Fizik 2020 New

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Instruction: Each question is followed by four options.

Choose the best option for each question then

blacken the correct space on the answer sheet.

1. Which of the following group shows the 4. A pair of vernier callipers with the jaws
correct arrangement of prefixes in closed is as shown in Diagram2(a). When the
ascending order? vernier callipers is used to measure the
A nano, milli, mega, giga thickness of a wooden block, the reading is as
B mega, giga, nano, milli shown in Diagram 2(b).
C mega, giga, milli, nano
D nano, milli, giga, mega

2. Which measurement is the longest?

A 2.68 × 103 μm
B 2.68 × 10-1 mm
C 2.68 × 103 cm
D 2.68 × 10-4 m

3. Diagram 1 below shows graph

relationship between  a and b.

Diagram 2(a)

Diagram 1
Which equation represents the
relationship between a and b?

Diagram 2(b)

What is the thickness of the block?

A 4.00 cm B 4.02 cm
C 4.03 cm D 4.05 cm

5. Diagram 3 below shows a graph of

acceleration,a, against time, t, for a toy 7. Diagram 5 below shows a steel ball
car which moves from rest.. bearing in contact with a spring under in a
compressed state and a released state.

Diagram 3

What is the distance travelled in the first 8

A 12 m B 18 m
C 24 m D 96 m Diagram 5

6. Diagram 4 below shows an object of The distance travelled by the ball, x, can be
weight, W, is suspended from a wall by a increased by using
string. The tension in the string is T and A a longer spring
the object is pulled to one side by a B a spring made from wire of a smaller
force, F, and held stationary. diameter.
C a spring with a smaller stiffness.
D a spring with a coil of smaller diameter.

8. Which of the following arrangements of

springs produces the longest extension?
[All the springs and the slotted weights
are the same] 
Diagram 4

Which vector diagram represents the forces

acting on the object in equilibrium?


9. Which of the following is true about an
elastic collision between two bodies?
11. Diagram 7 shows a ticker tape obtained from
Total momentum Total kinetic energy an experiment to study the movement of
A Conserved Conserved

B Conserved Not conserved …. . . . . . . .

C Not conserved Conserved . . Diagram.7 .
D Not conserved Not conserved
Which statement describes the movement
10. Diagram 6 below shows the condition of two correctly?
balls before collision and after collision. A. the trolley is moving with a uniform
velocity and acceleration
B. the trolley is moving at increasing velocity
C. the trolley is moving with a uniform
velocity and deceleration
D. the trolley poses a negative acceleration
12. Diagram 8 below shows a polystyrene casing
which is used for packing electronic device

Diagram 8

What is the function of the polystyrene casing?

Diagram 6 A. To reduce the time of impact if the
electronic equipment is accidentally
What is the velocity, v2, of the ball m2 after dropped.
collision?  B. To reduce the impulsive force if the
A 4.0 m s−2 B 4.5 m s−2 electronic equipment is accidentally
C 5.0 m s D 5.5 m s−2 dropped
C. To reduce the change in the
momentum if the electronic
equipment is accidentally dropped.
D. To reduce the impulse if the
electronic equipment is accidentally

13. Diagram 9 shows a hydraulic pump

15. Diagram 11(a) shows a simple barometer.

Diagram 11(b) shows the positions, S and R
at different altitude.
Two identical simple barometers are placed at
both positions, S and R.

Diagram 9

Which comparison is true?

A. The force F is the same as the weight of
the load
B. The force F is greater than the weight of
the load Diagram 11(a)
C. The pressure on piston P is the same as the
pressure on piston Q
D. The pressure on piston P is smaller than
the pressure on piston Q

14. Diagram 10 shows a box on a raft floating in

a river.

Diagram 11(b)

Which of the following is correct about the

height of mercury column, h in the barometer
S and R?

