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Level 1

4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

Unit 4 Unit test

Name: ____________________________ ( ) Total marks: 50 marks

Class: ____________________________ Time: 35 min

1 Attempt ALL questions.
2 Write your answers in the spaces provided on the Answer Sheet.

A True or false questions (5 marks, 1 mark each)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1 The image formed in the microscope is upright.

2 In a microscope, the longer the objective, the higher the magnification.
E3 Animals have organs but plants do not.
4 Brothers and sisters look alike because they share some common DNA.
E5 Using the diaphragm to prevent pregnancy can also provide protection against
sexual transmitted diseases.

B Multiple-choice questions (10 marks, 1 mark each)

1 Which of the following structures are present in both animal and plant cells?
(1) Cytoplasm
(2) Large vacuole
(3) Cell membrane
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

2 What is the total magnification of the microscope when a 10X eyepiece and a
40X objective are used?
A 40X
B 50X
C 200X
D 400X

New Mastering Science -1- Unit test 4.Level 1 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 1
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

3 There is a pond water sample in the school laboratory. A student wants to find
out if there is any Amoeba in the water. Which of the following is the most
suitable instrument for the student?
A Magnifying glass
B Light microscope
C Electron microscope
D Telescope

4 Which of the following comparisons about the male and female sex cells in
humans is INCORRECT?
Male sex cell Female sex cell
A Looks like a tadpole Spherical
B Has a nucleus Does not have a nucleus
C Can move by itself Cannot move by itself
D Smaller Larger

5 Which of the following body changes occur in girls at puberty?

(1) The secretion of sebum in the skin increases.
(2) The hip becomes wider.
(3) Hair grows on pubic area.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

6 In which part of the female reproductive system does fertilization normally take

A Part W
B Part X
C Part Y
D Part Z

New Mastering Science -2- Unit test 4.Level 1 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 1
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

7 In humans, how long does it take for a zygote to grow to a foetus ready to be
A 18 weeks
B 28 weeks
C 38 week
D 48 weeks

8 Which of the following statements about the menstrual cycle are correct?
(1) It occurs after a girl enters puberty.
(2) It usually lasts about five days.
(3) It occurs only when the ovum is not fertilized.
A (1) and (2) only B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only D (1), (2) and (3)

Directions: Questions 9 and 10 refer to the diagram below which shows how a pair
of twins is formed. The twins are boys.
baby boy 1

stage I stage II


baby boy 2

9 Which of the following statements about the cells in stages I and II is

A The cell at stage I has 23 chromosomes.
B The cells at stage II have the same DNA.
C Each cell at stage II has 46 chromosomes.
D The cells at stages I and II carry the X chromosome.

10 When the two baby boys grow up, they must have
A the same height.
B the same skin colour.
C the same IQ.
D the same blood group.

New Mastering Science -3- Unit test 4.Level 1 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 1
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

C Fill in the blanks (10 marks, 1 mark each)

Complete the following sentences and diagram.

1 The a is the basic unit of living things.
2 Living things grow by forming new cells through b . The new cells develop
into cells with specialized functions through c
3 The d stores water and dissolved minerals in plant cells.
4 Absence of e is the most reliable sign of pregnancy.
5 The attachment of embryo to uterine lining is called f .
6 The g holds the testes outside the abdomen.
7 In the male reproductive system, sex cells are produced in the h . In the
female reproductive system, sex cells are produced in the i .
8 In boys at puberty, j may flow out from the penis during sleep. This is called
noctural emission.

D Questions (25 marks)

1 A student observes a green leaf cell and a cell taken from the mouth of a cat
under the microscope. He draws diagrams of the cells as shown below.

cell X cell Y

a State ONE mistake made by the student in the drawing. (1 mark)

b Which cell is taken from a green leaf, cell X or cell Y? Give TWO reasons
for your answer. (2 marks)
c Structure F is green in colour. Suggest what it is and state its function.
(2 marks)

New Mastering Science -4- Unit test 4.Level 1 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 1
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

2 The diagrams below shows the chromosome set found in two cells, A and B.

In cell A In cell B

a Suggest what cell A and cell B are. (2 marks)

E b A chromosome is made up of tightly coiled DNA.


Describe the structure of DNA. Explain how this structure is formed.

(2 marks)
E c How does DNA determine our traits? (1 mark)

New Mastering Science -5- Unit test 4.Level 1 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 1
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

3 The diagram below shows the structures in a pregnant woman.

a i What is liquid A? State ONE function of it. (2 marks)

ii From which structure is liquid A produced? Name the structure.
(1 mark)
b i Name structure B which is disc-like. (1 mark)
ii Describe the importance of structure B to the development of the
embryo. (2 marks)

4 The table below shows the distribution of blood groups in a class.

Blood group A B AB O
No. of students 12 5 3 20

a State the type variation that the blood group belongs to. (1 mark)
b Draw a graph on the answer sheet to present the above data. Write a title for
the graph. (7 marks)
c State the type of the graph in b. (1 mark)

- End -

New Mastering Science -6- Unit test 4.Level 1 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 1
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

Unit 4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

Unit test
Answer sheet

Name: ____________________________ ( ) Marks: _______/50

Class: ____________________________

A True or false questions (5 marks, 1 mark each)

1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________ 5 __________

B Multiple-choice questions (10 marks, 1 mark each)

1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________ 5 __________

6 __________ 7 __________ 8 __________ 9 __________ 10 __________

C Fill in the blanks (10 marks, 1 mark each)

a ______________________________ b ______________________________

c ______________________________ d ______________________________

e ______________________________ f ______________________________

g ______________________________ h ______________________________

i ______________________________ j ______________________________

D Questions (25 marks)

1 a _____________________________________________________________


b _____________________________________________________________


c _____________________________________________________________



New Mastering Science -7- Unit test 4.Level 1 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 1
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

2 a Cell A: ______________________________________________________

Cell B: ______________________________________________________

b __________________________________________________________________




c __________________________________________________________________




3 a i ______________________________________________________________

ii ______________________________________________________________




b i ______________________________________________________________

ii ______________________________________________________________





New Mastering Science -8- Unit test 4.Level 1 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 1
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

4 a _____________________________________________________________

c _____________________________________________________________

- End -

New Mastering Science -9- Unit test 4.Level 1 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018
Level 1
4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

Unit 4 Cells, human reproduction and heredity

Unit test

Detailed marking scheme are

provided in the complete version.

New Mastering Science - 10 - Unit test 4.Level 1 (Trial)

© Oxford University Press 2018

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