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Gurps Ultra Lite Remix

quinta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2015 16:24



This game assumes you know what “RPG,” “PC,” GM,” “3d6,” and “NPC” mean.

To build a PC, allocate levels to capabilities. Most heroes have 3-5 levels, but the GM can pick another number.
Capabilities include Strength (ST), Dexterity (DX), Intelligence (IQ), and Health (HT). You start at Normal, can
add levels to each, and can gain one extra level somewhere else by going below Normal in one category.
ST: Sets Hit Points (HP) and Basic Damage. Levels are Weak (8 HP, 1d6/2), Normal (10 HP, 1d6), Strong (14 HP,
2d6), and Very Strong (18 HP, 3d6).
DX: Gives your base roll whenever precision or reflexes dominate: attacking, driving, etc. Levels and base rolls:
Clumsy (8), Normal (10), Agile (12), Very Agile (14), and Extreme (16).
IQ: Gives your base roll when brains matter (code-breaking, science, etc.): Dull (8), Normal (10), Smart (12),
Very Smart (14), and Genius (16).
HT: Gives your base roll to resist poison, unconsciousness, and death: Sickly (8), Normal (10), Hardy (14), and
Very Hardy (18).

Tasks and Skills

To perform a task or resist something, roll 3d6. On a result no greater than your base roll, you succeed;
otherwise, you fail. Apply -6 to base rolls for tasks that require training: attacking, code-breaking, driving, etc.
The GM can vary difficulty by assigning a modifier from -10 (hard to do/resist) to +10 (easy!); e.g., Very Hardy
(18) resists “poison -5” at 13.
To be better at tasks, you can put some of your levels into skills. Skills go with professions the GM allows on
this adventure – Crook, Knight, Ninja, etc. Each skill has four levels; each level gives +2 for its tasks. Note level
and bonus; e.g., Crook 2 (+4).
Example: Neutralizing an alarm is a Crook task that takes brains (IQ). Two levels in IQ Very Smart (14) makes
the roll 14 - 6 = 8. A criminal with IQ Normal (10) and those two levels in Crook 2 (+8) rolls 10 - 6 + 8 = 12. A 3
on the dice always succeeds and an 18 always fails!

The GM designates NPCs as hostile (fights/uses abilities against PCs), undecided, or friendly (fights/uses
abilities for PCs). For an undecided NPC, the GM rolls 3d6 for a reaction: 3-6 means he turns hostile, 7-14
means he won’t get involved, and 15-18 means he helps. Heroes can put one level in Charismatic, a capability
that turns hostile reactions neutral and neutral ones helpful.

Skills include relevant gear. Levels in combat skills (like Knight) give superior gear that improves weapon
damage and armor. Heroes can put one level in Wealthy, a capability that adds two levels to combat skills for
the sole purpose of weapon damage and armor.

Combat proceeds in turns. Each turn, each fighter picks one option (and one foe, if he attacks):
Melee attack: A trained task using DX and a skill like Karate Master (if unarmed) or Knight (if armed). The skill
must fit the weapon (e.g., Samurai for katana) to count when armed. Subtract half your enemy’s combat skill
bonus; e.g., with Agile (12) and Samurai 2 (+8), you need 12 - 6 + 8 = 14 to hit, or 10 if your foe has Ninja 2 (+8).
Success when unarmed does damage equal to half your Basic Damage roll (drop fractions); Weak heroes inflict
1 point. Use the full roll when armed. Add combat skill level (not bonus) to damage; e.g., Knight 2 (+8) gives +2.
Ranged attack: As above, but skills are things like Ninja for shuriken or Infantryman for rifles. Don’t subtract
half your enemy’s bonus. The GM may give up to -10 for range. Success does Basic Damage for bows and
thrown weapons, 2d for pistols, or 5d for rifles. Skill level still adds to damage.
Move: Run from ranged to melee or melee to ranged.
Defend: Duck! Subtract your full skill bonus from enemy melee attacks, half that from ranged ones.

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Armor protects the wearer against damage. Subtract 1 from enemy damage rolls per level in a skill that uses
light, low-tech armor (e.g., Swashbuckler), 2 per level in one that uses heavy low-tech armor (e.g., Knight) or
light high-tech armor (e.g., Cop), or 4 per level in one that uses heavy high-tech armor (e.g., Commando).
Whatever is left comes off HP.
At 0 HP, roll base HT each turn before acting; failure means you pass out. At -HP, you collapse; roll base HT or
die. If you survive, make a daily HT roll to recover 1 HP.


