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Bandhua Mukti Morcha is an organization dedicated to the cause of
release of bonded laborers in the country. The system of bonded labor
has been prevalent in various parts of the country since long prior to
the attainment of political freedom and it constitutes an ugly and
shameful feature of our national life. This system based on
exploitation by a few socially and economically powerful persons
trading on the misery and suffering of large numbers of men and
holding them in bondage is a relic of a feudal hierarchical society
which hypocritically proclaims the divinity of men but treats large
masses of people belonging to the lower rungs of the social ladder or
Economically impoverished segments of society as dirt and chattel.
This system under which one person can be bonded to provide labor
to another for years and years until an alleged debts supposed to be
wiped out which never seems to happen during the life time of the
bonded laborer, is totally incompatible with the new egalitarian socio-
economic order which we have promised to build and it is not only an
affront to basic human dignity but also constitutes gross and revolting
violation of constitutional values.

Bandhua Mukti Morcha (BMM) was formed in 1981 to wage a battle

against the pernicious bonded labour system in India. Administrative
and political will to carry out the Constitutional mandate and enforce
prohibitive laws of the land failed to produce any results. Against all
odds, Bandhua Mukti Morcha has achieved the release of over 1,24,
000 bonded Indians from the shackles of slavery. A large number of
them have been rehabilitated. From the Carpet Industry alone, about a
thousand children have been rescued and restored to their parents.
Their rehabilitation has been monitored effectively. BMM has started
a campaign for the provision of non-formal, full time education for
these children, along with the supply of nutrition to each and also
some food security to their poor families.

Slavery persists in our age in various forms. The bonded labor system
is one of them. Child labour is another kind of bonded labour. Both
arise out of socio-economic and historical reasons. India, the largest
democratic country in the world, has 65 million bonded child
labourers, and 300 million adult labourers living a life of bondage and
contemporary forms of slavery, according to our estimates. This is
despite Constitutional guarantees and prohibitive laws like the
Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act 1976, the Child labour
(Prohibition and Regulation Act) 1986 and International Conventions
on the subject. Child labour (5 years to 14 years of age) is rampant not
only in agriculture but also in industries such as those manufacturing
matches, locks, carpets, stone quarries, brick kilns, tanneries and
diamond cutting and polishing units. These children are denied their
fundamental right to childhood, to education, to play and to dream
like a normal child. They have to labour for more than 8 hours every
day. Legal and human rights battles on their behalf have been
successfully fought in the Supreme Court of India. Parliament too has
been approached. United Nations Human Rights Commission, ILO
and UNICEF have been sensitized. Yet, the 20 year-old struggles is
only a beginning. A lot more remains to be done.
It would be instructive to briefly discuss the facts of the case before
delving into the legal issues arose therein.

The petitioner made a survey of some of the stone quarries in

Faridabad district near the city of Delhi and found that there were a
large number of labourers from Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar
Pradesh and Rajasthan who were working in these stone quarries
under "inhuman and intolerable conditions" and many of whom were
bonded labourers. The petitioner therefore addressed a letter to one of
us on 25th February, 1982 pointing out that in the mines of Shri S.L.
Sharma, Gurukula Indra Prastha, Post Amar Nagar Faridabad,
District, a large number of labourers were languishing under abject
conditions of bondage for last about ten years, and the petitioner gave
the names of 11 bonded labourers who were from village Asarha,
Banner district of Rajasthan, 7 bonded labourers who were from
village Bharol, district Jhansi of Madhya Pradesh and 23 bonded
labourers who were from village Barodia, Bhanger, TehsilKhurai,
district Sagar, M.P. The petitioner also annexed to its letter,
statements in original bearing the thumb marks or signatures as the
case may be of these bended labourers referred to in the letter.

