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Installation, Operation &

Maintenance Manual


English Version V 06 / 2016

Please read carefully before commissioning and follow

instructions. Keep in a safe place for future use.

RENNER GmbH Kompressoren

Emil-Weber Str. 32
D-74363 Gueglingen
Tel: +49 (0)7135 931 93 0
Fax: +49 (0)7135 931 93 50
[email protected]
Table of contents

Chapter 0 Nr. Subject page

information 0.1 General information 0-2

0.2 Structure and use of this manual 0-4

0.3 Intended usage / misuse 0-6

0.4 Requirement of the user 0-7

0.5 Personnel responsibilities 0-8

Chapter 1 Nr. Subject page

Safety advice
1.1 Symbols 1-2

1.2 Basic safety advice 1-3

1.3 Accident conduct 1-6

Chapter 2 Nr Subject page

description 2.1 Authorised access points 2-2

2.2 Safety devices 2-4

2.3 Compressor unit 2-5

2.4 Instrumentation panel RENNERlogic 2-9

2.5 RENNERtronic Control (optional) 2-10

2.6 RENNERtronic plus Control (optional) 2-11

2.7 Refrigeration dryer (optional) 2-12

Table of contents Content-I

Table of contents (continuation)

Chapter 3 Nr. Subject page

Installation &
putting into 3.1 Compressor installation 3-2
3.2 Connections 3-3

3.3 Putting into operation 3-5

Kapitel 4 Nr. Subject page

Operating / normal
use 4.1 Control instrumentation RENNERlogic 4-2

4.2 Control instrumentation RENNERtronic 4-3

4.3 Control instrumentation RENNERtronic plus 4-5

4.4 Compressor startup / normal use 4-6

4.5 To stop the compressor 4-8

4.6 Failures during operation 4-10

Table of contents Content-II

Chapter 5 Nr. Subject page
5.1 What to take into account 5-2

5.2 Remove faults 5-4

5.3 Venting the compressor system 5-5

5.4 Cleaning work 5-6

5.5 Checking oil level 5-7

5.6 Change of oil filter 5-8

5.7 Changing oil 5-9

5.8 Cleaning oil level sight glass 5-10

5.9 Cleaning oil cooler 5-11

5.10 Checking safety valve 5-12

5.11 Tensioning and changing drive belt(s) 5-13

Chapter 6 Nr. Subject page

and disposal 6.1 Decommissioning of plant 6-2

6.2 Re-commissioning after storage 6-4

6.3 Shut-down and disposal 6-5

Table of contents Content-III

Appendixes Nr. Subject

AT Data sheet

ACE CE Conformity Declaration

AW1 Maintenance check

AW2 Motor bearings

AW3 Maintenance work

ADS Pressure switch

AKT Refrigeration dryer (optional)

Table of contents Content-IV

Chapter 0
General Information

Contents Hereunder you will find general information relating to the

following subjects:
Utilisation of the INSTALLATION, OPERATION &
Compressor Operation and Usage
Personnel responsibilities

Survey This chapter relates to the following subjects:

No. Subject Page

0.1 General information 0-2

0.2 Structure and use of the manual 0-4

0.3 Intended Usage 0-5

0.4 Requirement of the user 0-6

0.5 Personnel responsibilities 0-7

0 General Information 0-1

0.1 General Information

Contents General information regarding this manual.

Validity This manual is applicable to the following compressor:

Compressor Detail Classification

Type Screw compressor

Year of construction

Serial number



Manufacturer RENNER GmbH compressors

Emil-Weber-Strasse 32
D-74363 Gueglingen

Date of issue June 2016

Safe-keeping and This manual should be kept in a clean safe condition and
completeness should be readily available to authorised personnel at all
Do not remove any pages from this manual.
Any lost or mislaid pages should be replaced especially if
they relate to health and safety matters.

Continuation next page

0 General Information 0-2

0.1 General Information (Continuation)

Copyright This documentation contains copyrighted information.

Without prior consent of RENNER GmbH this information
must not be photocopied, duplicated, translated or put on
data carrier neither as a whole or part document.
RENNER GmbH reserves all further rights.

Modification of the For safety reasons any modification or alteration may be

compressor permitted only after having received the agreement of the man-
If modifications are made without the prior agreement of the
manufacturer all warrantees and manufacturers responsibilities
will be invalidated.

In these cases, the process for conformity evaluation pursuant

to 2006/42/EC for all components may need to be carried out

Suppliers’ The following suppliers documents are part of this manual and
documents *) must be kept save and related to:

Documents for manufacturer



Operation manual air RENNER GmbH

dryer D-74363 Güglingen

*) in case the compressor is equipped with any of these options

0 General Information 0-3

0.2 Structure and use of this manual

Contents The following information relates to the structure and use of this

Chapter This manual contains the following chapters:

Chapter Summary

0 General Information regarding:

– the manual,
– its usage
– personnel responsibilities

1 Definition of the symbols used

Basic safety instructions

2 Description and function of the compressor

3 Operating the compressor

4 Maintenance hints

A(xy) Appendix (es)

Numbering The pages have been consecutively numbered according to

of pages the chapter:
Example: 3-2
Signifies: Chapter 3, Page 2
Example: AS-1
Signifies: Appendix and „S“ for control, Page 1

Continuation next page

0 General Information 0-4

0.3 Intended usage / misuse

The intended usage of the compressor is described

Definition: Persons are regarded as authorized, when they have received

authorized persons adequate training/instruction and is then charged with defined
work on or with the compressor... Keys to the guard doors must
only be made accessible to authorized persons.

Intended usage The compressor should only be used according to the manu-
facturer recommendations in conjunction with the following
bullet points.
The compressor must be used only for the compression
of technically clean air without any detrimental or explosive
additives or impurities.
Ambient temperature must be below 40°C*.
Authorized persons only are allowed to work on the
The machine must only be operated with the safety devices
The safety* and operating advice contained in this manual
must be observed
Any instructions given by the operating company must be
The legal accident prevention rules must be respected

Misuse Misuse is regarded as:

Operation by non-authorized persons
Operation by disregarding rules and regulations
Operation without corresponding treatment / cleansing
of the compressed air in the field of foodstuffs and breathing
Operation with defective safety-devices or those deactivated
or modified

* please consult your dealer or the manufacturer with details in case the ambient
temperature is higher in your compressor room

0 General Information 0-5

0.4 Requirement of the user

Contents Hereafter the duties and obligations of the user are outlined
when operating the machines

Safety of the plant The user has to particularly ensure that

the compressor must be used only according to Manu-
facturer recommendations in conjunction with all current
health and safety regulations
the compressor must be operated only when in faultless
condition and fully functional
the integrated safety devices are regularly serviced and are
fully functional
only adequately qualified and authorized personnel operate,
service, and repair the compressor

Protection of staff The operating company must ensure that the personal
protective equipment required is available for
the operating personnel,
the service and maintenance personnel
the maintenance and repair personnel and that it is
used accordingly

Briefing and The operating company must ensure:

training that prior to start up all personnel who will maintain,
service or operate the compressor are fully aware of the
current personal and environmental safety regulations
and procedures.
Annual personnel update of safety procedures would be
the complete manual must always be available at the site
of the compressor in a readable condition
that personnel are aware of the location of the manual,
the content and particularly the safety chapters.
the safety and warning advices mounted are not taken
away or made illegible

0 General Information 0-6

0.5 Personnel responsibilities

Contents The requirements in regard to personnel responsibilities are

as follows.

Duty of operating The personnel must carry out the following duties:
personal to control and inspect the compressor as to its faultless
and safe function (see chapter 2.1)
to operate the compressor according to the operating
points previewed
to recognize and delete or report respectively disturbances
and irregularities.

Responsibilities In order to carry through the requisitions the service personal

of operating must accomplish the following requirements
personnel The operator (of the compressor) must have received
instructions from the operating company as to the labor
protection law.
The operator must have a clear understanding of the
instructions given by the operating company and must carry
them out.

Duties of the The service and maintenance personnel must comply with the
maintenance per- following duties:
sonnel carry through regular inspection and maintenance work
up-keep of the compressor
carry through test runs of the machine
check the integrated safety devices

Requirement The following qualifications are required in regard to

of maintenance maintenance personnel:
personnel The maintenance personnel must have successfully
passed a test as skilled (machinery) labour - or equivalent.
The personnel must comply with the maintenance

0 General Information 0-7

Chapter 1
Safety Advice

Contents This chapter informs you about

Definition of the symbols used.
Basic advice as to the safe handling of the compressor.
Advice regarding accidents.

Important advice!
It must be clearly understood that the safety advice given in
this manual should only be used as an additional aid to the
national safety accident prevention rules and laws currently
in force.

Existing accident prevention rules and regulations must be

retained and adhered to at all times.

Survey This chapter relates to the following subjects:

No Subject Page

1.1 Symbols 1-2

1.2 Basic safety advice 1-3

1.3 Accident conduct 1-6

1 Safety advice 1-1

1.1 Symbol

Contents Symbol definitions


This symbol relates to the danger of life and health of people

Dangers to life will be particularly related to by using the

expression: danger for life.


This symbol relates to danger for life and health of people due
to electric voltage.


This symbol is a sign of danger for machine, material or the



This symbol is to indicate important advice and information

which contribute to your own safety, as well as to the better
understanding of the compressor operation.


This symbol indicates advice as to the disposal of machinery

parts and operating materials.

1 Safety advice 1-2

1.2 Basic safety advice

Contents Hereafter you will find basic safety advice for the safe handling
of the compressor.


