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Introductory Psychology 1113 Application Assignment 2:

Greatest Myths in Psychology Infographic

Pick one myth from the shortened “Greatest Myths in Psychology” list provided below. Create an
infographic related to the myth, including a description of the myth, possible source(s) and example(s) of
the myth, and at least three unique, factual pieces of information showing why the myth is false.

In today’s world, people are reading books, newspapers, and journals less and less. Instead,
they turn to brief news write-ups, buzzfeed articles, and Twitter to get their information.
These sources require less eloquent writing and more creativity to capture the reader’s
interest. So, rather than write a paper about the modern myths in the field of psychology,
this assignment requires you to create an infographic – a visual portrayal of data and
information – using outside sources, to convince your reader that your myth is false.

Specific Required Elements:

 Include a brief explanation of the myth in your own words.
 Describe at least one example of the occurrence of the myth in popular culture. This
could be in a book, movie, tv show, commercial, news article, etc…but it may NOT be
anecdotal (i.e., “my grandma told me…” or “I heard from a friend…”).
 Provide three pieces of evidence that the myth is false, using a different academic
source to support each piece of evidence. Acceptable sources include your textbook,
journal articles, and reputable, factual online sources (NOT Wikipedia!). Make sure
to explain why your evidence refutes the myth.
o Evidence needs to be explained in your own words. Quotes may be used, but
should NOT make up your entire piece of evidence.
o Remember that this assignment is to create an infographic! In other words,
this assignment is not to write a paper! Keep the writing to a minimum
and display your information visually and graphically whenever possible.
o Please indicate which source each piece of evidence relates to. In other
words, you might say “According to Scientific American,” or use parenthetical
citations at the end (Scientific American), or even a number (1) referencing

your reference list. Just let us know which source goes with which piece of
 Include references listed at either the end of the infographic or on a separate
references page (any style of formatting is acceptable).
 The assignment will be submitted to Canvas typically as a picture file (.jpg or .png),
but a PDF is fine as well. NOTE: your infographic MUST be computer-generated and
not hand-drawn.

Greatest Myths List:

1. Most people only use 10% of their brain power.
2. Some people are left-brained, others are right-brained.
3. Extrasensory perception is a well-established scientific phenomenon.
4. Playing Mozart music to infants boosts their intelligence.
5. Most people experience a mid-life crisis in their 40s or early 50s.
6. Old age is typically associated with increased dissatisfaction and senility.
7. Human memory works like a tape recorder or video camera, and accurately records
the events we experience.
8. Researchers have demonstrated that dreams possess symbolic meaning.
9. People with schizophrenia have multiple personalities.
10. Electroconvulsive (“shock”) therapy is a physically dangerous and brutal treatment.

Infographic Resources:
 Popular free service to create infographics:
 Another popular free service to create infographics:
 How To Create Infographics Blog:
 There are countless examples and resources available online for how to create
colorful, effective, visually interesting infographics. Be creative!

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