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Physics exam

Multiple choice questions:

1. An object that’s moving with constant speed travels once around a circular path. True statements about
this motion include which of the following?
I. The displacement is zero.
II. The average speed is zero.
III. The acceleration is zero.

A. I only

B. I and II only

C. I and III only

D. III only

E. II and III only

2. How long would it take a car, starting from rest and accelerating uniformly in a straight line at 5 m/s2, to
cover a distance of 200 m ?

A. 9.0 s

B. 10.5 s

C. 12.0 s

D. 15.5 s

E. 20.0 s
3. A rock is dropped off a cliff and strikes the ground with an impact velocity of 30 m/s. How high was the

A. 15 m

B. 20 m

C. 30 m

D. 45 m

E. 60 m
4. A soccer ball, at rest on the ground, is kicked with an initial velocity of 10 m/s at a launch angle of 30°.
Calculate its total flight time, assuming that air resistance is negligible.

A. 0.5 s

B. 1 s

C. 1.7 s

D. 2 s

E. 4 s
5. A force F of strength 20 N acts on an object of mass 3 kg as it moves a distance of 4 m. If F is
perpendicular to the 4 m displacement, the work it does is equal to

A. 0 J

B. 60 J

C. 80 J

D. 600 J

E. 2,400 J
6. Under the influence of a force, an object of mass 4 kg accelerates from 3 m/s to 6 m/s in 8 s. How
much work was done on the object during this time?

A. 27 J

B. 54 J

C. 72 J

D. 96 J

E. Cannot be determined from the information given

7. The moon has mass M and radius R. A small object is dropped from a distance of 3R from the moon’s
center. The object’s impact speed when it strikes the surface of the moon is equal to

 for k =




8. Two objects, one of mass 3 kg and moving with a speed of 2 m/s and the other of mass 5 kg and
speed 2 m/s, move toward each other and collide head-on. If the collision is perfectly inelastic, find the
speed of the objects after the collision.

A. 0.25 m/s

B. 0.5 m/s

C. 0.75 m/s

D. 1 m/s

E. 2 m/s

9. Object #1 moves toward object #2, whose mass is twice that of object #1 and which is initially at rest.
After their impact, the objects lock together and move with what fraction of object #1’s initial kinetic





E. None of the above

10. A wooden block of mass M is moving at speed V in a straight line.

How fast would the bullet of mass m need to travel to stop the block (assuming that the bullet became
embedded inside)?

A. mV/(m + M)

B. MV/(m + M)

C. mV/M

D. MV/m

E. (m + M)V/m

In the figure below, blocks A and B have weights of 40 N and 24 N, respectively. (a) Determine the
minimum weight of block C to keep A from sliding if μs between A and the table is 0.25. (b) Block C
suddenly is lifted off A. What is the acceleration of block A if μk between A and the table is 0.15?

In the figure below, a runaway truck with failed brakes is moving downgrade at 101 km/h just before the
driver steers the truck up a frictionless emergency escape ramp with an inclination of θ = 14°. The truck's
mass is 1.5 x 104 kg. (a) What minimum length L must the ramp have if the truck is to stop (momentarily)
along it? What is the minimum length L if (b) the truck's mass is decreased by 20% and (c) its speed is
decreased by 35%?
In a shuttle craft of mass m = 3.00 x 10^3 kg, Captain Janeway orbits a planet of radius r = 4.20 x 10^7 m
and mass M = 9.50 x 10^25 kg. Determine (a) the period of the orbit, (b) the speed of the shuttle craft, (c)
the potential energy of the planet shuttle system, (d) the kinetic energy of the shuttle, and (e) the total
mechanical energy of the system.

In the figure below, puck 1 of mass m1 = 0.20 kg is sent sliding across a frictionless lab bench, to
undergo a one-dimensional elastic collision with stationary puck 2. Puck 2 then slides off the bench and
lands a distance d from the base of the bench. Puck 1 rebounds from the collision and slides off the
opposite edge of the bench, landing a distance 2d from the base of the bench. What is the mass of puck 2
(in kg)? 

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