To minimise risk of personal injury, damage to equipment

or property, strictly follow the remedial actions stated below.

Possible danger Remedial action

Remaining dangers You should only operate this

The screw compressor has equipment
been designed and built
Having the qualification
according to latest technical
standards and according to
recognized safety regulations Having received
and is equipped with complete instructions
corresponding safeguarding from the Operating
equipment. Company
However, remaining risks Having completely
cannot be excluded. read and understood this
These dangers will be
explained in this chapter. Before any maintenance
or service work is carried
Endangerment of people
out the RED STOP button
due to lack of qualification
must be pressed. The
and/or operational faults of the
incoming electrical supply
service personnel.
to the compressor must
also be switched off and
Operational faults may cause
personal injury, or damage to
equipment and property.

Protective gloves and protective goggles must be worn

during some of the maintenance work. Please observe the
corresponding advice

1 Safety advice 1-3

1.2 Basic safety advice (continuation)


Please strictly follow the under mentioned safety advice to

avoid the danger of electrical shock or personal injury.

Possible danger Remedial actions

Danger of life Do not touch live cables or

Danger to people by an connections.
electric shock.
In case of damaged cables
report immediately to the
maintenance personnel.
The machine operates
(as standard) at a voltage Ensure all doors to
of 400 V with an electrical installations
adequately high amperage. are closed securely.
As voltages of more than
Always isolate electrical
44 mA can be fatal,
supply before starting any
corresponding precautions
maintenance work on the
are required.
Only trained personnel
must carry out maintenance
and service work.
Wear rubber soled safety
shoes when working on the
compressor electrical circuit.
Make sure that during
maintenance or service work
no third party may switch on
the circuit breaker

There are no open flames and no sparks allowed at the site

of operation.

1 Safety advice 1-4

1.2 Basic safety advice (continuation)


To minimise risk of personal injury, damage to equipment or

property, strictly follow the remedial actions stated below.

Possible damage Measures for prevention

Physical injury of the Do not remove or make

personnel and damage inoperative any safety device
to the compressor due
Rectify defects immediately
to removal or evasion
they are recognised
of protective devices
Electrical work/repairs must
be carried out by a qualified
electrician only

Damage to the Do not exceed the technical

compressor due to limit values stipulated

Burns through hot Do not touch compressor parts

compressor parts immediately after having opened
the doors of the canopy

Burns through hot Turn the oil filler cap slowly

lubrication oil when anticlockwise during the first
topping up or changing 5 rotations until a tangible
oil “snap-point”.
Thus the remaining pressure
will be slowly relieved
(see also chapter 5.7: Changing Oil)

Possible eye and Let the compressor sufficiently

skin burn due to hot cool down and handle with great
condensate spurt care before disconnecting it from
the c.a. system.
Wear protective goggles

Danger through Do not bring compressed air to

compressed air bear on any creature
Danger of life
Compressed air may
severely injure human
and domestic animals

1 Safety advice 1-5

1.3 Accident Conduct

Contents Hereafter you will get to know which measures must be taken at
accidents or disasters (e.g. fire or explosion)

Preparations for Please undertake the following measures at regular time

appropriate help at intervals so as to be prepared in case of an accident:
accidents Take part on regular basis in First - Aid courses in order
to brush up your knowledge.
Get yourself regularly informed about the possibilities
which are at your disposal in regards to rescue facilities for
First Aid in your company
Safe-guard a list at your work place containing the
telephone numbers required as well as the contact person.

Accident conduct At an accident, proceed in the following sequence:

Action Then

1 there are injured administer first aid if you are a

people trained first aider?

inform the rescue team of the

2 there are
severity of injuries and type of
injuries to people
damage to property.
and damage to

3 the disaster (fire) leave the machine

has happened immediately
use the marked emergency
exists and escape facilities.
do not use elevators/lifts!

4 there are injuries inform your supervisor

to people, damage immediately or another person
to equipment or from the list of company first
buildings aiders or safety officers. This list
should be clearly visible in the
working area.

1 Safety advice 1-6

Chapter 2
Machine description

Content This chapter covers the following:

definition of the safe access points for operating the com-
overview of the compressor and its control instrumentation,
technical data.

Overview This chapter is subdivided as follows:

No. Subject Page

2.1 Authorised access points 2-2

2.2 Safety devices 2-4

2.3 Compressor unit 2-5

2.4 Instrumentation panel RENNERlogic 2-9

2.5 RENNERtronic Control (optional) 2-10

2.6 RENNERtronic plus Control (optional) 2-11

2.7 Refrigeration dryer (optional) 2-12

2 Machine description 2-1

2.1 Authorised access points

Content This section defines the safe access points for operating the
compressor and for carrying out minor inspection and mainte-
nance work.

Important Other access points are not intended for operating the com-
Note! pressor and are therefore not permitted as operator stations!
Safe operation can only be guaranteed from the operator termi-
nals specified. Work on the switch box and electrical installa-
tions may only be carried out by qualified electricians.

Access points

Continued overleaf

2 Machine description 2-2

2.1 Authorised access points (cont.)

Description of the The following access points only are provided for the operation
access points of the machine:

No. Operation ... Actions permitted

1 ... of the control panel Check working pres-

Check oil and operating
Read operating hours

Switch compressor on

Emergency stop
or shut-down of com-

2 ... of the safety devices Carry out inspection

and minor maintenance

2 Machine description 2-3

2.2 Safety devices

Content This section provides an overview of the major compressor el-

ements and their functions.

Figure 3
safety devices

Description of the The following safety devices are fitted to the outside of the
safety devices compressor:

Item Description Function

1 Emergency stop Stops compressor immediately in


2 Electric panel Guard door on control box

door to be opened by qualified electricians
CAUTION: Danger to life! Electrical
3 Top lid Access to air filter and oil trap car-

4 Side panels Access to motor, drive belt, oil filter,

oil filler neck, pressure switch and
control valve

2 Machine description 2-4

2.3 Compressor unit
Figure 7 6
10 11
compressor unit

8 9 14 12

Description of the After removing the front walls of the compressor, you will see
compressor unit the most important components of the unit:

Item Description Function

6 Suction air filter Is used to filter suction air


7 Separator cartridge Filters the finest residue oil

from the compressed air after

8 Air end Generate air pressure

9 V-belt Power transfer

10 Safety valve Pressure limitation

11 Electro-motor Drive

12 Oil filter Purifies the compressor oil

13 Pressure switch Controls the switch-on and

switch-off pressure

14 Oil filter neck Oil level control and refill

2 Machine description 2-5

2.3 Compressor unit (cont.)

Description Air end (item 8)

aggregate The direction of rotation of the air end is to the left (anti-
components clockwise) when looking from the front-side on to the shaft (see
picture). Pay attention to the directional arrow on the side of the
air end with the sign D.

Suction air filter (item 6)

The suction air filter is directly mounted on to the suction stud of
the suction regulator.
The dry micro-filter with a rating of 10 µm filters the intake air.

Pressure switch (electric)

The pressure switch is directly connected to the outlet of the
machine. It controls the suction regulator. The values for pmax
and pmin are set at this switch.
pmax: is the upper service pressure at which the unit normally
stops pumping
Pmin: is the lower service pressure at which the unit normally
starts pumping again.

The pressure switch has been correctly set in the factory.

Authorised personnel must only carry out adjustments to the
pressure switch.

Suction regulator
The suction regulator is directly connected to the air end. It con-
trols the air volume sucked in by the compressor via the air suc-
tion filter.
Function of the suction regulator:
The suction regulator comprises of one main valve. This oper-
ates as a control valve and at the same time as a hermetically
sealed isolator valve. At full load the suction cross-section is
fully opened.
When the machine stops this valve closes quickly and thus the
suction cross section is locked altogether.
The multi-functions of the regulator are ensured by just one
flange mounted control unit.

Minimum pressure valve

The minimum pressure valve is situated at the outlet of the
compressor unit just before the air-after cooler.
It performs two tasks:

1) As a minimum pressure valve it prevents a loss of pressure

(in the air end) when no counter pressure in the air-mains is
available. A minimum pressure is necessary in order to safe-
guard lubrication of the air end.

2 Machine description 2-6

2.3 Compressor unit (continuation)

Description unit 2) As a “non return valve“ it prevents at the same time the re-
components verse flow of compressed air from the air mains or the air ves-
(contd.) sel, back into the compressor unit. Due to this function the
compressor unit is totally pressure relieved once it is stopped.

The valve operates automatically. The setting of the minimum

pressure valve must only be done by persons authorised by the

Oil separator cartridge (Item 7)

The oil separator cartridge is not only designed for filtering the
oil from the compressed air, but serves at the same time to
reclaim the residual oil after pre-separation as drops, formerly
micro-distributed in the system. This cartridge is a spin on/off
type and – by means of the connection nipple – is screwed on
to the filter support of the oil re-claimer (see illustration below)


from return oil

compressed air
Illustration: oil separator cartridge

Oil return scavenge window / oil return scavenge

non-return valve
The oil return window (fitted to some air ends) is situated
near to the oil separator cartridge and shows the scavenged
oil coming from the a.m. cartridge.

When starting the compressor the scavenge window is filled

with oil due to its accumulation during standstill. After a few
minutes a mixture of oil and air can be observed. Separation
of oil in the cartridge takes place.
If after a longer period of operating time no oil can be observed
in the scavenge window, a disturbance may have happened
e.g. a clogged borehole. As a consequence the oil separated
will be carried over in the compressed air into the air
Only personnel authorised by the manufacturer are allowed
to rectify such problems.

