.3%) received no internal tamponade. Ten
eye 116 months (nine years, eight months) after vitrec- eyes (14.7%) had previous or concomitant scleral buckling
tomy and 80 months (six years, eight months) after at the time of vitrectomy. After the operation, follow-up
phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation. A visits routinely included visual acuity and slit-lamp and
graph of the IOPs over the clinical course of this patient is fundus examinations. All IOPs were measured with Gold-
shown in Figure 7. man applanation tonometry.
In summary, all three patients underwent an uncompli- A long follow-up period was required because of long
cated vitrectomy with improvement of visual acuity, later latency for the development of OAG, and the charts of all
followed by cataract surgery. After vitrectomy, the IOP vitrectomy patients with a follow-up period of ⬎six
returned to normal and was similar to that in the fellow eye months were examined. Of 1156 charts that were re-
after the operation. As expected, a nuclear cataract developed viewed, 703 patients were excluded because of a follow-up
in each of the patients, and they underwent an uneventful period of ⱕsix months. Of the remaining 453 patients,
phacoemulsification procedure with intraocular lens implan- patients were identified to include those with a higher IOP in
tation (nine to 36 months after vitrectomy). At some period the operated eye, OAG suspects, or OAG that required
after cataract surgery (in one patient, ⬎6 years), each patient treatment. Some patients were excluded because of the
had OAG in the operated eye only, with the unoperated possibility that the elevated IOP may have resulted from the
fellow eye maintaining a normal IOP. Thus, I grew suspicious ocular disease process, after multiple surgeries, or from other
that the vitrectomy, and later the cataract surgery, contrib- confounding factors such as intravitreal corticosteroids or
uted to the development of glaucoma. silicone oil. These exclusion criteria are listed in Table 1.
In all instances documented gonioscopic findings con-
firmed open angle status for inclusion in the study. In all,
METHODS we identified 68 eyes in 65 patients and separated them
into three categories as described below.
at Columbia, I embarked on a retrospective chart review of ● GROUP 1: GLAUCOMA SUSPECTS: In this group of
all patients who had undergone vitrectomy at the Edward patients (n ⫽ 10), the IOP in the vitrectomized eye was


TABLE 3. Indications for Vitrectomy in Patients With TABLE 4. Lens Status Before and After Vitrectomy in Eyes
Postoperative Open Angle Glaucoma With Postoperative Open Angle Glaucoma

Indication Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Total Before Vitrectomy After Vitrectomy

Group Phakic Pseudophakic/Aphakic Phakic Pseudophakic/Aphakic

Macular pucker 4 17 11 32
Macular hole 4 6 0 10 1 6 4/0 1 9/0
Retinal detachment 1 11 1 13 2 25 14/4 1 38/4
Vitreous hemorrhage 0 6 2 8 3 10 5/0 0 15/0
Retained lens fragments 0 2 1 3
Dislocated intraocular lens 0 1 0 1
Serous detachment 2
degrees to optic pit 1 0 0 1 TABLE 5. Mean Follow-up Interval of Eyes With Open
Angle Glaucoma After Vitrectomy