GURPS Ultra-Lite Abridged Rules by SEAN PUNCH
GURPS Ultra-Lite Version 0.8 is copyright © 2009 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. It is intended for free distribution. You are
encouraged to copy and share this page freely. You may not charge for it, except to cover the actual cost of copying. You may not remove
any part of it. You may not change or modify it. You absolutely may not incorporate this game, or parts of it, into another product for
distribution in any way. GURPS Ultra-Lite is available in PDF format from You may distribute this PDF file
freely under the above restrictions, and post copies of it online. You may not sell it or include it as part of any product for sale without the
written permission of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Please visit our website at You may also write to us at PO
Box 18957, Austin, TX 78760.




Magic spells on GUL Remix use IQ to ascertain damage the same way ST's Basic Damage is calculated. Every
character is capable of casting spells as everyone has a Mana value equal to HT.
Yes, those are the same spells from Vagrant Story.

Shaman Spells
Shaman spells focus on restoring HP and healing negative statuses. They are similar to White Magic in
Spell Description Grimoire MP to cast
Heal Restores 1d6 HP. Guerir 2
Restoration Cures Paralysis. Mollese 1
Antidote Cures Poison. Antidote 1
Blessing Cures Curse. Benir 1
Clearance Cures negative status. Purifier 1
Surging Balm Regenerates 1 HP per 2 turns. Vie 3

Enchanter Spells
Enchanter Spells focus upon boosting weapon and armor affinity against certain elements, similarly to Red
Mages or Mystic Knights.
Spell Description Grimoire MP to cast
Luft Fusion Increased weapon affinity to the Air element. +2 Air damage. Sylphe 1
Spark Increased weapon affinity to the Fire element. +2 Fire damage. Salamandr 1
Fusion e
Soil Fusion Increased weapon affinity to the Earth element. +2 Earth damage. Gnome 1
Frost Increased weapon affinity to the Water element. +2 Water damage. Undine 1
Aero Guard Increased armor resistance to Air-elemental attacks. Reduces 2 points Parebrise 2
of Air damage.
Pyro Guard Increased armor resistance to Fire-elemental attacks. Reduces 2 Ignifuge 2
points of Fire damage.
Terra Guard Increased armor resistance to Earth-elemental attacks. Reduces 2 Rempart 3
points of Earth damage.
Aqua Guard Increased armor affinity to Water-elemental attacks. Reduces 2 points Barrer 2
of Water damage.

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of Water damage.

Warlock Spells
Warlock spells focus upon dealing damage to the enemy. They are similar to Black Magic.
Spell Description Grimoire MP to cast
Solid Shock Attack the target with a physical shockwave. Zephyr 2
Lightning Bolt Attack the target with Air lightning. Teslae 2
Fireball Attack the target with Fire bombs. Incendie 2
Vulcan Lance Attack the target with Earth spears. Terre 2
Aqua Blast Attack the target with Water bursts. Glace 2
Spirit Surge Attack the target with Light orbs. Lux 2
Dark Chant Afflicts enemies with Dark searing pain. Patire 2
Exorcism Exorcise the undead. Exsorcer 4
Banish Instantly kill the target. Banish 5
Explosion A focused blast hitting multiple targets. Demolir 5
Thunderburst Calls down a bolt of lightning down onto the targets. Foudre 5
Flame Sphere Surrounds targets in flames. Flamme 5
Gaea Strike Creates a warp of Gravity around the targets. Gaea 5
Avalanche Super-freezes the targets. Avalanche 5
Radial Surge Focused rays of light pierce enemies. Radius 5
Meteor Rains meteors down onto the target. Meteore 6
Drain Heart Absorb HP from the target. Egout 1
Drain Mind Absorb Mana from the target. Deamance 1

Sorcerer Spells
Sorcerer Spells focus upon raising the user stats while lowering enemy stats. It is most similar to Green Magick.
They also perform non-battle functions like opening Chests and revealing traps.
Spell Description Grimoire MP to cast
Herakles Increases target's strength. ST +1 for 3 turns. Intensite 3
Degenerate Temporarily lowers target's strength. ST -1 for 3 turns. Debile 3
Enlighten Increases target's intelligence. IQ +1 for 3 turns. Eclairer 3
Psychodrain Temporarily lowers target's intelligence. IQ -1 for 3 turns. Naugeux 3
Invigorate Increases target's agility. DX +1 for 3 turns. Agilite 3
Lead Bones Temporarily lowers target's agility. DX -1 for 3 turns. Tardif 3
Prostasia Strengthens target's equipment. Ameliore 4
Tarnish Temporarily weakens target's equipment. Deteriorer 4
Magic Ward Blocks the next spell cast on the target. Annuler 3
Stun Cloud Paralyzes target. Paralysie 2
Poison Mist Poisons target. Venin 2
Curse Curses target. Fleau 2
Silence Temporarily stops target from using Magic. Muet 4
Fixate Freezes cloudstones in the room in place. Halte 1
Dispel Removes all statuses on the target. Dissiper 2
Unlock Open chests locked by Magic. Clef 3
Eureka Reveal traps. Visible 6
Analyze View enemy stats. Analysis 5

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