Diagram 10 A. hS > hR because the density of air at S is

more than at R.
Which statement is true about the weight of B. hS > hR because the density of air at S is
water displaced, W3? less than at R.
A W 3 > W1 + W2 C. hS < hR because the density of air at S is
B W 3 = W1 + W2 more than at R.
C W 3 < W1 + W2 D. hS = hR because the density of air at S and
D W3 = W2 - W 1 R are equal

16. Diagram 12(a) and 12(b) shows a spring

balance is used to measure the weight of metal
block in air and when the metal block is

immersed partially into the liquid. It is found 18. Diagram 14 shows a liquid flows through a
that the weight of the liquid displaced is equal tube
to the weight difference measured by the

Diagram 14

Which of the following graphs shows the

variation of the liquid pressure, P flowing along
the tube with distance, X from point 0?

agram 12
Which of the following method will increase
the weight of liquid displaced?
A Use a less dense liquid.
B Immersed the metal block deeper.
C Decrease the volume of the liquid.
D Decrease the length of metal block
immersed into the liquid.

17.Diagram 13 shows the arrangement of five

identical wooden blocks on a table.Each block
has mass of 0.01 kg and surface area in
contact of 0.02 m2. 19. Diagram 15 shows a water manometer is used
to measure the pressure of a gas supply to a
house. It gives a reading of h cm of water.

Diagram 13
What is the pressure exerted towards the
surface of the table? Diagram 15
A. 0.5 Nm-2
B. 5.0 Nm-2 A h would be too large if mercury were used.
C. 0.83 Nm-2 B h would be too small if mercury were used.
D. 8.3 Nm-2 C The tube would need to be narrower if
20. Diagram 16 shows pizza in an oven. mercury were used.
D The tube would need to be wider if mercury
were used.

22. The volume of Helium gas in a balloon at
room temperature of 30°C is 200 cm3. At what
temperature would the volume of the balloon
increases by another 10 cm3, assuming that the
gas pressure is kept constant.

23. A heater that has a specification of 240 V,

Diagram 16 2.0 kW takes 10 s to raise the temperature of
Which statement is correct when pizza and a liquid of mass 500 g by 5C. What is the
oven reach thermal equilibrium? specific heat capacity of the liquid ?
A. No net heat flow between pizza and oven A 0.8 Jkg-1 C -1
B. The heat flows between pizza and oven is B 8.0 Jkg-1 C -1
C 8 x 10-3 Jkg-1 C -1
C. The quantity of heat energy in pizza is the
D 8 x 103 Jkg-1 C -1
same as the oven
D. Rate of change of temperature of pizza is
24. Diagram 17 shows a heating curve of a solid
bigger than oven
21. Which graph shows relationship between
pressure, P and absolute temperature, T for a
fixed mass of gas at constant volume?

Diagram 17

At stage Y, the heat absorb by the object is

A. zero
B. latent heat of vaporization
C. latent heat of fusion
D. specific heat capacity

25. Diagram 18 shows three blocks P, Q and R,

with the same mass. The same quantity of heat
energy is applied to the blocks.

Diagram 4

28. Diagram 20 shows 0.32 kg of water at

temperature of 30 °C being poured into a glass
filled with ice at 0 °C.

Diagram 18
The temperature rises in block R higher than P,
but less than Q.
Which block has the lowest specific heat
Diagram 20

What is the mass of the ice that melts?

[Specific latent heat of ice = 3.36 X 105 J kg1]
[Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg' °C]
26. Diagram 19 shows a process when water A. 0.04 kg
changed into steam. B. 0.08 kg
C. 0.12 kg
D. 0.16 kg

29. Diagram 21 shows light rays from source O

Diagram 19 that
pass through lenses labelled P, Q and R.
What is the name of the heat absorbed during
the process?
A. Specific heat capacity
B. Latent heat of fusion
C. Latent heat of condensation
D. Latent heat of vaporisation

27.Which equipment uses total internal

reflection? Diagram 21
A. Magnifying Glass
B. Prism Binocular
C. Microscope What are represented by P, Q and R?
D. Slide projector

30. Diagram 22 shows a ray diagram of a

compound microscope at normal adjustment

32. Diagram 24 shows and object is placed in
of a convex lens with focal length of 10 cm.


Diagram 24

State the characteristics of the image formed?