higher than the fellow eye by ⱖ4 mm Hg on three or more Group Months

postoperative visits. The IOP could be normal or as high as
1 55.2 ⫾ 20.6 (range, 15–74)
25 mm Hg in the operated eye. No visual field loss in the
2 62.2 ⫾ 47.1 (range, 7–192)
operated eye or asymmetry of optic cup size (⬎0.2) was 3 42.8 ⫾ 37.3 (range, 9–156)
present. These patients were not treated with antiglau- All patients 56.9 ⫾ 42.4
coma therapy. If both eyes had vitrectomy or the fellow eye
had other significant eye disease that could affect IOP, the
patients were not eligible for inclusion. RESULTS
(n ⫽ 43 eyes, 40 patients) were believed to have glaucoma tomy for each group is shown in Table 2. There were no
and underwent treatment because of elevated IOP, optic statistically significant differences between the groups.
disk changes, and visual field change that was compatible The indications for vitrectomy for each of the groups are
with the optic nerve appearance. The eyes that were listed in Table 3. Macular pucker or macular hole ac-
included had IOP of ⱖ30 mm Hg. Also included were counted for 61.8% of all eyes, and the remaining eyes did
patients with elevated IOP and disk or visual field changes not have complex problems.
that were consistent with glaucoma. Another group that The preoperative and postoperative lens status in all
also was included were patients with normal tension groups is noted in Table 4. Forty-one eyes were phakic
glaucoma in which the optic disk cupping was asymmetric (60.3%) before vitrectomy, and only two eyes (2.9%) were
and discovered after the operation with high normal or phakic at the last follow-up examination.
slightly elevated IOP. Most of these patients were sent to The mean follow-up interval between the vitrectomy
a glaucoma subspecialist for an opinion. After July 2002, and last follow-up visit is given in Table 5 for all groups.
central corneal thickness was often measured with ultra- There were no statistically significant differences between
sound pachymetry (Sonomed 300P PacScan, Lake Success, groups.
New York, USA) to assist in the assessment for normal In group 1, the glaucoma suspect group, the mean IOP
tension glaucoma. of three consecutive follow-up visits was compared in the
vitrectomized eye with the fellow unoperated eye. In this
● GROUP 3: PRE-EXISTING GLAUCOMA: This group (n ⫽ 15) group, the mean IOP was 19.5 ⫾ 2.7 mm Hg in the
included patients with pre-existing OAG that was treated vitrectomized eye, compared with 14.3 ⫾ 3.0 mm Hg in
with medication before vitrectomy. In this group of pa- the fellow eye (P ⫽ .0001, paired t test).
tients, the goal was to study the effect of vitrectomy on the In group 2, eyes in which new onset glaucoma developed
progression of glaucoma in the operated eye. after vitrectomy, the time interval between vitrectomy and
For all patients, the following parameters were recorded: the diagnosis of glaucoma was significantly longer in
age, gender, high myopia (ⱖ7 diopters), lens status, indi- phakic eyes compared with the interval between vitrec-
cations for vitrectomy, length of time after vitrectomy to tomy and glaucoma diagnosis in nonphakic eyes. In ini-
phacoemulsification, length of time after vitrectomy and tially phakic eyes, the mean time interval was 45.95 ⫾
cataract surgery to the development of OAG, glaucoma 44.79 months (range, one to 174 months; n ⫽ 20), compared
treatment before and after vitrectomy, the course of with 18.39 ⫾ 13.76 months (range, three to 59 months; n ⫽
glaucoma progression (medications, progression of visual 23) in eyes that were nonphakic at the time of vitrectomy
field loss, surgical therapy), and the length of follow-up time. (P ⫽ .0115). When comparing the interval between
Student t tests were done to compare variables among the cataract extraction to glaucoma diagnosis in initially pha-
groups. kic eyes (mean, 32.17 ⫾ 30.86 months; n ⫽ 18) and the


see whether OAG was reported as a late complication of
vitrectomy. In a review of several reports of large surgical
series for macular holes,15–17 epimacular membranes,6,18 –20
and vitrectomy for retinal detachment,21–26 there was little
information about the rates of glaucoma. In one series of
71 eyes with pseudophakic retinal detachment that was
managed with vitrectomy or vitrectomy and scleral buck-
ling, 14 eyes (19.7%) were noted to be on antiglaucoma
therapy before the operation. At the nine month follow-up
examination, 27 eyes (38%) were treated with topical
medication for glaucoma.27 The authors did not comment
on the significance of this finding.
The data from this study strongly suggest that vitrec-
tomy increases the risk of the development of OAG in the
operated eye. Most commonly, glaucoma was unilateral
FIGURE 8. In general, postvitrectomy open angle glaucoma and developed in the eye that underwent vitrectomy and
was controlled successfully with medical therapy. However, a
subsequent cataract surgery. The development of glaucoma
monocular patient who was treated for macular pucker with
may take ⱖ10 or more years. The specific indications for
laser applied to inferior retinal tears required surgery. The
cupping increased in the right optic disk, and a tube shunt vitrectomy did not appear to be a risk factor. Because this
implant was placed. is a retrospective chart review, it is difficult to determine
the true incidence of OAG after vitrectomy because of the
variability in follow-up periods and the large number of
interval to glaucoma in nonphakic eyes (at the time of patients who were excluded because of short follow-up
vitrectomy; mean, 18.39 ⫾ 13.76 months; n ⫽ 23), the periods. We estimate that up to 15% to 20% of eyes may
difference was no longer statistically significant (P ⫽ be at risk for the development of OAG after vitrectomy.
.0627). In a subset of group 2 patients, 34 patients had This suggests that up to 30,000 new cases of glaucoma may
normal fellow eyes that did not have significant disease develop annually in the United States after vitrectomy.
(except for cataract surgery) and could be used for com- The time from vitrectomy in phakic eyes to the devel-
parison. The number of antiglaucoma medications that opment of OAG (mean, 45.9 months) compared with
were taken in the vitrectomized eye (mean, 1.79 ⫾ 0.95) same interval in pseudophakic eyes (mean, 18.4 months)
was greater than used in the fellow eye (mean, 0.65 ⫾ 1.0), was statistically significant. In contrast, the time from
and this was highly statistically significant (n ⫽ 34; P ⫽ cataract surgery to the development of OAG in phakic
.0001). Of these, 23 patients (67.6%) received treatment eyes was not statistically significant from eyes that were
for glaucoma only in the vitrectomized eye. pseudophakic at the time of vitrectomy. This suggests that
Group 3 eyes included patients who were treated for OAG the presence of the lens may have a protective role and
before vitrectomy in one eye. In 14 patients, the fellow eye may delay the development of OAG. The progression of
did not undergo vitrectomy and could be used for comparison. nuclear sclerosis in the lens of the vitrectomized eye is
At the last follow-up visit, the mean number of glaucoma well-known. In a series of 75 patients, the cumulative
medications that were used in eyes that had vitrectomy was incidence of progressive nuclear sclerosis was 72% in the
2.9 ⫾ 1.2 and, in the fellow eye, was 2.00 ⫾ 1.4 (P ⫽ .0215). operated eye and 15% in the fellow eye after twenty-four
At the last follow-up visit, the mean IOP was 14.43 ⫾ 2.0 months.28,29 The progression of nuclear sclerosis was more
mm Hg in vitrectomized eyes, compared with 14.36 ⫾ 3.8 likely in older patients. After removal of the vitreous, the lens
mm Hg in the fellow eye (P ⫽ .9265). undergoes a myopic shift in the refractive state of the eye and
In most patients, the glaucoma was well controlled and did develops a slow, but relentless, clouding of the nucleus in
not cause much change in visual function. One patient almost all eyes. When the vitreous is not removed, the lens
(group 2) underwent a glaucoma shunt procedure because of does not develop cataract for up to five years.30
the progression of cupping on maximal medical therapy Postvitrectomy cataract was managed with phacoemul-
(Figure 8). In two other patients (both group 3), the visual sification and intraocular lens implantation in all eyes. The
field loss progressed centrally, but no further surgery was done possibility that the cataract surgery increases the risk of
because of macular disease (macular hole, macular pucker). OAG after the operation was considered. However, several
case series that examined the effect of phacoemulsification
on IOP in nonglaucomatous eyes reported that the IOP
DISCUSSION decreases after the operation.31–33 In several series that
reported the outcomes of patients with OAG who under-
WE REVIEWED THE LITERATURE THAT REPORTED THE CLINI- went phacoemulsification, the glaucoma was easier to
cal outcomes after vitrectomy for various retinal conditions to manage. The number of medications that were required to