2 Machine description 2-7

2.3.2 Compression unit (continuation)

Description: Oil scavenge window / oil scavenge non-return valve

Compression unit The oil scavenge non-return valve prevents the oil separator
components (con- cartridge from flooding by scavenging oil from the air end.
Oil filter (item 12)
The oil filter (cartridge) cleans the compressor oil from impuri-
ties. The cartridge is screwed on to the scavenge stud by hand.
The efficiency of the filter is about 25 µm.

The Combistat is a temperature indicator and control unit.
It is built into the instrument panel. It monitors the maximum
permissible service temperature of the unit, which is set at
110°C (red mark).
When this temperature is reached the electric circuit is discon-
nected and the unit stops automatically.
Do not bend the connecting line between the compressor and
the Combistat, otherwise the electric circuit is interrupted.

Safety valve (item 10)

The safety valve is mounted on the oil re-claimer before the oil
separator cartridge. It is set 1-2 bar above the max. gauged
pressure. The safety valve blows off in case the final pressure
is exceeded due to a fault somewhere in the system.

2 Machine description 2-8

2.4 Instrumentation Panel RENNERlogic

5 6 4

Description of the The following controls are found on the instrumentation panel:
panel RENNERlogic Item Description Function

1 Start button Switches the compressor on

2 Stop button Switches the compressor off

3 Emergency stop Switches the compressor off

in case of emergency

4 Operating hour Counts the number of hours op-

meter erated by the compressor

5 Pressure gauge: Indicates pressure ratios or ex-

Working pressure cess pressure

6 Combistat tempera- Indicates operating temperature

ture indicator and overheating

2 Machine description 2-9

2.5 RENNERtronic Control (Optional)

Content The “RENNERtronic” controls and monitors the entire workings

of the compressor. It is possible to set or change a number of
parameters and functions.=> please also note the enclosed

Control 1 4 6

2 3

Instrumentation The "RENNERtronic" control features the following

components: instrumentation controls:
RENNERtronic Item Description Function

1 Compressor ON Switches the compressor on

2 Compressor OFF Switches the compressor off

3 Multiple function Navigates in the menus, sets

keys parameters, etc.

4 Display Displays the parameters

5 LED (green) Service LED

6 LED (red) Fault / maintenance LED


Please see the explanations in Chapter 4 and the instruction

manual for the “RENNERtronic” control.

2 Machine description 2-10

2.6 RENNERtronic plus Control (Optional)

Content The “RENNERtronic plus” controls and monitors the entire

workings of the compressor. It is possible to set or change a
number of parameters and functions.=> please also note the
enclosed instructions

Figure 4 3
RENNERtronic plus

Instrumentation The "RENNERtronic plus" control features the following

components: instrumentation controls:
RENNERtronic plus Item Description Function

1 Compressor ON Switches the compressor on

2 Compressor OFF Switches the compressor off

3 Multiple function Navigates in the menus, sets

keys parameters, etc.

4 Display Displays the parameters

5 LED (green) Service LED

6 LED (red) Fault / maintenance LED


Please see the explanations in Chapter 4 and the instruction

manual for the “RENNERtronic plus” control.

2 Machine description 2-11

2.7 Refrigerant drier (optional)

Contents This section provides a brief overview of the refrigeration drier,

installed as an optional feature.

Diagrams of
refrigerant drier

1.) Compressed air inlet 6.) Electrical connections

2.) Cpmpressed air outlet 7.) Maintenance access
3.) Refrigerant air intake 8.) Mounting holes
4.) Refrigerant air outlet E100.) On-off switch
5.) Steam trap EICA.) Electronic

Observe the safety instructions in the separate operating man-
ual for the refrigerant drier. It is especially dangerous to breathe
in refrigerant vapour or come into contact with liquid refrigerant.
Smoking is not permitted when working around the refrigerant
drier since ash from cigarettes, or any other naked flame (e.g.
when welding) combines with the refrigerant to produce poison-
ous vapours.

2 Machine description 2-12

Description The refrigerant drier also has a cooling unit to cool the com-
Refrigerant drier pressed air. The unit also removes moisture from the com-
pressed air. The resulting condensate is drained off using a
condensate separator.

Please see the explanations in chapter 4 and the KT Appendix
as well as the manufacturer’s instruction manual.

Please note

that the float of the steam trap is checked regularly and cleaned
when necessary. Exact instructions regarding the procedure
can be seen in the manufacturer's instruction manual in Point
5.1.3 Maintenance.

2 Machine description 2-13

Chapter 3
Installation and commissioning

Content This chapter contains the most important information on trans-

porting, installing and storing the compressor.

General Infor- The installation plan and the technical data of this specific
mation screw compressor model can be ordered from RENNER GmbH.
The compressor is delivered on a euro-pallet, packaged in a
carton and labelled.

Danger of tipping!
The machine can tip over at an inclination of more than 10°!
Use suitable transport means such as a forklift, lifting gear or
loading harness. Support it from the side.

Unpacking the machine has no special requirements and the

(interim) storage in the transport packaging is also not problem-
atic. Protect the compressor against tilting over by storing it on
level, firm ground.

Dispose of the packaging material (carton / marked sheets)


This chapter is subdivided into the following sections:

Overview No. Subject Page

3.1 Compressor installation 3-2

3.2 Connections 3-3

3.3 Compressor start-up 3-5

3 - Installation and start-up 3-1

3.1 Compressor installation

Content This section contains important instructions which you need to

observe in order to safely install the compressor and to prevent
damage or malfunction.

Follow the safety instructions!
Always remain outside the danger zone of a raised load!

Compressor instal- Key word Ensure that

Installation site • Surface: Flat, level, firm
• Building ceilings: Check load bearing
• Air: As cool as possible, clean, frost-free,
as little damp as possible
Temp.: +5°C (41°F) - +40°C (104°F)*
• Sufficient ventilation in the room
• Air intake must be sufficiently unobstruct-
• Arrange the air intake opening in such a
way that no loose items can be sucked in
• The installation site is illuminated (to read
off the instruments, carry out maintenance
Lifting work • Secure any loose, swinging or pivoting
parts before lifting the compressor
• Use suitable lifting gear
(weight acc. to data sheet)
• Always remain outside the danger zone of
a raised load
Conduits, • Remove all blank flanges, stoppers, co-
pressure pipes vers and bags with drying agents before
mounting conduits
• Please ensure that the connection from
the aftercooler to the compressed air sys-
tem can expand as a result of heat and
must be connected by means of a flexible
Exhaust air • An exhaust duct must at minimum have
the diameter of the cooler outlet area and
can be 3m in max. length with one bow of
90°; for longer ducts, use additional fans
with 20% more power than the compres-
sor fan
• When installing several compressors
please ensure that no compressor sucks
in the heated exhaust air from another
* Please ask your retailer in the event of higher temperatures.
3 - Installation and start-up 3-2
3.2 Connections

Content This section covers important instructions which you need to

observe in order to safely connect the compressor to the com-
pressed air system as well as the electrical supply.

Before connecting the machine to the compressed air system,
all conduits and hose connections inside the compressor must
be checked and, if necessary, retraced.

For plants with pressure tanks, an acceptance check of the air

collection tank must be made by a compressed air tank expert
before commissioning.
Start an inspection log!

A Compressed air connection

The system has all the required conduits and is ready for opera-
The following must be observed when connecting to the com-
pressed air system:

Compressed air Key word Ensure that

Pressure • Suitable screws and conduits are used for
the operating pressure
• The end pressure of the system is not
higher than stated on the rating plate.
• A non-return valve between the machine
and the compressed air system is not
required as it has already been integrated
in the machine.
Connection • Connect the system without voltage and
isolated against vibrations to the com-
pressed air system e.g. by using a flexible
Shut-off valve • The additional installation of a shut-off
valve is recommended to facilitate
maintenance tasks at the compressor
without de-pressurising the compressed
air system.
Condensate • An automatic steam trap can be integrat-
ed behind the after cooler for improved
condensate separation from the com-
pressed air

3 - Installation and start-up 3-3

3.2 Connections (continuation)

B Electrical connection
Attention! All wiring work on the controls, and the compressors
have to be carried out in consideration of the 5 safety rules.

Only the connection to the electricity supply is now required for

the machine which is now ready to use with all conduits in-
The machine must only be connected by an electrician!
The following must be observed when connecting to the mains

Electrical connec- Key word Ensure that

Voltage • Tthe machine is only connected to the
voltage stated on the engine rating plate
Rotation • The rotational direction is observed under
all circumstances! Based on the attached
• Checking the rotational direction see
chap. 3.3/3.4. Not necessary for
frequency-controlled compressors
Fuses • Customer to install the main fuse and
circuit breaker with the EMERGENCY
STOP function; these must be able to
switch at least 1.1 times the motor output
and must be clearly allocated to the ma-
• Ensure that the mains supply is sufficient-
ly secured (see data sheet)
Connection • The supply cable must be situated such
that there is no danger of tripping over it
• Insert the cable with leads L1, L2, L3, N
and PE through the PG connection
in the connection box
Connect the leads to terminals L1, L2, L3
N (wire 4) and PE respectively
Warning: if possible do not use plugs !!

3 - Installation and start-up 3-4

3.3 Compressor start-up

Content This section covers important information which you need to

observe in order to start up the compressor safely.

