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Updates: Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: jg@joytigoel.


-A Comprehensive Analysis of the Covid-19 Crisis-

1. Introduction

2. How Covid-19 Came To Be

3. Exosomes (Dr. Andrew Kaufman)

4. RT-PCR Test

5. Elderly, Immune System & Hospitals

6. Media & Statistics

7. Italy

8. 5G Technology

9. Government Advisers & Imperial College

10. Dr. Rashid. A. Buttar & Dr. Shiva. Ayyadurai

Outcomes & Effects:

· 11. Economy
· 12. RNA & DNA Vaccines & Digital ID
· 13. Censorship & Surveillance
· 14. Technocracy
· 15. Food Chain
· 16. Lockdown
· 17. Deaths

18. What To Expect

19. The Pentagon & The U.S. Military

20. Reported Events (Timeline)


22. What Can We Do?

23. Positives Side To This Crisis

24. Additional Notes

25. Deeper Energetic Analysis

26. Sources
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


 Bookmarks ~ Page Numbers ~ Rhetoric Questions ~ Grammar ~ Punctuation ~

Additional References.
 Page 12: President of Tanzania regarding goat and papaya test results.
 Page12: Dr. Tim O'shea $5000 reward to prove PCR Test actually diagnoses for the
new alleged virus.
 Page 14: Additional information regarding harmful effects of masks.
 Page 16: * Hydroxychloroquine ~ 2005 NIH study ~ Trump ~ India ~ Dr. Didier
Raoult ~ Haemoglobin ~ Iron ions (Fe2+).
 Page 19: Italian ICU footage used for NY~ Bill Gates funding the BBC.
 Page 21/22: * 5G (Significant update) ~ 60GHz ~ 42GHz ~ Haemoglobin ~ Iron ions
(Fe2+) ~ Spin State ~ FCC ~ SpaceX ~ Satellites.
 Page 23: 5G Summit + Links with huge list of legal actions, moratoriums and studies
regarding 5G and wireless technology/ radiation.
 Page 32: Dale Bigtree and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny interview.
 Page 35: E.g. of number of patients being trialled for new vaccine (gene therapy).
 Page 37: AstraZeneca’s ties with Moderna’s mRNA vaccines.
 Page 37: Bill Gates bribe offer to Nigeria and Madagascar.
 Page 37: Bill introduced in State of Colorado regarding vaccines/ doctors/ parents.
 Page 39: Fact checkers (Policifact ~ Factchecker ~ Snopes).
 Page 40: A little more on Bill Gates
 Page 42: Lab-produced breast milk (Bill Gates).
 Page 50: WHO redefines pandemic (2010) ~ Rockefeller (2010) document quote ~
Bill Gates heavy funding into Moderna (2016).
 Page 51: World Bank Pandemic Bonds (2019)
 Page 52: * Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Rockefeller Brother Fund Event to
plan out contact tracing (2019)
 Page 54: Italy vaccine ~ CDC demand for quarantine program health advisor (2019).
 Page 55: Italy vaccine ~ Anthony Fauci interview ~ CEOs stepping down &
congressmen dumping stocks ~ Taiwanese virologist ~ UN document (2020)
 Page 56: CDC new IFR predictions (2020)
 Page 65: How to prevent/ cleanse/ reverse EMF radiation/ damage/ exposure.
 MMS Deleted (not what I thought it was).
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

Everybody is entitled to their perspective and has the right to disagree with anything
stated in this document. However, I urge you to read the document from A to Z with an
open mind before making any decision. I have laid out useful insights and raised
pertinent questions in order to appeal to your intellect and instigate enough curiosity so
that you can also start researching yourself what is truly going on.

Some of the pertinent question:

• Does the virus exist and if it does, where does it come from?

• Why do so many positive patients suffer from minor or no symptoms?

• What test do they use?

• How do they report a death or a case?

• Why was Italy hit so badly?

• Will things ever go back to normal?

• Are there any links between 5G and the virus?

• What is this crisis accomplishing?

• Who is benefiting from it?

• What are they hiding from us?

• What can we do?

In a matter of weeks, the world has changed drastically with nearly 4 billion people locked
inside due to fear of a virus and acquiescence to authorities while their fundamental
rights and freedom are being taken away. This is a complex matter at hand; there are
many factors at play which are all interconnected.

There are many layers and you can always go deeper. There are certain unknown forces
who are manipulating our society for their own agenda. This does not mean that all
politicians are consciously part of these forces; a majority of them are puppets or
completely clueless to the bigger picture and underlying agenda. This is due to
compartmentalisation ~ the division of something into sections or categories, in which one
level of the hierarchy only knows what it needs to know in order to carry out its operating
function and nothing more.

The last thing I want is to make you feel hopeless and afraid. There is a potential
positive outcome in every situation, something can always be done. But first, you must
understand what is at stake, shed all fears, become psychically prepared and help
others. We cannot be held prisoners in our own home and do absolutely nothing. This
knowledge will expand your awareness and empower you.

It is imperative for you to thoroughly read this document from start to finish before
making your own mind.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


The first case was supposedly reported on the 17th November 2019 in Wuhan, China.
The authorities claimed that the virus broke out due to the non-sanitary conditions in
Wuhan’s seafood markets and potentially due to the consumption of bats. Some believe
it was bioengineered, others believe it does not exist.

Apparently, based on the RT-PCR results, the alleged new virus started to spread
exponentially as cases were reported in various countries, mainly in Italy, South Korea and
Iran. Italy being the centre of the alleged pandemic in Europe created mass amounts of
fear and panic due to the ways it was portrayed in the mainstream media, the lockdown,
the amount of cases and deaths etc which all monumentally amplified the gravity of the
situation and mass hysteria. Why Italy? I will come to that a little bit later.

A lockdown was imposed more or less synchronously all over the world in a majority of
countries. People reacted with the R-complex (Reptilian) part of their brain as their survival
instincts kicked in; and willingly accepted the lockdown without critically thinking of the far
reaching consequences.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman, a licensed and board certified in psychiatry, Bachelors in science of
Biology (MIT), Doctor of Medicine and former medical instructor of Haematology and
oncology investigated the scientific research papers available in the medical community to
get to the bottom of the outbreak. Here are Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s findings:

The first group of scientist in Wuhan, claiming to have found a new virus first quoted ‘The
disease was determined as a pneumonia induced viral by clinicians according to clinical
symptoms and other criteria including temperature rising, lymphocytes and white blood
cells decreasing, new pulmonary infiltrates on chest radiography, and no obvious
improvements upon three days of antibiotic treatment. It appears that most of the early
cases had contact with the seafood market.’

They concluded that the above symptoms arose from a new virus solely based on these
observations. To further prove this conclusion, they took 7 out of 200 of the initial
patients and injected a fluid into their lungs which was mixed around and collected any
chemicals or cells etc before sucking the fluid back up ~ bronchoalveolar lavage. Using the
lung fluid which they did not purify in order to isolate the new virus, instead they
separated a sort of genetic material and found some RNA. RNA is a nucleic acid present
in all living cells. Its principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA for
controlling the synthesis of proteins, although in some viruses RNA rather than DNA carries
the genetic information.

It is to be noted that at any given time, there is free genetic material circulating around
our blood and body fluids which is also found in bacteria such as the ones in our lungs
and other various types of structures.

The Chinese scientific researchers determined the sequence (code) of this genetic
material found in the lung fluid and developed a RT-PCR Test to test for the presence of
this genetic material. The RT-PCR Test should not be used for diagnosing infectious
disease, the reasons for which become clear in the later section.

Please Note: They didn’t isolate the virus or the source causing this genetic material.
They literally assumed that this genetic material that they found was allegedly caused by
a new virus which they named Sars-Cov2.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

Koch’s Postulates are the Gold standard for determining if an infectious agent was
indeed causing the disease that is claimed it does.

Koch’s Postulates:

1) The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the
disease but should not be found in healthy organisms (Everyone with the disease should
have the same symptoms).
2) Purification ~ Microorganisms must be isolated from disease organisms and grown in
a pure culture (Isolate what you say is causing disease from all other genetic material so
you only have what you say is causing the disease).
3) The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced to a healthy
organism (Inject the so-called cause into another person and they must get the disease).
4) The microorganisms must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental
host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent (Take the
material from the injected person and then inject that into another living host who must also
get the disease).

I emphasize, not a single one of those postulates was carried out for this alleged
Covid-19 Pandemic! [2.0] [2.02] [2.04]

The article [2.06] published by Nature magazine claims Koch's postulates were fulfilled for
the SARS virus i.e. Sars-Cov1 which is claimed to be related to the alleged new virus
Sars-Cov2 commonly known as Covid-19. However, when reviewed, it was actually River’s
revisions of Koch's Postulates that were used in their studies. River’s revisions are a
shortcut method where one can only be fairly certain and not 100% that an infectious agent
is indeed causing the disease and it does not include Koch’s first postulate.

Rivers Criteria:

1) Isolate virus from diseased host

2) Cultivate virus in host cells
3) Proof of filterability
4) Produce same disease in host
5) Re-isolation of virus
6) Detection of specific immune response to virus

The authors of Nature article claimed to have fulfilled the last three of River’s criteria.
They stated that first three criteria were fulfilled by the four papers i.e. Poutenan Paper,
Drosten Paper, Ksiazek Paper and Peiris Paper. However, upon closer inspection, neither
the cited four papers isolated the virus nor did the authors fulfill the last three of River’s
criteria. Dr. Andrew Kaufman breaks this down [2.0]

The following four studies i.e. Zhou Paper, Zhu Paper, Kim Paper, McMaster University
Paper have been published so far for the alleged Covid-19 ‘using’ River’s criteria.
However, upon review, none of them met the first three criteria and none of them
addressed criteria 4 (Produce same disease in host) and 5 (Re-isolation of Virus). So it
hasn’t been proven to be fairly confident that the virus ‘Covid-19’ exists but it definitely
explains how the alleged new virus got its name. Again, Dr. Andrew Kaufman breaks this
down [2.0]
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

Zhou Paper: Implied its bat origin. Obtained genetic material but did not isolate the virus.
They did not cultivate in host cells but used ‘Vero and Hu7 cells’ and this was only for one of
the seven patients. They did not prove filterability. They say: ‘provides evidence of an
association between the disease and the presence of this virus. However there are still
many urgent questions to be answered. We need more clinical data and samples to confirm
if this virus is indeed the etiologic agent for this epidemic.’ Their reasoning for identifying it
and developing the basis of the RT-PCR Test is that they identified the sequence of the
RNA but they couldn’t identify its source because they didn't purify anything! They said
that it shares around 80% sequence identity with Sars-CoV1. This is the reason for
naming the alleged new virus Sars-Cov2, belonging to a family of coronaviruses. It is to be
noted that humans share 96% of their genetic sequence with Chimpanzees. So their
conclusion would also imply that chimpanzees are of the same family as humans. This is
certainly not the case.

Zhu Paper: Obtained genetic material but did not isolate the virus. They did not cultivate
in host cells, instead used lung cancer cells (which produce lots of exosomes). They did
not prove filterability, instead they used centrifugation. They said: ‘although our study does
not fulfill Koch’s Postulates, our analysis provides evidence implicating 2019-nCoV in the
Wuhan outbreak’

Kim Paper: Obtained genetic material but did not isolate the virus. They did not cultivate
in host cells, instead they used Vero cells and antibiotics (antibiotics produce exosomes).
They did not prove filterability. Paper’s introduction: ‘Following the first outbreak of
pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, a new coronavirus was identified as the
‘causative agent’ in January 2020 [7]’.

The reference [7]: ‘Paraskevis D et al. A full genome evolutionary analysis of the novel
coronavirus (2019-nCoV)’ is used to justify this statement. They did not try to identify or
isolate a virus, instead they looked at the full sequence of the genetic material of this
claimed virus and compared it to viruses found in other species so it cannot prove
causation. Its introduction: A novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) associated with human
transmission and severe human infection has been reported in Wuhan...’ Its conclusion:
‘The unique genetic features of 2019-nCoV and their potential association with virus
characteristics and virulence in humans remain to be elucidated’.

The Kim Paper flat out lied and most people are not willing to do their own research so it
started the world's biggest headline that Covid-19 100% exists despite the fact the virus
particle was never isolated!

McMaster University Paper: [2.08] Obtained genetic material but did not isolate the
virus. They did not cultivate in host cells, instead used unspecified mammalian cells.
Introduction: ‘The emergence of a new coronavirus in a market in Wuhan, China, in
December 2019 set in motion the pandemic we are now witnessing in 160 countries
around the world’ This is fraudulent because it has not 100% been proven, studies only
showed a possible association!

Could it be that Covid-19 doesn’t exist? People seem to be getting sick but why has it
never officially been isolated? Are they trying to hide its true nature?
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


Exosomes are small membrane vesicles secreted by most cell types and are naturally
occurring in the body. While they are inside the cells they are known as MVEs / MVBs
(MultiVesicular Endosomes / Bodies) which have a bunch of vesicles inside them. When
they fuse with the plasma membrane, these internal cells are released as exosomes on
a day to day basis. Each of these exosomes has a so-called lock that is in search of the
right key. They are target cells targeted to different parts of the body which both depend on
what type of cell releases them. They are known to carry out communication from one part
of the body to another which has different possible functions.

In [3.0], Dr. Andrew Kaufman explains that an electron micrograph (produced from an
electron microscope) of exosomes reveals that they have circular globular densities on
their periphery after being excreted from the cell membrane.

When you look at the electron micrograph produced by HKU Med (LKS Faculty of
Medicine, the University of Hong Kong ~ Produced Zhu Paper) which allegedly shows
Covid-19 virus particles, you can clearly see that they basically look identical to the
exosomes. The electron micrograph is much clearer for Covid-19 because the slice used
was thinner and more or less perfect. The electron micrograph produced of Covid-19
particles whilst inside the cell and of the MVEs is also identical looking ~ a circular
structure filled with these globular particles which are excreted as exosomes.

[3.02] [3.04]

[3.06] [3.08]
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

Their properties are also identical as shown in the table below:

Exosomes Covid-19

inside cell Ranges in size. Essentially
≈ 500 nm ≈ 500 nm
(MVEs) compatible for the range in size

Diameter Ranges in size. Essentially

≈ 100 nm ≈ 100 nm
outside cell compatible for the range in size

Discovered that the alleged

Covid-19 has an ACE2 receptor
~ Angiotensin Converting
Enzyme on the surface.
One of its functions: works with
the kidney and regulates blood
Receptors ACE2 ACE2 pressure. It is claimed that this
receptor is how the virus invades
the cells. There are also
exosomes from our own body
that have ACE2 receptors as
their lock-key mechanism to find
their target cells.

Both have genetic material in the

form of RNA which is both found
Contains RNA RNA
in the lung fluid

This particular exosome and the

claimed Covid-19 virus particle
Bronchovascular Bronchovascular
Found In can both be found in the
fluid fluid
Bronchovascular fluid.

James Hildreth M.D, President and Chief Executive Officer of Meharry Medical College
and former Professor at John Hopkins HIV research confirms these observations when he
quotes ‘The virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word’.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

You must be asking yourself: How did they produce an electron micrograph of Covid-19 if
they didn’t isolate it?

The group in China published the Zhu Paper in the England Journal of medicine. They
got hold of lung fluid with bronchoalveolar lavage, centrifuged it and just took the fluid so
that any lung or bacterial cells from the host would be stuck in a pallet at the bottom of a test
tube. They took the fluid off the top, assuming that if there were any viral particles, they
would be in that fluid. But they didn't try to purify the virus from it. Instead, they
incubated it with lung cancer cells which excrete exosomes. Once examined under the
microscope, were they looking at the viral particles or the exosomes? The image showed
what looked exactly like exosomes so no differences could be seen.

What Induces exosomes to be excreted from cells? Immune Response, Toxic

Substances, Stress & Fear, Cancer, Ionizing Radiation, Injury, Asthma, Infection, Diseases,
EM Radiation etc.

Exosomes also act much like sponges: they prevent the toxins released from bacteria
for a time from attacking the cells. When non-corralled (non-confined) toxins reach the
cell membrane, they burrow little holes, the cell content leaks out and the cell would die. So
the cell therefore releases exosomes as part of the defense mechanism which swallow
up the toxins allowing the cell to survive.

Could it be that the alleged new virus is nothing more than the excretion of exosomes?

If so, why do people seem to be getting sick?

People become sick due to the original cause of toxicity in the body such as an infection
or EM radiation that they are exposed to which causes damage or illness. So our body's
response is to excrete exosomes to absorb some toxins and to send signals to our body
on how to handle the problem.

When using the RT-PCR Test to diagnose someone with alleged Covid-19, we are
actually testing for the RNA sequence of these particular exosomes. This initiation can
also very well be due to inhaling toxic substances, stress and fear, exposure to EM
radiation etc all of which are abundantly present in Wuhan and Lombardy.

Based on this evidence, it is clear that there is not one cause of the claimed genetic
material related to the alleged virus but multiple!

The physical symptoms are not specific; there are numerous other illnesses that cause
the common claimed symptoms of the alleged Covid-19.

Dr. M I Adil, a NHS Doctor and consultant Surgeon confirms the link between exosomes
and the alleged Covid-19. He elaborates upon the crisis in his 11 minutes video which
got deleted off YouTube but is still available on Bitchute. [3.10].

Here is proof of his license registration [3.12]

Could it be that the RNA sequence being detected by the RT-PCR Test to diagnose people
with the alleged Covid-19 is solely due to external toxicities and not a new virus; or is it
a combination of both?
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Test. RT means it amplifies RNA

and not DNA. It does not actually test for the virus itself but for a sequence of RNA
which could potentially be representing a virus as well as many other things e.g.

I would like to point out that Kerry Mullis, the inventor of the PCR Test, categorically said
that it shouldn't be used for diagnosing infectious diseases. [4.0]

Let me explain this with an analogy: My friend Conrad is going to a football stadium. I want
to identify him amongst the crowd. Instead of recognizing him by his facial features, I identify
him by a green hat I gave him. I send off a team of people to find that hat amongst the crowd
and they found six people. None of them were Conrad because Conrad finds hats
uncomfortable and decided to take it off and gave it to someone else in the crowd. In
conclusion, when you are looking for something through something that is associated
with it, you must understand the relationship between both. We should have asked
Conrad if he was comfortable wearing it throughout the match? Or do other people
potentially have this particular green hat? Dr. Andrew Kaufman explains this [3.0].

So using this type of method could be very misleading and leads to numerous false
results. This is why whenever evaluating a new test you compare it to a Gold standard.
This RT-PCR Covid-19 Test was never compared to any Gold standard tests.

Example of a Gold standard: You would identify a virus particle from the lung fluid of
someone claiming to have the virus, and then once you purify it, you would take the
genetic material from the virus particle so we know where it came from. You would then
compare your RT-PCR Test results to that Gold standard from a controlled group who
have the common symptoms and from a controlled group who are in perfect health to
see how many test results are [+] or [-] for each group in order to calculate an error rate.
The false positive rate for the RT-PCR Test is estimated to be 80%! [4.02] [4.04] [4.06]

‘What PCR does is to select a genetic sequence and then to amplify it enormously. It can
accomplish the equivalent of finding a needle in a haystack; it can amplify that needle into a
haystack. Like an electronically amplified antenna, PCR greatly amplifies the signal, but it
also amplifies the noise. Since the amplification is exponential, the slightest error in
measurement, the slightest contamination, can result in errors of many orders of
magnitude’ [4.08]

Jon Rappoport, an American journalist and other scientists specialized in health issues
expands upon the above statement. The PCR Test takes a sample of cells and amplifies
any DNA (RNA for RT-PCR) to look for viral sequences that seem to match part of a
known viralgeno. The test has extreme flaws as it uses amplification and takes tiny
amounts of DNA, grows it until it can be analysed; so any minute contamination will also be
amplified leading to big errors of discovery. It is useless at telling how much of a virus
one may have which is what matters when diagnosing illness. It looks for partial viral
sequences but not whole genos!

At best, it can tell that you have some viral DNA in your cells which the majority of us do
most of the time.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

We might only find a few copies of this genetic material which is essentially undetectable
amongst everything else in the fluid. Because of this, Reverse Transcription Polymerase
Chain Reaction replicates the strand of RNA and makes a copy from 1 to 2 copies, you
then stop the reaction, start another cycle adding some more material, then you go from 2 to
4, repeat, 4 to 8 and so on... It's an exponentially binomial expansion. Usually you need
to carry out 25 to 35 cycles so you can see what you're looking for. 45 cycles is said to be
the maximum upper limit to somewhat still get accurate results which is the number of
cycles recommended for diagnosing the alleged Covid-19!

RT-PCR does not test for the virus itself because it cannot isolate the alleged Covid-19
which was never properly isolated in the first place. They observed common symptoms,
interpreted an association and voila, abracadabra, a virus has broken out. If the genetic
material is amplified enough, basically anyone will test positive because everyone has
traces of this genetic material and viruses including coronaviruses which only become
harmful once in a certain quantity which this test is unable to distinguish. This is why so
many people are tested positive but have no symptoms! This does not mean you will
100% be tested positive because the test still needs a certain amount of this genetic
material to be able to pick it up.

They are testing everyone in hospitals including those with serious health conditions
who have other illnesses such as cancer who are much more likely to have this genetic
material (particular exosomes) allegedly generated from Covid-19. If anyone is tested
positive by the RT-PCR Test and passes away: Covid-19 goes on their death certificate
whether it was the actual cause of death or not! The media then portrays this and
generates fear and panic on a massive scale!