The court laid down comprehensive measures for the rehabilitation

and supportive working environment of the labourers working in mine
leases. The court also directed that the Assistant Labour
Commissioner and the Deputy Labour Commissioner should verify
whether the nine mining lessees to whom notice had been issued were
paying the labourers wages that was commensurate with the
provisions of the Minimum Wages Act. According to the facts stated
before the court the mine lessees had been repeatedly and
continuously committed gross violation of labour laws including non-
payment of minimum wages and the State of Haryana must consider
cancellation the leases of the defaulters.

1. Whether Article 32 of the Constitution is attracted to the instant

case as no fundamental right of the petitioners or of the
workmen referred to in the petition are infringed.

2. Can a letter addressed by a party to this Court be treated as a

writ petition and in the absence of any verified petition this
Court can be moved to exercise its writ jurisdiction.

3. During a proceeding under Article 32 of the Constitution, can

this Court be empowered to appoint any commission or an
investigating body to enquire into the allegations made and
makes a report to this Court on the basis of the enquiry to enable
this Court to exercise its power and jurisdiction under Article 32
of the Constitution.

The substance of the grievance of the petitioners in this petition is that

the workmen referred to in the communication addressed to this Court
are bonded labourers. In 1976, the Parliament enacted the Bonded
Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976 and by virtue of the provisions
of the said Act, the bonded labour system has been declared to be
illegal in this country. Any person who is wrongfully and illegally
employed as a labourer in violation of the provisions of the Act, is in
essence deprived of his liberty. A bonded labourer truly becomes a
slave and the freedom of a bonded labourer in the matter of his
employment and movement is more or less completely taken away
and forced labour is thrust upon him. When any bonded labourer
approaches this Court, the real grievance that he makes is that he
should be freed from this bondage and he prays for being set at liberty
and liberty is no doubt a fundamental right guaranteed to every person
under the Constitution. There cannot be any manner of doubt that any
person who is wrongfully and illegally detained and is deprived of his
liberty can approach this Court under Article 32 of the Constitution
for his freedom from wrongful and illegal detention, and for being set
at liberty.

The second ground which raises the question whether the letter
addressed by a party to this Court can be treated as a writ petition and
in the absence of any verified petition this Court can be moved to
exercise its writ jurisdiction, is essentially an objection to the
procedure to be adopted by this Court in the matter of entertaining a
proceeding under Article 32 for enforcement of fundamental rights of
the parties. Article 32(1) of the Constitution which has been earlier set
out guarantees the right to move this Court by an appropriate
proceeding for the enforcement of the fundamental rights. Article
32(2) confers wide powers on this Court in the matter of granting
relief against any violation of the fundamental rights. Article 32 or for
that matter any other article does not lay down any procedure which
has to be followed to move this Court for relief against the violation
of any fundamental right. Article 32(1) only lays down that the right
to move this Court by appropriate proceedings for enforcement of
fundamental rights is guaranteed.

The fundamental rights are guaranteed by the Constitution and for

The enforcement of the fundamental rights very wide powers have
been conferred on this Court. Before this Court proceeds to exercise
its powers under Article 32 of the Constitution for enforcing the
fundamental rights guaranteed, this Court has to be satisfied that there
has been a violation of the fundamental rights. The fundamental rights
may be alleged to have been violated under various circumstances.
The facts and circumstances differ from case to case. Whenever,
however, there is an allegation of violation of fundamental rights, it
becomes the responsibility and also the sacred duty of this Court to
protect such fundamental rights guaranteed under the Constitution
provided that this Court is satisfied that a case for interference by this
Court appears prima facie to have been made out very often the
violation of fundamental rights is not admitted or accepted. On a
proper consideration of the materials the Court has to come to a
conclusion whether there has been any violation of fundamental rights
to enable the Court to grant appropriate reliefs in the matter. In
various cases, because of the peculiar facts and circumstances of the
case the party approaching this Court for enforcement of fundamental
rights may not be in a position to furnish all relevant materials and
necessary particulars.


Before the Honorable judge of the Supreme Court
Forum at …

…………………………………… APPEALANT

……………………………………………. RESPONDENT

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