General points Each component of the machine is tested at the factory in con-
tinuous operation after the final assembly. The test ensures that
the components indicate the data given and operate fault-free.
During the initial hours of operation the machine must be
watched to determine any possible malfunctions.

The respective operating manuals must be read and observed
for machines with additional optionally installed components
(electronic control, frequency converter, refrigerant dryer).

Preparation The following points must be observed and carried out before
the first start-up:

Step Task to be carried out / Points to be


1 Have an electrician tighten all screw and terminal

connections in the control cabinet

2 The motor bearings of compressors, without perma-

nent greased motor bearings, that are unused longer
than 6 month have to be regreased before putting into

3 A clearly visible sign must be affixed to machines with

remote control with the following wording:
Warning! This machine is remote controlled and
may start without warning!

When controlling the machine remotely you must take

the safety precautions which prevent the
machine from starting up while it is controlled
or maintained; place a relevant instruction on the
remote control switch
4 Do not use the emergency or main switch to switch
the machine off during normal operations
see chapter 4 “Normal Mode Operation" (Pages 4-5)

3 - Installation and start-up 3-5

3.3 Compressor start-up (continuation)

Checking the When first starting up the machine, as well as after each
rotational direction change to the electrical feed line, the rotation of the screw com-
INFO pressor must be checked.
The rotation of the V-belt pulley must follow the direction of the
attached arrows! If necessary, reconnect the connecting cable

The rotation control must be carried out as a two-hand opera-

An incorrect rotation for longer than 2 seconds will lead to faults

in the screw compressor!

There is a danger from moving parts when checking the rotation

with the safety doors open!

Proceed as follows when checking the rotation:

Step Operation: Figure / Expl.

1 Open the front door
2 Start the compressor by tap-
ping the green start button
once with the one hand; im-
mediately let go of the button

3 Within 2 seconds stop the

compressor by pressing
the red stop button with the
other hand.

3 - Installation and start-up 3-6

3.3 Compressor start-up (continuation)

Test run Carry out a test run so that the oil can be distributed throughout
INFO the machine.

Conduct a
Step Operation: Figure / Expl.
test run
1 Open the shut-off valve.
Press the start button and let
the machine run for approx. 5

2 Press the stop button.

3 Repeat points 1 and 2 twice.

3 - Installation and start-up 3-7

Chapter 4
Operation / Normal use

Content This chapter covers the information required for normal opera-
tion of the compressor.

Overview This chapter is subdivided into the following sections:

No. Subject Page

4.1 Control instrumentation RENNERlogic 4-2

4.2 Control instrumentation RENNERtronic 4-3

4.3 Control instrumentation RENNERtronic plus 4-5

4.4 Starting normal operation 4-6

4.5 Switching off the compressor 4-8

4.6 Remedying malfunctions in normal operation 4-10

4 Operation / Normal use 4-1

4.1 Control instrumentation RENNERlogic

Content This section provides an overview of the instrumentation control


5 6 4

Function The control components have the following function(s):

components Item Description Function/Use
RENNERlogic 1 Start button Starts the compressor

The main switch must be
switched on. The main
switch is installed by the
2 Stop button Stops the compressor
3 Emergency Stop Stops compressor im-
mediately in emergency
4 Operating hour meter Counts the number of
hours the compressor
has actually run
5 Pressure gauge Displays working pres-
Working pressure sure setting
6 Temperature display Displays the oil tempera-
Combistat ture and operating tem-

4 Operation / Normal use 4-2

4.2 Control instrumentation RENNERtronic

Content This section provides an overview of the instrumentation control


1 9


3 4 5 6 7 8

Function The instrumentation control has the following function(s):

control Item Description Function
1 Compressor ON / Switches the compressor on

2 LED (green) Service LED

3 Compressor OFF/ Switches the compressor off


4 Arrow key UP The UP key takes you to the pre-

vious menu item and increases
parameter values.
Also serves to call up the INFO
level (in conjunction with the En-
ter key)

5 Arrow key DOWN The DOWN key takes you to the

next menu item and decreases
parameter values.
Also serves to call up the INFO
level (in conjunction with the En-
ter key)

4 Operation / Normal use 4-3

Item Description Function

Enter Select a menu item.

6 Confirm or save entries or

7 LED (red) Fault / maintenance LED

8 Quit Quit discards inputs and ends a

selected menu item.
It also acknowledges warning
and error messages.
9 Display Displays the parameters and the
error/warning messages.
1st line: Displays current opera-
tional data
2nd line: Displays menu values
as well as error and warning

4 Operation / Normal use 4-4

4.3 Control instrumentation RENNERtronic plus

Inhalt This section provides an overview of the instrumentation control

RENNERtronic plus.

Figure 1 9 8
plus 2 7

3 5

Function The instrumentation control has the following function(s):

Instrumentation Pos. Bezeichnung Funktion
RENNERtronic 1 LED (green) Service LED
2 Compressor ON / Switches the compressor on

3 Compressor OFF/ Switches the compressor off


4 LED (red) Fault / maintenance LED

5 Enter Select a menu item.

Confirm or save entries or

6 Arrow key DOWN The DOWN key takes you to the

next menu item and decreases
parameter values.

7 Arrow key UP The UP key takes you to the pre-

vious menu item and increases
parameter values.

8 Function keys On the display (9) to the left of

F1, F2, F3 the function keys, there is always
the current assignment
9 Display Displays the parameters and the
error/warning messages.

4 Operation / Normal use 4-5

4.4 Starting normal operation

Content The following section explains how to start the compressor and
contains essential points for normal operation.

There are moving parts inside the compressor housing which
can cause serious injuries.
Never operate the compressor with the housing open!

Before starting Check the following points before starting the compressor:
the compressor Is the oil level sufficiently high?
Is the main switch on?
Are any existing shut-off valves open?

Start compressor
and monitor in Step Operation Figure / Expl.
normal operation
1 Press the Start button to
start the compressor.

2 Monitor the following

points at regular intervals
during operation:
2a Working pressure
The working pressure
displayed must not ex-
ceed the maximum per-
missible value specified
on the type plate. If this
is the case, switch off the
compressor immediately.

4 Operation / Normal use 4-6

4.4 Starting normal operation (continuation)

Monitor normal Step Operation Figure / Expl.

2b Oil temperature and
operating temperature
The oil temperature and
operating temperature
must not exceed 110°C.
If 110°C is exceeded the
compressor will cut out
Should the compressor
fail to cut out automati-
cally it must be switched
off immediately by hand!
2c Operating hour meter
Various maintenance
work must be carried out
after a specified number
of operating hours.
The exact maintenance
intervals and relevant
servicing work are listed
in the maintenance

4 Operation / Normal use 4-7

4.5 Switching off the compressor

Content This section explains how to switch off the compressor in nor-
mal operation and/or at the end of operations.

Stop normal To switch off the compressor carry out the steps below in the
operation order listed:

Step Operation Figure / Expl.

1 Press the red Stop but-
ton while the compres-
sor is running to shut
down the compressor.

3 The compressor now

switches to the follow-
on time and stops au-
tomatically after that.

The follow-on time must
not be shorter than the
pre-adjusted time! (A
longer period of time is
no problem).
4 Press the Emergency
Stop to secure the
Emergency Stop

4 Operation / Normal use 4-8

4.5 Switching off the compressor (continuation)

Completely shut off If you want to shut off the compressor completely:
(e.g. after completing the work), then in addition to the above
steps, you must also turn off the main switch.

Switching the machine off via the red emergency stop button
can lead to the oil frothing up in the separator tank. Possible
Exit of oil exit with the discharge air.
Oil overflow in the separator cartridge
The compressed air could contain oil when re-starting the

Although this is not usually critical and is normalised during op-

erations, in certain cases, it could however become necessary
to replace the separator cartridge.

4 Operation / Normal use 4-9

4.6 Remedying malfunctions in normal operation

Content This section contains advice on remedying malfunctions.


Human error in remedying faults or lack of professional training

can lead to serious damage to property or physical injury.
It is therefore essential that faults are rectified by duly qualified

Before removing Always take the following steps before starting any work:
faults Switch the compressor and main switch off!
Discharge all the compressed air from the compressor and
air vessel!