Around 80% of cases in China have/had 0 symptoms and similarly in other

places worldwide because most people have this genetic material in very small amounts
at any given time which RT-PCR test exponentially amplifies. Some hospitals have even
started to tell people that they have Covid-19 based on their flu-like symptoms without
any test which has many possible causes!

The President of Tanzania was outraged when a goat and a papaya tested positive for
the alleged Covid-19 by imported testing kits. [4.085] [4.09] [4.095]

Some doctors are saying: ‘there is no new virus; there is just a new test. The more they test
the more cases.’

Dr. Tim O'shea is offering a $5000 reward to anyone who can prove that the PCR Test is
actually diagnosing for the new alleged virus. He has made a brilliant video to give you
an overview of the test being used. [4.096]

A respiratory therapist comments on the Test: [4.10]

If none of Koch’s Postulates have been fulfilled and the alleged Covid-19 has not been
properly isolated: How are we supposed to accurately test for it or even classify it as
being from the coronavirus family?

Why would they deliberately use a test that doesn’t test for the new alleged virus itself,
who’s inventor categorically said that it shouldn’t be used for diagnosing infectious
disease and which is unable to quantify the genetic sequence one may have?
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


Firstly I would like to point out that about 10 000 people die in care homes per month in
the UK alone prior to the crisis we are in [5.0]. The governments are using the
vulnerability of old people’s immune systems as an excuse for this lockdown. Their
vulnerability and weak immune systems are most often due to their age (years of
abusing the body) and other pre-existing morbidities. This can be dealt with if we use
the right approach, attack the root of problems and change detrimental habits. All of
our cells are regenerated every 3 months. A majority of the elderly, especially in the UK
have disgusting support from the government and can only buy cheap toxic food which
certainly does not help! Did you know that the NHS and other health care systems are
giving out “Do Not Resuscitate forms” in care homes and to elderly, ill & disabled
people including children in hospitals?! They are being strongly coerced into signing
them [5.02] [5.04] [5.06] [5.08] [5.10] [5.12] [5.14] [5.16]. Think of how many are dying from
cancelled operations etc. It's simply outrageous; don’t be against those working in the
system but those who are running it.

When our weak immune system really can't fight what's attacking it, it panics and
releases cytokines from cells to try and fight off what levels of the immune system can’t
handle. Some health professionals say that the cytokine storm faced by the alleged
Covid-19 is said to be targeted at the lungs causing inflammation and dunge in the
lungs which essentially leads to pneumonia. The new alleged virus doesn’t kill you
directly; it’s your weak immune system’s panic response which backfires on you [5.17].
Why are we not being encouraged to boost our immune system and the being told the
best ways to do so? Instead we are being fed constant fear and panic.

The immune system is targeted from birth with vaccinations, awful lifestyle and eating
habits because the system has not taught us how to attack the roots of problems. The
healthcare system is upside down; instead of tackling the roots of problems, it lets
them grow and gives you medications, operations etc which don’t actually fully cure
you. Mainstream medicine simply leads to a paradox of other health issues. The natural
remedies and cures, the correct biological and chemical approaches etc are all
available but are not applied by mainstream medicine and are hence deprived from us!

The pharmaceutical cartel gets its profits from our weak immune systems, health
issues and lack of knowledge. If anyone knew what they were doing wrong, it's ‘au
revoir!’ mega fraudulent pharmaceutical industries. We live in an economy of death.

Dr. Dan Erickson and his colleague who studied microbiology for 20 years [5.18]
(Deleted off YouTube) explain that out of all the claimed Covid-19 cases, there are large
amounts of recoveries and very few deaths in proportion. In the 2018-2019 flu season,
there were 36 million cases of the flu and between 34 to 40 thousand deaths in the US
alone [5.19] The WHO claims 290-650 thousand deaths are linked to influenza every
year [5.20]. The claimed covid-19 deaths are less than the influenza. The doctors say
that the lockdown makes no scientific sense and does nothing but lower our immune
system. One point being, that we build our immune system by being exposed to
antigens and bacteria on a daily basis. When lockdown is withdrawn, people will be
flooding with illness due to their weak immune system not being exposed to bacterial
flora and other viruses which essentially protect us from other diseases.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

Stress and Fear weaken our immune system. Positivity, exercise, Vitamin A, C & D etc
all boosts our immune system. Some are too afraid to step outside, take fresh air and
absorb sun rays. The sun and heat kill or deactivate viruses [5.21] hence why there is
more illness during winters (including coronavirus [5.22]). The effects of the lockdown are
far more detrimental than that of the alleged Covid-19. The consequences are explored
later on.

Masks are absolutely useless but they also have detrimental effects [5.225]. Their pores’
order of magnitude is in micrometers whereas viral particles’ order of magnitude is in
nanometers [5.23] [5.24] [5.25]. In reality, breathing oxygen through a mask increases
cortisol and the sympathetic mimetic drive which reduces the immune system because
of your flying cortisol levels. Wearing masks all day will nothing but increase your viral
load and can exacerbate upper respiratory dysfunctions by activating your own
viruses as you become immune suppressed. You’re simply amplifying your own germ
load and diminishing your body’s immune system. Some masks are made of fiberglass
so you are inhaling toxicities such as fiberglass particles which are known to cause
disease. Masks reduce your oxygen load because you’re being forced into re-breathing
carbon dioxide which leads to hypercapnia; the symptoms manifested as a result
include drowsiness, headaches, dizziness, exhaustion, shortness of breath and it
compromises our innate immunity etc [5.255]; it’s complete upside down logic. Masks
have detrimental health effects and have even led to car accidents [5.26].

It is simply a form of psychological warfare because you are constantly being bombarded
with this imagery of people trying to protect themselves. You have been distancing
yourself from your fellow humans, having less emotional interaction which leads to an
increasing division. People are becoming afraid of each other and have started to snitch
on their neighbors if they go outside. This atmosphere of fear and division is when it's
easier to impose power and control.

There is no scientific evidence that social distancing prevents the spread of an

infectious agent but it definitely deprives us of herd immunity. The new alleged virus is
not an air-born disease, even if it was, if it can travel 2ft, it can travel 6ft, 15ft… Social
distancing also has multitudes of negative psychological effects which in turn affect our

As you can see, countries with no lockdown e.g. Sweden, Iceland, Belarus, Taiwan, South
Korea, Japan and Mexico (went into loose lockdown on 2nd of April) all have significantly
less deaths in comparison to countries with a lockdown. [5.27] Isolation is a Silent Killer.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

Private hospitals are being taken over [5.28]. A big conference area in London was turned
into an ICU [5.29]. However, it has been empty ever since and when asked why, the
government responded by saying there is shortage of NHS staff. That’s odd; how come
most hospitals are actually empty and medical staff seem too busy making TikTok dance
videos? [5.30] [5.31] [5.32] How come many health employees are being laid off?

People have gone into hospitals and found nobody there, they are anything but busy
[5.33] [5.34]. Many are not being let inside hospitals to check up on their relatives because
they are trying to hide the fact that hospitals are quite the opposite of how they are
presented by the media. They want us to remain stuck in the media’s illusions. Clapping
achieves nothing but perpetuate the illusion that hospitals are warzones.

Many NHS workers are unable to get work [5.36]. Health workers are being laid off all
over the world [5.37] [5.38] [5.39]. Such issues have been exposed by whistleblowers
because they have been banned from talking publicly and would face consequences
[5.40]. A man was literally jailed for posting what he had seen in a hospital [5.41]. The video
[5.42] is of a German journalist walking into a hospital that is literally a ghost town. It is
followed by a compilation of German scientists exposing all the inconsistencies with the
claimed Pandemic.

In the video [4.10] (deleted off YouTube multiple times), a respiratory therapist explains
that they are being ordered not to use the oxygen machines if patients are short of
breath, to let them crash instead and put them straight onto ventilators. Medical
professionals are also being pressured into writing Covid-19 on death certificates.

The Medicare health operation in America said if a hospital diagnoses someone with
regular pneumonia, it gets paid $4600, if Covid-19 is said to have caused the pneumonia
it gets paid $13 000 and if an alleged Covid-19 case is put onto a ventilator, they get $39
000 dollars! [5.43] [5.44]

South Korean physicians reported that critical Covid-19 patients responded well to
oxygen therapy without a ventilator. Dr. Kyle-Sidell says it’s not the pneumonia that’s
the killer; it’s the cellular oxygen deprivation. And we are hurting these patients with
ventilators. [5.45]

Dr. Kyle-Sidell, an emergency medicine physician in Brooklyn says that it appears as if

there is some kind of viral-induced disease most resembling high altitude sickness.
‘These patients are slowly being starved of oxygen. We are putting breathing tubes in
people and putting them on ventilators and dialing up the pressure to open their lungs. I’ve
talked to doctors all around the country and it is becoming increasingly clear that the high
pressure we are providing is damaging the lungs of the patients. (Alleged) Covid-19
patients need oxygen, they do not need pressure. The Acute respiratory distress
syndrome ARDS that we are seeing, may be nothing more than lung injury caused by
the ventilator. When we treat people with ARDS, we typically use ventilators to treat
respiratory failure. But these patients’ muscles work fine. ’ [5.46] [5.47]

He told Medscape that around 70% of Covid-19 patients on ventilators never recover
based on his research. Due to Dr. Kyle-Sidell’s opposition to protocol and his efforts to
change it, he was forced to step down from his ICU position and his video [5.48] was
deleted off YouTube. The misuse of ventilators is killing people! [5.49]

Another New York nurse exposes this matter in a video [5.50] which correlates perfectly
with what Dr. Kyle-Sidell and the respiratory therapist expose. She calls it murder,
patients are being left to rot and die. She says that they are completely ignoring other
techniques and common sense science.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

She is not the only one, doctors with respect for their professions, who became health
professionals to save lives, are all on the same page. Here is another video [5.51] of a
nurse crying, she says ‘people are literally being murdered’. This whole issue is being
approached upside down deliberately and the medical system is incentivizing people
to do so. It will become increasingly clear that this is not to protect us. Here are three
additional videos of nurses discussing this matter: [5.52] [5.53] [5.54]

Doctors claim to be successfully treating alleged Covid-19 patients with the following:

Hydroxychloroquine: Helps open up the cell and inhibit cytokine storms. Studies show
that it releases liposomal enzymes out from the compartment of the cell into its
cytoplasm which can be damaging to the cell but if the cell has been inundated with some
type of toxic substance, it would help break them down so the cell could survive. It has
cured many claimed Covid-19 cases [5.55] [5.56].

In 2005, Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Health (NIH) published an article [5.57]
‘Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread’ which
concluded ‘...chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate
cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either
before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic
advantage.’ This means it will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (therapeutic)
but will also inhibit future cases (prophylactic) of the alleged coronavirus [5.58]; in other
words ‘au revoir’ vaccines! So if Covid-19 (Sars-Cov2) really is related to Sars-Cov1; why
on earth is Fauci and other authorities denying Hydroxychloroquine’s cheap efficacy?

The drug’s effectiveness in curing patients has been reported all over the world from
high-end doctors, researchers and scientists [5.59] [5.60]. Dr. Zelenko has treated over
1500 patients with a combination of Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin and Zinc
Sulphate. [5.61] [5.62] [5.63] Dr. Didier Raoult’s (one of the leading French scientist,
microbiologist and physician) team of researchers [5.64] concluded ‘we confirm the
efficacy of hydroxychloroquine associated with azithromycin in the treatment of Covid-19
and its potential effectiveness in the early impairment of contagiousness.’

After President Trump touted its potential against the new alleged virus [5.65], India
(largest manufacturer of Hydroxychloroquine) banned the export of all forms of
chloroquine [5.66].

The alleged Covid-19 is said to hijack the red blood cells and remove the Fe2+ iron ions
from the haem groups of the haemoglobin thus making the haemoglobin unable to
transport oxygen because it is the iron which binds to the oxygen molecules [5.67]
[5.68]. This is relevant because hydroxychloroquine inhibits the chemical detachment of
iron from haemoglobin (this in turn prevents the likeliness of a cykotine storm) [5.69]
[5.70].This information is also key in understanding one of the links between 5G and
Covid-19 (5G Technology section).

Vitamin C: Boosts the immune system, it has antioxidant properties and blood
thinning qualities. Toxic exposure leads to oxidative stress (free radicals) and Vitamin C
helps stop the chain reaction of more free radicals being produced. People are
recovering from Vitamin C. [5.71]

Why are doctors being arrested for treating patients with Vitamin C? [5.72] [5.73]
Why are none of these approaches being used as protocol by mainstream hospitals?
Could it be that political and medical authorities are deliberately ignoring and
discrediting effective cures and only using harmful protocol to increase the amount of
deaths and enforce vaccines?
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


Control Information, Control perception, Control Behaviour

The CDC (Centre for Disease Control) said: ‘we emphasize that Covid-19 should be
reported for deceased whether Covid-19 caused it, is presumed to have caused it or
contributed towards it.’ This use of language leads to a substantial over reporting [6.0]
[6.02].The reports have no distinctions whether or not the death was presumed etc. If Covid-
19 is mentioned, it is always labeled as the primary cause despite patients having other co
morbidities. [6.04]: ‘If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or
asthma that may have also contributed these conditions can be reported in Part II.’
Government agencies are doing the same all over the world; the media is simply a form of
psychological conditioning.

Northern Ireland’s public health agency is releasing weekly reports in which a Covid-19
death is defined as: ‘Patients who have died within 28 days of the first positive result
whether or not Covid-19 was the cause of death’. [6.06]

On March the 20th 2020, President of Robert Koch’s institute confirmed that any
deceased person who is claimed to have been infected with Covid-19 goes down as
Covid-19 death whether or not it was the actual cause and this is happening

The British National Health Service, England's National Statistics, releases weekly reports
on the nation's mortality. The reports released on March 31st stated: The Office of National
Statistical System is predicated on the registrations of deaths (Number registered that
week and not actual number of deaths) which leads to slight delays in recording due to the
processing time. Since Covid-19 is a national emergency, they are now including
provisional figures which will be included in data in subsequent weeks. This leads them to
accidentally, excuse my language, deliberately recording the same deaths twice, once
provisionally and once officially a week later so people are constantly seeing more
deaths on the news! [6.08]

The total number of overall deaths in Britain hasn’t risen in any shape or form in the first
3 months of 2020 compared to the first 3 months of the past 5 years mean average (3.0)
[6.10]. Visits to hospitals have gone down. However, there has been an increase in deaths
since the end of March, only after the lockdown was put in place [6.12]. The same more
or less the same goes for the whole of Europe, [6.14] where the average increase remains
the same throughout. The statistics are always fiddled with deliberately using spikes to
intimidate you. The recent rise in deaths since lockdown has mainly been the elderly and
those in care homes. But the question is: How are they dying? I shall explore all the
external factors that need to be considered later on.

Observe the media's wordings such as: So and so has died after testing positive for
Covid-19. This does not mean they have died from it but Covid-19 still goes on their
death certificate and it triggers us psychologically. This is how they manipulate the
figures. All you see is ‘died with Covid-19’ or ‘linked to Covid-19’, you don't die with a
virus; you die from a virus. If I were to die from a heart attack while I had influenza, would
my death certificate report influenza as being the cause of death?

If someone dies with the alleged Covid-19 based on the faulty RT-PCR Test results, it is
counted as a Covid-19 death. Coronavirus response team member Dr. Deborah Birx
openly admitted to this [6.16]. If you had a few weeks to live and were tested positive for
the alleged Covid-19, it would still count as a Covid-19 death. [6.18]
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

Those controlling the death certificates recently changed how they dealt with the figures,
they now say that it's okay to claim someone has died from the flu, pneumonia and
Covid-19 on the death certificate but still go down as death caused by Covid-19 which is
the only part the media picks up. See, as the number of deaths from Covid-19 were on
the rise, the number of deaths from all other causes have dropped compared to previous
years because a majority of them are simply being relabeled.

Eddie Large, a British comedian recently died from a heart failure but when he was in
hospital they tested him for Covid-19. Guess what? He tested positive, what a jolly
surprise! He went down as a Covid-19 death but that was clearly not the cause [6.20].
Thousands and thousands of similar stories all around the world are constantly being
exposed e.g. a baby was headlined to have died with coronavirus when it was actually
born 22 weeks prematurely [6.22].

The alleged Covid-19 symptoms are claimed to be flu-like which are very general and
leads to lots of false assumptions and hysteria. Some hospitals are diagnosing based on
symptoms [6.24]! Many doctors don’t have to prove that you have Covid-19, if they claim
that you do, they can put it on your death certificate, and this has been exposed by many
people including funeral directors [6.26].

Whether or not you died from Covid-19, it will still go on the death certificate. They are
constantly relabeling deaths as Covid-19 deaths! [6.28] [6.30] [6.32] Why on earth would
they want to make it seem so much worse than it actually is? What is the hidden

I saw a video of a woman with severe lung issues taking a video of her struggling to say
‘Be careful of this Covid-19 etc...’ She was told she had Covid-19 and naturally believed so
herself; but who knows if this really was the case? This emotionally charged me with
compassion but that's when you are most vulnerable. The media knows how to trigger
certain psychological and emotional reactions and that's exactly what we should be
wary of!

This is precisely how the mainstream media controls our perception and behavior.
When I saw this video, I believed that Covid-19 was of great gravity but during my own
research; I realized that this simply was not the case.

Most medical professionals are clueless; they just follow the protocol and do as they
are told. If a patient is tested for this genetic material (RNA) by the RT-PCR Test, they are
told by their superiors to put Covid-19 on the death certificate. For those who realize that
something's isn’t quite right, most of them keep silent, afraid of losing their job, even more
so during the economic crisis we are in. There have been medical professionals who feel
personally and professionally insulted and have stood up exposing this crisis for what it
actually is. Ever seen them on TV? Certainly not, they are being censored and are
banned from doing so. [5.56].

On the UK government’s website [6.34], it says: ‘As of 19 March 2020, Covid-19 is no

longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.’
A matter of days after this was announced, the whole country underwent a lockdown.
Everything is inversed and counter intuitive.

How is the death:case ratio being manipulated? Germany has a death ratio of less than
1%. Why? It’s simple, they have done vast amounts of testing, and hence the number of
cases increase and the ratio of deaths go down because there is not a significant
amount of additional people dying. Italy’s ratio was manipulated differently (explained in
the upcoming section).
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

China was building hospitals to amplify the illusion that are now being shut down
because they claim that their cases have dropped significantly quickly but it's all a
psychological effect! Similarly with Nightingale Hospital which has now more or less
been decommissioned [6.36] and the London conference centre which has been taken
over as an ICU [5.36] and has been empty ever since.

Again with this weekly clapping spree in the UK, all it does is perpetuate the illusion that
hospitals are warzones; it’s devastating to see how gullible we are. Be skeptical of the
media, you must do your own independent research.

The media uses influencers such as celebrities and politicians to their advantage. We all
know how much people care about celebrities. Have you noticed these ridiculous ads on
YouTube that constantly advertise the message ‘Stay home – Stay safe’? Pay attention
to commercials of big brands and corporations, the identical ways they’re promoting
Covid-19, the mood they set, the music they use and the constant imagery they are
submissively feeding us [6.38].

It has been openly exposed that CBS News used footage from an Italian ICU when
covering hospitals in New York [6.40], the mainstream media constantly lies; this is
simply one example upon many.

The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has given a vast amount of grants to UK
universities; in the last year alone, they amount to over $127 million. Conveniently,
all scientists and experts that you see on mainstream media represent these particular
universities. The biggest illusion is the illusion of choice. [6.41]

Since 2009, the BBC has officially received a total of around $59 million from the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation! [6.42] [6.43]

YouTube and Facebook are censoring everything that does not correlate with the
official narrative. Anybody who questions the official narrative is labeled as a
Conspiracy theorist; this goes to a vast number of critical thinkers. We hardly have any
freedom of speech; I will elaborate on censorship in a later section.

Videos of doctor exposing the truth that have been deleted multiple times [3.10] [4.10]
An Ontario nurse speaks out on the scam being portrayed [6.44]
‘Case mortality is the same as the Flu’ White House Covid-19 task force briefing room [6.46]

A brilliant video that gives you an overview of how they’re fiddling the figures [6.48]

Why is the media blatantly misleading us and promoting fear and chaos?
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


The main centre of the alleged Covid-19 outbreak is Lombardy which is known as the
China of Europe due to its toxic air, similar to Wuhan which is a notorious polluted city.
Now let this sink in, Lombardy had a death toll of just under 100 000 (99 542) people in one
year from all causes in 2018. The next region with the highest deaths in Italy was Lazio with
57 000. [7.0]

99% of killed patients in Italy had one, two, three or more existing and/or previous health
conditions prior or alongside the current ‘pandemic’ [7.02]. Around 90% of all people who
were claimed to have died from Covid-19 had one, two or three other health problems.

Professor Walter Ricciardi, advisor to Italy's ministry of health [7.04] said: ‘the way in
which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who
die in hospitals with coronavirus are deemed to be dying from coronavirus, on revaluation
by the institute of health, only 12% of death certificates have shown a direct cause for
coronavirus and 88% has had 1 or more pre-morbidities, many had two, three or more other
health problem’.

The figures compared to previous years have not gone up in order to justify a new
pandemic outbreak. People are dying from what they always have e.g. respiratory
problems, the Flu etc but it's just being labeled as Covid-19!

Since the flu season of 2019, there have been more than three million cases of the flu
reported in Italy. There are thousands of flu and pneumonia patients all around the
world at any one time. They combined the sickest of these in a single location such as
Lombardy and Wuhan. They gave them the RT-PCR Test and claimed anyone showing
viral sequences similar to coronavirus (which will inevitably be many) to be suffering
from Covid-19.

