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A. Background of the Study

The locality of Solsona is known to have several plantations of Banana in

every barangay. During rainy seasons banana stem is often been a waste in every

households. Some people also consider this as an eyesore during rainy seasons

because files will likely make the banana stem or Lambaan- its local term, as their

homes. On the hand, the municipality of Solsona is also known for its wide

production of rice. In this case, during harvest seasons, the main concern of farmers

and residents is to where they will stock their rice straw residues. The old system

practiced by people was burning these rice straws. However, burning of rice straws is

prohibited by law because of the harmful elements present in its smoke.

According to Ryan R. Ramasanta and Reiner Wassman, burning of rice straws

pollutes the air and contributes to global warming for producing too much CO 2. Both

these banana and rice straw residues are very promising materials in making paper

because these raw materials the researchers used was a non-woody and very good

source of cellulose. Thus, the idea of using banana stems and rice straw residues as an

organic paper was conceived.

B. Theoretical Framework

C. Conceptual Framework

Organic Paper

Rice Straw and Banana

(Independent Variable)

Treatment 1

Treatment 2

Treatment 3

Fig. 2 Conceptual Framework

Durability and
smoothness of the
organic paper.

(Dependent Variable)

A. Statement of the Problem

This research study entitled “Feasibility of Banana Stem and Rice Straw

Residue as an Organic Paper” aimed to test the effectiveness of the paper.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following;

1. Is there a significant difference between the different treatments?

a. Treatment A

b. Treatment B

c. Treatment C

2. Is there a significant difference among the treatments in terms of;

a. Odor

b. Thickness

c. Durability

d. Appearance

B. Hypothesis/ Hypotheses

Ho: It is not possible to make a paper out banana stem and rice straw residue.

Ho: There is no significant difference between the different treatments;

a. Treatment A

b. Treatment B

c. Treatment C

Ho: There is no significant difference among the treatments in terms of;

a. Odor

b. Thickness

c. Durability

d. Appearance

C. Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the following:

1. Students, this study will be able to help them afford cheap, alternative

organic paper. They will be able to make their own paper at home and save

money from buying commercial papers.

2. Farmers, this will give them the chance to increase their incomes by using

the discarded banana stems and rice straws in making this paper.

3. Environment, this would be a great solution for lessening the cutting down

of trees for production of paper. This will also help in reducing the CO 2

produced by the burning of rice straws.

D. Scope and Delimitation

This study was conducted at Solsona National High School in Brgy.

Manalpac, Solsona, Ilocos Norte on the period of July to October 2018.

The researchers used silk screen to lay the mixtures. The general intent of

this study is to make an organic paper out of banana stem and rice straw as

an alternation to trees.

H. Definition of Terms

Banana Stem is the flower stalk of the banana plant. It is rich in fibre

which can be used in production of paper.

Experimental Design is the design of the study that used data and

sufficient samples size and careful investigations of treatments to answer

the specific problem of the study.

Feasibility is the acceptability of the banana stem and rice straw as an

organic paper.

Fibre is a natural substance from the banana stems and rice straw residue

to make papers.

Organic Paper is a material made of fibres. The product of banana stems

and rice straw residue.

Rice Straw is the sturdy part of a rice plant that is discarded in the fields.

Treatment is the conditions of the research’s experimentation with

different levels of sample sizes.



Banana Psuedo-Stem

A. Banana

Banana (Musa paradisiaca, family Musaceae) is a central fruit crop of the

tropical and subtropical regions of the world grown on about 8.8 million

hectares (Mohapatra et al., 2010). It is possibly the world's oldest cultivated

crop (Kumar et al., 2012). As a diet, banana is an affluent source of

carbohydrate with calorific value of 67 calories per 100g fruit and is one of the

most well-liked and widely traded fruits across the world (Emaga et al., 2008;

Kumar et al., 2012). It is one of the tallest herbaceous plants with a

pseudostem. Its tough treelike pliable stem is composed of the sheathing

twisting leaf bases, which contains fibres of sufficient strengths to keep the

tree upright. In different countries, about 300 varieties of bananas are grown,

of which a vast majority are grown in tropical Asia (Simmonds, 1962). It is the

second largest produced fruit after citrus, contributing about 16% of the

world’s total fruit production (FAO, 2009). Banana is highly nutritious

(Sharrock and Lustry, 2000) and is more easily digestible than many other

fruits including apple (Mohapatra et al., 2010).