Malfunctions The following faults may occur during operation:

Fault Possible Cause Remedy

System starts • No power Establish
starting power supply
• Loose cables Retighten cables or
or fuses fuses
• Motor protection Unlock motor protec-
switch has cut out tion switch (switch
• Combistat cut out / Ensure correct cool-
defective ing;
install new Combistat
if defective

• Connecting lines to Ensure correct guid-

Combistat are kinked ing of connection ca-

Continued overleaf

4 Operation / Normal use 4 - 10

4.6 Remedying malfunctions in normal operation (continuation)

Fault Possible Cause Remedy
System starts • Time for Check and correct
with difficulty star-delta connec- time setting,
tion too long or too correct setting
short 3-6 seconds,
adjust on Relay K 1T
• Machine is under Determine reason
• Voltage fluctua- Check solenoid valve
tions in the grid and relief valve and
change if necessary
• Ambient temper- Heat installation loca-
ature tion
too low causing
excess viscosity
of oil
• Oil is too viscous Select correct type of
ISO 68 or 46 for low
Compressor cuts • Motor overload Check and adjust
out before reaching tripping overload setting;
discharge pressure check and adjust dis-
charge pressure
switch setting; check
supply lead for phase
• Combistat cuts Ensure correct cool-
out due to ex- ing; install new Com-
cessively high bistat if defective
• Short circuit in Eliminate cause of
trip line short circuit, change
defective fuse

Continued overleaf

4 Operation / Normal use 4 - 11

4.6 Remedying malfunctions in normal operation (continuation)

Fault Possible Cause Remedy
Motor overload • Blocked Eliminate reason for
tripping (therm. system seizure
overcurrent relay) • Phase failure Check supply line
has stopped the • Motor over- Check and adjust
system loaded overload setting;
check and adjust dis-
charge pressure
switch setting

• Ambient tempe- Ensure adequate

rature too high ventilation

Combistat cuts out • Insufficient oil Check and adjust oil

due to excessively level
high temperature
• Oil filter clogged Change oil filter
• Oil thermostat Replace oil thermos-
defective tat
• Oil cooler dirty Clean oil cooler (air
• Compressor in- or oil side)
correctly installed Refer to recommen-
dations for installation
• Combistat defec- Adjust or replace
tive or incorrectly Combistat
Safety valve blows • Safety valve de- Change safety valve
• Oil separator Change separator
cartridge clogged cartridge

Continued overleaf

4 Operation / Normal use 4 - 12

4.6 Remedying malfunctions in normal operation (continuation)

Fault Possible Cause Remedy
Oil in compressed air • Oil scavenge line and Have oil scavenge
nozzle in oil sight system cleaned
glass clogged
• Separator cartridge
defective Check cartridge and
• Oil tank level too high replace if necessary
Rectify oil level
• Compressor was
before end of run-on Never switch off
time compressor until run-
on time has elapsed
Compressor does not • Upper trigger point of Reset discharge
vent during continuous discharge pressure pressure switch
operation; compressor switch set too high
does not cut out during • Solenoid valve defec-
intermittent operation, tive
i.e. safety valve blows • Relief valve defective Change solenoid
• Minimum pressure valve
valve jamming Change relief valve

Check and adjust

minimum pressure
Compressor vents • Solenoid valve defec- Change solenoid
continuously; low vol- tive valve
umetric capacity • Relief valve defective Change relief valve in
• Electric supply to so- intake regulator
lenoid valve discon- Restore supply line
nected connection
• Auxiliary contact on Y-
contactor defective Check switch and
replace if necessary
Non-existent or insuffi- • Intake filter clogged Change air filter
cient discharge capaci- • Intake regulator or
ty intake valve jamming Check regulator and
or positioned incor- butterfly valve and
rectly clean bearing and
(continuous operation) guides
• Leaks in the system
Rectify leaks

Continued overleaf

4 Operation / Normal use 4 - 13

4.6 Remedying malfunctions in normal operation (continuation)

Fault Possible Cause Remedy
Intake regulator • Actuating cylin- Install new actuating
does not close at der defective, no cylinder, check sole-
discharge pressure control pressure noid valve

• Nozzle blocked Clean nozzle

or frozen
Pressure vessel not • Non-return valve Change non-return
depressurising defective valve

Oil in compressor, • Loose connec- Tighten connection

oil mist on tion in oil line
venting • Check seal on oil Tighten screw,
drain plug seal if necessary
• Machine is shut Do not switch com-
off if under load pressor off until it has
(e.g. emergency coasted for
stop switch) three minutes, or
check the minimum
run-on time and set
to three minutes
• Check condition Fit new O-ring if nec-
and fit of O-ring essary
on intake regula-
System runs noisily • V-belts not cor- Check V-belt tension
rectly tensioned and tighten if neces-
• V-belt sets not Replace with match-
compatible ing set of belts
• V-belt pulleys not Check alignment of
aligned with each pulleys and adjust if
other necessary

4 Operation / Normal use 4 - 14

Chapter 5
Maintenance instructions

Content This chapter contains information on the maintenance work


Overview This chapter is subdivided as follows:

No. Subject Page

5.1 What to take into account 5-2

5.2 Remove faults 5-5

5.3 Venting the compressor system 5-6

5.4 Cleaning work 5-7

5.5 Checking oil level 5-8

5.6 Changing oil filter 5-9

5.7 Changing oil 5-10

5.8 Cleaning oil level sight glass 5-11

5.9 Cleaning oil cooler 5-11

5.10 Check safety valve 5-12

5.11 Tensioning and changing the drive belt(s) 5-13

5 Maintenance 5-1
5.1 What to take into account

Content This section contains general information to be heeded during

servicing and maintenance work.

Personnel Servicing and maintenance work may only be carried out by

requirement duly qualified personnel.

The specific personnel requirements are set out in Chapter 0.


It is essential to adhere to the following safety instructions in

order to avoid all risks of personal injury or death:

Potential Source of Dan- Preventive Measures


Crushing from moving Always maintain a safe dis-

parts tance from all moving parts
when carrying out test runs

Electric shock Switch off all voltage sources

before starting work.
Take measures to prevent
sources from being switched
on again by accident

Inappropriate spare parts Always replace self-locking

nuts and screws
Only use spare parts includ-
ed in the approved lists

Unauthorised/premature Do not release the unit for

approval of unit for opera- operation until the safety de-
tion vices are fully functional.
Only then is the work com-

5 Maintenance 5-2
5.1 What to take into account (continued)

After completion of The following steps must be carried out after completing the
work work:

Step Operation

1 Follow the maintenance schedule and complete the

inspection sheets, activity logs, etc. (see Appendix W
“Maintenance Check”).

2 Check that the safety devices are working correctly.

Do not release the machine for operation if the safety
devices are not in perfect working order.

3 Reinstall and secure any safety devices that have

been removed.

4 Remove any tools, foreign objects and materials left

lying around.

5 Carry out a test run and check the function of the ser-
viced components.

6 If you leave the machine before completing the work

keep the keys safe and inaccessible to unauthorised

Spare parts, Only genuine spare parts should be used when replacing com-
accessories ponents such as the oil filter, oil, air filter, separator cartridge, V-
belt, etc.

Repairs Only allow authorised dealers to carry out repair work.

A list of other persons authorised by the manufacturer to carry
out repairs can be obtained from the manufacturer on request.

Do not allow repairs to be carried out by any persons other

than those authorised by the manufacturer!

Servicing is carried out as agreed with the authorised dealer.

5 Maintenance 5-3
5.1 What to take into account (continued)

General Take the standard safety precautions and proceed with great
Notes care when carrying out any servicing work.
Please follow especially the points below:

Servicing work to be carried out by qualified personnel only.

Correct tools only to be used for servicing work.
Unit and power supply to be switched off before any servic-
ing work is carried out. Take measures to ensure that the
unit cannot be switched on accidentally!
Unit must be allowed to cool before carrying out servicing
work to avoid risk of burns!
Exception: oil change (unit at operating temperature); safety
instructions to be strictly adhered to in this case!
Unit to be disconnected from all sources of pressure and all
pressure removed before executing a maintenance work or
dismounting pressurised parts.
Scrupulous standards of cleanliness to be maintained dur-
ing servicing work; parts and exposed openings to be cov-
ered with a clean cloth, paper or masking tape.
Motor, air filter, electrical components, control equipment,
etc. to be protected from ingress of moisture, e.g. when be-
ing wiped.
Welding or other heat-based work never to be carried out in
close proximity to the oil system; oil tank to be fully dis-
charged and cleaned before such work.
No tools, loose parts or rags to be left in or on the unit.
Operating pressures, temperatures, time settings, control
equipment and cut-out devices to be checked for perfect
working order before unit is released for operation after
maintenance work.
Doors on unit to be closed before switching on the unit (in-
cluding for test run)!
Sound-absorbing materials to be left in place and retained.

5 Maintenance 5-4
5.2 Remove faults

Content This section covers general points on troubleshooting and con-

tains references to relevant sources of information.

Always take measures to ensure that the machine can be
shut off in an emergency by a second person.
You may only rectify faults or carry out checks if you are
duly qualified (specialist training in mechanical or electrical
Adhere to the general safety instructions contained in this
manual for handling the machine.
Follow the instructions given in this chapter and all other
maintenance instructions issued by the operator and pay
due regard to the documentation relating to the components
included in the unit (e.g. frequency converter, refrigerant

List of faults The necessary action to be taken in the event of faults is out-

... in Chapter 4.4. “Remedying malfunctions in normal opera-

tion” and
... in the operator’s internal servicing documents.

5 Maintenance 5-5
5.3 Venting the compressor system

Contents This section outlines the main points to be taken into account
when the unit has to be vented.

Why vent? The pressure has to be removed from the unit before all servic-
ing and maintenance work. The unit vents automatically when
switched off but if there is a fault the unit might remain pressur-
ised even after being switched off. Since this is not evident from
the outside it is always essential to vent the unit before servic-
ing work.

Beware of burns when unit is at operating temperature!

The oil filler plug can reach temperatures
up to approx. 110 °C ! Always use gloves when handling
the oil filler plug!
When the oil filler plug is unscrewed the residual pressure
may cause hot oil to squirt out! It is therefore essential to
wear safety goggles!

Venting the com- It is essential to adhere to the following instructions in order to

pressor system avoid the above risks of personal injury or death:

Step Operation
Switch off the unit and take measures to prevent it
from being restarted.
2 Unscrew cap on filler neck (oil filler plug) by hand.
The first five rotations of this plug must be made
slowly in an anti-clockwise direction until the detect-
3 able “snap point” is reached; the oil filler plug has a
side safety borehole through which the residual
pressure can gradually discharge.
Wait until all the pressure in the unit has been re-
lieved; the unit is now depressurised.

5 Maintenance 5-6
5.4 Cleaning work

Content The following section contains information on cleaning the

compressor and the air filter.