Death:Case Ratio: Civil protection Chief Angelo Barelli said [7.06] (directed towards Italy)
‘It is credible to estimate there are 10 positive cases for every one officially reported.’ Why
would they do that? If this is true, then Italy’s mortality rate would drop from around 10% to
1%. They therefore alter the figures depending on the country's status for the maximum
efficiency of perception control.

Italy has a very old population, sick with inflammatory disorders. At the beginning of
2019, many received an untested new form of influenza vaccine with 4 different strains
of influenza including the highly pathogenic H1N1. This vaccine is grown in dog cell
lines which have lots of coronaviruses.

This therefore increases odds of getting coronaviruses by 36%. [7.08] Publication [7.10]
last year in the military showed that those vaccinated with the flu vaccine were more
susceptible to coronaviruses which are detected by the test. Therefore, those in Italy are
much more likely to be tested positive for Covid-19. Yet Dr. Deborah Birx and other
politicians are advising people to get the flu shot.

Additional Articles [7.12] [7.14]

Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


Our body is an electromagnetic and electric phenomenon, it sends electrical signals

and interacts with EM radiation which disrupts the harmony of our fields mentally,
psychologically and magnetically which are manifested physically. 3G & 4G have
health effects [8.0] [8.01] and our body withstands it but 5G is a whole new level [8.02].
Did you know we age based on how much radiation we are exposed to in terms of how
young and healthy we are? [8.03]

In 4G, the phone acts as the computing pipe to the network. 5G is computing and
networking combined on the same platform, you cannot opt out like 4G because the
data is out in the open as opposed to on the phone. 4G connects 10 000 devices per
square mile, 5G connects 3 000 000 devices per square mile. 4G technology ranges up
to 6 GHz but would operate between 700MHz - 2GHz in telecommunication. 5G technology
ranges up to 300GHz but is said to operate between 30 - 95 GHz in telecommunication. 5G
at very high power outputs is used by the military as crowd dispersal warfare - your
skin feels like it's burning (our body and skin acts as antennas).

At around 60 GHz, oxygen molecules absorb 98% of the energy it's exposed to [8.04].
This affects the orbital resonance properties of oxygen’s shared electrons. It is those
shared electrons that bind to the iron ions (Fe2+) in our haemoglobin. 60GHz 5G
therefore affects the ability of haemoglobin to bind with oxygen. Our ability to absorb
oxygen is hence significantly hampered which can create slow suffocation.

Devyatkov et al. (1975) and Devyatkov (1978) pointed out that microwave exposure
changed the state of the Fe2+ ion in the haem of the haemoglobin (oxi-form). Iron ions
in haemoglobin changed from the Low Spin State S = 0 to the High Spin State S = 2.
The effect is frequency selective and was proved by Didenko et al. (1983) at
42.173 GHz. [8.05]
Haemoglobin consists of four subunits, each formed by a polypeptide chain, with a
haem group bearing a Fe2+ ion (named porphyrin when the haem contains no iron
[8.06]). Iron ions in a High Spin State are of a larger area compared to the iron ions in a
Low Spin State ~ High Spin State iron ions are too large to fit into the cavity of the
porphyrin ring and are hence unable to bind to oxygen. The Fe2+ ions are hence found
0.4nm beyond the porphyrin rings of the deoxygenated states of haemoglobin
(deoxyhaemoglobin) [8.07]. Deoxyhaemoglobin is also more vulnerable to virus attacks
than oxidized haemoglobin [8.08].
After an hour exposure to microwaves, the effect persisted for several hours. Multiple
effective frequencies were found with generally different qualitative effects. This
difference indicates that different microwave frequencies may have different endpoint
targets in a macromolecule. (5G is part of the microwave and infrared spectrum [8.09])
In 2016, Boeing, the aerospace company requested the use of the use of 37.5-42.5 GHz
range for downlinking from spacecrafts to terminals on Earth. However in November
2016, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) specifically deffered from
Boeing’s request to operate in the bandwidths of 42-42.5 GHz and 51.4-52.4 GHz. [8.10]
In 2017/2018, the FCC deleted the broadcasting and broadcasting-satellite service
allocations from 42-42.5 GHz (42 GHz band) and declined to allocate the band to the FSS
(space-to-Earth). [8.12]
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

However, as of February 2018, the FCC targets the 40-42 GHz and 48.2-50.2 GHz bands
for expansion of Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) [8.13], the exact same month that SpaceX
(Elon Musk) had its maiden launch for the 5G starlink. [8.14]
It has now been revealed that SpaceX’s downlink channels (satellite to user terminal),
will range from 37.5-42.5 GHz (hence approved by the FCC). [8.15]
Why did the FCC have a sudden change of heart in allowing SpaceX the ability to operate
within 42-42.5 GHz?
The 42GHz Band (42-42.5 GHz) is also one of the fixed authorized bands for mobile use
amongst others. [8.16]
We now know that certain bandwidths of 5G separate iron from the haem of our
haemoglobin which leads to oxygen deprivation, which is more or less the same as the
alleged Covid-19 virus. It also leads to us being more susceptible to viruses due to our
weakened immune system and the vulnerability of deoxyhaemoglobin.
Many of the alleged Covid-19 patients have high levels of ferritin in their blood [8.17].
Typically ferritin is used to store excess iron. If a lot of iron is ‘pushed’ out of haem
groups and circulating around, the body produces more ferritin [5.68]. These high levels
of ferritin can be caused by particular 5G frequency bands as we have just explored;
when the ferritin levels increase 3000, cytokine storms are released which is what is
often seen in the alleged severe cases of Covid-19 patients.

Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell (treated patients in a New York ICU) said that the real disease
appears to cause oxygen deprivation in victims, not pneumonia. He says that it raises
huge questions whether there is some additional external factor beyond the virus that
may be causing a combined effect that result in severe oxygen deprivation. Dr. Buttar
and Dr. Kyle-Sidell say that many of the claimed Covid-19 patient's lungs simply
resemble high altitude sickness. It seems evident that all along, this Covid-19 virus has
been attacking the hemoglobin of red blood cells and thus the ability to transport
oxygen throughout the body [8.18], similar to 60Ghz band and 42GHz band of 5G.

Elon Musk plans to blanket every inch of the earth with 5G by deploying 42 000 satellites
(Starlink) [8.19] and having them linked to one million ground based antennas to amplify
the effects. His company SpaceX got permission from the FCC [8.20] during lockdown,
FCC’s head Ajit Pai was the ex CEO of Telecom, a telecommunication company, run by
the Elite and their assets. It’s all connected at a deeper level. The FCC has done no
testing or independent studies on 5G.

The studies that prove radiation and 5G to be safe do not test for constant nonstop 24/7
exposure to these radiations but for short time exposure. All the studies referred to by
the mainstream media to justify 5G’s safety are carried out by scientists who are hired by
or associated with telecommunication and/or technology companies. There is a clear
conflict of interest! The huge majority of independent studies made on EMRs including
ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, 4G, millimeter waves (5G…) etc have all found
health hazards involved.

Thousands of scientists, activists and researchers have warned us about 5G

technology ever since it was announced in 2012. Do you think these scientists are going
out there way to create and sign petitions and anti 5G movements over nothing? [8.21]
[8.22] [8.23] [8.24] Do you think they have vested interest in stopping 5G? I wonder what
that might be, except protecting their health and the wellbeing of others.

I strongly recommend you to watch this independent documentary [8.25] on 5G with top
ranked scientists, activists and researchers.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

I am also working on 5G Document for a profound understanding of its implementation

and its effects on our physical and psychological health. You should visit The 5G
Summit [8.26] where high end researchers, physicists and doctors… discuss (videos)
the detriments of 5G – free gift invite: [8.27].

Here is a fantastic website that has linked a huge number of legal actions, moratoriums
and studies regarding the use of wireless technology and 5G. [8.28] [8.29]

Here is another brilliant post [8.30] which has linked over 100 different research studies
and experiments that prove 4G, 5G and other wireless radiation is harmful (cancer,
immune system, environment [bees, animals etc] and so on...)

Where was 5G and its smart grid system first massively implemented? In Wuhan, 5G
radiation is one of the toxicities that lead to the release of exosomes which is what the
RT-PCR test is actually testing for as explained previously. There are highly probable
links to 5G and those claimed to have Covid-19. I personally know someone who
recently had difficulties breathing when his Wi-Fi was upgraded to 5GHz. When he switched
it back to 2.4GHz, he was able to breathe properly again; this is not unheard of.

OFCOM owns the UK licence to 5G; they hand out the contracts and promote it [8.31].
Why is 5G on a rollout overdrive and considered absolutely essential work during
lockdown? OFCOM also dictates everything that goes on in the UK broadcasting [8.32]
and it has been recently proposed that OFCOM should also regulate the internet in the UK
[8.33]. They have banned all discussions on potential 5G and alleged Covid-19 in
mainstream media. Are we not entitled to hearing another view to the official narrative?
If 5G really is safe and has no links to this crisis, why censor it so desperately? What are
they so afraid of?

5G was meant for machines and robots that are non-affected by radiation. We currently
utilize ‘Narrow AI’. Artificial General Intelligence, AGI (ability to perform all of the same
intellectual tasks as humans) is entirely dependent on 5G technology which is an
explosion of connectivity and constant ultra fast data transfer e.g. autonomous cars, the
internet of things etc. All of these are stepping stones for advanced biometric systems to
control and monitor the population.

The National Security Commission of Artificial Intelligence’s (NSCAI) Interim report

2019 [8.34] basically says that the western world must beat China in terms of Artificial
intelligence and technology by implementing the same dystopian measures. A brilliant
analysis of the NSCAI Report by Whitney Webb: [8.35]

An ongoing Court case against: Rockefeller Foundation, Barack Obama, Hillary

Clinton, World Bank, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates,
George Soros.... Filed 19th December 2019 [8.36] ~ Refilled 26th February 2020 [8.37] by
Cyrus. A. Parsa who has investigated over 1000 biometric, 5G and AI companies and
has some vital information to be aware of. You should be seriously concerned with AI, AGI
and 5G. Visit his site [8.38] watch his videos [8.39] and read his book [8.40].

More on 5G in the Dr. Rashid. A. Buttar section...

Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


Is it just me who’s noticed that the world is run by psychopaths who feel no empathy? The
deep state is very clever in manipulating world order. They have set up a pathocracy
disguised as a free democracy heading towards a technocracy where the puppets are
running the show. You might think changes are taking place at plain sight but essentially,
the bodies change and the brains remain the same.

Politicians are being pressured by advisors and technocrats. Deep down Boris didn’t
want to enforce lockdown; he knew the outcomes and effects would be devastating.
However, Professor Neil Fergeson from Imperial College comes into the picture and says
that his computer models predict that 500 000 people could die unless a lockdown and
social distancing took place [9.0]. If Boris doesn’t take certain measures, he would be
held responsible. Imperial college pointed at China’s draconian measures as an
example whose cases and deaths went down ridiculously quickly to an extent which is
completely unrealistic in a real pandemic. Boris reacts out of fear and enforces a
lockdown as his duty.

Professor Neil Fergeson then changes his predictions to 20 000 deaths and has now
revised it again to 5700. But of course, the lockdown is still in place and there are likely to
be multiple waves based on Imperial’s modelling predictions.

Neil Fergeson said lockdowns are indefinitely necessary until a vaccine is produced. I
guess he’s on the same page as Bill Gates. Don’t you think it’s very convenient that
Imperial College received a $79 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation [9.02] in March 2020, the same month Neil Fergeson made his predictions
and the lockdown was put in place? Neil Fergeson has also received funds from Bill
Gates for his past projects.

Fergeson’s ludicrous computer models have been embarrassingly wrong in the past.

2001: To stop the outbreak of foot and mouth disease, 6 000 000 cattle, sheep and pigs
who didn’t even encounter animals with the disease must be killed. This destroyed the
lives and livelihoods of thousands of farmers and left rural Britain economically

2002: Mad cow disease could kill up to 50 000 people. It ended up killing less than

2005: Up to 200 000 000 people could die from the bird flu. The final death toll was

2009: Model said that Swine Flu could lead to 30% being infected and 65 000 could die.
Neil Fergeson advised to close schools. A total of 457 actually died based on official

According to him, the alleged new virus was claimed to be just the beginning to create
more fear. When they stop fiddling with the statistics, they have a perfect claim that
quarantine helped save the expected millions of dead. Then another wave can be
initiated if necessary to enforce another lockdown until people are begging for a
vaccine. Anyone with a single brain cell is able to see that the predictions were
deliberately overstated.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


The doctor graduated with a double major in biology and theology before attending
medical school. He is board certified medical toxicologist, board eligible in energy
medicine and has achieved fellowship status in 3 separate medical societies. He
currently serves as a medical director for centers in advanced medicine with clinics
(specialize in immune dysfunctions and toxicity issues). He is ranked among the top 50
doctors in the United States.

He made a series of 6 videos which were deleted off YouTube. His interview on ‘next news
network’ also got deleted but his content is available on his site. His hypothesis is that the
virus is a biological warfare made in a Wuhan lab. Click [10.0] to become a free member,
[10.02] to access the videos. His other site is [10.04]. Here is an overview:

VIDEO 1: Dr. Rashid. A. Buttar refers to There are many more serious
things to be worried about health wise but everyone seems to be panicking over Covid-19
which he blames on the media. The total of claimed Covid-19 deaths makes up less than
0.1% of the total deaths since January the 1st 2020 (at the time he made the video). He
said that no one is talking about the immense number who recovered within less than
24 hours and a maximum of 48 hours.

He reviews the article[10.06] ‘Scientists are detecting novel RNA in multiple patients with
influenza or pneumonia like conditions, and are assuming that the detection of RNA ...
is equivalent to isolation of the virus. It is not...’ He reiterated that no one has actually
isolated the virus and that Koch’s postulates were not fulfilled. They’ve taken the
assumed RNA components of the claimed Covid-19 and extrapolated that if the RT-PCR
Test detects these RNA components, they have the virus. He confirms that over 99% of
Italy's claimed Covid-19 deaths had other previous or current serious health

VIDEO 2: Dr. Rashid. A. Buttar talks about the levels of toxicity in Wuhan and refers to
the following articles [10.08] [10.10] [10.12]. Protests and serious concerns towards the
level of toxicity in the air in Wuhan go all the way back to 2015 and that the government
was censoring people. The government has claimed things to be safe many times and
been caught out for it when disproved. The top 12 most toxic substances were being
promoted on commercials for over 50 years which are now banned. The FDA had to recall
what they considered to be safe numerous times e.g. Vioxx killed a minimum of 55 000
people before they came off the market. He links this to the claims that 5G is safe but
those who are scientifically educated know this is nonsense. He talks about the huge
appeals by scientists and researchers opposing 5G. [8.21] [8.22] [8.23] [8.24]

Referring to the article [10.14], he explains that most EMFs currently produced in electrical
appliances are between 50 to 60 Hz and that those produced from mobile devices operate
at around 300 to 900 Hz. 5G is claimed to be 30 to 300 GHz.

Video 3: Dr. Rashid. A. Buttar explains that when the CDC tries to determine a cause of
death, they send out two teams: The Infectious Disease Team and the one that we don't
hear about is the Toxicological Team. Why? If it’s a toxicological issue, an industry or
corporation will be held responsible for the exposure or leak of that toxicity. If you
blame the deaths on some virus or pathogen, it becomes a natural cause. He refers to a
PDF document that was taken down from many sites. Referring to [10.16], he gives a brief
history of coronaviruses, how they came to be etc.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

Referring to [10.18] he said that this new claimed virus is not a naturally occurring
phenomenon. The study [10.20] apparently proves so.

He quotes’ ‘This new virus was created at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
(they published the highlights of their creation in November 2015)... when you look at the list
of “scholars” associated with this... virus, you’ll see the name Zheng-Li Shi, who just
happens to represent...Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens, Bio-safety Wuhan Institute of

“From 2014, Shi Zheng-Li was the recipient of a number of US Government grants as
well as grants from the National Basic Research program of China… funding research
into coronaviruses.”

‘They reverse-engineered the genetic coding inside the SARS virus itself (carried by
bats). They then inserted additional proteins to enhance the efficiency of the virus
inside human lungs, while at the same time making it extremely difficult to vaccinate
against... (Please note the receptor designation ACE2)’. Why create a more efficient

‘As they say in the 2015 paper, they created a “hybrid virus” which is far more deadly, and
can’t be vaccinated against. Their new DNA genetically engineered virus constitutes a
gain in pathogenesis. That’s a gain of function right there; they admit it. Pathogenesis
means lethality and infectiousness. Dr. Shi learns how to perform “gain of function”
operations within viruses, and then she returns to her post in Wuhan, China.’

With the outbreak of 2019-nCoV, Dr. Zheng-Li Shi is one of the authors that published the
Zhou Paper on January 23rd, 2020, stating that it is “of probable bat origin,” and “Pairwise
protein sequence analysis... show that this virus belongs to the species of SARSr-CoV… the
same cell entry receptor - angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2) - as SARS-CoV.”
The doctor implies she helped create it. (We already know that neither SARS-CoV nor
2019-nCoV have been properly isolated)

‘Article [10.22] published in 2015 titled: ‘New SARS-like virus can jump directly from bats to
humans, no treatment available. Sourced from the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill where Dr. Zheng-Li Shi was working.’

Nature Article [10.24]: Editors’ note, March 2020: ‘We are aware that this story is being
used as the basis for unverified theories that the novel coronavirus causing Covid-19 was
engineered… scientists believe that an animal is the most likely source of the
coronavirus.’ Dr. Rashid. A. Buttar disproves this statement completely.

In October 2014, the US government imposed a moratorium (a cease) [10.24] on federal

funding of such research on the viruses that cause SARS, influenza and MERS.

‘The US NIH (National Institutes of Health) allowed it to proceed… says Ralph Baric, an
infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill…’

Anthony Fauci literally broke the law. The doctor concludes that the alleged Covid-19
was made in the USA and released in Wuhan. Anthony Fauci funded HIV studies, and
talked about the viral causation of HIV three years prior to anyone claiming to have
seen the virus, says the doctor.

He reviews the article [10.26] titled ‘First related Covid-19 death reported in San Antonio’
and shows an outraged family member who said ‘she actually died from Alzheimer’s
that she had for 12 years and a case of aspiration pneumonia that worsened her state.’
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

He refers to Senator Rand Paul’s tweet stating ‘We absolutely must, must resist
government running amok taking advantage of crisis .This is how your liberty dies…’

He concluded with ‘Don’t be paralyzed by fear because that's exactly what they want
with this hype. The RT-PCR Test is ridden with false positives.’

VIDEO 4) Dr. Rashid. A. Buttar goes through 5G, its links to Covid-19 and how harmful
it actually is. He refers to highly technical article [10.28] of PHD level biology. Majority of
this will be covered in the 5G Document (coming soon)

‘Non ionizing radiofrequency leads to DNA damage and oxidative stress leading to
many myriads of health conditions. Most of the studies on biological effects of radio
frequencies identified the ability to regulate calcium ion channels as the main
mechanism affecting oxidative stress’ ‘Radio frequency has been demonstrated to
induce calcium ion efflux ….’

Dr. Rashid. A. Buttar says Calcium in the wrong places is pathognomonic (sign or
symptom) for cancer and for apoptosis (death of cells which occurs as a normal and
controlled part of an organism's growth or development). The uncontrol of cellular
proliferation and suppression of apoptosis is essentially the definition of cancer.

‘The alleged Covid-19 and other coronaviruses like SARS-CoV encode proteins known
as envelope proteins that can modify host cell membrane permeability in order to gain
entry into host cells… These proteins are able to form ion channels to induce
membrane permeability changes…’

‘The successful invasion by coronavirus envelope proteins as a result of membrane

integrity already severely compromised from constant exposure to EMR is analogous to
the role of the Trojan Horse in the fall of Troy.’ This is basically saying 5G helps the
accessibility of envelope viruses such as coronaviruses to cells and allows them to
get into the cells easier.

‘It is possible that the deployment of 5G technology exacerbated the vulnerability to

attack by Covid-19. However, the bulk of evidence presented points to the fact that all
frequencies of EMR from those of the sun, to basic electricity, have the ability to alter
membrane potential.’ Yes, this is at 50 to 900 Hz; imagine 30 to 300GHz said the doctor.

They will continue to create this global microwave with 5G which makes the cells more
permeable by altering calcium channels by adjusting the Voltage‐Gated Calcium
Channels (VGCCs) allowing more toxins and substances to travel through the cell
membrane. It causes an influx of calcium intracellularly which becomes
pathognomonic. In cancer there is a suppression of apoptosis (allows cells to commit
suicide - program cell death) which is caused by the efflux of calcium into the cells -
Influx. 5G changes cell membrane permeability and allows for efflux of enveloped
viruses to come in and out. The Doctor is basically saying that 5G works hand in hand
with Covid-19 making our cells more accessible to it.

He refers to [10.30] ‘Urban testing ground for the first full-scale deployment of a 5G
network was the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the Coronavirus’

Referring to articles on [10.32] [10.34] Iran’s involvement to be pioneers in 5G technology

and articles[10.36] [10.38] [10.40] on Italy’s involvement to be pioneers in 5G technology
that tell us both Italy and Iran were rolling out 5G.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

He says 5G was potentiating the health issues and that are being blamed on Covid-19
and that it's a part and combination of both. He then links this to the fact that the area
between the state of Virginia and West Virginia, being a National Radio Quiet Zone
[10.42], had the least number of reported Covid-19 cases.