Diagram 22 A. Diminished, upright, virtual
Key: B. Diminished, inverted, real
A – Object A’ – First image C. Magnified, inverted, real
A” – Final image ho – Height of the object D. Magnified, upright, virtual
h1 – Height of the first image
h2 – Height of the final image 33. An object is placed 20.0 cm in front of
Based on Diagram 19, which of the following lens with a focal length of 15.0 cm.What is the
statement is correct? image distance?
h1 h0 A. 5.00 cm
A. Linear magnification, M is M = x B 8.57 cm
h2 h1
B. The distance between two lenses, L is C 35.00 cm
equal to L = fo + fe D 60.00 cm
C. The characteristics of the final image are
inverted, virtual and magnified 34. Diagram 25 shows a convex mirror used as a
D. The power of eye piece is greater than the safety feature at dangerous corner of a road.
power of objective lens

31. Diagram 23 below shows a ray, X is

directed into glass block. The critical
angle of the glass is 42°. Which direction
does the light travels from point Y?



48 Diagram 25

Why the mirror is used as the safety feature at

dangerous corner of a road?
X A. It produces a bigger image
Diagram 23 B. It has a wider range of view
C. Easy to be seen by driver
35. Which diagram shows the correct reflection of D. It is bigger in size
light from a curve mirror? 37. Diagram 27 shows the cross section of water

[C = centre of curvature of mirror, F = focal waves
point of mirror]

Diagram 27
Which statement is true about the water
A. X and Y have the same phase
A. I and II B. No energy is transferred from position X
B. III and IV to Z
C. I, II and III C. The wavelength is the distance between X
D. II, III and IV and Z
D. The particle at Z oscillates in a direction
36. Diagram 26 shows a vibrator vibrating in a parallel to the direction of the wave
ripple tank with sloping base propagation

38. Diagram 28 shows a fringe pattern formed on

a screen for the Young’s double-slit

Diagram 26
Which wave pattern can be observed on the

Diagram 28

The distance between double-slit and

screen is 4.0 m and the wavelength of light
used is 4 x 10-7 m. What is the distance
between two slits?

39. Diagram 29 shows a water wave propagating

through a small gap. 42. Which graph shows-the correct

relationship between a and :x when red
light is replaced by the green light?

Diagram 29

Which property of the diffracted wave is

A. The wavelength is decreased
B. The frequency is increased B
C. The amplitude is decreased
D. The speed is decreased

40. Microwaves, X-rays and visible light are part

of the electromagnetic spectrum.
What is the wavelength arrangement in
ascending order?
A. Microwaves, visible light, X-rays
B. X-rays, microwaves, visible light
C. Microwaves, X-rays, visible light
D. X-rays, visible light, microwaves
41. What would a drummer do to increase a pitch
of sound?
A. Hit the drum skin with a smaller force
B. Hit the drum skin with a larger force
C. Loosen the drum skin
D. Tighten the drum skin

43. Diagram 30 shows an electric circuit

46. Diagram 31 shows a voltage-current

graph for a conductor

Diagram 30 Diagram 31

What is the voltmeter reading across resistor Which statement is correct about the
M? graph?
A. The conductor obey Ohm’s Law
B. The conductor is a copper wire
C. Resistance increases as the current
D. Resistance decreases as the voltage

47. Diagram 32 shows an electric circuit

44. A cell has a terminal potential difference of

3.6 V when the current which flows through
the circuit is 2 A. If the internal resistance of
the cell is 1.0 Ω what is the e.m.f. of the cell?
A. 1.6 V
B. 3.6 V
C. 4.2 V
D. 5.6 V

45. A television labeled “220V, 500W” is

connected to an electrical supply of 220V.
Diagram 32
What is the amount of electrical energy
consumed in 2 minutes?
Which of the following is correct?
A. 440 J
B. 1000 J
C. 26 400 J
D. 60 000 J

50. A student uses a wire as a resistor.

48. Diagram shows the tariff of an electricity bill

from TNB web. To increase the resistance of the wire, he
should use a wire that is
A. longer and thicker
B. longer and thinner
C. shorter and thicker
D. shorter and thinner

Table shows the electrical appliances used in a END OF QUESTION PAPER

tailor's house for one day.

Prepared by:


Checked by:

Ketua Panitia Fizik
What is the total cost for the electrical appliances
in table from 18 February 2018 until 19 March Verified by:
GKMP Matematik dan Sains

49. Three different resistor are connected in

Which statement is correct?
A. Potential different across each resistor is
the same
B. Power dissipated by each resistor is the
C. Effective resistance is smaller than
individual resistance
D. The current passing through each resistor
is the same


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