General points In terms of general cleaning, vacuum the unit or wipe it with a
damp cloth. Check the intake passage regularly, where neces-
sary removing any leaves, dust, dirt or similar matter in the in-
terests of an efficient air supply.

Never direct compressed air at living beings!

Misuse of the compressed air unit can cause serious tissue
damage or even fatal injuries.

Cleaning the air

Step Operation
1 Switch off the unit and take measures to prevent it
from being restarted.
2 Unscrew filter cover and remove filter cover.
3 Remove filter cartridge.
4 Wipe dust out of filter housing with a slightly damp
5 Replace filter.
6 Insert filter in housing.
7 Fit filter cover and screw on, ensuring that the cover
is correctly seated.
8 Carry out test run and functional check.

5 Maintenance 5-7
5.5 Checking oil level

Content This section outlines the procedure for checking the oil level in
the compressor.

General points The level in the oil tank is a key factor in the operational safety
of the unit. Due diligence should be exercised in conducting the
following checks at the specified times. Otherwise we cannot
accept liability in the event of damage.

Follow the safety instructions for venting the unit (see

Chap. 5.3)

Checking the oil

Step Instructions
1 Switch off the unit and take measures to prevent it
from being restarted.
2 Wait until the unit has been switched off for at least
three minutes.
3 Unscrew cap on filler neck of block by hand.
4 To check the oil level, look on the oil sight glasses:
Minimum oil level: Oil must not fall below half of the
oil sight glass right next to the thermal valve
Maximum oil level: Oil should not be higher than half
of the oil sight glass over the thermal valve
5 If necessary, refill to the maximum mark with oil of
the same kind.
6 Replace the oil filler plug firmly by hand.
7 Switch on the unit and check for leaks at the oil filler
8 If necessary, change the O-ring at the filler neck.

5 Maintenance 5-8
5.6 Changing oil filter

Content This section outlines the procedure for changing the oil filter.

Important note! An oil filter may only be changed when the unit is switched off
and fully depressurised and without power.

Changing the oil

Step Operation
1 Switch off the unit and take measures to prevent it
from being restarted. Allow the unit to cool to approx.
70°C and then remove the pressure as described in
Chapter 5.3.
2 Loosen the old oil filter with the hexagon screw and
remove it.
3 Place the new oil filter in the air end and tighten it.
4 Start the unit and check the oil filter for leaks.
5 Record the oil filter change on the maintenance
check sheet.

Comply with environmental guidelines

when disposing of used filter cartridges!

5 Maintenance 5-9
5.7 Changing oil

Content This section outlines the procedure for changing the oil.

Important note! The oil may only be changed when the unit is switched off and
fully depressurised! The unit should be at operating tempera-
ture (approx. 60°C - 80°C) when the oil change is carried out.
The unit should be run with the type of oil best suited to its op-
eration. The oil used by the factory is RENNER VDL N ISO 68.
It is recommended that this grade of oil is used.
Other oil grades must be comparable to the RENNER VDL ISO
68. Only refill the unit with oil of the same make and the same
Do not mix oils of different kinds!
Follow the safety instructions for venting the unit
(see Chap. 5.3)!

Changing the oil

Step Operation
1 Switch off the unit and take measures to prevent it
from being restarted. Allow the unit to cool to approx.
70°C and then remove the pressure as described in
Chapter 5.3.
2 Take a receptacle suitable for collecting the oil and
position it under the ball valve on the base of the
compressor block and then unscrew the plug and
open the ball valve.
3 Drain all the oil from the compressor block then close
the ball valve and replace the plug.
4 Pour the new oil into the filler neck up to the maxi-
mum level and replace the oil filler plug firmly by
5 Switch the unit on, let it run 2 to 3 times for only
about 5 seconds and switch it off again.This allows
the oil to be distributed in the unit before it is put on
6 Switch the unit on and allow it to run for approx.
three minutes.
7 Check the oil level and, if necessary, refill to maxi-
mum mark.
8 Check drain plug and oil filler plug for leaks.
9 Record the oil change on the maintenance check

Comply with environmental guidelines when disposing of

used oil!
* The machine must be completely emptied before using a synthetic oil,
e.g. (RENNER Super Lub).
(Including cooler and filter)

5 Maintenance 5-10
5.8 Cleaning oil return window

Content This section outlines the procedure for cleaning the oil scav-
enge sight gauge (optional extra).

General points The oil scavenge sight gauge is screwed onto the line on the
separator cartridge.

Cleaning the oil

Step Operation
level indicator
1 Switch off the unit and take measures to prevent it
from being restarted. Allow the unit to cool to approx.
70°C and then remove the pressure as described in
Chapter 5.3.
2 Undo the screws on the oil scavenge sight gauge.
3 Remove sight gauge and wipe over with a cloth.
4 Check seal and replace if necessary.
5 Refit sight gauge.

5.9 Cleaning oil cooler

Content This section outlines the procedure for cleaning the oil cooler.

General points If the oil cooler is not very dirty it can be left in the unit and
blown with compressed air while the unit is switched off.
If the oil cooler is very dirty proceed as outlined below.

Cleaning the oil

Step Operation
1 Switch off the unit and take measures to prevent it
from being restarted. Allow the unit to cool to approx.
70°C, disconnect from the power supply, and remove
the pressure as described in Chapter 5.3.
2 Remove the oil cooler.
3 Steam clean the oil cooler.
4 Refit oil cooler.
5 Start the unit and check for leaks.

5 Maintenance 5-11
5.10 Check the safety valve

Check After 2000 operating hours - however at least 1x a year

General points The check process may only take a few seconds and be
completed only by hand

Caution risk of injury!

Scalding danger by escaping hot air-oil mixture
Since this is a dangerous process, please proceed with extreme
Additionally, safety precautions should be taken, such as safety
goggles and ear protection.

Check the safety


Step Operation
1 Unscrew the cap (1) by turning counterclockwise (do
not use any tools!)
2 The cap must lift and let out air.
3 Close the cap by turning clockwise.
4 After closing the cap, no more air should escape.

The average service life of the valve seal is 3 years!

5 Maintenance 5-12
5.11 Tensioning and changing of drive belts(s)

Content This section outlines the procedure for tensioning and/or chang-
ing the V-belt.

General points The belt can be set to the optimum tension using the adjust-
mentscrews on the air end block.

2 1
Fig. Tighten drive belt

The optimum capacity of the system and service life of the

V-belt is guaranteed only if the belt is correctly tensioned.
Please check the setting before start up and after 100 oper-
ating hours, as well as according to the information in the
maintenance plan.

For replacing or re-tensioning the V-belt, please proceed as


Step Operation
drive belt
1 Switch off the unit, disconnect it from the power sup-
ply, and take measures to prevent it from being re-
2 Loosen the air end screws.(1)
3 Turn the adjustment screw (2) (in a clockwise direc-
tion) until the optimum tension is reached.
4 Tighten the screws on the air end again.
5 The correct pre-tensioning value can be obtained
from the data sheet.
6 Using a pre-tensioning test device (e.g. optibelt
Optikrik) you can review the values

5 Maintenance 5-13
Change the
Step Operation
1 How to "tighten a V-belt", step 1 and 2
2 Loosen adjustment screw, remove old belts
3 Insert the new V-belt (please only use RENNER orig-
inal spare parts).
4 As described above in “Thighten belts”, step 3 – 6.

Check for each V-belt replacement the alignment of the V-

belt pulleys to each other.

Please note that the correct V-belt tensioning values and

the alignment of the pulleys are a deciding feature for the
service life of the V-belt.

5 Maintenance 5-14
Chapter 6
Decommissioning and disposal

Content This chapter contains important advice for (temporarily)

decommissioning or disposing of your compressor.

Survey This chapter is divided into the following sub-sections:

No. Subject Page

6.1 Decommissioning of plant 6-2

6.2 Re-commissioning after storage 6-3

6.3 Shut-down and disposal 6-4

6 Decommissioning and disposal 6-1

6.1 Decommissioning of plant

Content This section contains instructions you need to follow when

decommissioning the compressor for an extended period of
time, and when subsequently returning it to operation.

When decommissioning for an extended period of time, prepare

the unit as follows:

Decomissioning of Step Activity

1 A qualified electrician should disconnect the
compressor from power supply and lock off isolator
to ensure it can not be restarted by accident.

2 Check oil level and fill if necessary (see

Chapter 5.5 "Checking oil level") The unit
should be stored with its oil tank filled to the
max. recommended level

3 Slacken the V-belt (see Chapter 5.11

“Tensioning and changing of belt”).
Do not cover the unit with any material that
is impermeable to air. Doing so intensifies the
corrosion of individual parts.

6 Decommissioning and disposal 6-2

6.2 Re-commissioning after storage

Re-commissioning Compressor units that have been switched off,

information decommissioned or stored away for longer than 3 months,
should not be put back into operation until the following
measures have been carried out.

Re-commissioning Follow the procedure outlined below to return the compressor to

after storage operation after being out of commission for 3 months or more.

Step Activity

1 Turn the screw compressor in the direction of

rotation several times by hand.

2 Remove the air inlet filter and manifold and pour

approx. 0.1 litres of oil (“manufacturer recommended
compressor oil only”) into the suction port. Then, turn
the screw compressor by hand in the direction of the
rotation arrow (anti-clockwise) once more.