He exposed the FCC and refers to [10.44] ‘December 2019, the FCC adopted the
recommendations of expert organizations that have reviewed the science and reaffirmed its
safety standards on a unanimous and bipartisan basis...’ ‘…there is no evidence to
support that adverse health effects in humans are caused by exposures at, under, or
even in some cases above, the current RF limits. Indeed, no scientific evidence
establishes a causal link between wireless device use and cancer or other illnesses.”
This is a straight up lie, 5G is causing deaths because it rapes the immune system but
they created a virus so the industries cannot be blamed, said the doctor.

In the studies of the new virus being made they said that vaccines are useless against it
so he concludes that the vaccines they’re making have hidden agendas.

VIDEO 5: Dr. Rashid. A. Buttar says: ‘There is no need to worry about Covid-19
because it is not dangerous, it hits and it’s gone, if it doesn't have effects in the first
few hours it's going to be harmless, it has a very short limited ability.’ He then compares
how many claimed to be dying from covid-19 in ratio to the common flu (less).

He refers Dr. Thomas Cowan’ video [10.46] in which Dr. Cowan refers to the book ‘The
Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life - Arthur Firstenberg’ ‘every time we
have dramatically changed the properties of the earth's magnetic field due to new
technology being introduced and put in place to the public we have, it had dramatic
effects on health. Dr. Cowan says that viruses are simply excretions of a toxic cell
and occur when the cell is poisoned. He then goes ahead and mentions exosomes. Dr.
Cowan says that in every pandemic in the last 100 years since 1918, there has been a
quantum leap in the electrification of the earth…

Dr. Rashid. A. Buttar goes into Media corruption. He exposes the same exact footage
of an emergency room being used to represent an ICU in New York and in Italy on
different news channels. He shows lots of footage, from America, Germany, Italy etc of
people exposing that hospitals are not in situations that the media claims. He shows a
message from one of his Italian followers who explained that his relatives died of clear
other causes but was labeled as a death caused by Covid-19. The doctor exposes
pictures used by the media as the one of coffins to portray the devastation in Italy when it
was actually a picture from 2013.

He said people watch the news to inform themselves, but they are being fed
disinformation which manipulates their behavior! Trump says at a press conference that
he is doing his best to provide extra ventilators but yet people claim that hospitals are
ghost towns. The doctor’s conclusion: ‘They are scaring you with misinformation so
you accept getting vaccinated! Fauci is lying so their agenda can be met.’

He refers to the CDC guidance for certifying Covid-19 deaths [10.48]: ‘It is important to
emphasize that Coronavirus Disease 2019 or Covid-19 should be reported on the death
certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or
contributed to death.’ ‘If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or
asthma that may have also contributed these conditions can be reported in Part II.’
He says Covid-19 is always in the primary part no matter the cause of death, it's a
misinformation campaign in order to have catastrophic effects, get people vaccinated
and change the world drastically.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

Dr. Rashid. A. Buttar plays a video of a doctor who says that the claimed virus is very
weak and that Vitamin C is said to kill it. This doctor says that there are many patents for
coronaviruses. For example, patent US2006257852 which was applied for in 2006 by
Chairon and bought by GlaxoSmithKline [10.50] (Bill & Melinda Gates foundation)
specialized in vaccines. There are also many EU patents on coronavirus vaccines such
as EP3172319B1 applied for in 2015 and granted in November 2019. This doctor says that
the plan is to use this vaccine as a necessity in order for people to go back to school
or work.

Dr. Rashid. A .Buttar carries on to say that if you have a good immune system, you have
nothing to worry about. He exposes Bill Gates as a liar who praises Fauci, a corrupt
man along with Tedros Adhanom (director of WHO)

He talks about the EU patent for coronavirus EP3172319A1 [10.52] owned by THE
PIRBRIGHT INST [GB] which is owned by Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. He says there
are a vast number of other patents on coronaviruses such as EP15750093A1 granted on

Maybe Bill Gates patents all of these coronaviruses as an excuse to develop more

The doctor finishes by saying that during lockdown, you’re prone to watching more TV
and getting more entrapped by the scam. They will continue to create this global
microwave with 5G which rapes the immune system, making our cells more permeable
and can lead to oxygen deprivation at 60 GHz.

VIDEO 6. Ft. Judy Mikovitz:

Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


A world-renowned systems scientist who holds four degrees from MIT and a MIT PHD in
Biological Engineering, His website: [10.54]

[10.56] [10.58] Dr. Shiva says that pharmaceutical companies were making less money
from drugs due to the regulations being pressured by the public on the FDA so they
moved more towards vaccines which do not have stringent testing standards. There is
such a thing as vaccine courts under health and human services. Congress gave
indemnification to vaccination manufacturers in 1986, they can’t be sued and the
maximum liability of death is $250 000 ($4.2 billion has been paid out up till October
2019 in the US alone and that’s taxpayers money [10.60]). ‘As an MIT PHD in Biological
Engineering who studies and does research nearly every day on the immune system,
the coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep state will go down in history as one of the
biggest frauds to manipulate economies, suppress dissent and push mandated
medicine.’ He says that we have around 380 trillion viruses in our body called the virome.
He says that there seems to be different strains, particularly in Italy and Wuhan. He talks
about the Chinese incinerators and about cytokine storms killing you due to a weak
immune system which is due to daily consumption of refined sugar, unhealthy habits,
and radiation such as 5G etc. He said people should be taking in the sun’s Vitamin D
which is good for the immune system instead of being locked inside and the media only
talk about this virus but not the immune system. He said if there is a virus we should
focus on boosting the immune system and improving health. He talks about Monsanto
and the horrible detrimental GMO crops they produce (Bill gates is a major investor of
Monsanto). He says that more people die from the flu and that restrictions will be put in
place unless you get vaccinated... The Pharmaceutical industry and media work very
closely together. He said that it's all about control and injecting vaccines, creating the
problem or the illusion of having one and providing a solution that fits their agenda
instead of attacking the roots such as the immune system and that no academic at MIT
or Harvard will say anything because they owe their grant money to people like Fauci. He
exposes Bill Gates accuses Anthony Fauci of being a criminal. He says that although
Trump knows more or less what's going on, he can't really do something about it because
of those who surround him. He says that the deep state manipulates the system according
to their agendas. They want to go cashless and run a digital currency only where
everything is tracked and monitored. 5G gives the opportunity for AI to monitor
everyone. He concludes that we must kill the corruption part of the system because it
affects our food, air and lifestyle with negativity.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


ECONOMY: Millions are losing their jobs, businesses and start-ups are going downhill
and the economy is crashing. Oil crashed and went negative and nearly hit -$40, so
people who were on the May contract (around $22 a barrel); had to pay nearly double the
money they initially invested [11.0]. This is how so many people lost their homes in 2008.
You sign a contract to pay $1000 a month for the next 4 years, then the market crashes,
unemployment rises, wages drop, the value of things drop significantly, you can’t pay off
your debts, your loans and your rent. However, this is irrelevant if you signed a contract.
This is how people lose everything including their property and become even more
dependent on the system. This is currently happening to many people worldwide. Think of
the vast number of people worldwide who are suffering, some will potentially die,
especially those in third world countries who survive on a day to day basis. Does the
government care?

Big corporations are able to expand due to their financial power, leading to even more
power, influence and control, [11.02] which is what the Elite want. Most major corporations
such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, and those in Silicon Valley are all assets of the
Deep State. Have you noticed that mainly only major corporations are still operating?
Would it not make sense that a virus is less likely to spread in a small local shop where
there are less people as opposed to large supermarkets such as Costco or Walmart that
have a lot of activity? Small business owners are being jailed over lockdown while
criminal sex offenders are being released! [11.04]

Now that China's figures are miraculously disappearing (stop scamming the figures),
their economy is up and running again and they will buy large amounts of shares, stakes
etc of the western economy for dirt cheap even though at the deeper level, China and
the Western world are connected. China, the blueprint of manipulation and control for
the Elite were praised for their level of authority, censorship and control and the western
world followed as predicted by a Rockefeller document made in 2010 [11.06] [11.08] (the
document went through a series of various scenarios, one being a flu like pandemic.
Contrary to common perception, the Elite (the Morgans, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds
etc) are not chasing money; they simply use it as means of attaining domination of
power and control. We already live in a debt based economy because of fractional
reserve banking in which banks make money out of thin air by lending 10x more money
than they actually have. Essentially, nearly every person is directly or indirectly (via
government debts) a debtor to the bankers. The Elite only want their private corporations
masquerading as federal entities such as the Federal Bank of America and Bank of
England to rule our money supply and hence our lives. As a result of this crisis,
governments will be even more indebted to the ‘Big Boy Banks’ as they print out money
out of thin air, depreciating its value and buying out all the bonds, hence garnering more
influence than ever. Watch [11.10] [11.12] and visit [11.14] to have a deeper and stronger
understanding of our economy and its history.

UBI - A large majority live pay check to pay check and Universal Based Income will
become increasingly difficult to refuse due to the lack of jobs, which are being taken over
by AI and technology. UBI can only be accepted in a situation such as the one created.
It will increase the population’s dependency on the system. It is almost certain that UBI
will try to be fully imposed and would only compensate for a survival mode lifestyle. At first,
everyone is happy, however, the strings attached will slowly start to appear: Are you
vaccinated? Have you received the latest quantum tattoo? Oh sorry, no more UBI for you
until you acquiesce to authority! All these agendas are stepping stone processes. In
every step implemented, people become adjusted and the next step is less evident.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

UBI has already started; the UK government is paying 80% of people’s wages [11.16]. Many
countries have been running UBI system tests in preparation for the past years. Even the
Pope demands UBI [11.18]. The Elite have been waiting to cause this economic
catastrophe so that they could intercept and come up with ‘solutions’ which will not be in
favor of humanity.

Cashless Society - Tedros Adhanom, (Ros & Fauci document) director of the WHO warns
the public that cash could spread the virus [11.20]. How do they benefit from a cashless
society? Control in simple terms, no one will be able to make transactions without them
knowing. They will be able to monitor every movement you make via your payment and
prevent access to your money if necessary. Vast amounts of businesses and countries are
steadily not letting you pay with cash such as Australia, China etc and have started
imposing cash limits. Banks are becoming more severe on withdrawals. China is literally
burning millions worth of cash [11.22] [11.24] [11.26]. They were already planning to go
cashless but these turn of events are simply fuel to accelerate all these premeditated

New Payment System - The new economical system will go hand in hand with AGI which
will be dependent on 5G technology and its smart grid system. People will pay with
implanted microchips; this has already begun in countries like Sweden and Estonia. This
new system will easily be regulated and restricted with AI algorithms that will utilize the
data and information being tracked and interconnected via the 5G network.

Bill Gates makes his entry in this arena with Microsoft's new Patent 060606 [11.28]
[11.30]. The first application was filled in September 2018 and became public on March
26th 2020; it’s basically a cryptocurrency system in which people are microchipped with
a numbered cryptocurrency wallet. You’ll be monitored and communicated with over
the internet (5G) via these microchips. Your UBI which is almost certainly going to be a
centralized cryptocurrency such as Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency ([11.32][11.34] It’s fully
private, controlled, centralized, verified and authorized by a small number of
permissioned nodes - run by the usual suspects. There is nothing crypto or blockchain
about it) will be transferred to your biometric wallet. You will be allocated credits scores
and cryptocurrency based on the body's movement, physical compliance, labor,
acquiescence and doing certain tasks sent to your phone etc [11.36]. The sensors chips
will be able to monitor your brainwaves, your heart beat etc. This is all connected to Bill
Gates’ other initiatives such as his vaccines, quantum tattoos, ID2020 etc.

RNA & DNA VACCINES & DIGITAL ID: Vaccines are a huge complex topic ~ [Gates &
Vaccines Document] - coming soon. I recommend you to watch the following: TTAV2020
part 1 & 2 [12.0] [12.01], London Real TV interview - Dr. Judy Mikovitz 1) [12.02] 2) [12.03] -
Dr. Buttar & 160 doctors [12.04] - Bobby Kennedy [12.05] - Dale Bigtree [12.051] - Dr.
Sherri Tenpenny [12.052] and a discussion on DARPA and Bill gates [12.06]. Read two
vital articles by Whitney Webb: one on how this crisis is accelerating DARPA’s
Agendas [12.07] and the other on DARPA’s experiments prior to the coronavirus
outbreak (bats, bioweapons and gene editing) [12.08]. Bobby Kennedy’s website [12.09] is
brilliant for exploring the history and effects of vaccine controversy.

In a magazine (1997) [12.10], Bill Gates predicted the population would go extinct due to a
lung attacking virus. Bill Gates asserts that no one is safe until everyone is vaccinated
and that at least 7 billion people must be inoculated. [12.11]. He wants to vaccinate the
whole world [12.12] yet he refused to vaccinate his own children [12.13] [12.14] (original
deleted [12.15]). He expects the death rate of 1 in 10 000 totaling to around 7 million
deaths which he argues is a little price to pay.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

Bill Gates requires full immunity for his vaccine program from participating
governments. To fulfill this agenda, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation founded the
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) in 2017 with the governments
of Norway and India along with the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Bill Gates is likely to have immediate access to India’s 1.4 billion citizens. India is
already halfway there with its Addhar program (biometric ID system) which is a perfect
candidate for an upgrade with Bill Gates’ biometric quantum tattoo and

Inovio Pharmaceutical’s DNA vaccine and Moderna Inc’s mRNA vaccine are most likely
to be used as the new Covid-19 vaccine. There are other programs e.g. Australia’s
University of Queensland and German company CureVac also working on the new
coronavirus vaccine [12.16]. These highly controversial new Covid-19 vaccines involve
genetic material and/or gene editing.

All these different companies are working on similar experimental vaccine technologies
as a way of portraying the illusion that there is competition and choice. However, it’s
going to be the same vaccine manufactured by different companies in different countries.

All four aforementioned programs are funded by CEPI [12.17]. It is also not a coincidence
that they all have very close ties and/or strategic partnerships with The Pentagon's
Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Inovio and Moderna, in the
field of biotechnology and The University of Queensland in the field engineering [12.18]
and hypersonic missile development [12.19]. In 2011 DARPA invested $33.1 million
[12.20] in CureVac to develop their “RNActive” vaccine platform.

DARPA has been funding millions upon millions into research on coronaviruses,
specifically those involving bats, gene editing ‘bioweapons’, including Inovio’s &
Moderna’s DNA & RNA vaccines prior to the current crisis. DARPA’s and Bill Gates’
interest into DNA and RNA vaccines go as far back as 2010.

Inovio Pharmaceuticals’ top funders include both DARPA and the Pentagon’s Defense
Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) [12.21] and the company has received millions of
dollar grants from DARPA, including a $45 million grant [12.22] to develop a DNA vaccine
for Ebola.

CEPI funded $56 million towards Inovio’s DNA vaccine program for the coronavirus
that causes MERS in a 2018 [12.23]. The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of
Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) and the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) are also
partners of the program.

Inovio Pharmaceuticals is the only company selected by CEPI with direct access to the
Chinese pharmaceutical market through its partnership with China’s ApolloBio Corp
[12.24] which currently has an exclusive license to sell Inovio-made DNA immunotherapy
products to Chinese customers.

Inovio not only has links with Bill Gates and the Pentagon’s agencies but also with the US
military which I shall come to later. However, Inovio has never brought a product to the
market in the 40 years since it was founded, despite all its pass efforts and funding [12.25].
Investement Reaserch Firm Citron Research says that Inovio’s claim to have designed
their Covid-19 vaccine in only 3 hours based on a computer algorithm is hard to believe.

Moderna’s mRNA treatments, including its mRNA vaccines, were largely developed using
a $25 million grant from DARPA as far back as 2013 [12.26].
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

Morderna Inc is an active partner with US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID) headed by Anthony Fauci (Chief Medical Advisor to the Whitehouse
for Covid-19 response) and part of the National Institute of Health (NIH).

Moderna Inc, RNA vaccine program for the current novel virus is in collaboration with
the NIH [12.27] and is funded entirely by CEPI. Since 2016, Moderna’s RNA vaccine
program has received $100 million [12.28] in funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)
(part of the NIAID) recently invested $483 million of taxpayer money [12.29] alongside Bill
Gates’ investments to save Moderna on the verge of bankruptcy in order to create an
RNA vaccine for humans. The Gates Foundation has since invested millions [12.30]
directly into both Moderna’s and Inovio’s Covid-19 vaccine efforts.

Inovio and Moderna often tout about their strategic alliance with DARPA in press
releases and on their website. [12.31] [12.32]

DARPA backed Inovio DNA vaccines and Moderna mRNA vaccines have been around
for a couple years but have never been approved for human use, one reason being that
they don't generate the necessary immune response [12.33]. In order to generate the
immune response, they are combined with nanotechnology [12.34]. DARPA combines
nanoparticles with “small interfering RNA (siRNA), which are snippets of RNA that can
target and shut down specific genes. The Nanoparticles are loaded up with the right
siRNA molecules and sent directly to cells responsible for the infection [12.35].

Inovio utilizes DNA nanotechnology [12.36] in their line of synthetic vaccines branded as
“SynCon”. The Inovio’s “SynCon” vaccine and Moderna’s mRNA vaccine for the alleged
Covid-19 seems to be leading the pack [12.37]. DNA vaccines contain genetically
engineered DNA that causes the cells of the recipient to produce an antigen themselves
as opposed to being injected by vaccines and permanently alters a person’s DNA.

Nanoparticles used in vaccines can act as tiny antennas that will help connect you to AI
via 5G to track, monitor and control.

Moderna’s first of its kind new RNA vaccines for humansinjects a snippet of the virus
carrying a genetic code in synthetic RNA which is designed to alter the DNA in all our
cells to prompt the body to produce antibodies and have a certain immune response.

These new vaccines defy nature; it is literally the genetic modification of the human
body. These alterations in our DNA will be passed on for generations as the genetic
changes would remain in your sperm. This form of gene therapy which changes the
genetic material of our own cells has high probable dangerous consequences and
immune reactions due to the foreign synthetic genetic material in these vaccines. The
mRNA Vaccine and DNA vaccine’slong-term human and environmental impacts are
unknown and will remain unknown by the time the vaccine is introduced to the market.

RNA and DNA vaccines use a Gene Gun [12.38] and not the usual syringe. This Gene
Gun has three needles, the middle one being where the material flows through and the other
two being electrodes that create an electric current inside of your cells (Electroporation
[12.39]) causing the cell membranes to create pores so the genetic material can travel

Both DNA and RNA vaccines involve the introduction of foreign and engineered genetic
material into a person’s cells. Past studies [12.40] have found that such vaccines
possess a significant unpredictability and a number of inherent harmful potential
hazards and that there is inadequate knowledge to define either the probability of
unintended events or the consequences of genetic modifications.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

According to Dr. Buttar and other experts, the input of synthetic RNA’s implementations
could only be seen after several years and in later generations, making it impossible to
judge the true effects and the safety of the vaccines.

Such unproven technologies need at least 10 years to test safely and to assess all
health hazards and other factors involved. Bill Gates has asserted [12.41] that the best
options for a Covid-19 vaccine are DNA and RNA vaccines which are skipping normal
testing procedures despite the fact that they have never before been approved for
human use and have no evidence of being effective.

Inovio, Moderna and all other vaccine manufacturers e.g. AstraZeneca, CureVac etc
have skipped key animal trials [12.42] and gone straight to human testing!
(e.g. Morderna is only testing 45 patients in Phase 1/3 trials [12.421], Inovio is only testing
40 people in Phase 1/3 trials [12.422], AstraZeneca is only testing 1000 volunteers in
Phase 1/2 trails [12.423] … imagine there is a death rate of 1/2000, they will use the
‘urgency’ portrayed as an excuse).

The volunteers are not allowed to have intercourse, they are clearly afraid of the
exposure that the genetic changes are passed on to the next generation. DARPA’s
Biological Technologies Office is set to have a temporary vaccine [12.43] for Covid-19
available in a matter of weeks that will involve the production of synthetic antibodies which
would ostensibly provide immunity for a few months until a longer-lasting vaccine such
as one developed by Moderna and Inovio’s is available.

Coronavirus vaccines are known to have caused a paradox known as antibody

dependent enhancement (ADE) [12.44] [12.45]. They have shown to give an admirable
immune response but have tended to actually make you more vulnerable to wild viruses.
There are 2 types of antibodies, natural antibodies which protect you against disease,
and binding antibodies which are produced as a result of coronavirus vaccines and
help the virus stick to your receptors. This leads to your cells more rapidly taking up the
virus and speeding up its replication, increasing its infectiousness and virulence.
Vaccines such as the flu vaccine use coronaviruses inside of them, you are almost
certain of testing positive for Covid-19 if you've received flu shot e.g. Italy.

Very few know all the true ingredients implemented in vaccines but they are known to
cause horrific impacts [12.46] such as autism and many other difficulties. They have
paralyzed and killed children all over Africa and Asia including Kenya, India,
Philippines etc [12.47] [12.48]. Gates is under investigation by the Indian Supreme Court
[12.49] for his crimes against humanity including the illegal testing of tribal children
[12.50], and thousands upon thousands of vaccine related deaths and devastating
effects including the paralysis of 490 000 Indian children between 2000 and 2017 [12.51].
Italy has already called for Bill Gates to be charged with crimes against humanity [12.52]
[12.53] for the deaths due his current vaccination program around the globe.

Vaccines do not prevent infection; they inject the blueprint of a virus leaving your
compromised system to try to deal with it. These viruses don’t go into the same cells as
natural infections which are cells that have lock and key receptors so that only certain
cells can be infected when exposed to the virus (e.g. upper respiratory tract when exposed
to coronaviruses). The virus in the vaccine, being made in nanoparticles can go in every
single cell without those receptors, giving rise to many health deficiencies.