B. Banana Fibre

Banana pseudo-stem has been known as a potential cellulose source,

though usually discarded as agricultural waste in many countries. This fact

was mainly motivated by the increasing consumption of wood fiber-based

products, such as panel, paper, and boards. This demand is currently solved by

using increasing amounts of recycled fibers. Thus, in some paper grades, more

than 50% of raw materials are secondary fibers. Annual plants could also be a

new source of lignocellulosic fibers for paper making and/or composite

materials (Hornsby et al. 1997; Karolia and Malhan 2005)

C. Characteristics of Banana Fibre

The physical and chemical properties of banana fibre are considered


 The chemical composition of banana fibre is cellulose (50-60%),

hemicelluloses (2530%), pectin (3-5%), lignin (12-18%), water soluble

materials (2-3%), fat and wax (35%) and ash (1-1.5%)

( (Mukhopadhay et al., 2008).

 Its appearance is similar to that of bamboo and ramie fibre however banana

fibre has better fineness and spin ability. It has shiny appearance depending

upon the extraction and spinning process (Rao and Mohana, 2007).
 It has very strong fibre with 3% elongation and light weight.

 Its average fineness is 2386 Nm, average strength is 3.93 cN/dtex and average

length is 50 ~ 60 mm (or 38mm) (

 It absorbs and releases moisture easily.

 It can be spun by different methods like ring spinning, open-end spinning, bast

fibre spinning, and semi-worsted spinning.

 It is bio-degradable and has no negative effect on environment and thus can be

categorized as eco-friend fibre (Mukhopadhay et al., 2008).

D. Products from Banana-pseudostem Fibre

 Paper

Banana fibre can be an alternative raw material of paper industries

like writing paper, anti-grease paper, cheque paper as well as hard board

industries (Muraleedharan and Perumal, 2010; Mohapatra et al., 2010 and

Cordeiro et al., 2004). At first, raw paper materials are collected from banana

plants and fibres are collected afterwards. The collected fibres are soaked in

water prior to make pulp. Later, the extracted fibre is bleached by microbial

treatment using Trichoderma and Pythium for 3-5 days (Muraleedharan and

Perumal, 2010). These fungi acts on cellulose and breaks the bonds between

lingo cellulosic complex structures and lignin and hemicelluloses are broken

down and leached out (Crouch et al., 1998). It enhances the brightness of the

paper and helps to soften the fibre as well as do pulping process easier.

Besides, writing paper is also prepared from banana fibre following as usual

industrial process just by replacing banana fibre pulp against bamboo or

wooden pulp (Uma et al., 2005 and Mohapatra et al., 2010).

 Hard board making

Hard paper and boards are made from banana fibre in combination

with scutcher, cotton rags, waste paper and paddy straw in varying

proportion (Mohapatra et al., 2010) This type of board is being used in

different ways instead of existing board available in the market.

E. Environmental and Social Impact

Banana fibre could play a vital role in emerging bio-economy.

Currently, millions of tons of banana pseudostem are dumped as waste and

most of the farmers are facing huge problems in disposing the accumulated

banana pseudostem. Therefore, an effective and economic means of reducing

the environmental problem by extraction of fibre from pseudostem and

production of valuable bio-products from it is crucial. All varieties of banana

can be used for the fibre extraction purpose (Mahapatra et al., 2010). Banana

fibers are completely biodegradable, recyclable and are more environment

friendly than synthetic fibers both in terms of production and their disposal

(Mukhopadhay et al., 2008). Therefore, the banana products have export

potential. Unlike synthetic fibers which are largely produced from non-

renewable resources, banana fibers are made of renewable resources. Banana

fibers are carbon neutral; they absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide that

they produce (Muraleedharan and Perumal, 2010).

