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The flying wing emerges to be one of the most assuring configurations, as it comes under various
concepts: blended wing-body, C-wing, tail-less aircraft, etc. Fuel savings and lower pollution rate are
the foremost merits of the flying wing. Since the engines can be mounted above the wing and the
aircraft does not require complex high lift devices, this configuration results in a much quieter airplane.
A lifting body is essentially a wingless vehicle that flies due to the lift generated by the shape of its
fuselage. The lifting-body concept was a radical departure from the aerodynamics of conventional
winged aircraft. However, the most logical method for generating lift is through wings, but wings do
create issues because they need to be extremely strong to handle the aerodynamic and the thermal
stresses at hypersonic speeds during re-entry phase.
Majority of the re-entry vehicle designs in the 20th century used the ballistic re-entry approach with
a conical capsule design. Despite their success, they were limited by the requirements of large-area
landing and diminished re-entry control. The concept of lifting body re-entry vehicle evolved during
early 1960s at NASA. They were mainly influenced by the Burnelli designs of lifting fuselages. Some
notable early lifting body designs include M2-F2, HL-10 and X-24. HL-20 happens to be one such
lifting body design developed by the Langley Research Center at NASA. It was developed as a part of
two NASA programs, Assured Crew Return Capability (ACRC) Program and the Personnel Launch
System (PLS) program, with a concept for manned orbital missions.

The overall design of the HL-20 PLS concept has incorporated the deterrent from the operation of the
Space Shuttle. Vehicle subsystems are located close to the exterior of the vehicle and removable
panels are provided for easy access to these subsystems for quick vehicle maintenance and
turnaround. Overall, HL-20 PLS vehicle processing is expected to be substantially less than for the
Space Shuttle orbiter. This vehicle would be launched into the orbit by a booster rocket or carried
within the payload bay of the space shuttle orbiter. The vehicle would then deorbit by using an on-
board propulsion system and perform a nose first re-entry and horizontal, possibly unpowered
landing. It is designed to carry up to 10 people and very little cargo. The test results indicate the vehicle
has a trimmed maximum hypersonic L/D of about 1.4. At subsonic speeds the vehicle has longitudinal
trim at close to maximum L/D and a subsonic L/D of about 4.2.

This reusable vehicle, designated the HL-20, has been designed for safe and reliable operations;
improved operability, maintainability and affordability; and reduced life-cycle costs associated with
placing people in orbit. The results of the human factors studies have shown where improvements in
the baseline HL-20 design are desirable. These improvements will have little impact on overall vehicle
shape or aerodynamic performance.

The ballistic coefficient (BC) describes how air resistance slows a projectile in flight. Low ballistic
coefficients of the spacecraft will be effective in reducing the heat rate on the surface of the
spacecraft. Therefore, in this research work an attempt has been made to reduce ballistic coefficient
of the HL-20 design with the addition of retractable wing extensions.
Soumyo Dutta et al. have investigated the design challenges in implementing entry systems to Venus
with shallow flight path angles and low ballistic coefficient. The possibility of using a deployable
aeroshell during Venus entry to increase the wetted area and its effect on achieving a better
trajectory is discussed.

Jeffrey S. Robinson et al. have presented investigation related to trajectory planning for crewed re-
entry vehicle along with associated aero-heating environments. The re-entry data related to Apollo
Command Module is used to serve as baseline for investigation. It presents methods used for
identifying trajectories suitable for ablative systems and reusable systems. These methods include
the selection of reasonable range of initial velocity, ballistic coefficients and initial flight path angles
to generate the trajectories.

G. M. Ware et al. have studied the aerodynamic characteristics of HL-20 configuration and conclude
about the lateral and longitudinal stability of the design in test Mach number range from 10 to 0.2.
The study also presents the modifications to the outboard fins into an airfoil shape and the
associated effects on improved L/D ratio.

Yongyuan Li et al. have presented the use of Genetic Algorithm for optimizing the aerodynamic
shape of a lifting body. It uses the shape parameters of existing lifting body designs as design
variables to optimize the aerodynamic characters.

Dan Almosnino has presented a study on the use of Euler-Adjoint solver for studying the
aerodynamic characteristics of HL-20 for Mach number ranging from M=0.3 to M=20. The study
makes use of a 7% scale model for running the simulation and presents the computational
considerations specific to the solver used.

K. James Weilmuenster et al. have investigated the solution techniques for CFD analysis of HL-20
configuration at hypersonic conditions. The results indicate the negligible real-gas effects on the
aerodynamic characters of the vehicle at these conditions. The results of surface heating were found
to match closely with those obtained from Navier-Stokes solutions.

Zachary R. Putnam et al. have presented a study on the feasibility of flying HL-20 without a steady-
state body flap deflection.

R. Dale Reed has recorded the early history and development of Lifting Body designs in the book
‘Wingless Flight’. It explores the various factors and design considerations that have coursed the
lifting body designs from sub-orbital flights to space flights.

Richard M. Wood et al. have presented a detailed study on the various classes of lifting vehicles
including flying wing and lifting body designs. The paper describes the relationships between these
classes and also marks the importance of some of the influential designs belonging to these lifting
vehicle classes.

B. Spencer et al. have investigated into providing Personnel Launch System vehicle that is inherently
stable from the re-entry phase to landing. It also looks into the improvement of aerodynamic
performance of HL-20 in subsonic regimes by making few modifications into the original design. The
paper also presents the cross-sectional dimensions of original HL-20 7% scale model along the
longitudinal axis. This data is used in our study to prepare the HL-20 model for simulation.

The three crucial parameters affecting the sub-orbital and orbital space flights are deceleration of
the spacecraft, heating rates during the descent and safe landing with accuracy. For unmanned
space flights, the deceleration rate is limited by the structural loading that a spacecraft can take.
However, human crew space exploration missions add an additional constraint on the deceleration
limiting the maximum ‘g’ load around 6-7 g’s. For a safe re-entry, the spacecraft must be ensured to
remain in the re-entry corridor, ensuring the right flight velocity and drag conditions. If the entry
angle is too steep the spacecraft would cross the undershoot boundary leading to rapid deceleration
and adverse heating.

Spacecrafts with low-ballistic coefficients are much efficient in minimizing the heating rate on the
spacecraft surface and ensuring optimum deceleration. The ballistic coefficient is inversely
proportional to the cross-sectional area facing the flow direction. The width of the spacecrafts
designed for sub-orbital and orbital flights are constrained by the diameter of the launch-vehicle.
The incorporation of extendable surfaces during re-entry will help in minimizing the ballistic
coefficient and increasing the lift generation.

During the initial survey, the performance parameters of SpaceShip Two developed by Virgin-
Galactic and Dream Chaser developed by Sierra Nevada Corporation were found to be promising for
sub-orbital and orbital flights. SpaceShip Two employs a unique feather configuration to increase the
drag for deceleration during re-entry. But it suffers in achieving directional stability at low supersonic
speeds. Dream Chaser is a lifting body configuration which uses the body lift generated to decelerate
the spacecraft. It is a successor of HL-20 Personnel Launch System developed by NASA and shares
very close similarity with respect to design. The flat belly surface in both the designs make them the
best suitable vehicle for incorporating an extendable wing surface.

This project aims to study the aerodynamic effects of incorporating a retractable wing extension to
the HL-20 design in comparison with the original configuration. The wing extension is intended to
provide a larger surface area during re-entry, thereby increasing the lift and reducing the ballistic
coefficient of the spacecraft.






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