Yes, vaccines are meant to educate the immune system to prevent or treat infectious
disease but in actuality, they lead to more harm than benefits and many are simply
unaware of it because most of the time, the detrimental effects seem completely
disconnected. Pharmaceutical drugs are then sold to ‘help’ these side effects which
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

seem unrelated to the vaccine and may develop in a week or years later depending on
the person.

Dr. Judy Mikovitz says that all the actual effects seen by those who claim to have some
type of new virus represent all types of vaccine injuries: an increase in oxidative stress,
a decrease in glutathione, cytokine storms, mitochondrial dysfunction etc which all
help kill those with co-morbidities.

In vaccines, they mix animal tissues (which have coronaviruses) with human tissues.
For example in the Priorix Tetra Vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella): Human
Endogenous Retroviruses, Horse Anemia Viruses, Bird Leukosis Viruses and Human
Fetal DNA from Aborted Fetal MRC-5 Cell Lines etc which all contribute towards
cancer which goes hands in hand with immune dysregulation. [12.54] [12.55] [12.03]

Dr. Mikovitz says that it's the vaccines that will kill the vulnerable. It's a cover-up for the
vaccine crimes using Covid-19 as the blame which seems to be triggering certain
aspects of what's injected by vaccines. For those who are actually infected, the vaccine
drives the disease making it worse.

Israeli scientists in Israel (main centre of control alongside the UK, US and China)
quickly responded to Covid-19 stating that a vaccine will soon be in place. This vaccine
comes from Galilee Research Institution which quoted ‘they had chosen coronavirus as
a model for their system as a proof of concept for their biotechnology’ and then: there was
a sudden outbreak of that very coronavirus.’ They call it pure luck, how convenient? The
same goes to Event 201 which I shall come to later.

Gavi - The Vaccine Alliance was founded and funded with a seed of 750 million dollars
from Bill Gates [12.56] and is developing a system of electronic tagging known as a
quantum tattoo [12.57] (Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination
Delivery System [12.58]) to know whether or not you have been vaccinated. ID2020
(backed by the Rockefeller foundation and the United Nations) will go hand in hand with
this digital chipped quantum tattoo which will be used as a biometric system and will
also have birth control implementations. [12.59] [12.60] [12.61]

In his reply to the question: ‘How should we determine which businesses should stay open?’
Bill Gates said: ‘eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has
recovered or been tested recently, or when we have a vaccine, who has received it.’

The article [12.63] titled ‘Microsoft, the ID2020 Alliance, universal digital identification
and you’ states: ‘According to the Alliance's Governance material, by 2030 it aims to have
facilitated the scaling of a safe, verifiable, persistent digital identity system, consistent
with the Sustainable Development Goals agreed upon by the United Nations. Its short-term
focus toward that goal is the development and testing of the best technological
solutions for digital identity; and working with governments and other entities…’ The
blockchain based ID 2020 will undoubtedly be converged with a cryptocurrency and a
quantum tattoo to monitor your day to day activity.

They are already forcing biometric systems on refugees in order to access food, shelter
and aid as well as their rights! Refugees from Middle Eastern countries are being forced
to enroll in ID2020 [12.64]. The United Nations helped log over one million people in
Uganda with these new systems and agreed to mandatory biometric Ids. The United
Nations and other countries are enforcing mandatory Biometric IDs. Unfortunately, we
are heading towards a dystopian world in which privacy will no longer exist. [12.65].
Check out [12.655] for updates on biometric systems.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

These biometric systems and wallets, digital and quantum ids, microchipping,
vaccination etc will all be linked with identifying yourself and accessing certain rights
such as travelling, making payments and even socialising with other people, similar to

AstraZeneca (collaborated with Moderna to discover, co-develop and co-

commercialize mRNA vaccines [12.66]) that their Covid-19 DNA vaccine will be available
in the UK by September 2020, which is terrifying. They have been fined over £750 million
due to fraudulent activity and many other outrageous scandals in the past. Of course,
they have very close ties with Bill Gates via the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and
Microsoft [12.67]. They are also part of the DARPA program [12.68]. AstraZeneca have
received $1.2 billion from BARDA [12.69]. They will be backed by the WHO, CEPI, and
GAVI (Bill Gates x3) for the distribution of their vaccine. It is always the same usual
suspects involved.

Bill Gates has managed to fund (about £1 billion in total) almost every member of the
claimed independent UK vaccine alliance including UK chief medical officer, Chris
Witty (£31 million [12.70]). Those who have not been funded, answer directly to someone
who is [12.71]. Bill Gates will make a total of £45 Billion from the UK alone with his home
testing kit and vaccine which comes handy in buying more influence and control.

Recently, Bill Gates literally offered a $10 million bribe to Nigeria for a speedy passage
of a new compulsory vaccine bill [12.711] [12.712].

The WHO (Bill Gates) has also offered a $20 million bribe to Madagascar to poison their
new product ‘Covid-Organics’ which is made from Artemisia - a plant imported into
Madagascar in the 1970s from China to treat malaria (like hydroxychloroquine).
Artemisia has had proven success against malaria and according to President
Rajoelina it can cure Covid-19 patients within ten days. [12.713]

There is a lot of concern around compulsory vaccination. [12.72] [12.73] Over the past
several weeks, efforts have been taking shape in many countries to enforce mandatory
vaccines [12.74]. In some countries, it appears likely that the Covid-19 vaccine will not be
made mandatory per say, but will be required for those who wish to return to any
semblance of normalcy in terms of public gatherings, working certain jobs, avoiding
travel restrictions etc. A letter [12.75] before action challenges the lawfulness of the UK
Health Protection Regulations 2020 [12.76]. The UK has revised the control for disease
act 1984. Watch [12.77] and [12.78] as well as [12.79] for a brief overview of what you need
to know.

The state of Colorado has already introduced a bill that forces all doctors and medical
staff to give vaccinations with no exemptions, even if they are in a situation where they
believe it would not be in that child’s best interest. It would also ‘re-educate’ parents who
refuse to vaccinate their child with the coronavirus vaccine (dangerous experimental
gene therapy). [12.791]

The Bayh-Dole Act 1980 allows government workers to patent their own work such as
vaccines, tests and viruses paid for by tax payer’s money. This is being abused for
personal greed and megalomania by people such as Anthony Fauci. Both Gates and
Fauci have patents on coronaviruses and vaccines. They are also directing the protocol
during this crisis. Anyone else see a huge conflict of interest?
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

The 1986 National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act in US leads to liability removal
from vaccine manufacturers.

The US Prep Act 2005, put in the federal register on March the 17th 2020 gives complete
immunity for any covered counter measure while it's in place. You can only sue if you
are able to prove to the US attorney that the vaccines were made to intentionally kill you
or harm you, which is near to impossible.

The US H.R. 6666 Bill introduced on 05/01/2020 and initiated into congress around the
01/05/2020 allows the Government into your house and into your personal, and your
families Health matters. It grant's rights and control to the Government that takes the
rights of personal care and health decisions away from parents and families. [12.80]
[12.81] [12.82] [12.83]

The Telegraph article [12.84] states that the UK’s new criminal law commissioner
Penney Lewis said: ‘Posting anti-vaccine propaganda on social media could become a
criminal offence’. The article quotes ‘the Health Secretary Matt Hancock said in
September he was “looking very seriously” at making vaccinations compulsory for state
school pupils’.

Once you start doing your independent research and connecting the dots, it becomes
increasingly clear where all of this is heading and that the system is not on our side.

CENSORSHIP & SURVEILLANCE: Increased authority and draconian measures such

as regular checkpoints and the military enforcement potentially becoming one with the
police force while getting the public used to acquiescence. We are slowly losing our
rights and will continue to do so as new laws are passed which are not mentioned by the
mainstream media! Monitoring (drones and sensors [13.0]) and imposing restrictions
with new biometric systems, AI and 5G.

Autonomous cars are able monitor and restrict your movements. Uber will expand once
everything is in place and aims to only use autonomous cars which are dependent on AI,
5G and electric cars. United Nations aims to ban all petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030.
Many studies [13.02] [13.04] have actually shown that electric cars indirectly pollute more
than petrol and diesel cars due to the devastating effects of manufacturing of lithium-
ion batteries and the generation of electricity [13.06] [13.08] [3.10] , not to mention the
child slavery in Congo (Blood batteries – Cobalt and the Congo) [13.12] [13.14] [13.16].
Electric cars are simply portrayed to be environmentally friendly as a way of accelerating
towards autonomous cars run by AI.

China has used Covid-19 to enforce and increase their mass surveillance system and
the rest of the world is following [13.18]. China has made citizens put in personal
information on apps which use AI algorithms to decide whether or not you have the
virus, whether or not it’s safe for them to travel. Some airlines have started taking blood
samples from flight passengers [13.20].

Event 201, [13.21] controlled by Bill Gates [13.22] and his foundation (part of the top 1%
Elite that meet in Davos every year) ran a simulation 6 weeks before the outbreak on
how the world would react to a coronavirus outbreak. It was said that China would lead
the exemplar reaction and the rest of the world would follow (Remember the 2010
Rockefeller foundation document). It talked about the information given to the public;
that those questioning and opposing the official narrative, vaccines etc had to be
silenced & censored. Mark Zukerberg announced that he will give out free advertisement
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

for the WHO and would censor all alternative propaganda which is clearly being done by
algorithms [13.24].The WHO gives out all the policies on Covid-19 and is one of the
driving forces of this crisis. Bill Gates is the WHO’s leading funder (via CEPI and the
Gates Foundation etc) which was founded by the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.

Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook will ban anyone involved with ‘false information’ and
lockdown protest [13.26] [13.28] [13.30]. Even the UK 77 military brigade are countering
what they claim to be misinformation [13.32]. YouTube and Facebook are even censoring
people giving real health advice that isn’t approved by the WHO [13.34]. The corrupt man
Tedros Adhanom [13.36] is the first WHO director in history who is not a medical doctor.
He worked on HIV with the Gates Foundation when he was a government minister in
Ethiopia. Why is Bill Gates [13.38] narrating what we should do? Since when is he a
medical doctor?

Please do not trust any of these so called ‘fact checkers’ such as, etc. They are the most biased and dishonest websites.
They all have links to the Democratic Party and Elite (Clintons, Obama, George Soros,
Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates etc ~ Deep State) [13.381] [13.382] [13.383] [13.384] [13.385].
Snopes also has links to the evil company Bayer/ Monsanto ~ Bill Gates [13.386].
Brilliant video: ‘who will fact check the factcheckers?’ [12.387]

One of my father’s emails was censored when he tried to send the link of the UK Free
People Alliance [13.40]. My Facebook and Instagram were both simultaneously deleted
because of my story in which I expressed my opinion regarding Covid-19. Dr. Buttar’s
emails of love, compassion and support got censored; he says that they only want
negative energy. Division and Fear are key in imposing power and control.

Data is the new Oil. Data is constantly being misused to predict our behaviour so they
can target certain thoughts and manoeuvre our reactions hence why it’s so valuable. I
highly recommend you to watch Surveillance capitalism documentary [13.42] for a better
understanding of how your data is used.

Google has algorithms placed so that the first page appears with exactly what they want
you to see. Search Andrew Kaufman MD, his site should come up but it doesn’t, his
videos amongst thousands and thousands of others have been deleted off of YouTube
and Facebook [13.44]. David Icke’s channel literally got removed from YouTube,
Facebook and Vimeo; he has now been banned from PayPal!!! I tend to check the
3rd/4th page onwards and always cross check with the TOR browser which I highly
advise for research. I am distancing myself from Google and I highly recommend you to
do the same. YouTube’s algorithms are insane; a huge majority of videos that are a
threat to their agenda are being deleted within an hour or so! As a result, Bitchute, a
peer to peer sharing platform has emerged as a new uncensored YouTube.

Do you think they go through such measures because of some nonsense? That David
Icke, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Judy Mikovitz, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Bobby Kennedy, Brian
Rose from London Real etc are constantly targeted because they’re exposing rubbish?
Just ask yourself, if what others are saying really is nonsense, why censor them so
desperately? People are literally being arrested for trying to exercise their freedom of
speech! [13.46] [13.48]

These are four most basic civil rights which have been guaranteed by governments
around the world for hundreds of years. Wars have been fought over them, people have
died for this.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

The First Amendment of the US Constitution reads: ‘Congress shall make no law
prohibiting… or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.’

The European Convention on Human Rights Article 10 states: ‘Everyone has the right to
freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and
impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of

The United Nations created in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in
1948 which states in Article 19: ‘We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think
what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people.’

Like many of you, I hold these truths to be self-evident, and believe they are the reason
we live in a free society that celebrates life, liberty, and justice. Without this most basic
freedom, everything we stand for will fundamentally be lost. If we cannot entertain and
debate contrarian ideas in a public forum, how will we progress as a society and a

Would we be the free-thinking society of liberty and justice of today? I think not. It is
only because of Freedom of Speech that we are able to consider all points of view, engage
in a healthy debate and move forward and take the most intelligent action.

People are waking up and they resonate with the truth so the system is afraid
because they know the true power lies with us.

TECHNOCRACY: With 5G, AGI, Biometric systems and Bill Gates’ [14.0] vaccines, ID
2020, quantum tattoo [14.02] (can control women's menstrual and ovulation cycles
[14.04]), Patent 060606, 5G investments [14.06], data mining [14.08], smart cities [14.10],
video surveillance satellites [14.12], geoengineering [14.14], etc... We are headed
towards a Technocracy in which Technocrats such as Bill Gates and Elon Musk will be
calling the shots as we are already witnessing. The parliament got cancelled in the UK
if you hadn’t realized! You have lost basic human rights you were entitled to as a citizen
living in a free democracy.

Here is an absolute Must Watch 4 part documentary series report [14.16] on Bill Gates
and how he using this crisis to accelerate all of his draconian agendas and population
control. It will give you detailed insights of how everything is interconnected.
Here are 3 additional videos (10-15 minutes) on the Gates family that I thought were good:
[14.18] [14.20] [14.22]. Gates also has many other dark and pedophilic affiliations which are
not explored above (e.g. charity link to Epstein, child porn collected among workers
etc…). Watch [14.225] (1hr 27min in) ~ a brief quick e.g. because this is whole new horizon.

China is a blueprint of a Technocracy x Pathocracy. China allocates social credit

scores [14.24] [14.26] [14.28] based on your behavior and social conduct (sounds like
patent 060606 to me) which affect your freedom, such as travelling restrictions, being
able to participate in certain events etc. Millions have been banned from flights and
national travel due to their credit score. In China, you cannot travel, check into a
hotel… without scanning your phone and certain apps. This is currently ongoing with
the Wuxi Health QR code in which you are allocated a green, yellow or red pass which
give you certain travel restrictions etc [14.30].

China has one surveillance camera for every 2 people [14.32]. In China, as you walk
into a restaurant once you've ordered your food, your face is recognized and a screen
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

will say welcome ‘name’ if your ‘order #’ is ready for collection. This is all part of the new 5G
and AI system where everything is connected and yet to come to the western world. AI
and robots will increasingly be taking over jobs.

The UK Health Passport is yet to be imposed. You will be allocated a numbered V code,
using an app. Your status will be red, amber or green. This will be accessible to everyone
except for the general public e.g. health professionals and private companies (airlines,
leisure and sport centres, hotels, shops etc). They will have access to your personal health
status e.g. if you have been tested positive, if you have been vaccinated, if you have any
illness, if you have been close to someone that has been tested positive etc so that they
can decide whether or not you can do something. This is the end of privacy and the start
of an Orwellian Brave New World. It all converges with patent 060606, ID 2020, quantum
tattoo etc [12.205]

This is a prime example of the western world emulating China’s mass surveillance
system and tyranny as recommended by the NSCAI. See how similar the UK Health
Passport is to Wuxi Health QR code? It’s ironic that China is known for copying
everything but now we are copying their draconian systems. The worst part is that our
government is selling this on the pretext of protecting us; the easiest way to enslave
someone is by making them believe it’s for their own good.

Soros, Bezos, Musk, Gates, Zuckerberg, Page... are technocrats and front men part of
the Elite (Rockefeller, Rothschilds, and Morgans etc). They disguise their investments
as ‘philanthropy’. Elon Musk said in an interview that AI will do more and more of the
thinking [14.2] [14.21] [14.22]. Those who will control AI will in turn manipulate and
influence our thinking and behavior.

The National Security Commission of Artificial Intelligence’s (NSCAI) Interim report

2019 [8.34] implies that the western world must beat China in terms of Artificial
Intelligence and technology by implementing the same dystopian measures. A brilliant
analysis of the NSCAI Report by Whitney Webb: [8.35]

An ongoing Court case against: Rockefeller Foundation, Barack Obama, Hillary

Clinton, World Bank, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates,
George Soros.... Filed 19th December 2019 [8.36] ~ Refilled 26th February 2020 [8.37] by
Cyrus. A. Parsa who has investigated over 1000 biometric, 5G and AI companies and
has some vital information to be aware of. You should be seriously concerned with AI, AGI
and 5G. Visit his site [8.38] watch his videos [8.39] and read his book [8.40].

Two articles I highly recommend by Whitney Webb on DARPA: [12.07] & [12.08]

FOOD CHAIN: Our food chain is being disrupted and is in serious danger. Governments
are literally shutting down producers and incentivizing them buying them out [15.0].
Many producers worldwide are being forced to leave their crops to rot, to euthanize their
animals and to throw away their dairy products [15.02].

Farmers are unable to get their produce to the consumers due to all the restaurants that
are no longer in business[15.04] [15.06] [15.08] and the officials saying that it helps stop
the spread of Covid-19. Agriculture price commodities have significantly dropped
[15.10]. Twitter is censoring talks on food shortages. Shad Sullivan, a huge food
manufacturer, exposes [15.12] that he is being forced to euthanize his animals while the
country is simultaneously importing lower quality and less regulated products. They
cannot fully control us unless they control all the food supplies. These outcomes were
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

predicted in Gate’s Event 201, they have been preparing for this. These events are in line
with the UN's IPCC land use and food production regulations [15.14].

Gates’ has a finger in every pie, he was a huge investor of Monsanto which has merged
with Bayer who develops and patents genetically modified seeds, force them upon
farmers through government lobbies, and destroy the lives of farmers and their
families by forcing them into debt. More than 80% of Africa’s seed supply comes from
millions of small-scale farmers recycling and exchanging seed from year to year. But
AGRA (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa), part of the Gates foundation, is
promoting the commercial production of seed and is thus supporting the introduction
of dangerous commercial (chemical-dependent) seed systems, which risk enabling a
few large companies to control seed research and development, production and

This has led to a divesting amount of Indian farmers committing suicide [15.16] [15.18] as
they were forced into debt [15.20]. Bill Gates has been funding synthetic lab grown meat
using meat cells since 2016 [15.22] (also involves lab-produced breast milk [15.221]) and
now has come the time to harness his investments [15.24] [15.26]. This will be portrayed to
be in our favor. But, if Bill Gates’ name is involved, we should all be concerned [15.28]
[15.30] [15.32]. Here are some videos [15.34] [15.36] [15.38] which expand upon this aspect.
The website [15.40] has been doing good analysis on Bill Gates and his involvement with
the food industry. We are to expect food shortages; this will go in hand in hand with the
agenda of controlling our food supply with GMOs and synthetically lab grown meat.

LOCKDOWN: People are locked inside in fear and in acquiescence. You are prone to
watching more TV leading to more perception control and conditioning. Your reptilian
part of the brain kicks in so you don't think things through properly or question the
continuous official narrative you're being fed. Lockdown is causing the loss of millions
of jobs and the destruction of hundreds of thousands of businesses causing huge
amounts of stress, fear and negative energy.

Self isolation effects have led to a rise in child molestation, spousal abuse, drug abuse
[16.0], suicide [16.02] [16.04] [16.06], economic collapse, less medical staff,
unemployment etc. A 2013 NHS study confirmed that self isolation has a significant
relation with the mortality in old people [16.08] [16.10].The book [16.12] and many studies
[16.14] talk about the huge rise in deaths as a consequence of unemployment. There has
been a rise in stress, heart attacks, depression and other psychological effects which
are all low vibrational states [16.16]. Lockdown has created an unprecedented mental
health[16.18] [16.20] and domestic violence crisis [16.22] [16.24] [16.26] by forcing people
to stay at home. There has been an increase of patients in mental hospitals and people
who go to prison.

GPs are seeing their urgent referrals not taking place due to hospitals
disproportionately diverting all attention on Covid-19, to the detriment of all other life-
saving treatments [16.28]. The devastating restrictions, which have been severely
challenged by leading and renowned epidemiologists and scientists such as Dr. Johan
Giesecke [16.30] [16.32] [16.34] [16.36], Professor John Ioannidis [16.38] and Dr. Knut
Wittkowski [16.40] [16.42] [16.44] who quoted ‘Going outdoors is what stops every
respiratory disease’ all suggest that locking down is completely the wrong approach and
will cause more economic damage and non-direct deaths than the virus itself. Not a
single aspect of this lockdown makes logical or scientific sense. It's never been seen to
quarantine the healthy. The lockdown was enforced based on theories, hypotheses and
predictions. However, theory and reality are two different things. We are now aware of the
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

effects based on real statistics. We must treat this like the normal flu. Yet there is still a
lockdown and no evidence that it prevents deaths whatsoever. Lockdown does nothing
but lower our immunity and increase our vulnerability. We need the sun, the beach,
exercise and the interaction with humans and nature. Very few are taking in vitamin D
which is essential [16.46].The effects of the lockdown are far more detrimental worldwide
than the claimed effects of Covid-19.