Rice Hay

A. Rice Straw

Rice straw, as a lignocellulosic biomass, is comprised of three

components: lignin, cellulose, and hemicelluloses (Munder S. 2013). These

could be fractionated through pretreatment. Cellulose and hemicelluloses are

fiber organics, whereas lignin is the cell wall (Klass 1998). Specific weight of

uncompressed rice straw is about 70–80 kg/m3 at a moisture content of about

15–18%. The characteristics of rice husk compared with other solid fuels can

be summarized as follows:

 High silica content wears out the components in processing machines,

such as conveyers or grinders, and hampers digestibility for livestock.

Content of volatile matter in rice straw is higher than that in wood and

much higher than in coal. On the other hand, fixed carbon is much

lower than that in coal. Ash content in rice straw is much higher than

that in wood and coal, which causes barriers in energy conversion

(Jenkins BM. 1998)

 High content of ash, alkali, and potassium causes agglomeration,

fouling, and melting in the components of combustors or boilers (Klass

L. 1998)

B. Typical management options for rice straw

Traditionally, in South and Southeast Asian countries, rice straw and

husk are considered as wastes, either dumped into rivers or burned in the field,

causing GHG emissions, contamination, and pollution (Guillemot A, Bruant

R, Pasquiou V, Boucher E. 2014). With the development of recent

technologies, rice residues can be processed and managed using better

practices. Management options for rice residues can be classified as in-field

and off-field management (Jeng Shiun Lim, Zainuddin Abdul Manan, Sharifah

Rafidah Wan Alwi, Haslenda Hashim. 2012)

C. Chemical Analysis of Rice Straw

A unique characteristic of rice straw - if compared to wood and other

agricultural residues - is its high ash content, mostly silica. These constituents

are not uniformly distributed in rice straw:

HHT MJ Proximate Ultimate Sources

kg-1 Analysis Analysis

Fix C Volatile Ash C H N S Cl Ash
15.09 15.86 65.47 18.67 38.2 5.2 0.87 0.12 20.26 Jenkins et al

14.57 35.94 1.18 22.00 Munder

14.08 33.7 4.0 1.71 0.16 0.32 29.1 Guillemot et

al 2014

D. Properties of ash from Rice Straw

According to Jeng (2012), this are the elements produced by rice straw

when burned and is harmful to the environment

SiO2 Al2O3 TiO2 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O3 SO3 P2O5
74.67 1.04 0.09 0.85 3.01 1.75 0.96 12.3 1.24 1.41
82.6 1.1 1.0 3.3 1.7 0.3 6.3 0.9 1.7

Paper Making

History of Paper Making

Wood, as a papermaking fiber is a relative newcomer. For 90%

of its existence of almost 2000 years, paper has been made exclusively from

nonwood plant fibers. The first true paper, credited to Ts’ai Lun in 105 AD in

China, was apparently made form true hemp (Cannabis Sativa). First among

the papermaking fibers were hemp and China grass (Ramie, Boehmeria nivea).

As demand for paper grew, so did the search for other suitable raw materials.

Non-wood Fiber Papermaking

The term nonwood fiber encompasses a range of plants with widely

differing characteristics. Nonwood fibers, also referred to as ‘‘alternate

fibers’’, are nonwoody cellulosic plant materials from which papermaking

fibers can be extracted (Hartmann et al., 1998). The most widely used

nonwoods for papermaking are straws, sugar cane bagasse, bamboo, kenaf,

hemp, jute, sisal, abaca, cotton linters, and reeds (Paavilainen et al., 1997).

Most nonwood plants are annual plants that develop full fiber potential in one

growing season. Nonwoods such as bagasse, wheat and rice straws, bamboo,

and kenaf are being used in the manufacture of pulp and paper all over the

world (Pande and Roy, 1996).