FIGURE 9. In the nonvitrectomized phakic eye, the oxygen FIGURE 10. After vitrectomy, the gradient disappears, and
tension (pO2) is lower (arrow) in the center of the vitreous oxygen tension (pO2) increases (arrow) in the central vitreous,
than in the vitreous near the retinal surface. surrounding the lens, eventually causing cataract.

Oxygen tension has been measured before and after

control IOP was significantly reduced, and the IOP was vitrectomy in the normal rabbit eye.38 Before vitrectomy,
lower than preoperative levels.34 –37 These effects persisted the oxygen tension is highest near the retinal surface and
in eyes that were followed for a mean of 2.8 years.36 Thus, decreases in the anterior vitreous just posterior to the
phacoemulsification does not appear to affect IOP in norm- center of the lens (Figure 9). There is a further gradient
al and glaucomatous eyes and may even reduce it after within the lens, with the lowest oxygen tension in the
operation. center of the lens. After vitrectomy, the oxygen tension
In this study, we found that, in eyes with pre-existing near the lens rises to two to three times the preoperative
glaucoma, the glaucoma frequently worsened in the vitrec- level, and the concentration gradient in the vitreous
tomized eye, because the number of medications that were disappears. In humans, Holekamp and associates39 mea-
used to control the IOP increased after surgery. The factors sured the oxygen tension in the vitreous in patients who
that contributed to these findings are not clear, but there underwent vitrectomy. They reported the elevation of
are several possible explanations. First, the surgical inflam- oxygen tension after vitrectomy and found in eight pa-
mation and debris could have reduced the aqueous outflow tients who underwent reoperation that a statistically sig-
facility further. Another consideration is that the optic nificant elevation of oxygen tension persisted for many
disk in the vitrectomized eye becomes more susceptible to months after the initial surgery (three to twenty months;
damage after the operation. Last, it is possible that the mean, ten months).
removal of the vitreous body alters the biochemical environ- In the phakic eye after vitrectomy, the elevated oxygen
ment in such a way that aqueous outflow becomes reduced. levels are modulated by antioxidant mechanisms in the
The delayed onset of glaucoma in the vitrectomized eye vitreous and lens.40,41 For instance, in the presence of
suggests that there is a diffusible factor in the vitreous that transition metals such as copper and iron, ascorbic acid
appears after the cortical vitreous is removed. This factor may be oxidized with the result that hydrogen peroxide is
alters the trabecular meshwork over time and reduces produced. Glutathione and catalase then detoxify the
aqueous outflow that results in elevated IOP and glaucoma. hydrogen peroxide. Oxygen crosses cell membranes readily
After the immediate postoperative period, there is usually in the lens. Most of the oxygen is consumed by oxidative
no visible inflammation in the eye after uncomplicated phosphorylation that takes place in the outer layers of the
surgery. It is my hypothesis that oxygen is the main factor lens where mitochondria are most populous.41 The lens
and that oxidative stress affects the cells of the trabecular nucleus has very low levels of oxygen; however, when
meshwork over time, causing a rise in IOP in some eyes. In ambient levels increase, protein oxidation begins in the
the phakic eye, the lens is protective by metabolizing most center of the lens, and nuclear cataract develops (Figure 10).
of the oxygen; but after cataract surgery, the trabecular The lens also contains high levels of ascorbate that diffuse
meshwork is subjected to oxidative damage by an increased from the fluid that surrounds it. The ascorbate and gluta-
oxygen level from the vitreous. thione within the lens also consume oxygen. The high