There is even a legal UK court case against the lockdown [16.48]. Sweden has had no
lockdown [16.50] [16.52], yet it has the same ratio of deaths as countries with a lockdown
[16.54] [16.56] . Belarus refused to lockdown and is doing perfectly fine [16.58]. Anti-
Lockdown protests are taking place worldwide [16.60]! The real pandemic is the reaction
i.e. the panic, the fear, the deprivation of freedom, the LOCKDOWN.

DEATHS: Yes, there has been an increase of deaths (though not significant) in recent
weeks, but the question is: What are the causes? Why only since lockdown?
Thousands of patients with underlying conditions are unable to go to hospital because
their treatments, operations or consultations have been suspended on the grounds that
the Covid-19 requires dedicating all hospital resources to It [17.0] [17.02] which amplifies
the gravity. Hospitals are anything but busy.

2700 fewer people are being diagnosed with cancer every week [17.04]. There has been a
70% drop in cancer diagnosis reported by doctors in the UK [17.06]. Those diagnosed
with cancer before lockdown have had all treatments or surgeries cancelled. There
could easily be 50,000 cancer related deaths due to cancelled screenings and
treatments in the UK alone during a 6 month lockdown as predicted by leading
oncologist Dr. Karol Sikora [17.08]. This is just cancer, think of everything else!

Drug abuse, domestic violence, depression, unemployment, suicides [17.10] etc have
reached a huge spike in numbers. Excess deaths from heart attacks, strokes and other
serious diseases… People have been too scared to seek treatment at hospitals
including A&E [17.12] for fear of catching coronavirus.

Love and support strengthen the immune system whereas social distancing and the
denial of love and human contact weaken it, making them more vulnerable.

The government has overdone the stress, the fear and the panic with the ubiquitous
“Stay at home. Protecting the NHS'' message which weakens the immune system. No
advice is being given to build our immune system. Our body’s extraordinary complexity
has the ability to fight such viruses and heal itself.

Elderly are being neglected [17.14] and are dying but not from the alleged virus [17.16]
[17.18]. There are usually 10 000 deaths in care homes per month in the UK [5.0], many of
which are simply being relabeled as Covid-19.

The elderly and those with disabilities are being strongly coerced to sign ‘Do Not
Resuscitate Forms’! It is disgusting to think that the NHS would even consider giving out
these forms [5.02] [5.04] [5.06] [5.08] [5.10] [5.12] [5.14] [5.16]. It's ironic that all of this is done
on the pretence of ‘saving the elderly’.

Flawed false positive RT-PCR test results are acting as a negative placebo on an
otherwise uninfected person. Being told you have Covid-19 when you haven't, when you
have underlying conditions. This can be devastating and will accelerate your demise –
our beliefs about our health have an extremely powerful effect on our health.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

We are seeing an inverted approach being used to tackle this alleged virus.

The lockdown and use of masks make us more vulnerable.

The use of ventilators instead of oxygen therapy is now known to cause more harm than
good and can lead to the lungs collapsing.

5G is being rolled out at full pace; it makes us more susceptible to enveloped viruses
by making our cells more permeable. It also involves other serious health concerns; it
weakens the immune system and can cause oxygen deprivation at certain frequency
bands e.g. 42 GHz & 60GHz.

This in turn will make us more vulnerable to viruses because deoxyhaemoglobin is an

easier target for viruses to self replicate. All of the above has immediate detrimental
effects; particularly for the elderly and those who suffer other health conditions. But it
will also be deleterious in long term to those who are healthy.

Many will starve to death in 3rd world countries due to social and economical impact.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


17th of March 2020, an MIT technology review [18.0] was published by Gideon Litchfield
who has past involvement with pandemic analysis, theories, etc. I'll take out the main
statements and conclusions linking them to supporting evidence and to this video [18.02].

Take Into account that on the 18th of March 2020, an article published by the New York
Times headlined ‘US virus plans anticipates 18 months’. It says the federal combat plan
warns ‘will last 18 months or longer and could include multiple waves’. They'll push this
crisis as long as they need to.

Gideon Litchfield quotes: ‘We all want things to go back to normal quickly. But what most
of us have probably not yet realized - yet will soon - is that things won’t go back to normal
after a few weeks, or even a few months. Some things never will.’

‘That means the pandemic needs to last, at a low level, until either enough people have had
Covid-19 to leave most immune (assuming immunity lasts for years, which we don’t know)
or there’s a vaccine.’

‘As long as someone in the world has the virus, breakouts can and will keep recurring
without stringent controls to contain them. In a report yesterday (PDF), researchers at
Imperial College London proposed a way of doing this: ‘Impose more extreme social
distancing measures every time admissions to intensive care units (ICUs) start to spike, and
relax them each time admissions fall. Here’s how that los in a graph.’

‘Under this model, the researchers

conclude, social distancing and
school closures would need to be
in force some two-thirds of the
time - roughly two months on and
one month off - until a vaccine is
available, which will take at least
18 months (if it works at all).
They note that the results are
“qualitatively similar for the US.’

Now schools and universities are getting people used to studying online. This is a form
of conditioning to prepare people for what is to come and making them think it's normal
and necessary.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

‘If full social distancing and other measures are imposed for five months, then lifted, the
pandemic comes back.’

Imperial College Covid-19 Response Team: ‘In all scenarios without widespread social
distancing, the number of Covid cases overwhelms the healthcare system.’

‘Ultimately, however, I predict that

we’ll restore the ability to socialize
safely by developing more
sophisticated ways to identify
who is a disease risk and who
isn’t, and discriminating legal
against those who are.’

‘We can see harbingers of this in

the measures some countries are
taking today. Israel is going to
use the cell-phone location
data with which its intelligence
services track terrorists to
trace people who’ve been in
touch with known carriers of the virus. Singapore does exhaustive contact tracing and
publishes detailed data on each known case, all but identifying people by name.’

‘We’ll adapt to and accept such measures, much as we’ve adapted to increasingly
stringent airport security screenings in the wake of terrorist attacks. The intrusive
surveillance will be considered a small price to pay for the basic freedom to be with
other people.’

On March 20th 2020, an article [18.04] released: ‘South Korea’s success in controlling
coronavirus due to acceptance of surveillance’. It’s all about technological tracking
and control.

An Article [18.06] Titled: ‘Predictions for 2030 by people shaping the world’ Sub Headed ‘At
the World Economic Forum in Davos, the elite of the elite gather to hatch plans for the
future of the planet. I asked some of this year’s participants to tell me one thing they think
will happen by 2030 that most people don’t realize.’Covid-19 is the start of a 10 year plan to
fulfil their agendas for the 2030 New World Order. Temperature trackers, Location
trackers etc are being implemented, more is to come internationally, they'll use excuses
such as this ‘pandemic’ to install such surveillance and make people accept an
authoritarian technocracy.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


I have specifically included this section for a better undestanding of my conclusion in

greater context. As you already know, DARPA is funding both Inovio’s DNA vaccine and
Moderna’s mRNA vaccine which both genetically modify us.

The Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and other
Pentagon Agencies have a past history of funding substantial amounts of money in the
field of RNA & DNA vaccines, research on coronaviruses, specifically those involving
bats as well as gene editing bioweapons. Their more recent experiments on genetic
alteration and extinction technologies as well as bats and coronaviruses in proximity
to China have conveniently been left out of the official narrative.

Many of these studies are related to DARPA’s Preventing Emerging Pathogenic Threats
program (PREEMPT) [19.0] which was officially announced in April 2018, a few months
after the U.S. government decided to controversially end the moratorium on so called
Gain of Function studies in December 2017 [19.02]. PREEMPT focuses on animal
reservoirs of disease, specifically bats. For example :

• In 2018, DARPA spent $10 million on one project to unravel the complex causes of
bat-borne viruses.[19.04]
• DARPA and NIH backed Research to examine the coronavirus that causes Middle
East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in bats and camels “to understand the role
of these hosts in transmitting disease to humans.” [19.06]

The U.S. military has also spent millions of dollars over the past several years funding
research on deadly viruses in bats, including coronaviruses, and how those viruses are
transmitted from bats to humans. For example

• In 2017, the U.S. military began funding research involving bats and deadly
pathogens, including the coronaviruses MERS and SARS. [19.08]
• 2018 study: ‘Bat-Borne Zoonotic Disease Emergence in Western Asia’ [19.10]
[19.12] [19.14]
• 2018 study conducted in Southern China resulted in the discovery of 89 new novel
bat coronavirus strains. The study was jointly funded by the Chinese
government’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and the Unites
States Agency of International Development (USAID) – which is known to be a
front for U.S. intelligence and the U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH). [19.16]
• U.S. government-funded study titled “Discovery and Characterization of Novel
Bat Coronavirus Lineages from Kazakhstan’ that discovered new strains of
novel bat coronavirus was published in 2019. [19.18]

The Kazakhstan study was entirely funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, specifically
the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) [19.20] to investigate coronaviruses.The
study’s authors are affiliated with either the Kazakhstan-based Research Institute for
Biological Safety Problems and/or Duke University.

The Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems, has received millions [19.22]
from the U.S. government, mostly from the Pentagon’s Cooperative Threat Reduction
Program. It is the Kazakhstan government’s official depository of highly dangerous
animal and bird infections and it’s part of the Pentagon-funded network of bioweapons
labs [19.24]
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

Duke University’s a key partner of DARPA’s Pandemic Prevention Platform program

[19.26]. Duke University is also jointly partnered with China’s Wuhan University [19.28]
which includes a multi-lab Institute of Medical Virology that works closely with the U.S.
Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) since the 1980s

The now defunct Project for a New American Century (PNAC) openly promoted the use of
a race-specific genetically modified bioweapon as a “politically useful tool.” Its document
“Rebuilding America’s Defences” openly discusses the utility of bioweapons: ‘…combat
likely will take place in new dimensions: in space, “cyber-space,” and perhaps the world of
microbes…advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes
may transform biological warfare...’ [19.32]

The U.S. Air Force published the document ‘Biotechnology: Genetically Engineered
Pathogens’ which contains the following passage: ‘The JASON group, composed of
academic scientists, served as technical advisers to the U. S. government. Their study
generated six broad classes of genetically engineered pathogens that could pose serious
threats to society. These include but are not limited to binary biological weapons, designer
genes, gene therapy as a weapon, stealth viruses, host-swapping diseases, and
designer diseases.’ [19.34]

It was revealed in 2017 that DARPA was the top funder of the controversial gene drive
technology [19.36] which has the power to permanently alter the genetics of entire
populations while targeting others for extinction. At least two of DARPA’s studies using
this controversial technology were classified which were focused on the potential
military application of gene drive technology and use of gene drives in agriculture.

The Pentagon claims that it’s devoting much of its resources towards the containment of
what it considers the two greatest threats to U.S. military hegemony: Russia and China
[19.40]. China has also been cited as the greatest threat by NSCAI [8.34]. However, in light
of history, I personally think this is simply a pretext for conducting controversial fields of
research aimed towards darker agendas.

The U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort
Detrick, Maryland is the U.S. military’s lead laboratory for biological defence research
since the late 1960s [19.42] involving the study of deadly pathogens, including
coronaviruses, Ebola etc. The USAMRIID is also the Pentagon’s main biodefence lab
and has a decades-old and close partnership with the University Of Wuhan’s Institute
of Medical Virology.

The USAMRIID facility has recently been involved in the Pentagon’s research concerning
the use of bats as bioweapons [19.44] and was suddenly shut down and was forced to
halt all research late July 2019 [19.46]. Its shutdown was justified by its failures to abide
by biosafety.

The shutdown of USAMRIID garnered surprisingly little media coverage, as did the
CDC’s surprising decision to allow the troubled facility to partially resume research in
late November 2019 [19.48]

As previously mentioned, Inovio’s DNA Medicines platform is partnered with USAMRIID

and the NIH, among others. Inovio was recently awarded $8.14 million from the U.S.
military to develop a small portable intradermal device for delivering DNA vaccines
jointly developed by Inovio and USAMRIID. The new award will fund the investigation of
DNA vaccines developed by USAMRIID using the new device. [19.50]
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

DARPA is funded around $3 billion a year! It has been working on the weaponization of
human biology and artificial genetics including artificial chromosomes [19.52], using
nanotechnology as sensors [19.54] [19.56], mind control programs [19.58] using Brain
machine interfaces [19.60] [19.62] which can induce human thoughts, erase human
memories, track [19.64] humans and so on…

Nanoparticles like one in the proposed vaccines act as tiny antennas that will help
connect you to AI via 5G, track you, monitor you and influence your thoughts. Without
this crisis, people would be less receptive to the introduction of such technologies which
are sold to the public as healthcare and safety.

Verily (a Google-GlaxoSmithKline partnership ~ Bill Gates), Elon Musk’s Neuralink and

Facebook’s Building 8 have all been working to bring “neuro-modulation” devices and
Brain Machine Interfaces to market under the guidance of ex-executives of DAPRA
[19.66].These are all stepping stones towards transhumanism [19.68] [19.70].

This is simply a glimpse of the Pentagon and other U.S. agencies including the military’s
funding and research. There is vast amount of other projects I haven’t included e.g.
‘In Vivo Nanoplatforms’, ‘Living Foundries’, and ‘Insects Allies’ program [19.72] [19.74].
Not to mention, this is what we know based on public evidence, who knows what is going
on behind the scenes.

If you want to know more about DARPA, you should read: [19.76] [19.78]
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]



 January: The WHO, redefines ‘pandemic’.

‘WHO, “in cooperation with some big pharmaceutical companies and their scientists,
re-defined pandemics,” removing the statement that “an enormous amount of people
have contracted the illness or died” ... stating simply that there has to be a virus,
spreading beyond borders and to which people have no immunity’ [20.0] [20.1] [20.011]

 Rockefeller foundation discusses a Coronavirus type pandemic in a

document ‘"Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International
Development" [20.012]

'Lock Step - a world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian
leadership’ … sounds familiar.


 October: Moratorium is placed on research and funding of Gain of function

studies including the gain of function studies carried out on novel bat
coronaviruses at the University of North Carolina by Dr. Zheng-Li Shi and
other scientists under Dr. Anthony Fauci. The use of VeroE6 Monkey Cell lines
to culture bat coronaviruses were sourced from Fort Detrick’s USAMRIID.


 Anthony Fauci funded and allowed the gain of function studies on

coronaviruses to continue outside U.S. (Broke the law) at Wuhan Institute of
Virology laboratory which is supported by Wuhan’s university (have a close
working relationship with USAMRIID) despite the moratorium.
 23rd of July: U.S Patent US10130701 and European Patent EP3172319B1 on
coronavirus (used in vaccine) is filed by The Pirbright Institute (Bill and
Melinda Gates, WHO…)
 September: The United Nations’ New World Order 2030 is made public
[20.02] [20.04] [20.06]

 March: The Gates foundation starts to heavily grant Moderna.

The grant was announced just weeks after Moderna revealed two new partnerships (Merk
and Aztrazeneca) focused on leveraging its mRNA platform (mRNA vaccines). [12.28] [20.07]


 CEPI (Bill & Melinda Gates – WEF – Norway – India etc) is launched.
 U.S. Military started to officially fund multiple research involving bats and
deadly pathogens, including the coronaviruses MERS and SARS. Other
organizations such as USAID (Anthony Fauci) were also involved. These
studies had ‘indirect’ links to USAMRIID and DARPA.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

 Anthony Fauci made a public statement that this presidency will see a
pandemic outbreak. [20.08] [20.10]
 The World Bank issues Pandemic Bonds for emergency pandemic financing
and pandemic insurance. [20.101]
 Moratorium on Gain of function studies is lifted.
 It was publicly revealed that DARPA was the lead funder of Gene drive
technology (power to permanently alter human genetics).
 Inovio and ApolloBio entered a license and collaboration agreement to
distribute Inovio’s DNA technology (vaccines etc) in China.


 CEPI funded $56 million towards Inovio’s DNA vaccine program for the
coronavirus that causes MERS. USAMRIID and NIH were partners in this
 DARPA’s PREEMPT program officially announced; its focus is on animal
reservoirs of disease, specifically bats and started funding and conducting
research involving coronaviruses publicly alongside the NIH...
 Research paper is released involving USAMRIID, CDC and others regarding
Bat viruses being used as bioweapons which started all the way back in 2016.
 US10130701 coronavirus patent received notice of allowance (USPTO) before
grant (see July 2015 above)
 8th: Timothy Ziemer, the top White house official in charge of pandemic
response exits his position. This was not a cordial exist so it is safe to say
that he was more or less forced out of his position. Other members of the
pandemic response team were also fired.
 The Bio-warfare office was reorganized by John Bolton, the National
Security Adviser. “John Bolton abruptly disbanded the government officials
responsible for dealing with pandemics, global health security and bioterrorism…
White House has significant control over national health security.’ [20.12] it went
from a civilian response organization, to a military offensive organization.
 21st: Patent 060606 filed by Microsoft (New biometric cryptocurrency
 20th: US10130701 coronavirus patent officially granted (see July 2015 above)


January – August:
 Crimson Contagion - A pandemic flu simulation run by the Department of
Health and Human Services, which involved the Pentagon, the National
Security Council etc [20.14] [20.16]
April/ May:
 First cases of alleged E-cigarette-Vaping Associated Lung Injury (EVALI)
symptoms started being reported in the US also known as Vaping associated
Lung Injury (VAPI). The symptoms of alleged EVALI are exactly the same as
those of Covid-19.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

 10th: The U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) (U.S. Army)
announced that it will fund $8.4 million towards the development of a small
portable intradermal device for delivering DNA vaccines jointly developed by
Inovio and USAMRIID.
 14th: CDC discovered US Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick to be
non-compliant with its pathogen control agreement.
 Early July: The White House withdrew its only US epidemiologist embedded
with China’s CDC. [20.18]
 10h-16th: Two unidentified respiratory outbreaks in retirement homes were
reported, one at Greenspring Retirement Community [20.20] and the other at
Heatherwood retirement community [20.22], both near Fort Detrick (55 miles)
and close to Fort Belvoir (11 miles) where the US team trained for the 2019
Wuhan Military Games. Both remain unexplained to this day…
 Late July: Fort Detrick received a cease and desist order from the CDC and
was abruptly shut down [20.24] [20.26] [20.28]. The CDC did not provide
specific details due to “national security reasons”. A senior
scientist described the atmosphere there as one of ‘fear and mistrust’ [20.30].
 A Taiwanese Virologist and epidemiologist [20.32] [20.34] noted that that in
August 2019, the US had many “pulmonary fibrosis” cases with difficulties to
breathe, but whose conditions and symptoms could not be explained by
pulmonary fibrosis. These cases were blamed as a result of vaping E-
cigarettes (EVALI) but which, according to the scientist, the symptoms and
conditions could neither be explained by E-cigarettes.
 EVALI is claimed to have become an official epidemic in the U.S.
The most common alleged Covid-19 symptoms: Fever, Dry Cough and Tiredness/ Fatigue
and the less common serious symptoms are shortness of breath (difficulty breathing -
dyspnea), chess pains and loss of speech/ movement.
The most common alleged EVALI Symptoms: dyspnea (87%), chest pain (55%), cough
(83%), fever (81%), fatigue (45%) and sometimes Rapid onset of lung failure. [20.36]
The first alleged vaping death was reported in late August the US [20.38]: “Amid the lack
of information... many patients, most of whom were adolescents or young adults, had
described difficulty breathing, chest pain, vomiting and fatigue.”
The symptoms are basically identical.
John Britton a professor of respiratory medicine said: ‘what’s happening in the U.S. is not
happening here (in Britain), nor is it happening in any other countries where vaping is
common’. [20.40] John Briton argues that vaping is far less dangerous than smoking, that the
claims are completely false, and that the alleged EVALI is not caused by vaping. [20.42]
 12th-19th: Week-long event underwritten by the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund in Rwanda, East Africa.
During this event, U.S. democrat congressman Bobby L. Rush, was present to discuss a
contact tracing program. 9 months later, Rush, introduced the $100 Billion H.R. 6666, the
COVID-19 Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act. [20.45]. Gates and the
Rockerfellers were planning such measures 6 months before the alleged ‘pandemic’! [20.455]
 The Taiwanese doctor [20.46] [20.48] cited a case in September of 2019 where
some Japanese travelled to Hawaii and returned home infected, people who
had never been to China. This was all two months prior to the infections in
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

China and just after the CDC suddenly and totally shut down the Fort Detrick
bio-weapons lab – USAMRIID.
 ID2020 announced its new digital identity program with Gavi - The Vaccine
Alliance (Bill and Melinda Gates) and the Government of Bangladesh.
 8th/ 9th: John Bolton, the National Security Adviser is fired, no one knows
why. Perhaps it has to do with what he did back in March 2018 (see above).
 18th: Event 201 - A coronavirus pandemic simulation hosted by the Gates
foundation, WEF and John Hopkins. Deputy Director of the CIA participates.
[20.50] [20.52] [20.54]. Bill Gates ‘predicted’ that a highly deadly virus erupts in
a Chinese wet market where live and dead animals are stacked, and spreads
 18th – 27th: The 2019 Military World Games were held in Wuhan, China
The United States sent a team of around 300 military soldiers.
The U.S. team trained at the U.S. Army’s Fort Belvoir in Virginia, not far from Fort Detrick
and at close proximity from the two retirement homes which had a respiratory outbreak.
Amongst the U.S. team was 53 year old woman road cyclist, Maatje Benassi who also works
as a security officer at Fort Belvoir. Maatje Benassi has a relative ‘Matthew Benassi’ who
works at the Fort Detrick. [20.56]
The US military team stayed at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel which is 300 meters away from
Wuhan’s Huanan Seafood market (known to be the origin of the alleged covid-19 virus). The
three other teams who stayed at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel were Iran, Italy and South Korea.
The U.S. team, known for their competitive skills, did terribly; only 172 participated, many
didn’t even compete in their events. It was said: ‘The inattentive attitude and
disproportionately below average results of American athletes in the game indicate they
might have been in for other purposes operatives…’ [20.58]
Five “foreign” athletes at the Wuhan World Military Games were hospitalised for an
undetermined infection. [20.60] We do not know how many others were infected but Chinese
medical staff went to the Dongfang Jianguo hotel (500m away from Wuhan Oriental Hotel) to
rescue five American military participants who were suffering from high fevers, shallow
coughs and chest pains. [20.62]
Many athletes have revealed that they fell ill at the World military Games in Wuhan in
October. [20.64] [20.66] [20.68] For Example:
➢ Elodie Clouvel, a French pentathlete said that her team, including herself, all fell ill
during the world military games and that her partner Valentin, also a pentathlete, had
to miss three days of training. She said: ‘I had things I had never had before.’
➢ Jacqueline Bock, part of the German volleyball team claimed that she and her
colleagues contracted Covid-19 at the event in the city. ‘After a few days, some
athletes from my team got ill’. Her father also became ill a few weeks after her
return. She said ‘I have never felt so sick; either it was a very bad cold or Covid-19. I
think it was Covid-19.’
➢ Italian fencer Matteo Tagliariol also said everyone in his Wuhan apartment fell ill with
symptoms that looked like those of Covid-19 which later spread on to his son and
➢ Swedish pentathlete Melina Westerberg said several of her compatriots got sick
during the games.
➢ Oliver Gorges, a triathlete from Luxembourg, said he became ill with flu-like
Among dozens of other competitors were contacted by the Military Occupational Specialty
(US Army) some said they had been told not to comment.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

[20.70] France said that the virus may have hit Europe in October as several athletes recall
becoming “very sick” while competing in Wuhan back then.
According to French news channel BFMTV, a number of athletes returned to France with
unusual symptoms, including fevers and body aches. BFMTV quoted one anonymous
athlete said that he originally thought he had simply caught a cold.
Chinese government spokesman, Zhao Lijian, said that American athletes participating in
the Wuhan Military World Games may have “brought the epidemic to Wuhan” [20.72]. The
Pentagon in particular criticized Zhao’s remarks, calling them “false and absurd.” [20.74]

October – December:
 Adriano Decarli, an epidemiologist and medical statistics professor at the
University of Milan, said there had been a significant increase in the number
of people hospitalized for pneumonia and flu in the areas of Milan and Lodi
between October and December 2019. [20.75]
 NSCAI interim Report - insinuates that the western world must emulate
China’s mass surveillance model to ensure a technological advantage over
China. (AI, 5G, Biometric systems etc)
 4th: The Health Protection Agency begins collaboration with family doctors
to vaccinate residents of Bergamo, Italy against flu. [20.755]
 17th: The first official alleged Covid-19 case was reported.