Advantages and Drawbacks of Using Nonwood Fiber for Paper Making

Some nonwood fibers used as raw materials for papermaking have high annual

yields per hectare. Other advantage of non-woods includes lower raw material cost

(Fu-Wang H, Chin H, Zhi-bin H.E, 1996). It may be surprising that nonwood plant

fibers have not been embraced by the pulp and paper industry, given the positive

attributes described and the speculation that worldwide fiber supply will tighten

significantly in the next years. The industry does understand some apprehensions over

using nonwood fibers for papermaking. In particular:

a. The use of annual plants represents a real culture change for the

industry, with significant implication for capital costs, operating costs,

products uniformity, quality, and reliability.

b. The availability of a constant, year-round supply of fiber is a primary

concern for paper mills. Given that most nonwood fibers are annual

plants, a large storage capacity must be developed to ensure a constant


c. High silica content is a problem with nonwood fibres generally. Most

nonwood pulp mills are small and do not have adequate chemical

recovery facilities to deal with the large volumes of silica that must be


d. A disadvantage of using certain nonwood fibers can be the high inputs

required for growth and harvesting of these annual crops.

Related Studies

In the study conducted by Casey (1980), the researcher made use of

Sugarcane bagasse (Saccharum officinarum) as the raw material in paper making.

Bagasse is the residue from the production of cane sugar crushed stalk after the sugar-

laden juice has been extracted. Based from the results derived from the study, the

major obstacle in pulping bagasse is the high pith content of stalks, which represents

about 30% by weight of the stalk. The pulp is generally comparable to hardwood


Some studies have also been conducted on cotton as a possible source of raw

material for papermaking (Alcaide et al, 1991, 1993). These studies have yielded

good results as to the possibility of using cotton stalk pulp in blend with other pulps to

produce good quality paper. Cotton stalk fibers have an average fiber length of 0.6-0.8

mm and an average fiber diameter of 0.02-0.03 mm (Ilvessalo-Pfaffli, 1995). After

cotton fibers have been removed from the plant, the whole stalk may also be used for

pulping and papermaking.

Mudit Chandra (1998) stated in her study rice straw is used for papermaking

in the countries of southern and eastern Asia (i.e. China, India, and Sri Lanka) and in

Egypt. However, rice straw is costly to collect and store, and it has high silica content.

Despite these drawbacks, it is a favored fiber source in the wood short countries, due

to its ready availability. Average fiber length of the rice straw fiber is 1.4 mm and

average fiber width is 0.009 mm (Ilvessalo-Pfaffli,1995). In blends of various

proportions, it is used to make printing and writing paper, glassine and greaseproof

paper, duplex and triplex paper, corrugating medium, strawboard and “B” grade

wrapping paper.

In the study of MacLeod (1988), Abaca or manila hemp is the best

papermaking fiber available. It has excellent properties for making strong products

like tea bags, large sausage casings, currency paper, cigarette and filter paper, which

require high wet strength, often combined with high porosity.

According to Pekarovikova (1994), Pulps made from nonwoody annual

plants (e.g., rice and wheat straw, bagasse, flax, or kenaf) are suitable as reinforcing

fibers in pulps made from wastepaper. Wheat straw has been shown to be suitable

furnish for writing and printing paper



This chapter discussed the materials, procedures, research design, sampling

design, population sample, data gathering instrument, data gathering procedure and

statistical treatment of data.


 Rice Straw

 Banana Stem

 Casserole

 Water

 Ash

 Molder

 Silk Screen

 Blender


Phase 1: Preparation of Materials

Banana stems were collected from the community and washed with water to

remove unwanted particles. Then, they were soaked overnight in a pail of water.

Separately, the rice stalks had the same preparation with the banana stems.

Next, they were boiled on a separate casserole with ashes for two hours. After

boiling, the water and ashes used were filtered out, leaving the banana stem and rice

straw. Each of them had liquefied using a blender to make its residue.

In making the paste, water and starch were mixed in a container. On a separate

casserole, water was boiled. The mixture was added into the boiling water with

constant stirring. After two minutes, the paste was removed from the heat.

Phase 2: Making of the Paper

The residue of the banana stem and rice straw were mixed together.