FIGURE 12. Flow diagram of the role of oxidative stress that is
FIGURE 11. After cataract surgery, the increased level of hypothesized to cause an increase in nuclear cataract and open
oxygen in the vitreous no longer is metabolized by the lens and angle glaucoma. The presence of a human lens delays the
mixes with aqueous humor that passes through the trabecular development of open angle glaucoma.
meshwork (arrows). pO2 ⴝ oxygen tension.

Figure 12 provides a diagram that gives a summary of the

rate of progression of nuclear sclerosis after vitrectomy is sequences of oxidative stress and its relationship to postvit-
a sign that the lens does not have sufficient antioxidant rectomy cataract and glaucoma that are hypothesized.
capacity to deal completely with the prolonged elevation The results found in this study have several important
of oxygen levels. After cataract surgery, the increased clinical implications. Most of these patients were followed
levels of vitreous oxygen mix with the aqueous fluid and for a number of years after vitrectomy. The glaucoma was
subsequently pass through the aqueous outflow channels usually diagnosed as part of routine follow-up examina-
(Figure 11). tions. In general, the disease was found at a relatively early
The pathologic mechanisms that cause glaucoma are stage and treated promptly with good clinical outcomes.
multiple and complex.42 However, there is good evidence Only one patient required a glaucoma surgery because of
that oxidative damage to cells in the trabecular meshwork progression under maximal medical therapy. Because of
alters its outflow capacity and may contribute to the the retrospective nature of this study, it is difficult to know
pathogenesis of OAG. There are several pathways by which the exact incidence of OAG after vitrectomy. Most pa-
elevated levels of hydrogen peroxide and free radicals may tients were lost to follow up or returned to their referring
cause damage to cells in the trabecular meshwork.43,44 physician. In the patients who did not receive follow up
Antioxidant mechanisms such as superoxide dismutase with an ophthalmologist, the consequences might be more
decrease in human trabecular meshwork cells with increas- serious because most likely the early changes of glaucoma
ing age.45 Oxidative DNA damage was found to be increased would be relatively asymptomatic. Thus, it is extremely
in the trabecular meshwork of patients with OAG.46 – 48 important to stress the importance of long-term follow-up
Deletion of GSTM1 (encoding gene for glutathione examination to patients who undergo vitrectomy, espe-
S-transferases) gene predisposes individuals to more oxidative cially in those eyes that have had the lens removed.
DNA damage and an increased risk of glaucoma.47 Oxidized This study excluded patients with OAG who might
proteins are degraded by the 20S proteasome, and this have had other confounding factors in the development of
activity is reduced in the trabecular meshwork of patients the glaucoma. Such factors included the use of silicone oil,
with glaucoma.49,50 The high levels of ascorbate in the severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and periocular or
aqueous convert oxygen, which provides a source for intravitreal triamcinolone injection. It is not clear whether
hydrogen peroxide. Human trabecular meshwork cells that the mechanisms of oxidative stress that are proposed here
are exposed briefly to H2O2 showed impaired adhesion to might also be a contributing factor in the development of
the extracellular matrix.51 The loss of adhesiveness was these other forms of glaucoma. Only prospective studies
believed to be related to the rearrangement of cytoskeletal might provide further insight into this problem.
structures. Continued exposure to H2O2 might lead to Finally, there has been a progressive expansion in the
trabecular endothelial cell loss and compromised outflow. role of vitrectomy in retinal disorders. For instance, a


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Stanley Chang, MD, is currently a Edward Harkness Professor and Ku Teh Ying and K. K. Tse Professor and Chairman,
Department of Ophthalmology, Columbia University, New York, New York. Dr Chang graduated from the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University and completed his Ophthalmology residency training at Massachusetts
Eye and Ear Infirmary and a vitreoretinal fellowship at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute. Dr Chang pioneered the development
of perfluorocarbon liquids and panoramic viewing, and surgical techniques for the management of complex retinal


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