42 employees of Wuhan’s Oriental Hotel were diagnosed with Covid-19. At the time only 7
people had been diagnosed with Covid-19 and were all active in the Huanan seafood market
and said to have had contact with all 42 of the hotel staff [20.76]

Please Note: Given that the new virus seems to target the lungs, ACE2 exosomes will
naturally be excreted, you are hence more likely to test positive by the RT-PCR test.

 Giuseppe Remuzzi, the director of the Mario Negri Institute for

Pharmacological Research in Milan said “They (general practitioners) remember
having seen very strange pneumonia, very severe, particularly in old people in
December and even November (just after the World military games)” [20.77]
 Massimo Galli, professor of infectious diseases at the University of Milan
said ‘Very strange pneumonias’ circulated in Europe as early as November
2019. [20.78]
 15th: CDC posts job notices across the USA for a Quarantine Program Public
Health Advisor - 2 months before the official Wuhan outbreak. [20.79]
 19th: EP3172319B1 coronavirus patent officially granted (July 2015 above)
 Once the outbreak was made public, the Pentagon suddenly told its soldiers
(Army and Navy) not to use the popular Chinese App TikTok. The same has
been done for all Federal employees. No excuses were given, other than for
‘Natural Security’. [20.795] [20.80]
TikTok tracks everything the user does on their phone and sends the data back to China.
 18th: Vaccination ID (Quantum Dot Tattoo) research team who were funded by
Bill and Melinda Gates publish their study.
 Health officials claimed that the 2019 U.S. flu season had an extra early
start. Health officials said that it’s the earliest flu season they had seen in 15
years [20.82].
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

You may have realised that this was not the case; it was the new virus being mistakenly
diagnosed as influenza.


 4th: Residents of Bergamo, Italy queue to receive vaccination against

Meningococcus C. [20.885]
 21st: Dr. Anthony Fauci quotes in an interview ‘This is not a major threat to the
people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the
United States should be worried about right now.’ [20.83]

Criminal Anthony Fauci clearly can’t stick to one story; it’s also quite odd that he stated the
above given that the NIH was already in the process of taking the first steps towards the
development of a vaccine [20.84]. Fauci directs the NIAD/ NIH.

 23rd: Zhou Paper is published – Dr. Zheng-Li Shi was one of the authors (one
of the lead scientist in the gain of function research on bat coronaviruses in
both U.S. and Wuhan). The paper implied that a natural novel bat coronavirus
was possibly associated with the symptoms.

They never isolated the virus but they developed the test for the alleged Covid-19. However,
the RT-PCR Test should not be used to diagnose infectious disease because it does not test
for the virus itself.

January – February:
 Hundreds of CEOs of major corporations conveniently stepped down from
their positions before the storm. [20.85] [20.86] [20.54]
 Many US senators dumped their stocks before the crash. [20.87]
 A high end Taiwanese virologist explained in detail that the coronavirus
originated in the U.S. [20.88]
 The Japanese Asahi news report [20.89] claimed that the new virus
originated in the U.S. and that some or many of the 14,000 American deaths
attributed to influenza prior to when the crisis was made public could
potentially have been associated with Covid-19.

CDC director Robert Redfield admitted some Americans who seemingly died from influenza
might have been linked to what is known as Covid-19. [20.90]

 The alleged EVALI magically disappeared yet people are still vaping in the
U.S. It is claimed to have hospitalized around 2800 people and caused 70
related deaths.
 NSCAI Interim Recommendation Memo (given that the current crisis of fear
and chaos is a perfect opportunity to accelerate their draconian agendas,
they quickly published their interim recommendations) [20.91]
 20th: UN publishes 'Shared Responsibility, Global Solidarity: Responding to the
socio-economic impacts of Covid-19' [20.92] in alignment with Agenda 2030.
 26th: Patent 060606 - is published (see September 2018 above)
 26th: Dr. Fauci publishes his writings in the New England Journal of Medicine
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

This is the man who publicly tells everyone to be scared of the new alleged coronavirus.
Here are his words from the medical journal: ‘…the overall clinical consequences of Covid-
19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case
fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza… rather than a disease similar
to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.’

 Official UN’s New World Order Site launched [20.94] [20.95]

 First Human trials for the new Covid-19 vaccine started – suspiciously fast

Moderna’s trials are funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
(NIAID) (Anthony Fauci)

 21st: The Rockefeller Foundation released a document titled ‘National Covid-

19 Testing Action Plan Pragmatic steps to reopen our workplaces and our
communities’ [20.96] [20.97]
 22nd: CDC revised new estimates for Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) to 0.026%.

[20.98]This is a huge reduction from the WHO’s Initial Case Fatality Rate (CFR) estimates of
3.4%. We know that the bases of these new estimates were/ are blown out of proportion so
it is safe to say that the new alleged Covid-19 is less serious than the seasonal Flu.


Mission ‘Orwellian Brave New World Order’ complete unless we wake up.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


Factual Statements:

• No one has isolated a new virus and none of Koch's postulates have been fulfilled.
• Our immune response releases exosomes when exposed to toxic substances, stress
& fear, cancer, asthma, infection, diseases, EM radiation etc
• We have exosomes with the same ACE-2 Receptors as the new alleged virus and
both are found in the lung fluid and have genetic material in the form of RNA.
• The RT-PCR Test should not be used for diagnosing infection disease because it
does not test for the virus itself, instead it amplifies an RNA sequence (≈45x) that is
assumed to be associated with the alleged Sars-Cov2
• The RT-PCR Test has not been compared to any gold standard and has shown to
have an 80% false positive
• Around 4/5 people who test positive have minor or no symptoms.
• If someone is tested positive by the RT-PCR Test and passes away, Covid-19 is
reported as the primary cause regardless of other co-morbidities or the actual cause
• Since January 2019 up until a lockdown was enforced, the total number of deaths
actually decreased compared to the last 5 years’ average
• The lockdown is indirectly causing a great number of deaths
• Masks do the opposite to what they are intended, they suffocate us with Carbon
dioxide and weaken our immune system
• Social distancing deprives us of herd immunity
• The elderly and disabled are being coerced into signing ‘Do Not Resuscitate Forms’
• Doctors are being pressured to write Covid-19 on the Death certificate, some are
even being incentivized to put patients straight onto ventilators
• Wrong protocol being used by hospitals which are actually harmful
• Successful alternative treatments e.g. Vitamin C and Hydroxochloroquine are being
ignored and discouraged by hospitals
• Deaths are being relabelled, and the total number of claimed Covid-19 deaths are
being inflated multiple times, even then, they amount to less than the total number of
deaths caused by influenza (Flu)
• Crucial data is not being reported e.g. how many are tested positive, how many have
recovered, the co-morbidities, age etc
• 99% of all deaths in Italy had one, two, three or more pre-existing or current health
• The government and media are constantly misleading us with lies.
• Anybody that questions the official narrative is censored
• Thousands of videos and channels are being deleted off YouTube and Facebook
• Google algorithms are manipulating our search results
• Fast-paced Implementation of 5G during lockdown
• AGI and biometric systems for surveillance and control are dependent 5G
• 5G weakens our immune system, makes us more susceptible to viruses and causes
respiratory issues…
• No independent testing or Debate on safety of 5G by the Government or the media
• Fauci made a public statement in 2017 that the presidency of Trump will see a
pandemic outbreak
• Fauci allowed the gain of function study of coronaviruses to continue in Wuhan
despite a moratorium being officially passed, and invested $3.7 million twice [21.02]
• Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx have close ties and joined financial
interests [21.04]
• Bill Gates owns numerous patents on coronaviruses and vaccines via his group of
companies, investments and initiatives
• Everybody on the UK vaccine commission has financial links to Bill Gates
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

• Bill Gates is the largest funder of the World Health Organisation which directs the
world health policy
• Tedros, director of the WHO, has perpetuated crimes against humanity [21.06]
• Bill Gates founded the Gavi, the vaccine alliance for marketing and distribution of
vaccine worldwide and has developed an implantable quantum dot microneedle
(quantum tattoo)
• Gavi, Microsoft and Rockefeller foundation are the founding partners in ID2020
• Bill Gates co-founded the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) in
2017 which is developing the new DNA and mRNA vaccine for the alleged Covid-19
• Microsoft has filed Patent 202060606 in September 2018 converging cryptocurrency,
Biometric digital ID and Surveillance/ population control.
• Bill Gates ran Event 201- a coronavirus type simulation in October 2019
• The Rockefeller foundation have been assessing a corona type pandemic since at
least 2010
• DARPA, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci have invested millions upon millions into
Inovio and Moderna for the manufacture of DNA and mRNA vaccines.
• The unproven DNA & RNA Vaccines use nanotechnology and genetically modify us
and are being fast tracked without animal testing
• U.S. has already approved complete immunity to vaccine manufacturers… other
countries have followed/ are following/ will follow.
• Bill Gates also has investments in 5G, Biometric Systems, Video Satellites, Synthetic
Meat, GMOs, Geoengineering etc
• Cash is being vilified and depreciating in value
• The economy and small businesses are being destroyed
• Our fundamental freedom and rights are being suppressed with new draconian
measures and Laws e.g. US H.R.6666, health protection regulation 2020, and the
control of disease act 1984 etc in the name of protecting us
• 2030 - The Landmark year 2030 of total control: UN’s Agenda 2030 (New World
Order 2030), NSCAI’s interim report (wants to surpass China’s model of surveillance
and AI in the western world by 2030) etc.

Many additional points I have not included that are embedded throughout the document.

Some Questions we must Ask:

• If Covid-19 does exist, why has no one properly isolated it?

• Why has no one followed Koch’s postulates?
• Why are we using the RT-PCR Test, that has not been compared to any Gold
standards and whose inventor said it shouldn't be used for diagnosing infectious
• Why are fear and panic being promoted via coordinated efforts to inflate the Covid-19
death figures?
• Why not talk about the hundreds of thousands who claimed to have recovered?
• Why are alternative approaches such as Hydroxychloroquine and Vitamin C being
ignored/ discouraged?
• Why has the lockdown not been withdrawn after Fergeson’s models were revised?
• Why censor people and take away our freedom of speech if there is nothing to hide?
• Why are we being locked inside, with constant stress and fear being fed?
• Why is 5G Radiation being rolled out at such quick pace during lockdown?
• Why is it so essential to vaccinate the whole world including the healthy?
• If you haven't followed Koch's postulates and isolated the virus, how are you meant
to be developing a vaccine?
• Will DARPA, Bill Gates... and the Elite pass up on this opportunity of applying their
own hidden agendas and technologies to these vaccines?
The list of questions is endless...
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


There is a new virus which affects people differently. It is mild and not deadly at all. It is
only a potential threat to those with compromised immune systems and other critical
health issues but this goes without saying for any type of virus! It is like the flu, it comes
and it goes. Most people won't even realise they have/had it [16.30], assuming it was a
flu, a cold, a fever or a cough because the symptoms seem to be so general. Some
won’t even notice it. This virus may very well have some effects on the lungs but
nothing near to what the media claims. The new claimed virus got public attention
during the flu season which confused the matter even more. The virus is no way near as
virulent as it once was which I shall address later.

It is 100% not a naturally occurring coronavirus. The natural evolution of a SARS type
virus to jump directly from bats to humans would take around 800 years. It is impossible
for bats to transmit a natural coronavirus to humans because they cannot interact with
human cells with ACE2 receptors. A gain of function is necessary as previously
mentioned in order to make it transmissible to humans. A natural occurring coronavirus
cannot cause certain claimed effects. Over a quarter of the population is already likely
to have caught it and have small harmless traces left. We must simply protect ourselves
by being healthy e.g. boosting our immune system with Vitamin C and build natural herd
immunity by going about our normal lives.

Hardly anyone knows the true nature or origin of this virus as no one has publicly
isolated it or followed Koch’s Postulates. If actually isolated, it would become crystal
clear that it the virus is neither natural nor deadly.

The Sars-Cov2 portrayed in the official narrative is simply non-existent and we must
eliminate this image of a dangerous ‘Covid-19’ that is likely to kill us if we contract it.
The RT-PCR test is actually testing for the RNA of exosomes with ACE-2 Receptors
which are excreted by our body’s defence mechanism when subject to various toxicities.

The new virus has an indirect association with the US Gain of Function studies/
research which continued in Wuhan. ‘Gain of Function’ experiments are carried out to
create bioweapons or more commonly to produce vaccines. When creating vaccines,
they would grow certain viruses with different animal tissues and then with human lung
tissues allowing the virus to evolve at a super rate. They would also culture viruses in
animal cell lines in laboratories. It is very well known that coronaviruses are
manipulated and modified in order to be used in vaccines.

In this particular gain of function, they used ‘VeroE6 monkey kidney cell line’ which
came from Fort Detrick’s USAMRIID - US Army Research Institute of Infectious
Disease, a biosafety level 3 and 4 facility located in Maryland where such experiments
were officially carried out under Anthony Fauci until a 2014 moratorium was officially
placed on such studies because of the dangers and ethics involved.

I am certain that these ‘Gain of Function studies’ were carried out in order to produce
vaccines that could make humans more controllable and submissive and less
susceptible to cosmic energy. In simple terms: to dumb us down. This is achieved by
viruses attacking certain segments of our genome (DNA) that affects our cognitive
thinking and alter us genetically.

The point I am making is that the Pentagon and the U.S. military have been working on
human DNA/RNA vaccines in the shadows for a long time. Fort Detrick has a reputation
of carrying out such classified dark experiments including the area of mind control
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

It’s ironic that vaccines that are supposed to protect us against infectious disease
actually cause significant amounts of harm. They are now being used as stealth
bioweapons against us.

According to my research, top secret vaccine experiments and gain of function research
continued at Fort Detrick’s USAMRIID (Pentagon’s main biodefence lab and US
military’s leading laboratory for ‘biological defence research) even after the 2014
moratorium. The vaccine trials started on US military soldiers in early 2018, shortly after
the moratorium was lifted in December 2017.

The vaccine experiments didn’t quite go to plan and the virus in some cases did the
opposite to what was initially intended.

The virus affects people differently, to some it may be deleterious, to others it might
have positive effects but it is certainly nothing to be afraid of as previously mentioned.
These vaccines and viruses are not designed to kill people directly but to challenge our
immune system and genetically modify us by targeting specific codons for a particular
outcome/ agenda given that certain personality traits are linked to certain DNA factors.

The virus has the potential, depending on the person, to change DNA making individuals
more susceptible to cosmic information of the positive (STO) variety. It can also
enhance and activate long suppressed codons of a beneficial nature that make us less
controllable and more susceptible to cosmic energy.

We are already witnessing more and more people who are awakening in present times
and starting to question what they’re being told.

This was recognised by the Chinese regime (were also part of these ‘Gain of Function’
studies) who did not want this particular strain of virus with beneficial effects to spread;
hence they took draconian measures to stop the virus which were subsequently
followed by the majority of the world.

The new virus has been circulating since the first trials on the U.S. military in early 2018
but properly escaped Fort Detrick around May 2019. The virus was being reported as
alleged EVALI, Influenza and other infectious disease. It has mutated as all viruses do
into two major strains. The virus was carried to Wuhan, China by U.S. military soldiers
who participated in Wuhan’s Military World Games.

A large number of English news reports about the closure of Fort Detrick were deleted,
displaying a “404 not found” page. Many articles and Chinese reports that conclude that
the new virus is very likely to have originated in the US, particularly Fort Detrick have
also been deleted. Dr. Judy Mikovitz, who worked at Fort Detrick, agrees that the virus is
likely to have originated at Fort Detrick.

The virus was far more virulent and threatening when it first escaped but even then it
seemed to vary from host to host but this is simply no longer the case. Whenever you
hybridize a virus, it has the tendency to return back to its original state. Even small
random mutations that persist for a while, end up being extinct, the virus becomes less
and less effective. Viruses that have been modified genetically and undergo a gain of
function DEVOLVE! One way of putting it, the more people through whom it spreads,
the weaker it becomes. It takes time after catching the virus for symptoms to manifest;
if they do. I repeat; over 25% of us are very likely to have already caught it!
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

The virus started to increasingly spread in the US from July 2019 onwards but the
symptoms were being officially masked and attributed to other diseases e.g.
EVALI and Influenza.

The virus spread exponentially at the Wuhan military games which had just under
10 000 competitors from 110 different countries, around 250 000 volunteers and a main
stadium with a capacity of 58 000 people. Many spectators came to visit from different
regions and countries. This is why it spread so quickly.

Once China came into the picture, it was seen as a perfect opportunity for the U.S. to lay
the blame on China through mass propaganda. It was implied that a natural bat
coronavirus originated in Wuhan’s Huanan Seafood market where the alleged
Sars-Cov1 was claimed to have originated in 2003. The virus did not originate in
Huanan Seafood Market; however, given its activities and location, it must have helped
the spread of the virus.

Let me make this clear, bats were not present at the Wuhan’s wet market and the
Chinese do not have a tradition of eating bats. The only place where bats are regularly
used as food is the Pacific island Palau and Indonesia. Journalists from France 24 TV
[21.10] recently tracked down the makers of five of the six most-shared videos of people
eating bats; they found that all videos were filmed in Palau or Indonesia, in locales where
bats have traditionally been consumed as food. Not to mention, bats hibernate from
November onwards.

It is clear that virus was derived from a bat coronavirus that underwent a gain of function
so that it could be used in the RNA/DNA vaccine that didn’t do what was intended.

It is evident that the Elite had been planning and preparing for a ‘coronavirus type
crisis’ so they could impose a RNA/DNA vaccine as we are currently seeing - to pull off a
perfect vaccine scam etc.

So the Elite were therefore in a position to also take advantage of this unexpected cross
contamination accident to accelerate a majority of their agendas, many of which are
stated in UN agenda 2030 (New World Order 2030) and the NSCAI Interim

Only very few at the top of the pyramid were aware of such vaccine experiments and
other related plans. They had to quickly adjust their plans to new circumstances which
is why there was a lot discoordination among authorities in the initial phase.

Given that the vaccines experiments didn’t go to plan, a mandatory RNA/DNA vaccine
becomes an absolute essential countermeasure. Now those behind the creation of this
virus are working overtime to enforce the new experimental vaccines around the

What you can expect:

• Multiple waves.

They are manipulating this crisis using a Test, the Media and all their other unlimited political
and financial resources (whatever it takes). As we have witnessed, it is disgustingly easy to
generate fear and mass hysteria. Our behaviour is very predictable especially to how
conditioned we are and all the data they have access to.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

They are now in a commanding position to direct certain outcomes according to how events
unfold. They can stop and continue the ‘pandemic’ at will. They will claim that they are
considering the impacts and dealing with the virus. They want you to remain calm as they
slowly withdraw the lockdown.