The researchers made a sample of the actual product wherein the size was


The amount of banana stem and rice straw was controlled in making the different

treatments of the product.

The mixture of the banana stem and rice straw residue was added to the paste and

was mixed thoroughly into a molder. Lastly, it was placed in a silk screen and sun-

dried for three days.

Product Formulation

The evaluation aspect on the formulation and improvement of using banana stem

and rice straw residue as paper was the researchers’ main focus. In the same actual

testing, the variations of the amount of banana stem were made. The following

treatments were evaluated.

T1 = 150g of Banana Stem + 50g of Rice Stalk

T2 = 50 g of Banana Stem + 150g of Rice Stalk

T3 = 100g of Banana Stem + 100g of Rice Stalk

Research Design

The study employed an experimental-descriptive design in order to determine the

feasibility of banana stalk as bulletin board in terms of texture, appearance, durability,

thickness and odor. It was experimental because the study was focused on the

formulation of a new product using an alternative material and on testing if there was

a significance difference among the treatments. It was also descriptive because in

conducting the study, the researchers employed a sensory evaluation in gathering


Sampling Design

The sampling design that was used by the researchers was random sampling. The

individuals in the location became the respondents of the study. The respondents were

composed mainly of students and teachers of the school.

Population Sample

There were 25 respondents coming from Solsona National High School who

served as the evaluators of the researchers’ output through sensory evaluation with the

parameters texture, appearance, durability, thickness and odor.

Data Gathering Instrument

The 5-point Likert Scale was utilized by the researchers in evaluating the

resulting product in terms of texture, odor and hardness because it is the most

commonly used test instrument for acceptance. Sensory evaluation is a method of

analyzing the product using the five basic senses.

5 - Highly Acceptable

4 - Very Acceptable

3 - Acceptable

2 - Slightly Acceptable

1 - Not Acceptable

The descriptive ratings used have a weighted value: A weighted value was

assigned to the descriptive ratings of 1 for Not Acceptable; 2 as Slightly Acceptable; 3

for Acceptable; 4 for Very Acceptable and 5 for Highly Acceptable.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The evaluation sheet of the respondents were tallied and tabulated. The following

were used to analyze the data.

Formula: M = TPP ÷ TR where M = Mean

TPP = Total Point Product

TR = Total Respondents

The frequency under each descriptive rating was multiplied by the assigned


The point product (PP) under each rating was added to get the total point product

(TPP). The total point product (TPP) was then divided by the total respondents (TR)

to get the mean (M).

Interpretation of the Mean

4.20 - 5.00 = Highly Acceptable

3.40 - 4.19 = Very Acceptable

2.60 - 3.39 = Acceptable

1.80 - 2.59 = Slightly Acceptable

1.00 - 1.79 = Not Acceptable

The two-tailed t-test of independent samples both critical t-value and p-value
approach was used to determine if there is a significant difference among the different

treatments of the banana stem and rice straw residue as an organic paper.

Data Gathering Procedure

A 5-point Likert scale which was in line with the current study was adapted by

the researchers. The rating scale served as the evaluation sheet and was given to the

randomly-selected respondents. After carefully evaluating the product made by the

researchers, the answers of the 24 respondents were then retrieved for the analysis and

interpretation for the results and discussion chapter of the study.



This chapter presents the findings, analysis and interpretation of data gathered.

T M Remarks
Parameters P
1 2 3 4 5 P
Texture 1 1 3 6 10 30 8 32 3 15 84 25 3.36 A
Odor 0 0 2 4 14 42 4 16 5 25 87 25 3.48 VA
Hardness 0 0 2 4 12 36 9 36 2 10 86 25 3.44 VA
Appearance 0 0 2 4 12 36 8 32 3 15 87 25 3.48 VA

Table 1. Acceptability of T1 Banana Stem and Rice Straw Residue Organic Paper.
The different parameters (texture, odor, hardness and appearance) were used in

the study to obtain the acceptability of T1 Banana Stem and Rice Straw Residue

Organic Paper. The above table provides the data gathered from the different


As shown in the data, three (3) out of the four (4) parameters were interpreted

as very acceptable; Odor (M=3.48), Hardness (M=3.44), Appearance (M=3.48) while

the other one (1) was interpreted as acceptable.