3 Check the oil level (in the reclaimer tank) and fill
where necessary, see 5.5. “Checking of oil level”.

4 Connect unit: see Chapter 3.2 “Connections”.

5 Re-adjust the V-belt (see Chapter 5.11

“Tensioning and changing of belt”).

6 Decommissioning and disposal 6-3

6.3 Shut-down and disposal

Content This section describes what you need to consider when shutting
down and disposing of the unit.

Observe the safety instructions outlined in this handbook,
the instructions specified in the supplier's documentation as
well as accident prevention guidelines.

Danger of life!
Moving or lifting the compressor should only be undertaken
in a safety conscious manner.
Always ensure no one is within the danger zone when the
compressor is being lifted.

When carrying out the following disassembly work be aware
of sharp corners and edges which may cause cuts. For this
reason always wear protective gloves.

The following instructions must be observed properly
to prevent any possible damage to the environment. The
Operating Company must ensure that the regulations are
adhered to correctly even where disposal is carried out
by an authorized firm of specialists.

Disassembly of the To dismantle the compressor, proceed as follows and observe

compressor the following points:

Step Activity

1 Find out how each component (or the whole

machine) needs to be disposed of.
If unsure, consult your local environmental agency.

2 Depressurise all components and vent the unit

(see Chapter 5.3. “Venting the plant”).

6 Decommissioning and disposal 6-4

6.3 Shut-down and disposal (Cont.)

Materials The following materials were predominately used in the

Information construction of the unit:

Material Where used

Batteries, NiCad-/Li • Control

Copper • Cables

Steel • Machine frame

• Side panels and doors
• Motor and components

Plastic, rubber, PVC • Gaskets

• Tubes
• Cables

Tin • Boards

Polyester • Boards

Hazardous waste The following parts, materials and fluids must be disposed of
Information separately:

Denomination Application

LCD displays • Display devices

LCD displays contain
highly poisonous fluids

Electronic scrap • Electrical supply

• Controls (SPS etc.)
• Boards with electronic parts

The environment:
Dispose of all parts of the unit in a manner that prevents
damage from being caused to other peoples’ health or the

6 Decommissioning and disposal 6-5

Appendix T: Data sheet Manual

Nominal Quantity Cooling Outlet Electr.

Type Free air delivery Start Noise level HRC Fuse Dimensions mm Weight Air receiver
power of oil air connection Conn.

m³/min kW db(A) ltr m³/h Amp mm² LxBxH kg

7,5 bar 10 bar

RS-B 2.2 0,335 0,265 2,2 direkt 66 1,95 300 ½" 16 2,5 716 x 536 x 540 124 x-500

RS-B 3.0 0,46 0,38 3,0 direkt 70 1,95 300 ½" 16 2,5 716 x 536 x 540 133 x-500

RS-B 4.0 0,64 0,53 4,0 direkt 70 1,95 340 ½" 16 2,5 716 x 536 x 540 133 x-500

RS-B 5.5 0,83 0,74 5,5 Υ∆ 75 1,95 560 ½" 16 2,5 716 x 536 x 540 159 x-500

RS-B 7,5 1,13 1,015 7,5 Υ∆ 78 3,15 980 ½" 25 4 776 x 556 x 597 189 x-500

RS-B 11 1,57 1,54 11,0 Υ∆ 81 3,15 1950 ½" 35 6 776 x 556 x 597 207 x-500

RSK-B 2.2 0,335 0,265 2,2 direkt 66 1,95 600 ½" 16 2,5 971 x 536 x 705 160 x-500

RSK-B 3.0 0,46 0,38 3,0 direkt 70 1,95 600 ½" 16 2,5 971 x 536 x 705 169 x-500

RSK-B 4.0 0,64 0,53 4,0 direkt 70 1,95 640 ½" 16 2,5 971 x 536 x 705 169 x-500

RSK-B 5.5 0,83 0,74 5,5 Υ∆ 75 1,95 860 ½" 16 2,5 971 x 536 x 705 195 x-500

RSK-B 7,5 1,13 1,015 7,5 Υ∆ 78 3,15 1280 ½" 25 4 1031 x 556 x 721 225 x-500

RSK-B 11 1,57 1,54 11,0 Υ∆ 81 3,15 2250 ½" 35 6 1031 x 556 x 721 243 x-500
RSD-B - Compressor on air receiver
RSDK-B - Compressor and refrigeration dryer on air receiver

AT Appendix Data sheet 2014-09 AT-2

EC Declaration of Conformity according to machine guideline 2006/42/EC Appendix
II 1.A

The manufacturer / distributor

RENNER GmbH Kompressoren
Emil-Weber-Straße 32
74363 Güglingen
hereby declares that the following product

Product description: RENNER Screw Compressor

Manufacturer: RENNER
Serial no.:
Series / type description: RS-B, RSK-B, RSD-B, RSDK-B 2,2 - 11 kW
Screw Compressor for generating compressed air of 7,5 to 10 bar

meets all relevant provisions of the above stated guideline and the other applied guidelines (to follow) -
including the changes applicable at the time of the declaration.

The following further EU directives were applied:

EMC directive 2014/30/EU
Directive 2014/29/EU
RoHS directive 2011/65/EU

The following harmonised standards were applied, in its current version:

EN 1012-1 Compressors and vacuum pumps - Safety requirements - Part 1:
EN 286-1 Simple unfired pressure vessels designed to contain air or nitrogen - Part 1:
Pressure vessels for general purposes
EN 60204-1 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General
EN ISO 12100 Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk assessment and
risk reduction
EN ISO 13849-1 Safety of machinery -Safety relevant parts of controls - Part 1: General
principles for design
EN ISO 13849-2 Safety of machinery -Safety relevant parts of controls - Part 2: Validation

Name and address of person who is authorised to compile the technical documentation:
Michael Zottl
RENNER GmbH Kompressoren
Emil-Weber-Straße 32
74363 Güglingen

_______________________________ ______________________________
(Signature) (Signature)
Managing Director Contractor for documentation

ACE - Appendix EC Conformity ACE-1

Appendix W - Maintenance Control
for RS-B 3 - 11
with less than 2000 hours / year
after ... years

Maintenance work

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fill out commissioning report
Check screw connections and tighten if necessary
Check that all connections are firm and tight
Checking the oil Level
Check the V-belt tension and wear
Tighten electric clamps
Functional check of pressure and temperatur gauges
Measuring / testing current consumption
Check ON and OFF settings and adjust if necessary
Check the alignment of the V-belt pulleys
Check the dirt level of the air filter and the possibly mounted ventilator filter pads
Compressors with air receiver, empty the condensate water*
Examine all the hoses to ensure that they are in good working condition
Check funktion of the condensate drain*
Check contactors for wear
Control the oil / air cooler and clean if necessary
Check the compressor to ensure that it has no leaks
Check the overall condition of the compressor
Check air filter element, replace if necessary
Clean / replace the filter mats*
Check / replace the safety valve
Changing the oil filter
Change the oil
Change the fine separator cartridge
Check the follow-on time (>= 3 min)
Replace thermal valve element
Change oil suction / recirculation hoses
Change control air hose
Replace solenoid valve
Maintenance set minimum pressure valve
Change the V-belt
Replace the O-ring on the oil filler plug
Maintenance condensate drain*
Servicing kit for the intake regulator
Replace minimum pressure valve completely
Replace oil hoses*
Replace pressure switch / pressure sensor
Replace motor bearings A and B side
Replace electrical contactors
Maintenance package 1 (see maintenance package List for each compressor)
Maintenance package 2
Maintenance package 3
Maintenance package 4
Maintenance package 5
Maintenance package 6
Maintenance package 7
Maintenance package 8
Maintenance package 9
Maintenance package 10
* if existing
Appendix W - Maintenance Control
for RS-B 3 - 11
with more than 2000 hours / year
after ... hours

Maintenance work


2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000

Fill out Commissioning report

Check screw connections and tighten if necessary
Check that all connections are firm and tight
Checking the oil Level
Check the V-belt tension and wear
Tighten electric clamps
Functional check of pressure and temperatur gauges
Measuring / testing current consumption
Check ON and OFF settings and adjust if necessary
Check the alignment of the V-belt pulleys
Check the dirt level of the air filter and the possibly mounted ventilator filter pads
Compressors with air receiver, empty the condensate water*
Examine all the hoses to ensure that they are in good working condition
Check funktion of the condensate drain*
Check contactors for wear
Control the oil / air cooler and clean if necessary
Check the compressor to ensure that it has no leaks
Check the overall condition of the compressor
Check air filter element, replace if necessary
Clean / replace the filter mats*
Check / replace the safety valve
Changing the oil filter
Change the oil
Change the fine separator cartridge
Check the follow-on time (>= 3 min)
Replace the O-ring on the oil filler plug
Change oil suction / recirculation hoses
Change control air hose
Maintenance set minimum pressure valve
Change the V-belt
Replace thermal valve element
Maintenance condensate drain*
Replace solenoid valve
Servicing kit for the intake regulator
Replace minimum pressure valve completely
Replace oil hoses*
Replace pressure switch / pressure sensor
Replace motor bearings A and B side
Replace electrical contactors
Maintenance package 1 (see maintenance package List for each compressor)
Maintenance package 2
Maintenance package 3
Maintenance package 4
Maintenance package 5
Maintenance package 6
Maintenance package 7
Maintenance package 8
Maintenance package 9
Maintenance package 10
* if existing
Appendix W2
Maintenance of Motor Bearings

Contents This Appendix provides an overview of how motor bearings are

to be maintained. This description only applies to current sys-
tems and may differ to the maintenance required for older mo-

Continuously lubri- Our compressors up to 37kW are fitted with motors having
cated motor bear- closed, continuously lubricated deep-groove ball bearings –
ings theoretical service life is between 15,000 and 30,000 operating
hours (oh). If operating conditions are different to that defined
in the instruction manual, it is imperative that the maintenance
intervals are adjusted to the prevailing circumstances and con-
ditions to ensure reliable operations. Should there be high lev-
els of dirt and dust, frequent switch-ons and high ambient tem-
peratures as well as operations at 60Hz, the maintenance inter-
vals must be adjusted accordingly.