Then, they will create and manoeuvre another wave; it is very likely that they will manipulate
the excretion of exosomes with external toxicities e.g. the lockdown effects but particularly
5G radiation, by increasing its power output and adjusting it to certain frequency bands to
perpetuate the illusion that a new wave has broken out. This will make the ‘wave’ appear to
be realistic. There will likely be multiple waves until the government says that more
desperate measures are needed such as mandatory vaccines.

• Being restricted certain freedoms unless you acquiesce and cooperate

Laws are already being passed and edited to alter your rights. The UK amongst other
countries is unlikely to make the new vaccines mandatory in order to avoid direct public
resistance and controversy. Instead, they will indirectly force you – blackmail.

• Food Shortages

• Bizarre Events

I am expecting many twists and turns of bizarre events.

For example, we have already started to see very extremely odd and dangerous weather
patterns [21.12] [21.14] [21.16] and this are likely to continue e.g. Huge cyclone that hit
Bangladesh, Earthquake in new Zealand, Tornadoes in the U.S. (Louisiana), flooding in
Kenya, Blizzards in June etc. You should watch [21.18]

In every plan, there are always flaws, in every action, there are always risks. The risk the
Elite are taking is Exposure. This could all potentially backfire due to the amount of
people who are waking up and starting to see through the deception. This is the best
opportunity to counter attack by standing up for our rights through civil disobedience.

We must acquire knowledge, expand awareness and raise consciousness. And if we do

nothing, society is heading towards Orwellian Brave New World by 2030.

To those who have awakened, it is our duty to stand up for our rights and the rights of
our fellow humans who are either asleep or too scared to fight. It is now or never, we
must help those who are fast asleep to become wide awake.

If you have reached this point, I am assuming you have a completely new perspective
on what has happened, what is currently happening, and what is yet to happen.

Please email [email protected] if you have any doubts, questions, enquiries, feedback
or additional information you think is relevant: I am open to teach/ learn and broaden
our understanding. If you email me, I will be able to notify you when I make updates with
your consent.

Keep on Reading....

Additional Links: [21.20] [21.22] [21.24] [21.26] [21.28]

Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


1) Free yourself of fear, any kind of fear ~ it will be what it will be.

• Fear is an illusion; it can be eradicated by having control over your mind and
emotions. Danger is a threat, the biggest threat we are currently facing is the
vast amounts of fear. So to kill the danger, we must kill the fear.

2) Knowledge Protects ~ Ignorance Endanger:

• Stop watching TV. TV is a hypnotic opener and makes you more susceptible to
subliminal propaganda.
• Stop listening to the mainstream media. Check alternative media
(sources), read books and do your own research.
• Expand your awareness, share knowledge and help others without expectation.
People need to realise what’s at stake! We have the true power but people need
to start to wake up and refuse to acquiesce!
• Decondition yourself. Introspect on life and its events and question everything.

Here is a brilliant 20 minute weekly news report with James from and
James from that I strongly recommend. [22.0]

3) Do not infringe other people’s freewill ~ Do not let other people infringe yours

• Distance yourself from those who try to infringe your freewill even if they are
immediate family, spouse or friends.
• Do not be forced in doing things that you know not to be right.
• Be conscious of infringing others free will including your friends, family and
fellow human beings.
• Question each and every of your actions and reactions.
• Respects other people’s rights to have different opinions. You must guide them
and educate them but do not forcefully impose your will upon others
• Stand your ground. Take initiation regardless of others. Eliminate dependency
on the system and on society’s beliefs. Don’t let anyone change who you truly

4) Do not acquiesce to Vaccinations or new implantable Biometric Systems

• You need to be strong minded; do not think of the consequences. Do what you
feel to be right, regardless of others.
• Freedom is being able to think for yourself but this will fade away once you are
microchipped and vaccinated and connected to AI via 5G

I am seriously concerned for those who willingly want to be vaccinated without

knowing what they’re actually doing to their bodies; even doctors are unaware.

This is my body, this is my mind and this is my spirit. You will certainly not infringe my
free will by vaccinating me and modifying my genetics which will be passed on for

A call of awakening is on the rise and in serious need.

Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

5) Divert yourself from our centralized systems ~ Data is the New Oil.

• Decentralise digitally and economically. Stop using platforms such as Google,

Facebook, TikTok etc
• Switch off the Covid-19 Tracking on your phone (automatically part of update)

They need people's consent, our data, makes us more predictable and easier to

6) Eat & Live Healthy

• No canned food, No processed food, No industrial food, No GMOs.

• Always check the ingredients when you buy a product and find out what those
ingredients are.
• Boost your immune system to protect yourself from any viruses or potential
health issues. Start attacking the roots, use proper natural remedies including
vitamins, minerals, nutrients etc
• Go out in the sun, take some fresh air and do breathing & physical exercises.
• Start cooking yourself.
• If you have a garden, start planting your own Organic crops so you are less
dependent on the system who want to control all food supplies and toxify them
with pesticides & GMOs.

I recommend the following book [22.1]. You will know your body’s mechanism inside out.
It is available for free as a PDF and will change your perspective on health.

7) Detach yourself from your phone, social media and other technology.

• Do not sleep next to your phone. Put it on aeroplane mode when you’re not
using it.
• Avoid placing your phone near your head, start calling with wired earphones.
• Minimize your involvement with social media; you will start to progress more.

PDF [22.2]: 10 best ways to prevent and reverse EMF damage. How to protect yourself
from 5G and radiation: [22.3] [22.4] [22.5]. Book [22.6]: on how to heal body after radiation
exposure etc.

8) Become self disciplined ~ Raise your vibration

• Destroy all negative energy within you because that’s what they want.
(Fear, Depression, Anxiety, Paranoia, Stress…)
• Meditate. Become psychically prepared, make wise decisions and ignore the
pathetic drama.
• Read Non-Fiction Books to expand your awareness and raise consciousness

If you are consumed by low vibrating emotions, you will attract just that. Your thoughts
are energy; they will attract the same energy - Manifestation of Reality.
You’d be surprised by the power of our universe’s energies and vibrations. Remain
positive; find your path because it's going to be a journey with many twists and turns.
I strongly recommend reading the books in the ‘book section’ of: [20.7]

9) Buy precious assets and metals if you can ~ Cash is depreciating in value.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

Choose liberty over tyranny

The system has conditioned you to think that intelligence is being able to pass exams.
Many will reject what is exposed in this document before having laid eyes on it. Many are
little more than software programs, manipulated by the system's conditioning, the same
way computer software is manipulated by coding. But it’s never too late, we can
change the coding, we can guide others and contribute towards a paradigm shift and
the beauty of unity. Intelligence and wisdom is not the same thing.

You need to play your part in the mass awakening. Standing up by yourself is difficult
but you must take initiation according to your free will. You must become independent.
With your input people can wake up.

The Elite have money and influence but we have the Will Power. They only have control
and power if our awareness is locked in their cage. Once we break free from that cage
and put our foot on the ground - We Can Make a Change!

It’s time to put our differences to the side, overlook political, cultural, religious, sexual
and racial segregation and unite because this is a fight for freedom whether you
acknowledge it or not. I have accepted that many will choose not to listen but you must
always try and show them a path! There will potentially be a split in the population of
those who appreciate true freedom and those who are trapped in the system's illusions.

Never think that it’s hopeless and that you're powerless, that’s the exact mindset that will
infringe our free wills! That’s what you call a hopeless mentality, not the other way
round. Even if you think we cannot make a change overall does not mean you can’t
change the lives of individuals! Just because you think you can’t win, you’re just going
to give up and accept tyranny?

Never underestimate your potential and power of unity! Once you enlighten one
person, it can lead to them enlightening three more and so on like a chain reaction. Like
the roots expanding from a single seed.

It’s Now or Never; agenda 2030 is only a decade away. I don’t want to raise my children
in the world described in this document.

Share this report, encourage people to read it, educate them, motivate them, guide
them and wake them up instead of clapping for the NHS. If only 1 in 10 people wake up,
they’ll have extreme difficulties. Click here for inspiration.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


There is always a balance, a yin and a yang. Lies are being forced upon us, many are
being brainwashed and I do not blame them but some are starting to realize that
something is extremely wrong. It is the perfect time for a shift in consciousness, a
counter-attack. People are at home all day, many will be willing to read and research but
they need to be guided. Be the one to give them such an opportunity.

Personally, this lockdown has amplified my purpose in being of Service To Others. My

own friends say that what I am doing is useless, that I can’t change the world, and that the
system has too much power. Many say it's a realistic mindset but I say it’s a feeble one.
All I know is I am not giving up my free will without a form of resistance. Anything is
possible but you can’t give up before trying. Maybe I won’t be able to change the world
as many will choose not to listen, who knows? However, I am certain that I will be able
to change the lives of a few individuals and that's all that matters. Helping them to
navigate through knowledge and reflect upon new information will create an
opportunity To Learn, To Seek and To Progress.

I agree that there is more valuable knowledge out there in terms of our spiritual growth,
our oneness, our energies, our souls, our chakras, densities and the esoteric
universe. However, many are not ready for such knowledge because they have been
conditioned to think that it’s nonsense. We must therefore break the systems’ trust and
beliefs that have been imposed upon society. How are we meant to explore the beautiful
aspects of our world if we are being monitored and suppressed like chickens in cages?

You must face the reality of what is currently happening, reclaim your power and take
back your freedom. This document is a starting point to guide you onto a path, to start
questioning everything you have been told, to become prepared for what is to come
and make wiser decisions in life. Only then will you start accepting new ideas and
finding your true paths and not the system's.

I am simply passing on the knowledge that I have gathered, whether you believe it or not
is your choice. You will do what you will do, it is your free will, and no one can change
that. We live in a Service to Self society where people suffer from a self centred
perspective. We must progress, starting from within, with the soul, and detach
ourselves from our egoistic self. There are many beautiful energetic aspects to our lives
and the universe and we are yet to cultivate them to their true potential.

Knowledge is Power and it changes the frequency at which you resonate.

Wisdom is what we are in need of, not intelligence.
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


If you have relevant references or additional relevant knowledge you think is

appropriate, please email me. I strongly advise you to start doing your own research
using the sources I have attached. You should read books to expand your knowledge ~ go
to book section on [1] . Free People Alliance [2] ~an open letter to the UK Prime Minister.
A letter [3] that you can send to your local Member of Parliament

If you want to broaden your understanding on the crisis and on medical science in
general including vaccines, viruses, laws etc (I tend to play at 1.5x speed):

• 11 minute video [4] of Dr. M I Adil [5], an NHS Doctor.

• 20 minute 'Plandemic Movie’ ~ Dr. Judy Mikovitz [5]
• 2 hour roundtable interview LondonReal Tv- Dr. Buttar + 160 doctors [6]
• 1 ¾ hour interview LondonReal Tv ~ Judy Mikovitz [7] (Vaccine & CV19)
• 2 hour interview LondonReal Tv ~ Judy Mikovitz [8]
• 1 ¾ hour interview LondonReal Tv ~ Dale Bigtree [8.5]
• 1 ¾ hour interview LondonReal Tv ~ Dr. Sherri Tenpenny [9]
• 1 hour Part 1 [10] and 1 hour 45 minutes Part 2 [11] ~ Bobby Kennedy, Judy
Mikovitz, Dr. Buttar, Dr. Tenpenny, Andrew Wakefield... (Vaccine & CV19)
• 2 hour interview LondonReal Tv ~ Dr. Buttar [12](Gain of Function & CV19)
• 2 hour interview LondonReal Tv ~ Bobby Kennedy [13] (Vaccine)
• Amazing 2 hour (4 parts) Documentary Series on Bill Gates: [13.5]
• 1 hour long: Lies, Damned Lied and Coronavirus Statistics: [14]
• 2 hour interview LondonReal Tv ~ Dr. Kaufman [15](Exosomes & CV19)
• 2 hour 30 minutes [16] and 3 hour [17] Interview LondonReal Tv ~ David Icke
• 34 minutes with Spiro Skouras, Whitney Webb and Ryann Christian [18]
• 50 minutes of the 2 Californian doctors [19]
• 5G Apocalypse – The Extinction Event Documentary: [20]

Article - Whitney Webb: Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent DARPA Experiments
Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak: [21]
Whitney Webb: Coronavirus gives a dangerous boost to DARPA’s darkest agenda: [22]
88 simple truths about the virus, the pandemic and everything in between: [23]

The Rockefeller foundation just came out with a 2020 paper, read overview: [24]

Ongoing Court case against: Rockefeller Foundation, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton,
World Bank, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, George
Soros etc... Filed 19th December 2019 [25] ~ Refilled 26th February 2020 [26] by Cyrus.
A. Parsa who has investigated over 1000 biometric, 5G and AI companies and has some
vital information to be aware of. You should be seriously concerned with AI, AGI and 5G.
Visit his site [27] watch his videos [28] and read his book [29].

Agenda 21 [30] and the National Security Commission of Artificial Intelligence Interim
Report [31] and many other government and secret agencies all have agendas set for
2030,a very crucial year that comes up everywhere and if you go through them you will
see everything that’s happening due to this scam is leading the path for it. Read:
1) A brilliant analysis of the NSCAI Report by Whitney Webb [32]
2) Good articles and analysis on the UN’s Agenda 21 [33] [34] [35]

Upcoming Reports: 5G Technology - AI, AGI & Biometrics - Gates and Vaccines -
Our Economy - Eat and Live Healthy. My site will soon be available

Additional Videos of doctors [4.10] [5.60] [5.74] [5.76] [5.78] [6.22] [6.38]
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


For those who are at an advanced level of understanding of our universe and the
world we live in.

You can compare this PRS Event to 911. During 911, the emission of negative energy and
Low Frequencies: Fear, Sorrow, Depression, Shock, Hate, Anxiety, Paranoia, Stress etc
led to a huge spike in Earth's magnetic field [23.1] in the magnetometer readings [23.2]
[23.3] of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite. Everything is energy,
our body, our mind, our thoughts, our emotions, nature, everything. Everything in its base
form is waveforms and frequencies which our brain decodes and perceives as a 3D
holographic reality. Our energies (actions, thoughts, intent and emotions) affect our
surroundings, and the earth’s fields. Many say you are what you eat or you become
those who you surround yourself with because your energy constantly interacts with
its surroundings which influence your vibrations, hence why you say I got good vibes.

Earth is a 3rd density planet. Reality itself is made up of 7 densities. Rocks and
minerals are 1st density, animals and plants are 2nd density, we humans are 3rd density
beings. 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th density are esoteric and beyond our level of awareness.
Our reality is in a very narrow band of frequencies; our brains can only decode 0.05%
of all frequencies within the EM spectrum. Think of it like a radio, there are different
channels at different bands of frequency, just because you are listening to BBC 1, and
not listening to other radio stations, it does not mean they don’t not exist
simultaneously, this is a very basic analogy.

We have 7 principal chakras and once we harness their true potential by activating and
balancing them, we can tune ourselves into a band of frequencies beyond the one we
are experiencing. This isn’t taught by our system because people would start seeing
through the veil and understand the energetic phenomena and secrets of our universe.
In 4th density upwards, we are all connected consciously; you become part of a social
memory complex. There are two types of social memory complexes from 4th to 6th
density: The Service to Self who seek to infringe the free will of others for their own
benefit and The Service to Others who respect the free will of others and thrive in unity.

Earth is a Service to Self planet, whether you acknowledge it or not, practically every
single person on Earth is of a Service to Self nature, they are in it for themselves. It’s
hard not to be when our system and society has conditioned us to be that way. Very few
are potential candidates of truly being ‘Service to Others’.

Food is made up of frequencies but we are simply unable to perceive it that way.
Animals are 2nd density beings whose level of awareness is inferior to ours. A majority
of us humans take advantage of them as we see ourselves superior. Think of meat.
What does it represent? Fear, slaughter, and negativity etc particularly for the
industrial meat available to us. You are essentially consuming low vibrations and
negative energy.

Who benefits from the mass amount of negative energy that is constantly being emitted?
Are the Elite at the top of the pyramidal hierarchy? Why are wars being fought every
day? Why is there so much effort being made to make humanity suffer? Why do they
want control so bad?

Think of how higher density Service to Self beings see us. The same way many of us see
animals, they see us as inferior due to our very limited level of awareness in comparison.
They feed and thrive off our negative energy. The Elite are only at the top of the chain
within our 3rd density realm but in actuality, they’re simply pawns to these higher
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

density Service to Self social memory complexes. 911 had many agendas in changing
the world drastically but it was also a huge sudden burst of energy.

Similar to our meat industry, farmers and corporations want to control and monitor their
chickens, their pigs, their cows etc. Factory farms pump their animals with hormones and
antibiotics so that they become bigger and produce more. They entrap their animals in
small confined areas and impose power over them, infringing their free wills. The same is
being done to us with different tools but on a different scale using vaccines and
biometric systems operated by AI and AGI via 5G etc. They want to deteriorate our
cognitive and cosmic potential which have capabilities that go beyond our imagination.
They want to monitor us, control us, and manipulate us for their own purpose. Infringe
our free will for their own greed and benefit; this is what makes them Service to self.

There is no right or wrong, it’s completely subjective and dependent on one's

perspective. From their view, they are doing what they feel to be right in order to feel
empowered, to increase their STS polarity. What makes you think you are any better?
Do you think of how a chicken felt when it was trapped in a cage most of its life before
landing on your plate? What makes you think they care how it affects us emotionally,
mentally, physically and spiritually? I don't want you to feel disempowered because we
hold the true power but many are yet to realise this. Our free wills can only be infringed
if we acquiesce and live in oblivion. However, we absolutely must expand our
awareness and realise what’s at stake.

Earth is very slowly starting to shift towards 4th density but this will take a very long
time. This is an opportunity for a mass awakening because people are more susceptible
to higher frequencies and cosmic energy. Many won't be able to cope with this shift
because they’re vibrating at low frequencies and are trapped in the system’s illusions.

People believe that the end game for the Elite is money but No, they simply use money
as means of attaining power, domination and control, and they don't want us to thrive
together. This is exactly what's currently happening; we are in the stepping stones of
living in an ‘Orwellian Brave New World’. This can be turned around but we must all
contribute and make people realise the gravity. You can be certain things will never go
back to what you once knew to be normal unless you take initiation, do what you feel to
be right, regardless of others.

We can only try to resist and help those who surround us, never give up or be afraid,
even if you can't change the world, you will always be able to guide someone onto a
certain path and change that soul’s life while it is incarnate in this realm, that’s what’s

4th Density technology, it goes beyond your comprehension and level of awareness.
Try teaching a dog algebra; see how far it gets you. These STS beings always want
more; they will always try to infringe the free will of others. I will certainly not let them
infringe mine, No matter how much blackmail they use to vaccinate and microchip me, I
will not break, I do what I know is right. There are others like me and hopefully more will
realise. This is why I think there is a high probability that civilization will split into two,
those who simply won’t acquiesce to their own tyranny and those who are still fast

You must choose your polarity, do you want to be of Service to Self or do you want to be of
Service of others? Question every action you take, every decision you make, every
reaction you have. Are you doing it for your egoistic self and infringing the free will of
others? Once you have done this, stick to your path, make your contribution, and
connect with the universe and progress in unity. Respect the universal Law: The Law of
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]

One. Align and balance your thoughts, chakras and your inner self so that when you
Die/Born you can elevate your consciousness to 4th density to a state of pure
expanded awareness and continue their journey on a higher density. Most people will
be reincarnated into 3rd density which is the density of confusion where one forgets the
truth and must make certain choices and find his or her path again. So use every
experience you are blessed with as a catalyst to progress as a human being.

The Truth is always sandwiched in lies to make it more believable.

If you are curious and intrigued by this section and want to acquire spiritual knowledge
and wisdom, you must start reading certain books. In document [22.1] I have mentioned
certain books and more are to be added. You must read them in order otherwise; you will
have difficulties understanding certain concepts etc. If you try to skip directly to book
#3 with no prior knowledge, I doubt it will resonate with you. The rest is up to you. I
hope you’ve had a paradigm shift and that you start spreading the truth.

If you understood this section about densities, STO and STS... then I assume you believe
in channelling. You are therefore ready to read the following [23.3] [23.4] and understand
the truth and energetic aspect of what's going on.


The new £20 notes were issued a month before the

lockdown and during the roll out of 5G. Have you seen the
symbolism? The Radio Tower which represents 5G
Towers and the virus symbol above which represents
Covid-19? Same goes for dollar notes which have the
illuminati symbol at the top of the pyramid.

Patent 20200 6 06 06 - I’ll you decide yourself if they got 060606 deliberately. They have
been working toward this for a very long time, everything was ready.

US H.R. 6666

Why would they do that?

See symbolism acts on the subconscious mind which is constantly exposed to such
symbolism. It is an act of power which subliminally tells you that they are in power and
you are under their control.

If you are interested in Symbolism and want to broaden your understanding, you should
watch: [23.5]
Doubts, Questions & Enquiries: [email protected]


Dr. Judy Mikovitz ~ Dr. Rashid. A. Buttar ~ Dr. Andrew Kaufman ~ Bobby Kennedy ~
Whitney Webb ~ James Corbett ~ Brian Rose ~ The Cassiopeans ~ RA and many more.

If you want updates of real unbiased and uncensored information to do research:

The new uncensored YouTubes: [24.1] [24.2] [24.3] [24.4] [24.5]

Video Channels:


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