Parameters NA SA A VA HA M Remarks

1 2 3 4 5
Texture 0 0 0 0 8 24 14 56 3 15 95 25 3.80 VA
Odor 2 2 3 6 17 51 3 12 0 0 70 25 2.80 A
Hardness 1 1 0 0 10 30 14 56 0 0 87 25 3.48 VA
Appearance 3 3 1 2 12 36 6 24 3 15 80 25 3.20 A

Table 2. Acceptability of T2 Banana Stem and Rice Straw Residue Organic Paper.

The table above shows the summarized and interpreted data of the

acceptability of T2 Banana Stem and Rice Straw Residue Organic Paper in terms of

the parameters set: texture, odor, hardness and appearance.

As revealed in the data, only two (2) parameters was interpreted as acceptable

which is Odor (2.80) and Appearance (3.20) while the other two (2) parameters were

interpreted as very acceptable; Texture (3.80) and Hardness (3.48).

Parameters M Remarks
1 2 3 4 5

Texture 0 0 0 0 14 42 8 24 3 15 81 24 3.24 A
Odor 2 2 5 10 12 36 5 20 1 5 73 25 2.92 A
Hardness 3 3 4 8 4 12 13 52 1 5 80 25 3.2 A
Appearance 3 3 5 10 13 39 2 8 2 10 70 25 2.8 A
Table 3. Acceptability of T3 Banana Stem and Rice Straw Residue Organic Paper.

The table above shows the summary and interpretation of means of the

acceptability of T3 Banana Stem and Rice Straw Residue Organic Paper.

As reflected in the table, all of the parameters were interpreted by the

respondents as acceptable. These are Texture (3.24), Odor (2.92), Hardness (3.2) and

Appearance (2.8). The table also tells that respondents have a varying assessment

regarding the odor and appearance of treatment 3 while most of them have 3 as their

assessment in its texture and hardness.

Parameters Texture Odor Hardness Appearance

Mean 3.17 3.46 3.50 3.48
Descriptive Rating A VA VA VA
Treatment 1
Average Mean 3.40
Descriptive Rating VA

Mean 3.75 2.92 3.58 3.20
Descriptive Rating VA A VA A
Treatment 2
Average Mean 3.36
Descriptive Rating A
Mean 3.25 2.92 3.13 2.8
Treatment 3 Descriptive Rating A A A A
Average Mean 3.02
Descriptive Rating A

Table 4. Summary of the Overall Acceptability of the Different Treatments.

The above table shows the summary of the interpreted means and descriptive

ratings of the overall acceptability of the different treatments.

As shown in the data, two (2) of the treatments of Banana Stem and Rice

Straw Residue Organic Paper were interpreted by the respondents as acceptable; T2

(3.36) and T3 (3.02). On the other hand, T1 (3.40) was interpreted as very acceptable

by the respondents.

In general, T1 has the highest average means or overall acceptability.



In this chapter, the research provides the summary of findings, conclusion

drawn and recommendations as an outgrowth of this study.


After series of test and careful analyses, it was found out that T1 had the

highest quality compared with the other two treatments of the Banana Stem and Rice

Stalk Residue Organic Paper with an overall acceptability of 3.40 followed by T2 and

T3 with an overall acceptability of 3.32 and 3.06, respectively.


With all the data presented, the researchers concluded that Banana Stem and

Rice Straw Residue would be a feasible substitute in making an organic paper which

is cheap and with materials readily available in the community. It is also safe to say

that the product cwould lessen the amount of agricultural waste and can be an income

generating project of the people.


The researchers recommend that further studies must be done on the Banana

Stem And Rice Straw Residue Organic Paper.

1. Higher quality binding material must be used to achieve the best result

of the end product.