Description 1. Switch off unit and prevent it from being restarted by

Procedure for re- accident.
placing bearings 2. If applicable, uninstall the motor and remove the ancillary
components (fan impeller, frame, fan cover, pulley)
3. Disassemble the bearing cover (center) and bearing shield
4. Remove the old bearing with a puller (if difficult, carefully
warm up the bearing) and remove the old grease
5. Carefully warm up the inner ring of the new bearing
6. Push the new bearing to the stop on the shaft and keep it
there briefly
7. Generously grease the new bearing with suitable grease
8. Re-assemble the bearing cover and bearing shield
9. Re-install bearing seal

The type designations of the motor bearings can be found in

Table 1.

AW2 – Appendix Motor Bearings AW-1

Appendix W2 Maintenance of Motor Bearings (cont.)

Motor bearings re- Our motors from 45 kW are fitted with “open” ball bearings.
quiring re- Motors this size and up have re-lubrication devices on the A-
lubrication and B-sides.
These bearings must be re-lubricated regularly in accordance
with the information given in the maintenance check sheet.
Our motors are pre-lubricated from the factory with a polyurea-
based high-temperature grease for min. 150°C.
For instance, SKF LGHP 2 or a polyurea-based equivalent
is to be used. Order no.: 10254
It is imperative that these specifications are adhered to when
re-lubricating the motor bearings as mixing different greases
can significantly shorten the life of the bearings.

NB! If operating conditions are different, it is imperative that the

maintenance intervals are adjusted to the local circumstances
and conditions to ensure reliable operations. This means that
should there be high levels of dirt and dust, frequent switch-ons
and high ambient temperatures as well as operations at 60Hz,
the maintenance intervals must be shortened.

Procedure for re- Please carry out the following steps to re-lubricate the mo-
lubrication tor bearings:

1. Switch off unit and prevent it from being restarted by

2. Thoroughly clean the grease nipples and surrounds.
3. Remove the cap of the re-lubrication device.
4. Remove the cover of the drainage opening (usually oppo-
site). Excess grease is discharged here.
5. Introduce approx. half of the grease to be used for re-
lubrication – it is best to use a grease gun. Then let the mo-
tor run for approximately 1 minute.
6. Switch the unit off and introduce the remaining re-lubrication
7. Re-install the cap of the re-lubrication device and the cover of
the drainage opening.

Idleness of If the motors are idle for a longer period of time, the motor shaft
motors should be rotated once a month. Rotate the motor shaft manu-
ally for at least 5 rotations and bring to a stop in a different posi-
tion to the starting position.
If the motors have to be idle for more than 6 months, the motor
bearings must be re-lubricated before start-up.
If the motors have to be idle for more than 2 years, the motor
bearings must be replaced.

AW2 – Appendix Motor Bearings AW-2

Appendix W2 Maintenance of Motor Bearings (cont.)

The details of the bearings installed by us and the lubrication

quantities to be filled (only for WEG motors) are listed below:

Size Output (kW) A-side B-side quantity
tion in-
90 1,5 / 2,2 6205 ZZ 6204 ZZ - -
112 3,7 6307 ZZ 6206 ZZ - -
112 3 / 4 / 5,5 6207 ZZ 6206 ZZ - -
132 4 / 4,5 / 5,5 / 7,5 / 9 / 1-11 6308 ZZ 6207 ZZ - -
160 11 / 15 6309 C3 6209 Z-C3 - -
180 18,5 / 22 6311 C3 6211 Z-C3 - -
200 30 / 37 6312 C3 6212 Z-C3 - -
225 45 6314 C3 6314 C3 27 5000
250 55 6314 C3 6314 C3 27 5000
280 75 / 85 / 90 / 1-110 6314 C3 6314 C3 27 5000
315 110 / 132 / 160 6314 C3 6314 C3 27 5000
Table 1

AW2 – Appendix Motor Bearings AW-3

Appendix W 3 Manual
Maintenance Work RENNER GmbH

Operat. Airfilter Oilfilter Motor bearings other service work

Oilseparator cartridge Oilfilling Drive belt Signature and date
Hours cartridge cartridge A + B Side (take another sheet if required)

differential pressure

delta p in bar









Please tick the work which has been done and/or record measured data which confirm by signature .

AW – Appendix Maintenance Work AW 3

Appendix ADS
End Pessure Switch

Contents This chapter provides a brief overview of all the pressure switch


From the factory side, the pressure switch is ideally adjusted to

the respective machine configuration. Any change to the default
settings can have serious consequences on the service life of
your system. The legal warranty will expire if making changes
that have not been discussed in advance with RENNER Kom-
pressoren GmbH.

Function The pressure switch controls the switch-on and switch-off pres-
sure applicable for the respective system. The difference be-
tween switch-on and switch-off pressure is generally 1.5 bar.
For changes to the switch-off pressure settings made on the
factory side, the safety valve is activated if the the permitted
maximum pressure is exceeded.

Continued overleaf

AADS - Appendix Pressure Switch AADS-1

Appendix ADS
End Pressure Switch

AADS - Appendix Pressure Switch AADS-2

Appendix KT
Operating instructions
for the refrigerant drier

Content In this chapter you receive a brief overview for the optionally
installed refrigerant drier.

Please follow the refrigerant drier safety instructions found in

the separate operating manual. It is particularly dangerous to
breath-in the cooling steam or get in contact with the cooling
agents. Smoking when working on the refrigerant drier is pro-
hibited, since the cooling agent will developpoisonous vapours
when getting in touch with the glowing end of a cigarette or oth-
er open flame (e.g. welding work).

Function The refrigerant air drier contains a cooling system for cooling
the compressed air. The compressed air is also de-humidified.
The condensate created here is discharged through a conden-
sate separator.

Make sure that the air inlet and outlet is never impaired or
blocked. Adequate distance must be maintained between the
ventilation grids and room walls.
Please follow the figure in Chapter 2.3 and the information in
Chapter 2.3.1 of the Operating Manual of the refrigerant drier

After turning on the refrigerant drier, wait 5 minutes until the

pressure has equalised. Only then, start the compressor.

AKT – Operating instruction for refrigerant drier AKT-1

Appendix KT refrigerant drier (cont.)

Refrigerant drier

1.) Compressed air inlet 6.) Electrical connections

2.) Compressed air outlet 7.) Maintenance access
3.) Cooling air inlet 8.) Fixing holes
4.) Cooling air outlet E100.) Switch-on
5.) Steam trap EICA.) Electronic regulator

control panel

AKT – Operating instruction for refrigerant drier AKT-2

Appendix KT refrigerant drier (cont.)

Electronic Item Description Function

1 10x green LED Pressure dew point indicator

2 Green area Pressure dew point normal

3 Red area Pressure dew point is too high

Compressed air drier is turned on

4 Green LED
In the setting mode the blinking
LED shows which data will be
Condensate magnetic valve is
5 Yellow LED
Ventilator is turned on
6 Yellow LED
Multi-function key for editing the
7 Setting switch
Press the button for 2 sec-
Switch from display to setting
Briefly press the button:
Switch between menues
Press button together with up
Current setting is changed
Up / deflector test
8 Up key
Pressing the up key will exit the
setting mode

AKT – Operating instruction for refrigerant drier AKT-3

Appendix KT refrigerant drier (cont.)

Maintenance Before completing any maintenance work, please follow all

safety provisions for electrical systems and electrical de-
vices (see Chapter 1 of the original operating manual).

The compressed air refrigerant drier must be mainained at dif-

ferent intervals. The maintenance intervals heavily depend on
the utilisation type and the conditions oft he installation site. The
following maintenance work must be completed daily:

1. Check the function of the steam trap; check if water is

drained; valve test (manual drain condensation):

2. Check the pressure dew point display; for deviations

from the normal range, see chapter 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 in
the original operating manual

3. Check the compressor for contamination

Specific notes about other maintenance intervals and work

can be found in the manufacturer original operating manual
under Point 5 Maintenance.

AKT – Operating instruction for refrigerant drier AKT-4

Appendix AD
Compressed air receiver
air receiver

Description No. Description Function

of air receiver
1 Connection from Inlet of compressed air into
compressor the air receiver

2 Safety valve Protects the air receiver

against too high a pressure

3 Compressed air outlet Outlet of compressed air to

the c.a. system

4 Condensate drain Drains the condensate for


• Please observe the regional laws and regulations for the

control of air receivers and notice the periodic inspections
• Please take care for a condensate drain system
• Please take the necessary mesures as to discharge the
condensate if no automatic system

To grant the functionality of the air receivers, all flexible hoses of the
receivers have to be changed after 2 years at the latest. This affects
especially the 2 x 90l air receivers. Both receivers have to be able to
be discharged separately.
The number of load changes in the air receiver should not be too high.
Therefore, the compressor is not disconnected from the mains and do
not let the pressure in the receiver fall too low. (purchase quantity <
delivery quantity)

AD App Air receiver AD-1

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