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2. special cars
3. wedding
4. demonstrated
5. suitable
6. kinds of cars
7. concerned
8. a reputation
9. pride
10. Hearing

1. What does the writer offer to the company ?
Anwes : volunteered to work as a law
2. Who is the receiver of the offering letter ?
Answer : Mr. Atmaja
3. How do the receiver contact the sender of the letter ?
Answer : by contacting him to the number 8886 7433
4. How long has Wicaksono practiced law ?
Answer : practiced law for more than twenty years
5. What can Mr. Hendita Wicaksono do for Nusa Bhakti lestari group ?
Answer : that sturdily resist mining company and continually harm coral reefs conservation.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c a I D B H J F E G


An advocate Seorang advokat

contantly selalu
Coral reefs conservation Konservasi terumbu karang
Environmental issues Isu yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan
Experience and proficiency Pengalaman dan kecakapan
Has practiced Sudah berlatih
Legal services Layanan hukum
Mining company Perusahaan pertambangan
Very interested Sangat tertarik
volunteer sukarelawan

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