2. The shred pieces should be finer.


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Rice Straw Banana Stem

Blender Scissors

Pail Knife

Silk Screen




Sample Letter to the Respondents

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte
Solsona National High Solsona, Ilocos Norte


Senior High School Department · Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics · Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

Dear Respondents,

Greetings of peace and love!

We, the Grade 12 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) of

Solsona National High School would like to conduct an evaluation of our research



In line with this, we would like to request you to be one of our respondents of the

said study. We hope that you can help us by answering the rating scale sincerely and

truthfully. Your answers will be kept with utmost confidentiality and will only be

used for the said purpose.

Respectfully yours,

Maria Cristina Agustin

Keziah Claire Asuncion

Xyerra Karyll Fernandez

Doreene Angel Andres

John Mark Dave Juan

Mark Jefferson Bravo



Johnver F. Curameng

Research Adviser




5- Highly Acceptable

4- Very Acceptable


2-Slightly Acceptable

1-Not Acceptable

Acceptability of the Treatments

A. Acceptability of Treatment A: 150g Banana Residue and 50g Rice Straw

1 2 3 4 5


B. Acceptability of Treatment B: 150g Rice Straw and 50g Banana Residue

1 2 3 4 5


C. Acceptability of Treatment C: 100g Banana Residue and 100g Rice Straw

1 2 3 4 5




Name: Maria Cristina Agustin

Address: Brgy. Juan, Solsona Ilocos Norte

Mobile Number: 09273798468


Sex: Female

Age: 16

Date of Birth: October 25,2001

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Filipino

Name of Father: Cristino Agustin

Name of Mother: Mary Ann Agustin


Senior: Solsona National High School (2016-present)

Junior: Solsona National High School (2012-2016)

Elementary: Solsona Central Elementary School

Name: Doreene Angel Andres

Address: Brgy. Puttao, Solsona Ilocos Norte

Mobile Number: 09305107224


Sex: Female

Age: 17

Date of Birth: Febraury 01,2001

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Filipino

Name of Father: Ronilo Andres

Name of Mother: Benilda Andres


Senior: Solsona National High School (2016-present)

Junior: Solsona National High School (2012-2016)

Elementary: Faith Bible Baptist Academy

Name: Keziah Claire Asuncion

Address: Brgy. Nagpatpatan, Solsona Ilocos Norte

Mobile Number: 09270255955


Sex: Female

Age: 17

Date of Birth: January 23,2001

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Baptist

Nationality: Filipino

Name of Father: Denis Asuncion

Name of Mother: Jenalyn Asuncion


Senior: Solsona National High School (2016-present)

Junior: Solsona National High School (2012-2016)

Elementary: Nagpatpatan Elementary School

Name: Xyerra Karyll F. Fernandez

Address: Brgy. Mariquet, Solsona Ilocos Norte

Mobile Number: 09502053882


Sex: Female

Age: 17

Date of Birth: December 31, 2000

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo

Nationality: Filipino

Name of Father: Benedicto L. Fernandez

Name of Mother: Leofel F. Fernandez


Senior: Solsona National High School (2016-present)

Junior: Solsona National High School (2012-2016)

Elementary: Manalpac Elementary School

Name: John Mark Dave C. Juan

Address: Brgy. Mariquet, Solsona Ilocos Norte

Mobile Number: 09083319223


Sex: Male

Age: 17

Date of Birth: March 16,2001

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Nationality: Filipino

Name of Father: Walter D. Juan

Name of Mother: Arcelie C. Juan


Senior: Solsona National High School (2016-present)

Junior: Solsona National High School (2012-2016)

Elementary: Faith Bible Baptist Academy

Name: Mark Jefferson B. Bravo

Address: Brgy Juan, Solsona Ilocos Norte

Mobile Number: 09102588994


Sex: Male

Age: 17

Date of Birth: January 15,2001

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo

Nationality: Filipino

Name of Father: Arnolito L. Bravo

Name of Mother: Emelyn B. Bravo


Senior: Solsona National High School (2016-present)

Junior: Solsona National High School (2012-2016)

Elementary: Solsona Central Elementary School


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