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One-Page GURPS UltraLite Rules

Character Abilities a regular roll, 12 or less on 3d6. Taking an icy

Attributes (roll against these to take actions) curve at high speed might have a -4 penalty, so
VT: Vitality – Overall measure of the characters you’d have to roll (12-4 =) 8 or less. If you and
physical strength, hit another driver are racing each other, both roll
points, health, and against Driving; whoever makes their Driving roll
Attribute Levels
resistance to injury, 7 Poor by the most wins.
poison and disease. 10 Average
DX: Dexterity – Everything 13 Exceptional Regardless of the score you're rolling against, a roll
from fine motor control of 3 or 4 is
to overall physical coordination, including always a
punching and grabbing. success and a Critical Success/Failure

Roll Result

IQ: Intelligence – Schooling, natural aptitude, roll of 17 or 18 3-4 Critical success
willpower, perception, and social savvy. is always a 5 Critical success if skill 15+
failure. It's 6 Critical success if skill 16+
Sub-Attributes possible to 17 Normal failure if skill 16+,
Critical failure if skill 15-
Basic Speed: How quickly you react and how many succeed greatly 18 Critical failure
hexes (yards) you can travel in one second. or fail miserably
Dodge/Parry/Block: Roll under to avoid being hit. by rolling a
critical success or failure.
Other characteristics
Advantages: special abilities your character has. Social Interactions
Disadvantages: limitations of your character. When you meet an NPC, or ask one for a favor, the
Skills: what your character is GM makes a reaction roll. The higher the roll, the
trained to do. The higher the Skill Levels friendlier the reaction. Your advantages may give
number, the better you are. 8 Novice you a bonus on this (e.g. Charisma, positive
10 Amateur Reputation, etc.), or you may use a skill (e.g.
12 Low-Risk
Skill Checks/Contests Professional Diplomacy, Fast-Talk, Intimidation, Savior-Faire,
To perform a task, roll against 14 High-Risk Sex Appeal, Streetwise) to influence them. Your
the appropriate skill or attribute. Professional Disadvantages may also give a penalty to this roll
Very easy tasks are automatic if (e.g. negative Reputation, Social Stigma, etc.).
you have the appropriate skill.
Ordinary tasks require you to roll equal to or less Combat
than your skill level on 3d6. Hard tasks may have Attack: Choses a combat maneuver. Roll against a
a penalty to the roll (subtracted from the skill level, skill to see if you’re on target.
not the dice rolled), easier tasks may have a bonus Defend: Rolls against Dodge to avoid being hit.
to the roll (again, added to the skill level, not the Damage: If the attacker succeeds and the defender
dice rolled). When competing with someone else fails, the attacker rolls the damage for the
trying to do the task both of you roll against the attack.
skill and the one who makes it by the most wins. Injury: Subtract the total from the defender’s VT.
Death?: Once your VT drops to 0, you must make
Example: If you have the Driving skill at 12, you VT checks every second to remain conscious.
can drive a car to another city with no problem. Once your VT drops to -VT, you must make a
Swerving to avoid kids running into traffic requires VT check to remain alive.
Based on information found in GUPRS Lite.

GURPS Lite is ©2004 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved.

One-Page GURPS was originally compiled by Karl Gallagher. This version was compiled by Eric B. Smith; edited by Captain Joy on 15 Mar 2017.

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